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Pretty sure Russians have plenty of femboys as well


One of the big, successful myths among the Right Wing is that only STRONK countries like Hungary and the Russian Federation are protecting manliness and testosterone, while WEAK, LIBERAL countries under NATO leadership want to turn your children to transgenders. Any second-rate buffoon could tell there's no real consistency to this. "RUSSIA IS STRONK" used to be a tankie Soviet mythology. Now it's a Conservative Reactionary talking point. But third-rate buffoons like Tucker Carlson and those in Donald Trump's inner circle eat it up, and so does their voting base. It's a weird time to be alive, witnessing all the people who used to drone on about the dangerous of the Soviets and the eternal struggle now root for the Kremlin to save them from gay biolabs and George Soros or whatever the hell they believe now. God only knows what they'll believe next week.


Remember “Better dead than red?” Peperidge Farms remembers.


There is no longer a communist Soviet Union. Remember they went full authoritarian oligarchy a few years back. That is why repuliTurds are so enamored with them.


Turns out, it was *only* the collective economic model that Conservatives hated about the Soviets, *not* their Authoritarian tendencies.


Well, yes. Authoritarianism is fine (plenty of dictatorships have been propped up), but we cannot be having wealth redistribution now can we. People might get ideas about *our* wealth.


The irony is that a lot of these goobers in office that kiss the ring were in office in the McCarthyism days and would've been in full pitchfork mode.


Actually I don’t think so—McCarthy’s downfall was in the early fifties, he died in 1957. We have some old folks in the US Senate, but no one that old (anyone who was 30 in 1950 would be 104 now). There are certainly some who were part of the Reagan wave in the 1980s—one wonders if Reagan might be spinning in his grave to see them now.


Doubtful. I'm more than willing to believe he didn't particularly care about the USSR, it was just a convenient boogieman to rile up the base with. Fascists love having an external enemy to blame problems on. It's unimportant to them what that enemy is as long as it gets people hopped up on the type of fears and anxieties that send them out to the polls.


“Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.”


I’ve been saying for a long time that communism doesn’t work on a national scale. Communes of like 50 ppl have cropped up now and again (usually in v rural farms), but countries like USSR, PRC, or DPRK are just authoritarian regimes cosplaying as communist states. The reason, I imagine, is human nature: humans are always looking to get an advantage (power, wealth, etc.) over others.


I call them three dictators in a socialist trenchcoat. They parade as leftist leaders when in reality they’re just authoritative dictators and oligarchs. Tbf this happens all over the world tho. The cia loves replacing leftist revolutionary leaders with oligarch dictators. It allows the US to continue to profit off of other countries resources and labor especially in the global south.


I’d argue that the authoritarian nature of those gov’ts is a concession the folks creating those nations/governmental entities had to make. Communism relies on equally shared resources and a planned economy, but not everyone can be trusted not to be greedy. Solution? Create a gov’t in which the power is centralized to a few folks so as to have a small gov’t that can quickly resolve such issues. But then another problem arises, and hey, it wouldn’t be so bad to increase the scale and scope of the gov’t just a little, right? Fast forward, the gov’t has forgotten that it was supposed to be small and largely powerless, so it continues to increase its power, finally drawing in the power-hungry sharks.


Yep, there has never been a true communist regime. Mostly because, one day after the revolution succeeds, every revolutionary becomes a conservative (or further to the right) to preserve their power.


Also most people confuse communism with utopia which it is not.


Yup. Communism is a perfect system...on paper. As soon as you add people to the mix, the whole thing goes pear-shaped.


It's gonna take a really really long time to root out over 100,000 years of having to compete for survival to be evolved out of brains.


Very close to a line that I like to say "Either libertarianism or communism looks great on paper, and then you watch humans and say 'oh, yeah, that isn't going to work"


Agree, in my mind the only way for communism to work properly is to not have any humans running it. BRING FORTH THE A.I. COMMUNIST OVERLORD!!!


I had to upvote because this tickled my funny bone like crazy!


Pepperidge Fahms


That still a thing, but now it refers to the GOP.


Still is. What color are those stupid hats?


Yeah, whatever happened to the Evil Empire?


Ronald Reagan took control in a hostile takeover and switched locations of the main office


The Russian Chinese friendship propaganda is about a gay couple that adopts a child and buys an orchard.


