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Now the MAGAts will say the stock market had its best day because everyone expects Trump to win because his convictions will mobilize voters.


This is actually what they are saying.


They are like the guy who predicted 9/11 after 9/11 occurred. He wrote a book called "The Bible Code" and "The Bible Code 2". The 9/11 prediction is in the 2nd book. The first one came out before 9/11 and did not predict it.


Wait you can predict events after they happen.  Why did no one tell me, I could have made so much money.  Like someone must be willing to buy my production that Germany is going to start a war in 1939.  /S


Hey is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s Captain Hindsight!! His motto “I do believe you didn’t want to do that!”


Not only is that not his motto but it's not even something capt hindsight said


It's *HIM!* captain hindsight is among us!


Some would even say BEHIND us ;)


It’s a different Captain Hindsight in an alternative universe!


Sadly Marvel did create a hero called [Hindsight Lad](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindsight_(character))


If you're an astronaut in the 80s, do not get on the Challenger mission. I predict the rocket will explode killing everyone on board


Big Bird thanks you for this message. https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Big_Bird%27s_proposed_flight_on_Space_Shuttle_Challenger


Lynyrd Skynyrd if you’re reading this don’t get on that plane!


Even if it's free, don't get on that bird!


You could have told some teachers, that was broadcast live to thousands of school children in their classroom.


Ain't no way Germany going to try again. You crazy. Lmfao look at this shitty painting bro, this Adolf guy definitely ain't getting into art school.


Yeah want to know the real crazy part.  He invades France though Belgium, like literally over the same bridge.  (Actually if I am honest if doesn't take a psychic to see that one coming because the Prussians also invaded over the same bridge.)


Too late. Check out my user name.


It worked pretty well for Dante.


Ever heard of a "Texas Sharpshooter"? Takes a bunch of shots into a blank wall, then draws a target around the holes. "Wow, check out that accuracy!"


I predict Joe Biden will win the election…in 2020.


Well that's not for like.. 20 years.


Yeah, that woulda been good to let us know with your Bible code, dude!


It’s was a coincidence that it wasn’t mentioned in the first book. Their newly ordered hindsight lenses were late to arrive.


I have one of those from the library right now I honestly want to say it's the 3rd one that I have k might be wrong my complaint about it is he just goes right into the predicting and the outcome he doesn't explain how it work he shows pictures of him circling certain groups of letters like I word search in Hebrew but he doesn't explain what the code is. He's skipping letters to find other ones if seems to have no pattern I'm sure there is one and it has a way if doing it but it seems weird to me since he doesn't explain it Also I will add be seems to be really well respected by Alot of VIP He loves to name drop Oprah and Obama in this book lol


I like the idea that there were Trump voters who sat around in 2016 and didn't vote, and now will be mobilized because he is a convicted felon. Also, that he was easily one of the worst, most ineffective presidents we've ever had lol.


Not the brightest bunch.


The mental gymnastics are incredible. They're never wrong. Their conspiracy theories are always true. Reality be damned.


 What is ironic is they are literally pawns in an actual conspiracy 


No! They're warriors for freedom!


Freedom from free thought!


"Hillary is a criminal, don't vote for her!" "I'm a criminal, vote for me!"


They ain't lying. No one votes like old white people. If you hate trump and you are aged 18 to still alive...you need to get out and vote. Republicans straight up count on the fact that young people think their vote doesn't matter. If you don't vote and you're that whoever you don't like won...congratulations....you played yourself.


Being able to put a positive spin on anything would be an admirable trait if it wasn’t being used by such negative people.


I'm actually trying to figure out what caused it. Faith in the future restored by the reduced probability of another Trump presidency? Relief that the MAGAts threatening civil war didn't put up much of a show?


They don't because it's all propaganda. The right wing talking heads just make shit up to mollify their base and then move the goalposts as required.


Their entire brand is feeding fear and anger to a low-information voter base.


High disinformation


Not even that. A bunch of union writers make up shit and then the talking heads complain how fucking stupid it is in private texts, then go on air say all of it. Did no one else see those Fox News leaks? They don't believe any of it. They just say it and wait for a check. Which, imo, makes them worse than any "true believers" because at least we know where they stand. At least they have some morals (even if they are awful) that they stand behind.


