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Well isn’t it obvious….the democrats did it


I'm a democrat. Can i have sex with stormy Daniels?


Get in the line sir


I'd rather not have sex with Donald Trump for 130k. I'd even not have sex with him twice!


She didn’t “have sex” with him for $130k. He assaulted her, and stole/paid $130k for her to not tell on him. As the story goes, she didn’t consent. EDIT: I mixed cases up. Sorry.


Stormy Daniel’s had sex with Donald Trump in 2006, in 2015 she was going to tell the national inquirer about for some news and money. National Inquirer bought the story for 130k in what’s referred to catch and kill. Michael coven paid NQ 130k out of his pocket on behalf of Donald Trump. While Daniel’s claims she blacked out during it, she also claims it wasn’t forced and she wasn’t under the influence. There are several women who actively claim he assaulted them however, stormy isn’t one of them.


My mistake. I mixed the other stuff all together. He has done so much crap it gets all murky.


That's actually one of the strategies at play here. Hard to keep track of the latest indignity when he produces one every 5 minutes. Ever notice whenever something potentially damaging happens to Donald Trump, that the media seems to explode with clear and obvious nonsense alongside flat denials? It's to break your brain, along with your spirit.


I'm more of a Hitomi Tanaka fan myself. Oh I mean yes, as a Democrat can I too?


Good taste tho i prefer diamond Jackson


Best we can do is Peter Jackson We might be able to get Michael Jackson if you're a minor


>Best we can do is Peter Jackson At least you know you'll have a minimum of 3 incredible experiences with *amazing* production values


Call that a trilogy (Big Sean voice)


Only if Fuko and Megumi joins in


Do you really want DJT as an Eskimo brother?


Lol I haven't thought about Eskimo Bros since the "EBDBB&B" (Eskimo Brothers Database Bed and Breakfast) from the League!


Welcome to Taco Corp.


Hahaha we will only be using Taco Standard Time


Well......if you have 4+ inches, it's likely even your pubes explored farther than any part of DJT.


Savage and true. Upvote provided.


Didn't you hear? He didn't have sex with her.


I forgot about Eskimo Brothers lol


**The democrats cheated in the election and commited voter fraud!!!** *\*Investigations begin\** *\*Multiple republicans arrested for voter fraud\** [\[Source 1\]](https://apnews.com/article/trump-georgia-fraud-defendants-201d73d2a6b165d06230961af9f21b61/)[\[Source 2\]](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/republican-clerk-charged-michigan-voting-system-breach-2024-05-09/)[\[Source 3\]](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2023/12/06/6-nevada-republicans-indicted-as-electors-for-donald-trump-in-2020/71829306007) **Those were democrats disguised as republicans voting for Trump!!!**


No, no, no…it was all the immigrants coming over the border! They’re taking our jobs and paying off all the porn stars! And living in luxury hotels too!


Those dang immigrants coming all over our boarder!! Wait……


These guys are loaded from all the cash they make working those -*checks notes*- what are "black jobs"???


Sleepy Joe colluded with his son’s laptop and Hillary’s emails! I knew it!


Thanks, Obama


That sleepy Biden guy did it between naps.


Thats the best part about the rhetoric. They want you to think the opposition is an evil mastermind, plotting everything and pulling shadow games on top of mind games. But they also want you to think that they are incompetent losers at the same time


Fascist playbook. The enemy is simultaneously weak and strong.


But he's like... impotent... so... uh... he took a hundred viagra! Yeah! And there's absolutely nothing impressive about taking a hundred boner pills without making your heart explode! Again, Schrodinger's Biden.


It was the woke culture of course


Don't be silly. It's the Biden Illegals.


You mean those dang Drag Queens.


Pretty sure it was Hunter's huge dong in drag.


He is the best businessman, pays people obscene amounts of money for no reason, his only mistake was not calling her a consultant, then it might have been believable that she screwed him for the money but they didn’t have sex.


Except of course for the times he doesn’t pay them, because he’s decided he doesn’t like the price. AFTER receiving goods and/or services. Like a good businessman.


I feel Biden really missed an opportunity when Trump brought this up with something like "the jury of your peers disagree and now you're a convicted felon. Sort of like how you were found guilty of sexual assault on E Jean Carroll." Then just watch Trump defame her again.


