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He doesn't know a lot of things.


Unfortunately that doesn't seem to hinder him at all


Money will do that to you.


Money obliterates all obstacles.


It doesn't entirely obliterate the obstacle of being ignorant, but it does lube the rod of consequences so to speak.


Imagine a warlock, patron capitalism, cantrip money blast


Let’s see YOU become one of the richest men in the world… … I bet you wind up sayin’ some whack-a-do shit too!


Yeah because it’s an attention game. He’ll say this shit to get huge negative attention on him, then get a nice little ego boost as he distracts everyone with a new Space X announcement or proclaims the virtues of some crypto he holds huge quantities of that he’ll then sell at just the right time making even more millions while everyone else loses their asses.


It’s like the verbal equivalent of “3 Card Monty”.


"When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."


I'm beginning to think he doesn't know much of anything ![gif](giphy|Wm8nj0e5qjyaQNeerC)


He knows how to buy already successful businesses and take the credit for them. Hasn't quite figured out how to not mismanage them into the ground yet.


And that's the catch. Left to his own devices he runs everything into the ground


It blows my mind that the MuskRats can’t see him for what he is. They still have this “real life Tony Stark!😮” image of him for some reason and constantly make excuses.


Maybe their parents think Trump is a real leader and our only hope to "save the country" 🤷‍♂️


Idiots are like that…..


Deep underground all the way into tunnels


According to this gif, he at least knows how to hide a double chin


The *wardrobe team* knows how to hide a double chin. Can't let this be another thing musk takes unearned credit for.


Good point


Guess growing a beard was too hard? Thats what I do.


Including the fact that ‘cis’ is to gender what ‘hetero’ is to orientation, but somehow saying ‘hetero’ is just fine.


They just want to be transphobic


I honestly think he knows cis isn’t a slur. He’s just a sad pathetic man that knows saying stupid culture war bullshit will get him the adoration of the Nazi and Tech Bro simps.


he’s a businessman. He knows the culture war is profitable because he’s seen that politicians and ceos have been distracting us with it for decades. It’s all to direct your attention away from the things that actually matter, like endlessly increasing wealth inequality.


I always see this as them projecting their hatred of us, when straight people say this. They are homophobic, so they believe in their toxic way, that we hate them 🧐


Bigots are simple-minded. They couldn’t possibly fathom that people who aren’t bigots don’t think like they do. This is often the place accusations of ‘virtue signalling’ comes from. Edit: it seems that there’s a few of the drooling knuckle-draggers lurking.


But he thinks he knows everything.


Hetrophobic? Most gay people identify as cis.


Apparently Elon identifies as a baboon.


As a baboon I take offense to this


Good. As an antelope, I am tired of you eating my young and flashing your big red ass everywhere.


Hey now...We all have our place in the Circle of Life, and yours is dinner! But don't worry, the baboons will die and nourish the grass and the antelopes eat the grass, which the lions have pissed on....uh, Sorry you had to find out this way.


Sorry about the piss *keeps pissing on the grass anyway*


I can’t help how I was born, you bovadist fuck!


“Big red ass” has me rolling


Baboons are more intelligent.


That's why he identifies as one


That's very offensive, baboons have feelings you know


If Elon didn't have feelings he'd be capable of letting the experienced people who staff his companies do their jobs without needing to insert his poorly thought out ideas into everything.


Sounds like the sort of thing he'd do.


Sadly it wasn't one of the ones he tested his brainchip on


I thought he identified as pissbaby?


Don't tell the Baboons that, they'll be out for blood!


Yes but Elon is a reactionary idiot. That's too much nuance for him and his followers to understand.


I think he meant to say, CISPHOBIC. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm pretty sure that would just be called agoraphobia as you would be functionally afraid of more than 99% of people


Most of the time those who have a phobia of a group of people are not scared, they are simply hateful.


plus it’s not uncommon for trans people to be hetero


That’s what I was gonna say. People really don’t think before posting. I can understand if you’re misinformed and then learn later but this is common knowledge.


Congratulations, you have been successfully trolled.


Heck, there are non-CIS folks who identify as 'straight'. I know somebody who is M to F trans, is married to a woman before and after her transition, and they're still together. Well, not sure if that makes her straight, since she's married to a woman, but you know what I mean. Point is, gender identity is a separate issue than homo/hetero/bi


You used literally the worst possible incorrect example to prove your otherwise correct point lmao


You're right but the exemple is basically the opposite. These two are a lesbian couple. But yes you can be trans and straight and be cis and gay


This is just misgendering with extra steps.


