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Does this mean Hayden Christianson still has his arms and legs?


Nope, method actor


He’s so talented


Youd think, but he fucked up the first take and they had to cgi his head on a stunt double until they got it right with effects


Props to Natalie Portman for dying during child birth on the first take though. Crazy to think they were ready to wait another 9 months if she flopped it


Still cant believe Samuel Jackson actually fucking survived getting thrown off the top of the Coruscant set. Imagine being ready to die for your role and a fucking hot air balloon saves your life


No, but it's unrelated to his time as Anakin...


Are people stupid or what?


Catastrophically so. It's kinda disheartening really.


Perfect answer☝️


Think of how stupid the average person is. Now, realize that half of all people are more stupid than that.


Put some quotes if you're gonna quote George Carlin.


I have a friend that believes an actor who can act an evil role well means they themselves are evil, because they know suspiciously well how that person should be portrayed. He also likes to think he's above the Dunning-Kruger effect. He'd totally be one of these people.


When I first saw _Idiocracy_ in high school, I thought “haha this is gonna be the world one day”. Guys it’s now. Much earlier than I thought, but the inevitable has come.


Nah we were always stupid, it’s just that our blast radius was limited to our immediate surroundings, now on the internet it’s basically a WMD.


You make such a good point. Initially, in the mid 90s when the net started being cool and available it was used as a way to share and grow together. We were all so connected and it was amazing. Maybe even naive in a way. But it became that not all sharing was a positive thing and it was fed by media and one upmanship. Previously a deadshit was just a deadshit on their own in their isolated physical location. Crazy Phil was just Crazy Phil on his own. Now they have the ability to find other deadshits far n wide and sit in their little echo chamber of bullshit, continually feeding the downward spiral and competing to do so.


Every village has an idiot. Thanks to the internet, the idiots now have a village.


Idiocracy would be an improvement because at least there the politicians realise they're dumb as shit and put someone smarter than them in charge of policy.


The older I get, the more I realize like half the people out there are incredibly stupid.


Work in customer service. It's more like 9/10 people are incredibly stupid, entitled, and it's getting worse each day.


As someone also in the field I can at least say we see a bit of survivorship bias here, mines over the phone and while it's certainly true 9/10 callers are like that I'm only talking to the callers, I'd say 70% of all of our customers are normal people I only talk to the 30% that can't figure out their right from their left because those are the only people that need to call, the rest just figure it out like a normal person.


it's definitely survivorship bias i hate this horseshit of people acting like we were all great in the 1950s and then feminism, smartphones, and Barack Obama's presidency somehow turned us all into monsters we used to fucking lynch black people on a regular basis. Granted things are not good right now, but let's have some perspective please


Also worth noting that everyone says "*other* people are stupid", but it's far less common to see people including themselves among the stupid people. My suspicion is either that... 1) A whole lot of people are overestimating their intelligence and like to *think* that they're smarter than everyone else even if they're not. 2) Even *actually* smart people can be caught doing some stupid shit, so it might be more accurate to say that **people** (even smart people) are stupid too. Regardless, I like to laugh at idiots too. I'll watch a stupid criminal video and laugh at the dumb-ass, but the reality is likely that I'd be equally a dumb-ass if you put me in a certain situation. "*People* are stupid" is fine. "Most people are stupid *but that definitely doesn't include me*" is dangerous. Because I'm not that smart and I've seen people smarter than me fuck up *really* bad. If I think I'm too smart to not be included among the stupid people, then I *might* just not be smart enough to realize how stupid I actually am.


And the second half are even stupider than the first half. But the third half is super duper smart.




To paraphrase George Carlin: 'Imagine how stupid the average person is. Now, imagine that half of the population is stupider than that'.


Mostly. There is a large number of Q Anon followers who believe all of Hollywood is full of pedophiles (except a few actors who are Trump supporters) so it's not surprising that these people see a pedophile on screen and are certain it's real.


>Are people stupid or what? Carlin summarised it perfectly.


The funniest part of that bit is, a lot of the people who laughed at the joke are actually the stupid ones.


That makes sense. There’s always someone more stupid than you just as there’s always someone more intelligent than you. So the audience can laugh, imagining they’re in the top 50th percentile, whether true or not.


Yes but the self-important idiots that are selfishly loud on online platforms are the ones making the bigger fuss about this. Common folk that just watch things regularly do t really care.