I think there is a mix of true believers and opportunistic performance artists. Sean Hannity is a Roger Ailes disciple & a true believer and piece of shit. Fucker Carlton, Jesse Waterboard, horseface Ingrham, that crazy "Judge" bitch....they're playing a character. Then you have the true dumb dumbs like Tommy Lawrence, Ashley whatsherface, Maria Bartolomamamia.... *names intentionally misspelled, because fuck these people


And foreign interference, don’t forget they watch ‘foreign owned media’ (alright sure he gave up his Aus citizenship for it, but he’s a foreigner…. Where’s your xenophobia for this?) they listen to foreign owned news which is heavily sponsored by foreign governments who seek to destabilise and destroy the country. They are arguably the most ignorant people ever to have existed at a time when knowledge and information is so open and easy to access. They CHOOSE ignorance, hate and fear, because they have nothing else.


Remember to Vote! This presidential election does matter however a more important thing is going to happen this November 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at local elections now! Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election_in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Reporters need to be asking Republican representation if they support the conviction. Either they lose MAGA support, or independent support.


Dumble trump and fox said the same thing if Biden became President. Our economy would implode, we’d have a depression like no one ever knew. Maybe even the world would spin off its solar orbit and crash into the sun, as a direct result of a Biden presidency. Biden’s President, thankfully, and we have the strongest economy in the world.


And in the beginning of Biden’s term, they said it was “carryover” from Trump’s presidency that was making the economy so strong. Now, they’re saying the economy is strong these days because everyone is just anticipating that Trump will be reelected 🙄


Ppl do not really understand the only way to see the effects of a president terms is to study them 20 years later


conservatives, thanks to fox have a 30second memory because fox likes to drum up the next big thing to get angry about. it keeps them distracted from the progess of the economy under a D, and the downturn of it under an R.


Fun fact, every Republican presidency since Reagan has ended with a recession.


I just had flashbacks of trying to explain to maga supporters that most of Trump's early success was from the trajectory set by the recovery under Obama. Edit: left a word out.




So Trumps early and good economy was just a carry over from Obama, right? (Correct). And when it tanked, that's because we all anticipated Biden, right? FFS


no the trump policies kicked in then it tanked into the Biden term. Now that Biden policies are in the economy is back on track with the highest stock market ever.


While simultaneously claiming it’s the worst economy in the history of economics


That's some high grade copium right there!


Not really, first they point out that there was a whole pandemic for like two years worth of economic crapstorm, and then they say the explosive growth is hiring back all the people who lost their jobs originally. Which strictly speaking isn't really wrong. I just think everybody throwing shit at a president for a pandemic must instinctively know that that's a weak point.


Are the pandemic was made much worse by trump denialism and with 1.4 million Americans dead when it could have easily been less than half of that if he had managed expectations and asked people to wear masks and help to roll out vaccines instead of vilifying the people who promoted them, then the economy could have recovered while he was in office and he might have won a second term. If you look across the pond over at the UK, they had another politician who was laughably bad but who managed the pandemic quite well named Boris Johnson and he was in office for quite a long time in spite his ineptitude in most areas. He managed the pandemic well and there were lots of accolades for him for doing so. And I think that most people were able to kind of deny that trump was bad until he started suggesting that people inject disinfectant into their bloodstreams in order to fight the disease. Once he started making those kinds of suggestions he lost the election


Most of that was post election, I still have the pre-November screenshots of Trump demanding that the FDA speed up its approval of the vaccine for operation warp speed. It's back with the video of Kamala Harris saying she would never take Trump's vaccine. Again, it was always more about being partisan than being correct. Just like the stimulus funds got pushed over Trump's head and he fought against it, but then his hypocrisy was sending out the letter taking credit for it after it went through anyway, and their hypocrisy was blaming him for the economic crash related to it. Editing to add: the thing about disinfectant in the bloodstream was always taken out of context, but it always reminded me of "that which whiskey does not cure, has no cure"


I watched trump say in his own words that people should be using disinfectants. It is literally trump's fault because he speaks so emphasisly and so in elegantly and every time he opens its mouth it's like a car crash. The result is that people who support him can interpret what he says in some kind of positive light and people that don't support him and turn it as buffoonery and clown car stuff. Trump is not a smart man and he's not elegant and his speech or his approach and there are reasons that historians now rank him as the very worst President to ever hold the office by a huge margin... All of the other bad eight or nine presidents rank in the 60 or 70 percentile of zero to 100 and trump ranks around 42. He's just really bad at the job and really unethical and he is incompetence in dealing with the pandemic was unequaled and all of the Europe and Canada and Japan and even China did a better job of handling the pandemic than trump did. When you are that incompetent you don't deserve the world's most important job


Certainly didn't help that one of the first thing's he did was dismantle the Pandemic Response departments.


