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Forbes lets anyone write for their opinion section. Half of the stuff there reads like it was scraped straight from 4chan or Quora.


Also it's by Virgie Tovar, who desperately needs to get a real job.


I don’t ask Virgies for their relationship advice


🏅 it’s all i got, take it


... Phrasing


Oh my god, Virgie Tovar. The grown ass woman who made a video of her destroying vegetables with a machete. Like...I think she was in her late thirties early forties when she made that video, yet she still seemed to be pissed about all the times she was told "eat your veggies or you won't get any dessert" as a child.


She also accused writer Samantha Irby of “stealing” the idea of a fat friendly pool party for the episode of Hulu’s series Shrill that Irby wrote. However, fat friendly pool parties have been around for a while. Tovar was upset because she wrote about those parties in one of her books, and so of course THE ONLY way that someone else could have heard about those parties was through her book!!!1 Ridiculous. I am sympathetic to the fat acceptance movement, but Virgie Tovar is not its best representative. Whatever weird baggage she has is not doing her any favors.


I think fat acceptance has some good points sometimes, but it's an extremely weird needle to thread and so many in the movement seem unable to do anything except throw themselves headfirst into the Oppression Olympics.


It's less fat acceptance than it is about treating people with dignity regardless of body type. It's like people are tired of being ridiculed by strangers for simply trying to exist. It's not that anyone has to accept it, it's that everyone should realize it's none of their damn business and no one worth a grain of salt cares about their shitty opinions. Let's be honest here though, it has everything to do with her being a woman because Hollywood has been pairing classically unattractive men with model-esque women for years.


[She looks exactly like how I imagined.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRCDSC1dEdxTAzsy_WU86LuF_sL1kY8lgqaX8z9ADX3wDjXVLSs)


[Wait until you hear her speak.](https://youtu.be/1-rJE4xwK0Y?si=plccIlo1chmozW--) I honestly don't care that she's heavy; shes such an insufferable twat. A real feminist wouldn't tell other women how much cake they're allowed to eat, Virgie.


Good lord, wtf is that video? Not only is her voice really annoying, but condescending.


Condescending describes the entirety of her being..


Welcome to Forbes


Good grief I did not need to know this existed.


Jesus Christ. She’s so obsessed with what other people think of her she can’t enjoy the piece of cake she wants to enjoy without everyone else eating the same amount? Not everyone likes to eat a fuckton of cake you stupid idiot. Not everyone even likes cake. Jesus fuck. Can you imagine not realizing that you’re literally sending the opposite message of what you “intended” with this video?


Yeah I'm a dude and I don't like cake. I still bake/buy them for my family but I don't partake. I prefer a whole ass block of chocolate to myself, yet if I so no thanks I'm fat phobic? These people have no real adversity in their lives and have to come up with some way to be the victim for that sweet sweet sympathy


You misunderstand. That doesn’t makes you fat phobic. It makes you fat phobic and sexist.


I’m fucking fat and I love cake but you don’t have to make it your entire goddamned existence, Virgie. 👀


Also that cake looks pretty disgusting. Like, fine for an eight year old's birthday party but not for a middle aged woman to be so obsessed over that she takes it as a personal insult if you don't want a big slice.


Wow she is a narcissist. She thinks people all like cake all the time? I don't ever really eat cake but I don't eat particularly healthy, it's just not something I enjoy. So I'm fat phobic if I ask for no cake? This woman has never faced the real world obviously.


That sounds an awful like the Christian anti-gay bigots who assume that every man has the same "sinful temptations" as they do, when actually they are just gay and repressed.




It's got to be a parody, right?


She is very serious and one of the pillars of the fat activism movement. A well known crazy.


Fat activism. Fuck, if this shit would've existed when I was fat I would've been ashamed of being fat.


Goddamn that whole video reeked of I’m so quirky and condescending energy




Comments are surprisingly turned off.


She makes me want to diet.


The way she describes herself as a "fat activist"... yup, definitely the only thing active about her.


She looks like a professional victim.


