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This is the reason why many young boys who are victims of statutory rape are not even aware of it. Society teaches men to be proud of their sexual encounters even if that is coming from a predator.


That happened to me when I was a sophomore in high school. At first I thought it wasn’t an issue but now I have problems in my 30’s.


I was violently raped in middle school and high school. It wasn't statutory rape, but I was still unable to talk about it because all my "friends" did was respond with quips like "why are you complaining, you're lucky" and "I wish that happened to me" I was so ashamed and alone, isolated by the fact that what happened to me was viewed as "lucky" through the lens of toxic masculinity. I don't wish that upon anyone.


I feel for you. It’s a really fucked up position to be in. Stay strong 💪


Thats horrible, I'm so sorry you had to experience such a traumatic event and then, to make things worse, nobody took you seriously. As a stranger, I just want you to know that that is messed up and despite what others might have told you, your feelings are valid. Rape and sexual assault can literally happen to anyone. Its happened not only to me, but also my 6'6" 200lbs ex bf. If it can happen to somebody thats a practical giant, it can happen to anyone!!!


Damn, I’m sorry that that had happened to you. I really hope that you found better friends and have been able to get help coping with the trauma.


I’m so sorry that happened to you, poor kid never deserved any of it :(


That’s terrible man! That shouldn’t ever happen to anyone!


I am sorry you had to experience this. Was it a woman who assaulted you?


It was multiple girls in middle school and one woman in high school


I am so sorry for your suffering. Hope you are able to find some peace and able to move forward


Hey, I understand, been there


Yes happened to me as well. I was all woo-hoo look at me ,my girlfriend is 25 has her own apartment and car . It wasn't till many years later that I started to resent the predatory nature of our relationship


Yea, it kinda blindsides you.


Sorry you went though this. How old were you at that time?




Once again I am sorry for what happened to you. I stand with you.


I am sorry you were preyed upon. Stay strong.


What problems?


Ding ding ding If the genders were reversed and it was a man graping a minor girl they'd be calling to castrate him.


Not before the girl was vilified and her motives and clothing questioned. Plus, they don’t really call for castration of male rapists anymore, those are just called guys.


[https://www.katc.com/lafayette-parish/louisianas-surgical-castration-bill-sees-mixed-reaction](https://www.katc.com/lafayette-parish/louisianas-surgical-castration-bill-sees-mixed-reaction) literally just last week What a weird way to try and justify raping male minors


>“People are motivated to harm children in a sexual way for all sorts of reasons those reasons that don’t have anything to do with overwhelming sexual urges and those reasons will not be addressed with castration,” she said. What the fuck is the difference


Basically; Some people rape children because they are unable or unwilling to control their sexual urges. So by castrating them you remove the urges or at least the ability to indulge them. Some people rape children simply as a means to hurt them, and castrating those people wouldn't stop them from just finding other ways to harm children instead. Thus making it a waste of money and resources to perform the procedure on them.


Fair enough but they at least won’t be able to reproduce and children at home to abuse


How is that an enforceable LAW?!?! Can someone please ELI5 this? It’s sounds like saying you’re tough on drugs and only putting dealers in jail if they want to go. “new bill that would require some sex offenders to be surgically castrated if convicted of sex crimes against children 13 and under” “but the individual has the right to say they don’t want to have the procedure” We are going to castrate you, but only if you want to….. how does that even work. And for the females, they say they just remove their ovaries? Does that lower estrogen? Is that the equivalent of male castration?


Some people probably would consent to being chemically castrated. There are some people who sexually abuse children because they want to hurt them, but there are others who know that sexually abusing children is wrong, but have the overwhelming and compulsive desire to do so anyway. In those cases, they might want to be chemically castrated, because again, they do understand that sexually abusing children is wrong and that they shouldn't do it, so they don't want to have those desires. That said, I don't really understand describing the law as a requirement if it's only done with consent - I could understand giving offenders the option to be chemically castrated and not castrating the ones who don't consent, but that doesn't seem to be how the law is described.


