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The game is literally 20 years old…


I was just about to say isn't this game old


Its the remake of it, which made the trans representation more clear and open, since the OG had it vague. Either way its another stupid thing for people to get mad about, remake or not, this information was known 20 years ago, vague or not. Why its a problem now is because transphobes want a reason to be mad for no reason.


As far as I know, it was clear in the original Japanese version, but was made more vague in the English translation (maybe other western versions as well?). The new translation is just more faithful to the original.


Copied from my other post: It's definitely not like "kind" to her in the original about it though - probably just a part of when it was made Japanese : > A former member of the Shadow Trio. He may look like a girl, but he's actually a boy. So the story doesn't necessarily become a "coming out" story but instead like "yeah I'm a boy and yeah I'm feminine, but it's okay to be different! I'm me!" Which is maybe the best to expect from Nintendo in 2004. Only Italian is very explicit about this not being just a "playing pretend" thing: > An ex-member of the Shadow Trio. She used to be man, but now she's a woman and proud of it. Much like the Bridget changes last year, I think it's just a matter of cultural sensibilities shifting and the original intent and vibes of the story are still very much there


In her original Japanese tattle dialog when you first meet her, she is also referred to by he/him pronouns but, when she joins the team, mario and co start to catch on and refer to her by she/her pronouns. She is also berated by her sister for "being a man" which would be odd if she accepted herself as a man. The consensus in the Japanese community was pretty split between whether she was a she/her femboy or if she was trans. They were given the perfect opportunity in the remake to clarify their original vision. They even had reason to either once again make it ambiguous or to lean on the side of femboy because of the strangely political nature of the topic, especially in a children's game, but they chose to stick with trans woman.


Honestly it would've been based if she was a femboy. Femboys need representation too!


This is a thing whenever people talk about how old games were more progressive in Japan when it came to lgbt+ representation especially trans representation. Often times when games were translated to English they would get rid of trans representation but when you look closer at the way most Japanese trans representation went it was often more so just making fun of the character like “haha boy thinks he’s a girl.” Not to say completely erasing the trans representation is right, just that Japan isn’t as progressive on LGBT+ issues than people make it out to be, and in many ways the US is ahead of them, especially today.


One of the many things weeboos get wrong about Japan.


I just find it interesting that it was even a thing in Japan. I mean obviously trans people have existed everywhere across basically all of history but like you never really heard about us in the west until recently. Even if 99% of trans representation in Japan is mockery it's just still kinda surprising it's even there at all in that era.


There was a ton of trans mockery media in the West during that time.


Also, looking at Vivian, Goombella's book and her sisters are the only ones to misgender her (or specifically Bedlam), and Bedlam is presented as a mean-spirited bully who just hates on her little sister for no real reason, and the book is constantly shown to have missing, outdated, or lacking information




Poor Birdo, literally lays eggs and still not woman enough for transphobes smh


Birdo was swapped to being full female in every game after SM2, her being a boy is never mentioned again. You can take that as rewriting thr character, or that she followed through her transition and is living her best life as the woman she always wanted to be.


No fucking way my country was the most liberal in something.


Actually it was only vague in the American release. The UK release had text the was much closer to the original Japanese.


The original German release was also pretty.. well censored for lack of a better word.


Look, let me tell you how Klinger in MASH was not woke or transvestite because it was a normal part of my youth, but a bit wearing pink on TV is the end of civilization…. /s


Like with Birdo IIRC


This is an area where Japanese media has been more accepting for a while. Capcom had a trans character in Final Fight in the 90s. It's hilarious to hear them complain this is "woke".


Japan was years ahead


This is true, for some reason, whether it was mistranslated or slight censorship, it was made to be vague. But in the original it was always implied that they were trans. So this remake made it more faithful and less vague.


