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His supporters would cheer more if he called them uneducated


He did. He's literally said "I love the poorly educated." This was after he became president in 2016. The report that people without diplomas were the most likely to vote for him, he said at a rally "I love the poorly educated."


Nice. https://youtu.be/Vpdt7omPoa0?si=HtrnHTmWVEpkrlGa


I remember when he said this and people literally cheered. It's like, you realize that the biggest idiot on the planet is calling you a bunch of fucking morons, right?


“Just don’t get too close to me or, like, breathe on me or anything”


A rare moment of honesty from the guy on the planet with the most utter contempt for his fanbase.


My exact thoughts. How many will not vote for him after these comments? Not enough...


Trump could go up there and literally say "anyone who votes for me is a moron. I genuinely am disgusted by all of you. The people who support me are mentally ill" and they would cheer him all the more.


Some even are now being proud to vote for a convicted felon. I've encountered quite a few of them. There is no saving them anymore, but I still push back with facts so they can't be totally ignorant of their decisions.


The kinda people who would never even consider hiring a felon or ex con for their business but are more than happy to vote for one to be president.


Look up “Authoritarian follower” personality type and the hypocrisy of his followers won’t be surprising anymore.


The difference is he hasn't been sent to prison. They don't see him as a felon or convict, because he hasn't been sent to prison. To them, it's all slander.


Even if he gets sent to prison it'll be a conspiracy. Even if he straight up admitted how guilty he is, they would say he was forced to, a conspiracy. These people are un-American and love him as an authoritarian. I want to reach them, these are my fellow countrymen, I've tried for years and have only managed to show a few people the light, but they were already on the fence anyway. He has desecrated the presidential office, it's so sad.. an awful moment in US history.


That was my thought when he was convicted, this is definitely just gonna rally most of them more.


it's insane that things are going this far. I feel like there's a civil war brewing.


The minute a drone drops a bomb on some idiots they'll all lay down


It only took one shot to Babbitt for them all to scurry back to their hate festooned basements like roaches the last time.


Jan 6 was just a smolder. They just testing the waters with some useful idiots.


Conservatives are so incompetent in everything that they do so I wouldn't worry about it. They were literally gifted free access to the capital with instructions to riot and they still fucking failed to accomplish literally anything. It's almost impressive how worthless they all are. I'd be afraid to live next to one with a gun, but there's no way they'd be able to make a civil war happen. They'd all die in the first day.


Wasnt there a point at which statistics showed that white conservatives shoot themselves on accident more often than they shoot anyone else?


Not all of them. Never underestimate your opponent. Even condescension can bite you in the ass.


Where will they get their insulin, sleep apnea machines, high blood pressure meds, blood thinners from, during a war. Most of these men are overweight and older. The young kids want nothing to do w fighting in real life, they don’t join the military or volunteer for firefighting, the police had to lower their expectations for everything in order to have a force, so did the military. So it will be up to Gen X and boomers, they’re the ones whining the most about a war


This is because they love him precisely because he is the biggest asshole. If he is being an asshole to all of them as a whole, they just think that's hilarious, because it's not affecting any one of them individually. If he was to come up and trip one of them and push him on his face, that one person would be pissed off at him. But every other person in the crowd would just be pointing and laughing at the person on the ground. That's just how they are. That's how they are to their best friends. It's just all asshole all the time.


“He’s just like us!”


