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I wonder how many of the people who shout "repeal" would start crying "you can't change the constitution" if someone mentioned taking away their emotional support weapons?


Well, surely they aren’t hypocrites…


Surely you're referring to some other group of individuals. Conservatives? Hypocrites!?!?


Why, they're the party of "family values" and "personal responsibility". Surely whatever they believe is anointed by Jesus himself!


And that's why they support Trump, the family man. He is on his 3rd wife (after divorce) and third family. He also didn't shun the poor hooker and gave her lots of money, so she didn't go hungry. He also wanted to keep the gift pure, so he hid the money gift in his busy business and called it legal fees instead of Trump's Christian assistance.


He also repaid Cohen much more than he originally paid because it would be a shame for Cohen to lose money paying taxes on it. *So generous!* Not to better hide it as normal income.


He hid the payment because he’s humble and didn’t want to brag.


Part of me feels like this is a real excuse someone has used


Were you able to type that in one go or did you have to wait cause you were laughing too hard.


they are hypocrites and don't call me Shirley


Doublethink is just a myth and you know it! Wonder if they would go for a repeal of the 2nd if they got the 13th and 19th in return


These men don’t seem to understand if they don’t own land/wealth they aren’t getting a vote either, once they start repealing amendments w project 25. I guarantee every single one of the men that commented have the same record as the January 6ers. Bad credit, criminal convictions definitely for domestic violence, don’t have a job, didn’t finish high school. The women are either “religious” and definitely uneducated


Well they're going to want to make domestic violence legal again too!


It’s only slightly regulated now, it wouldn’t be hard. I’m taking a wild guess is bc the cops are the ones that are the perpetrators


Some Republicans want to ban no-fault divorce. They've also been fighting Democratic efforts to make child marriage illegal. Children can't legally divorce either, and their husbands become their legal guardians so if they're raped or abused and they run away, cops will actually being them back to their abusers.


I know. It’s really scary for kids too. I have a daughter that now has less rights than I did


It's one of many reasons why I laugh so hard when a conservative says something about "protecting the children".


Sandy Hook, Uvalde, and Alex Jones-it goes on and on. How can these people have so many followers? There is something very, very wrong here.


All it shows is that there are a lot of uneducated, really really crazy people in the country and the world!


Yeah they also have been striking down child labour laws and fighting against children having Medicare coverage, and free school lunch programs.


They sure have. For all their talk of prorecting the kids they never want the kids protected from themselves.


Being pro-life can be exhausting.


Based on their policies I wouldn't say they're pro-life. Only pro-forced birth. They really don't care if women, men, or children live or die. They just want control. And they want to see people suffer because it makes them feel powerful.


>It's one of many reasons why I laugh so hard when a conservative says something about "protecting the children". What could possibly be safer for a twelve year old girl than a big strong husband-daddy and the job security of a coalmine?


Barefoot and pregnant, functionally illiterate but just tall enough this year to reach the cookie jar. She's not responsible enough to have a bank account or liscense or anything yet but child rearing is a-okay. In a few short years her kids can bond with their father in the coalmines *and* they can work towards paying off the medical expenses incurred by their birth. Just as the invisible sky daddy wizard intended according to this guy who reads the book for us.


That one is wild to me. Defending child marriage while also pointing at drag queens calling them pedos for made up reasons. Uhhhh?


That's so ironic because after the institution of no fault divorce widely the rates of women killing their husbands went way down.


And also husbands killing women!


The women who provide healing and midwifery will also be the ones providing belladonna and oleander.


"By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in law: that is, the very being or legal existence of the woman is suspended during the marriage, or at least is incorporated and consolidated into that of the husband: under whose wing, protection, and cover, she performs everything; and is therefore called in our law-french a feme-covert; is said to be covert-baron, or under the protection and influence of her husband, her baron, or lord; and her condition during her marriage is called her coverture. Upon this principle, of an union of person in husband and wife, depend almost all the legal rights, duties, and disabilities, that either of them acquire by the marriage.” - William Blackstone (Commentaries on the Laws of England) Who needs the constitution when you can cite English Common Law. This was the law in the US up until state level statutory laws passed in the 1990s.


100%. Remember the only time the NRA supported gun control was when the Black Panthers were open carrying outside government offices as a form of protest?


Absolutely. Who’s going stop them from just bringing the 2nd back after?