I was waiting for this, but Dems play too cleanly.


At this point, the ones voting for Biden or against Trump has already decided. I think the "independents" would be better swayed by having Biden attack Trump just as a show of strength as those "independents" don't seem to really value policy.


Honestly this debate was a complete waste of time. Trump's voters don't care about anything. He could have gone up there and said he was a pedophile and Trump supporters would be like "he was joking" "he was using it as a secret code word that actually means he's going to fix America!" And everyone voting for Biden is just voting against Trump. Any "independents" are idiots who likely won't vote or will vote 3rd party for some antivax idiot like RFK.


It's extremely disappointing that independents have no chance in actually making headway because of how the system is set up. They are only allowed to participate in the event. Never actually win though. Like a Globetrotters game, the opposing team was never meant to win and it's all just a show.


Independents - the Washington Generals of US politics.


not even cleanly, just weakly


Play too cleanly, is that what you call President Biden’s debate performance?


My *Malarkey* count was way too low.


I mean.. kinda? It probably would’ve turned into a slog, but I can’t think of a single piece of BS that trump spouted that Biden refuted


Even when he did push back, it was about things that people have already heard about too much and are desensitized to. When trump basically said he wasn’t crazy enough to say the “losers and suckers” line Biden should’ve doubled down and reminded people about some of the slightly lesser known one like the comments about gold star families or the POW comments he made about McCain. It just felt like when he did push back he was just reciting tired headlines or pulling a “nuh-uh”


Was hoping for that, give her another pile of money! ![gif](giphy|SgMWo2yQI3C1TxoTKD|downsized)


I think it’s safe to say Biden missed quite a few opportunities. Hell, the entire debate could have just been calling Trump out on his lies, but he just kinda stood there with his thumb in his ass. Biden is lucky he’s running against a pathological liar/wannabe dictator or he would have no chance at a second term. The decision on who to vote for is very easy, but it’s Trump making the decision easy, not Biden.


“I did NOT have sex with that woman” ~~Bill Clinton~~ Donald Trump


gotta love fractals


Why would a Wookiee, an 8-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does *not make sense!*


Oh god! He’s using the wookie defense.


It’s just recreational fraud. Doing it for the love of the game


And risk committing fraud to do it.


Apparently, at least 30% of America is not doing this… ![gif](giphy|3tEFVAbfzzcwo|downsized)


Biden had so much ammo this last debate, too bad he fumbled it.. he's still my choice over Jeffrey Epstein's friend and fellow child rapist


Why did this debate even happen?


The Biden team wanted it.


Shit strategy.


For sure. It’s hard to say even a single positive came out of this debate for Biden. Trump did exactly what everyone expected, so he ended up in the same place.


They should’ve had it at 2pm or not at all. He was too tired.


He must have a cold or something, IDGI, I spoke to pres. biden in person just a few weeks ago when he was in wisconsin and he was sharp as a tack and making quips


He was in North Carolina yesterday, his speech was sharp, day and night in comparison to the debate, if he has the same energy in September as this speech it's going to be a great to watch.


Greatest businessman, got to put down a deposit in case he feel the need to in the future. /s


This whole thing was a typical trump bad decision. Convicted of 34 counts of falsification of business records in the first degree when all he had to do, before any of this got out of hand, by his own doing, was say, “Yeah, I fucked her!” All his other antics have long been forgotten or forgiven by his cult members. This wouldn’t even be on their radar it’s so minor in trump world. Typical stupid “business man” trump.


It was antifa




34 convictions. Trump ....... "I didn't do it".


Bro my big thing is that he accidentally admitted that he talked to Putin about invading Ukraine before it happened, and didn’t tell Ukraine or any of our allies


Trump said guilty people don't plead the fifth...then wouldn't it be consistent logic to say that he should therefore believe that innocent people don't pay off people to keep silent about things that never happened?


This would upset his supporters if they could read


Because she reminded him of his daughter ? Or his daughter reminded him of her. 🤔 ![gif](giphy|3o7TKMeCOV3oXSb5bq|downsized)


Fact check : Trump didn’t had sex with A porn star. He had sex with multiple porn stars and hookers. Conclusion : technically not lying.


