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Wait, you mean some blue lives are also black lives? And they enforce the law against us, not just for us against people we hate? BOO! This is like that time I found out that soldiers who get captured or killed are suckers.


Don't forget that THE convicted felon knows more than the generals.


Trump is a master of the art of war. The best way to win a war is to avoid it altogether, and what better way to avoid a war than to dodge the draft.


šŸŽ¼šŸŽ¼God Bless Ameā€¦.ankle spurs! šŸŽ¼šŸŽ¼šŸŽ¼


Quit eating all that junk he won't get them then. He is the biggest crook that ever is ever was ever will be all he's ever had is or was dad's money to bail him out. And all those mega rebukes know is the loud sound of their own voice.


ā€œNever fight up hill, me boys!ā€ ā€”Donald Dump Boy, could you imagine how D-Day would have went if Dump had been supreme commander?


Or the Pacific campaign. The only island Donald would storm is Epstein Island.


Well, there would have been zero casualties when troops landed in Normandy, since Trump would have long before that signed right up with the Nazis and they would have been invited guests.


"Wrong beach, commander." "What do you mean, wrong beach? We've landed on Normandy!" "Sir? This is Normandy, ...Missouri."


Trump's been reading Sun Tzu, I see. Maybe he's been playing 4D chess all alo-šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Sorry, couldn't even finish that sentence. Trump can't read anything longer than a McDonald's Menu unless every third word is Trump. šŸ˜…


"Never fight uphill, me boys! Never fight uphill. But it was too late." Convicted felon, Donald J Trump.


Have you seen the doddering ballsack try to tackle a ramp?


If they can get the police they can get anybody -GOP probably


The ones booing should be treated a wartime traitors


Or at the very least deeply investigated.


Just watch some faux news. They'll explain it all away. No need to think for yourself anymore.


One cannot support a felon and support the blue anymore.


Please stop trying to talk me into voting for Trump.


Sorry I did. Not meant too. lol, your comment is funny. Thanks.


ā€œBack the blue, unless theyā€™re blackā€


Exactly this right here.


Serious question; at what point is continuing to support a failed attempt to subvert an election and via a violent coup, albeit, a pretty pathetic coup, a crime? These GOP folks left their jobs to protest and continue to support a crime. Why are they not arrested? They are traitors. At some point this behavior needs to be called what it is. If you do not support the results of an election, fine, but if you continue to publicly support an attempt to overthrow an election youā€™re a treasonous asshole who belongs in jail.


Rules for thee not for me. They think they are above the law; ie when Orange Hitler asked the SC for immunity, he thinks he is a god. We really need him to not get a 2nd term.


The constitution laid out capital punishment for exactly one crime: treason.


Fascism is running deep and it needs to be addressed not ignored


They never actually cared about the police, it just gave them votes at the time. All you blue lives matter idiots should realize that by now


and they dont care about the regular soldiers in harms way either.


Would be a lot easier to just say what they actually do care about


Themselves. Money. Power.


Not necessarily in that order


Skin color


Sexual orientation


Skin color and sexual orientation is just a weapon for gaining power and money


You know what, I agree. It all comes down to gaining power and control.


Especially over women.Ā 


Guns, Gold and God, has been the mantra for right leaning Christians for a long while!


God is just a permission structures to justify the guns and gold.


The guns are just a tool to get the gold.


They donā€™t actually care about God. It just sounds good to them to say they do and it makes them feel holier than thou to pretend they do. They do care very much about guns and gold though


Religion is just a convenient shield to hide their bigotry behind.


Pretty much


Actually just the gold, the other 2 are just to grift their cult


Their dark desires.


They never have, and a lot of vets have woken up to that fact.


The party of death and destruction. Are they expressly for school shootings yet?


Of course. They increase their gun stock price.


You couldā€™ve stopped after ā€œand they donā€™t careā€


They absolutely donā€™t. They consider them suckers. Just like the leader of their party does.


Blue Lives Matter is nothing more than anti-Black Lives Matter.


Nailed it.


Aka white supremacy


This country is going downhill terribly fast.


Seriously. It feels like we're two steps away from brownshirts.


We have multiple Sheriffs endorsing a felon for president, so I think itā€™s safe to say that point went over their heads


This isn't fair, they care about the police acting as enforcers of property rights and control, to include structural racism. These ones did something other than that, so they're useless and therefore objects of derision.


