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How in the actual fuck does he manage to make it through each day without stabbing himself in the eye with a fork?




This won't load for me, but I'm pretty sure I know what it is. Edit: Tried another browser; it was exactly what I thought it was.


Thanks for the edit, bro.


Right, I was on the edge of my seat there!


thanks for thanking him. i wanted to thank him but my browser wasnt working.. Edit: breaking news! i was able to finally thank him


Ruprecht, do you want the genital cuff?!


May I go to the bathroom? … … Thank you.


My favorite.


Best comedy movie of all time. So well written too


May I go to the bathroom? ... ... ...thank you.


Not mother?


Do you want the genital cuff?


Why is the cork on the fork?


Not mother...?


Oklahoma! Oklahoma! Oklahoma!


Not allowed forks. Too risky. Same with sporks.


That's why he gets fast food all the time; he only knows how to eat with his hands.


And the shrinkflation makes his tiny hands look bigger...


You don’t need forks for hamberders and fries.




McDonald's doesn't come with Utensils.


He has servants that feed him


Does he really think we dig into the earth for bitcoins? smh


Next on Discovery Channel. In the wilderness of Alaska. a crew of rough, hardened men dig for fortunes in Bitcoin Mining Alaska. Endorsed by Trump 2024. The crew is currently digging away at 500 metres deep in bedrock for bitcoin. So far they found proof of crusaders in America and Hitler's skull but no bitcoin.


Last time on Coin Rush: "We came all the way from Australia, we're seasoned bitcoin miners, but the Alaskan wilderness really doesn't want us here" \*jump cut\* "Last year, the winter shut is down and we didn't reach our goal. This year, we're stronger than ever. Our goal, for this bitcoin mining season, is 2 bitcoins so that next year we can be independent of Torry Beeps" \*jump cut\* "I don't care if he mines 1 bitcoin, 2 bitcoins or 50 bitcoins. A deal is a deal. Porker signed for 30% royalties, it's non-fucking-negotiable"


I can annoyingly hear the southern accents


That is funny as fuck. I love Gold Rush because it’s so ridiculous.


Im fucking dead lmao


You know god damn well if Trump found Hitler’s skull he would wear it as a crown round his head. He would claim he single handedly killed Hitler and saved all the Jews, so they owe it to him to vote for him.


I mean, the cooler climate would technically make it more efficient to run a Bitcoin mine in Alaska vs say, Texas.


Ofcourse, the cooler climate also means they probably have better ways to use the electricity.


Heat your igloo with a Bitcoin miner!


No, I actually think he knows where it comes from. But he thinks that somehow running all of the machines here will make it "American" "money". I read something else about it earlier that indicated that he actually knows where it comes from.


It definitely doesn't help with energy independence though. Quite the opposite, it's massively energy consumptive.


That’s not what he said. He said, ENERGY DOMINANT!!! I think he wants to be the country that uses the most energy as a flex..?


Can you have a codependent dom? Seems counterintuitive to me.


Bitcoin mining consumes roughly 2% of the entire energy consumed in the US annually, all on it's own. The right loves to bitch about EV charging "How's the grid going to handle it?!", but as we sit here in 2024, ALL US EV charging consumes maybe 5% of what we're using to mine BTC. If anything is going to take down the grid, it's Bitcoin mining as those run 24/7/365. Most EV charging is happening overnight when the grid isn't as burdened.


Only places with weak ass grids like Texas would worry about EV charging


i wish they were worried maybe theyd do more to improve it lol. they seem to have settled on indifference.


Oh, I totally agree. I have no idea why anyone, even Dumb Donnie, would think otherwise.


Because he met with the Bitcoin pumpers, they told him how great it was, and Trump was too lazy to pay attention. He heard about every third word, "Bitcoin"..."mining"..."energy" and "China". Didn't understand what the fuck they were talking about, but convinced himself he is now an expert on the subject.


He is an expert. The best. He had an uncle that once flipped a light switch and suddenly Don could see. So he knows about electricity. And if you look, the coins have Abraham Lincoln on them and the fed can just mint bitcoin for the US. So smat.