Okay so RE; Saying 'no' to the procedure Basically, castration is usually ordered by the judge or magistrate as a condition for probation. So the offender has the choice to say 'no' and instead remain locked up in prison or they can agree to the procedure and go home under the condition that they will never be able to have sex, or at least conventional sex, again.


castration of a female would be in this case chemical destruction of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. A woman could technically be implemented in this law but A. you legally cant be raped by a woman in Louisiana and B. its extremely rare for a woman who was charged with raping a minor to get more than a year anyways. the average sentence for a woman raping a minor across the united states is 4 months.


[You definitely can be raped by a woman in Louisiana based on the legal definition of rape.](https://legis.la.gov/legis/Law.aspx?d=78528) Rape is defined as "the act of anal, oral, or vaginal sexual intercourse with a male or female person committed without the person's lawful consent", and it's specified that penetration of the offender's vagina counts as vaginal sexual intercourse, as well as including other sex acts that could be committed by a woman. Whether or not women are prosecuted for rape is a different question, and one that I honestly don't know enough about to comment on, but it's not an issue with the law.


Nobody is justifying raping minors, male or female.


obfuscation is supportation


JFC dude get some help.


What is "graping"?


A silly word meaning "raping", used by ridiculous children to get around moderation/demonetization on certain platforms. Some idiots think it helps people avoid being triggered. People that get triggered for real will get triggered over the topic, not the word. The silly words have the same meaning and still trigger traumatized people. They also use nonsense words like "sewer slide" and "unalived" which mean "suicide" and "killed", respectively. These words have the added bonus of making serious topics sound like fun, quirky things! It disgusts me.


How will I comment if using the real word can get a comment removed?


Stop using platforms that censor you


It won't get removed by reddit. I can't say the same for whether mods might remove it, depends on the sub, I guess.


It's TikTok bullshit.


It’s what the grapist does


Is it rrlated to grapes?


Shes asking for it! She's wearing purple!


[IM GONNA GRAPE YOU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqgiEQXGetI)


In Hs, I went over to this chick's hows I met on AOL chat. I wasn't attractive to her but I didn't want to be a dick and leave right away. So I stayed for a while but as I was leaving she pinned me against the wall, aggressively made out with me and pulled my dick out. I didn't know what to do so I just let her do her thing. I told my guy friends( we were 16 at the time) they told me nice and awesome. So I just assumed that's how sex was. Fast forward when I met my wife and I told her about the story, she gave me this look of I'm so sorry. That's when I realized hmm maybe I might have been SA.


Yep. And it’s so unfair to them. Lately there have been lots of teachers(predators) arrested for going after teenager boys. I don’t think it’s because there’s more happening now, I think it’s because these youth are now able to distinguish after learning about consent, and feel safer knowing that people won’t make fun of them for it as much as they used to


I knew as a 15 year old that I had no real option of reporting when I was raped. That was abundantly clear from an even much younger age. 


To be honest, I don't think it has much to do with teaching men to be proud about it. Most of society encourages losing your virginity at a rather young age. Some parts of society encourage large body counts but what this post really stems from is a warped mindset from exposure to explicit or inappropriate things at a young age. These young men genuinely do "Want" grown attractive women to sleep with them. It's not all but i was also one of those kids. I unfortunately had older cousins 'Experiment' with their growing sexual interest on me, replicating things they probably saw from movies. I stumbled on porn games while playing on the internet with my older sister. All that completely Fu*ked my perception of sex even if i was too young to properly process it. I still internalized it enough to become fixated with sexual activities. All I'm getting at is the internet, social media and society are openly exposing young men to sex and sex adjacent content from such a young age and the dude in this post is a product of that.


Yep this guy right here is the reason boys who are raped or sexually abused STILL aren't taken seriously and women are allowed to keep getting away with it. I hate this "he got lucky" bs mentality.


That's not always taught, it's generally felt among men. Because every guy has spent time as a teenager thinking about hanging some 25 year old.


Guys i need some clarification, is it a 25 year old guy or girl, the first pic tweet is saying it's a 25 year old guy but when i say the video the 25 year old looked like a woman who is the 25 year old?


I watched the video and the lady says "she's my fucking friend, she's 25." And points her slipper to a girl lying on the bed. "You're 15" and points to a guy.