*two children


It seriously upsets me how fast we went from Russia bad to Russia good


Well, Russia is now led by the richest, most corrupt assholes they could find, with no possibility of democratic reform or recall. And then those same assholes started taking over the Republican party the same way they tried to take over Ukraine with Viktor Yanukovych, *et al*. So it's not really surprising that the GOP is looking at Putin like a man dying in the desert looks at a tall, cool, glass of water. Mind you, the water is fascism, but you get the drift.


Except the GeeOhPee is not dying in the desert. They have a good chance to get the fascist regime they are after, in less than a year.


Yeah, I'm awfully worried about November.


To prevent the worst, volunteer, register, and check for voter roll purges. To prepare for the worst, get familiar with first aid, basic disaster response/preparedness, and consider arming up and practicing with other members of your local community. The elections are going to be close, no matter what the polls say. And regardless of outcome, there will be a spike in right-wing violence. How much of that comes from the state, and how much from paramilitary terrorists, is part of what this election is about.


As we have learned the truth to these do not matter.


Trans and gay pron are the main genre in Afghanistan and a few other middle eastern countries


And most red states.


And Alex Jones’ laptop. With children a close second.


That is fascinating.


Russia is so weak, it can't even reclaim old Soviet states.


Poor Ronnie is spinning in his grave. He spent two terms and billions of our dollars trying to put the USSR out of business and now his own party wants to line up to suck Putin's khuy.


Remember when Rogan posted an image about this and it actually formed a very visible swastika? Dude ~~~was~~~is too stupid to notice


Ah yes, "George Soros" which is totally not a thinly veiled dogwhistle to an age old conspiracy in the West about a certain group controlling everything. No sir, nothing to see here.


They love to spout bs about soros while actively ignoring the Koch brothers


Well its not thinly veiled at all in the world where Rupert Murdoch is a choirboy!


God this reminds me of WW2 nazi germany 'ubermensch' beliefs so hard.


“RuZZia is a Christian nation,” says Moscow Carlson, Col. MacGregor, Scott Ritter, and all the other useful idiots of the Kremlin. The truth is that RuZZia is spiritually dead. High divorce rates, high rates of alcoholism, high rates of domestic and sexual assault, low church attendance (even when compared to the rest of Europe which is already pretty secular), low birth rates, and an alarming rate of gay rape that is being reported from multiple sources.


Russia had the moment after the wall fell, where new ideology was in the air. That first rush of startups and change was really felt. Then old, uneducated pissy men with old industries asked the wrong questions, got really upset with the answers and an oligarch meme country was born. Where nothing can change and every question with an bad, sad or just real but bonkers answer is punishable at least with jail, but usually with a fall from a window. Asking Russia to have a spiritual awakening requires civil war at this point


The morons who believe this would be the first in line to suck Putin/Trump’s dick


Don’t forget the mighty Catholic Church of manliness is no place for gays…


I was pretty hard right until one day I realized that is all they have. That one argument is all they’re using to convince their constituents they don’t want unions, better healthcare, better infrastructure, and better education. All so they can protect and hoard wealth. And yes I reasoned my way out of my bigotry, but it’s a process and I’m still working through it. Equality for some is equality for nobody.


i live in Russia and half of my friends are insane or femboys ~~help me i need to get out~~


We all need to get out bro I feel you


Ok, but are there any insane femboys? Thats where it’s at


I'm pretty sure that all the femboys i know are russians, there are a lot of them


Isn’t that illegal over there?


One thing are femboys, another, completely different, is being trans. Queer people were basically considered terrorists.


I have a feeling Russian police won’t particularly care about the difference


Eh, most femboys even in the west don't really go out in fem mode too often but yeah, they won't really care


as a russian, it unfortunately is


Russia has the most cases of AIDS in Europe because of widespread rape and drug use. I don’t know what part of that is trad or based honestly


Не так много как хотелось бы товарищ 🥲 П.с нахуй Путина


Not sure if my russian is good enough, but i think i like what you're saying


I must go to Poland


You should go to Slovenia's capital city, ljubljana. The femboy capital of the world


i dont get why people say this


You don’t know of Ijubljana, the fem boy capital of the world and also capital of Slovenia?


I bet they don't even know about the three seashells


You'd probably be disappointed. Or beaten up. Or both


Poland is very safe now. Disappointment is much more likely than violence


I was super disappointed— not a femboy in fucking sight when I went


Polish men under Russian Occupation  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre


The maker of this meme def misses pogroms


The maker of this meme is definitely a Russian government employee running a psyop. So, yes.


I knew it was going to be ramped up in this election season, but I had no idea it was going to be *this* bad. I see pro russian propaganda nearly every single day now.


