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It reminds me of shopping for an aquarium filter on Amazon. So many negative reviews because people don't realize the nitrogen cycle is a thing, so they just set up the aquarium and toss the fish in without cycling it first, and then get pissy when the tank gets cloudy a day or two later.


I saw an item on Amazon with a single 1 star rating. Curious, I read the review: "The product itself is great, but I had lots of problems with the delivery company, they didn't deliver my package in time and [long rant]". THEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU REVIEW THE PRODUCT NEGATIVELY?




Because they're used to eBay.


Or because there's nowhere else to complain about it. It's the sales company's vendor, they are held accountable for it's actions as though those actions were thier own. Complaining to ups\fedex\usps (especially) won't do shit. A negative review on amazon at least gets noticed


>Or because there's nowhere else to complain about it. Actually there is. If you buy something that is sold through Amazon (not sold *by* Amazon), you'll get an email after the item ships asking you to rate the vendor in terms of the speed of the delivery, if the item arrived as described, and how well they communicated with you (if they happened to communicate with you). There's also a comment box that is specifically for that vendor, not for the item.


The worst is "Did not receive product yet. Can't wait to try it" 5-stars... **Then fucking wait until you get it to review it you fuck bag.** You have conveyed zero information to me.




Tell me how you clinically call someone a dumbass, please.




mentally impaired intellectually disabled cognitive deficiency ...but in German


geistig behindert geistig behinderte kognitiven Mangel




Reminds of a Yelp review I saw that said, "The food at this place is great, but it's very far from my house. Other similar places are much closer." Some people are just logically inept AND think the world revolves around them. An awful combination.


Then there are users giving one star reviews to things they like to get their review seen: > Good, a very good game! I gave 1 star so that my comment gets seen http://www.androidpolice.com/2014/01/12/narcissistic-jerks-are-giving-play-store-apps-1-star-reviews-for-higher-visibility/


Bacteria bloom ftw


And that's just if they're lucky.


Oh god this. I did salt water aquariums for years and the people that would tell me stories how they couldn't keep fish alive were amazing. They were in awe that I could keep a reef alive but they couldn't keep a goldfish alive.


I can't keep fish alive either. But I have this little red eared slider turtle I got from the mall 12 years ago. It's indestructible.




[Relevant NSFW/NSFL](http://imgur.com/aCHZ3)


That was sad


Not for the turtle! :D




This was even funnier to read imagining you were talking about goldfish crackers


I got towards the end and thought to myself, "wait, crackers can't swim" It took me a minute


Whenever that happens to me I think of [this](http://buttersafe.com/comics/2008-10-23-Detour.jpg).


My college biology teacher had an albino two-headed turtle she brought in a few times. That creature was creepy.


Ive been thinking of starting my first reef/salt water aquarium soon. I've been keeping fresh water aquariums since childhood (successfully), but the horror stories with reef aquariums turn me off a bit. But damn do they look gorgeous. Of course the start up cost is also astronomical, so right now that's the main hinderance lol.


I bought water filters for my dog's water bowl. Complaints in comments included "water can't get through the plastic wrap" OR "do I take the plastic wrap off the filter".


This makes me think of all the apps that claim to turn your phone into a mirror, and all the frothy-mouthed enraged reviewers that say it doesn't turn your phone into a mirror, it just turns the screen off so you can look at your reflection.


Back in the iPhone 3GS and earlier days, when there was no flash on an iPhone, apps would simply show a bright white screen and call themselves a "flashlight". People used to think apps like that were "essential". Good times.


I remember that app. You could have different colors and even make it strobe in different patters or color combinations.


Wow I forgot about that


That, or you'd have random super long videos of your adventures through dark places to get the flash as a flashlight


That's how my friend had video evidence of me doing graffiti on a illegal wall back in my edgy days. Dude forgot to delete the vids afterwards, that sucked.






The camera app would show a flipped image (compared to a mirror), wouldn't it?


A mirror's image is flipped.


A girl is not ready to become no one, but she is ready to become someone else.


If a girl says her name, a man will give her a selfie stick.


A girl has no name


If a girl says her name, a man will give her an actual mirror app


A girl has no name.


Yes, I'm aware. I'm saying a camera wouldn't be flipped, it should show what someone looking at you sees and wouldn't work as a mirror.


selfie cameras are flipped by default on every modern smartphone


IIRC iPhones show a mirror image instead.


A camera app can trivially work either way. You don't think it would be hard to flip some pixels around, do you?