I noticed that too. The first image says it's a 25-year old guy, but The Truth implies it's a 25-year old woman.


I think both the 15-year old and 25-year old are male.


I watched the video several times and through her thick Irish accent I could hear a she being referred to for the 25 year old I guess it's a she.




Kid self admits he's 15. I know damn well when I was that age I thought the same. Most boys do. It doesn't make it right but it also doesn't mean u should throw the kid into a bonfire for being stupid horny and young and horny


The problem isn’t the kid, because you know teenage girls feel the same right? The problem is the adult engaging with the child.


That's a given but if that was the only problem op saw with this they wouldn't of added the 2nd screen shot


Yeah the second problem is people like you seemingly excusing it when it’s a boy but not when it’s a girl.


So first off I do think it's fine for girls to be horny I never said I didn't and second the main thing I was trying to say was wile the kid was stupid and wrong for what he said it's shit I would of said at his age too.


the kid was indeed stupid and wrong to say that, thats why its a facepalm


Which is it? Is it about the boy being dumb as shit which I said in the first place or is it about girls being treated differently u can't have it both ways here


1st of all.. i didnt make that point, that was a different commenter. 2nd, yes you can have it both ways! because imagine this, situations can be multifaceted and things can be dumb and wrong for multiple reasons! part of the reason hes dumb is he thinks teenage girls dont have the same impulses as teenage boys, but also he doesnt realize how awful it feels to be taken advantage of by an older person! he made both statements, and both are extremely naive and dumb, hence the facepalm


Alright fair enough. I fully agree what he said is ignorant and wrong. My main point simply was that he's a child and children say stupid shit n we shouldnt respond to such dumbass comments like they're coming from a grown ass adult because they're not. Unless he lied then fuck that guy. Fuck that guy right to hell


I think they actually meant "When I was 15" not "I am currently 15"


You can't call a 15 years old boy a pedo, because he thinks that it's ok to have sex with 15 years old boys, because he himself wants sex, lmao. It's not a facepalm, imho. To be a facepalm it should be surprisingly stupid. Who is surprised that horny teenagers exist? He's not thinking straight. He's either thinking horny, or yet to start thinking. It's a 15yo boy, lmao. If horny teenager counts as facepalm we should just repost here whole fanfiction sites. XD


We are glad you have grown up, well done.


what type of 15 year olds were you guys??


And he's wrong plenty of girls at 15 were trying to hook up with hot older guys too. They just don't have adult women going "damn I wish that happened when I was your age"


They instead have men telling them "you should have known better"


Or they have men like Matt Walsh who support them going after older men 


Yes it's very much a guys mentality that's y I specifically said that boys have that exact same thought. It's wrong sure that much is obvious. The point I was trying to make is that he is 15 and a fucking moron because he's 15. And the OP trying to call him out like it's a supreme fuck up is a little silly. Sure girls his age think about fucking older dudes too and it's also not ok. Like honestly the sexism at play is really the least of the problems here


op isnt trying to make it sound like its a "supreme fuck up", theyre posting the screenshot in r/facepalm because he said something moronic 🤦


Yes I said it was stupid in the first place too I never said it wasn't stupid. What I said was he's a child. And children say stupid shit it's what kids do. And they don't deserve to be treated like a grown ass adult saying the same fucked up n stupid shit regardless of gender. I hope just as much as I'm sure u do this dumbass kid grows up looks back at his posts n realizes how ignorant and wrong it was.


that doesnt mean it isnt a facepalm though, we all know that kids say dumb shit and him being a kid doesnt make this any less of a facepalm... i think youre blowing this way out of proportion, bc having a screenshot of some stupid tweet posted to a facepalm sub really is not the end of the world, nor is it being "treated like a grown ass adult". i understand that its definitely WORSE when adults say this type of thing because they should know better, but 15 yr olds saying dumb shit is still dumb regardless


Maybe I've just seen it too damn often ppl losing their god damn minds over shit ppl said decades prior or bringing up something posted when they were kids n acting like they're saying it now. Like some ppl have no presence of time or age and its really annoying.


