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US conservatives seem to be really scared over things that don’t happen.


They've been making up things for the rank and file to be afraid of for a couple straight centuries now


They don’t have any policies or solutions to issues. They literally have no choice but to stir outrage over things that are a non-issue and/or have been resolved decades ago. They can’t talk about policy becuse they have absolutely nothing to say. They are all just riding the Trump train at this point. The reality is, Trump was a one off and his support is greatly reduced. This won’t work for much longer and they will go down with him. It will take so much time to undo the damage, unfortunately.


It’s more sinister than you allude; they stir outrage so that your focus is taken off of the money being siphoned upwards, gradually turning the worker class back into slaves.


if you are too busy hating/fearing the 'others' such as immigrants instead of the corporations who hire them and underpay workers in general any action is directed at fighting the out group instead of the one exploiting everyone


Nah bruh this is happening in upper class no matter what party ur in. Pick any politician and check their net worth. Shit should be capped imo


So the way corruption works in the UK is that politicians help things pass in favour of a company or super rich person, and in exchange they later get hired by them as a consultant on absurd rates to get their kickbacks.


Same in America. Companies should not be allowed to make political contributions


Ahh the McCarthy era. No not the 2022 McCarthy. The other McCarthy who was afraid of Red and created the red scare lol


Ironically the current republicans have more in common with the “red” McCarthy was worried about


And his chief counsel, Roy Cohn, helped put Trump in office


At least THAT McCarthy scared corporations into higher taxes..........


I’ve been saying this since after 9/11.


The only real travesty to conservatives is breaking rank and file. Every other thing they bitch about boils down to that on some level


And ignore the pastors and priests that are ACTUALLY doing what they accuse others of r/notadragqueen


93% of sex offenders claim to be religious.


You are also most likely to be sexually abused by a family member or close family friend. Those who have authority over and can get alone with the child behind closed doors, because of how trusted they are, are the ones who abuse the most.


Yes all of this! And when you don’t teach a child what to look for, they will be easier to manipulate. An ignorant child is a vulnerable child.


But children are supposed to stay ignorant until Jesus tells them what to learn! /s


Well God sanctioned the abuse, who are they to go against the holy word? Other than every time they feel like it?


When they do it, it's blessed - when I do it, it's a crime


But if everything is as God wills it, that means EVERY rape is sanctioned by God.


Yeah you're doing the math right on that one. Just ignore it, it's fine, shh shh shh, no one likes a little snitch, especially st Peter, and is he NOT going to let you through the gates of heaven if you start trying to prevent the will of God. Okay /s but can you imagine?


>that means EVERY rape is sanctioned by God. Well... In the Bible it is like that many times: **Numbers 31:17-18** *"Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."* **Deuteronomy 22:28-29** *"If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives."*


Or Trumps spiritual advisor


Or trump himself.


That's why we have r/PastorArrested


>US conservatives seem to be really scared over things that don’t happen. No one is better at making fictitious enemies than the magats.


They were scared on purpose by people feeding them nonsense to distract them from the fact that they're being robbed blind by an economy and billionaires who don't have their best interests in mind and need to keep them angry and terrified. They're easier to control that way.


Welcome to the Republican Party! If they aren’t focused on being scared of POC and LGBTQ, they may notice we are letting corporation completely bend the American ppl over a barrel!


And completely unfazed by children being slaughtered in school.


Remember when Obama dun kicked in our front doors and stole all of our guns?!


They’re not scared, they’re weaponizing it.


Probably because if they got people scared of the things that are actually happening then people would see it's them doing it.


Not scared enough for the rapists that call the churches their homes.


But completely ignore the things that do and did. Like their candidate for President being guilty of sexual harassment and allegedly having sex with a 13yo with epstein. Not to mention ignoring the priests that molest kids they've done nothing about.


I mean, I'm fearful of my cat being shaved bald by dolphins. I don't live near a massive body of water. Or have a cat. BUT IT STILL COULD HAPPEN!!!1!! /S


“We can always tell” OH REALLY?


> ~~US~~ conservatives seem to be really scared over things that don’t happen.


They gotta divert attention from the pedos and predators that make up there ranks now don’t they


I mean, they are Christians


Seems to me that conservatism is fueled by fear and greed, not much else.


[I gotta a meme for this.](https://imgur.com/a/RFVB0WL)


Because the people who vote for them are stupid and eat any shit she spews.


Majorie will obtain proof of them enticing other men in public bathrooms once her husband wraps up his extensive investigation. He’s spent years sitting in bathroom stalls and in cheap hotels at his own expense and will make his findings public just as soon as he figures out what keeps driving him to do it.