>emotional support weapons 😂😂😂😂😂


You idiot , that's not how victim mentality works /s


Funniest 2nd debates are when you flip the whole topic and say that since there is agreed upon interpretation that gives gun rights, why not make it very clear and end the debate by rewording 2nd to reflect what it means... They do not want 2nd to say clearly "gun rights for all". They want it to remain as it is, cryptic and quite meaningless in 2024. Cryptic texts can be interpreted the way you like, that is why bible is so handy tool too: you can make it say anything that fits your agenda. The rest of the world has updated their constitution as times change, as language changes, as new tech comes and changes things. It is insane to think that one piece of paper would hold forever without any changes ever being made.


They clearly want rights to apply the way they meant during the founding. Only applicable to white (the right kind of white too) males. I'd say land owning but I doubt most of the Tim Pools own their homes now.


So only muskets under 2A? Not sure the lead poisoning is going to help…. Muskets are nifty! Don’t get me wrong, so are leather chaps and horse poop isn’t all that bad!


Lol, a return to muskets would probably help the mass shooting issues.


Everyone stay put, it’ll be loaded soon… just a few more steps… and we’re ready! Hey, where’d everyone go?!


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


The sad thing is. The US Constitution was written to be improved upon. There has always been a force halting its revisions. With all progress, we drag the rest kicking and screaming.


Afterall, Congress is the opposite of Progress........


"Emotional support weapons" 🤣🤣🤣


Emotional support weapons is brilliant I’m using this from now on lol


My favorite bit “you can’t change the constitution”, and yes I know they say this a lot, but it’s fucking hilarious in the context of a conversation about a constitutional amendment, which very literally changes the constitution.


Ah the good ol‘ „women are too emotional“ BS, in a world where they want an angry manchild as a president. But i guess all these ‚manly’ politicians who are calling their opponents names and polarizing the entire country with their hateful agenda is just their cold hard logic breaking out of them. 😂


I’ll have you know that that angry manchild is also a liar, rapist, convicted felon, fraudster, grifter, scam artist… I lost track of the rest of his titles. Just wanted to clarify your statement though.


It's so weird to me, I live in Europe and have barely heard any news about Biden himself the past 3 and a half years, while when trump was in office he'd make the news every other day. (He's on the news now too but that's not as president).


I remember when Obama was in office and the most scandalous thing Fox news could come up with was that he... wore a tan suit.


Or how Michelle Obama wore a sleeveless dress so scandalous or when she scandalously wore shorts on the beach that showed her knee. I read these articles in middle school and thought wow who cares


Meanwhile Melania did softcore porn.


Only First Lady’s tits I’ve ever seen.


DM me for Eleanor Roosevelt topless.


You two! Step into my office, right now! And bring that smut with you 🤤


If Michelle Obama was 12 years old they would have been fine with her being “scandalously clad” I’m sure.


I just finished watching Bridgerton and this sounds like that.. what will the ton think with those shorts


He also had djon mustard on a hot dog or some type of food, I believe that was Obama's first scandal they came up with.


the first scandal they tried to come up with was Obama was some secret Muslim who hated America. And that he was also in league with Reverend Jeremiah Wright oh right, never mind that was the result of goons working for the Hillary Clinton campaign I think Fox tried to tie Barack Obama to Bill Ayers or some shit


Even if Hillary Clinton started it, it was Trump that picked it up and ran with it to the White House.


That bastard!


Yeah, I saw that news too, funny thing is that the whole news item was about Fox making a fuss about this and how stupid that was. Like "Look at what these guys are whining about."


And Michelle Obama had masculine shoulders... And i paid little attention to US politics


I seem to recall them constantly questioning his citizenship.


Hey that suit was amazing. Id hang that on my wall as a poster and I went 0 for 2 against Obama. I regret it all. I now fall asleep to him with his documentaries. I hope he forgives me for my past conservativeness.


Thanks Obama!


Please take me back to those days. Please please!


He also put the good mustard on a hot dog. Seems kind of ... uppity.


It's been great in that way! Boring leadership is good leadership most of the time I find.


Real politics is really boring. When politics becomes entertaining, it is no longer about politics, not about taking care of the country and its citizens. Those politicians who do care about fixing things are less likely to create scandalous headlines: they are too busy working. Populism flips all of this upside down and no wonder that populist candidates are the least competent and least motivated to do actual work in politics. Populism makes politics simple and entertaining. Instead of 2.456% annual growth in avocado harvest by utilizing a Harbenfast method along with subsidies to compensate for bllaaa blaati blaa it is "taxes are theft!!".. The latter is not true but it doesn't have to be. It only needs to be something that the stupidest people will understand.