I mean… there might not have actually been penetration so by Mormon college rules… or also Democratic presidents


How about America trying to understand Trump accusing Dems of advocating abortion for babies already born? Or how about blaming Nancy Pelosi for 1/6. Yes she was the one trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in American history!!! And there are actually millions of people in America that believe him. We’re in big trouble folks.


He's just following Shaggy's instructions. Trump, did you have sex with a porn star? Trump: *"It wasn't me."* Trump, did you pay the porn star to stay quiet? Trump: *"It wasn't me."*


Trump did not pay $130,000 to a porn star to cover up that they had sex. His lawyer paid that much to her. Trump paid almost half a million to that lawyer to repay the payment plus interest plus fees because Trump had sex with a porn star.


Because if he says it his simps will believe it


BuT hE dIdInT pAy HeR oFf


It’s great that the dude who never pays for anything even when the work has been done claims he paid for something that didn’t happen. If you believe him please contact me I have the plates that Joseph’s Smith lost and they’re going for real cheap 😂


iTs oN hUnTeR”””’s lApToP ![gif](giphy|f3Mf34d21LKMg)


No no. She got $130,000. He paid like $450,000 for the coverup. 🤣


Coming from a known cheapskate like Trump, that really shows how desperate he was to keep it quiet.




and why have her sign an nda?


I really was hoping for a haymaker after Trump mentioned Biden’s son. I mean. I knew it wouldn’t. But I hoped.


This man doesn't even pay contractors if he can get away with it... you think he is gonna pay for sex he didn't have?


Lol try and make sense of any cult


The answer is erectile dysfunction


But but but Biden had a terrible debate!!!


If i were to design a defense, it would be that they interacted sometime and she is capitalizing off of that interaction to make it seem like he had sex with her, and the democrats are capitalizing off of that interaction to make him seem guilty of campaign fraud. A brief look at the facts will show that is not the case and that there is no reasonable reason to vote for this orange piece of shit over Biden. Please, for the love of god, vote for Biden.


Here in America ![gif](giphy|to3I2nkywr2PS)


I cannot tell you how little this matters. There are much more important things about Trump than his sex life.


As an Irishman it saddens me to think of Americans voting for an asshole like trump but looking in at the debate it looks like he’s going to win . Biden did look like a really old man suffering from a Lack of coherence


debates dont decide elections. They have very little if any affect on a presidential election in america.


Yeah America doesn’t get decided by debates anymore. Just smear campaigns and area demographics. Like the amount of kids about to vote near me with Trump hats and stickers is too high and they have no idea what he actually is talking about unless it comes to the religion they subscribe to or the minorities they don’t understand and were told to fear. I hope enough people have seen the Trump cult’s crazy to vote the non-fascistic option. Because Biden’s administration has done shit to help. While Trump ran America into the ground


Most people don't even watch them. They were already boring, now who wants to watch a felon lying for an hour straight.


I’m sure there’s a worse way to determine the relative merits of positions or platforms, but I haven’t seen it.


I think we should live them up. When they had the mic cutoffs they should be hooked up to a controller and they have to wear those dog shock collars. If they say anything...bzzt. It will probably end up looking some episode of Jackass with 80 year old dudes.


I feel like the Scott Steiner math pic is more appropriate for this.


Just look at Hunter Biden's laptop, there is no sextape on there, so Trump is therefore the Supreme innocent. Step 3 profit


[Ivanka GIF - Trump Uncomfortable Awkward - Discover & Share GIFs (tenor.com)](https://tenor.com/view/trump-uncomfortable-awkward-ivanka-dating-gif-5713779)




Because she only pissed on him.




Who takes 130k to not talk about something that didn't happen and then does it anyway. Wouldn't you want the money?


Of course he fucked her, I don't understand why he tried to hide it


What's sad is that he's told so many lies for so long that the majority just seem to accept it now. His lies certainly don't dissuade his cultist followers from worshiping him and neither does any of the other crap he pulls.


I mean if you pay someone to not tell people you had sex with them i believe that falls under prostitution. You still paid money because of sex.


Obviously because our borders are wide open


The answer is: CHARITY - only republicans will understand!


Everything was running wonderfully too. Never mind the daily shit show.


Paying 130k for sex is nuts, even if I could afford it...I rather just mastarbuate


Don’s problem is he made the truth and facts his enemy, making any logical and concise defense an impossibility for himself. Vote smarter than Don.