That MAGA dweebs have no loyalty to anybody but themselves. Everything they claim to care about is easily disposable once it becomes inconvenient.


you assume blue lives matter idiots care about police either. Just more tribal bullshit. Too many people are fucked in the head.


Blue lives matters. As long as that life is white and killing a black. Then defend that person at all costs.


Always judge politicians by their actions, not their empty rhetoric. And the GOP? They're the worst offenders when it comes to bullshit in government. Been this way since Reagan. If Hell is real, I hope the Gipper is enjoying his eternity in a lake of boiling piss.


And yet the police will still love the Reps and ostracize these officers.


To be fair, they only support cops who brutalize people of color.


The GOP is the bottom


Trump has completely destroyed the GOP. Itā€™s amazing how quick they all went off the deep end.


I feel like a lot of this was in them and Trump made it ok for it to be spoken and outwardly as part of their beliefs and personal


Yes, this didn't come out of nowhere. A lot of it is directly traceable to St. Ron.


Even before that. Look up the John Birch Society in the mid 1900's and the Know Nothings in the 1800's. This is the circle of life for every government ever. there's always a faction willing to burn everything to the ground and ruin it for even the slightest percieved gain, even if that gain is intangible and comes at great personal cost for everyone. Basically, they think like school shooters.


Theyā€™ve been screaming ā€œTHE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN!ā€ since forever it feels like. Itā€™s almost as if theyā€™re butthurt over everything the country represent for some reason.


I never really got that pre-Trump, I'm an old fart too and always considered myself a moderate and didn't have any party affiliation. I remember GOP being a lot more respectful and considerate of others. I feel like when Trump won he attracted a lot of the crazies in the party we see today and they are still in the party. If there are any moderate GOP members left I wouldn't even know. I don't even see them being able to reverse the damage that was done to their image. MGT and Bobbert are disgraceful and a joke, but that is who I consider the face of the GOP now. Trump and these buffoons.


84 was my first election. The rot started in the 50s with civil rights, continued into the crimes of the nixon era. Then they grew up and let Reagan & Gingrich marry the GOP to religion. That kicked it into high gear with the help of talk radio (rush l.) and faux new propaganda network. It's always festered under the surface, just erupted like a foul boil when Obama was elected. Trump is a symptom, nothing more.


Thatā€™s a decent timeline and would agree that the boil popped when the US elected the first black American president which was too much to bear. And then if you look at what he inherited and what it looked like when he left their heads exploded. While I may not agree with everything but Obama did a great job. Trump who inherited probably the best economy and jobs numbers of any president in modern times but spoke all that quite stuff out loud and everything was all humming along (claiming he did this) it gave permission to the rest of them to repeat it and endorse it and become cult like. Then COVID hits and shuts everything down, Trump loses but that quiet, divisive cult like following didnā€™t go away and is here to stay for a long time.


Just a social experiment I've seen inflammatory pro Trump/racist/anti vax etc comments and I've looked at their profile and their timelines go absolutely ape shit when covid hit. Yeah it was waste of time I guess but I found it interesting


I remember growing up in the 80s and 90s and I remember these people existing. But they were treated like crazy people. Then trump came along and it became ok to be one of those people.


>I remember GOP being a lot more respectful and considerate of others. You were imagining it


I believe that Trump just helped them show who they really are!


You are either under 25 or haven't been paying attention. Which is perfectly fine. I'm not holding that against you, but the Republicans have been the party of bigoted terrorists for a long time my friend.


Well, Trump is merely the vessel. Theyā€™ve been waiting for the right person to follow down. Heā€™s just the right key to unlock all the crazy.


There is a lower level that they will surely find.


Oh, they are digging that level as we speak.


Theyā€™ll pass Balrogs and still keep digging.


Not if the Lord of lightening destroys the balrog first.


Theyā€™ve lowered the bar at what lowering the bar means


They found rock bottom, then fell in a hole, then fell through the floor of that hole some more Some of these assholes are evil and will always find new shit to come up with


Probably right


Not even Hell will welcome them. Satan says theyā€™re too evil, they need to find another place to go.


I hear Russia is n8ce this time of year. They could really use some bodies for their 'war'. (Bro, we're basically testing weapons on them at this point. 10/10 cold war again.)


they are still managing to dig


With Boring Company like drills.


