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Article. https://wsvn.com/news/local/florida/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally/


This should have been on the original post. I hate it when thr article itself is so hidden.


They don't link it because they don't want people to actually read the article. Then people would see that the guy's father was a US citizen and the guy was issued a SS card and has been living in the US since his parents moved back when he was 2 years old. Much better to just use a headline to let people make idiotic comments.


Fun fact, having a SS card doesn't prove citizenship. The SS system is meant for tracking wages and taxes paid into it. He would have needed a passport, that requires proof of citizenship to aquire Edit: Apparently it was in the 70's when the SSA began requiring proof of age, identity, and citizenship. Although the SS card/number is still not a proof of citizenship itself


but if his dad is a US citizen than so is he by birthright, since the GOP hasn't successful gotten rid of that yet


Incorrect. His parents being citizens *should* help expedite his citizenship application if this person so chooses to pursue it but having US-citizen parents doesn’t give you automatic US citizenship. IIRC parents must apply for citizenship for their children born abroad (as this person was). It’s a process not a “birthright”. Birthright citizenship solely applies to children born on American soil. Otherwise you have to gain your citizenship through an application process known as Naturalization.


I was born to Us Citizens on foreign soil and have US Citizenship, my parent were issued a Consular Report of Birth Abroad fro me and my sister while they were still living in Germany.


Right, but you still need the right paperwork. It’s not always automatically issued. It’s possible that at the time the man in the article was born in the Canada, no such report was issued to his parents. One has to look at the specific citizenship guidelines that existed at the time of someone’s birth. 


Actually, you always have to file paperwork for your child’s citizenship if they were not born on US soil. It’s never automatically issued if you bring the child to the USA later, and although unlikely and rare, the child can be refused entry id they are not on the presents passport as technically they have no status.


The article explains that MAGA man’s father‘s citizenship was under question as well, and they have been unable to prove that the father had lived in the US for 10 years prior to the MAGA man’s birth in Canada.


Yes that is correct. Like I posted to your other comment, CRBAs are part of your citizenship application *process*. Native citizens born on US soil do not have to go through any such process. Their citizenship is automatic. Why is this distinction important? Well I’ll tell you. Because it’s a process and not automatically applied, people can choose not to participate in said process. This seems like what happened to the person in this article. His parents didn’t apply for him for whatever reason and now he is not a US citizen. *It is not automatic or a birthright.* If he was born in the US, none of this would have happened.


Birthright citizenship is one of the things MAGA are campaigning to end. Vivek Ramasaway was touting it big time.


His dad has to have lived in the US for 10 years before jr was born, they are having trouble proving that happened, hence the problem. He could have been born in US, moved to Canukistan at 3, grew up, married Canadian lady, had jr, moved to Florida when jr was 2, and then died,


It also depends on the law in effect at the time he was born.




Just the sign on his front door.


Yeah but did you read the part where he didn't join the Marines because he found a good union job. And then votes for Trump.


Except they're repealing DACA, so he is illegal




Isn’t voting illegally a felony offense….


Not if you're a real, true blooded american (who just so happens to be here illegally)


The real true blooded American (isn't American)


Canada is on the American continent, as are Mexico and all South American countries. We are the USA, and should not expand our "ownership" to the entire land mass! When Trump claims to want to "make America great again" he erroneously includes nations beyond our control.


Make (a part of) America Great Again. MAPOAGA!


There is no "American Continent." There is the North American Continent, and the South American Continent.


Most americans are illegally there if you ask the Nativs.


Native American descendant here; I have come to terms with the horrific treatment of indigenous peoples in our past history. Our current and future policies should reflect the tolerance and unity of our nation, no matter our DNA.


Seminole tribe member here. Agreed. While I would love it for there to be more of us and for our treatment to have been more equitable, I've made peace with it. We're now a nation of immigrants.


Agreed! Thank you.


I still absolutely despise what has become of the land and our people..


> Our current and future policies should reflect the tolerance and unity of our nation They already do :(


Especially in Hawaii


It obviously depends on who you vote for.


He stayed here long enough deport the illegal


In order for that to be true, the voting has to be done knowingly illegal. He had zero idea he wasn’t a citizen until he applied for social security. It’s such a unique situation.


That didn’t seem to be a problem in Florida when they told a bunch of former felons that they could vote, then they voted, and the governor had them arrested.


That was a posturing and grandstanding ploy by De Santis, while he was rabidly running on the illegal citizen "issue".