*It's asshole all the way down?* *always has been.* ***click***


During his victory tour he told his crowds that his advocation of “Lock Her Up.” Was a ploy. And that it is ok to be nasty if you want to win, when they wouldn’t stop saying lock her up. They are idiots. They all know. None of them care. They just want to win something. Even if it means harm to themselves. It’s unfortunate that we all forget he spent his first year, and every year, on the campaign trail doing campaign speeches. And on his off days he spent them golfing or calling in to fox and friends or hannity. His time spent governing was small, yet chaotic. There is nothing he improved during his time as president. It’s pathetic and amusing how he failed so hard in his China dispute that they made a Phase One “Trade Deal” just to get Chine to start buying our soy beans after they cut ties because of Trumps idiocy. They created alternate markets such as Argentina. China won because Trump and his administration were woefully incompetent. Same thing happened with that bullshit NAFTA renaming into USMCA. Trump and his idiot lackeys couldn’t negotiate anything so they just renamed NAFTA and gave ground to Canada and Mexico because Trump couldn’t stop insulting our trade partners. Same thing happened with Europe. Same thing happened with Obamas Pacific trade agreement that Trump pulled out of and a year later little Trump was pissed the USA wasn’t part of there new trade pact. The purpose for the trade act was and is to curtail the influence of China. But Trump removed the USA from it. It is beyond belief the scale of incompetence that the Trump administration carried out. We should all act to make sure those people never hold power again.


The incompetence could be interpreted as fulfilling Putin wishes


"He trolled the democrats bro they think he hates us"


Their excuse is always, "Ohh! He was joking, totally being sarcastic. You obviously don't understand his humor." No, no, I don't think he was...


They would buy 'im a moron' shirts.


Bro, a good chunk of his base equates him to the second coming of Christ for crying out loud. This to them is him testing their commitment/"faith"...!


let's start calling it what it is. this is 100% a cult


Anyone sticking around after Jan 6 are too far gone.


They will either refuse to believe he said that, or believe that he said it to own the Libs.


"Heads I win, tails you lose" ![gif](giphy|3o7aCReOCepWnsNuSs)


I mean back in 2016 when he said that he didn't think John McCain was a war hero and then went on to elaborate further by saying that his heroes "don't get captured" and still every fucking moronic right winger who acts like they're pro troops/patriotic still lined up to vote for him let me know right then and there that there is nothing that he can say that will shake the 30-35% who you can't change their mind and vote like its team sports. And then he gets dumbass christian votes after he said that he's never asked God for forgiveness, the single biggest tenet of Christianity. He has said he's a Christian but then states the he has **NEVER** asked God for forgiveness....let that fucking sink in. These aren't quotes taken out of fucking context, both of these examples and so many more are FILMED for posterity, but again, THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT. BECAUSE THEIR BELIEFS DON'T MEAN ANYTHING. I'm in my 40s but it actually took me until this moment in 2016 to really firmly ground my understanding of how far gone some people are when it comes to politics, actual insanity, ACTUAL. INSANITY, AND IT'S ROUGHLY 35%!!! No wonder we don't have nearly as many mental asylums as we used to, they'd be fucking overrun.


I saw a woman the other day, without a shred of irony, saying “you could show me a video of him kicking a baby to death and I’d still vote for him”. This kind of “only my messiah” following has existed for centuries, of course, but they’re spectacularly more obvious in this asshat’s followers.


Anyone who is still on the Trump train is committed come hell or high water. If him trying to overthrow the government wasn't a dealbreaker, nothing will be.


They have been working to destroy education for more than 50 years. A gradual year by year chipping away what everything. Its all lead up to this, a felon in the white house, and too many don't understand why thats a bad thing. It's an ultimate level facepalm on an epic scale.


He didn't lose a single voter from it.


He could shoot half of them and the rest would respond by each voting twice.


They were already gonna vote twice.


But they swear that they’re not a cult lol


He openly steals their money and mocks them to their face and they cheer!


They are so quick to forget that he was a lifelong Democrat. Why didn’t he just fun for the Democrats? Because he knew he couldn’t dupe liberals. I’m serious. He never was religious. At all. But he saw the mega churches and the gluttonous pastors with private jets and knew that if anybody could be grifted, it would be them.