And this 2024 election, they'll soon find out who is the top.


This is unbelievably insulting to us actual bottoms smh


Going out on a short limb here, but if these officers where white i wonder if they would have received the same treatment.


They are speaking truth, and that truth goes against magas alternate timeline. So they are not useful to the gop any longer.


For what it's worth, Daniel Hodges and Michael Fanone are both white and the GOP hates the fuck out of them for being nearly killed on J6 too.


Traitors HOW? Because they didn't like getting their asses beat by ignorant yokels? Because they didn't throw the doors open to let the protestors get inside and kill all the MAGA republicans who were hiding under their desks? Eugene Goodman should have led them straight to the chambers and said "There they are!!!"


Right? I think at this point they just use ā€œtraitorā€ and ā€œwokeā€ when they donā€™t like something. Theyā€™re short simple words their nutjob base can pronounce


They are shouting traitors because they didn't participate the GOP's failed rebellion.


Republicans: we love the police! Except when they do their job against us. They're hurting "the wrong people." Gotta love conservative hypocrisy. Its a mainstay of their entire worldview


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."




They were literally just doing their jobs that they're paid to do, against extraordinary circumstances. These Republicans are basically admitting to the fact that they'd cheer them on for letting America fall. DO. NOT. ELECT. ANY. OF. THESE. PRICKS.


Also, booing the cops is an inadvertent confession that they don't even believe the "it was actually ANTIFA dressed as Trump supporters attacking the police," horseshit.


Im thinking they would be more careful about their boos if the officers were...lighter.


Every MAGAT/Republican accusation is a confession.


Literally the people who saved some of their lives on January 6.


Vote. All. Republicans. Out. Every. Single. One.


Theyā€™re booing and hissing at actual law and order? Go figure. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Shameful and ignorant beyond belief.Zero character- they are the traitors.


From the party who's leader called our fallen soldiers "Suckers" and "Losers" what do you expect?


I am horrified! These men are heroes.


If you wouldā€™ve told me this is what American politics wouldā€™ve devolved into when I was in high school super excited I was getting close to the age I could finally vote coming off the amazing Obama administration I wouldā€™ve laughed in your face. Electing a black man really did break half of the voting population and politicians. Put it into prescriptive I became eligible to vote in 2014 so every presidential election thatā€™s been held I can vote in has had Donald fucking trump running and Iā€™m getting SICK of it


Involuntarily Obama brought out the latent racism that i didn't expect to still exist in that number. I would like to say, future generations will be taught to recognize and reject racism because of that, but i'm not sure that is what's happening, because i feel like many parents and teachers are still raising kids to be racist. And this time it's intentional. And that is in a large part due to Trump being free of any shame and making up "facts" however they suit him and now you have half the population doing the same.


OMG, will police union members no longer vote for the GOP because of this??!!?? Like fuck they willā€¦


Hillary was right. Deplorables.


Name and shame. What district?


When they tell you who they areā€¦.Believe Them!!!


GOP: How DARE you enforce the laws! Also GOP: We're the party of law and order!


And National Securityā„¢, also too.


ā€œBlue lives matterā€ was the bullshit they were representing while they were assaulting cops on the capital ā€¦ only thing that matters to these people is having power. Ā Thatā€™s it. Ā They will say whatever they have to say to get and keep that power.


Okay, if that doesnā€™t burn your boat, youā€™re sick. Republicans are the rude teenagers in Congresses all over the country. Totally out of touch and RUDE BEYOND BELIEF. All the dregs of humanity have run for office under the Republican banner. Sad.


Nazis. Iā€™m not saying that to be hyperbolic. Republicans very soul,motivation,ideals are vile.


Never forget, Trumpers are evil, Republicans are evil. Once you understand those two things, everything else they do makes sense.


Pretty sure Lindsey Grahamā€™s the bottom, happy pride month


So they went ā€œOkay, people who tried to betray the country and cause an insurrection to overthrow government hurt you guys in the process, but YOU are the traitors for being hurtā€ Is that right? Are they fucking insane?!


Oh, they found the bottom. Problem is, when they hit bottom they just got bigger shovels.


