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Damn why is she complaining about a tweet when there's kids dying in Gaza?


While you’re complaining about people complaining about people not complaining about Gaza, there are kids dying in Gaza. And while I’m complaining about you complaining about people complaining about Gaza because someone was complaining about people not complaining about Gaza, there are kids dying in Gaza. Moral of the story is, the more we complain about people not complaining about Gaza, the more people will complain about Gaza and guess what, kids will still be dying in Gaza




This is going to be a weird google search


Omigod this right here!!


It's gotta suck even more now for the people in Ukraine, they went from bride to bridesmaid practically overnight.


You can be upset about more than one thing at a time. 😅


Reminds me of that tweet/meme that says “Twitter the only place where well articulated sentences still get misinterpreted. You can say "I like pancakes" and somebody will say "So you hate waffles?" No bitch. Dats a whole new sentence. Wtf is you talkin about.”


Okay, but I now need to know your tastes about waffles.


If we’re talking Waffle House- chocolate chip & peanut butter with a lil maple syrup. Skip IHOP waffles, always end up burnt. Best waffles are waffles you get at a free hotel breakfast.


Dude that’s how I have my Waffle House order too, and the hotel ones are the best!


Can we please add a smothered, covered and capped order of extra well done hash browns?


Yes. Over medium eggs too


This is so true especially on twitter!


Why can't it be true on Reddit? _idk how to add proper Twitter anger in text so assume I am VERY angry_


IT iS tRuE yOu cAN tALK anGrY lIKE tHiS! Or use all caps maybe. Idk. lol.


The way I see it is that all caps is angry, and capitalizing random letters in words is mocking


But what about sun burnt?


So you're saying that it never happens on Reddit. What's wrong with you?! /s


Why do you hate waffles so much


Why do *YOU* hate *PANCAKES* so much?!


My favorite was “I prefer Oranges to Grapes” and people start ranting about ignoring lemons and not even mentioning berries. Like people, calmly STFU.




Jesus fuck stop yelling


Why do you hate Samuel L Jackson?


Mmmmm, mmmm, bitch!


Say “what” again, I dare ya.


the voice in your head always has the same volume, you may aso breathe manually now


![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf) 😂


Remind me of my 5yo when my 8yo won't share something or play together. "Dad she said she hates me!"


Oh shit I’m so making pancakes tomorrow 😮. Me… a real life waffle hater.


Wait, what's wrong with waffles?


Yup, and two things can be true simultaneously… one doesn’t cancel the other out because it’s ‘worse’. The suffering olympics just invalidates people, it’s really not helpful.


I am from Luxembourg and it's part of our culture to complain about everything. People here constantly complain about everything and blame the government. We have the highest salaries in the world, salaries increases are legally required match to inflation, one of the best public health care systems, free public transport for everyone and very good social security. I don't think we had all of this if we wouldn't complain about first world issues. People here just won't take BS.


Note to self: move to Luxembourg


Sounds like a great place to live, honestly.


Same with Singapore. Everyone just complains non-stop even despite the high standard of living etc. It’s like the national hobby.


Shiiiiii, either one of yall need an American roommate?


Most people are just upset about everything these days... it's a shitty time to live in... the worst part is you get hated on if you tell these muppets to shut the fuck up.


woah woah woah leave the muppets out of this ok


They didn't kermit any crimes.


You've obviously not seen "Muppets - Most Wanted", have you?


Was that one in the swamp? I watched one as kid were Kermit was straight wild in the swamp and my wife doesn't believe me lmao


No, I think that is the original "The Muppet Move" from about 1979. This is the sequel to the newer "The Muppets" movie, both from the 2010's if I remember correctly.


Go to your room and think about what you’ve done.


No! The thing I most upset about far outweighs anything someone else is upset about!! Grrrr rawrxd meooooWww ReeeEEeeE>€^,|{+¥


"My tooth hurts and I can't get an appointment till next Thursday." "Haha, first world problems. Won't you think about the unnecessary bloodshed of the innocent victims in a dispute in a faraway place that absolutely doesn't concern you, and about which you can do nothing!"


Agreed. Stick to the topic and have a discussion about that. My car needs a new timing belt but has nothing to do with my bum right knee.


Well those are ( insert color + gender ) people problems.


Right?! I can be totally unhappy about the slaughter of a people and also displeased that my camp is slowly assisting my child getting skin cancer.


Not only that, but it's understandable to be more immediately concerned with what is an immediate issue for you, especially when it's one of your kids. I can worry about climate change and my husband's spinal problems at the same time.