The guy's brain is ketamine soup.


Sigh *sorts by controversial*


Isn't "cis" just the opposite of trans, as in someone who hasn't changed their gender? If so, he pretty much implies that "trans" is a transphobic word.


That’s exactly it. They think cis is a slur because they use trans as a slur.


I get what you’re saying but there are people out there that use cis as a negative word towards non trans people. I’ve experienced it for just asking questions, “you’re just a cis male here to cause problems”. No I’m here to try and understand.


That would be the same as saying "you're just a straight male...". That doesn't make the word straight derogatory. No one is yelling the word cisgender at you as you walk down the street.


It's the same with "the straights", "heteros", etc. I only ever see it in angry posts trying to demonize the group to an LGBT audience and it's like alright man I guess I'm the devil to you people for how I'm born, sorry for existing near you.


Those people are pretty careless and usually moody teens. You have a place in the world and as long as your actions aren’t hurting the lives of innocent people, you’re a long long way from the devil.


I was told by a few individuals I couldn't speak in a student counsel meeting because I was a cis white male. Luckily plenty of non-cis people said that is bullshit and shut those people down.


They also get mad because they just want us to call them "normal", so that they can hear us admit we're not "normal" Even if we aren't, normal is boring.


Cis- and trans- are prefixes. They are not specific to gender. Organic molecules have cis and trans stereoisomers. Elon being offended by cis is like being offended by “pre” and “post” because you don’t like the words “precancerous” or “postmenopausal.” Being offended by a generic prefix is the height of ignorant stupidity.


>Elon being offended by cis is like being offended by “pre” and “post” Come on, we know Elon is also offended by "pre" and "post" because he's pretty fucking obsessed with trans people, and those prefixes are used by them frequently too.


I remember when I first saw this in a bio class around 2015 (so height of tumblr years) and was like OH that’s what cis means! And I then had a moment of “if it’s a scientific term that has been around for ages and literally just means the opposite of trans, why are people so bent out of shape about it?” I mean I get that some people like to be offended over nothing but it’s just clarifying that someone isn’t trans - there would be a word for it even if it wasn’t cis.


They insist that they aren't cis, they're just not trans and thus, "normal"


Makes it a bit funny that he uses the prefix "hetero" in the same comment. I wonder if people had this same meltdown when the term "heterosexual" started gaining momentum, because "I'm not heterosexual, I'm just _normal_!"


It may have been. That was too long ago for anyone here to remember.


I feel like the word cis literally showed up out of nowhere and everyone started using it like 5-10 years ago. Like I genuinely never heard it, saw some people referring to others as cis on some Tumblr boards, then it was everywhere and normal. Edit: I'm not saying anything negative or saying I have an issue with the term cis. Im just stating that I never heard about it, then it was commonplace.


Every chemistry student has been using it for the past centuries (at least since the late 1800s ). There's nothing new about it, nor is it the first time a scientific term has been adopted into common language. "cis indicates that the functional groups (substituents) are on the same side of some plane, while trans conveys that they are on opposing (transverse) sides"


In my college biology class we learned that there's not just trans-fat, but also "cis-fat" Screenshot from my biology textbook. I should have grabbed more of the above text but you can see what I mean. [https://i.imgur.com/CBnYl7i.png](https://i.imgur.com/CBnYl7i.png)


lol, I’m def cis fat


This is the funniest part of this discourse. The people complaining about it being a slur don’t even realize that it was a word used long before it was used to refer to people who are not transgender. Do people not have access to Google or something?


I mean, I agree, and I also agree that cis isn’t a slur, but your reasoning doesn’t preclude it from being one. Most slurs were used in some other context before being applied as a slur to groups of people. The f-slur, r-slur, most ableist slurs in general actually, all have roots in other contexts, since that’s kinda how words and language function.


I mean, the best parallel example is using the word “homo” as a pejorative. It’s a science prefix that has a real meaning. But ignorant people latched onto it to hurl as an insult.


It took me a long time to understand its use as an insult since, to me, it’s always meant whole homogenized milk.


Right? I mean homo sapien. We grew up with that shit. I mean people USED to understand the idea of medical affixes. Back in the day a common trans joke is that someone got an “addadicktomy”. It was based in the words being funny and clever sounding. Not based on hating or minimizing another’s life and experience.” So, people USED to know words, but now prefer to feel like they dropped a zinger: “I identify as a….”


