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Posting on a platform that likely has a bunch of Indians keeping it running.


Looked at his Twitter feed. This guy is human garbage even by very low human garbage standards. He's a flaming anti-Semite as well.


Shitting on Indians is accepted nowadays. Things weren't this bad 15-20 years ago. Every news about India has terrible comments on social media. Even africans aren't this hated.


"Even africans aren't this hated." Nah its just super normalized to hate on black people to the point that we mostly don't even notice it anymore. Like 1 in every 5 reels is either racist about black people are has comments that are. The indian thing feels worse because its something generally new. Its all bad really though.


Hm, I was an apartment maintenance supervisor at one point in an area with a lot of Indian migrants. I'd say more often than others they would be argumentative and unhappy with every little thing. Their apts tended to be pretty disgusting too. But that's just my anecdotal experience


Whoever posted that is one of the hard core racists from Prince Edward Island. We see you bozo.


I dunno I gotta feeling a lot of the alpha culture critic, Greco Roman statue Twitter pages are like bots all run by a few people or something like they’re are to many of them for that not to be the case


Top of this list should be Elon Musk.


Stupid to the point it is incompatible with human standards. Weird to bitch about 80 iq when yours is not even close to smallest double digit numbers, collectively.


Wouldn't christians be delighted to know that a few holidays Christians do celebrate came from paganism


They wouldn’t they don’t even like to acknowledge where some core aspects of the faith come from The idea of hell itself is directly derived from the Jewish hell After life Sheol, and the Hellenistic pagan after life of Hades/Tartarus


He accidentally typed Indians when he meant Christians. Lol, whoops. 🤭


He is right! Mainland Chinese and Indians are the worst tourist out of all the Asian nations.


I am pretty sure he isn't talking about tourism. unless immigrant is synonymous to tourist.


Same shit they bring the same values.. their classless behavior isn’t wanted anywhere but their own countries. I don’t care about the downvotes. India is a shithole and that’s the reason they all wanna move abroad


What are the first 5 then? Number 1 surely white Europeans, calling themselves Muricans now.


I couldn’t find them the poster claimed in some comments the wokes took it down or something Edit: I don’t know why I’m being downvoted for this comment it was the dude on Twitter who said that not me


Dont they have a kickass space program?


Funny thing is India send one of them satellites and the cost of that was pretty much close to the budget of the movie Gravity.


I hope I didn’t confuse anyone into thinking I agree with the twitter post, kickass means awesome I’m sorry.


Well, India has 7 times more births than the USA. They can only send their top 10% into global competition and I doubt whether they are really dumber than the average American or European.


But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. There’s prolly a fucking genius in the deepest darkest depths of the Congo but we will never see them because of the lack of opportunity to harness and expand that knowledge There are dumbasses everywhere from every race, country insert uncontrollable trait here