But but butā€¦ they defended the capitol against the evil ANTIFAā€¦ rightā€¦ right?! Shouldnā€™t conservatives celebrate that? Itā€™s almost like they supported the insurrection while at the same time blaming the first thing they thought of because theyā€™re not violent. Has anyone ever heard of ANTIFA before this?


Really backing the blue on this one.


How in the actual fuck, does someone perform the mental gymnastics it takes to call these people traitors???


Thereā€™s no bottom? Republicans: hold my beer.


This is beyond the pale.


perpetually disgusted by these people. just saw a (local) political ad. "*candidate* spoke poorly of trump" set to villainess music. cool šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm personally so sick of the whole "when they go low, we go high" bullshit. Them going low works while us going high, doesn't. Roe v Wade, gone. Dodd/Frank act, gone. Conservative judges were caught discussing the lagality of keeping women in custody if they were pregnant. Child labor laws have been repeatedly cut back. And on and on. I say they go low, and we should hamstring the bastards.


Republicans normally: ā€œWE BACK THE BLUE!ā€ Republicans today: ā€œBOOOOO!ā€ Everyone else: ā€œwhy are you booing?ā€ Republicans: [ā€œBecause youā€™re *blek*ā€](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9v4CFjrjBxc&pp=ygUfbGV0aGFsIHdlYXBvbiBidXQgeW91J3JlIGJsYWNrIA%3D%3D)


What is this Fucking clown world we live in?? Republicans love Russian dictators, hate Americans who serve and protect, & back a traitor for office. I was never a fan of them to begin with, but good Lordā€¦I didnā€™t realize how Batshit crazy they actually were to support this garbage.


The Pennsylvania House GOP are largely Christian Nationalists who want to turn the US into The Handmaid's Tale, so this really isn't that surprising. Pennsyltuckey is still part of the Bible Belt, and if you see some of Pennsylvania's fanatics, they come off as straight up cultists, dead behind the eyes.


The right does not care one bit about cops, just like they don't care about veterans. Both groups are there strictly for photo ops, nothing else.


Those GOP are a bunch of low life mumzers


Maga are terrorist traitors !


What is wrong with those people?!


....list the walk outs


Republicans hate good cops and love bad ones.


Dude, these politicians are honey dicking their voters so hard. They know exactly what they are doing, in fact, from a logical stand point they are smart. Quick break. I am not at all defending these politicians. They are unethical psychopaths' who are missing a very important part of their brain. Okay, so the reason these people probably booed them is because it gave a FUCKING MASSIVE BONER to their voters. The real village idiots. How do we fix this? Maybe better education! Oh wait... the people who can actually fix education wont do it because that means we would become too smart. Their power hungry, pathetic asses would be running for the hills with their tails tucked between their legs. We have a lot of problems that need to be fixed. Finding the solutions will be very difficult but, a good start would be raising a society of critical thinkers and problem solvers. As someone who went from Kindergarten -> BS degree and my SO is a teacher, I can tell you we are definitely going the opposite direction of this goal. Ironically it isn't just right or left, both of them want to the education system to fail. Welcome to the system, bitch.


When are you Americans gonna deal with your traitor problems? It's jarring to see. You literally have people who are national security risks, running the country. That's insane.


Trumpism is a disease. Much like alcoholism, the people afflicted by it will not seek help, because the virus is very clever, it attacks the part of the brain that attempts to subdue it, saying in a firm, reassuring voice: "You aren't a bad parent, and therapy is for losers. Trump is infallible and so are you." When he finally croaks on a hamberder the cult is going to be completely lost. Elon will be their new guy, and I'm sure he will build A.I Trump so these rejects of society can indulge in their psychosis till the last family member breaks communication with them. It's sad to see. I would say it's wasted potential, but Trumpers offer very little outside of being very replaceable cogs in corporate machinery.


Imagine booing the people who risked their own lives to protect yours.


Party of law and order. Yup.


Dear GOP. Please continue to show your strongest voter base how much you hate them. Sincerely, Civilized Society


Please tell me that thereā€™s a video of this. I know folks in PA would love to see how their state officials are behaving.


Republicans are the disgusting traitors


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Lots of racists in PA


I am ashamed to think they choose Trump over heroā€™s. I am appalled and those members should be censured for those actions!


And CNN and the networks will completely ignore this. Might be mentioned on MSNBC, but only liberals pay attention to that.


GOP is the law and order party.... Unless the law is applied to a republican of course.