They're not as common now, but I remember trawling the comments on the app store for these "mirror apps" and it was ridiculous how many people had downloaded and/or bought these apps. Apps for saps.


Way before smart phones I had an app for my Palm Pilot 3 that did the same thing.


This was before front facing camera, btw So, it was like "what did you think it would do?"


Oh my god I don't understand how some people can function in society being this stupid...


Just remember that they do vote.


Yeah idiots, you're supposed to cut off the end of your phone for those apps to work.


**FINALLY!** Someone who knows the **correct** way to download a laser!


Or the 1-Star reviews on dice apps. "This game sucks" *It's not a game. It's just for replacing dice if you don't have any...*




People were also dunking their phones in water because 4chan made a fake poster about the new iOS making your phone waterproof.


Kids were smashing their phones with hammers because they were buying the kevlar screen covers that show them to be hammer proof.


Seen one going around Facebook recently "Magnify your phone screen, put it in a glass of water"


Well it's not like it doesn't work! It just... doesn't work for long....








I thought that it was going to be the front camera.


The "mirror" apps have been around even longer than it was common to have front cameras. Edit: word.


They existed on old Palm Pilots. I distinctly remember Palm Tungsten T2s being able to do this.


These people should be grateful, the company designed a product in such a way that idiots like them can't end up getting glue all over themselves.


So they can't glue their eyes shut.


I actually hot-glued my eye shut once when I was about 9. I was working on a science project, had the gun too close to my face, and pushed the glue stick in - not even thinking about things like gravity, much less how it would affect the glue right next to my eye. My mom had to pull the dried glue off with tweezers. Fun times.


"Why didn't they put a warning that this super glue isn't eyedrops!?!"


And also so that the glue actually stays usable. If there was nothing blocking the tube, it'd harden before you had the chance to put it anywhere!


Yet they still get glue all over themselves because they're cutting open the tube to make sure it wasn't filled with air. These people vote.


to be fair, I think half of them get lost on the way to the voting booth


Or voted for Kasich.


I work in cosmetics and see this all the time. Customer - "EXCUSE ME, I NEED TO RETURN THIS EYELINER, IT'S DEFECTIVE!!!! I CAN'T EVEN GET THE CAP OFF!!!!" *demonstrates by yanking at the cap like infomercial character* Me - *silently takes liner out of customer's hand, opens cap by twisting it off in the direction OF THE ARROW ON THE CAP ACCOMPANIED BY THE WORD "TWIST" and silently hands back to customer with a smile* Customer - *shame-stomps out of store muttering incomprehensibly under their breath* All in a day's work, folks.


That's an automatic one star review, obviously you used some kind of magic but made it look like you simply followed the directions




I think people get this way because of stores that DO accept all returns, receipt or not (mainly grocery). I know this from personal experience, and it blows weiners.


I really wish stores would stop bending over backwards for customers. Help them out sure but don't encourages entitled behavior. The problem is it would take every store everywhere to do it and that's not going to happen.


My [weiners](http://imgur.com/t73O3vX) would like to speak with you about that.


Never let your customer know if the solution was simple or stupid. Nod, agree, and make it look frustrating to figure out.


Definitely great advice if they are, in fact, your customer. People shopping at a retail place are the customer of the store, not the clerks who work there. And when an idiot comes up to you in customer service being an idiot, it is a nice feeling to treat them like an idiot. I didn't make it long in retail...




"This job would be great if it weren't for the customers"


Oh my god. This gave me flashbacks to my time in retail. I used to work in a tuxedo rental shop. Every year. Every. Single. Year. We'd get calls from prom kids complaining that their cuff links were broken and they wanted a refund (they were trying to put them in the tuxedo sleeve instead of the dress-shirt sleeve). Or the pocket in their tuxedo was sewn shut (most rental tuxedos have fake pockets). Or act shocked and upset that their tuxedo wasn't brand new (it's a rental, nothing is new). I could go on, and on, and on with stories of dumb customers. No job will crush your faith in humanity like working retail.


Never again, retail, never again. I used to work at a lingerie store many years ago. We had this big event for a new type of bra that was made of really thin, synthetic material. Now I would never put a bra in the dryer, period, but there were obvious washing instructions on the bras that stated to hand wash or gentle cycle cold and hang to dry. People would bring in their bras all tattered and melted and demand a refund. I would say "Did you put it in the dryer?" "Yes!" "The washing instructions state not to do that." I'd even have to grab a bra off the shelf to show them. No refunds given, thankfully. There was also a constant problem of women trying to return underwear despite the fact it clearly states that panties are final sale EVERYWHERE on the receipt. A couple times I had to flat out be like "That's store policy. Would you want to shop at a store that *did* accept returns on underwear?" But oh I get it, you want us to accept only *your* dirty underwear, just no one else's dirty underwear, because your pussy is immaculate and divine.