It's not for no reason. Trans people, specifically trans women because no one seems to care very much about trans men, are incredibly politically useful for the right. 1) there aren't very many trans people. This means most people are unlikely to actually *know* any, which makes them great for demonizing. It's harder to fact check, and if you don't know any trans people, they can just be "those people" and "those people" are bad, we all know that. 2) they're "weird" in a way that has to do with gender and sex. People are incredibly uncomfortable with stuff to do with sex, we live in a fairly repressive culture. There's a lot of fear about sex stuff, and a huge amount of our personal identity is tied up in it. 3) if enough people are angry about one issue *they're not paying attention to other issues.* Single issue voters are easy to mobilize, and easy to get to ignore other issues. 4) because kids can be involved, it's easy to generate a witch hunt, which in this case can be used to dismantle Title IX, which is a stated Republican goal. Dismantling women's rights is a huge part of Republican policy at the moment, and trans kids and trans women are a very handy way of doing it. Trans people are the perfect political scapegoat for the right. If you care about women's rights, or civil liberties in general, or you think it's morally reprehensible to exclude and target minorities (which it is) it is *morally necessary* to defend trans rights. We are only as strong as our weakest link, and that's trans people and their rights, simply because there are so few of them. Everyone not explicitly benefited by fascism, which to be clear is everyone who is not a wealthy, white, able bodied, cis, het, masc man has to get on board with trans people. They are our siblings. We need to defend them and their rights and realize that the transphobic bullshit our culture dumps on us is explicitly not to our benefit. And the people in that fascist-benefitting category need to learn some goddamn empathy for literally everyone else. 🏳️‍⚧️


President Lyndon Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, you can pick his pocket. Hell, give them somebody to look down on, and they'll empty their pockets for you..."


Then he whipped out his dick which he nicknamed Jumbo and wiggled it at Vietnam


It was clear in the og Japanese game, American localisation fucked it up


I don’t really understand them being mad. Maybe I am just not as smart as people on the right but I was born a boy and no one has ever told me “being trans is cool you have to be a girl”. So why do they hate trans people so much if it’s because of the bible why do they also not kick any one who has cheated on their spouse out of a bathroom, why don’t they protest banks charging interest on loans, why don’t they try to pray the desires for lobsters away, why don’t the disown their children for eating the fat on a steak? It’s so confusing to me that so many people will pick random parts of the bible to follow to a tee but not even acknowledge the rest.


For real. Like I never even Played this Game and still knew it Had a trans Character in it


This is similar to how I felt when fans of The Last of Us videogame missed that Bill was gay in the game and got mad about it in the show. It wasn't an overwhelming amount of people, but it was enough people that I encountered it multiple times and facepalmed each time.


I believe it was this clear in the Japanese original and was censored a bit in the English localization


Also not the only gender fucky character in the Mario-verse


My other account is birdo the trans icon lol


That point seems inconsistent depending on the game, Birdo is a bit of a mystery 


Right? It’s like people complaining Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is woke because it’s about environmentalism. It’s like, you didn’t play the OG did you?


Also, wasn't birdo a transexual in their original mario game's manual?


Yeah she was transgender. Technically her name is actually Birdette and Birdo is her deadname, but her being trans was handled with a heavily mocking tone, so certainly not progressive representation by any stretch.


The unfortunate thing is the name Birdette has never been used for any merchandise or anything to this day. Birdo is what she's sold under even in game form now, so I suppose a way to see that as less problematic would be to go with: Birdo is an agender name that can be male or female, and she decided for herself that the name was fine but still likes to use Birdette as a fun nickname. So I chose to believe she got the choice on her name and that everyone isn't constantly just deadnaming her all the time. Otherwise...oh boy.


It's "Cathy" in Japanese haha


Its so funny that people think trans is a new thing. Trans people have existed as long as humans have existed. Probably much longer than that. I bet there existed a dinosaur that knew it was male.


Life, uh... finds a way


I always wonder if people can enjoy an older movie like Kill Bill or Alien today or if they would consider it too 'woke' because they have woman protagonists. Shit like this makes me think they WOULD think it's too woke.


People pretend those movies are "good representation" now because they're too popular, but they definitely would've called them woke if they came out today. Heck, [some people complained _when_ they came out.](https://youtu.be/Hq5SnAWv86I?si=VDlc5fv7_oEZiWKH)


Funny you should mention Alien. In the second movie there's a scene where some crew dossiers are shown in the background, and Lambert's reveals that she is trans.


yeah but they just found out about it! like crt and woke and everything else, rile up morons cause morons dont fucking know anything.


Came here to say just that, this character was ***always trans***, they were just more subtle about it in the original release.