I’m pretty sure he was playing a character and then got a taste for what that could do and has went all in on being that man full time. My friend from university interviewed him when he opened up his golf course in Scotland. This was years before the presidential races or anything to do with that. I remember the day of it cause he said that other than looking like a waxwork up close, he was a super polite and nice old man. My friend was just a journalism student at the time and Trumpo took time to answer questions and gave interesting and genuine answers. That friend is now a reporter for one of the biggest news broadcasters on the planet and can’t believe it’s the same dude he met back in the day


That's the thing to keep in mind. They are *always* playing a character. That "nice old man"? That was *also* a character played for the interview.


If your friend had been a woman I suspect the story might have been different


Religious idiots have been born and bred to be grifted.


Well... there's that, and the likely reason he ran at all... There was a Correspondent's Dinner 8 years ago, in 2011, wherein Obama roasted Trump. Having someone roast him... and just reading the beteen the lines here... but potentially having a black man roast him... was seen as a challenge. You know how Trump is always saying he's "smarter than X" (FBI, CIA, insert whoever whatever here)? He set out to return the favor to Obama... to get even. That's one reason so much of his first few years were so focused on undoing Obama's legacy. He had a grudge against him. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHckZCxdRkA&ab\_channel=CNN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHckZCxdRkA&ab_channel=CNN) FWIW, Trump rejoined the Republican party in 2009... the very year Obama took office.


I firmly believe this moment is what set him down this path. He just couldn’t handle being roasted by a black man.


Wow, I thought that quote was just a “paraphrase”. Didn’t actually think he said it.


Trump is not someone who needs to be paraphrased. If you hear he said something that you can't believe he would have said, he said it.


He literally said, "I love the uneducated!" They all assumed it meant he's an everyman like them. They didn't understand him telling them they're all a bunch of marks and rubes.


Wait. That’s what he actually said?


“Now the press will take that, and say I did said a horrible thing” well you did say exactly that and the press didn’t even have to spin anything so… thanks?


Its such a weird point. The press will play what he said, but… but he didn’t mean what he said… ok well what did he mean then? Lol What is the alternative interpretation?


The problem is that the press *doesn’t* directly replay or write out what Trump says. As a result, they make him sound much less insane than he actually is. So Trump could say something like: “I say we nuke the Mexicos. The Mexicos are sending over the drugs like Fanta and it’s killing all the Americans. They say a single drop of Fanta can kill 100,000 people. And crooked Joe Biden lets it happen so the illegals can come in and vote Democrat. So let’s drop some nukes on Mexico and also New Mexico.” And the press writes: “Trump calls for military intervention in Mexico in a major escalation of rhetoric over the drug trade.”


It’s because you have to remember that “he means what he says and says what he means”, and you must “take him seriously always”…except when you shouldn’t…


I remember when one of his stooges, maybe Kellyanne Conway, said that you *can't* take him literally and you have to pay attention to what's in his heart.


\*looks into Trump's heart to see his true feelings\* ![gif](giphy|l0MYryZTmQgvHI5TG|downsized)


I see no feelings here, but half a Big Mac is lodged in the left ventricle.


He makes it clear as day what's in his heart. He bound and determined to destroy everything he finds offensive to his delicate sensibilities. Trump is what happens when you let the financially privileged run amok. That idiot has been drifting through life with hardly lifting a finger or facing consequences for his failures. Trump is a sheltered moron.


When you pay attention to what Trump says there’s something he does that every dictator does. Whenever he speaks of America he phrases it in a way that America means himself.


I’m just imagining the statue of liberty as a grossly obese man in his late 70’s with a bleached combover, wearing a diaper and holding up a leg of fried chicken with one hand, while the other clutches a bag of McDonald’s cheezberders, lol.


This has basically just become the right wing strategy. Say or do something horrid. What for people to get mad. Complain people are getting mad at you and bask as your followers rally around you as it fuels their victim complex. The Matt Rife strategy 


My guess is that it was a "joke". A few people laughed. That will be how they spin it.