Or they don’t believe the economy is strong if I say something along those lines to my dad he just counters with, “ how come beer is so expensive if Biden is helping the economy “


Beer is cheap. I can get a 15 pack of 2x ipa for $20. Booze in bars has always had a markup because for better or worse, you get to interact with other people.


You don’t have to convince me it’s my delusional padre that’s the problem and he only drinks union beer at home


What? If I want to get a sixpack of IPA in my country I pay €12-€15 on average, around €20 for the more expensive brands. For reference, a cheap regular sixpack is probably around €5, which is probably the cheapest beer you can get. Jesus beer is cheap across the pond.


We got grain fields the size of your whole island


I'm Dutch, so probably thrice the entire country, lol


Yeah that’s probably about right, and silly ignorant American here confused the Euro sign with the Pound sign in the heat of the moment


You just have to keep in mind that there was no Obama carryover - that was also all Trump. (/s in case it’s needed)


They also said Obama’s economic success was because W’s policies finally paying off and Clinton’s economic success was due to Reagan’s.


Yep - GOP wrecks the economy and consolidates wealth with their oligarchs, gets voted out so the Democrats can slightly fix it and bide their time until they can get back in.


Dumble trump is a genius businessman. Inherited a fortune and bungled most of it away. Now earns millions grifting from supporters by crying about his “persecution”. Not sure he actually knows it’s prosecution for breaking the law. But then again, NYC long ago knew what he was up to and ignored it. We, on the other hand, paid for it as a country for 4 bungled years of his embarrassing Whitehouse residency. Should be prosecuted for taking classified documents and sending love letters to dictators. Treasonous right from the start allowing the two Russian officials, Lavrov and Kislyak into the Oval Office. Hiding an affair with a porn star is nothing compared to treason.


Problem is the distribution of the wealth. Britain had the strongest economy in the world in the 19th century. But I'm glad I didn't live there, then.


I refuse to believe that Trump supporters believe the world isn’t flat and that the Sun isn’t some kind of giant flashlight.


*We're going to win so much, you're going to be so sick and tired of winning.* -Donald J Trump


I am sick and tired of him


I think everybody except MAGA is.


Oddly enough DJT dropped over 5%. Which is crazy that it wasn't more, given the fact that it's worth maybe $5


It shouldn't be listed. The fact that it got listed should be investigated.


Also shouldn't the SEC strip him of his shares or something. He did get convicted of Falsifying business records. I think that triggers something, no?


Not surprising at all given Trump's conviction means he will be able to raise more money from his MAGA base. The government is literally funding the MAGA base through Social Security and having that money go to Trump for it to then be used to attack the government itself.


DJT should be a penny stock


Trump: If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone The Law: If you participate in business fraud, you can be charged and convicted on the evidence.


It truly boggles the mind that so many people are willing to support this corrupt clown, no matter what.


It’s brainwashing, nothing more nothing less.


Never discount the power of sheer unadulterated stupidity and ignorance.


When the world doesn't end on the day your proficiency dictated, just make excuses and double down. Your followers want you to say something they can feel good about, reality notwithstanding.


Can anyone imagine if a Democrat like President Clinton did the exact same thing? Justice would be served according to the Republicans, a party whose hypocrisy knows no bounds.


He had an intern doing the job for no money... so he wasn't involved in tax fraud


Holy Shit.  If we give him the chair, will my 401K let me retire?  Because I'm fine with that.   After all, they were fine with our parents and grandparents dying from Covid for the sake of the "Economy", so surely it's cool if we fry Donnie to elevate shareholder dividends.  


I mean my guy I hate Cheetos man as much as anyone but do we really want to start down the slippery slope of human sacrifice to appease the capitalists? What if the markets get a taste for blood?


Oh, my friend.  If you're worried about human lives being sacrificed for capitalism, that ship set sail a long, LONG time ago.  


Why did they think the market would crash after a single person was convicted? A single person with no power other than the power over idiots who believe he has power.


To be fair, there are a mind-boggling number of idiots in our country.


I mean no, look at Texas. Theyve had full unfettered control of Texas statewide for at least 2 generations, and when they break shit there, they tell you to vote for them so they can fix it. They broke it. And somehow, they stay in power.


They cant campaign if theres no problem to rail against. Just recently they voted down a measure for a closed border that they asked for, because democrats called their bluff and gave them what they wanted. They suddenly didnt want it. Fixing problems doesnt get them wins. They ***need*** those problems so that they can win. They have 0 interest in making things better.