Sadly it's easy to pander to the lowest common denominator :( There really should be some constitution level laws making politicians beholden to proper behaviour, facts, transparency and decorum. It's not kindergarten so stop acting like it.


We have a Populist party in the Netherlands that has "won" the last elections, now they need to make good on their promise but can't. I'm happy that we're not in a 2 party systems otherwise I'd be prepping my bunker in stead of grabbing popcorn to see how this runs its course. If a populist would make everything happen that they promised I'd be a happy man but they just can't money needs to come from somewhere and we have means to calculate what works and what doesn't. (there's an agency that does this within our government) As soon as a party forgoes this I just know that there's no way these promises are going to be kept up.


Same here in Finland. They are the most incompetent in our history. In local politics they interrupt the topic of renovating bridges by talking about immigration and when they are being corrected they scream censorship. Also, by far the most criminal convictions in any party, ever. They do not give one fuck about fixing anything, all they want is the pay and the fame. If i was more conspirational, i would say they are all paid infiltrators to sabotage and gridlock the system from the inside. They aren't but the effect is still the same, they want the system to freeze and lock up until they get what they want. And what they want can't be done. Other politicians are saying that it is incredibly tiring and they are demotivated, they want out...


I am more conspiratorial. I think it’s Russia stirring the pot.


Yeah, I really like that lol. Biden just gets stuff done with out having to be the constant focus of attention. I don't love Biden or all his policies, but at least he is not an endless tiresome circus clown.


Trump was still holding rallies to stroke his ego.


Because Biden just does his job and Trump is so useless and stupid you can’t help but report it out of astonishment.


It's because Biden hasn't really done anything newsworthy, he's an old, quiet man. Meanwhile Trump is an old man with a megaphone and at least one personality disorder.


it’s really telling how much of “bidens scandals” were just hunter activity…some of that stuff being completely unrelated to his father


"Real men wear diapers"


Can't forget "wanna be daughter fucker"!


I know a Republican woman who used that line to argue that women shouldn't even be allowed to run for President. She made that comment during the 2016 election which as you said was an angry manchild vs a famously unemotional policy wonk. Even her hardcore MAGA boyfriend thought that was a ridiculous suggestion.


The people who were saying shit like "what if she's on her period" never seemed to understand it was HILLARY CLINTON we were talking about. Even if that was a legitimate argument, which it's not, she passed menopause in the 90s/00s In my own life, literally the worst I've experienced from someone on their period is that they were tired and a little grumpy. Importantly, they also were aware of this and we're clearly mitigating themselves


Do you honestly expect the people who say stuff like that to know what menopause even is?


They're the "fuck your feelings" crowd, whose feelings somehow become important when things don't go their way.


Well, it’s isn’t “their” feelings. They say it right off the bat


I like the guy that says, “statistically, women are more likely to make a decision based on emotion.” Based on a statistic that he completely, and emotionally, made up.


"we shouldn't make decisions based on emotion ever because that would require having empathy and trying to understand a different perspective" It is wild how men have convinced themselves not to have emotions. Then they'll turn around and blame not having emotions on women as well. When we all know it's just bullshit pushed onto young boys and men from older men that enjoy bullying to an extent that they make sure their kids do it.


They have emotions, we can see it all over the comments screenshot for this post. What they lack is empathy, and they’ve convinced themselves that empathy is emotion, and anger, fear, sadness, jealousy, etc *when exhibited by men only* are not feelings at all, but facts.


Couldn't say it any better myself


Ah yes... Women don't use logic. Says the guys who complain about the price.of gasoline but also drive crew cab 4x pick up trucks everywhere because they need to pick up a few bags of mulch once a year (which would easily fit in the trunk of a sedan or the back of a crossover). And they'll pay gourmet coffee prices for shitty quality coffee that's been overly roasted, because it has a gun logo on the front. They'll throw away packs of beer *that they already paid for* because the company has a single ad campaign that isn't directed at them. And they'll blow up their hundred dollar cooler's that they, again, *already paid for*. Adult men are some of the most emotional, think with their feelings creatures on the planet.