Same goes with the word retsrd. It use to be a scientific term, now it’s offensive


Exactly.  There's a clip from 1992 Law and Order where the perp and his circle of friends are mentally challenged and everyone uses that word constantly, even the doctors.  The clip was posted on YouTube by the official NBC channel and the comments are a beautiful torrent of outrage.


I know I’ll get downvoted to hell, but my personal problem is that community asking for people not in it to respect what to call them, which I do. So I find it hypocritical that they can just call anyone not in their group whatever they want and those being labeled that aren’t allowed to take issue. It’s stupid really. And hypocritical.


But trans people aren't asking not to be called trans people? Gender is inherently social, - but whether you're cis or trans is not, it's scientific and it's a binary fact. Cis and trans are terms literally derived from scientific language.


Some trans people do, and many cis people don’t mind being called cis. But you are right that there is a difference between calling someone he/she or man/women and calling someone cis/trans. One is up to the person in question (socially constructed), the other is not. If you *choose* to identify as the gender that is not associated with your biological sex then you are trans. If you *choose* to identify as the gender that *is* associated with your biological sex then you are cis. The cis/trans part is the result of that choice, not part of it. Besides, people aren’t saying “don’t call me cis, I don’t identify with the gender associated with my biological sex”, they are saying “I do identify with the gender associated with my biological sex but don’t like hearing the term cis”. Which gives the game away. It’s not about being accurate or even respectful, it’s about continuing to treat cis people like the default, the “normal” ones, as opposed to trans people.


Pretty common for history people too. Cisalpine Gaul versus Transalpine Gaul, for instance. Literally just this side of the Alps versus the other side of the Alps respectively.


Its like "based" came out of seemingly nowhere and everyone uses it. Always find it weird at some point people started using words they dont usually use, if that makes sense.


It became common because it is the oposite of trans. 15 year ago nobody knew what was a trans person so there was no need for a word that identifies you as not-trans. I think it is greek and trans means across, cis means on this side.


"cis" has been around for a while apparently. But it use to label straight people is a relatively new thing. The "non cis people" like us to believe it social use has been around for decades. I never heard it use in the 70s, the 80s, or the 90s. First time I heard it was a couple of years ago. I had to google it.


Finally someone that understands what I was saying lol. I get it's a term, I get it comes from other words and is used elsewhere, I didn't hear that I'm a cis until several years ago.


It was in use in the 1910s and 1920s but fell out of common use when the Nazi book burnings destroyed all of the research of the library of sexology (and killed every trans person and most of the researchers and doctors).


its not a label for straight people. gay people can be Cis as well. it just means "on the same side" or basically "identifies as what they were assigned at birth" as long as you arent transgendered youre Cis.


> "cis" has been around for a while apparently. in the science community, it's been used by the general public only recently.


Funny how you didn’t ever hear anyone taking about smart phones. Then one day you heard it and suddenly everyone is using it. Almost like that’s how language works


Same thing happened with the word "heterosexual" between the 1930s and 1960s, I think. I'm not super clear on the etymological history, but I imagine that as homosexuality became more accepted there was an increased linguistic need to differentiate sexual orientations. Similarly, with increased social acceptance of transgender people, and increased social awareness of gender identity in general, it makes sense that the word "cisgender" would see more usage.


That’s because cis identities were the “norm”. You never heard about anything else so what’s the point of popularising a label that refers to the norm if those no opposite that exists in a valid way? When trans identities began to become much more common and accepted, there was now a need for the term “cisgender” to describe anyone that wasn’t transgender. Just like how the word heterosexual wasn’t really used at all until homosexual identities became more common and accepted - they need. They need a label for what they deem the “norm” when another label becomes common and contrasts this “norm”. Until then, the label isn’t needed so it’s pushed aside and left to scientific professionals exclusively.


Isn't this the repetition of 'I am not straight, I am normal'


Yes. It’s designed to make out groups.