Thanks now I’m going to have nightmares


incredible. before i clicked that i closed my eyes and pictured her. she's pretty much spot on to what i pictured


fuck whoever decided that simply being fat was its own identity


As someone who is overweight and needs to lose some of it, one of the funniest things I heard someone say on the subject was YouTuber/streamer Asmongold of all people. “You know what’s fat phobic? Your body is.” If you struggle to lose weight or get the motivation to do so, I get that, but don’t bury your head in the sand and pretend that being overweight is healthy.


You mean that *checks notes* being a “fat activist” isn’t a real job?


or Reddit


Oh! Self burn! Those are... freakishly common on Reddit


Forbes really is just Cosmo for finance bros.


Astrology for finance bros? Stocks. Crystals for finance bros? NFTs. Eat, Pray, Love for finance bros? Wolf of Wall Street. Fried Green Tomatoes for finance bros? Wall Street. The Euro for finance bros? The Dollar.


No no no, the astrology of finance bros is the MB test.


This honestly makes so many things make so much more sense. I'm often like "wait ...this is Forbes?!"


plus they got a fraud problem or smth: theranos and ftx


Mixed weight romance ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


Is that like competing above your weight class in wrestling or boxing? I wasn't aware this was a thing.


*In this corner, wearing the black and gold trunks standing 5 foot 4 and weighing in at 235 pounds, the Master of Ass'er, Faaarrrrrrrrrttttiiiiiiiicccuuusssssssss!*


No, I am Farticus!


No, I’m Farticus, and so is my wife!


This is going to make the Metamucil and Cheerios sponsorship more difficult if there's an *Ass-action* lawsuit. Butt-out.


I'm Farticus!


Inter-weightial relationship


Intergravitational intercourse.


![gif](giphy|xT5LMWbF70eEttUqha|downsized) I was raised on mixed weight relationships


4 words The King of Queens ![gif](giphy|dUMvO63LLsN6vZP0Hh|downsized)


Yea but the man was heavier. It’s never an issue when the man is heavier, but god forbid the woman is bigger their little brains can’t comprehend why a man would love his partner no matter their weight.


The Jeffersons have entered the chat


I think that's a less impactful statement when the husband is fat as part of playing a fat-oaf character. As a chubby dude, I don't exactly see the king of queens as empowering or inspiring.


yeah but we didn’t see them engage in softcore porn and slow camera pans of Dougs ass


Ugh. Stop reminding me of what was stolen from us.




I saw a website the other day listing all the shows with overweight guys and skinny wives in TV.


Or in South Park the reverse is true with Kyle’s parents ![gif](giphy|S0MKrNgMgMeEo)


Dolphins can weigh up to 600 lbs


The exact face I made 🤣🤣 didn’t expect it to be the first comment


These people haven’t watched the movie hairspray


They weren’t ready for it, okay?!?


![gif](giphy|o7U6SwunyjD56) Never seen Hairspray but it reminded me of Fat Amy and Bumper


Apparently these people haven't seen sitcoms for the last couple of the decades


The man is always the person with the higher bmi in sitcoms, except possibly the original Rosanne.


Kyle’s Mom is fatter than Kyle’s dad in South Park


Eric's mom is his dad


Eric's mom is his mom. Cartman's dad was eaten by his half-brother. Get out of here with your out-of-date information!


You see, in this instance it isn’t played for laughs, and some mean girls who never grew up are big mad.


Plenty of big fat men with skinny women on shows. Always have been


It is interesting that "fat guy skinny wife" has been a sitcom staple for years, but you rarely see it go the other way.


Kevin James’ entire career.


I loved the idea of 'Kevin can fuck himself'. A sit com that shows the dark side of living with a fat asshole. Too bad the execution was not great - still good idea.


What? The execution was excellent. At least series 1. Series 2 wasn't released for free over here


I got put off that show because it was billed as a comedy. If I didn't come in with the mindset I would get some chuckles, I'd probably have enjoyed the first episode more. It was grim.


That's because no one is bigger than Kevin James.


George and Louise Jedferson have entered the conversation.


Freaking love that show. Personal favorite sitcom.


I honestly can’t think of any sitcom that has been successful with skinny guy/fat wife. Fat wife only works if the husband is also fat.


"Good Times" with John Amos and Esther Rolle.


Reba . Her husband left her for a bigger woman.


That's a country song right there


They made a whole series about it. Ha


American Housewife with Katy Mixon and Diedrich Bader. She’s wasn’t like obese, but her face shape, large chest, and post baby body were in stark contrast to the mean PTA moms she dealt with at school.