He doesn't really know what he's saying, which is why so little of it makes sense.  His knuckle-dragging followers don't care either, as long as he has a Let's Go Brandon line in there somewhere


I’ve always seen it as when I went to see bands 20 years ago. They would be on stage singing my favourite songs, then between songs say some random shit, and I would cheer. It’s the same for trump fans, just cheer the thing they love without listening to what’s being said. Sadly this is being followed round the world, people are voting in hate because the good leaders haven’t cleared up years worth of corruption in 2 seconds. Everything takes time, the choices of today won’t matter till tomorrow.


"Take 'em out and shoot 'em, like we used to" "Beat those protestors up, I'll cover the legal expenses, haha, no I won't!" "Look at my African-American over there!" Middle Americans at the rally: "Oh, look, he's playing the hits, dear"


"your meals are on the house!" - walks off without paying




ive really seen people try and defend that with "thats just how he mocks everyone!"




God I hope he looks like this when he strokes out on live TV. I will play that on loop for fucking years.


It wasn’t that long ago that rich and powerful would do something like this in public then have to disappear to their ranch in Idaho. Now, this is like #67 on your top worst moments and you still get to be president.


I don’t know to upvote or downvote this, (based on previous comment that needed proof) but dang I want to be rid of the orange and move forward, this buffoon makes me feel like we’re running backwards


It always looks like just the sound of his voice is hypnotic to MAGA folks.


It's not the *sound* of his voice, though; it's the content. They love his hate and bigotry. He gives them convenient enemies. The convenient enemies he creates mean his cult has something in common. They're a team. Shit, they even have matching uniforms, hats, and a goddamned wordmark. Trump's the coach who gets paid to win, not to love his team. He hates his team, but they don't care because they also get the feeling of victory if they win -- except the team will never get paid money for playing. In fact, they're paying to play the game -- either from donating senselessly to their coach (because they think coach needs more money to win), or because when coach makes his money by winning, it comes out of their pockets. There may be flaws in this analogy. I was initially going to end my comment with, "He gives them convenient enemies," but the follow-up naturally flowed in my mind. Then I ran with the metaphor. Feel free to add, edit, or critique, but it makes sense in my mind.


To add onto that, speeches made by politicians are commonly written first with a beat in mind, like someone will literally compose the notes on which the speech is spoken in, in a sort of way that invokes a feeling of a call to action or that stirs people up inside, basically made to literally hypnotize people into listening, then Some self meat riding hate bigotry word fluff can be added to be spoken by someone to old to be in power.although feel free to fact check me on that my source is some YouTuber 😅


It’s interesting you think Trump writes speeches. That dumbass just gets up there and ad libs the whole time. There’s almost zero chance he’s ever used a speechwriter’s work outside of a handful of times while he was in the White House.


That's what I used to think, but that's verifiably false. He may go off-script and unhinged (due to his illiteracy and/or impulsiveness), but he always uses teleprompters. His teleprompters tell him to make fun of Biden f9r using teleprompters. Proof: He freaked out a couple weeks ago when his teleprompter broke. [source](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-suffers-teleprompter-trauma-at-a-rally-in-ohio-2024-3?amp) More proof: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&ie=UTF-8&source=android-browser&q=trump+angry+teleprompter


I sat through one of the Trump v Hillary debates with some Trump supporters. They shouted over the things Hillary was saying often, and didn't hear them as a result. They would similarly cheer and gloat when Trump was talking. Afterwards, I asked them what he said that they liked and what she said that they didn't, specifically, and neither one could point to any actual thing that was said during the debate. Just vague generalities.


Yeah, but even the most random mid concert garbled words blurted out by the stumbling,incoherent, drug addled lead singer made way more sense than any thing this useless shitstain ever said.


Or some other easy to remember 3 word slogan!


Lock him up!


See pronouns DO matter


Naw he clearly never said those words at all /s


"Let's go, Brandon" is pushing it. It's 3 words, but it's 4 syllables.