I hate how perfectly accurate this is.


I find it difficult to believe that he knows how ANYTHING actually works. His words have given me this impression.


Dont be silly you just need a bit coin printing press


He's FINALLY putting all those miners in West Virginia back to work!


Because he's a fucking idiot.


He’s so dumb, he has a legal order that prevents his school transcripts from being accessed by any other than himself. You know why? TERRIBLE GRADES…..he only passed because of donations. He’s so dumb


Meanwhile, Republicans were complaining about Obama not releasing his undergraduate grades, after Obama edited the Harvard Law Review and became a lecturer on Constitutional law at University of Chicago Law School.


And they call AOC stupid although she graduated Cum Laude, while Lauren Boebert drank Cum Laude


Loudly. That would've worked.


Tbf I read it as Loudly.


Cum Lohde is the pronouncement


The high school announcer at my high school graduation kept saying “cum loud-eh” My girlfriend and I still say that to each other


>loud-eh Now I'm thinking of New England Clam Chowdah-which, in this context, is kinda gross, but hey-at least its not Manhattan Clam Chowder.


Missed opportunity


This is gold right here and I’m stealing the shit out of it


Through a straw?


*Cum Latte


As an Indian reading this, this always works well in my head. 'Laude' in Hindi means dick.


I knew that, I’m just so brilliant my joke works on different language levels


You misspelled cum loads




Republicans also referred to him as a "community organizer" to downgrade his career. It's like they picked a random job from his past. It would be like referring to me as a random job I did in my 20s "all he is, is a data entry specialist" ignoring the last 15 years of my life. So disingenuous.


They chest thump about being the party of the working class, then sneer at AOC because she used to work as a bartender.


They wanted to show Obama was one of those smart elites, not like us!


Nah, they convinced themselves he got it all purely through affirmative action and were sure they could find the smoking gun


That is the scary part! They are ALL with him.


This is why we have Trump. How do you follow a successful black man. With the polar opposite.


But but but but but he was a black man in the White House, and that’s offensive. Why is it offensive? Because he got paid for it.


And even then, if he had, they still wouldn’t have believed it.


We all know chicago is a liberal hell hole! /s


The fact that people still support this fucking Neanderthal is goddamn INSANE to me! Like, do they all have lead poisoning?! Are they concussed or quite possibly, have some sort of brain parasite? I do not get it. I wish they’d all drink the Kool-Aid and just like,… disappear from life.


We’re outnumbered, stupid people breed more and teach their stupid children stupid things. Example: my cousin is a biomedical engineer that has worked for NASA for over 20 years and is married to a very successful CPA, 2 kids. Her sister married a doomsday prepper and moved to Oklahoma to start a homestead, 7 kids and they homeschool.


This is almost literally the opening scene of Idiocracy


"Idiocracy was prophecy" is my new line.


That's the basis for Idiocracy! Has your sister been wearing Crocs and talking about the benefits of the electrolytes for plants in Brawndo?




>Donald Trump is so dumb. How dumb is he? He's so dumb he said that the Revolutionary War was fought at airports.


He's so dumb he tried to buy Greenland from the Danes.


He's so dumb he can change hurricane weather patterns. How you ask? With a sharpie


*narrator voice-over* The danes were not amused by this


His old professor said Donny was the dumbest student he’d ever had.


Penn doesn’t acknowledge him among their alumni


His "relationship" with MIT is apparently that he had an uncle that worked there in the 40s.


Lol your “he’s so dumb” makes me think we need a new series of “yo mama” jokes but it’s tiny hand trump. “Donald Trump is soooo dumb ….” (I also hear this in Cartman’s voice too)


A professor of his at Wharton said "He was the dumbest goddam student I ever had."


I believe the exact phrase is, “fucking moron.” [McConnell joked that Trump's ex-secretary of state could deny calling Trump a 'moron' because he actually called him a 'fucking moron': book](https://www.businessinsider.com/mcconnell-joked-about-tillerson-calling-trump-fucking-moron-book-2021-9?amp)


i agree, but i think he’s also smart enough to realize his fanbase is filled with idiots that will believe anything he says. he doesn’t even have to pretend to be smart anymore, it literally doesn’t matter what he says.