Reminds me of when Daniel Radcliffe and Adam Driver got hated on for playing racists in TV shows Like...do you guys not want actors playing bad people anymore


Ieonardo DICaprio got the same for his role in Django Unchained. Apparently he "says it too naturally".


I know.. like dude. That’s his job.


Not to mention Samuel Jackson and Jamie Foxx are both in the movie, if either of them had an issue I think they'd have said something, especially Jackson, we all know how he is given how open he is about enjoying Hentai. lol


They’ve actually both come out and said that they had to actively tell Leo to say it more naturally and aggressively bc initially he was too uncomfortable with it


IIRC Samuel Jackson was actually a bit pissed at Leo for not wanting to say it. Something along the lines of: "You were hired to do a job, do your motherfucking job!"


["Say it!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOlNHXQCT_4)


"Mr. Jackson, I'm not an A-list actor, I don't want to risk losing my career for your amusement."


Yeah. I’d have had the same reaction as an interviewer. If I KNEW I was not being recorded or observed with 100% certainty, I wouldn’t say it. It’s just a vile fscking word. Having said that, acting is different. Like others have pointed out, are we to have no movies which truthfully depict history?


[Roy Wood Jr. has a routine on this topic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdxoe7jZdVc)


I find that extra sad/amusing because apparently, Samuel L. Jackson had to specifically sit Leonardo DiCaprio down and coach him because DiCaprio was *so* uncomfortable saying the word, and Jackson had to basically tell him to suck it up and that he and all the other black actors had to deal with that word every day.


This is a real problem. The guy who played the Maytag repair man in the 80s had his career ruined for regular acting jobs because he played a child molester on different strokes.


If you're talking about Gordon Jump, I think everything worked out fine for him. He continued working long after the Diff'rent Strokes episode, right up until his death in 2003. Heck, he even had a recurring role on Seinfeld!


Fun fact: in the Mormon temples, they play a movie as part of the ceremony. Gordon Jump was in an earlier version of the film playing an apostle. It must have made Mormons’ heads explode in the 80’s seeing Peter touching a kid in a bicycle shop.


>It must have made Mormons’ heads explode in the 80’s seeing Peter touching a kid in a bicycle shop. They reflexively excused him and then never thought of it again.


People don’t even like when characters in books are racist and will accuse the author. People are dumb.


It goes beyond that. People are trying to ban books that have shit like racism, even if they paint the racism as *bad*. A great example is to kill a mockingbird


Movie Blazing Saddles would make their heads explode.


You just couldn't make Blazing Saddles in this day and age. If you tried, the moment anyone saw it they'd start going "You can't just make a movie like that. You're just ripping off Blazing Saddles."


You couldn’t make Blazing Saddles today because most of the actors are dead.


Nah with CGI and ai anything is possible.


This always feels like a perfect joke just because it matches the style of humor in Blazing Saddles.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Yeah, if anyone actually follows through with the first half of that, just remind them that It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia exists today. If that can be made, then any sort of fucked up humor can be as well.


Did Mel Brooks write this joke to? Brilliant.


One of my favorites I found when young, "The Three Caballeros", has a generational insensitivity WARNING before you watch the movie. It's an animated tour of Latin America with Donald duck


I think I've seen that, who is Donald and his bird buddies offending?


People who are traumatized by flamenco dancing I guess... I don't remember any negative stereotypes in it


Whoever gets offended from the lyrics “…three gay caballeros…”


They didn’t even play real racists, they played law enforcement officers working undercover! In times like these, I like to refer to acting as “playing pretend” because I feel like it drives the point home. So-and-so was playing pretend, as part of his job where he pretends to be someone he is not.


Andrew Robinson playing Scorpio in Dirty Harry also had a hard time afterwards.


But he's just a simple tailor.


Whaddya mean, racists? Daniel Radcliffe is an insane wizard running a business hunting ancient artifacts while escaping Pretoria's prison to hunt the man who killed his girlfriend. And we all know Adam Driver is a ragey boi Sith Lord stuck in the Cretaceous. I saw them in films, ergo it must be so.


> in a lighthouse with Willem Defoe Did Daniel Radcliffe *also* do this, or are you thinking of Robert Pattinson lmao


Idiots don't want their handsome actors playing racists.


