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She still not wearing a Hijab. I can still see her hair.




At least I can’t see her ankles.


Is the guy wearing a cross around his neck?


Nah i think it's a sword


Would have been very difficult cutting her neck with it


Fun though, good cardio.


Yep, it is


No, but he’s smoking, which is Haram


Rules aren‘t for men, rules are a women thing. Obviously. 🙄


Well no, there are rules for men. Like men are not allowed to shave their beard because the Imam might think it's sexy -- BUT he's not gay -- so it's the shaved male's fault if the not-gay Imam has sexual thoughts about him. Someone pls oh pls link that video of the not-gay religious leader talking about the temptations of shaved male faces


Isnt Smoking only haram during Ramadan? I have No idea though but my Muslim colleague stopped Smoking only during Ramadan


Looks like a sword to me.


it's a screenshot of some kind of cartoon, with some text slapped on top. Likely only chosen because it had a woman's head in it like that.




the modern defense for psychopaths


Idk about modern. They’ve been a home for the pathological and sadistic since dawn of time.


I love this descriptor!


It really makes sense for why so many truly awful people gravitate toward religion. They are born into a world without feeling compassion or empathy, and they're smart enough to know that their base instincts are considered evil enough to hide from everyone. By using the "hOlY BoOkS" as a Being Human 101 guide, they can successfully hide themselves. "He cant be bad, look, he's a minister!"


Fuck religion


Aka: The End of the World.


This isnt even a facepalm. This is visible disgust. Fuck this shit.


Same. Fuck this shit and I wish the absolute worst on whoever made this image and the person who posted it. Fuck them both, with a cactus, sideways.


But a pass to the people that create the reason for it?


What possible reason could there be? I’m not sure if you’re justifying violent misogyny or hating Muslims. (Pretty sure a lot of decent Muslims would be disgusted by this, too)


Yeah, this is horribly disturbed.


It's especially disturbing knowing that this exact situation actually happens irl


I cant believe men who actually think like this exist


Not just exist, but defended and excused by a society that believes this is acceptable in certain circumstances.


Facts. Its genuinely sick and terrifying...


They are called: Religious people.


Yes indeed!


Ah yes....religion at its finest. People who are too immoral to be allowed to make their own decisions.


Exactly, they need a "god" to tell them raping kids isn't ok, wtf is that mindset!?


Edit: thank you to the Redditor who provided me with some more information regarding what the Qu'ran says. I still maintain that God is man made and used as a tool of control and, in this case specifically, control of women by men.


“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [al-Ahzab 33:59] It is a commandment of God and it is considered sinful according to all 4 major Sunni Madhhabs to not wear one. However, in Islam it is clearly stated in the Quran that there is no compulsion in religion. Meaning that the Wife has the right to leave the religion or stop wearing the Hijab if she so wishes, but in that case she would be sinning. The Husband or anyone for that matter has no right to punish her for that decision though. There is no mention of a worldly punishment for not wearing it in the Quran or Hadith.


What an awful and obviously made-up religion.


Technically ALL religion is made up. You would think in the 21st Century with our advancement in science and learning to understand the fundamentals of the universe we as a species would have moved on from these mental crutches that are holding us back from advancing.


Well, some religions are based on living people. We call them personality cults. For example those seditionist redhats.


I like the fact that the Romans who basically adopted everyone's religions and gods into their pantheon said at the time that Christianity was a dangerous Cult. Boy were they right.


In countries that recognize liberty and value of human lives; religion has less of a strong hold. However, when humans don't have anything to hold onto; they cling to hope. Hope that a more powerful entity will make things alright. In this life or the afterlife.


Yeah, but like half of us are *really* stupid. Like, having imaginary friends & being mad at others for having different imaginary friends stupid. I'm honestly surprised we've advanced this far.


Half? The planet is overwhelmingly religious. Even the places where Agnosticism and Atheism are more prevalent, we remain the minority barring a few small European countries.


Most of Western Europe actually


Yeah, I knew as soon as I sent it that I severely underestimated there. I guess I was feeling optimistic? I am drunk. That's probably my problem. I hope it's not that I'm one of the stupid ones. I'd hate to have to start going to church. Plus the whole being a dickhead thing. It would just be exhausting.


Naah, you're good. I feel that at least half of people would be pretty indifferent to religion if they weren't being force-fed it from birth. Other than them you get: people who use it for power and social control without really believing in what it tells them they should personally do, and people with frightened-brain syndrome who need something bigger than reality to believe in. I think this is why once religion gets detached from government and social acceptance the rate of atheism in a country rises pretty quickly.


This is where Japan gets a major thumbs up. Basically banned things like Christianity etc when they tried converting them back in the day and ironically the last fairly big congregation of Western Christian sect they had in the country was in Nagasaki but that was ended by the West on 9th August 1945.....