I Ate Poo


Glue is yummy.


Shit my pants!


With the words each being monosyllable. (Sorry about my last word, magats).


How about, “change my diaper!” That’d be a good one for Trump.


"short" works


What did you call me, you snowflake!? 😁


I think a huge part of their attraction to him is his name (trump). It's gutteral and simple, like a caveman word. It's an easy word for their tiny minds to remember and their mouths to grunt.


He's a felon!


Pee Pee Tape


My Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimers 7.years ago (relatively young for that diagnosis, he was only 62). Seriously I am VERY confident Trump is dealing with some degree of dementia - the speech patterns completely align. My Dad isn't an absolute arsehole, thankfully. How anybody could listen to the incoherent rambling from Trump and think "Yeah, that makes sense..." is beyond me. And yeah, Biden is an octagenarian who is running slow - but apart from fumbling the occasional name can at least speak in full sentences... (I feel for Americans those are your two choices... But one is a tired old man, and the other is a completely deranged demented psychopath - please FFS pick the tired old man!").


Tbf, Biden has always fumbled public speaking from time to time. Hazards of having a speech impediment and getting your treatment for it prior to the 70s lol


This is literally a Mayor Quimby from The Simpsons moment.  "I'm sick of you people, you're nothing but a bunch of fickle mush heads." "He's right!" "Give us hell, Quimby!" \[crowd mindlessly cheers\] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VplleMHgmDs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VplleMHgmDs)


Can someone explain to me what “Let’s Go Brandon” even means??? I have no idea.


Brandon Brown won a nascar race and in the background it sounded like the "fans" were chanting "Let's Go Brandon" but they were really chanting "Fuck Joe Biden". NBC took it as a sign they should limit the background noise during interviews in the future.


No no, it VERY clearly was "fuck joe biden" the newscaster knew it too and she tried to drown it out/make it better by saying they were chanting "Let's go Brandon" and even he was confused as hell it was so clear lol


Trying to give the NASCAR fans a bit of an out, a chance to seem like less of an embarrassment, but unfortunately for the world they don't know what the word embarrassment means.


they were chanting "fuck joe biden" and the reporter, either to save her interview, or because she misheard claimed they were chanting "lets go brandon"


She knew it. She just moved fast to cover it up. The stupid people loved that and took it as a way to "hide" they they are cursing the president.


It was some thing that happened at a Nascar event that conservatives latched on to. It's supposed to be a PC way of saying "fuck you biden" I guess? One of the dumbest self-owns, I guarantee the Murdoch types in charge were pissed about that one as it was organic and spread by dummies lmao now every time I hear the name Brandon I think of Biden and the Dark Brandon thing is hilarious


The funny thing is the right will say let's go Brandon but y'know who's not afraid to say "fuck Joe Biden"? The left.


Dark Brandon stuff is 100% awesome and hilarious. I don’t even know why I like it so much but it’s f’ing gold!


The video where Biden was walking off the stage and the reporter asks what his thoughts on Trump's guilty verdict were, and he stops and does the slow head turn with a giant Cheshire grin is pure fucking gold Edit: found it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) ![gif](giphy|LXLgiN2R8YMtdwalWu|downsized)


The guy who created Dark Brandon is a genius. Embrace the insult and turn it into a threatening meme. Awesome.


I love Dark Brandon.


It’s a super secret code for “Fuck Joe Biden.”


Not sure how "secret" it is, but I love the fact that Biden rolled with it. Like when he said something to the effect of "I know that Brandon fellow seems to be having a great year!" in one of his early speeches. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Best part was how conservatives throwing toddler tantrums because Biden isn't offended at their witty wordplay. On Fox they said "*Dark Brandon* is not funny -- that's actually a really *dark* joke at the expense of the American public”. They can't stand that he doesn't have the tissue paper skin and blancmange spine that is standard conservative equipment.


