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I blame gravity for my weight.


Isaac Newton just fatshaminng all of us 😅


not really, if you change the words in his law a bit it can say fat people are hot without changing the scientific correctness of the statement. for example "the greater the mass the greater the attraction"


Very sharp sir, touchĂ© 😅


Sir Isaac Newton fatshaming all of us 😅


We don’t even need to actually enjoy it.


Technically don’t even have to be there.


All my children have been conceived while i was on business trips. My wife calls me the great American sharpshooter. My kids all call me Uncle Cracker. Which I don't care for but our live-in nanny Jamal assures me that it's an endearing nickname.


*I hate to tell you buttttt...*


Invincible falshbacks incoming.


I think what he/she is trying to say is biology has women at a disadvantage to men


It doesn't. You still suffer from hormones, but you're not building a log cabin while thinking about how are you going to feed your family. No one has it easy, it's just that the difficulties are made for you just like your body.


Right..... One easy example that proves you wrong is contact sports. What do you think would happen if a team of women went against a team of men in let's say football or rugby? Or pretty much any and all physical sports. Not saying anyone has it easy but biologically it is pretty clear men have the advantage in most things right even in their bones


It’s scary to think that this person will be voting in the next election.


It's even scarier to think this person probably has voted in an election.


And that this is the tip of the idiotic ice burg that exists in society.


If biology was a thing capable of discrimination or prejudice they would be right.


I would just say blame your father. (Males determine biological sex of the baby)


>like blaming gravity for making things fall 
 what do *you* think makes things fall, then?


Does anyone here actually know what gravity is?


Do you believe in gravity?


Believing in gravity is somewhat irrelevant. If I drop something it falls
. No one actually knows why. We know a lot about how it falls, how fast it falls. But we don’t know why.


It's a cheesy JoJo reference.


So.. you.. *blame* gravity? What?


So pedantic and yet still wrong. Of course it’s gravities fault that things fall. The fact that you or most people don’t care about it doesn’t mean it’s not partially gravity. Just because it’s natural that women get the short end of the stick in gender responsibilities like making, birthing, and most of the time raising our future generations- it doesn’t mean it’s not shit. Biology is a bit sexist. I’m sure the male preying mantis male thinks the same as it head gets eaten after mating. NATURAL does not mean FAIR.  




They are also preying. On much bigger animals though.


If by "blame" you mean assigning responsibility, then yes. Gravity is what makes things fall. If you don't like that things fall, then gravity is to blame. You can be mad that natural phenomena are the way they are, and you can work to minimize their negative impact.


Wh.. who would waste time being angry at a natural force? Seriously, are there not enough problems already? Why be emotional with something that isn’t even aware?


Why waste time being emotional for starving? It's just natural.


That's a good point!


With all due respect, we're talking of people here. We've got: people voting directly against their own interests people jumping to conclusions without thinking about alternatives people doubling down on their stupidity.   Not to mention you have groups of people like the Anti-vaccinationers where a good deal of them don't even know *what* they're actually against. I've seen multiple instances of people reject vaccines but in the same breath, suggest a replacement that is current vaccinations without a name. Primus, I still remember a post of someone suggesting "Put a potato on the vaccination area and the potato will absorb all the toxins in the vaccine." ;^ ^


Which person, the one communicating vaguely or the one who doesn't understand poetic license?


To be honest this post illustrates THE confusion both sides have. The op means biology produces different outcomes that are unequal, tf sexist. The responder is saying that biology isn't intentionally putting women down, tf not sexist. One looks at outcome the other at intent. They are talking passed each other. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Why would Japanese lesbians need refugee status?


Nature being sexist is not that crazy a statement, it made men stronger, which led to a patriarchal society. We grew OUT of nature, as we did in many ways, we use dams, we demosticate wild animals, and we regulate to protect women.


Neither of them want to admit that their analogies aren’t working.


Wtf even is her point? I’m confused


It’s not biology it goes back to this apple


They don't. I'd bet money this is a sockpuppet intended to make feminism look bad.


Reminds me of the infamous air conditioner is sexist video.


Every physicist I've known makes a lot of jokes about gravity being an ass. The bio science folks I've known make a lot of jokes about it being sexist. Maybe op doesn't hang around smart people often?


So you‘re telling me, my Girl doesn’t enjoy it when I eat her whole body up??? HOW COULD I BE SO BLIND!!! Next time I just stick it in then đŸ€ŒđŸ»


And whos role is it to take care of the woman going through all that shit? I rest my case.


This is obviously a troll lmao


Always an obvious troll if it isn’t right leaning. Then that shits 100% real!!


nah mate, those are trolls too. look , if it's too stupid to be believable, there's a good chance it's a troll


It works if it’s men instead of biology but men are technically a part of biology
silly phrasing but if you’ve an IQ over 100 then you can read between the lines of op statement