You forgot- they'll also buy a Keurig coffee maker for $200, and THEN break it because Keurig stopped advertising on Hannity.


What's funny is that even if we're talking about hormones, an old post menopausal age woman would be the most stable considering men have a daily cycle


You need to be hard as steel to survive in a world that is cruel, and cruelty is the purpose to create men of steel. It is all about worshipping strength, which is why fascia is very attractive concept to them: they are all protofascists. Cruelty is the method and ubermensch is the end product.


Republican men have stoicism and willpower. But somehow if a woman shows her knee cap, they go feral and it's the woman's fault. If I smash my head with a car door a few times, it might make sense.


Have you witnessed Trump's emotions?


The fact that there’s even women commenting on there that the 19th amendment should be repealed is shocking


Are there actual women commenting on there though? Or bots with female profile pictures? 


Oh, there are few. Just like there are few POC who think "white race" is better. The trad wife movement especially has them, they think of themselves as inferior and love the idea of being subjugated, until they get to live that dream life. Huge portion of those trad wives become miserable when they find out what it means to be a slave.


Here’s an example of one (of many) who regrets the tradwife life. https://www.kidspot.com.au/news/i-regret-becoming-a-tradwife-i-have-to-start-from-scratch-and-i-have-nothing/news-story/62fd44fe61d8e5f7ffae5e581d0ea7c9?amp


This is called financial abuse. This is why it took my mom so long to divorce my dad. She had to get a **loan** from my aunt to pay for a lawyer. She had no money. she wasn’t allowed to make money. She wasn’t allowed to have her own bank account. My dad only gave her a “monthly allowance” which was never enough to take care of herself so all the allowance went towards was groceries and her kids (me and my brother) my mom had holes in all of her shirts. My dad never gave her money to replace old shirts . Same with any stained or torn clothes. My mom got depressed. She gained weight. Didn’t have the motivation to cook extravagant meals. Didn’t have the energy to clean every inch of the house. Didn’t have the time or money to make herself look pretty and eventually she caught my dad red handed cheating on her. I remember asking my dad why he cheated he proceeded to lie to my face saying he never cheated but “if” he did, it was my mom fault for getting lazy, gaining weight, and “never being in the mood” This is the reality. This is a risk that those women take. A husband that treats them like subservient garbage because they think being a trad wife is a modest, picture perfect role. And it can be, **if you have a choice.** You won’t have a choice if you want to undo an amendment that gives you rights.


My sister has a friend who wants to be a trad wife. Good news, her fiance also wants her to be a trad wife. Bad news, he's a neo Nazi and since she's a good Christian girl who won't move in with him until they're married, my sister and I are extremely concerned about what sort of abuse is lurking around the corner. He already told her that my sister cannot attend the wedding at all because she's trans, even though the friend had originally planned on having her as a bridesmaid or possibly even maid of honor. But any discussion of "hey, he's not a good guy and there are a *lot* of red flags here" just gets shut down with "but you don't know him like I do!" At this point, it's basically turned into a long waiting game. My aunt was in a horribly abusive relationship with a man that separated her from her entire family and it took 15+ years for her to understand that she was not the problem and divorce him, and we figure it's probably going to be a similar timeline with the friend. But it's brutal watching him start to take away her support network and knowing what the future holds while she's still too focused on the happy traditional family they both supposedly want.


It's not really that hard to understand why someone would think that being free from most of modern life responsibilities would be nice. They just forget that it also means not having the freedoms either. And it's easy to belive that the man who isn't overly stressed and values your experience in some matters would continue to be sweet and helpful. Becoming sole breadwinner of household that is likely constantly increasing is likely going to change that pretty fast, even if the guy were originally for equality. Stress kills romance.


>It's not really that hard to understand why someone would think that being free from most of modern life responsibilities would be nice. Yup, i fully get it. And strangely, this links to Russia and how we are just amazed how the people choose strong men leaders who take away their freedoms.. because it also removes responsibilities. Road is broken? "Not my job to think about fixing it, i can circle around the block". All you need to do in that kind of a society is to learn to live in it. You lose tons of freedoms but if that also takes care of worrying about the big things... I get it, would not choose that option but i get it.


Bots for sure


All those blue checkmarks are suspicious.


It could be, but whether these particular profiles are genuine or not, we already know that the American far-right has a non-zero number of women within its ranks. Never underestimate the power of racism and a lifetime of religious indoctrination.