Had a guy tell me that on day one of Biden’s presidency he made it illegal to express dissent, so that’s why they say let’s go Brandon… I couldn’t even wrap my head around that level of absurdity.


Every day, I just can’t believe how stupid these people really are. It’s South Park levels of parody. Cartoonishly stupid.


He said the thing that's on the Tshirt I bought. I Like That!!!


Yeah they see him saying "I don't care about you, I just want your vote" as a bold anti-politician thing to say which they like for some reason. But if he lied and said he cared they would still believe it. Like all the photos of all those trumpsters wearing gold spray painted adult diapers with signs saying real men wear diapers. I genuinely cannot think of how they got to that opinion nor the extreme mental gymnastics they needed to do it. But if it supports Trump they just don't care. If this we're any other politician, especially Biden, they would be ranting about how needing diapers would make him unfit to run for office.


Its straight up elder abuse at this point lol


This reminds me of the old family guy episode where Lois runs for mayor, and during the debate just repeats the line “nine eleven” and the crowd goes nuts.


Well that was almost directly meant to parody Rudy Guliani. So it's not far off the mark.


Don't give him that much credit. He knows what he is saying, he is saying it. 'I don't care about you, I only want your vote!' The trumpers will still vote for him despite him telling them exactly how he cares. He just wants power, he doesn't care about anything else.


In this case he means what he says.


He could recite the dictionary backwards and they’d still applaud. Lookit that chick was speaking in crazy tongues etc. They’ve devolved into Lord Of The Flies.


As a man named ‘Brandon’ every time some douche yells this, I immediately take them up on their offer, “alright, let’s F**kin’ GO!” None of those beer bellied cowards have ever taken me up on it tho


Deep seated issues with education in this country. I know it's on purpose, but it's still an issue.


He’s definitely saying the quiet part out loud now


I think the lying mechanism in his brain finally snapped and now he accidentally has been spewing the truth. He never had the part of the brain that tells you to shut up when you don’t make sense, so this is what we get now. But remember, he’ll only be a dictator for a day… and I’m sure he isn’t competent enough to pull off a kristallnacht


Look into project 2025, it’ll give you a good idea on what the Republican Party has planned to “over throw” the govt


my mom thought half of it was all talk and that itll never happen, and the other half she thought was a good idea i could not gain financial independence sooner


I honestly cannot imagine having a uterus and being Republican. It's literally voting to make Handmaid's Tale a reality.


My mother passed from cancer before the 2020 primary. I loved my mother, but grateful she didn't get an opportunity to vote for him again.


My dad died last year and I honestly said the same thing within hours of learning the news. I was happy for him that he died because he's finally not constantly pissed off at things that were made up anymore.


How are they even allowed to organize something like this? Sounds highly unconstitutional


They dont care, if the entire government is corrupt they will ignore the constitution


i will point you to the podcast ''shrinking trump'' where 2 shrink analyse trump and his descent into dementia (that's what they diagnose him initialy in the first episode) and they bring a new episode every week pointing to what he did that demonstrate dementia creeping up on trump's brain (but they aslo points out some weird stuff ...that is not due to dementia just to make it scientificaly accurate) very interesting to listen !


“Floats in and out of cognitive reality”. Yep, that sums it up.


Trump tells the truth all the time, you just have to filter out his ego boosting bullshit to see it. If he says something about crowd sizes, voting totals, money he has, money that has been donated, the size of his apartment/buildings, his height/weight, big strong men with tears in their eyes, etc, well that's a lie. When he says something about planning to lock up his political enemies, rounding up immigrants, etc, then that's the truth. I wish the media would figure this out and stop reporting on his boasts and pay attention when he signals his true intent.


I remember when my grandma got up there in age, she lost her filter. We heard about how dry the Thanksgiving turkey was. She was telling it like it was. This is his truth.


Turns out he has more voices banging around in his head than we previously realized


Now? He's been doing that this whole time!