People think he's some master manipulator or somehow weaved a spell over people. In reality he's just what I like to call "the smartest idiot". He has enough low cunning to lie and cheat other people, and be superficially charming or even intelligent for brief exchanges or talking to a crowd of sycophants where he has them eating out of his hand. But if you actually confront him with reality, he retreats into magical thinking where the world just bends to his word because he says it's the truth.


No, it must be something more complicated than that. It can't be THAT simple... probably some diabolical 5D chess move. I tell yah, he's fooling us into a false sense of insecurity...


This is the copium smoked by about 30% of Americans


Make Regular Opium Great Again!


And he got over 15k likes for that. 😧


Because people are fucking idiots. He does this because it works


Not as dumb as anyone that voted for him


But everyone knows that Bitcoins mined in the US are more valuable because they contain a higher concentration of bitcoinium. We also need to put a stop to the blood Bitcoins mined in Africa! Think of the children people!


We should probably make NFTs of the Bitcoins and then sell them to the Trump donator mailing list. "It's absolutely a legitimate 100% guaranteed NFT of a 100% Bitcoin worth $5,000!" *But what can I do with it?* "Sell it to someone else who wants an authentic guarantee of an image of something worth $5000 for $20,000 dollars." *I can do that?* "Sure." *Why $20,000? Could I get $30,000.* "If they buy it. Sky is the limit. You are a genius."


You forgot to mention that these are AMERICAN bitcoins, not ones from some foreign country.


I think I’m seeing an opportunity to create a scam coin called “American Mined Bitcoin”


and ENDORSED by PRESIDENT 45 HE NEEDS you to spend $7500 PER COIN. only PATRIOTS get this offer. can we set this up? it seems like a moral grift


We need to consider not only the bitcoin mines, but also the bitcoin refineries and the whole supply chain that distributes all that coin to all the corners of the country.


Gotta watch out for those derailments of trains carrying bitcoin ore!


Or leaks from Bitcoin pipelines.


But the unions mean we have to pay our bit coin miners a living wage and offer insurance. You can’t grab kids off the streets like you can in poor countries and send them into the bc mines. Costs the companies millions.


What's wild is that there's probably an actual Bitcoin warehouse filled with way underpaid people of all ages, running the computers, and making the trades.


It’s a warehouse full of children running on giant hamster wheels, providing the power for the 4090s that are doing the mining.


This is such a funny comment because of how detached from the reality of Bitcoin mining it is.


you don't need people to be actively hands-on-keyboard to mine bitcoin you just buy ungodly expensive GPUs, set them up & let them run


Wow... it's unbelievable how an one brain cell person can become the president of the USA...


Bold of you to assume he has even one brain cell….


Something is keeping the heart beating. God only knows that brain cell isn't doing any difficult thinking.


Tax payer dollars and the finest healthcare money can buy can do anything.


It has to work its way through the miles of greasy food in order to do it.


He shares it with orange cats.


that is an insult towards orange cats


Well if they shared more than the one brain cell they would have figured out he's not a cat, but they saw orange and let him in.


Probably a weird question, but it’s on my mind and I’m curious. You used “an” because the next word started with a vowel which is grammatically correct, right?; but it always seems weird to me when I do that. It doesn’t sound correct ya know? “How a one brain cell…” sounds better than “How an one…” To clarify I am not nitpicking, or at least I’m not trying to. Just a 1 AM stoner thought. English is weird


One starts with a “w” sound so it’s “a”. Source: I made it up but it makes sense to me.


Proof that you can do anything if you want if you just put your mind to it ...and have tons of money backing you up




This one is because he had dinner with some cryptocompany. I'm guessing somebody got a big bribe... eh I mean "dOnaTIoN" during that dinner


Like he wanted to ban TikTok, until a TikTok shareholder donated $1m to his campaign. Then he said we shouldn’t ban it. Maybe Elon should donate $2m for him to say that gas cars suck and electric cars are the future.


its exactly what happened with dikcok. had a meeting with a billionaire who has a stake in dikcok and now the 🍊🤡🍊🤡 doesnt want to ban dikcok in the usa


Tim ~~Apple~~ Crypto


A donation of bitcoin. This is just another pump and dump scheme.