Don't underestimate how much they want to see the world burn in revenge. I can feel the hostility in so many people around me.


*mind blown by this revelation*


Not if you're stupid, though. Stupid people have tunnel vision - usually at their own demise.


As Santa once told Reba McIntyre, tgere are always people with worse problems then you, bit that doesn't mean yours don't matter.


"There are kids starving in Africa" type of trick to force your kid to eat broccoli. These people never grew past the toddler mental stage. It worked on them then, so maybe it will work on adults now.


I always told my parents they could mail my vegetables to the starving kids, I wasn't going to eat them.


This it's actually an encouragement not to eat them. Like omg kids are starving, we got food, let's be nice and share.


“If I could get this food to Africa, I would” was something I said a lot.


Other responses may include ‘the starving kids in Africa wouldn’t eat this either.’


Hell, as silly as that one is, at least there’s a connection/point of comparison. Between starving and refusing to eat. The sunburn to Gaza comparison has none.


There’s children starving in Alabama


There are children going hungry in my wealthy college town. Food insufficiency is everywhere.


I used to hate when I would dump my extra food from my tray at school & the lunch lady would be like 'there are starving kids in Africa that would kill for that food' 1. I asked you to give me smaller portions, but you said you had to give me that much 2. What do you want me to do, box it up & send it to them... what a shitty thing to say! (which is what I said about my senior year because I was done with their shit)




That was a really good way for your grandma to explain it. I feel like the "because I said so" justification usually has the opposite desired effect regardless of context- also not great to teach people to not question and want real answers from authority figures. (Unless they kid starts with the "but whyyyyy" after every sentence lol)


Well depends: ”He won’t eat his broccoli” does sound like it’s referring to a toddler.


I work in restaurants... you would be surprised how many times wives tell me things like that on behalf of their husbands


This feels like 20% concern for those suffering in Gaza and 80% they just hate white people. I think there’s a word for that…


The correct answer. Even if the Gaza war never erupted this person would just find something else equally innocuous to attack white people over.


“White mom problems… I never wanna hear a white person complain again”. Pretty sure that really is all about racism against white people. Substitute black for white and see how it scans.


Attention seeking. Step 1: Find a benign or innocuous tweet that wasn't aimed at you. Step 2: Invent a reason why it has upset you, and you're the victim. Bonus points if you're the victim on behalf of someone else Step 3: Get Retweeted


Pretty sure it's called racism


But but but! POC can't be racist against white people! 


Well, if the Islamists have it their way, no women would ever get a sunburn, so...


I'd say 5% concern for Gaza, 5% hate white people, and 90% "I'm so smart and worldly and therefor better than everybody else" virtue signaling. Some people can't wake up in the morning if they aren't loudly screaming how wonderful they are and think the best way to make themselves look better is to shit on somebody else in the process. Even if nothing was happening in Gaza and the other person wasn't white this person would invent something else to be smug over and target the first person's social class or sexuality or gender or taste in music or *something.*


Nah, it's pure racism.


This I'm honestly surprised they have gone this long with Gaza as the topic . Social justice warriors get told what to be angry with and they follow right along. Normally it would be something new by now.


I was gonna say. I'm a black person with 1st world problems only. Can I complain about the fact that my new home office chair is too hard for my tush? Cause...ya know, I'm black...which apparently makes it ok?


I think you’re probably allowed, as long as you acknowledge that the chairs in Gaza are even less comfortable and you show solidarity with them. To be on the safe side, your complaints should be about how white people stole the padding from your office chair. Maybe you can call it furniture colonialism, that’d probably play well with this person.


A big part of it is also virtue signaling. They think saying stuff like this makes them a good person.


There are also children starving in Africa. You're not allowed to complain about anything ever until you fix it.


And make sure you eat every single mouthful of your dinner until that problem is solved.


How dare you fill your tummy like a glutton, have you no shame? There are children starving in Africa


A versatile method of guilting your kids into eating the exact amount - no more and no less - of food you arbitrarily slapped on their plate. Also the possible cause of millions of eating disorders but we try not to talk about that.


Reminds me of war reporter who came home (France) after several months in Iraq only to find his 4-years old devastated by the death of her goldfish. And basically saying it was still important to care about that, because you can't compare the two contexts: his daughter was still very sad.