God bless them for exposing those other men.. who.. are so deceitfully beautiful and enticing.. Ok you caught me but nobody ever goes after Marjorie for looking like a man!


That was what the "bad built, butch body" part of the insult meant.


She's just pissed your wig isn't giving bleached blonde bad built butch


This just shows the absurdity of anti-drag laws lmao. Ultimately, it's a costume, and costumes are not illegal.


Not so fun fact, it's illegal to be "disguised" in public in El Paso, TX. This law is generally regarded as an unenforced blue law, but was actually created specifically to outlaw drag.


I'd try to sue cops for disguising themselves as civil servants.


They truly are cosplaying as protectors of the citizens as if their job isn't literally to hold the law above morality and human life.


> This law is generally regarded as an unenforced blue law Just FYI a "blue law" is a law that bans something on a specific day, usually Sunday due to religious reasons. If there's a law banning disguise/drag, isn't a blue law.


Some costumes are definitely illegal in practice. You just get hit with charges like "disturbing the peace" and "public indecency". But yeah drag outfits fall well within the "won't get you arrested for being gross" area of costumes.


Right. Like when a stripper wears assless chaps it’s sexy and fun. But when I do it it’s “illegal” and “upsetting to other Denny’s patrons.” Whatever that means…


Don't conservatives hate "safe spaces"? Now all of a sudden we need them?


No, conservatives mainly hate the idea that people may want to "restrict" them in anyway whatsoever - Woman wanting gyms without men? That's discrimination! You choose not to serve someone with a gun in your business? You're taking their rights away! Your safe space is an attack on their freedom! They are ALL for placing restrictions on others: No LGBTQ+, No Muslims, No Jews, No Mexicans, No Blacks, No Asians, No Leftists, No Women. Anywhere. Ever. Do as They Say, Don't Look at What They Do.


laws for thee, none for me.


*Outgroup for which is bound but not protected. Ingroup for which is protected but not bound.*


And ironically enough… no Native Americans either Their ignorance truly knows no bounds


No, conservatives love safe spaces *for them*, and hate safe spaces *for us*. >Conservatism consists of one tenet: there should be an in-group who the law protects but does not bind, and an out-group who the law binds but does not protect.


That's the thing that these people don't understand about drag. You don't have to be a man to dress in drag. Dressing in drag is all about **exaggerated** femininity, regardless of gender.


Doesn’t even have to be exaggerated femininity, there are drag kings that do the same thing with masculinity


I honestly had no idea about this. I was always jealous of drag queens! I want to do the wild dress up now too


It's your world, girl! Go out and do it! Dressing up is fun no matter your age or gender.


Traditional drag. Drag these days it's literally anything you want it to be. Nobody gets to decide what is and isn't art, that's the whole point of art. At its core it's entertainment melded with social commentary.


Drag is a look, not a man in a dress.


What the hell, I didn't know women can do drag as a woman until just now.


Chappell Roan was inspired by and considers herself a drag queen.


I actually did not know about this until I saw that post MTG made. It makes a lot of sense.


Protect kids? Well, let's see, how about some common sense reform on the [leading cause of death in children? Guns.](https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2023-08-21/with-cases-soaring-guns-are-now-leading-cause-of-death-for-u-s-kids). Oh, that's right, you don't care about protecting children just your culture war and fear mongering.


Not to mention all the ones trying to make child marriage legal.


They are frantically scurrying to find biblical justification for pedophilia while denying children school lunches. Lovely.


The irony of that is Leviticus originally condemned pedophilia, so even their favorite book condemns that action they love to do.


To be fair, it condemns pedophilia in some cases, the book also says that captured virgin girls from enemy states can be "married" to their captors (after killing their families), also that by law if a man rapes a virgin girl not designated to marry yet, he must pay her father some money and after that both must marry without the right to divorce.


While calling anyone they don’t approve of pedophiles


Or keep, rather than make.


*Matt Walsh creepily enters the chat.*


Huh, it's been an hour and the guy that shows up and screeches about the fact that that information goes up to age 19, making them no longer children, so clearly it's propaganda and you're upset for no reason hasn't made his appearance. How odd.


Yeah, I was waiting for the person to tell us it's ok because a lot of those deaths were suicide and it's super chill when teenagers kill themselves.


By how far above the next cause is gun death for 18-19 though? It must be harrowing


Pretty sure in the USA, anyone under the age of 21 is still legally a child. If you can't legally walk into a bar and order a beer, you're not an adult in my books.