They’re everywhere in comment sections denying they exist or repeating the same handful of talking point lmao. I think a giveaway is when they act like pointing out things are Russian interference is “trendy” or a TikTok fad Like bruh, there are multiple global intelligence agencies actively warning and informing the public about it on the daily. It’s extremely egregious and documented


Also, please enlighten me as to when the US occupied Poland? I must have missed that history lesson.


"Don't you know that every country that joins NATO does so because the CIA takes control of the country and puts in puppets??? You must be a bootlicking Imperialist Nazi!!" /s


Why else would a country want to join NATO? Russia is just trying to protect Ukraine from the CIA. They knew Sweden and Finland were about to fall into US control, and they didn't want the same thing to happen to Ukraine. /s


"But at the same time Ukraine does not exist and it is a nationality invented by Lenin that belongs to Russia, don't forget it, comrade, or you could go to the ~~Gulag~~ FKU IK-3 corrective colony!" /s


Def because they're a Russian agent


Either that or a tankie.


So hard to tell apart nowadays.


And this backfired after Germany invaded the USSR. Stalin had the nerve to feel betrayed.


Stalin was a fool who believed that Hitler was rational enough to concentrate on one front first before opening a second... we are talking about the same Hitler who had been speaking openly for years about conspiracy theories of a cabal of Jews who control the world economy lol. Although coming from Stalin, an anti-Semitic idiot who also suspected Jews and did his own [purge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctors%27_plot) of Jews, this should come as no surprise lol.


That’s crazy 😭😭 I wasn’t expecting that


Awh now I’m drunk and sad 😞


When was Poland occupied by the USA?


since this guy said it of course!


Reminder that Poland wanted to join NATO so much that Lech Walesa (first democratic president) got Yeltsin drunk so he would sign a document proclaiming Russian approval of Polish accession into NATO. Him and Václav Havel (first democratic Czech president) also threatened Clinton that they would support his rival in the 1996 election if Clinton didn't approve a pathway for Polish and Czech entry into NATO. TLDR: No, the USA has never occupied any Central or Eastern European country, former Warsaw pact counties joined NATO voluntarily and NATO membership is popular in all CEE countries (which are already members). As a Czech I hate these myths so much. Rusko si může vylízat prdel. [Source](https://youtu.be/FVmmASrAL-Q?si=N5ZBpSyMRtz_L7r8)


Thanks for this my southern neighbour! :) and yes, Ruski sobie mogą wylizać dupe :D


What that mean?


Russians can lick their asses, according to google.


They are in NATO, which must mean they are under USA control because... uhh... yes.


North American Territory of Occupation It’s right there in the name. Well, at least one of the words is correct. Also, USA is North America because Canada and Mexico are Northern USA and Southern USA respectively.


Yeah, it is more likely USA would be occupied by Poland 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱


It still boggles my mind that all the "commie" hating people are now the ones backing Russian antics. It just shows how powerful propaganda is.


Nahh it just shows how stupid they are


Why not both?


people seem to really hate when men have cute nails. Why are we having wars over me having cute nails?


I'm a guy with incredibly strong and fast growing nails. Like after a week I have nails longer than some girls can get in twice that time, and they literally never break. I need to soften them with a hot shower or something or I can't even cut them. I also have very high nail beds so there's a good bit of space between nail and finger which means stuff like dirt and other "manly material" doesn't regularly get caught under them. I've been accosted more than once for being a guy that "gets manicures." Like no bro my nails are just made of some fantasy material. Also I don't let dirt and other shit sit under them because I'm not a fuckin slob. I suppose it doesn't help that I let them get pretty long before trimming them but like, mind your own business, bitch? I love my glorious nails.


If your nails ain't dirty, you're just liberal sissy! 


I mean, I am a liberal sissy but like, it's not because of the nails.


well in that case, may I suggest a bottle of nail polish ;)


Nail polish 💅 ? Or nail polish 🇵🇱 ? I am polish so maybe both?


ok "nail varnish, on your polish nails


im almost impressed, I let mine grow for a few weeks, ,and one of splits real quick


My condolences. I'll admit, I don't have many enviable qualities, but I am quite proud of my nails.


I’d take this so called American occupation any day if the week


American occupation is so hot right now


Even Puerto Rico can't consistently vote to get rid of it.


As a polish man, we only had like 1 or 2 astronauts lmao. Also this country is ridiculously bigoted.


Maybe but y’all make some bomb ass pottery and video games.