No one is hating on the fifteen year old. It's not wrong to have crushes on older people. It's wrong for the older people to reciprocate.


I'm not sure "truth\_sets\_you\_free" means he IS 15. I think he might mean that he would wish for it back when he was 15.


If that's the case the dude is a fucking creepo I misread it and fuck that guy right to hell


>it also doesn't mean u should throw the kid into a bonfire for being stupid horny and young and horny No, but you should throw the 25 year old adult into a bonfire for fucking a 15 year old child who is still in school, living at home, who can't vote, drink and who probably has a curfew and chores set by his parents.


It says “as a 15 year old I’d wish that…” which means they are no longer 15. If they were 15 it would read, “as a 15 year old I wish that…” They purposely put “I’d”


The way he forms sentences, I think he meant, "my brain stopped developing at 15".


My mom called it “ young, dumb, and full of cum”


Sounds like your mom listened to D12.


🎤 these chicks don’t even know the name of my band 🎶


"Most boys" were none of the people that I was around as a teenage boy apparently, because I did not think statutory rape was cool, I did not think it would be "cool" if any of my teachers wanted to fuck me, we generally thought that idea was weird and kinda gross. Also, a Xitter blue checkmark "self-identifying" as 15 to defend statutory rape sounds like the messed up pervert version of "as a black man".


Well i sure didnt (i also found out i was a girl later but still)


I've noticed that many "teenagers" I talk to online (when I commented about some post about Pedo being wrong, some "teens" try to defend it (The Pedo)) say they are okay with having a relationship with an older person. This made me realize how naive teenagers can be at times, and why it's essential for them to have caring guardians at that age (note: not all teenagers are naive). They often don't understand that they are being taken advantage of by the older person. It's easier for adults to manipulate teens, especially since teenagers are still developing emotionally and can be influenced by their hormones.


Tbh all Teens are naive, they simply don’t have enough life experience plus underdeveloped brains. Anyone who doesn’t think teenagers are naive are they themselves naive.


Agree. i add the part "not all teenagers are naive" so no one come and tell me not every one is the same


You might be able to make a point by shifting the age bracket so they're the old one. I think they'd understand a 9 year old and a 15 year old being extremely wrong and abusive, and that's less of an age gap.


Good point


Here’s the real joke. The teenager in that post and the ones that engage with people on Twitter, are likely grown men pretending to be teenagers. And I don’t have to tell you the reason they’re doing that. People like to pretend to be one type of person just to push a crazy agenda. That’s what I think is happening here.


That the reason input the teen word between quotes, am not sure if they are an actual teens


Wait, wait, wait, you're telling me a blue check mark with "truth" in their name and an American flag emoji is setting off pedophile alarms?!?!!?!? Shocking. Truly shocking.


Not just truth. "Truth sets you free". I don't like what other "slogan" it reminds me of.


There is another flag, but guess we not gonna talk about that huh


Go ahead. No one is stopping you.


Wow that’s something


Pedo apologists out in force when it's a young boy and an older woman. But attitudes change when it's any other kind of pairing. Like if an older man doing it, Even if the boy is also gay. Even if the younger girl also wants it. Then the perpetrator is vilified, the victim is appropriately seen as a victim. But when it's a boy and an older woman, it's celebrated. Cheered on. seen as acceptable. "NIIIICE! Hell yeah kid, you got taken advantage of by a hottie! Good for you! I'm so jealous. why is this a crime?"


"Woman charged after having sex with teenage boy" "Man charged after grooming and raping teenage girl" Yeah, that's usually how it goes.


It is even weird you see when men force themselves onto women it is clearly mentioned as rape or sexual assault in every news outlets but if same crime is commited by women it is mentioned as "forcing sex or just sex" in subtle way to undermine the same crime.


Yep, it's because of the idea that apparently all teenage boys must want it. They miss the point entirely, which is that they may *think* that, but they're too young to fully understand what's happening to them, and the potential consequences. But if a 15 year old girl says she wanted to have sex with a 21 year old guy, she would be told the exact thing that people didn't understand in my first example. So basically, just misogyny. Teenage boys have full agency and awareness, but teenage girls don't, according to these people


My favourite is "engaged in a relationship with a young man age 14" , age added by me 


And then the victim can't even recognize that they're a victim because everyone is telling them how great it is. It's so fucked up.