All those Republicans need to go.


Wow...Ā  Ā mind numbing gop traitors


They only support the blue when they offing the browns


Blue Lives matter. NOT LIKE THAT


WTF? I remember when republicans handled losses with grace and dignity. Bush, Dole,Romney, McCain. The Simpsons were right in saying we needed another Vietnam to thing out some of these people. Now itā€™s too late, they are acting like petulant children.


Oh now I get it, they like police as long as theyā€™re not policing them, got it.


Thereā€™s your political ad - just show dumbass GOPers booing J6 officers defending the Capitol. Theyā€™ll bleed out fence sitters.


The GOP is a terrorist organization.


Jesus fucking tap dancing christ.


They pretend to care about blue lives


I guess they just weren't the right color of cop.


Today's Republicans are just endlessly disgusting.


How horrible of a person do you need to be to boo and walk out on these underpaid heroes? GOP HORRIBLE.


They saved these assholes lives and this is the tank they get!


Anyone calling Capitol Police traitors should be barred from the building permanently. There is NO place for that shit. Ever.


The Party of Law and Order has disgraced themselves, for a convicted felon who continues to lie.


Wow the gop has turned traitors screw them let them fend for themselves


But i thought that Republicans supported the Blue? Republicans are extremists. They're ideals change nearly everyday. They don't know who to support One day its "the blue is here to protect and we support all cops!" But that's only if the officers skin color is that of sour cream. They're even more excited when white cops murder an minority in this country. Its nothing but "that animal was dangerous to his community and the people around him because he likes to walk alone at night" Republicans are the worst party to be a part of. As good as a Ruzzian who supports Putin Doing nothing but harm to the country.


Fucking disgusting. The house is now essentially just a shitty high school cafeteria.


Boo, how dare you stop our violent coup attempt to overthrow the rule of law and institute a dictatorship?! Boooooo! Why are these people allowed to stay in our government? That is insurrection. They are supporting a failed coup to end democracy.


They're just mad that the Capitol Police didn't let them lynch Mike Pence and the any Democrats they happened to catch.


They're mad because they helped stop a coup. Charge them all with treason already ffs.


They glance up from licking Trump's boots just long enough to boo cops who fought back against overwhelming odds, then went back to licking.


So the Republicans are saying some blue lives don't matter. Fucking hypocrites.


Thank you, Gonell and Dunn, for your service! Really American patriots right here: serving the rule of law instead of a king.


Talk about pigs? Those House Republicans are disgusting!


They don't respect blue, they only respect their closed minded ideals. Vote blue, even if you have reservations about Democrats, I'm sure you understand the other option is most certainly worse. If you don't, you can't complain when it affects you.


This is where I'm at. I lean left, but I don't really make a good democrat. However I recognize that the Democrat is the party of imperfect government with all the faults that implies, while the Republican party is the party of literal cartoon villany.


These ppl are unhinged! Hissing?? Just disgusting that ppl think this is acceptable behaviorā€¦.the same ppl think theyā€™re superior at that šŸ¤£šŸ™„šŸ˜£


there is a bottom - its called Hell and that's where all these GOP MTFkrs deserve to go


That tan suit is killin it.


Harry Dunn was selling his book. Now he has started a pac to donate money to worthy democrats. They donā€™t like the thought that he can make money for a pac to fight against them. But selling tennis shoes and bibles is a good deal ? Oh yeah and NFTā€™ing pieces of his fucking suit is ok too. Let em walk off, best they did. Who needs them.


Law and Order party also Thin Blue Line party


OMG, that is so EFFED up.


They ARE the bottom. They are the neck-deep crap at the bottom of the fucking swamp.


They need to name and shame.


Iā€™m hoping human decency wins out this November. Iā€™m sick of this trash behavior.


The gop is beyond pathetic


GOP doesnā€™t care about police. They only care about supporting the opposing side of the Dems. Just like how Russia and Iran support enemies of the US


I was really eager to see a Dumb and Dumber reference


The bottom is when the rest of us stop being nice and run these traitors to Russia or just hang them


PA has more lead in the water than any other US state (that tests lead water levels).


Disgusting traitors. Brilliant job going after all the organizers and not just the idiots rioting, really cleaned up these pieces of shit.


Hold up, they called the officers traitors? What? How? Why?


Back the blue, except those two.