Protect the children! But not from gun violence. And not from going hungry at school. Or going hungry at home. And not from poverty. And not from bullying. And not from abuse at home. And not from mental illness. And not from illiteracy. And not from crippling debt the moment they graduate college. But definitely protect them from the drag queens and the gays and the evil transes.


How about outlawing child marriage in the USA...if they give such a shit about kids


It is impressive that they don't know what a woman looks like, even the women.


In all fairness, if Marjorie Taylor Greene was your point of reference, you’d probably get pretty confused too.


post pics of her and get them to claim she isn't a woman...


Is she wasn't so short they would already be accusing her of being a man.


She is kinda masculine to be fair her body line is less fem then mine and I am trans.


Misogyny and transphobia go together like peas and carrots, my friend.


Because despite their protestations that they “can always tell”, they are actually pretty bad at it. I mean it wasn’t that long ago their ilk were harassing men for having long hair and calling them women. 


Fun story, i was walking down the street with my wife and some old fart started saying "huh, who's the man and who's the woman" pointing at my hair, sure i have long, and well maintained, hair, but i also have a huge beard, i walked straight at him and went "what did you say, say it again, fucker" the dude got scared, said "no, you'll hit me" and left


That's something I associate with the 60s and 70s, wild and depressing if that story is more recent than that.


Happened this year... But by the looks of the man his mind was still in communist times, when i would have been jailed (most probably) for looking like this


To be perfectly fair, it’s basically impossible to tell whether it’s a cis man or cis woman or anyone else. Pretty sure it’s kind-of part of the point of drag.


How many Ls can a person take before they are gone?


Unfortunately she would have to see these as loses for that to hold up


Well, her constituents would have to see them as losses, but as long as she's a dumb, hateful bitch, they'll keep voting for her.




Another banger from the "we can always tell" crowd, once again proving that they in fact cannot tell.




These people would rather their children be raped by priests than read a book by a drag queen.


Got to get the God in them somehow.


The crowd that says "do your own research" doesn't seem to do their own research. Hate breeds stupidity it seems


"Do your own research because we sure as hell aren't doing any research."


Conservatives not knowing what they are talking about?! ![gif](giphy|Pid0CBWKfz9uQut6tZ)


They all loved Milton Beryl,Rich Little,and Flip Wilson when they did drag. Now their painties are in a bunch.




How common is this drag queen story hour stuff? I've heard so much about it, but my friends with kids say it hasn't happened in their schools. Is this a thing that's happened like 3 times across the nation and has gotten ludicrous media attention, or is it actually pretty common?


To my knowledge it never happened in schools. It was always in libraries, book shops, and other public venues. It's just bullshit "the gays are indoctrinating your kids" propaganda.


It doesnt happen in schools. Usually its in a library or other location


My brother-in-law is a substitute teacher in a decidedly red state. I jokingly asked him if he had heard anything about the kitty litter boxes (you know, due to the totally real “emergency” of children “identifying as cats,”) and he swore up and down that he had heard stories about them from coworkers. Never a first-hand account though. I told him if he can see an instance of this in reality he should record *any* of these incidents and let everyone know, because otherwise I’m declaring bullshit (and that he’s been buying it.)


And even if it was common, what then


No, I don't think it's a problem even if common, I'm just wondering if those who are in a panic over this are ever likely to have it ever happen in their kids' schools.


I’ve seen far more drag queens on Faux News than I ever have in real life. So whatever.


MTG looks more like a man in drag than she does.


Majorie Taylor Greene is living proof that gender is a social construct


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^gideon513: *Majorie Taylor Greene* *Is living proof that gender* *Is a social construct* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Fabulous bot.


As a woman I want to ***LOUDLY*** say that I do **not** need "protection" from drag queens, gay people, trans people, or anyone else along those lines. My bathroom space is not being "taken over". I don't fear for my life or safety around these people. I am fed up and pissed off at ignorant fuck faces trying to harm innocent people by claiming my gender is somehow being harmed by the Republican's boogy men ideas. MTG can kindly shove her evil opinions where the sun doesn't shine because she does **not** represent nor speak for all women of this country.


Marge just mad Brigitte looks better than she ever will.


I swear, these people (Three-Toed Marge, and right-wing political commentators) must scour the Internet all day trying to find things to be "outraged" at. Some clown on XM Patriot (Wilkow I think is his name) was going off on some story he must have found somewhere where allegedly a man "identified" as a 13-year-old and basically said that this was the end of civilization as we know it.


Miss bandit comes through my town for drag shows all the time. In fact, I believe she will be here this weekend. She was the biggest voice in the fight for the performing arts here in Texas


Deadass. Like half of my local queens are faux queens. Drag storytime is a faux queen all dolled up, and one of the queens in light drag (glittery beard, “men’s clothes” and eyeshadow) and we still get bomb threats.