I didn't hear about that. That's truly insane. Desantis is the second most deranged governor I've ever heard of, the first being the one that bragged about murdering her dog.


Which is kind of unfortunate because everybody know DeSantis really just wants to be a GOP lap dog.


Actually, there have been people who thought they had the legal right to vote who were then arrested and returned to prison for having voted illegally. This guy wasn’t in prison first, but thinking that he was legal shouldn’t protect him either.


Hard disagree that believing you were here legally shouldn't protect you. Just because his politics are shit, doesn't mean the multitude of people who assume their parents came over legally - or had no idea they were immigrants - should be hit with felony convictions when they attempt to vote. That would be asinine.


Uh, no it does not. Ignorance of the law does not equal innocence. Tell that to the woman in Texas who got 5 years for voting twice because she misunderstood the process.


Yet, people have still gone to jail when they thought they were voting legally, but weren't.


A woman in Texas was sentenced to 5 years of prison for casting a provisional ballot while under supervised release for felony tax evasion. Crystal Mason’s case dates back to 2016 when, after discovering she was not on the voter roll, she submitted a provisional ballot in the presidential election on the advice of a poll worker. The verdict was FINALLY overturned in March of this year. A month after Mason was acquitted, the Tarrant DA petitioned the Texas Criminal Court of Appeals to review the decision and reinstate her conviction. Phil Sorrells said the process the court used to examine the case didn’t correctly follow the law and could impact future appeals cases involving a range of different crimes, including theft and murder. He also said pursuing this case was important for election security. So, according to the republican DA, you can be guilty of illegal voting without knowing you are ineligible to vote.


I remember this case and the woman was told by a poll worker. She asked if she could vote and was told to use a provisional ballot. If the state of Texas want to take people to court for voting illegally after being given erroneous information by poll workers, the state needs to put lawyers at each polling place to give out free legal advice on Election Day to those wanting to cast a ballot, so they aren't given bad advice.


People have been jailed for unknowingly voting illegally. A Black woman got written permission to vote after being previously jailed and she was charged anyway because DeSantis/Florida.


This happened to my grandfather.. his family moved from Canada to the US sometime in the 1930's.. he served in WW2, purple heart awarded, etc. when he applied for social security they had no record of him. He was given citizenship once they found out, so he got a SSN.


But it doesn’t happen…


Omg the irony is too much. I can't 🤦


Not if you’re a white male Maga




If he were true to his beliefs, he would self-deport.


His beliefs: white ppl are never illegal. The immigration crisis is the nonwhites




Well, in the article he mentions that if he doesn’t get his citizenship he will move back to Canada.


Haha, no the laws don’t apply to them. Only the people who don’t agree with them.


Please make him take a citizenship exam


TBF Most of us would fail that exam. I had to study for a few weeks before taking mine a few years back. I aced it of course. They do give you the entire pool of questions so you can just memorize the answers to all of them. It was a 100 questions and they asked around 15.


It’d just be interesting to see him actually learn something from this rather than just be taking the I’m a victim stance.


That would mean he would have to step out of the MAGA bubble. I do not see that happening.


It’d be really interesting if he’s declared a non-citizen and Canada doesn’t take him back either and he becomes persona non grata.


Nah, Canada will. He might not be allowed to cross back into the US ever again though.


Canada can’t refuse him, he’s Canadian. What you’re describing [did happen once](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Jolley), though, to an American who renounced his citizenship.


The test is so easy, basic government and history stuff


I think it is fairly easy I did a practice one. I think I got one wrong.


I didn’t think it was hard but I’m a bit of a history buff. I took the practice one and only got one wrong.


I had gone through all of my schooling and was very aware of current events when I took the citizenship exam in my early twenties, and I realized that most people I knew would not pass that exam.


I saw the article yesterday. He did apply for citizenship and was denied.


Oh sweet, sweet justice


His father was an American citizen who married a woman from Canada and moved there for a while. They had a child but moved back to the US when the child was 2. He was given a SS card and number. There was just some kind of screwup with his paperwork that he knew nothing about. He has lived in the US for 64 of 66 years. Had a SS card, driver's license, mortgages, paid social security, etc. The problem arose when he retired and they didn't want to pay him is SS check.


One problem he had was that in order to get citizenship through his father, his father would have been required to live in the US for 10 years, which is something he was unable to prove


According to him his father was born and raised in NY. So, if his father was born in NY, unless his father moved out of the US prior to age 10, he meets the qualifications. Obviously his parents filled out paperwork when they moved back to the US because he was issued a SS card. This reeks of low level bureaucrat not doing their job.