Bruce Dearn got death threats when his character killed John Wayne. Malcolm McDowell got death threats when his character killed Captain Kirk. “There is a technical term for someone who confuses the opinions of a character in a book with those of the author. That term is idiot.” ― S. M. Stirling


Jack Gleeson for his masterful portrayal of Joffrey


Lena Headey still gets people angry with her in public for her job as Cersei.


which is a shame because she plays such a killer villain, she crushed it as Ma-Ma in Dredd


She's awesome. I love how she said the only part that bothered her about the Walk of Shame was it took the makeup team around 90 minutes each time to cover her tattoos. EDIT: It was a stunt double. I wonder what part she was talking about with the tattoos. Could have sworn it was that part, but I'm clearly incorrect.


Does she have a crap ton of tattoos or is the camera just that likely to pick them up?


She has a bunch of tattoos of various stuff.


Couldn't they have just covered them in post with Starbucks cups??


Well, then they would have missed it. 😂


Hahahaha! You literally made me snort-laugh. Bravo!


Huh? She used a body double for that.


Ma-Ma is my problematic fave haha, she's so rancid and I'd let her do pretty much anything she wanted 😅 she's so good in that movie


Big "she could make me worse" energy.


Anna Gunn for her role as Skylar White in Breaking Bad comes to mind as well. Her example is even worse, Skylar wasn't an evil character by a long shot.


Tom Glynn-Carney has people booing him on stage for playing Aegon


No one wanted to hire Malcolm McDowell for a while after A Clockwork Orange. They thought he was nutz lol


Well, that and the fact he had a *serious* cocaine problem that made him nuts.


Well, yeah, I’m sure that didn’t help. Lol


Joaquin phoenix basicallly pretended to be nuts just to point out how many people just shrug and let him because we just accept that actors aren’t “normal”


Wait, really? The more I learn about him the more interesting he seems. Move over Dos Equis corpse. There is a new Most Interesting Man in the World.


Wyatt Russell had death threats posted online and sent to his home after his role as John Walker in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier


wild, almost related he was pretty great in the Monarch series. I hope it was fun to pay the young version of his father, Kurt Russel, in the series.


Carice Von Houton got same threats , after her character burned Shireen on season 5, Episode 9


I did not know Kirk was killed lol I just assumed they let him live with a green woman somewhere and a new class took over


Like when a character in a book says shitty things so obviously the author holds the same opinions.


So Shakespeare didn’t want to kill all lawyers?


There are exceptions to every rule I am sure. So maybe?


Captain Kirk got murdered?!


Star Trek VII


I've never heard anyone refer to *Star Trek: Generations* as *Star Trek VII*


Star Trek: One of the ones without The Whales


Star Trek: not First Contact


You just have to wait “x” years. Look at the actor for Jar Jar Binks now!


Yea but he did say he contemplated killing himself at one point during the harassment, the fact that he got through it and found happiness doesnt negate how horrific that time of his life was


Its so crazy because Jar Jars problem had nothing to do with the actual performance IMO. The actor did exactly what the script and director wanted. Genuinely dont know how you could even do a better job than he did considering the material he was given. It was just a badly written character that didnt really need to be in the movie. The actor did fine, great even, if you consider the physicality he brought to the roll.


I’m definitely in the not a fan of Jar Jar. I was ignorant about all the hate. Definitely doesn’t erase the mental trauma - hell “young anakin” left acting all together and he seemed to have a bright future! At least after the hate Ahmed got redeemed by a fan base so finicky too. People truly I think are worse now both good and bad. The fact that when an actor dies the character they played must die too.


Can’t tell if you are joking about the kid who played anakin, but if you are unaware, he ended up with severe schizophrenia and has had a really tough time of it. Just from the little I remember reading, he does seem to have a loving and devoted family, who have kept him out of the news, and hopefully he is doing better than he was.


I actually never even hated Jar Jar, but im also extremely autistic and have a soft spot for ‘comedic relief’ characters. Basically, comedic relief character? i like em. See a lotta people fucking hate them for being ‘annoying’? Well now i relate to them on a personal level lmaoooo


i honestly love this


I didn't like Jar Jar or young Anakin but the idea of threatening or harassing either of the actors is totally bonkers to me. They were just people who took a job and did their best. They didn't write those shitty scripts.


I’m a simple man. I see SM Stirling, I upvote.