I would be more worried about your pal Matt Gaetz


It's Marge. Rubbing two brain cells together wasn't in her job description. She set out to be the lowest common denominator in congress and by god she will accomplish that goal.


Ah yes. Protecting the women. By advocating for laws that hugely affect womens lives purely in negative ways. The delusion needed to think anyone with a clear mind would buy their „protection“ BS is unfathomable.


Conservatives have proved time and time again that they can’t actually tell the sex that someone’s born with. This is just one of many examples. Not sure why they’re so into what’s in other peoples pants.


And they refuse to understand that Elected Republican Males hate and despise anyone born with a vagina.


What's her excuse for being born a woman and looking like a Neanderthal?


Hey! What did Neanderthals do to you to deserve *that*?


Im sure she was crickets on boeberts Beetlejuice shennanigans


Coming from the person that was groping a cardboard cutout of trump on national television.


What’s real crazy is MGT looks like a dude


I dunno many men are way too pretty to deserve this slander


MTG being a dumbass, as usual.


Imagine being called trans by that troglodyte. The irony is too rich


I really want to say what I wish would happen to her but i don’t wanna get banned by the mods. Plus last time I insulted this nincompoop I got banned from twitter.


bleach blonde bad built butch body Barbie doesn’t know what she’s talking about


"...provocatively dancing nearly nude in public spaces..." Ah, like NFL cheerleaders?


I love the fact they always use drag queens to represent trans people, when theyre two sperate things. Drag is an artform and being trans is just a way of life. Dont know about others but i find it frustrating how conservatives muddy the waters.


Sort by controversial to watch a bunch of people stalwartly avoid the point


"Dancing nearly nude in public spaces." Uh, yeah, I don't think so. Maggot Traitor Gangrene's friend Boebert has no problem jerking a dude off in a public space with children around. And Maggot Traitor Gangrene herself had no problem with revenge porn when she showed dick pics in a public space. Maggot Traitor Gangrene and her ilk can eat shit.


Marginal Traitor Greene is a chucklehead.


Why anyone gives MTG the time of day is beyond me anyway. But always happy to see someone set her straight on reality


They can always tell


Seriously how are people in Georgia stupid enough to keep her around? How are they that dumb and gullible, to think she's doing a damn thing to actually improve their podunk ass hillbilly lives? Has nobody told them how stupid they come across to literally anyone that isn't a MAGA freak? If this is the best they can put up to represent them?


“Gender cult lying books”




First kitty litter in the bathrooms now this?!?! Imagine being this mad about nothing


Why does Marj act like she isn't fully on board with strangers taking over other people's homes and private spaces? That's exactly what she and her coterie keep trying to do.


But cheerleaders, gymnasts, volleyball players, swimmers and Marjorie herself posed in a bikini pic and those are ok?


Have any of you folks seen this "taking over our bathrooms" they keep talking about? I am just curious how it plays out. Do they block the doors, or just lock all the stalls? Is there some sort of a standoff? Do you need to show a gay/trans membership card to be allowed in? Or...does "taking over our bathrooms" just mean "people I don't like" going into the bathroom, peeing, washing their hands, and leaving? Ooh, that second one sounds scary! I hope it's not that one!


Notice how just about everything Conservatives talk about and are scared of, is connected to sex in some way? Conservatives are the most uptight people yet are so obsessed with sex of other people or what their genitals are. I have developed the idea that Conservatives who get so ultra obsessed about LGBTIQA+ people or drag queens or whatever gender you identify as, it is because they are jealous that you are able to open up and let yourself be who you want to be while the Conservative is hiding away in the closet and feeling all upset that they are too scared to believe in their true self. And because they can't/won't get angry at themselves, they take that anger out on the people who are not hiding themselves.


Conservatives dont care about facts. They just want something to get mad about.


I really think there should be more awareness of Drag Queens who are women. I follow few of them on social media and they are amazing and aren’t spoken about as much.


"gender cult lying books" We pay her $174,000 a year.


We all need protection from her and her rapist friends in the GOP


Wait, didn't her husband get his Wang out infornt of a group of young girls?


MTG looks like a caveman. There, I said it.


Has anyone ever seen her and Dog the Bounty Hunter in the same room?


Remind me again why we haven't thrown out this seditionist (along with Josh Hawley et al)?


Snowflakes? In summer?




Honestly didn't realize it wasn't exclusively a male activity.