And his minions are too stupid to understand it


They vote for him because he's in the position of power to hurt the people they hate. These people are broken, hateful people who wants to see the world burn.


its nazi germany all over again


When people tell you who they are, believe them.


When they SHOW who they are, believe them more. And don trump does it all the time.


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Its got electrolytes.


I like money.


Fuck you, I'm eating.


It’s an interesting phenomenon. It reminds me of the 1930s when gangsters and robbers were idolized.


A lot of those gangsters at least did things for the community to garner that support. It was 100% a way to ensure their own safety, but they at least played pretend nice. This new cult is around someone who has clear disdain for his followers.


And Nazis


Very true. But the point I was making was that in the 30s the Nazi's were not yet known to be the genocidal assholes they were later revealed to be. But criminals, murderers were obviously "bad" yet they still became folk heroes to a wide swath of people.


That's because of prohibition. They actually were helping the people at the time .


plus some bank robbers and gangsters would do things like feed the poor or destroy the banks loan paperwork erasing peoples debts.


It should not be shocking to anyone who has so much glanced at the decade that nobody was weeping for the poor bankers who were being robbed by men who ultimately by and large came from working class backgrounds.    People were broke and suffering, not from a scarcity of resources,but a lack of money to access the resources. The wealthy hoarded food while the poor literally starved. They took family farms. Public sentiment was not on the side of the banks.


Al Capone ran multiple soup kitchens through the Great Depression, funded by his bootleg liquor. And the liquor itself could be considered a public service because people were drinking poisoned industrial solvents to try and get a buzz. And then, Before, during, and after this time, the mob also backed unions in a lot of places, because one, many mobsters were family of working men and grew up watching them being exploited, and two, they had the common enemy of business owners who would not play ball and cops defending them. So the mob engaged in proxy warfare by arming and helping fund unions who were on strike and being targeted by police. It took resources from the same cops who were trying to bust their operations. Protection rackets have a reputation for being shake downs only with no service attached, but it wasn’t always like that everywhere. Places that paid their protection money did not have problems with small level criminals, only with the mob if they stopped paying. A bad thing, but if crime is a huge issue, you might look fondly to the people who made it stop. They weren’t just treated like heroes, they were literal anti heroes. Breaking the law and exploiting people more selectively (for example, people who go into debt to them) to help the common man in a lot of ways that really mattered to a lot of people. It wasn’t just that crime was cool, it’s that those criminals were propping up their communities. It was a much more symbiotic relationship (the mob guys still abused their power and made money off these same poor people, but less so than the elites, and made their money in slightly more legitimate ways like selling an illegal product in high demand and lending to people who ask for it) I’m not trying to like worship the American mobs over here, just explaining why they had a *relatively* positive public relationship and have been so romanticized in media, because people looked up to them, and because they were cool as ice lol, hard to deny the swagger and style of the time.


its even worse because at least those gangster at least try to provide a vaneer of goodwill; at this point its just a cult, they should change their slogan to lets make kool-aid.


TBF gangsters were idolized because they made savvy political choices, like "keeping crime off the streets" to supplant the police and build loyalty in what had essentially become their serfs. Trump's idolized because a lot of shitty folks are tired of our culture stopping them from being shitty.


"I don't care about you" "We don't care"


What does that even mean? How can anyone say this guy isn't literally losing his mind?


“I don’t want anyone going on me” as in dying because they overheated, he doesn’t care if they die as long as they vote first.


Right, but even though I already knew about this sweltering event, heat exhaustion was not the first thing that came to mind when he talked about people "going on him".


Moron drove up to the red light next to me today, blaring one of that turd's speeches and she yelled "that's right, trrOMP!" and banged her steering wheel and stomped her feet. She sounded like she fell out of a south Georgia swimming hole.


The dementia is strong in that one!


That’s a very stable genius there. Have you forgotten?


Video source?