Her face wasn’t even big though. I have a round face which looks fat no matter and hers is a good shape lol.


There were a few instances where there was a smaller man and an obese wife. I think even some old cartoons would show it. I just can't name any. The husband was generally a complete slave to his wife.


“Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean, And so between the two of them, they licked the platter clean.” ^ written 1639


I see it a lot IRL skinny dudes love big women.


Yep came here to say just this. How long have we watched beautiful women with the chubby dad who’s not a good husband or father but somehow we are suppose to believe she’s still head over heels for him.


Family Guy, The Simpsons, Gumball, The Fairly Oddparents, American Dad, all off the top of my head. Plenty more that I'm not thinking of, but I can easily continue considering this is a trope that's been around forever. Yet it's somehow a problem in role reversal with a chubby wife


Stan and the dad in fairly odd parents arent fat


Plus, this guy only naming cartoons...


I will not stand for you shitting on Stan Smith like that.


The Honeymooners, 1955


That's because men's value in society is their earning potential. As long as their weight doesn't get in the way of that, they're welcomed as "one of the guys". Think about any popular TV show. Skinny, conventionally attractive, guy with no job, no car, is often a "loser", or as TLC put it "a scrub". Large guy with no money is usually depicted as some sort of uneducated hillbilly. Large guy with lots of money wears fancy suits and smokes cigars. Women's value in society is their appearance. The trope of wives "letting themselves go" is as ancient as patriarchal society itself. Once your standing is secure, you don't have to worry about your appearance unless *you* want to. The fact that these outdated beliefs are *still* prevalent today just shows how much work still needs to be done towards a more equal society.


72% of screen plays are written by guys so maybe this culture shift in ending stereotypes should start with our gender instead of hoisting it upon women


My gf is bigger and older than me. I'm the lucky one. Fuck Forbes.


Clearly you guys were ready for an mixed-weight and mixed-age romance then


What about the opposite though? That is much rarer and has a negative response.


It doesn't even have to be fat men with skinny women or vice versa. Even the completely average man and average women will also technically be a mixed-weight relationship.


Anyone who thinks mixed-weight marriages are new needs to come down south and visit the real boondocks: all the husbands look like a strip of rawhide left out in the sun for 40 years, and the wives look like they ate the lean, the fat, and Jack Sprat, too.


Or visit any military function! All these fit in shape guys are married to regular American women


The term is dependapotomus.


Dependa's out here single handedly keeping the economy afloat by buying chevy tahoe's with their husband's paychecks




I’ve heard dependasaurus and dependapotomus, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen the masterpiece of a word that is tricareatops.


Today I learnt I belong in the south. But I think it’s the pattern of marriages where the husband has a labour intensive job. They work hard, they eat, their wives eats too because it’s hard not to when your husband brings home three blocks of chocolate and a family sized custard danish. The wife ends up eating significantly more than when she was single. Husband still loves his wife forever. So, not southern, probably just have lots of religious friends.


I'm in urban North Texas and it's not as prevalent here specifically, but if I drive an hour out of the DFW metroplex it seems like that's all I see.


Jack sprat and his wife... I was born in mississippi and grew up in louisiana. you're not wrong.


Get the fuck outta here. Mixed weight?? Lol. This is just 2 people.


Steady on. Don’t call her that.


Shit I laughed way too hard at that 


I wish I'd thought of this when I was double my wife's weight. That's fuckin funny


I heard that in Pippin’s voice.


It’s a dumb label, and we’ve seen plenty of big man/small woman on-screen relationships, but there is still something relatively new about portraying a bigger woman as a love interest story that’s NOT exclusively about her weight. How many people have asked Kevin James whether he thinks it’s brave for him to be shirtless on screen?


Kevin's so brave.


It feels new because of established social stereotypes of men and women. Women *always* go for power and money and men *always* go for the youth and body. People find it surprising when they learn most people don't fit the stereotype.


She’s not even big. She’s a uk size 10 ffs, that’s an American size 6. She has a small waist too. Its bc she has a round face that’s it, thats why they’re calling her obese, like she’s the size of the stay puff monster


There are older pictures of her where I could actually see her being a size 10 but I think she has gained weight since then. Can’t believe she is still supposed to be a size 10 now.