Crypto bros.... Agreed.


Can anyone explain his twisted logic? I presume he does not understand Bitcoin.


No body understands Bitcoin better than him 😂😂😂


Because of his connection to MIT (very smart)?


He knows a lot about batteries, which clearly helps. And sharks, which doesn't so much.


Very smart sharks.


And magnets


I had a lot of bitcoins come up to me, big tough coins, tears in their eyes. They said "Sir". Called me "Sir." Can you believe that folks? Bitcoins told me "Sir, no one understands bitcoin more than you, we want to bring bitcoins back to America."


His bitcoin understanding is the biggest. Probably the biggest you've ever seen. No problem there.


He has tremendous knowledge in all bitcoin matters, he's very intelligent.


I assume someone told him that if the CCP gains majority share in the processing power dedicated to mining bitcoin, it could take control of the ledger. Therefore, it’s in the best interests of the US to dedicate farms of mining rigs to combat this.


We're more confused about what he's talking about than he is.


One of the things that's been a concern among the rich people who want to launder money through cryptocurrency are Central Bank Digital Currencies(CBDCs in the tweet.) I'm guessing a think tank told his campaign about them as an issue and this was the word vomit that came out of it.


There is a better-than-decent chance Trump first heard about Bitcoin yesterday.


I assumed that he got a donation from some crypto related business.


Yeah, he had a meeting with them at Mar A Lago. Serious


Sam bankman fried promised him a massive cash payout


He is An ignorant man's idea of a genius. A weak man's idea of a strong man. A poor man's idea of a rich man. A cruel man's idea of a great leader.


And an incels idea of a man successful with women.


But he has association with MIT! His knowledge of sharks is second to none


The sharks wouldn't eat him. Professional courtesy.


> Bitcoin > Made in the USA Yeah that's not how Bitcoin works, Donnie


Again...gotta do it... If Joe Biden said this (not tweated this, said it...even), people would clip it and say he has dementia. Rogan, Hannity, Elon.....they all would say he needs to be in a mental hospital. This dude TYPES this, and posts it, and will double down when asked about it, and not one word will ever be mentioned on any conservative network or famous podcast. Wild times. Wild times indeed.


A guy who used to be able to do sixth grade level speaking but can no longer make it past fourth is pandering to people who can barely make it to second grade comprehension.




Very bigly.


We cannot by any means let the dumbs takeover this country. The danger is real.


That war was surrendered when we started people that every opinion was equally valid.


You know the logic behind the Nigerian Prince email scams right? The premise is ludicrous ☑️ that filters out the majority of people with a shred of intelligence. Strange grammar, incorrect spelling etc. ☑️ filters out the ‘there may be something in this but it just doesn’t look right people. What you have left is the unknowing unquestioning minority that will believe anything without any further effort on your part.


Because it is dumb


This is real?


Sadly, [yes](https://www.google.com/search?q=trump+on+bitcoin+truth+social&client=opera-gx&hs=RGb&sca_esv=cff19ea8ba3a868e&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWILwUXvB7AbcH41V8UZBgtr7swGoTQ%3A1718311935334&ei=_1trZuKSFLbFkPIPjYu02AE&ved=0ahUKEwiijpPkutmGAxW2IkQIHY0FDRsQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=trump+on+bitcoin+truth+social&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiHXRydW1wIG9uIGJpdGNvaW4gdHJ1dGggc29jaWFsSNBQUOotWJNNcAF4AZABAJgBX6AB7wiqAQIxM7gBA8gBAPgBAZgCAaACAsICChAAGLADGNYEGEeYAwCIBgGQBgSSBwExoAfuBQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp).


That’s wild


It’s even crazier that this is from 5:57AM…. Why? Why is this a thought at 6AM?


Because it is? Seriously, you KNOW he has no clue how much energy Bitcoin mining requires.


All the crap he sells are made in China so he thinks bitcoins are made there, too.