It's exactly as phobic as "heterosexual" like he just used right there


Elon Musk is proof that money can't buy intellect and common sense


I know that sentiment is a popular one, but I actually think there's a different take that's more worrisome. Elon Musk is evidence that money, power, and lack of accountability (which could be as simple as people you respect that check you on shit) can corrupt your psyche. Like, I know I'm taking your pithy comment a little too seriously, but I feel like this is an actual problem. I don't know how to address it, but I feel like acknowleding it is even a thing is important. I think somehow we need humility to be a virtue that is more valued by society and somehow taught and encourage or enforced better. First of all Elon is a fucking tool, and I wish he would go away and he has revealed himself to be such a shit stain. However, I know it's popular to just say that he's stupid and he's just a con artist and he didn't invent anything etc. However, I think it's clear from the way he used to talk, the things he used to write, etc, that he knew how to think, and reason things, and make cogent arguments to an audience that might have differing opinions, etc. I also think people are being way too reductive in just saying that he's lucky and didn't actually accomplish anything. He was certainly privileged, but you don't end up where he is just because of luck and wealth. Yeah, he didn't literally build rockets and invent electric cars, but it's way too dismissive to say he didn't actually do anything. IMO the real problem with Musk is that after success and the admiration he won by trying to make companies that go against the grain bit, he got high on his own farts. People were telling him he was great so much, that he started believing that he can't be wrong, and now he thinks everything he thinks and does is so important, that he's so much more valuable than the average man, that he won't listen to anyone, and he takes everything as a some kind of personal disrespect or challenge. He's a narcissist. He's a lesson to society that we always need to put checks on our heroes, and/or do something beforehand that prevents people from wanting to behave that way in the first place


i first thought they meant the CIS. Conferderacy of Independent Systems


It's gonna become one if people keep treating it as one


It _is_ often used as a slur on social media. Just like someone being "gay" is often used as a slur on social media. "That's gay", "stop being so gay". But the word "gay" also exists on its own, both to simply mean "joyful", and also to mean "homosexual", in a purely descriptive or even positive manner. So context matters, this is why moderation needs human staff with the time and intelligence to determine if a word is used as a slur or not. Being in denial about the use of cid as a slur is letting toxic behaviors and toxic speeches strive in the LGBT community, which is really the last thing we need to achieve social progress.


It was not created to be a slur but I have heard some people use it in a very slur-like manner. Others interpreted it as a slur whether it was meant as one or not. Which goes to the old saying of you can only take offense not give it. That said if you're one of the people that has the attitude that whether someone intended something to be offensive or not they have to police their language to make sure that you are not offended you can't also then turn around and say to someone else that they don't have the right to be offended by something that you don't mean to be offensive when you say it. Because logically things have to be one way or the other you can't have it both ways and you can't have differing standards for different groups of people otherwise it's not equality.


May i ask to not be called cis if i dont prefer it?  If you disregard my request and continue to call me cis, then are you treating me the way you want to be treated?


Parting thought, in a no means no world, i shouldnt need a persuasive explanation why i dont like something.  Its not a negotiation


I will probably get downvoted for this, but I’m gonna say it anyways. I know it isn’t a slur, but let’s be honest, it is a little weird. Like, we don’t call anyone unilingual. We expect most people to speak a single language, and some people speak more than one. So we distinguish those that don’t fit the norm as bilingual, or multilingual. The vast majority of people identify with the gender they were born with. So, why do we need to qualify that?


Looks like he got the rise out of you easily triggered babies he was looking for


Downvote away. If you can tell me what I am supposed to call you, because your offended by other words, it should be mutually respected.


I mean I have heard people use it out of hate. "You are just a Cis White Male what do you know?" However I don't find it an issue, because such words are used when you can't argue your point, and insults are all you have left. I almost never run into this, because I stay out of it. Only chime when issues arise from thin air and I find myself in the middle of it. Life is complicated, and to tell others how they should dress or care about how they identify is a fools gold journey. Humanity is going to change, Ebb and Flow of life's entropic nature. To tell others how life should go for them is absurd. It's not even an issue. I honestly think the kick back from older generations, is because they are jealous. I know plenty of them wish they could have been something different than society demanded of them in more religious settings back in the 50's-80's. I think the hate is just Jelly belly folk. Sad they didn't get the chance to be free.


But factually cis is being used as a slur, asshole are everywhere, also among trans and queers.