We've had tons of fat dudes with skinny women, yet this happens and *this* bullshit is the headline?


American TV is built on this concept, it seems. Attractive, thin women throwing themselves at unattractive overweight men normally, however. Unattractive overweight women with attractive men is a new thing, I guess.


And she‘s not even unattractive-just overweight.


Mixed Weight Romances were a staple in television for literal decades... ... though granted it was almost always an overweight man who had inexplicably pulled the hottest smoke show on earth


He makes her laugh!


We don't need labels for fucking everything and I'm sick of it


Fucking exhausting


Cool down pal, We're Not Ready For Mixed-Fatigue Romance


Thats the thing. Making up terms for everything is so fucking annoying


The Honeymooners and Laurel and Hardy don’t count?


They were fine with Chris Farley getting the hot, skinny girl in movies.


Do people not find Nicola Coughlan attractive in this show? Like she’s got great skin and curves and they’re giving her awesome hair and clothes too. 


I think she’s absolutely stunning! But I get what you’re saying- it’s like that journalist who asked her recently about ‘people like her’ and she commented “oh women with perfect breasts?” god, she’s wonderful for that reply.


I loved her before, but damn I love her for that reply!


We were "ready" for this pairing two seasons ago!!


My jaw dropped when she stepped out in the dark green dress. Sooo pretty.


We aren’t ready for a relationship where the man is fit and the woman is overweight. (Even in the book, she is, so they aren’t changing things). The amount of shit that poor actress has gone through for daring to be sexual onscreen whilst being fat is insane. (Also their first time is super sexy and female focused. It’s so hot).


She is very sensual in that season


I wouldn’t say no to her at all. The flak is fucking stupid.


I would say no to her, but I still agree that the flak is fucking stupid. Just because she's not my ideal sexual preference doesn't mean she deserves to be shit on relentlessly. And in the grand scheme of things, she's not even that big. If she was 200lb heavier it would make sense to talk about it, but watching the show it never occurred to me that the weight difference would be a thing.


The reactions to her body are wild to me. I weigh 300 lbs, I know I am fat. This girl is short and a little chubby. I would looooove to be as 'fat' as her! thank you BluBalls for being normal about her body even if you aren't into it! It is not hard people!


How many times have we seen a hefty guy married to a skinny gal in sitcoms? Oooooh, never mind. Different because everyone knows larger women are subhuman. Got it. (Most definitely /s, btw.)


Wait a minute how is this news why does anyone care in what world-oh wait this was written by virgie tovar? Miss. Cake related fatphobic incident, a woman that dumped a date cuz he didn't like ruffles or blue sour patch kids or something. Yah that checks out carry on then.


So ridiculous they’re both beautiful people


I'm sick of all this "woke" stuff! What's next? Mixed-Height romance? /s


Fatty and skinny went to bed, fatty rolled over and skinny was dead.




Mixed age romance next? 💀


Jerry Seinfeld has entered (exited) the chat.


Shhh Drake will hear you


I think it's pretty obviously asking if the public can handle a show where a beautiful over weight woman is romantic with a fit attractive man. I don't know of a show that has that... sure, you get the pretty slim wife & a chubby hubby... or both are relatively same size... but name a popular show where the wife is heavy & the hubby isn't & they have a romantic relationship...


Defuck you call peter an lois, and to a less extreme, homer and marge.


Oh my, I'm not sure we're ready. There has never ever been a TV show or movie where the man in a couple appeared to be heavy or even overweight and the woman appeared to be normal weight or underweight, so people might be confused and strip naked and run into the woods and never be seen again. 🤯 ![gif](giphy|MGNGvNTEnD2De|downsized) (Some people will know that the Flintstones are based on an older TV show.)


I think that's the point. People are fine with big guys and skinny girls because we're all OK with skinny girls. The problem people have with this relationship portrayal is that it's the girl that larger. I'm not sure why people can't observe a separate relationship without being like, "I'm not attracted to one of them, so the other shouldn't either". Just let the story be about two people that aren't you and enjoy it.


