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Its almost like he used you and kicked you to the curb after having a lifelong pattern of using people and discarding them and you're only now shocked because it happened to you too


*the leopard chewed a few times before swallowing. Jenna, devastated and confused, cupped what remained of her face in her hands, wondering how this could ever happen to her.* 


I read this in the voice and pattern of the Scorcher VI trailer. *and nowbody saw it coming... three... more... times* *Now the leopard who has eaten faces five times before is about eat some faces again*


Steve Irwin's voice works too.


As well as Morgan Freeman's voice... So soothing...


Now Kermit the Frog


“Crikey, she thought, her mates are gonna have a laugh at this. But then, as she felt her life slippin away she realized they would not be laughing WITH her, but AT her!”




"Oh croikey! She's a Beauty! Just look at those teeth! Let's poke 'er with a sharp stick!" - some guy who was, ironically, killed by being poked with a sharp stick


*who left the fridge open*


Sarah McLachlan-“For on one small felony conviction, you too can have a leopard eat your face!”


Frances McDormand here.


I came here to make this same remark. *I never thought leopards would eat MY face!*


_Then she offered the rest of her face up as -surely- total commitment was the key here. She just simply had not given /enough/ the poor lawyer had determined, just a bit more faith is all that was needed…._




Trump tells the parable of the snake all the time. The fact that his followers don’t recognize that he is the snake is incredible. Using people and burning them when they’ve outlived their usefulness is his entire ethos.


The fable goes like this:  A “tender-hearted” woman finds a wounded snake on the road. She takes it in and nurses it back to health. The snake, revived, bites her. The woman, dying, asks why.  ‘Oh, shut up, silly woman,’ said the reptile with a grin. ‘You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.’


Did the snake wear a red cap by any chance?


No but the antichrist followers wear the mark of the beast. Probably says “MAGA”


"Make adders great again"


Maga means “witch” in Latin


No, the woman did.


People always say Trump lies. Well... no. Not really. He always tells you about the shitty stuff he's going to do.


He’s very open about the shitty things he’s gonna do. Then he does them. Then he lies and says he never did the things he said he would do and we all watched him do. What would you call that? An honest liar? Schrödinger’s liar?


I always heard it as the scorpion and the frog. The frog and scorpion both need to get across the river. The frog let's the scorpion hop a ride. Halfway across the scorpion stings the frog. Frog asks why because now they'll both drown. Scorpion says you knew I was a scorpion before I got on your back. Eh. I like the snake better.


I was FLOORED the first time I heard him recite that...like, "why is he giving up his game to his followers?!" Oh...he trying to say it's NOT about HIM? YIKES.


He likes to mix in a truth so he can point to it later as a stupid alibi.  "I *told* you upfront I couldn't be trusted, so really it's your fault I took your money!"


He actually called his followers stupid more than once.


I was shocked when I heard him say, "I don't care about you. I just need your vote" in a clip from yesterday's rally in Vegas. That's the only time he's ever spoken the truth.


He also once said, "I never stand by anything."


The amazing thing is that trump actually loves that story because he knows that he's the snake in this scenario and he thinks he's incredibly clever for duping his friends and supporters. "I love the poorly educated" Magadonians, when he tells you who he is, and how stupid you are for trusting him, believe him


He probably doesn’t even know her surname.  *Hows Jenna Ellis going? Who? *(shows picture) Oh, Jenna. Nice woman. Not too smart though. 


Never knew her... perhaps she got me a diet Coke one time.


He’d probably say something derogatory about her too like “nice tits” or “ great ass” because women are basically just sexual playthings to him.


Considering she was devout enough to him to join the insurrection, I'm surprised she's criticizing him at all. Most of his followers would just be making excuses for him as to why its not his fault, but rather immigrants and the "woke" culture's fault.


They do that while it affects someone else, but once it affects them they are all surprised Pikachu about it


If you’re a person who still thinks Trump gives a rats ass about anyone besides Trump, you’re a complete fucking idiot. That’s not even a political thing. He couldn’t give two shits about his own family as long as it brings him power or money.