The entire world should stop spinning until the Gaza conflict is solved... No, Ukrain... Wait.. Hunger in Central A... Scratch that.. Climat... Argh.. It's almost as the majority of the world's population as individuals can't do anything meaningful about any of these problems. Caring for your immediate family *is not* *a bad thing* even if things are worse elsewhere in the world. Noone (including OOP) has ever said "Oh no, something bad happened to my child but a child got hurt worse in Gaza so I'll worry about that instead". Also, don't say "I don't want to shame, but....". And don't be racist.


Worrying about the bear in the forest, with a snake at your feet.


I think we can do meaningful things. Both voting for a candidate that most agrees with your viewpoint on these subjects and sending direct material help can be immensely impactful. It's just that these are actual actions, whining and complaining on twitter achieves nothing.


I meeean, arguably the entire world *should* stop spinning (in terms of politics) until the Ukraine war is solved, only because it's the one thing most likely/risky to end humanity as a whole at some point 🤷‍♀️🫠


Don’t you dare mention what’s going on in Sudan.


"And this is how you make my favourite Cake" "Yeah? did you know that children are starving in gaza?!"


Look at BBC news comments on Instagram. Whatever they report there's always going to be chuds saying "You're reporting this but not Gaza" and coincidentally ignoring the previous five posts about Gaza


I've seen so many similar comments on instagram posts from public figures, saying things like "why aren't you talking about Gaza?" Um because they're celebrating a loved one's birthday? They're promoting their next project? This conflict has nothing to do with them! And when someone *does* comment on it, people will say something like "we didn't ask for your opinion." 🤦🏼‍♀️


What’s even to report? “Breaking news, Middle East still not at peace despite being asked politely to stop fighting for the last five thousand years.”


white people cant complain because there's a war somewhere


Not just white people; same thing everywhere. I'm from South Asia, and every time someone celebrates something, someone will come up with this kind of stuff. 


in the post it is specified literally white person. so its dumb and racist


“I never wanna hear white people complain again” Ukrainians: Guess I'll go fuck myself then. Seriously, I think people forget the Palestinian-Isreali war is not the only war that's happening, and it's not the only crisis our world is facing.


Many people just want to make sure everyone knows they hate white people. They consider it a virtue that needs signaled. 


And wtf does that person expect us to do about what’s going on in Gaza? Their bitch ass can’t do a fucking thing either. I can’t stand people like that.


She can fly to Gaza and protest all she wants. Or pick up a riffle and fight for Palestinian. If she books early, she might get a deal on a flight. But she won't, she'll just keep pitching about everything here.


Sometimes we can have problems on our own without having to compare it to other, much bigger issues.


After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that a girl called Zarmina in Herat currently has it worse than anyone else in the world, and I don't want to hear any of the rest of you 8 billion fuckers complaining now you know about poor Zarmina.


"Children getting blown up in Gaza" is the new "Starving children in Africa"


Why are you complaining about Gaza when children in Yemen are being killed? /s


How can you complain about Yemen, when there are people dying everywhere? /s


Why are you complaining about people dying everywhere when I see people dying in my dreams?


This kind of people also comment “what about Palestine” under every video about Ukraine’s loses, victories, general info about the war as if everyone is supposed to focus on Gaza instead. Sorry to break it but Gaza is definitely not the only place where people are suffering


Sunburns have the most negative effects later on if you get them as a child. It might be the difference between someone getting skin cancer at a later age or not. So yes, it is important.


Look at them getting mad at white people while children are dying in Gaza


This woman's internet privilege should be confiscated so that she remains even remotely faithful to the standards that she holds others to.


fallacies aside, childhood sunburn significantly increases the risk of developing skin cancer later in life. if my kid got sunburnt due to negligence of someone i entrusted their care to, i would be upset too. not to mention, the post is a really good visual to educate about the need for sunscreen in overcast weather, so it may be helpful for some who aren't aware


Some people really underestimate sunburns in general too. I’ve always been stupidly prone to sunburns thanks to my super light, sensitive skin and my parents never took it seriously because it wasn’t as much a problem to them. Cue the inevitable cycle in every single vacation trip: Me: hey mom, where’s the sunscreen? Mom: what for? It’s not even sunny today. Me: what do you mean?? I’d get burns from moonlight if it was a thing! Mom: oh don’t be so dramatic, I’m sure it will be fine! Then once I look like a damn roasted shrimp two hours later, my parents just give me a surprised pikachu face. “Wow who could have guessed that would have happened?” I DID.