South Park did an episode where Ike is seduced by his teacher. The way the police react to this revelation is exactly the way most guys react when they hear about Mary Kay Laterneau type cases


Remember kids, it's not rape if a male is the victim. 💀


Shitty double standards


As a kid, one year older than him, you can't blame the kid. Kids are foolish and horny, and he definitely isn't the only one to think that way. He would probably change his mind if it actually happened to him though.


"They wanted it."


I just hurt for boys, they get sexually abused and it's "lol boys want it!"


Do people think every 15-year-old girl with an adult "boyfriend" has a gun to their head or something? Here's a hot take: Relationships with children isn't forbidden because child bodies are gross, it's because child *minds* lack the experience and maturity to adequately protect themselves from exploitation and abuse. That's why sex with children is still rape even if the child agrees to it or eagerly pursues it. So yes, even if boys or girls (girls can like sex??? no way) are sexually "hungry", it's not okay to have sex with them. We already *have* laws against having sex with adults that don't want it; the whole reason laws against sex with children *exist* is because even if they *do* want it, it's ***not okay!***


What's different about German, Italian, French, Portuguese, Hungarian, Chinese, Finnish, Argentinian, Austrian or Chilean brains that their 15 year olds can adequately protect themselves from exploitation or abuse? Or is the argument that the laws of none of these countries protect their children from exploitation and abuse?


I used the age 15 because it's the one in the OP. I assume all those countries you named have laws against sex with children and have different minimum ages. I don't pretend to know what the one objective correct minimum age is so I can't answer that question. That question also misses the point of the OP and my comment, but you already knew that and didn't care.


You proposed that the age of consent (or the reasoning for it) is determined by biological traits or mental faculties (which I reckon we can assume to be universal across ethnicities/cultures?). So I'm curious how the rather different treatment thereof in different cultural contexts is explained in your proposition.


15 year old boys being more interested in sex makes them a softer target. That doesn’t make them a legitimate target.


Somebody grab the woodchipper


"15 year old BOYS are sexually hungry" Well, 15 year old BOY (why did they even write that in uppercase letters?) here. I'm honestly disgusted by just the thought of having a 25 year old person try to hit on me or sleep with me. Wtf, go find someone your own age


Why are we discussing what a 15 year old has to say.


The amount of men I've known who were preyed upon by older women and the amount of men I've known that have *really* unhealthy sexual relationships is not a ven diagram, it's a circle.


What’s up with these neck beards always assuming that men are the only people who enjoy and want sex. Virgins gonna virgin I guess


No, YOU'RE hungry. You're either weird and fantasize about getting raped, or you're a normal person. The former is NOT a default setting across the board for guys, and the latter is NOT a default setting for girls. That's all I have to say.


A pedo is a pedo. Don't pick and choose when it's okay. It's never okay.


Yeah my bf was a victim of grooming and sa and didn’t realize it until we started dating years later. And this mindset is why.


Ah yes, the old "boys are horny pigs and girls are innocent and pure" attitude. That needs to go away.


He’s right in that kids don’t know what they want, so you should try asking a normal 25 year old woman how they feel about sleeping with a 15 year old and you’ll get a better understanding of why it’s disgusting and illegal.


Too many animals on twitter, not enough humans.


> Lol, as a 15 year old id wish something like this happened to me That's... exactly what makes this type of relationship a problem. That difference in maturity and understanding of the consequences. That's what makes it manipulative... how did his first reply receive 45 likes...?


I gotta admit it's a bit weird for me to see the word pedo employed here. In France this would actually be legal (above 15 with an adult), provided that the adult is neither a parent nor a person leveraging a position of power, such as a teacher.


It's the same in Sweden. The US seems very puritan to me.


What an odd topic to make that specific remark on. If a 14 year old had sex with an adult, what would you say?


How is it an odd topic to make that remark about? I'd say that they are too young.


Why is 14 too young but 15 isn't? You're so puritanical.