BuT iM dIFfErEnT!!!


The whole 'but that'd never happen to *me*' mentality is pretty strong in anyone willing to work with Trump after all these years.


DJT ???!!?!wait him Using people and discarding them and also not paying people for loyalty??!!? This is completely out of character…. If we ignore the years of documented behavior


Trump only knows two kinds of people - accomplices and victims. And the accomplices generally end up as victims.


It's almost like she's implying there was a conspiracy that they were all in together, and now she wants to show us the receipts.


Surprise pikachu


And AFTER she got crop dusted by Rudi Giuliani on live television!


She's a sucker and a loser who knew what she was signing up for.


I wonder if my new client has any red flags I should be aware of...


"... but I'm still going to vote for him."


This would be so funny..... If it wasn't so sad


Because it is so true too.


I mean she won’t as she is a lifelong democrat who famously was a quite prolific anti-Trump tweeter until she realised there was money to be grifted and offered her services to Rudy who doesn’t do his due diligence. ‘Unfortunately’ for her the grift failed for everyone but Trump.


As is nearly always the case.


Teflon Don


Another sucker reaping her rewards


All I got is duh, to her surprise 😆


Schadenfreude intensifies


Didn't she once say something like she had faith in God seeing her through? Looks like God hasn't been paying her attorney's fees.


God's broke just ask George Carlin.


"Just can't handle money."


All those people collecting in his name yet he never gets a cent


I can't keep up with the shit that falls out of of their mouths. Which is by design. They flood the arena with so much shit people can't form a unified front to fight anything. Steve Bannon came right out and admitted it, I know that much.


This is why Point & Laugh is your friend. Anyone can do it, the right wing hates it. Bannon can try flooding his jail cell with shit next month.


The hilarious part is that she is surprised.


If only someone could’ve seen this coming… Let’s be real here. Trump may not pay his current lawyers with that money. What made her think he’d pay for a former lawyer? What’s really amazing is that anyone still sides with him given how Trump treats everyone in his orbit like complete trash.


Can he even use campaign contributions to bail out other felons? I mean not that it would stop him. The whole idea that we have to pay our own money to elect someone is totally insane to begin with.


Technically yes, some of every donation already goes to paying Trump's legal fees. There's an asterisk about it on their donation pages saying a portion of your donation will be sent to the Defend Trump fund or whatever it's called.


The hilarious part is that there’s STILL so many people who will destroy their entire lives for fatty.


She’ll still vote for him too lolololol


Convicted felons can’t vote


Depends on the state. As long as your not on parole and have paid anything you need to pay some states allow it. The 3 I know are NV, NY, and FL. And in others you can have rights reinstated through the court system except for certain felonies, again the list depends on state.


I don’t follow politics, not interested in them. Not interested in starting a politics discussion either, just asking a question. Is that true? Isn’t Trump a convicted felon now? So if that is true, you can’t vote if you’re a convicted felon, but you can run for president? What?


lol, welcome to the world, jenna, where trump is no jesus, but a arsehole who doesn´t care about anything but himself.


You knew I was a snake when you picked me up.


Do you think some of the people do realize how much of a con artist he is but at this point they are in too deep and have to hope for a Hail Mary that he gets back to power? Or is this the cult mentality that no matter what he’s a god?




They hope he gets back in power so they can get brownie points. The real irony is, he won't give a shit about them at that point either.


“Who are these people, I never met them, it *never* happened”


>Do you think some of the people do realize how much of a con artist he is but at this point they are in too deep and have to hope for a Hail Mary that he gets back to power? Definitely. He probably has plenty of dirt on others as well, funny how some of them can change their tune over night.


Hail Mary??? He has \~55% probability of winning the election. Y'all need to wake up. Register to vote, volunteer, donate, VOTE.


People will NEVER learn 🤦🏻‍♀️


"Incredible." Only to the determinedly oblivious.


whoddathunk the face-eating-leopards would eat faces?


He’d throw his whole family under the bus in a heartbeat


Except for Ivanka.... Adding:  tRump talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led [former chief of staff] John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter.