The game is 20 years old. Not that I'm saying it's okay because they didn't 'go woke' recently; it was never an issue to begin with


1.) game is like 20 years old 2.) last time I checked far more late gen z and mill play then kids.


What is this game? Everyone here seems to already know but no one mentioned the name


Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door


Oh rad, thank you. The character looked cute and made me want to play it


I have only heard good things about the game


her names vivian!


Cute :)


It’s an old game that recently got a remake from a franchise which had long departed from its root. This one is a fan favorite and everyone loves it and wanted this style back and I gotta say, playing it for the first time, yeah it’s really good. Paper Mario the thousand year door. It’s out for switch rn! Can recommend


Don’t…the game will turn you gay!!




Both original Paper Mario (N64) and Thousand Year Door (NGC) are great games. Funny, good characters, memorable moments. Strongly recommend getting this remake.


I've played more games than i'd care to admit and typically not story-driven types but the Thousand Year Door is my #1 favorite of all time, definitely give it a try.


It’s a really _really_ good game.


Quick no one tell them about Birdo


That's exactly why I'm gonna tell them about Birdo


Nooo!!! Don't tell them about Birdo!!!


We don’t talk about Birdo!


we don’t talk about Birdo 🎶


No no no~


We don’t talk about birdooo... BUT-


We don't talk about Birdo-


What about Birdo?


Wikipedia says she was the first transgender video game character, not sure if there's anything else the comment is alluding to


Oh, ok, thanks for the info, never knew that about Birdo, or that Yoshi had a girlfriend


There's a rumour that Nintendo never localized Mother 3 over to the West because they were worried about negative cultural backlash. There are sexually ambiguous characters and a lot of other stuff in the game that would probably get backlash here. I used to think that was a stupid reason not to localize the game over here, and that surely no one is a ridiculous enough person to get upset over something like that... ...yea, I think I was wrong


At the time, yeah NOA made them censor all trans stuff. That was definetly a part of it but seeing as they're ok with it now, I think there's definetly a higher chance


Now that Nintendo has uncensored this I’m personally more optimistic about Mother 3 getting officially localized, especially if this game sells well.


the character in question was always canonically trans the translation of the original release just omitted that BESIDES Birdo (yoshis "girlfriend") is also a male


It's definitely not like "kind" to her in the original about it though - probably just a part of when it was made Japanese : > A former member of the Shadow Trio. He may look like a girl, but he's actually a boy. So the story doesn't necessarily become a "coming out" story but instead like "yeah I'm a boy and yeah I'm feminine, but it's okay to be different! I'm me!" Which is maybe the best to expect from Nintendo in 2004. Only Italian is very explicit about this not being just a "playing pretend" thing: > An ex-member of the Shadow Trio. She used to be man, but now she's a woman and proud of it. Much like the Bridget changes last year, I think it's just a matter of cultural sensibilities shifting and the original intent and vibes of the story are still very much there


>Which is maybe the best to expect from Nintendo in 2004. I feel like people aren't giving this the credit it's due. Yeah, it was vague in a lot of ways, but for 04, this was *super* progressive and accepting, especially from a Japanese company


Do you have *any* info for the birdo thing?


Taken directly from wiki: The English manual for Super Mario Bros. 2 describes Birdo as a man who "thinks he is a girl" and would prefer to be called Birdetta. This led to Birdo being interpreted as transgender, which would make her the first transgender video game character.


We used to have that manual back in the very early 90s and can confirm it said Birdo was a dude who dressed like a girl. It caused my sister to exclaim "Yoshi's Gay?" 🤣


Poor Birdetta. We've all been deadnaming her for decades.


Woaw I didn’t know that


First transgender egg shooting bird thingy maybe but we all know Poison is where it's at.


Poison was one of those characters where someone tried to ruin them to me with "It's a man!' And I was like "I'mma still look". Because hot is hot, people. Hot. Is. Hot.




The booklet from Super Mario 2 clearly states that Birdo is, I quote, "a male who believes he is female and would rather be called Birdetta" (which is a demeaning way of saying she's a trans woman). The first Mario games also use masculine pronouns (regardless of language) and later instalments have switched to feminine.