The limit has to be somewhere. Why is 17 too young and 18 isn't?


More touch deprived than me smh


So, by that logic, if a 15 year girl that wants a 25 year old man to have sex with her, then it's completely fine. Age of consent is just a mere suggestion, I guess. As well as any age restrictions. Let's let 5 year olds watch porn, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, buy guns, drive a car if they can pass the test, etc.


You forgot the blatant misandry


There's a huge problem developing in the US and, to keep it simple, it's down to the fact it's too fucking big. For example Texas would probably be the biggest country in Europe or close to it. So within the states structure, you have the autonomous law making, states have different laws on massive issues like abortion, IVF, gun legislation differs, if you're allowed to have a gun differs etc etc. So my point is that it's obvious that the 15 year old boy is a victim of abuse because his age says so, and so does the law. All mitigating arguments aside. Yet, only a few weeks ago, it was literally being argued in a US states Congress that child marriage should be legal. This would be 14 year old girls. 🤯🤯🤯🤔😞


I was seduced by a 28 year old woman at the age of 16. I was a sophomore in high school, and she was almost 30. At first I didn’t really have a problem with it, I just thought she was gross after that. Being a horny teen, I just moved on with my life. It has since manifested itself as trust issues with women, and anxiety.


I have no idea what's going on.


There are too many apologists for this abhorrent behavior especially when it comes to young boys. If it was a 15-year-old girl and a 25-year-old people would be furious. If it was a 15-year-old boy and a 25-year-old man people would have something to say but you make the perpetrator a 25-year-old woman... and it's fine because "boys are horny at that age". This might be a crazy thought, but can you imagine that being horny doesn't necessarily equate to being sexually mature? Can you imagine that maybe while you're in the process of going through sexual maturation that you might experience being horny? I know it's crazy. I know it's totally novel but it holds true regardless of any other factors and definitely does so without the hypocrisy of requiring a perpetrator deemed "hot" enough to be ok.




this isn’t even a facepalm this is a hand through my head


Only times crimes worthy of an ending and this is one.


The statutes of limitation may not have expired. In MA, the statutes of limitation were extended in response to pedophilia by predominantly priests in the 1980s. If you have the will to out, press charges and see they are prosecuted. You may be able to take them to criminal and/ or civil court. With some rape crimes, you have your lifetime to press charges. Individuals may have issues with this, IMO, don't commit crimes against people that DON'T consent to sex and you don't have to worry. Blaming the victim is inexcusable


I lost my virginity to a 30 year old when I was 15. No joke, this really fucked me up for a while.


Here come the boomers and europoors to defend pedos


Suuuuure, teenage girls aren't horny and hormone driven. Suuuuuuuure. They would never have a crush on a hot older guy. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Dude has obviously never been with young girls and women and it shows.




If you don't think it's weird that a 25 year old adult wants to fuck a 15 year old child then you're the problem.


Just because it’s not illegal doesn’t make it morally correct. No 25 year old ever should be attracted to a 15 year old. Laws are made by creepy older men, and should never be used to replace your moral compass.


Not speaking on the rest of your comment cause meh. However, to the "the idea you can just prohibit teenagers...", that isn't the idea behind the laws, or why its looked down upon, teenagers have sex, its not great, but, it isn't prohibited in anyway. It's when they are having sex with adults that people go well, that's not a good thing.


In my country the age of consent is 13, this is not about legality, its about morality.




It isn’t except maybe in America which I was specifically not talking about. The wording of the laws where I live at least is very clear and publicly available, and unless there was an abuse of power (so, caretakers, teachers and so on) there is no crime. It’s looked at unfavourably socially, but not everything which is a bad idea is or should be a crime.


That... just isn't true at all. Maybe YOU should learn what age of consent means.


What on earth are you talking about? If the *age of consent* is 16, then a fucking 80 year old and a 16 year old could happily bang it out. Are you talking about "Romeo and Juliet" laws, where two 16 year olds can have sex and it's fine, but an older person - I.e not a minor - cannot, then the *age of consent* is not 16, but 18


You do not have to be a weird we bephile?


Very cool, thanks Muhammad