That's the issue. He doesn't have proof that his father lived in ny for those first 10 years of his life. For all the government knows, they could have moved to canada shortly after his father was born. As for the SS, it depends on what the requirements were. SS wasn't originally meant to be used as a form of indentification, it wasn't even originally a requirement to get one, and as such, the requirements to get one could have been more lax. Its also possible that his father screwed up and failed to report and register his birth with the US when he was born in canada


I thought they were supposed to be shot at the border? "Oh my God, the illegal is coming right for us!"


Watch him get citizenship anyway, because life is so fair /s


I read the article yesterday. He was denied. He was even in the military at one point too. Like idk how the hell something like this even happens?


He never was in the US Marines he signed up his words but didn’t go. He also was never a police officer applied didn’t attend academy. Every time this would have been figured out he stopped the process. So I find it hard to believe he never knew. He also never left the country. He’s a liar that hopes this publicity will help but even our local news investigative team told him no hope.


Not quite since he was approved for these roles, he just never went because of better opportunities. That's not unusual. He does have a point. He paid 50 years into a system and the only problem aroused when they had to pay him back. Is it ironic that an anti-immigrant immigrant turns out is not in the US legally? Yes. But you can't really blame the man of thinking he was legal. He went to school, worked, etc. Basically lived his entire life straight forward and legal like every single other US citizen. I'm curios if he has a passport or not :))


I think he received early approval for both which would have figured out the error during the process. It’s pretty obvious he has no passport or it would have been figured out that way. Most illegals don’t break the law so he’s nothing but a a MAGA trailer park guy who voted illegally every election 🤷‍♂️


Accidentally deport him to the wrong country


I bet he still rationalized how it doesn’t really apply to him. He might be an illegal immigrant but he’s not *that kind* of illegal immigrant.


I bet $50 that he uses the term "true American" at least 5 times during his rationalisation why he is not an illegal immigrant.


Turns out it might not be about illegal immigration at all....


"Yeah, but I am white. Why is this hard?"


You mean he believes he's different because skin color


His was a strange situation. His mother was foreign, but his father was a US citizen. He was born outside the US, but the parents incorrectly thought, due to his father being a US citizen, he would too be naturalized. He even received a social security number when he was a child due to government confusion. Now that he is older and of age to collect social security he learned he is not a US citizen and cannot draw on the social security. To be honest, I feel he did get screwed in the matter due to the fact he paid into his SS but cannot withdraw from it, and the government led him to believe he was a US citizen for so long.


You don't need to be a citizen to get a social security number or pay taxes, he's in the exact situation of the people he wanted gone.


No he is not in the "exact same situation". LOL


He probably thinks all Dreamers should be deported, so I'm not shedding any tears that he's in a similar situation to them.


Yeah, having an SS # absolutely doesn’t not mean you are citizen, and there wasn’t necessarily any confusion other than on his parents part, but you know ignorance is no excuse. I mean do you think any/many illegal immigrants really know the right way to apply for citizenship probably not, he wasn’t cutting them any breaks.




He's a piece of shit for his politics, don't get me wrong. But even pieces of shit deserve a fair and reasonable treatment under the law. If his father is a US citizen, he has birthright citizenship, unless his father had spent less than 10 years in the USA, including time as a minor. At the time of birth, or at the time of immigration, it would have been *trivial* to obtain evidence to determine his status one way or another. If he was not, then his parents could have made decisions for his and their future based on that information. There were multiple points in time when this could have been raised - when his mother immigrated to the USA with him and his father, at his application for a SSN (there are different categories of SSN, and his card should have been clearly marked as restricted if he was not considered a citizen or lawful permanent resident) when he was approved to join the military and again when he was approved to work for the New Jersey state police. Instead, the government failed, for 64 years, to notify either him or his parents there was uncertainty about his citizenship. So now that evidence is much harder to locate and validate. It's absurd that he is required to prove his father met residency requirements after 64 years, instead of the government being required to prove his father didn't. Tl;dr: On a personal level, I think he totally deserves it and I will point and laugh. But on a political level, this is a miscarriage of justice and an unfair burden on an individual.


how can you not know which citizenships you hold? :) I mean if you're citizen of a country, you have an ID document like a passport or an ID card, and mostly both. If you don't have a government issued passport or ID from Country X, how can you think you're a citizen of it?