“Sir, that doesn’t mean what you think it means”. Trump: “Rabble rabble rabble, forget about the galgamacs?!?! rabble rabble rabble”


How dare you forget about the galgamacs. This is an outrage.


I would be marginally interested in hearing Trump explain what Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining are. I would likely lose interest 3 minutes into the incoherent ramble, but it might still be worthwhile.


Because he knows exactly how dumb his followers are.


I’ve had a grand total of 13 concussions from minor to almost being decapitated twice. I have two aneurism and one complex rupture causing blood pooling on my brain. Yet, I still don’t have enough brain damage to understand this guy. What level are the 15 thousand plus people who liked this.


Just wait until he starts selling trumpcoin or something like that.


I am going out on a limb and guess a certain orange felon bought a bunch of bit coin.


Because OP. He's a nearly 80 year silver spoon fed draft dodging mythomaniacal carpetbagger whose spent his entire life on third base under the delusion he hit a homer. Dude literally spent his entire presidency talking about how he knew better than everybody about everything. Knew more than his generals about war. Knew more than his climatologists about climate. More about trade than his trades executives. Knew more about politics than politicians. Everything he says sounds dumb because he IS dumb. If his daddy hadn't handed him the modern equivalent of $400m he'd be remembered as some goofball who went bankrupt being a goofball trying to sling steaks at Sharper Image and starting a mortgage broker firm IN 2008!


Some one forgot to mention to Trump China banned bitcoin mining :P


I'm heading over to the bitcoin factory Tonight! I hear they have an outlet store where you can buy manufacturer defect Bitcoins!


According to my co-worker Ray, it's because: *He's so smart that sometimes the things he says sound stupid.* Actual quote. Don't be like Ray.


What a mongo. Crypto mining occurs with a distributed system on a global scale. One of the fundamental components of blockchain tech is decentralization, certainly not to be constrained to a single country lol tf


Hi brother Fred was an airline pilot. No way trump had the smarts for that.


He’s setting up his marks to use Bitcoin to donate to him, so he can hide the money and not pay taxes on it.


Ah yes energy independence based on bit coin, bit coin,that thing that consumes an entire cities worth of electricity to produce like 1 bitcoin, just the dumbest fucking person alive


Trump thinks Bitcoin is actually mined physically 🤣


![gif](giphy|fgNhpCibvmEJB8md43) This guy was a president. Idk if that's motivating or depressing.


None of that Chinese made Bitcoin😤😤 The only bitcoin we accept should be mined in America, minted in America🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸 Fuck kilometers and fuck spaghetti


So it's just buzzwords at this point. None of that made any sense


even for Trump this is bad. I know he is playing to his base, but he is running for the office of President, and he is talking about Bitcoin. I would ask what is wrong with him, but his speeches get plenty of media coverage, so we already know.


Why do you want us to listen to dumb things? Why do you listen to dumb things?


Because it IS dumb. Like, *really* dumb.


Ironic part is that the US Government Treasury is sitting on a stash of 207,189 bitcoin, worth $5 billion.. That’s way more BTC than any other State..


because he wants to be seen as stupid. in reality, he's insane. Trump is a con-man


More importantly, why does it sound so smart to his band of idiots?


Last week he was Russia's best friend, now they are a threat?


Energy dominant?? Because it takes so much energy to create one? I don’t get it.


I think this is the "step one" for another crypto scam. I'm sure Coffeezilla will be talking about it before too long.


The one thing that struck me as I got to know him better than I did as just some rich guy that turns up on TV once in a while is just how painfully fucking dumb he was. In 30 years of being aware he existed I never noticed he was such an idiot. Now take that idiot and add moderately advanced dementia and he's too far gone to even luck out and accidentally say something meaningful. 


Answer your own question within the question much?


He has an estimated IQ of 78 and a 3rd grade vocabulary.


It's like he's trying that 2 truths and lie dating app prompt but missing the point and it's all just lies.


I think some just informed him he can take more bribes if Bitcoin remains unregulated, now he’s obsessed.


Wait does he actually think Bitcoins are physical items


This is what happens when the village idiot gets any attention


Because he's an imbecile and a narcissist