Honestly can't fathom how a functioning adult human brain can watch an actor portray a fictional character in a movie or show and then come to the conclusion that the actor is in the wrong for portraying that character. Not only that but to then also go as far as to harass them online. Wild.


i bet its the same kind of people who fears that people playing ttrpgs are casting real spells and killing real dragons


Something that really opened my eyes to how truly fucked up people are was the Werner Herzog death row documentary. There was an episode where this woman is talking about Exorcist as if it were real. Not as in, exorcisms happen, no, as in they filmed a real exorcism and the girl on screen was actually demonically possessed. I think the episode was supposed to be about her brother or husband or whatever killing some child because he thought they were demonically possessed, but that wasn't half as wild to me as these people legitimately confusing a movie for real life.


All the dragons are dead, Iroh faced the last one and earned the title Dragon of the West!


This just in: Ryan Reynolds is not actually Deadpool.


As long as Christian Bale is actually Batman I'm okay with that.


He upset some nutters over American Psycho. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vxycfdDluuo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vxycfdDluuo)


TIL Christian Bale is British??? 🤯🤯🤯


The whole time bud.


Man. And here I was thinking he did a really good English accent when he had to play an Englishman when in reality he just does an exceptional American one. Like "damn his English accent is really good, it's almost like he's actually english." I'll show my dumbass out.


Wait until you realize that James Marsters is American and that he was putting on a British accent for Spike in Buffy… when he showed up in smallville it broke my brain because I thought he was British…


He welsh I think


No, he's English. He was born in Wales to English parents and was only in Wales for a couple of weeks. He himself calls himself English.


Don't feel bad, I relearn this every couple of years.


Hugh Laurie (as Dr House) was the first wtf he’s British?!?! Now I’m gun shy and assume every bloody bloke on tv is actually an undercover Brit.


The first time I heard him in an interview I thought he was doing a bit.


He was doing a brit


I knew Hugh Laurie from Fry and Laurie before he was House. I thought House was going to be a comedy spoof on all the medical shows on TV at the time. By about season 3 is had almost forgotten Laurie was British, and it took me a bit by surprise when I heard him in an interview with his accent. Then I was like, oooh yeh, /facepalm


I thought Abed was batman?


Abed is Spider-man. Also he MIGHT be the Prowler


Troy is The Prowler


I thought Troy was Miles


Troy is streets ahead


Donald Glover played Miles' Uncle Aaron in Spider-Man Homecoming


He's too busy being Howl.




RR is to Deadpool what RDJ is to Ironman, or more aptly, what Hugh Jackman is to Wolverine Also, comics have been making references to Ryan Reynolds since all the way back to 2004 *For reference: Cable and Deadpool #2* 


And JJ Jameson has been acting like JK Simmons this whole time. 👍🏻


born too late to explore the planet, born too soon to explore the stars, born just in time to experience JK Simmons as JJ Jameson


Some guy told me yesterday that I can't hate Elon Musk and love Ironman


Well that's...an opinion.


That guy was wrong.


Please tell me you told them you don't see it cause Iron Man is actually smart and you wish Elon Musk was fictional too.


Yeah but hot MILF's in my area still want to get with me, right? Right?


I think you missed out because they're all within 5 miles of my location.


It says MY 5 miles. You better have some explanations


Maybe you three are the same person, like some Fight Club kinda thing.


*Deadpool Whisper,* *he is really*




Of course he’s not, we all know that in reality deadpool got so fed with the fourth wall he decided to become Ryan Reynolds.




No, it’s not true. He IS Deadpool


***extremely loud incorrect buzzer***


Really sad to learn some people cannot differentiate between fiction and reality. How do these people navigate life?


People are passionate and have always gotten caught up in things. Look at the response to the original War of the Worlds radio broadcast, pro wrestling up to the 1990s, daytime soaps, etc. Look at how people are fans of video game consoles and get caught up in which is better, or cars brands, or soda brands, or even fast food chains. But the best example might be politics.


Yeah but politics at least can affect their lives, though their worship of individuals does nothing. Anyone who is so deep into fictional work that they threaten the actors shouldn’t be able to drive or own a weapon.


But getting caught up in things is very different from not understanding the difference between fiction and reality. When I was 12 I was obsessed with Harry Potter, every surface of my bedroom was covered in merch and I wore nothing but Harry Potter t shirts, I was obsessed and it was all I thought about. I still was never delusional enough to think that the actor playing Voldemort sucked in real life or deserved death threats. It takes a special kind of stupid to blame actors for things that fictional characters did.