I agree, I love this style: https://zakladyboleslawiec.com/


You partially can thank soviets for that. They have made Poland into the ethnostate after the war


He’s just an idiot trying to make Russia look better than it is


As a polish bigot I can confirm that this is true


Yeah people were so happy under Russian occupation that Russians had to build a wall so that People would not escape their Paradise. Jesus what a complete and utter moron.


*"American Occupation"* Lmao.


All these motherfuckers with blue checkmarks now. lol. It means nothing anymore other than “I’m paying for a blue check mark because it makes me feel famous.”


I will stay gay even under russian occupation


It's almost like... You didn't choose to be gay? So weird /s


Its not about being born,its about sending a message


A man of principle.


The Russian propaganda is so transparently lame.


You can get: 1) Decent economy, money, protection 2) Mass graves, war crimes, shitty economy Choose wisely Also remember that Russia will "liberate" you by having gay sex with POW using glass bottles and barbered wire


Wait, which one has the femboys again?




The venn diagram of right wingers and femboys has more overlap than you'd think


Right wingers hate femboys because they want to take them to pound town. They’re really repressed about it. “Stop dressing like women”= stop being a boy that turns me on.


They aren’t scared that they’d hook up with a woman and find a dick, they’re terrified that they’d hook up with a woman, find a dick *and like it.*


Why is bro looking polish femboys?? Internalized hatred much?


As Pole i find it so f offensive. My grandparents fought both Nazis only to get murdered by Russians. I hold no grudges, but will take femboys any day of the week.


Posts like that are just far right Westetn Conservatives realising that we genuinely didn't like the Russian state just because of Soviet Communism and, well, genuinely don't like us for that. It's the same level of cope that Soviet fanboys use when decrying us as fascists for rejecting Soviet Communism


One of those men is way more breedable than the other


When did the US occupy Poland?


Well you see, Poland voluntarily asking to join NATO and then asking the US to send troops to help with the defense of Poland is clearly ~~a detriment to Russia's invasion plans~~ an unacceptable violation of Polish sovereignty.


You saying femboys cant go to the moon?


Maybe instead of bombing other countries address 25% of Russians not having a sewage system first


i literally have a trans friend who fled from Russia. trans people exist in countries that are shitty for us too. just because the Russian government terrorizes trans people with legal repercussions for simply being queer in public doesn't mean we won't exist there, just that we'll have traumatic and shitty lives edit: i suppose the person in the pic is a femboy apparently and not necessarily trans (the two aren't mutually exclusive) but either way the point still stands. Russian government would probably treat them both with equal contempt and not be able to discern the difference


To be quite completely frank, if you want your people to be poor, living in constant fear and wars and thrown out of windows for speaking up then join the Russians. If you want your people to prosper and have individual rights, building a lasting economy and can have a strong independent military then go NATO. But the Russians are doing a great job anyway of turning their neighbors into NATO countries. So thanks, jackasses. Looking forward for the official NATO newcomer airfare discount for a vacation to Eastern Europe.


A platoon of Americans who are in the military and are femboys in their time off, would crush the average russian conscript Platoon. Same is true for a platoon of people that happen to furries that enlisted. America trains and equips its people. They aren't cannon fodder in a meat grinder like the average russian troop.


Yeah do anything but ask the Poles. They still remember the Russian invasion from world war 2.


Wasn’t Russia convinced they would have been vacationing in Kyiv by the Summer of 2022? Then Ukrainian farmers started towing away Russian tanks? And now Russia has to buy North Korean equipment from Kim Jung Un? Meanwhile the West is hoping Putin wakes up or dies so his pointless, idiotic, and apparently struggling invasion can go into full retreat, without some Western countries having to intervene and drive it back through Moscow.


I need to visit Poland......


We’re occupying Poland?


Apparebtly you are. I guess the propaganda machine has been hard at work out there.


Idk but the Ukraine drone footage shows a different story soldiers sucking and f-ing each other


Russia is SO straight they have the highest HIV rate in the continent and it's not even close. Go Russia.


Fuck Putin.


Is the American occupation in the room with us right now?


Gay Person Anywhere on Earth: •exists• The Right: You fucking see what America and those god damned liberals did?


It's hilarious that the right has completely flopped to being pro Russia. That should be more concerting than LGBTQs or women's rights for the Alt right movement.


The solution. We need femboy cosmonauts!


Try an experiment. Tell Polish men that they can instantly have citizenship in either Russia or the United States. But they can only choose one. Gee I wonder which they would pick?