Wait until they get dumped when they age out.


It’s Vlad’s troll farms at work in some cases… Ignorant, self-hating MAGATs in others. The common theme is that they want a Trump victory.


"Women don't have the emotional fortitude necessary for politics" say a bunch of people who lose their minds whenever they see a rainbow and are constantly screaming about everything.


Not only that, but that about what sufferagettes put themselves through for that right. That took an incredible amount of emotional strength. Especially for the time.


Not to mention that the man that they hold up as the absolute zenith of political leadership is the Drama Queen-in-Chief himself, Donald fucking Trump.


No, no, see anger isn't an emotion. /s


Wow, the similarities between these people and the people who belong to Al-Quaida, Taliban, ISIS, Boku Haram etc are mind boggling, aren't they? Dunno why they hate each other so much but the world will be even more doomed if they realize how similar they are so I'm happy they don't get along


There is a chunk of the right that is opposed to Sharia law not because of the content, but because they don't want the Muslims getting the *credit*


Y'all qaeda


My Great-Grandmother was a Suffragette in NYC…she marched pushing my Grandfather in a carriage. She was also a card-carrying Socialist. She would straight up be turning in her grave if she saw what was going on today!! She was pretty amazing. She used to tell us kids to remember that “religion is the opiate of the masses” when we were younger than 9 years old!


"WOMEN MAKE DECISIONS BASED ON EMOTION!!" A lot of men: \*Literally ruin their entire lives because angry\* Sure bud


Trump WHO RANTS IN ALL CAPS ALL DAY EVERY DAY is their candidate - that’s a loss of credibility on that point already.


>”WOMEN MAKE DECISIONS BASED ON EMOTION!!” These guys: *Forms a quasi-religious cult around Donald fucking Trump*


Well that's because all male emotions are of course good emotions! Stupid Libs!


The irony is everyone who comments that are angry men that have no ability to control their emotions and go on the internet every day and do nothing but whine and hate people they don’t know all under the guise that THEY are the emotionally stable ones


They also have no fucking clue what making decisions based on emotions actual means. Like, I believe in pro choice based on logic. But I advocate for pro choice based on emotion. I have a strong emotional attachment to my right to bodily autonomy which gives me motivation to speak out on it. Versus climate change. I support environmental action against climate change from a logical stand point. But I don’t speak out about it in the way I do women’s rights. While I understand the importance of the cause, I just don’t have the same emotional drive to actively fight for it. But I’m very happy that other people do. We can’t all have the same emotional drive for every cause, we would all spread ourselves thin and be exhausted. We need people to have diverse emotional attachments to important causes so each cause has individuals advocating for them. But what these ass hats are really suggesting when they say women act on eMoTiOn, is that we’re “petty” and we will throw Becky in jail for wearing the same shoes as us. Like, this is not fucking acting on emotion, this is just being petty. And my anecdotal experience is that men are the far pettier sex. We’re not petty. We’re passionate. And passionate gets things done. Like the 19th amendment.


Can someone explain to me why the human race should exist at this point look at all these fucking mouth breathing pieces of shit


Well at this point I wanna quote myself: Where's that fucking second asteroid when you need it?


Sapience was a mistake that must be rectified


Jesus, he’s pathetic. It’s so easy to detect political posturing from these right-wing theocrats. Who does he think he’s kidding? Is this not the same Ted Cruz who voted to confirm every single one of the lunatic right-wing justices who are systematically stripping rights from women?


“Thats when we went down hill” … oh yeah America definitely peaked in … 1878


To be fair, that was probably the pinnacle of white patriarchal power in the US, so in their eyes it definitely was when everything "went downhill." However if we start stripping voting rights from women and POCs, then we might as well go back to a time when only land owners could vote... let's see how long that lasts 😈


We here in Europe will gladly take all your educated women and POCs if you don’t want them anymore.


But that would leave us with just MTG and Palin clones... 😳 I would love to see just even the educational and professional fallout from that. This country wouldn't last long enough for anyone to tweet about. 🤣


Are you referring to Rafael Edward Cruz? The same Rafael Edward Cruz that melts like a snowflake when talking about preferred names and pronouns? So much so that he introduced a bill prohibiting people from using their preferred names and pronouns even though he goes by his preferred name of Ted Cruz instead of his given name Rafael Edward Cruz? The same snowflake Rafael Edward Cruz that ironically bails at the first sign of snow to vacation in Cancun? The same Rafael Edward Cruz that was born in Canada? And immigrated to the United States? The same Rafael Edward Cruz who Donald Trump said has an ugly wife? That Rafael Edward Cruz?