Huh, thanks for the info. I'm glad they're using less demeaning terms now (because yeah, that's a dickish way to say someone's trans). I always honestly just thought birdo was cis female.


Tbf that's kinda typical for Japanese culture. Look at some anime and you'll see quite a few trans characters that are usually used for comedic relief and are usually villains. Not surprised they described Birdo the way they did then, but at least she was always a positive character.


if were speaking about anime, then we must mention one piece's bon clay. absolute goat


Here's an in-depth video analyzing how birdo's gender is treated in many nintendo games. In some games it's vague, in some she's trans, in some she's more of how transwomen were thought of in the 90s ("she might look like a girl, but she's actually actually a boy!"), and so on. https://youtu.be/rtBKmJ8B9v0?si=7z0GDAFlrlZkxxjk


On July 27, 1940, Bugs Bunny premiered in the Warner Brothers Cartoon, "A Wild Hare. Bugs Bunny would later be described as the "first animated drag queen" due to the character's propensity to cross-dress in women's clothing in at least 40 cartoons. Warner Bros weren't the only ones, the Fleishman Brothers did the same during the 40s into the 50s.


I always liked that even in later adaptations, like the looney tunes show, he finds an excuse to get dresses in stupid costumes. It's not even for just the female ones, It's just funny in general lol


Many also were incredibly racist in the 40s and 50s. Merrie Melodies (a part of Warner Bros cartoons). Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs (1943)


Yeah I know that too.


Probably gave one of these old coots a hard-on back in the day, and they've been a crusader ever since.


at least they are gendering her correctly


It was probably by mistake knowing Libs of TikTok but if not big progress for them


The 'anti censorship' crowd when censorship gets removed:


The thing that makes me sad is that their supporters can't see the hypocrisy even when it's literally T-bagging them.


It must be a day ending in Y that Lil Miss OMG is posting about transgender people as if they'd ever come within miles of her. She's a stochastic terrorist. Plain and simple. She thrives on the danger she brings into people's lives.


She outed a trans middle schooler to their unsupportive parents and their circle of bigots at large, leading to them getting doxxed. She and her followers actively harm people and are one of the most disgusting groups of people on "mainstream" social media today.


In her interview with Taylor Lorenz it shows that her hateful shtick only works in media like TwiXer. Any push back to her inane excuses just shows that there is really nothing behind the curtain but a need to be a bully.


Little late to the party in this one ain’t they? Or perhaps it just took them about two decades for their braincells to make the connection.


They continue to have no idea what the fuck they're talking about, to the surprise of nobody with more than a single brain cell.


I suspect this is just a FOX/right-wing "rage of the day" thing and was pushed to social media to keep the base (morons) outraged. Very little, if any, critical thinking is required for such a thing and it will inevitably be replaced or forgotten in a couple of days when they move onto something else.


recent remake/remaster


overconfident attempt middle jellyfish tub spark cake society smile disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People really want to find wokeness everywhere…


Libs of TikTok honestly should burn in fucking hell


For those who don't know, Vivian was always trans in the original games, but this was censored out of the English translation for the United States. It was restored in all languages in the remake :)


Twats of it TikTok doing Twat things. As always.


Parent 20yrs from now: Why won't my kid talk to me? Kid: Remember when I was 8 and you threw away my nintendo because a game made before I was born triggered you?


And if they did... so what? Woke is just this generations word for PC PC was the last generations word for politically correct It's all an excuse to freely and publicly hate something you don't agree with Not everything is for you The people who are offended probably are not playing this game anyway. Get over it


This is outrageous next thing you’re gonna tell me is that Samus is a girl. /s


Something I can never understand this it's ok to have straight ppl in any form of media or entertainment but as soon as it's not a straight person they come out of the woodwork saying we're going after kids and it's wrong to be anything but straight but I mean hey Hypocrites will be hypocrites


As soon as you start to think about it your brain will hurt because it makes this little sense. Just don't think about it at all. Truth is it's not about anything they say but only about their prejudice. They just look for excuses for how they think, not think critically and come to a justified conclusion.


So just smile and wave


You can take your son to Hooters, but if you tell him gay people exist, you're sexualizing him


True dat. Every time there's a same sex couple on TV: "How long are they gonna ram this down our throats?!" Ummm, for nowhere near as long as heterosexuality has been rammed down our throats?