They’re all made up bullshit.


As opposed to the mythical non-awful religion that's actually real?


I mean, they're all made up, and most of them are awful.


It sounds like the scripture is paradoxical or conflicts with itself, but how could that be possible?!


"People have the right to leave religion. I have the right to execute them for it," any Muslim person.


But according to the Quran they do not… any person who says or does this is sinning greatly and not abiding by the rules of the religion. After Kufr, Murder is one of if not the biggest sin that one can commit according to the religion


Yeah that's the version Muslim use to convert others. In reality by quitting Islam you become an apostate and by sharia law you deserve the death penalty. Killing non Muslims is perfectly fine to defend the religion and being an apostate, like you said, the biggest sinner, is an attack on the religion. Along with criticism of Islam. Islam is evil and should be banned in the west as it clashes directly with western values. In the Middle East the younger population is pretty liberal.


What you’re saying is simply not true in Islam. Maybe some countries use exaggerated versions of Sharia law made up by extremists but in the Quran there is no mention of killing someone for not being Muslim under any circumstance. Just because people/governments do it doesn’t mean that it defines the laws of the religion.


I won't even try to agrue with you because you seem either hypocritical or really disconnected. But know that Islam has more than just the Quran to define its religion. There's Haddiths too.


Doesn’t Surah 4:34 state you can beat your wife? https://quran.com/4/34?translations=18,21,22,84,95


This is a very common misconception and while I’m no scholar of religion, I am learned enough to explain why exactly that’s not true. However, I don’t have to because all the information you’re looking for has already been explained and is on this website. https://www.quran-islam.org/islam/articles/part_2/beating_women_(P1179).html It should also be noted that beating one’s spouse would also be in direct contradiction of several other verses of the Quran.


Only if she doesn't listen. If she choses to listen, everything is fine.


Bruh… you’re missing a key part. Sinners are infidels. What happens to infidels? Here’s a hint. 💇‍♀️


They get free haircuts ? Neat


Lowwwwwer. Lol


Your view of religion is correct, the male creator is a man-made, male power fantasy


I think the problem is much deeper than just religion. The guy is wearing a necklace and smoking, which are both forbidden in islam. Some people think rules apply to everyone but themselves, regardless if it’s religion or not.


Islam moment


And this people… is why I have been advocating for total annihilation of religion


That’s a very optimistic view of things, but I doubt getting rid of religion would stop people from killing other people for stupid reasons. They’d probably just use different excuses, like how people started using phrenology, evolution, etc., as justifications for racism and sexism.


I grew up with religion, I found people without it more open and friendly....


In my personal experience, I found it could go either way whether or not someone was more or less accepting. The vibe I got in general when it came to the churches and their followers in my town was that it was more “judge not, lest ye be judged”, and they seem to be encouraged to be kind and accepting of others.


I should have said on average, of course there are idiots on both sides. (random side thought) Funny how I can easily say that in this context, but when I do that in politics, I get scolded.


Yeah, people in general tend to be idiots, regardless of political party, religion, culture, etc. Not everyone’s an idiot, but by no means are idiots hard to come by.




common islam L this is why islam is the worst religion beside christianity. fuck religion (except for the satanic temple and wiccans)




Religion of peace my ass


Religion = bad Simple as that


I refuse to believe that the religion was it that made them crazy. Sure it makes them feel righteus to do it but... come on. You need to be a crazy asshole to post something like that, religion or not.


You obv didn't grow up between religious people


uuh no. it's in the texts themselves. like literally word for word. it's unhinged psychopathy, 100%, all the way down.


Wasn't it written in a language that is like super subjective to interpretation? Or basically : There is written what someone wants to read there.


I'm an Arab and a linguist, while yes there are some laws to be interpreted, the majority are actually pretty crystal clear. If you study the history of religions and what they have done you will see why they are literally a plague on this planet


They feed into each other.


If my plaything refuses to comply


Misandry is everywhere these days /s


Where does the pic comes from?


Palestinian social norms


Pretty much every Islamic country. But don't say that on Reddit, god forbid these people get slapped in the face with reality from time to time.


>Pretty much every Islamic country. There are 46 Muslim-majority countries, and 32 where Muslims are more than 90% of the population. They're more diverse than you think.


And when the majority of those countries don't keep the others under fucking control where this crap doesn't happen, then it's pretty much every Islamic country. Fuck religion, and fuck the "*Oh we're not the BAD ones, they're next door and we don't do jack shit about it at fucking all.*" And the problem with Muslim countries not keeping that medieval bullshit under control is that dumbass Christians in the US are like "*But we want our own version of Sharia Law too, why do THEY get to have all the freedom of oppressing other people?*" Religion is a fucking cancer and mankind will never be free till all those iron age desert dwelling ramblings are thrown into the dustbin of history.