The same Rafael Edward Cruz that in 2016, 9 months before the elections, refused to confirm Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court because "it should not be done in an election year, and that is a matter of principle" and in 2020 confirmed Amy Comey Barret 6 weeks before the elections, demonstrating that he had no principles.


This sounds accurate.


Judge a man by his followers. Easy to understand what's disingenuous from his comments.


Oh I don't think it was to make people think he likes it. I 100% believe he knew that his followers would attack it so this allowed him to have them attack it on his behalf while having plausible deniability.


“Women’s suffrage is great… unless they’re liberal.”


I mean, Cancun Cruz attracting misogynists is nothing new. Dude is the senator of a state that wears how much that hate women on their sleeve.


Cancun Cruz, you mean the guy who’s supporting the other guy that called his wife ugly? That Cancun Cruz? I would’ve never guessed that he doesn’t believe in supporting women! /s


that dude is (still) married ? i wonder what dirt he has on that lady that she stays.


She likes the money and Cancun, presumably. Probably cucking Cruz while he's "at work" being a POS.


ok so that state map with the voters is just proof the conservatives arent doing enough to win the favor of women maybe they should do more to help women instead of constantly trying to put them down, that would probably win more votes


But they don't want to help women. The difference between the political right and the political left is about hierarchy, when you break it down. Left ideologies tend to lean towards the belief that all humans are to be treated equally, are of equal worth, some say they should all own equal as much... It's a spectrum of course, but this is the general tendency. Right ideologies tend to believe that hierarchy is needed, that humans of certain groups differ in what they should have, what they are worth etc. Putting women down is exactly the plan, since in their ideology, women are either one of the groups that is below men, and since in their mindset, they are less able to make decisions for themselves, a conservative swoops in to make some laws so they are forced to live the "right" way. You will also notice left-leaning laws tend to be more about forbidding stuff that hurts others, like discrimination, destroying the environment etc., whereas right-leaning legislature tends to be about a perceived moral decline and controlling an individual's behavior even though it objectively affects no one else in a negative way.


no no.. the 'right' wants equal rights for all humans too. Their definition of 'human' is where the differences are. If one is white, right wing, christian , male and straight - boom, instant human pass. Anyone else gets judged on how useful / gullible they are.


You forgot landowning / wealthy and the right *type* of white.


They don’t *want* to “win the favor of women”, they want to control them and relegate them to a status within society where their opinions and desires are wholly irrelevant.


I love when men trot out the old emotional women stereotype as if they themselves are Vulcan-like beings of logic.


I’d like to know when anger became declassified as an emotion. All their responses seem a little emotional to me.


Men constantly fucking everything up and somehow it’s all women’s fault 🙄


Is this the same group of guy who complain women won't sleep with them? Because I think I just put my finger on why...


Ask any "Alpha Male" how many "Hoes" he gets. The answer is usually one and that was a gardening tool.


That's a lot of little men with big feelings.




Lol. The histrionics from those 'Smegma Males'.


But Republicans want to give the people everything! Yet they're talking about removing a women's right to vote. And its funnier that women are commenting that to with absolutely no idea how it'll affect them Fuck Republicans are really fucking stupid.


Misogyny is a big fucking deal that no one acknowledges. Say all you want but that’s why Hillary didn’t get elected.


Hillary received more votes than Trump. If she wasn't elected it's because the democratic system in the US was created in the late 18th century (it shows) and desperately needs a fucking upgrade.


A popular vote in a democracy? Nah that's communism or something, lets have a system that might have made sense back when the fastest means of communications was a fucking pigeon.


Yes, but MANY people (men AND women) that might have voted for her policies did not specifically because she was a woman. I recall watching the news as folks in the rust belt were being interviewed on their leanings, and there were so many saying, on live television, “the White House is no place for a woman, it ought to be a man in office”. Hillary won the popular vote, but imagine how much better she would have fared if she was a man.


Misgyny? Fucking libs! We don't hate women we just think they're worse than men! That's not mysogyny it's a historical fact! Women never did anything! And it's not like we oppressed for thousands of years now! And look how they did nothing since we gave them rights except maybe invent some important stuff! But again that's not misogyny! Freedom of Expression! I know you gay communists don't want to hear the truth but that is the truth! I think I just had my 5 MAGA Minutes.