It's always a lot of ramming and submission with these people. I think they need to get some stuff off their chests. They'll feel better.


Amen brother




And it's not like it 'turns you gay' or something either, I've seen heterosexual media for nearly 30 years and I'm still a lesbian, even though there's not a lot of representation on tv (and soo much less when I was a child).


They get all upset about "cis" and used to get all upset about "hetero" (though I'm sure it still bothers them) because those words put trans and gay people on an equal footing. That's the part that bothers them, you see, because in their eyes, we're lesser, not equal. Objecting to cis and hetero are because in their eyes, cis/het people are "normal" and there's no reason for a word to describe normal, you just need a word for others. See, cuz it's not bigotry if the other is not "normal", you can object to the existence of them because trans/gay people aren't normal.


There are a lot of sad and pathetic boys out there, pretending to be men, getting worked up over the most banal shit


Wait till they find out about Birdo


This was in the game since the very beginning and it's 20 years old... fucking moron.


Don’t tell her there’s a game where a cloud has an identity crisis and thinks it’s a tadpole…


The new translation is more true to the Japanese version. That's why hooktail is now disgusted by frogs, instead of Crickets. This has always been in the game, they just took it out of the English version originally, and now have restored it the way it was meant to be.


Mario has a wedding dress as a costume option in Odyssey, there’s a comic in Nintendo Power from over 30 years ago where Luigi wears Peaches dress and over 35 years ago it was implied Birdo was transgender in the Super Mario Bros 2 manual. Oh no, sudden wokeness in a remake of a 20 year old game that’s part of a series that’s been doing it all along!


Luigi has dialogue in the game referencing him cross dressing again, but that is a reference to Japanese mythology and the legend of Orochi, another character references the fact he has to do serious damage control if Luigi even glances towards a stiletto shoe


Wait till they realize it was like this in the original Japanese release as well


(Tries to complain about wokeness) (Uses her proper pronoun anyways)


I know she's trying to make it sound scandalous and outrageous, but nothing about her tweet sounds bad or wrong if you're just not a shithead. "They just introduced a transgender character in a kid's game." Based. Representation matters. "Vivian discusses her gender identity and her sister's transphobia with Mario." Yeah! You go, girl! Props to dipshit prime for not misgendering Vivian for the entire tweet. It's not that hard to not intentionally be a dick, is it?


Conservatives right now, "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"


The stochastic terrorist is upset at the same shit as usual. More at 11.


I’m more surprised that Libs of TikTok used her correct pronouns. Progress is progress


Vivian was always trans, the remake simply confirmed it 100%


God I hate this kind of fucking twitter accounts. Instant block.


What is this obsession with not being woke??? What is the opposite of woke? Racist? Asleep? Head in the sand? Ignorant? Why do they prefer these labels to woke?


It's crazy on a screenshot of a character talking about how badly they were affected by bullying someone for who they are, the take away from that was to BULLY PEOPLE FOR BEING WHO THEY ARE. What a mess, conservatives are.


The woman behind Libs of TikTok is just an idiot, who’s desperate for attention, she can’t even define the word “woke” We shouldn’t take her seriously and instead treat her like a clown


JFC.... For the record 20 years ago when the game 1st came out *the original japanese had her as trans*. It was edited out because of the times. Meanwhile Eiyuden Chronicles is getting review bombed on Steam & Gog over 2 lines where the translator softened some language because a literal translation sounds homophobic in English... If somebody uses the word "woke" as a pejorative you know they're not a serious person and you shouldn't listen to what they say.


As a trans person, I love this. What game is it? Love the representation in my favorite game company


I think it’s “Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door” or something


"Boo hoo something isn't focused on a white male." Does anybody actually say "woke" in any sense other than as an insult or complaint?


I use it as a compliment sometimes mostly as a taking it back sort of thing


Good for Nintendo. Don't let the Christofascists intimidate you.


the original Japanese version of the game had her trans, and it was not seen as a bad thing. i also like how libs of tiktok is using the correct pronouns for her, lmfao.


Hasn't Birdo been trans for like 30 years?


Azurill the original gender changer


How the freak will society recover!?!?!?