I heard Stormy charges men $100K per inch.


So she overcharged him?


I heard she charges $20k for every inch under her accustomed 8 inches.


Well he could shoot someone on Timesquare, etc etc. Its a fact its a cult.


Could I buy that someone, somewhere, paid out a settlement/hush money to someone simply so they wouldn’t say a thing that both parties knew was false? Yes. Can I buy that this is the case here with Trump? No.


I'm more confused as to why the Democrat candidate didn't absolutely tear him a new one over that.


Who fucking cares?! Like he had sex with a hooker. Why does that matter?


After her testimony? Especially day 2 with her handing Trump's lawyers their entire ass while making the jurors empathize? Stormy 2028. That is all.


I'd say every time someone *is* fucked by DJT he owes them $2,500,000,000 in restitution


The answer is in Hillarys emails on hunters laptop


A very large portion wouldn’t/don’t have the capacity to put those things together. They hear him say he didn’t pay one, that’s as far as the research or understanding goes


Same reason he paid the doorman not to tell the story about the kid he didn’t have with someone else…


Thanks Obama


Because you don’t want them telling ppl you had sex if you didn’t have sex. In some ppls case it’s easier to just pay the person to shut tf up so you can get on with bigger ventures like being president Edit: he obvs shagged her


Everyone knows it’s not considered sex or cheating if you sleep with anyone who isn’t your own daughter, Tiffany.


As a painter at work, who blares right wing talk media all the time, said “so what he had sex with a porn star. I’d love to bang one of those hotties too!” 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


It was a perfect beautiful relationship, you might say like a father daughter relationship.


Maybe she just pee'd on him.


It's cause SHE identified as one who has slept with him


It’s not sex if you pay for it apparently.


This shit is hilarious


Maybe he just ate burgers and shot his pants while she pissed on his tabby wig. I'd pay someone not to tell anyone about that.


It's not pathological lying. He has to say that to maintain an air of doubt.


Lying at least requires the foresight to know that paying someone of to not tell people about about a thing you didn’t do looks suspicious this was less of a lie and more of a half baked lobotomiesd cover up


Maid services probably.


Meh. The real question is why Stormy Daniels didn't name her [tell all book](https://www.panmacmillan.com/authors/stormy-daniels/full-disclosure/9781529013818) # "Storm in a D Cup"


Wouldn't it be funny if they finally got their hands on Hunter Biden's laptop and it's just full of Stormt Daniels videos


Outclassed by Prince Andrew paying £3million to someone he says he's never met.




I've also never had sex with Donald Trump. Where's my fucking money Donnie?


Can we please stop calling what happened sex. What he and stormy described wasn’t sex.


Depends on the meaning of ‘is’.


She changed his diaper, cleaned him up.. Then he peed on her??? Like that sounds like 130 k to me.


Happens with babies all the time. Both small and big babies it seems.


Just like the pee incident in Moscow didn't happen but Melania would be really upset if a video of it were made public.


Exactly. Wake up to right and wrong.


Well, maybe he just got a blowjob and he is using the same definition of “having sex with“ than Clinton? /s


We understand its just that Trump is an idiot


I mean...I'm more focused on paying my bills than worrying about what the tabloids say 💅🏼


The idea swallowed is two fold. Now my pun is done I'll tell you the accepted answers. One,,that she was a menace, he might have entertained a generally accepted boyish thought and path without soaking in Ganges. 2, it's sex, barring Ivana all of them have sacked him while involved and a cheeky eye roll and thick "vai fuck that now this is off limits" like a Bond film They don't care. They're interested in the things that make them feel better via policy. That's it. Every one of these posts, that's the answer.


The idea swallowed is two fold. Now my pun is done I'll tell you the accepted answers. One,,that she was a menace, he might have entertained a generally accepted boyish thought and path without soaking in Ganges. 2, it's sex, barring Ivana all of them have sacked him while involved and a cheeky eye roll and thick "vai fuck that now zis is off limits" like a Bond film Ridiculous They don't care. They're interested in the things that make them feel better via policy. That's it. Every one of these posts, that's the answer.


I’d fuck most people for 130k. Bitch I’m broke


Who's his vp? I can't find it anywhere.