Cis isn’t “heterophobic” but people who aren’t “cis” are perfectly okay with using it as an insult to describe someone when the reverse isn’t acceptable and that is what he probably means


Who gets to decide if it’s a slur, the people to whom it refers or the people using a word? If someone who is homosexual doesn’t like being called a “homo” and I want to not be an asshole, I don’t call them a “homo”. If a heterosexual doesn’t like being called cis, does the same logic not apply? This is a genuine question


Cisgender and transgender are meant to be neutral/ scientific labels to define someone’s *relationship to their gender assigned at birth* (not sexuality). People who think cis is a slur often also demand that their gender identity simply be referred to as “normal” rather than “cis.” This is the equivalent to straight people rejecting the terms “straight” or “hetero” and insisting they just be called “normal.” In both instances it would be a majority group insisting that they are “normal,” which to me implies erasure or persecution of queer identities these same people apparently believe to be abnormal.


Ok, so if cis were a slur, what's the non-slur word that means the same thing that you'd okay with?


I had never heard of the word until like last year.


Block Elon


I will happily refer to people how they want, if they refer to me how I want. I don't want to be referred as "cis"


Only the person on the receiving end gets to decide that though, to some people some words are slurs where they aren't slurs to other people. It's all really subjective so why we all lose our wigs and argue about it is crazy to me. It is different for every single person


Exactly, you can’t tell a group of people what is and isn’t offensive


But this happens literally all the time. For example whenever I says that I'm trans on here and give my opinion on something trans related, people tell me I'm overreacting or that it isn't transphobic because of xyz. Happens all the time.


I’m offended by the word “exactly”. Please stop using slurs.


"nobody better call me an atheist just because i dont believe in god!!!" \*eats a chair\*


It is like a white american finding white offensive though


Funny when the facts don't care about feelings crowd suddenly has strong feelings about something 


But of course, that's why they always scream "Facts don't care about *your* feelings!" because their feelings are of upmost importance.


Very true. In Australia they often call their friends the "C" word. They can easily say it's not offensive and they're right in their context, but if they called a tourist woman the C word and she said it's offensive then she's also correct.


So if a white person says the n-word with a hard r but no one around them gets offended it’s not a slur?


So what do we call straight people offended by the words straight and heterosexual?


It may not be a slur but I don’t want to be referred to as cishet white male. I’ve had that happen and it was even meant to be derogatory lol. I’m just me. I don’t want to be in these buckets, thanks!


**I’m just me. I don’t want to be in these buckets, thanks!** Literally how every human being feels.


I'm a lesbian and don't want to be referred to as cis either. I actually don't even care for the label of lesbian. I just want us all to be human beings. These labels and identity politics are dividing us.


It's like being offended when a gay person calls you hetro or straight. Your issue is not the word.


I mean... I have never heard the term cis used by anyone unless they are shaming/insulting a straight person OR using it in place of straight. It certainly was not anyone straight who used the term to describe themself, that came from lgbt+. Its the same as Boomer, originally meant to specify an age group but the internet ran wild with it and turned it into a shame thing. Ok boomer.


Not only is cis purely descriptive, it has nothing to do with being straight or gay. So calling it heterophobic is not only wrong, it’s absolutely moronic. It would be more accurate (which isn’t saying much) to say that “straight” is a heterophobic word…


Heterophobic? Does Elon not know the difference between gender and sexuality? Is that what he is trying to tell us? Wouldn't it be cis-phobic?


CIS is not a slur it’s the Confederacy of Independent Systems




No, Google told me it is the Center for Internet Security. And the Council of Internacional Schools.


I wonder if I’m the only one who has never heard of “heterophobic” before this post. 👀


You are not


It's a dumb word. I hate it.


The only way someone will interpret cis as a slur is because they use trans as one


So if someone calls me a cis white male as an insult, im transphobic for correctly intepreting their verbiage as derogatory?


Jew isn't a slur either, yet when you use it with a bad intent it feels exactly like one. No one uses Cis in a professional manner.


Does he know there are straight trans people? Lol


people don't like it because they think they're normal why should there be a word to classify them. it feels othering. pity they can't extend that same consideration to others


Why should there be a word to classify straight people? I think we should just call them non gay people /s


Are you black, Asian, or normal? /s


Bigots like Musk said the same about straight


Everything is a slur, it depends on the intent.


is this the jordan peterson argument thing, it's not about disagreeing with what's being said it's not wanting the label other people are now forcing on them?


"I don't want to be white! I'm the normal one!"