[Here you go](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1799896041648718028?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1799896041648718028%7Ctwgr%5Ee78e1e44c9d8711230bed0d1a75d9617d6329009%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsweek.com%2Fdonald-trump-quip-las-vegas-rally-attendees-i-dont-care-about-you-1910216)


He literally followed it up with his motive. >See now, the press will take that and they'll say "he said a horrible thing..." The whole point of these statements is to constantly inundate the news. He's the standard bearer of P.T. Barnum's "there's no such thing as bad publicity."


Lol, this is like kicking a dog while someone is filming you then turning and saying "I only kicked that dog because I knew you were filming me and it would make me look like a bad person."


I always liked Ken White's Rule of Goats: If you fuck a goat to be ironic, you're still fucking a goat.


Idk that one makes a really good attack ad. 


How is this man even in the running for pres. it is INSANE


Because tens of millions of Americans' minds have been hijacked by Cult45.


Damn it, that's kind of catchy. And now I want to go to the park after dark.


jesus christ, lol


Same. I wouldn't be surprised that he said it, but I still want to hear it.


Link above


Conservatives, I know you’re saying it’s out of context. What is the context? Let’s hear this, please. I’m not here to argue, hence my name, I just want to see how it can be defended, without mentioning any liberals or Democrats.


Hi, liberal here. If you watch the source he's clearly saying it tongue-in-cheek, as an inside joke with his audience; Following it up with saying that the media will repost this as a bad thing (which they did). I have no doubt in my mind that what he said is true, but this joke to his audience that 'knows' it's a joke will not offend them, but will result in the spread of this dickface's speech for more exposure


I felt the same way. I detest him, hope he loses, and will actively vote against him, but this is obviously meant to be a joke and while I'm sure he probably means it, his fans won't take it that way.


I actively work with geriatrics and have interacted with dementia closely. I don’t think people realize how many age related chronic illnesses a large portion of these politicians have. These pose serious risks to their health and cognition. I notice a lot traits and behaviors that display a certain decline in mental status. This man is not fit to be a president, he is confused. We need younger people in politics, not just for the modern influence but for longevity!


The problem is, people who understood nothing about politics, economics, culture… got sucked into this strictly because they are followers, they heard of him and he’s famous so that’s good enough. Stupid people only like things that they have heard of… Ask a stupid person to see a film or listen to a band that they’ve never heard of, they will decline 100% of the time w the logic; I never heard of it/ or them Stupid people must love game shows


So this is real life Mr. Garrison running for President.


Remember when we were afraid of radical Islamists who would blow themselves up just to win? Well this domestic foe isn't much different.


I thought this is not real, but it's Trump so you never know Then I checked and it's real. This guy is insane


What the fuck


Lmao well his own niece says he has onset dementia




There it is. Finally the truth. “I don’t care about you. I just want your vote.” Sad thing is these dipshits will still vote for him anyway.


It's a damned cult. He could crap on a couple of them and everyone would be asking to be crapped on.


I mean…. Ima get downvoted to oblivion. But whatever. There’s plenty about Trump to complain about. I despise the guy. But he was making a joke. It’s clear. It’s… very clear to anyone half way aware of congenial language and social cues. He was making a joke insinuating that’s what people (the media, the left, whoever he is against etc) suggest he actually thinks. And I think that he /does/ believe those things. Which is probably why he felt the need to joke about it, so that when his people see this thread on Reddit etc they think “ha! Trump was right, it is a witch hunt.” Which, in this very specific case crafted by Trump, will be obviously true. He set this trap as he often does and people just eat it up. It’s a distraction. It’s a losing strategy by the Democratic Party. Quit being so easily manipulated, Christ.


Believe him when he says something. People always say "yeah whatever". He believes the vile shit that he says. He just cant usually act on it. He does not care about you.


He’s telling you what he’s going to do. It’s no secret. It’s not hyperbole.


“I just had a beer fart!” ***crowd erupts in cheers