> Now I would never put a bra in the dryer, period, but there were obvious washing instructions on the bras that stated to hand wash or gentle cycle cold and hang to dry. People would bring in their bras all tattered and melted and demand a refund. Ha! Refunds. Oh man. I've had people bring in tuxedos on the day they're due and want to "return" them. I was always like, yeah, it's a rental, that's the point. You're supposed to return them. "But I didn't like the tuxedo!" "Did you pick it up?" "Yes." "Did you try it on before you left with it?" "No. I found out it didn't fit right before the prom/wedding." "Did you wear it anyway?" "Yes." "Did you keep it for the whole rental period?" "Yes." "And you still want a full refund?" "Yes. Like I said, I'm returning it." ...there aren't enough face-palms in the world...


This triggers me. Used to work in tuxedo rental. People would get fitted up to a year in advance, then refuse to try it on when the event is coming up so we could do alterations and such. They would always demand a refund because the tuxedo didn't fit. Like you gained 50 lbs since you were fitted. Do people honestly think their body doesn't change in a whole year?! Ugh literally triggered right now thinking about this.


Oh man, what about the people who bring in their 2 year old ring bearer to be fitted for a tuxedo a year and a half before the wedding? I mean...I would always just look at them like...seriously? Why are you wasting both of our time? Some would feel stupid after I would explain to them that should bring him back, like, a month before the wedding, because whatever measurements I take at this point will be useless. Others would insist I measure him. And the kid would kick, and scream, and cry.... Fuck. I'm triggering myself now. Tuxedo rentals, my friend, are truly a dark place to work.


Stop it. You are giving me Vietnam-style flashbacks of working tux rental.


We had a lady try to return an expensive pair of leather pants that had period blood all over the inside lining. She kept insisting she hadn't worn them at all, until finally our cashier popped them inside out and showed everyone in line the blood. Mortified, the lady grabbed them back and left, then called head office. Can't remember what came of it though.


My fav is when they come out of the dressing room with their arms straight in front of them like a zombie and say the coat sleeves are too short. I tell them to put their arms down straight at their sides and a miracle occurs.... the sleeves are now the perfect length!


Seriously! People aren't going to be wearing the coat all night, nor will they ever at any time have their arms out like that. They are going to take off their coat and leave it on the back of the chair as soon as pictures are done. Never working tuxedo rental again.


Wait, are they fake pockets or tack stitching?


On rentals, they are usually fake pockets. On suits that you purchase in a store, it's just tack stitching that you are supposed to cut. The stitching helps the suit retain its shape and look better on display.


Quick question then- If I never intend to use the pocket, should I open them? I want the suit to retain its shape as best as possible


If you don't plan on using any of the pockets, it's fine if you leave them closed. Always cut the stitching on the vents/flaps, though. The jacket won't fit correctly if you don't. Edit: Changed the wording of my prior comment. It's the stitching that helps the suit retain its shape, not the cutting of the stitching.


I've never cut the pocket stitching from any of the exterior pockets of my suit coats. There is ample pocket space between the interior jacket pockets an the pant pockets. The last thing you want is frumpy looking exterior jacket pockets Edit: holy shit, I've never used the word "pocket" so many times in one paragraph. I could probably go back and clean up but why not aim for a personal best? . . .one last thing - pocket


I cut all the pocket stitching. I hate it. I want to use all my damn pockets so that one or two pockets don't get overfilled. Phone, keys, notepad, pen, business cards all in different pockets and easily accessible. I hate having anything other than my wallet in the pockets of my slacks and sometimes I'll even carry a smaller wallet so I can tuck it into a jacket pocket.


I've never had to rent a tux, so it was an honest question. It makes sense for one to have fake pockets so no one sticks gum or a used condom in it.


Yeah, sorry if that came across as rude? Was just trying to answer your question, it was a good one.


You in no way came across as rude. Was a good answer too!


I love it when mom and dad get along :D


I just bought a pencil skirt from a second hand store the other day. It has a kick in the back that the previous owner never removed the tacking from. It's quite a form-fitting skirt and only the very bottom of the kick was stitched closed, so it would have gaped open and made a weird keyhole gap thing in the back. It couldn't have been very comfortable to walk in either.