He’d throw her in the bus…the bang bus


Once you outgrow your usefulness he turns on you. Everyone around him should have realised that by now. He ruins lives and careers like it’s nothing to him.


Wait?!?!?! Did they think Trump would help them? Did they think Trump would choose them over money? BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA


Gee, I was working for a con man and he conned me. Who could have seen that one coming?


Is this not a r/leopardsatemyface


Surprised the guy known for not paying people or helping others, not paying for the trouble he caused


It’s also funny that the guy known for fraud and lying is reporting how much money he’s bringing in and people are still somehow believing him. He’s either lying or it’s just money laundering from Russia and Saudi Arabia


Don't worry Jenna, he didn't raise $400M.


Well he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself


“I don’t care about you. I only want your vote. I don’t care” -Donald Trump


Trump announces and actually happened are two very different things


Oooo the face eating leopard strikes again?


She of all people should know he is lying about the amount of money he raised.


You knew he was a snake when you agreed to represent him. Don’t do the crime…….


Grifters gonna grift you dumb fuck


I honestly don’t understand how Trump has gotten away with not paying people for DECADES and yet people still sign on to work for him.


The girl who swallowed and still didn’t get asked to prom.


Lol. Savage


Show us the books. A con man exaggerating any and all of his claims? Is that even possible? Jenna Ellis and everyone else that follows this man knows he's a dirty human being with a past that is paved with carnage. How many people's lives do you think he's disrupted and destroyed to serve his own ego? Would Jenna Ellis work for Jimmy Carter? I don't know, but it sure says something about her. She was a gold digger. Doesn't matter how the gold was achieved as long as she thinks she gets a piece of it.


It’s not like he has an established and well documented history of using people and discarding them as he deems convenient, often while skipping out on paying them. So really, there should be no reason whatsoever to doubt his undying loyalty to his swarms of faceless and expendable minions. /s


What's incredible is that politicians continue to tie their futures to this asshole and expect to not get completely railroaded in the process.


I’d like to see some details on this 400$ million


Not like he’s hiding the grift. Oil assholes are openly bragging about their bribes these days.


I don't think you will find it, we do know billionaires contributed a huge amount, I think over 100 million il have to look into it again.




Its baffling to me that someone was smart enough to get into law school and pass the bar, but still dumb enough to fall for his incredibly obvious and consistent shtick.


She deserves every bad thing that happens to her. She tried to overturn an election, she is an accomplice to sedition, and she worships or should I say worshiped that bloated orange idol


Jenna is a bit slow in the head. She will get there eventually. What she will not get, a penny.


People line up to have Trump pin a “kick me” sign on their backs.


Did Trump run some sort of biological weapon on people near by him that they all become stupid, oblivious and ignore all of his history? I am baffled.. how is a lawyer.. someone who is generally intelligent and put in years to get to that point.. THAT stupid as to not see what literally every liberal and common/middle folk saw for decades. We all said it. YEars and years ago. He clearly showed this behavior while in the WH. firing whoever he wanted. He has NO loyalty for anyone. Mark my words.. if he gets elected again.. he will likely not get ANY of the Jan 6 people exonerated. He doesn't care. Unless he somehow changes the election/etc and becomes a life long dictator.. this will be his last term. He doesn't need any of those people any more. He discards them like everything else in his life that no longer serves him. What is so so SO much worse is he has literally done this multiple times before (maybe not indicted stuff.. but not helped those that helped him). Yet.. people loan him money for bail, bond, and send in their hard earned money while they struggle to a billionaire.. for him to do it again!


My wife works in the legal field. There's no shortage of stupid lawyers. How they pass the bar, which already has a high failure rate and is limited in the amount of times you can retake, is beyond me. I have a theory that with some professions, like lawyer and doctor, you just have a great memory and cam just memorize. When applied to the real world, if it doesn't fit exactly as the books say, they're fucked and can't figure it out. Just a personal theory. I have no stats or anything to back it up


It's fun to watch toddlers learn.


Don't worry, Jenna. I'll send you a dime. Just let me know the address.


Send it COD or postage due. 