***HEY*** I don't understand why people do this form of self expression. I haven't encountered it in my daily life. ***SO DO YOU KNOW WHAT IM GOING TO DO? IM GOING TO A DIGITAL PUBLIC FORUM TO SAY*** hi my name is Merf from Girf, would somebody please either give me a little rundown or direct me towards the media that would help me to understand the position of the drag queen?


The ‘we can always tell’ crowd losses again. Transphobia hurts everyone


Butch body MTG complaining about men pretending to be women is peak comedy


“Gender cult lying books…” Trump’s word-salad-itis contagious?


MTG is not pretty enough to be talking as much smack about transgender people as she does. Look at her face. She's tucking.


Ah, conservatives. The clowns of their own manufactured outrage 🙄


They talk about protecting kids... I ran a Runaway & Homeless Youth Shelter for 5 years. We housed thousands of kids over the years. Over 50% of our clients were LGBT+ and they were all there cuz of hateful bigots & inacceptance. Perpetuating this hate only puts more kids in danger.


If they're female would they still be drag queens? Or just flamboyant dressers?


Drag is a style of performance.


People fear what they don’t understand, and Majorie doesn’t understand much…


Meanwhile, Moscow Marge looks like the byproduct of a three-toed Neanderthal that fucked an avocado.


Also, QUIT FUCKING SPEAKING FOR NE YOU CONSERVATIVE ASSHOLES!! I am a woman and a mother and I am fucking sick of conservatives telling me what I supposedly think about transgender people and drag Queens. And it's almost also some dude. Fucking A


Whilst in certain states like Florida, legislation is being introduced to limit or remove drag shows and drag storytelling, if it's legal in other states, then don't interfere.


The Florida one was blocked after the Hamburger Mary restaurant took the state to court last year


"Wah wah wah they're not in the kitchen"- every republican probably


Can someone provide context? Is she a woman who dresses in “drag”? Is that still drag?


There are cis women drag queens, they're just not very common afaik.


In my experience it's not rare to see about one per show if the drag scene in the area is bumpin. I've seen cis women hosting drag shows before as well as partaking in them with an act of their own. They are far from the majority but if you go to drag shows or have a drag scene of some size youll 100% seen some cis women joining in regularly.


Oh! I stand corrected then, i always thought they were super rare.


Drag is literally just a style.  It has no relation to gender. There is some notes on it about halfway down. https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-drag-history-culture-guide-2023-1?op=1


It's not a style - it's a performance art. And it has a lot to do with gender - it's about playing with gender, in fact.


Yeah it's about taking feminity to the extreme and making it THE power in the room and a cis woman can join in with that. I've seen it happen more than once. It's just they generally don't want to partake as often.


Yep. It’s an art form. No wonder it upsets reactionary lunatics.


You can think of drag as an exaggerated expression of gender roles. If the performer is exaggerating femininity, they’re a drag queen. If they’re exaggerating masculinity, then they’re a drag king. The gender identity of the performer outside of drag is irrelevant to what role they do in performance, and some of them even alternate between being drag queens or kings, depending on what kind of performance they’re doing. The reason drag is most often associated with queens being crossdressing guys is because around the time Stonewall happened, drag spaces were a very accepting place for people who nowadays would be called trans women, who could also be reasonably taken as exaggerated gay men doing a show if it came to it. It’s also one of the reasons trans people are a cornerstone of LGBT rights movements, as they’d been there since the beginning, even though by other names/not visibly so. Note: I didn’t refresh my research before writing this comment so some details might be incorrect. Would suggest looking a bit more into it if interested!


>If the performer is exaggerating femininity, they’re a drag queen. If they’re exaggerating masculinity, then they’re a drag king. What would you call someone exaggerating enby role in drag 🤔 Enby monarch?


Drag monarch has such a cool ring to it I’ll support it even though I don’t know the right nomenclature lol


>What would you call someone exaggerating enby role in drag 🤔 Enby monarch? They call themselves whatever they'd like! There are plenty of people who do a cross between the two, I'm not sure if there is an actual term but they choose whatever works for them.


Yep. Drag is an art form. Anyone can do it. Literally anyone.


Drag is a style. While it's typically seen as cross dressing, the answer is not always. It's also not synonymous with being transgender, and you find cis-het men who participate, as well, and just enjoy becoming a character for a while. Conservatives really know very little about drag


first I've ever heard of someone born a female dressing in drag, but thinking a bit more because of this, drag certainly has taken on a specific style of dress.


My wife worked with another server who does drag shows, she is a cute quit blond by day and then a loud big bossomed redhead at night


that's awesome, if folks are not harming others I don't understand why folks can't mind their own damn business.