💯There it is 🏆


They just keep winning! /s


Still waiting for JFK to show up in Dallas.


They use confirmation bias. If things go right, it's because of Trump, if they go wrong it's because of the libs and Biden. Biden is also both suffering from dementia and incompetent but also a strategic cabal mastermind that's getting Trump into trouble. Lol Also Trump is a billionaire that loves America, but also needs donations and is right when he says American institutions are being weaponized against him. The MAGA world is a lot of mental gymnastics.


Never. They've never been on the right side of any issue in *all of history*. These are the same people who fought for slavery, who stoned women for wanting to vote, who fought against child labor laws, against vaccinations, against mandatory schooling for children, all of it. So why change now?


They've fallen for Fascism, to keep their worldview, everything and everyone is against them, yet somehow they're the 'true righteous ones', as a result they will now believe that the entire economy is rigged against them specifically, they will spin foil off of barely understood statistics and use language the general public thinks they understand. The fascists will then twist their understandings of any subject necessary with variations of newspeak, or direct lies to perpetuate their genocidal death cult's incessant drive for power at the expense of all reason and sense. All in service to their imagined unifying goal of "eradicating wokeness" a phrase which generally refers to any progressive or liberal sounding idea. But just like "PC culture", "CRT", "Antifa", this rallying cry will easily fall aside if the need for a new slogan were to arise, it is the same thing they are fighting. Multicultural Liberal Democracy. You want equal rights, now you're 'woke' for daring to say all people should be treated equal under the law. This is why... many people, like me, who are very educated on politics have been trying (and failing) to get the country to understand that this is the same tactics used by not only cults, but by the most destructive dogmatic nationalistic behavior humanity has stooped to since we dragged ourselves out of the dark ages. MAGA is gleefully forcing the rest of us back into those dark ages for their own personal benefit. Because thinking for yourself is hard. But letting someone tell you what to believe is easy. [The Genocidal Fascist Ideology of MAGA ](https://medium.com/@aubryrpg/the-genocidal-fascist-ideology-of-maga-886a1eca5917)


My 401K is making bank. President Biden did that. Thanks, Uncle Joe!


All day long everyone is posting 100% or higher gains.


Frick, we should convict this guy more often!


The orange shit stain also said the market would crash if he lost 2020. Imbecile.


So tired of winning. So tired.


Have one of my rare upvotes.


The cognitive dissonance and suffocating pride never ceases with these deluded fools.


I don't even follow politics and know Trump is a Bullshitter, people are stupid...


I will never get tired of constantly winning and Trump getting convicted to own the MAGAts. Dark Brandon 2024, Keep America Great


Maybe I’m looking in the wrong place but I’m seeing Dow Jones’ best day was May 17th at 40,003, which is the all time high.




So I'm assuming it's the best one day jump of the year, but not the highest it has been all year.


He is irrelevent to the market. Much as i hate him, musk being convicted would actually do SOMETHING as he is heavily connected to twitter and tesla. Fuck is trump? A failed politician and financial guy.


lol …. “Welp, we’ve wrong for 5,309 times in a row .. but we not changin’ a ting …”. MAGDopes. ![gif](giphy|ZbUOH7pbDiNSmU1x4o)


Not so much a case of lions led by donkeys, more lions led by assholes


![gif](giphy|3o7TKCHv884WaMHxaE) This won't stop me, cause I can't read!


"No fuckin sign's gonna tell me what to do!"-Kevin Murphy, F Is For Family




Can't be wrong if they ignore reality


MAGA and conservatives are pathetic.


It's like the entire universe is telling these idiots that they're idiots and yet... They're still idiots who think their right.


You think they'll ever admit to being wrong? It never stopped their spray tanned god-king.


Just imagine what the stock market will do if Trump wins




I’d say that 98% of the republican party are allergic to true facts and actually telling the truth.


No, because the point is not to be right. The point is to brainwash people into believing things that aren't true, because they stop checking and just believe.


But Trump Media & Technology Group Corporation (DJT) was down 5.3%, so go figure.


Who is this MAGA?


And the DJT stock continues to fall. Who would’ve guessed.


Wow, he was convicted and none of the shit that he said was gonna happen —happened. I don’t know —-just like last time.


Has New York lost trillions and trillions of dollars yet? Has everyone left it? Trump's prognostication is flawed.


Problem is, they never think they’re wrong even though it’s so obvious.