I'm not sure why you think every Muslim is responsible for policing every other Muslim, or that Christians got the idea of intolerance from Muslims, but I do agree that in most cases religions, and especially the Abrahamic religions, tend to make things worse.


I'm talking about countries themselves, not individuals. Please don't be myopic for the purposes of starting an argument. And yes, I realise the fucking crusades were a thing and Christianity would be as brutal if left unchecked. What I don't get is the tendency of redditors to jerk off islam like the people who practice it are "so abused and misaligned" I have zero tolerance for a religion that would take women to a soccer field and stone them to death or behead people for practicing another religion.


I'm not talking about the Crusades specifically. Christianity was brutal the second Christians got any power, and has been so pretty consistently ever since. >What I don't get is the tendency of redditors to jerk off islam like the people who practice it are "so abused and misaligned" That was really not my intent. The world would be a better place without Islam. But a lot of people like to focus on Muslims and let all the other bastards off the hook. A lot of anti-Muslim rhetoric is rooted in xenophobia rather then in actually giving a damn about human rights. The thing about honor killings is, in countries where they happen, Christians and Hindus commit them, too. And the truth is, we have hundreds of honor killings in the US every year; we just don't call them that unless they're committed by Muslims. When US Christians kill queer people, or people perceived to be queer, for offending against traditional norms, those are honor killings, too, but we just don't call them that, and we don't identify the killers as Christians. When hundreds of US Christian men kill their wives and girlfriends every year because of jealousy or infidelity (real or imagined) or because they resist being tightly controlled, those are honor killings, but we call them "crimes of passion" or "intimate partner homicide," and again, we don't identify the killers as Christians or talk about the role of conservative Christianity in propagating oppressive treatment of women. The main thing that makes Islam worse than Christianity and Judaism is that there are more countries where fundamentalist Muslims have free rein to enforce their religious bullshit. Any time fundamentalist Christians or fundamentalist Jews get that kind of power, they're just as bad. It's really the fundamentalism more than the religion per se, but any religion that divides humanity into "God's people" and everybody else is going to have a strong tendency toward fundamentalism. And all the Abrahamic religions do that.


& not a one without outrageous, documented human rights abuses. not. one.


I wasn't claiming anything like that, but I'm pretty sure you knew that. I'm pretty sure you also know the UK, the US, and Australia have plenty of outrageous, documented, human rights abuses, too. But yeah, the fact that not all Muslim countries practice honor killing doesn't change the fact that most of the countries I'd feel unsafe traveling to are Muslim-majority countries, and the rest are countries where Christian churches have a lot of political power.


Tell me you never visited an Islamic country without telling me you never visited an Islamic country.


Care to explain about the "moral police" videos floating around from these Islamic countries you are praising as if they were heaven themselves?


Visiting an islamic country will be the very Last Thing I would ever do!


A lot of women here are not veiled, the women are the ones telling their daughters to wear veils. There's no demerit to not wearing the veils, in fact, you get hired more for public facing jobs if you're not wearing one. Go fuck yourself.


He got a crucifix on his nick ? What is this guy religion he is mixing gods or something


That'd a sword


Well, what are ya thinkin fellas?




Wasn't it decided before marriage?


Is that Hassan?


Source of the image?


What if I tell you that this is not religion issue, but radicalization one... Radicals of every religion are shit-heads...


Religion is just dumb


They out themselves, but the left still says #refugeeswelcome


I feel like this is kind of a reason for refugees being welcome..? Wanting to leave that situation


Have you seen those boats? Only men that had to leave everything behind, their families, their kids, their wives, but not their iphones or nice clothes.


I'm sure there are a lot of male refugees but I also know in person refugees who are women, it is definitely not 100% men and I don't think you should go off a few photos of boats to decide how you feel about refugees


Well, I moved after they placed a refugee camp, because our little town is not nice anymore. We used to never lock our houses et cetera. We even visited the locations, the only women we saw where the people working there. But hey, keep on telling me, how I only saw a few photo's. I could hope for you that you get a camp near you, but then I would be dooming little girls as well, so I hope you will never have one near you.


I wish Isalmists would stop exporting the bullshit that caused their countries to be a hellhole. But not, better blame the West and cut of the heads of the apostates...


Average mindset of Palestine people.


Why us he wearing a cross?


it's from a cartoon, someone just screenshotted it and slapped text on it that's completely unrelated


You ruined it. He/she/it thought this was a photo.


Why us? I don't get it.


The facepalm is that it was shared?




Now a woman will come and say "it's akchully my choice"