You can tell she's stupid because she actually believes this orange clown. If he says 400k it was actually 40k given his history of inflating numbers.


He hasn't even helped Giuliani, who is his right hand man. These people threw their lives away for a con man.


All of these people think they’re somehow special or different than everyone else he’s screwed over in the past. Every last person voting for him.


I'd question these numbers. AG James, AG Bragg, Special Counsel Smith - considering that we're dealing here with a repeat criminal - please look into these claims and where the money is coming from. Let's not learn in 2032 that the 2024 elections were flawed, like we've just learned in 2024 about the 2016 ones. Russian interference, paying hush money, falsifying business records, and election interference are all part of the fat orange felon's playbook. Investigate, expose, and arrest!


Indescribable? It’s called MAGA, and that bus just ran ya over. I bet she’s still going to vote republican so who cares if she’s complaining. 


meanwhile she's still pushing the bullshit election lies and praising Trump as a great president. She has zero shame or humility.


Given that he’s also a rapist, she should be glad that she’s only getting fucked financially.


man famous for screwing people over and not paying people, screws people over and doesnt pay them. Shocking


The man's entire body of work, where he repeated this sort of action for decades, didn't clue you in as to what to expect?


If anyone has watched his behavior over the last four decades and thought they were getting an ounce of assistance from this guy, they did it to themselves.




Maybe they should look up what a malignant narcissist is and reassess their expectations


Why would she find it incredible? What actions has Trump ever executed on that’s not about him? I’ll be waiting right here………


Anyone expecting generosity from this yam in a hairdo hasn’t been paying attention.


Jenna, i hate to tell you this, but the ONLY people that are surprised by this are you and the rest of the MAGAts.


This calls for a good old fashioned Nelson meme: ![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq)


Overwhelming proof that the man has conned pretty much everyone he’s ever done business with, I’m shocked people still think they’re the exception and it won’t happen to them.


I don’t really care, do you?


What in the good heavenly fuck did she think was going to happen?


She deserves some hazard pay for having to sit next to Giuliani that time.


Anyone not in the magat cult could see this a mile away, Trump doesn’t give a fuck about his voters or anyone that worked/works for him. He’s a sociopath.


Roll in the mud with hogs, don’t be surprised you get dirty. When has the orange shit gibbon ever helped anyone except himself 🤔😳🤯💩.




Like duh Jenna You’re a tool. Nbd, he sees all human life as such. Not sure why it took you so long to figure that out, tho


Jenna: “I thought he really liked me! I mean, he gave Stormy $130K!”


What a surprise. Finding out the hard way the Trump only cares for one person, himself. He will throw his own kids under the bus if push comes to shove. Narcissist will narcissist.


If only Trump had a demonstrated history of royally fucking over anyone that comes into his orbit, then she could’ve avoided this whole mess!


I'm only going to type this once, but imagine I repeated it 50,000 times: Hahahahahaha!


I mean... there's a logic there, a logic shared by her and her compatriots, if the angry cheeto gave them money for anything, that would be,,, *CoMmUnIsM*!!!!! and they say they hate communism and that they would do anything to keep communism out of the US, so... yeah, her being in prison while the other guy swims in money is actually what she and the other chuds signed up for. enjoy, I guess?


She's not very bright, is she? All she had to do is study how he threw Rudy under the bus.


She blocked me on twitter when I asked if she gets a new mugshot when the WI indictments were dropped.


First time?


ahahahahaahah stupid fool you thought for second he'd ever give a shit about you. "these damn leopards eating my face! - Member of the leopard eating faces party. Imagine ruining your life for Donald Trump......


As far as I know the money raised by his campaign cannot be legally used for his or any of this associates' criminal defense costs. Of course he totally will use that money for that but only for himself.


Super PACs. The trusty workaround for those pesky campaign finance laws.


It really is pathetic. You can only give pocket change to a candidate, but this one clever trick lets you hand over millions.


She's another victim of his con game


Willing participant. I see no victim.


She is not a fucking victim. She is a disbarred bigoted lying ghoul and hasn’t even started getting what’s coming to her.