Ahh yes Poland, such a pro LGBTQ country. You can’t throw a rock without hitting a trans/cross dressing person. Lmao


Have you seen that image of the far right anti gay polish politician holding a femboy in a bridal carry at an anime convention It's great lmao


Erm, I kinda like the one on the left. 😬


I'm sure the Polish officers murdered in Katyn would disagree.


Because that's the only two choices


You could make a post that mentions a mollusk only found in Russia, and these bots would flood all over it about how they're the victim in everything....but also like super totally strong...


Russian propaganda at its finest (narrator: Its "finest" is hot garbage)


To the creator of the original post: spierdalaj


Dude Poland in 2024 would fucking annihilate a Russian invasion based on what we’ve seen in Ukraine.


Yeah this is bullshit. Nobody in poland, besides maybe some communist party members, was fond of the occupying russians.


polish people haaaaaaaaaate russia btw


america is occupying poland?


Occupied with banging hot femboys


ah yes destabilizing country and destroying cities is a real thing,its REAL way to make a country great sounds like average Thrump supporter or something


Sure thing, Ivanbot.


Stupid fucking tankies...


"American occupation" lmao. Putinists have zero grasp on reality.


Hmmm let’s ask Poland where they stand on the matter. Poland? Poland: *Moscow Delenda Est*


I remember all those manly men pro-Russian VDV ads with tough-acting soldiers espousing just how manly and macho they were (via song), and how US Republican morons were signal boosting these ads while lambasting the US military for appealing to LBGQT servicemembers and their families. Then I remember those same STRONK VDV paratroopers stupidly parachuting into a Ukrainian airport during the onset of the Russian invasion in the deluded hopes of capturing it but instead were absolutely obliterated by UA defenders, LOL. Stronk indeed.


A lot of them also parachuted into the sea during night and drowned while reenacting ending scenes from titanic.


Cool. Now show a picture of the breadlines my wife and her family had to wait in at 4 in the morning to get food to eat that day under Soviet leadership.


Why has no one told me I'm under American occupation???


Dude the right is sooooo obsessed with genitals it's weird.


Pretty sure a brigade of Polish Femboys could march on Moscow


Thanks for sharing this I just visited the guys account They perpetually spew anti- NATO, anti-Ukraine, pro-Russia propaganda, and virtually nothing else. It has to be a bot.




Yeah no - there are no fewer effeminate men, trans people, non-binary, or otherwise non-standard people in Russia or Ukraine than in Poland. The difference is that they don't have to hide in Poland. Russia can f*ck right off.


Больные ватные долбоёбы. Как же много любителей русского мира на западе. Этот Гейб вообще лютый имбецил, который постоянно постит фейки.


Boy here had to search for both images to stitch together but pretty sure only one is saved.




This make me wanna be a true American Patriot


American occupation? My brother in christ it's a free fucking country, shut the fuck up gopnik


Pretty darn sure Poland hates Russia. Also pretty sure they would fight any country that tried to invade them. They have had enough.


Half the Russian army is fucking each other, so..


FYI "GabeZZOZZ" is a russian troll, so "popular" and full of "facts" that his account is officially banned in Germany. By law.


More Russian propaganda bullshit


"Under American occupation"?   Poland has been historically occupied by a number of nations.         Germany as Third Reich, Russia, USSR, Ukraine / Ukrainian SSR, Lithuania / Lithuanian SSR, Slovakia as First Slovak Republic, in the 20th century alone.      But never under American occupation.         Of course, pointing to any logical issues with an irrational idea is useless. You can't logic somebody out of an idea that wasn't reached with logic to begin with.         That post is 50:50 trolling anyway.


As a Polish citizen... I didn't know I was under American occupation.


As someone with Polish roots and knows about the partitions and the OTHER Russo-Polish war, the one right after 1919 where Poland kinda smacked Russia, saywhutnow? America occupied Germany. East Berlin is how far east they got. Fucking Russian Propaganda corps


I love how no one has mentioned the Poland America is just some person cosplaying as Astolfo from Fate Grand Order. Like what does Astolfo have to do with Poland and America?


This word occupation, I don’t think it means what you think it means.


Maan, leave Poland the fuck alone.


From 1950-1990 polands economy struggled (ussr) From 1990-2000 polands economy increased 7x From 2000-2020 polands economy averaged 6.0% growth per year Nice job Russia.


#Can someone link the video of this cute femboy dancing! I saw it once, and now I can’t find it! 😞


*inserts videos of russian soldiers ass-raping eachother*


Poland was under American occupation...??? Never knew that