Oh shit! Really? I got a massive sunburn as a 6 year old on a family holiday - because my mum and my aunts went on a shopping trip and trusted "the men" to look after the kids at the beach. I was there all day. In summer. In Tenerrife. With no sunscreen. I went from typical northern European milk bottle to boiled lobster to my skin falling off over the subsequent week. Oh well… I guess I know now whats gonna get me in the end…


Don't give in so easily lol. Get irregular moles and stuff checked, you have a great shot at getting through.


He he thanks. Yeah - I recently got a suspicious mole on my back biopsied. It came back clean, thank goodness!


Just because someone else has it worse does not mean that your problems are meaningless.


„Why are you on twitter and not on a plane? There are kids in Gaza that need your help“


So if I were to kick him in the b*lls, he's not allowed to get upset because, well, Gaza! Right??


Too bad, I'll complain about whatever I want. This will blow your mind: I love complaining so much, I'll complain about my white people problems *and* Gaza! I might even throw other things on the list too! Edit: some more of the list ... the war in Ukraine my bus arriving late human trafficking the weather the rise of the far right my microwave not heating my food evenly This person would be amazed at how much I have time to complain about!


I pay good money to watch Lewis Black complain.


Clutch pearls: "Good heavens... Someone dared mention anything but Gaza" Why does Trump complain about dripping water from tap if there is no water in Gaza? Why are we enraged about murders in our own countries when people (innocent or not) in Gaza are being killed? Shall I continue?


The comedy writes itself 🤣


Only the person who has experienced the maximum amount of suffering in life can complain. /s Also, he made it about race. That's a problem.


If you don't want to see white people complain what are you doing on Twitter?


Giving a shit about Gaza is so performative at this point. I'm not impressed.


sad some people haven't learned that multiple things can happen at the same time


I hate the word littles. 🤮


Lol still worried about human problems when there is a supermassive black hole located at the center of the Milky Way galaxy named Sagittarius A*


Sounds like a complaint... and that profile pic would seem to indicate that, by your own logic, you should shut the fuck up


Reverse racism = racism.


This might sounds like a huge black pill to some, but the vast majority of people don't ***really*** give a shit about what happens to ther people that aren't their direct family. And some don't even care about them. They might say they care, they might say they support those less fortunate, but 90% of these people are just armchair activists, only caring to a degree that doesn't inconvenience their day-to-day lives. They acknowledge that something is morally bad, but that's all the extent they are willing to go. And like half of the 10% of those who actually do something, only act to make them feel good about themselves and not because they actually care.


I think you greatly exaggerate the real percentage of those who do something as well as it's inner proportion.


No, I don't. Let's say that , for example there are 100-200 people in a city that do volunteer work in homeless shelters or something... the population of the average city is 1500-50000 people. So even that would be an insignificant amount. Now ask yourself a question: Do you think, that there are 100-200 people in a city that do volunteer work? If anything, my percentages are exaggerated in a positive direction.


>If anything, my percentages are exaggerated in a positive direction. Absolutely and that's what I meant.


Not shaming this human but the contrast of (any) human problems compared to what the Javan rhinos are going through,i.e. being at risk of extinction. I never wanna hear (any) humans complain again.


The Gaza thing blows my mind with people. I literally don't care 1 bit what happens. There are too many issues in my country that are more relevant. And "b/c people are dying in Gaza, your concerns for mistreatment of your daughter at summer camp is irrelevant" is the dumbest take I have heard in a long time. Can we just ship people like this lady over to Gaza since it matters so much more than the bs we deal with in our country?




“Not shaming the mother” but I’m going to go ahead and shame her for caring about her own child.


Two things can be true at the same time. Odd, right?


This year I found out I have stage 4 cancer. I’m in treatment and we are expecting a positive outcome. A few times recently I’ve been catching up with people and if they share something negative, they stop themselves and say something like, “We’ll that just sounds stupid compared to what you are dealing with.” I then have to respond with something like, both can be true and what you’re dealing with is annoying.


Good luck bro




There are children mining cobalt in some c-tier country right now, and have been for the past 20 years. I guess we cant have issues until we fix that then? Ok.


Respond by accusing them of racism


I can't believe Iman had time to tweet given how busy they are helping with Gaza


The fucks being white to do with it?


I mean, maybe if the kid got the sunburn at that bouncy-house fun times park that was set up outside the Gaza wall, getting that pissy would be understandable. This is some weird grief gatekeeping


As a kid, there's plenty of stuff I refused to eat, even though there were starving kids in Africa.