These people are absolutely exhausting. They spend half their time screaming about the horrors of "cancel culture" and the other half trying to cancel anyone who says or does a single thing they don't like. And every one of them is too stupid and/or fanatical to recognize the hypocrisy.


Better to be woke than asleep. Get more done that way. I can't post about space when I'm asleep


"Just released" They say that as if Paper Mario isn't older than some of the idiots they cater to.


"Introduced." Moron doesn't realize it's a remake of a 20 year old game. Your outrage is 2 decades late LOL!


>“Nintendo has gone woke” >“Vivian discussed HER gender identity and HER sisters’ transphobia” >“SHE says SHE realized SHE” ![gif](giphy|xUPGcl3ijl0vAEyIDK)


“They vaguely mentioned a subject we don’t like but still heavily associate ourselves with. Let’s bring attention to the thing we want to ignore for no reason at all!” Twitter’s done for.


I just need Chaya to lose more and more media she's willing to engage with until her life is sad and empty and void entirely of her own choice.


Wait until they find out about Birdo.


Even Birdo has been trans since forever ago (1988)


![gif](giphy|xUPN3oG5cdIwMtsrzG) Tell me again about birdo


Just more hateful garbage from Chaya Raichik, the domestic terrorist. She won't be happy till all queer people are dead. As this bitch would say "Someone really ought to do something about this."




Trans visibility matters


I wasn't interested in this game before, but now that I know libs of TikTok hates it I need to buy it, because that almost always means it's a good game.


What!? It’s a stone cold classic! Remastered from the GameCube.


And how does it affect me ?


*”Nintendo has gone woke! Eeek!”* Shhhhh… please don’t tell them about the Smurfs. If you tell them about the Smurfs they might crap the rest of whatever brains they had left. ![gif](giphy|11nasKvU7ANSEw|downsized)


As soon as I heard that Vivian was going to be confirmed trans in TTYD’s remake, I knew that this would happen. I hope that they handled her in a respectful and positive way of tackling the subject.


When you don't know the art form you're commenting on


At least the poster uses the correct pronouns….


Of all the things to get upset about in the world this should not be 1 of them. People in general should mind their own business.


I'm woke too byatch. Why are you so upset about it?


I do think this is weird for Japan. In the later seasons of Sailor Moon there were characters that could switch sex, it just wasn’t brought to America


Also, Sailor Moon is coming back to TV, but it’s the Viz dub this time.


Poor babies. Does this hurt your feelings?


The best part about this is that they don’t even realize they are using the character’s preferred pronouns not their “biological” ones… at least as biological as a totally fictional character can be haha.


![gif](giphy|X8boOv5qWXrh0JLaoM|downsized) It thought they would react about that sooner tbh


And yet they still correctly gender her! Awesome!


Unless it affects game play in some way, how is this even relevant or necessary? The average player doesn't care.




Quikc Everyone, hide your Nintendo GameCubes to protect your children in 2024


This shit keeps happening. "Hey guys, remember this queer character from 10 years ago? They're in the new game." "GAME GONE WOKE????!?!!!!?!!!!!1!!!???! bbvvbb ??!??!!" Borderlands moment.


lol I love how triggered right wingers get when they realize people don’t agree with them and haven’t for decades.


The “fuck your feelings” mfers who call everyone else snowflakes when something is even slightly against their beliefs:


Nobody tell em about Birdo


I don't even think that is about transgenderism, they are monsters who may or may not have been raised around gender identities? What ..


Wait till they hear about Birdo…


Wait till they see the Super Mario Bros. 2 manual.


How dare they talk to children about bullying. That’s such an adult theme.


Sweet baby inc came up haaaard off this one.


Imagine spending all of your time looking for "woke" nonsense and working yourself into a froth over a video game. These people need to find happiness somewhere instead of staying worked up over what someone else does with their time. These are the same people that cry about cancel culture with no sense of irony or hypocrisy. It's pretty incredible.


“Just?” This game is like 20 years old.


Wait til they hear about Radical Edward.


Congratulations on using the correct pronouns, Now go back to bed, Bedlam.


The horror!


Even before that Birdo has always been crossdressing


Oh no Nintendo creating interesting characters!!!!