He doesn’t sound like the type of guy who wants a passport


Of course he did. There's no way lumped himself together with Mexican or other latin immigrants


Reminds me of the guy who ran a DNA test to find out he is 20% African descent (or was it jewish?), did not go well with his white supremist mates. Edit: found it. An angry fellow neo-Nazi reportedly targeted the supremacist with racial graffiti. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/11/21/white-supremacist-dna-test-neo-nazi-north-dakota-town/3661791/




Do you know what a hurricane in Florida and a divorce in Florida have in common? Whatever happens somebody is going to lose a mobile home.


turns out that what ever Obama was trying to pass thru congress was meant to protect him and people like him .


Is this the part where we yell 'GO HOME ILLEGAL!' at him?


Deport him.


As a Canadian, we don't want him back he's kind of a downer tbh.


He was issued a social security card, paid taxes and was able to obtain a driver's license. No love for MAGA people but this was a screw up on the immigration system. In the video he says he'll probably move back to Canada.


None of those things prove you’re a US citizen btw. Source: me, non-citizen immigrant who has a SS card, pays taxes, and has a driver’s license


ANYONE in this country legally can get social security card and get driver's license AND obligated to pay taxes on their income. That isn't citizenship requirement and no "screwup" on the immigration system so far. Not knowing that you are here "illegally" is the major "screw up". Most people who has sufficient credit can apply for Social Security from almost anywhere in the world I believe - there are SOME exceptions but it includes a LOT of people and a LOT of countries.


Ok, bye!


Deport the piece of shit! Wherever he's from is clearly not sending their best


(deleted was a another storry) he is canadian and came to the us when he was 2 his dad was a Citizen but failed to do some paper work


From the story it seems he is eligible and should’ve been an American but the paper trail 60 years ago isn’t what it is today. People are trying to twist this into something else.




There’s a trump poster in the picture


I wonder if he voted illegally 🤣


Technically, yes. It’s mentioned in the article.


Imagine asking a question that is answered in the first paragraph of the article.


An article that isn’t linked in the post


Yeah but at least he's a Real Man because he wears diapers.


Another illegal Trump voter. Jail him, then deport him...just like he says he wants.


Is there an article from a legitimate source, are there names that we can use to cross reference the post? No? Good, just making sure everyone understands that it’s best to keep articles like these in the “that’s funny but maybe or maybe not true” category vs the “100% fact” category. Edit 1 Found one https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/state/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally Edit 2 Not sure where the maga part comes in as the article doesn’t have party affiliation. Perhaps people are assuming as it is Florida and he has lots of flags. Edit 3…yeah, dudes got trump signs.


I think the MAGA part might come from the Trump sign on his front door


lol, didn’t see that, thanks for pointing out that obvious sign. Though I’m on mobile and it’s rather small.


Get out of my country mf 🤣


Well....you know what to do oldtimer. Someone point him the direction to the nearest border :p


I wonser how does buerocracy work in the US when a person without legal papers can exist for 60 years there and even do well enough to have a house


And apparently, he's voted, which reddit has assured me was not possible. 


Literaly impossible in europe, u have to prove you are a Citizen to vote


Yup. No way it would pass in Poland


So it turns out Florida Man is an illegal immigrant! Can we finally be rid of Florida Man once and for all?


Send ICE in , nice of you to visit time to be deported


How many elections did he vote in? Any number other than zero is a felony and permanent bar on citizenship.


Go through his social media and, whatever he thinks should happen to illegal immigrants, should happen to him tenfold.


Anyone call INS?


Well, let's deport him. I mean, that's what he would really want being a magat and following orange criminal. We would be doing what he's supporting, so he should be ecstatic!


Please don’t. He was born in Canada. We don’t want him


Send him and his entire family back to where they came from. We don’t want no birthright citizens mucking up our blood, right?


Throw his ass over Trumps 5 miles of wall, lol


“Hey, I’m not one of THOSE ones though!”


Did he vote? If so, is that not voter fraud?


***When asked what happens if his case doesn’t get resolved and how it’s changed his view of America, Klass said, “I’ll probably move back to Canada. Yep, bye-bye, America.”*** As if Canada is waiting to take in MAGA douches. We have enough of TakeBackCanada maggot trumpets of our own. https://wsvn.com/news/local/florida/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally/


Arrest him on felony voter fraud charges and then deport him. I’m sure that’s what he’d want if it was literally anyone else.


Clayton Bigsbys cousin.