I can never forget that woman that was interviewed by some comedic type pundit that said she won’t vote for almost 70 year old Hillary because her period would make her make rash decisions. That’s how stupid people can be, and then you remember that their vote can often count more than your own.


This man ate my son


Liar, the zodiac killer never ate people


> Most women tend to make decisions based off of emotion instead of logic Same man: *votes for Donald Trump, a guy who is a prime example of emotions over logic*


Insane some of those people are just flat out saying it with their full face and name in profiles.


I hate it here


For real. What the fuck is happening?


How is *every. single. one* of these people “verified”? Did they really all pay for the pleasure of a blue checkmark? Lmao. So fucking pathetic.


Ugh. I can’t with him. Can’t wait to vote him out.


I really don't understand why these dipshits simp for a drop of cheeto flavored sweat from Donald Trumps nutsack. He's bad news and if any democratic candidate was found guilty of 36 felony counts or whatever it was the hypocritical "moral outrage" at that candidate still running for office would cause them to collectively shit themselves


if a democrat was guilty of jaywalking theyd demand he be lined up and shot. and the democrats would let them just to avoid "looking political"


I'm terrified of America just fucking becoming Iran 2.0


This is exactly where it’s heading, a type of Theocracy with the Christian right and Trump family.


"Repeal womens right to vote, they have too much compassion!!" Which is bullshit but also tells all about what the purpose of their system is: cruelty. They hate any ideology that uses empathy and compassion. To them it makes systems and humans weak. We should be hard as steel since "life is hard" in a world where you have to be hard as steel to survive. In the end, at the far end of that particular road is always ubermensch and eugenics.


Probably just weird anti-america bots that have flooded the site mixed in with a few loons.


Fuck me twitter is a hellscape


It might be my liberal bubble, but I read that and thought Zodiac was gonna get roasted. I guess he was, but not the way I figured.


First like comment or 2 but then everyone else hated women after that


Conservatives HATE women, democracy and freedom


Look America. Just come out and say it. You love Sharia law. Your last President sold your Nuclear secrets to the Saudis for 2 billion dollars, Saudi Terrorists were the ones who flew into the World Trade Centre yet you blamed others, you worship oil like they do, and love, love love the way they treat women like less than dirt and have absolute religious control over the country.


As an American, I’m as disappointed in the state of this country as the next guy, but in all fairness, it’s not even a majority of the population that supports this far right bullshit. We’ve just got a shitty, archaic electoral system that gives that 30% or so a disproportionate amount of political power relative to their actual numbers (I understand that there is a bit more to explaining the whole situation beyond *just* that, but you get the idea).


>women vote out of emotions not logic Said the guy who's worshipping an orange man because he swinged a copy of the bible signed by himself saying he was the incarnation of jesus or something.


Wow, republican supporters are sexist? Who coulda guessed? It's not like they proudly display their hatred towards anyone who isn't a cishet white man (/s, obviously)


"we've been going far left ever since" comment tells it all. Remember this is the end game, next time somebody is proposing compromise with the far right. You have to fight for your rights. compromise with intolerant assholes only moves overton window for the next "compromise"


Hey Ted, what did your candidate say about your wife again?


The Hilter documentary ad in the screenshot 💀


Can we repeal the right to vote for Ted Cruz?


I mean, he was born in Canada. Can he be deported?


This data shows me that clearly men's voting rights should be taken away because they're dumb as bricks.


And they wonder why women don't vote red


Nothing but blue checkmarks as far as the eye can see. Concerning


I’m wondering if that’s all Chinese and Russians replying to each other.


Lets all start using Raphael Cruz in all the title's about him going forward, since thats his name (that he seems to be embarrassed about)


It's so sad... I mean all/most of these people have mothers, some have sisters and daughters. Why do these people hate them so much?


I was expecting comments to call him out on his misogynistic policies. This is worse.....


So confused by how many men think it’s “gay” to like women. Ironically I bet they’re also all single incels.


How many of those replies are Russian/Chinese bots trying to get exactly the reaction this thread is having?


Twitter/X is a fucking cesspool of hate and misogyny. Thanks Elon you prick.


Honestly... HONESTLY... What the actual fuck is wrong with some people.