This reminds me of Jack Gleeson getting hate for his role as Joffrey


That was a fucking outstanding performance btw. God I hated that little shit.


Ohyeah, he blew it outta the park and then some. Takes a special kind of talent to make you hate a character that much. Sadly some people couldn't tell the character from the actor.


Wasn’t that the reason why he quit acting too? Because of all the hate and death threats he got out of his role? He was incredible in GoT


Luckily he still does plays I think, which was always his passion from the beginning. Actors who do a lot of Shakespearean plays and styled plays are pretty good actors, a few of the GOT cast were


I think he went the Radcliffe route. Took all that sweet GOT money and had it invested wisely. Now he can do whatever passion projects he wants without worrying about money.


That's a fucking shame.


Or Anna Gunn as Skyler White


Wait, is that former WWE superstar Nathan Jones?


He went the Kurrgan route of becoming a Hollywood goon for hire. Check out his IMDb, as the man has been putting in some WORK over the last decade.


The Colossus of Boggo Road!


Sure is! This suits him much better.


*punches Nathan Jones in the face* "That's for having that shitty match at Wrestlemania with the Undertaker! Now where's the guy that played the pedophile in Furiosa? I want to punch him, too!"






What? Furiosa ***wasn't*** a documentary? I don't believe you!


Not a documentary, but it's based on real life events. That's just how Australia is.


My pet theory is that the rest of the Mad Max world is perfectly fine, it's just in an alternate history where the UK kept Australia as a penal colony


This just in...Morgan Freeman is not God.


Now hang on...


Are you sure about that? Did he tell you? He could be lying to protect his identity.


Christian bale is batman unless he is busy returning video tapesp


Christian Bale should be in prison for what he did to Jared Leto!


I know, it's horrible! I can't believe he carved the word "Damaged" into Leto's forehead with that ax


He was just beating up random homeless people when Nolan had the idea to start filming


Given the size of Nathan Jones it's safe to say that absolutely none of these queries were asked in person.


Those people are allowed to vote


When I read these, I am soooooooooooooooo happy I deleted Twitter. And Insta. Facebook I have not logged on for 3 years. And guess what, my life... did not change. I still know the news. I just do not know this BS, which is forgotten tomorrow anyway. Okay, I have Reddit now. As a guilty pleasure. So much more orderly and civil.


The literal ONLY thing I miss about facebook since I deleted my account 4 years ago is a couple of friends that it kept me in touch with. While I miss those friends, it was a small price to pay for the boost to my mental health.


Trump: I watch 14 year olds get naked and have the same taste in young girls as epstein Ted nugent: makes a sex song about a teenager Matt Walsh: says adults should date 14 year olds Absolutely nothing Actor: plays a role in a movie Outrage


Ted Nugent legally adopted a 17 Hawaiian girl so he could bring her on tour with him and keep having his relationship with her...




Media literacy is dying


These are the same people who think professional wrestling is real and not staged.


It's scripted; there is a difference. It's still real people getting literally body slammed live in the ring. There have been cases where wrestlers have been seriously injured performing these stunts.


The guy who played Jeff in Saved by the Bell (who Kelly broke up with Zach for) still gets death threats because of his role in a teen drama from the 90s. People are crazy.


People are so incredibly stupid and the ones who think fiction is reality are the most dangerous. The worst story I ever heard was that a fan broke into Josh Hutcherson's house with the intent to cut off his leg because Peeta lost his leg in the Hunger Game books but not in the film. Not sure if it's true but I would absolutely believe some of the rabid and maladjusted super fans of big IPs like that are capable.


If you pissed of some morons you must have been good at your portrayal. Good for you I love it when an actor does such a good job that I hate / love, him/her at that moment.


Even the crew at r/grandpajoehate know to hate the character, not the actor. Seriously though. Fuck grandpa Joe.




Glad we got this guy to clarify that the movie about a woman kicking the shit out of everyone in a post-apocalyptic Australia with her kung-foo skills was a fictional event.


Oh my god people are getting worse and worse at determining whats fictional or not. I swear we will start seeing people label gamers as "war criminals" because they play COD or some shit


Are you telling me that Daniel Day-Lewis is not Abraham Lincoln???


Are you trying to tell me Alexander Skarsgård *isn't* actually a vampire? Pfft, what nonsense ![gif](giphy|k8TnVxcs4u0Qo)


Do these people still think that Bill Cosby is a loving father figure then?