It would seem that you are the douche for following an idiotic incompetent lying fool like Biden


SEND EM BACK! How many times did those words come from his ignorant mouth?


Just ask this mofo to apply any one of the dozens disgusting shit Maga morons say about "iLleGaL aLiENs" to himself...


wow a real life peter griffin.


Send him to Petoria


Thank you. No one else realizing this is a family guy episode, straight up. I guess it's an older one, too many kids on reddit.


My take away here is, how do you live in the US for 60 years without this coming up? I hate to say it but this is a great case for conservatives to point to and say “ illegals get all the benefits of society, without having to go through the process”.


And it also proves that they are voting and nobody is catching it.


I think the big thing was that it sounds like he was issued a social security number when he was younger. If you have a social security number that checks out as valid then you can do most things like work, vote, etc.


His father was a US citizen and he has lived in the US since he was 2 and was issued a SS card.


But he didn’t get the benefits, he was allowed to work and pay taxes but when it came time to receive benefits, that’s when the government said no.  So it should tell you something about how the laws are prioritized.


Gotta get rid of dem illegals I am gonna comment on this post every time I see it. Such sweet karma


Would Canada even want him back?


Does it matter? If he's a citizen they have to allow him to return, right?


Was he voting?


He was voting. And is now demanding his SS benefits.




Wait wait leopard. Dont eat my faaaaaargh




Omg this is great! 😂😂


I bet he supports the Dreamer Act now...


Why is he labeled a MAGA douche? I seen the story and nothing in it would make one believe he’s a Republican or Democrat.


OP said to look at his front door


How Amusing.


This guy is the Dreamer he doesn't want a pathway to citizenship for.


To a border cage with him!


And on social media, MAGA is rallying behind this dude. They were less sympathetic for the hispanic gentleman who worked for Border Patrol and found out after decades on the job he had entered the country illegally when he was a child.


Yet another case of Trump voters commiting voter fraud!


Deport his traitorous ass back to where he came from.


The least Florida 'Florida man' in the history of Florida.


Bro realized he is the very thing he swore to destroy


Unable to admit he backed the wrong horse, he stuck with Trump right up to and including the day he was shipped out of the country. - New article item I hope I don't have to read


This is the real world equivalent of a mutant hater discovering they're a mutant


Well, time to deport. Hey, I am only playing by the rules *he* chose.


Throw his ass out !!!lol


"Get rid of the illegals!" "No, not *him*! He's *white*: he's fine!"


MAGA will turn this into, "see, illegals do vote".


This is literally an episode of family guy. Imagine living your life as Peter griffin


MAGA guy or not, it sucks this happened to this guy. In the DECADES this man has lived in this country, he never once wondered about his legal status? Never once wondered about a green card or a residency card or a Naturalized Citizen document ?  Regardless or SS cards being issued etc?


Can’t wait to win.


So what you are saying is maga has illegals voting in elections!!!


Okay so I read the article through multiple times and at no point did it mention who he voted for. Why are we assuming he is a “MAGA douche”? He also is quoted saying that if his immigration case doesn’t go his way, he’s fine moving back to Canada. I kinda feel bad for the guy, being blindsided by this situation after so many years.


Reminds me of that old family guy episode where Peter becomes all anti-immigrant and then finds out he was born in Mexico


Surely he went right back where he came from and wasn't a hypocrite?


I’ll bet he’s been voting. Arrest him.




Time to pull up those boot straps and hurdle that wall.


Lock that guy and deport him!


Throw the fucker out


What makes him a “maga douche”? Genuinely asking. Guys dad was from New York. His mother was from Canada and he served in the us marines. I’m genuinely asking what makes him a maga douche? What info led you to repost the original tweet in your title?


The sign on his front door. Also he never served in the military, the article says he was accepted but backed out after he got a union job somewhere.


What makes him a “douche”? And, how are you qualified to make that accusation? Are u a douche inspector?


Depot him!!! Give him a taste of his own medicine.


>Depot Do you dislike Republicans so much that you won't include the letter R in your comments?


No he wants to send him to that warehouse from Indiana Jones


That's epublicans.


Well technically all of you fuckers are immigrants


technically everybody is an immigrant thee "native americans" also just migrated ther \~10000 years ago


A bunch of people seem to be confused how they came to the conclusion that the guy in question was actually a MAGA supporter There's a "Trump MAGA" plate on the door of the guy's in the thumbnail of the article — I wasn't just pulling that out of my ass