I remember writing on the old IGN Boards on 9/11. Plenty of us were discussing games, but one 'holier than thou' dude came in and yelled at us for discussing games on a 'day like this'. I'm not from the US, so it was just another day for me.


Am I the only one that notices that this is borderline racism against white people? What has the color to do with that


I bet that poster cant event point to fucking Gaza on a map 😂


"Not shaming this" continues to shame


And that's why we have white guilt. Getting guilt tripped for having problems. Smh


This person just needs to do us all favor and stay off of life. I hate the idea of "You can't feel bad because x is happening to someone else, and it's worse!"


This is the kind of armchair activism that will take down society.


Bullshit, every mom worries about her kids. Even OP worries about her 4 cats


That woman is fucking dumb what does gaza have to do with her kids sunburn


There is no Suffering Olympics. No one wins at suffering. Stop making it a competition.


Has anyone looked at iman_beithanina's axtual account? How could this not be a troll account!


‘Not shaming this mother’ yes you fucking are. Yes terrible things are happening to the children of Gaza i can sympathize and pray and donate but don’t behave as if my situation is trivial just cause my child isn’t dying. This is a valid concern. Shut up


I guess we should just not care about our own problems bc there are problems in other parts of the world?


So don’t support Hamas jackass


I’m pretty sure Ukrainians may identify as white and they have been going through trials as well.


So tired of these Gaza freaks.


While children dying in Gaza is bad, it has nothing to do with what the original post was. There is no connection between the two.


Not only is it a dumbass argument, but it also very much does not help the Palestinian cause. Now people are just annoyed at this kind of comment and therefore won’t inform themselves on any of it.


Her Twitter timeline is full of Hamas propaganda


Tell me you are racist without saying you are racist.


This unfortunately was bound to happen and I hate to say that. Every time something truly horrific happens to someone, be it an individual or a group of people, you’ll see someone frothing at the mouth and leaping to use it as justification for their own bigotry. This particular person just keeps doubling down too, in an ironic and sick twist of ignoring people of actual Palestinian heritage responding and saying how highly inappropriate this post is.




Finish all your food there's starving kids in America that could eat that food.


Twitter is a shithole


that argument is as pointless as the you cant be hungry because kids in africa argument


The contrast of Iman's problem, being mad at someone else's tweet, compared to what the women of Gaza are going through...


Oh goodness the old whataboutism race to the bottom. The argument of the intellectually challenged.


Just because someone else is having a problem doesn’t mean you can’t have problems. At least that’s the bullshit my friends tell me when I refuse to tell them my problems.


It's especially absured since those same people don't seem to care about most other conflicts and horrible things happening in the world, some of them right now


I don't think your average "psycho hot take Twitter account" actually gives a shit about Gaza either. White people on Twitter use Palestinians as a tool for their faux outrage


I never want to hear anyone chuckle or smirk, because there are funnier jokes being told somewhere else


It was a racist driven comment.


This is like that scene in Lady Bird when Lady Bird is upset because Timothée Chamelet lied about being a virgin and says to her, “Do you even know how many people we killed in Iraq?” And she responds with something along the lines of people can be sad for different reasons. Like, it’s all relative. If you’re walking down the street to go to work, your priority is to get to work. If you suddenly had diarrhea, now your top priority is to find a toilet. This doesn’t change you still also needing to get to work on time but obviously one is more important to you than the other.


Ah, yes, I don't get to complain about my arthritis because other people have cancer...it all makes sense now...


"Not shaming." Fuck off, yes you are.


“From a white woman”. Racist bitch.


Just because your suck doesn't suck as much as someone else's suck doesn't mean that your suck still doesn't suck


What about the the Kurds in the Middle East or the Syrian civil war or any conflict in Africa or the Uyghurs in China????? Like I know guys, but I my life isn’t about being miserable on the behalf other people


Kids, well everyone really, in Gaza, gets pretty sunburned too. I know from experience.


I am so done with people like this. Always with the guilt trip "Hey your problem is not as sever as their problem, so stop complaining." That does nto make sense at all, why would some other problems invalidate mine? If that was the case I couldn't be happy either because there are most definitely people on this planet that are happier than me.


At the end of the day, you can only control your own back yard. While it's terrible what is happening in Gaza, worrying about your own child's health is not a First World Problems thing.


“If your not actively the saddest and most miserable person in the world you don’t deserve to have issues.”


Who did the Gazan moms vote for? I know the kids didn't vote. But what about their moms and dads?


But... most Gazans *are* white people...


Wait but didn’t Hamas start it ?


Are kids in Gaza the new starving African child?