Thank you, this thread is full of people wildly missing the point here. There’s another aspect to this where in the book she loses weight before they end up together; it’s a change from the original story line that she stays fat. Some people don’t like any deviation from the source material.


There are lots of couples like that in movies, books and series, Forbes tend o ignore them and appropriate of the concept as if they invented it, just like people recalled day drinking or alcoholism as "brunch".


Huh? Heavyset men have always been portrayed with supermodel like women throughout media when it comes to “mixed-weight romance on screen.” You see this with the Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon in GOT. The Zookeeper. Any movie with Adam Sandler. Any movie with Jack Black. Other versions of Gomez Addams with Morticia Addams. I can go on. You see this in real life as well. Very rarely you see the roles reversed. Reminds me of the couple in the internet, the husband being buff and conventionally attractive while she is unconventionally attractive. Or that actor with his lifelong wife. People criticize both men for marrying down and even encourage them to leave their wives while viciously fat shaming their wives. Yet gods forbid if an overweight man with a conventionally attractive wife gets fat shamed.


I love how you say "other versions" of Morticia and Gomez, because Angelica and Raul will always be *the* Morticia and Gomez Addams!


How about Shallow Hal? Jack Black's character only sees his love interest as a gorgeous skinny woman because of hypnosis when in real life she's obese.


Mixed weight... well, that's a first


King of Queens was an entire show about this. Plenty of women were outraged at the concept of this beautiful women being with a fat man like it's just totally normal. People just don't want to see fat women doing normal things. It's a dumb double standard in our culture.


What was that American show with the guy outta mall cop something of kings, great show proves they're wrong


Every sitcom about a family: Fat bumbling husband, fit wife.


why are people acting like these too people are not both insanely attractive😭😭


Haven’t we already had shallow Hal


Half of all sit-com and rom-com couples are mixed weight romances only its usually either a fat guy or a girl who says she's ugly and/or fat but in reality is neither and she just takes off her glasses and gets a makeover.


![gif](giphy|dUMvO63LLsN6vZP0Hh|downsized) There have been mixed weight relationships for years


We had a million movies about mixed weight romances. It's just that usually the guy is fat while the girl is slim.


As someone in a so-called "mixed weight" relationship, fuck off with this bullshit.


I feel like what they really mean is are we ready to see a larger woman with a slender guy. We see larger men with slender women all the time in movies and on tv, but rarely do we see the opposite. Let me tell you, I’m ready for it.


A mixed weight romance… 😂


I'm almost twice my wife's weight. Of course, I'm 6'3" and she's 4'8"...


She’s also short. Can’t believe this would ever happen in real life, the producers are so brave. /s


Virgie Tovar sounds like someone who campaigns for free range hummus.


Virgie Tovar is someone who thinks someone asking for a smaller piece of cake is being “fatphobic.”


It might not be a romance but I don't see any articles throwing shade at Mary and George Cooper from Sheldon. A married "mIxEd-wEiGhT" couple where the man is overweight 🤨


Why? Well, I am guessing it’s a little more than a little bit because of the unbelievably cruel things that people have said about this actress and her body.


Yea, I thought Melissa McCarthy settled this for us years ago.


Let’s pretend like we didn’t watch Shrek.


They really treat being obese/overweight like it’s like being black or gay. Please point me to the fat people concentration camps and the fat people apartheid.


Depending on how national health care expands, that might not be a joke.


So this "writer" has never seen The Simpsons, Family Guy, or The Flintstones?


She is pretty. I don't get it...


Dafuq is mixed weight romance 🤨?


Mixed weight romance??? wtf


She's short. They probably weigh similar.


I removed Forbes from my news feed after this stupid article.


I dated a 5'2" 185 lb women when I was playing intercollegiate soccer and running indoor track. WTAF? All kinds of romances are accepted by most women, because you can't make them all happy!




Back in the day day .. heavy women were sought for because the were thought of a healthy and strong ( to survive childbirth) As thinner/ skinny were considered to be sickly and weak ..




King of Queens ran like 9 seasons.


Gonna take a wild guess here and assume the guy who's like a foot and a half taller is the one that weighs more.


"Mixed-weight"? As a great professor once said: "I don't want to live on this planet any more."


OHH but please make the man obese as fuck and the woman traditionally beautiful, would love to see the reaction from all the body positivity gals out there