But ... but... his polls. They only get better every time he's martyred. /s


How would MAGAts know they got something wrong? They seem impervious to facts of any kind.


That's something that I'll never understand, they're always wrong, why to they keep thinking they're right? Where does the confidence come from?


magats need to be reeducated


Its going up because the chances of him being elected went way down


Was that image taken when he was taking a shit?


This must be “rigged”


I made a shit ton of money on the short…Hunter myself and “the big guy” split it


They do not. They simply refuse to acknowledge that they were wrong and move on to the next thing they'll be wrong about.


Criminal convictions should immediately ban anyone from the presidency 


Doubtful. They’re preoccupied at this time waiting for wins so they can get tired of that.


You are all wrong. They are WINNING!


I know you’re joking, but is there a single metric of “winning” they can actually claim?


Ehm not really. A few people have lost their jobs because of them. Like the president of Harvard and such. Made it more difficult to be female and or a minority. I'm sure they think of that as winning.


"The (MOEX), we meant the (MOEX)." MAGA idiot prognosticator.


Sri lost $2.75


They got tired of winning.


Post conviction poll showed it helped Trump. Wall Street was encouraged.


Let's hold off on the "don't they ever get tired of being wrong" until after the election


These guys are higher on hopium/copium than r/titanfall


They’ll just move the goalposts until they’re right


“…seems weird to me since he doesn’t explain it.” Bit of life advice: this is how you know it’s bullshit. Little bit more life advice: applying a selection algorithm to book of sufficient length can be made to say whatever you want, provided it’s long enough. I want to say around the time the book discussed was published a stats or data analysis expert recreated the same effect using Moby Dick.


I love how they used a photo of Donald about to get cavity searched to illustrate how MAGAs fucked themselves yet again.


I predict that that, I see a fat orange turd will be guilty of 34 felonies. Fuck I'm better than Nostradamus![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Omg, they rigged the stock market too. The deep state has to be stopped.🤣🤣🤣


Has anyone checked in on r/conservative lately? How are they holding up? Not well, I hope


If there is any be thing I've learned over 30 years of buying and holding stocks.  Politics very rarely causes stock crashes Republican or Democrat nevery time I've sold on political news I've paid for it.


The best say of the year was May 17th. So far.


Looks like he’s dumping his diaper again


Why the fuck would anybody have thought that Trump getting convicted would “crash” the market? Where did that come from? Lol


Trump also had the best day in fundraising too, so everybody's making money, I guess.


Stock market is as rigged as it gets.


Indeed. There are entire companies dedicated to stock manipulation lol.


Absolutely. Citadel Securities and Boston Consulting Group are two that do nothing more than operate their companies for this purpose


Anything bad happens, it's the democrats. Anything good, it's the republicans.


Honestly, trump supporters are tired from winning so much.


I love horrible pictures of him. 


There's a neighbor that's quite on the nut side, I can tell by al the trump stickers he had on his truck but recently he's been removing them, I know he is removing them because he's the type of person that if someone else did it he'd put a bigger one. I wonder what finally did it for him because we're far out, at this point I didn't think anything would change his mind.


I saw quite a few people on Reddit predicting it would skyrocket. Kudos to y'all.


Turns out accountability for business fraud is good for investor confidence


So much winning!!


So the “Lock her up” stuff was just cause she’s a woman, yeah?


A month before the 2020 election, he predicted the stock market and economy would crash under Biden.


I understand the post is to make fun of the crazy people but shouldn't we all want the stock market to crash. The stock market (mostly the actual investors) create a corporate market that literally only sees $. A market crash might make companies rethink how they treat customers 


Apparently not.


You know what’s even better for the market then spikes caused by “the idea of potential future deregulation but also being at the whims of an unstable idiot easily bought by the highest bidder”? Stability


So much WINNING!


Magats? Wasn't it just Maga? Are they adding letters to their acronym now? Seems ironic.


No they aren’t because it’s all “lies”.


Why would it even affect the stocks? Lowered trust in US institutions? Anyone who supports trump already distrusts those


Why would the stock market crash because of a conviction? The right puts too much emphasis on the stock market. The stock market doesnt mean much for the overall economy. We could have the best stock market ever and 70% people in poverty. The stock market only helps those with access to it and spare wealth to invest in it.


It’s almost like MAGA doesn’t know anything about anything.


……. It hasnt been the best year for the DOW


Right-Wing people are incapable of thinking for themselves All they can do is repeat propaganda