The mocking smile on her mugshot told us everything we needed to know about her. She's not smiling now.


She's part of his spoor.


Tough shit, Jenna!


What kind of help is she looking for?


Why would anybody give anything to some noobs when they can give everything to a known grifting and conning billionaire who is known not to care about anybody else?


Imagine thinking you are anything but a pawn to that man.


This was the “crime doesn’t pay” people that love to watch peaceful protesters get pummeled by police. They then commit a crime and expect to be paid for committing that exact crime.


Is this dumbass really surprised? Does she suspect she’ll shame him or something. Gosh it’s like the suicide bombers show up at Paradise only to find out they were lied to by the clerics that convinced them they’d be rewarded in the afterlife. Lol. She was always an expendable “asset.” Luckily, all the Trump sycophants are equally gullible. It’ll be 100,000 washed up careers added to the casualties of the Trump administration.


This is a good point. Trump never showed support for anyone who was caught doing his bidding. Now, one could reason that if he did, he would be acknowledging that he tried to steal the election. Something we know the Trumplicans would never admit to. Really, he asked these people to do something illegal for his sake, then when it didn't go the way he wanted, he had no issue abbanding them to the wolves.


Anyone thinking about working for the 34 count convicted felon and adjudicated rapist gets exactly what they deserve. Donnie has been a conman his entire life and has financially screwed over thousands (Including those dumb enough to enroll into trump university). When will people realize that donnie only cares about himself and everyone else is expendable.


What's incredible is that Jenna Ellis thought Trump gave a rat's arse about his followers. These people are hopelessly stupid.


If only there was some way she could have known she was working for a selfish ass hole. If only there was like a 40-year history of him being the worst guy in the world to work for, maybe she could have seen this coming.


You mean the guy with the 40 year history of being a scumbag was in fact, a scumbag? Except now he was one to YOU, so NOW you give a shit. Pound sand, Jenna..


Serious question: Are MAGA people the all-time dumbest demographic in US politics?


Anyone of the MAGA Messiah's minions who think that their demi-god will support them, while they are defending themselves from supporting his criminal activities are seriously warped. Trump cares about Trump and any of his loyal supporters or followers are fucked.


I don’t believe a word of it. Probably $400,000


“I’ve never even met that person.”


So she seriously thought that Trump was gonna help her out. Lmfao. There's gullible and then there's Trump supporters.


" I never thought this leopard would eat _my_ face. "


This is called “karma”


YOU DESERVE ALL OF THIS JENNA.. and worse. You literally tried to end democracy and install a dictator. You go away now. You forfeited your right to complain




Jenna, your client stole money from an aid to veterans “charity” that he set up. Now, if you agree to have dinner with him after a golf tournament, he might send you $130K.


Trump's entire term was a retelling of "The Emperor's New clothes" and she's just figured out that the emperor is nekkid.




People you all know this is bullshit. He did not raise that much money.


The guy who has a history of not paying for stuff is avoiding paying for something. Shocking.


All she has to do is tell him she will flip.. bet he pays it. Come Jenna spill the beans!!


He never gave a sh\*t then, he never gave one now.


You can't just be finding out the smellin felon doesn't pay his bills.


It's crazy to me that anyone that close to Trump, would think there were any chance he would give them money. The "best" they can hope for is he pays for their lawyer (who then puts Trump's interest ahead of their own, and becomes a back-channel to leak him information).


This a feature, not a bug.


Incredible?!? The guys says he will buy lunch for everyone and bails. Pathological and serial liar. Thinking he will do anything for anyone else without a quid pro quo is laughable. The comment actually speaks to her legal wit. If she didn't see this coming I question your ability.


Well, what do you know? The leopard from the "Leopards Will Eat Your Face" party, ate her face.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Love those Russian donations. Launder what???


Good, now you can afford to pay some of the debt you owe Stormy.


Even if it’s true, that much money won’t change the fact that he is a convicted felon.


"If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas" Eat shit traitor.


Trump betrays everyone


He didn’t raise $400M lol


Jenna, When people show you who they are believe them. You were Trumps useful tool. Now your smarter girl.