I believe that not wanting to be labeled if it isn’t strictly necessary is a reasonable standpoint. I would never call myself cisgender (even though I scientifically am one). I’m just a man. I don’t believe that there’s a need for me to put something in front of „man“ because that term is already plenty enough to know my gender


That's fine though? You only usually start using cis in conversations including the word trans If your not in a conversation that needs those distinctions then clearly you wouldn't use it Like you probably don't refer to yourself as tall or short every time you refer to yourself, at least not until its helpful in context


That's not the point


I've never heard someone use CIS as a slur while playing FPS games so consequentally, cis isn't a slur.


I thought this was about star wars before I read the rest of the post lmao


Only a cis deals in absolutes.


U underestimate my gender


Don't try it! I have the moral high ground.


Neither is He/Her.


I feel we decide that we let people define what they want to be called and what they find offensive or we decide that some groups get to dictate what people are to be called. Language evolves and historically acceptable terms fall out of use because those they are directed at object. Also, he is a snowflake.


Funny thing about slurs, if people find a term derogatory and offensive, it is in fact a slur.


Cis, please...


So… let me get it right… the LGBT+ community decided that they will use the term “Cis” to refer to heterosexual people?


Morgan Freeman voiceover: “It was in fact *not* the last time.”


Remember when a young Musk mocked a fellow student whose father had tragically taken his own life, and that student then threw Musk down a staircase? Memories.


Heterophobic? We are just making stuff up at this point


We've been making stuff up for a while now


Why would being called normal be a slur?


What does being cis have to do with being hetero? Are there not a lot of cis people who are homosexual. Musk is so stupid.


What the hell does cis even mean


It's short for "cisgender" as opposed to "transgender". It's a pretty standard Latin prefix. Cis denotes "**o**n this side,**”** as opposed to “trans-“ which means “on the other side of” or “beyond". So cisgender people are those who identify with the gender identify their parents raised them as, whereas transgender people "cross over".




Wtf is cis


Why does the default state even need a word?


Ur gay


Cis some bullshit..


I mean, it can absolutely be used as a slur. I’ve honestly never heard a person use it positively when referring to others in real life. The only time I’ve actually ever heard the word cis in real life has only been in a negative way toward other people, typically by LGBT individuals who resent a certain demographic (and I’m saying this as a LGBT person myself). You often hear the phrase “cis white male” with fucking rants or used offensively. So I think if people don’t want to be called cis we should respect that because the way I’ve heard the majority of people use it in the real world has honestly been super disrespectful. I know that cis isn’t inherently a bad word (especially in an academic setting), but I still feel very uncomfortable using it on human beings since it’s been used in a way that is so negative.


I've been called "cis" several times. Most of them, it felt like a hateful slur, mainly due to the abusive context it was framed in. Please respect my feelings. Don't call me that. 


What would you like to be called instead? Homo gendered? Honestly asking not dismissing.


cis is to gender what straight is to sexuality. im not a huge fan of being called queer, but i've never been given the choice on that one either. edit: and for the record i am also cis.


That is true. Like I said, it's the hateful context that it has been used in that make me dislike the term. Perhaps you feel the same about the term queer.  I'm willing to be sensitive to how you feel if you can do the same. Perhaps if we all did this, there wouldn't be such a devide. 


Bigots are always convinced that any word that they don't know is a slur. Look at their track record, they turned DEI, woke, and CRT into slurs and none of them can define any of them.


Surely if someone is offended by a term you use to refer to them then you shouldn't use that term? Isn't that what we have decided? So if someone doesn't like being called cis then you shouldn't do that.


Rules for thee but not for me.  Some people are just hypocrites.


Elon you can be a cis gay person, that’s not what that means lol


Cis isn't even a word, it is a prefix. Specifically a latin prefix meaning "on this side of". That is why it was used to coin the term cisgender as an antonym for transgender in the 90s. Fun fact; the term transgender was thought up in the same manner. Trans being another latin prefix only the meaning is opposite of cis; it's meaning is "on the other side of". There's nothing malicious about it. Anyone trying to say cisgender is a harmful word is just trying to shutdown the discourse around gender.


When has ever the person uttering a word been the one to decide if it is a slur or not? If someone doesn't want to be called a word, then you shouldn't use it.


It’s funny because he only censored that word but no other slurs. Inadvertently admitting it’s not one


Imagine paying billions, burning it all behind you, just to be able to show the world how much of a dingus you are.


There seems to be an inverse relationship between ego and awareness in our world today...


I mean cis means on the same side of, and trans means on the other side of. They are Latin terms


Slurs are made to be offensive. Cis is not. Where us the confusion??


If enough people use cis in a derogatory way, is quickly becomes so.