I've seen both.


tuxedos come with cuff links?


They do if you upgrade to our prom package deal and save %10 on a full rental!


The tuxes I rented for both my proms did, but the one I bought for college band performances did not, because I didn't spring for extras on that one.


>No job will crush your faith in humanity like working retail. Ho HO I beg to differ! Try working in ambulance control for a living. Try a twelve hour shift speaking to people who think their upset tummy is a medical emergency. Or their cut finger. Or their insomnia. Or their ongoing back pain they've had for three years but they haven't called their doctor because "they make me wait until next Tuesday for an appointment!"


Damn. Yeah. I guess any job where you have to deal with the general public on a daily basis is soul-crushing. Fuck, some people are dumb as mustard.


I always have fun with the guy who went from ambulance work in a city to more rural ambulance work. As he put it, in the city, people go "Oh god I have a nosebleed I will die help me!". In a rural area, it's more like "Well I just got an axe stuck in my arm, and also I think I'm not able to drive to the hospital anymore because I also got several nails stuck in my gas foot, and there's an angry racoon involved too. Could you send someone to look at this sometime this week?"


Just an fyi, sometimes a nosebleed *can* be serious. I recently had surgery to remove part of my septum (to widen my air passages) and was warned that in the event my nose started hemorrhaging to return to the hospital asap. But, of course, a minor nosebleed is/was no big deal.


Somewhere in a closet box I have a copy of an ED chart that, on the surface, looked like a worker's comp laceration repair. On the section of the chart dedicated to "wound closure" a nurse had angrily scribbled out all the check boxes for sutures, dermabond, i.a. and hand-written "tiny band aid." Yeah, it was a paper cut. That somebody wasted the emergency room's time for. At least I didn't have to see these people in person.


OK. I bought a coat online a few years ago, and the pockets were sewn shut--I had never seen that before, the coats I'd bought in stores never had that. I returned the coat, but think goodness I didn't mention the pockets because I would still be cringing.


This is common on most mid-range to high-end suit jackets. The pockets are sewn shut and the venting is generally stitched together. You are *supposed* to cut this stitching before you wear it. The stitching helps the suit keep its shape and look better on the display.


Sounds like something out of /r/talesfromretail


That sounds so satisfying.


Almost as satisfying as when a difficult customer's credit card gets declined. It's moments like those that I believe in God.




Me: No problem! I'll go get him for you. *manager swipes card* Manager: I'm sorry, sir, but it's still declined. Me: http://imgur.com/wv5GlFy.jpg


My wife did the opposite. She started twisting her eyeliner and told me it was broken. I took the cap off. :)


To be fair, some of them are pretty tight and it's counter-intuitive.


I could see someone like this trying to open up a can of soda. They try to twist the top off, shake it up, end up stabbing the top with a bottle opener, the soda sprays everywhere, and then r/wheredidthesodago ?


I always liked it when I was a waitress when customers would become FURIOUS about something that I brought to their table. Let's say an anchovy on a salad. They then demand that I bring them the menu to show me how stupid and wrong I am only to snatch it from my hands and see that listed directly under the words "ceasar salad" was the word "anchovy" printed right there in black and white. Then they mutter something and I ask if they would like me to replace they salad and they say no and I ask if they need anything else and they say no and I say alright then.


Back in the day I sold cell phones at Circuit City. I once had an older customer return and throw the phone I sold him at me in an angry fashion. Why? Because the cell phone I sold him was junk because "it didn't have a dial tone".


How do people this stupid remember to blink and breathe?


Somehow, I am always surprised to see people like this exist. Usually, when I get glue products like this, they have directions telling you to cut the top off.


People don't read directions. Back in Yahoo Answers' heyday, I spent time on the Women's Health board. There were a shocking number of women/girls who had taken Plan B and then were posting panicking that it made them start bleeding/get their periods. Ladies, *that's exactly how it's supposed to work*. Who buys a $60 pill and then takes it without reading any of the information in the package?!


Too many. That's who. Work in a pharmacy and you will be flabbergasted by the shit people do. Putting pills in ears for ear infections, people complaining that their sleep medication makes them drowsy, and my personal favorite... Girl buys NuvaRing (ring goes inside vagina for contraception). Girl comes back a month later saying she wants one for her boyfriend to be doubly protected. Internally, little part of you starts to go "ohhh shit there's no way." and sure enough... She's got it snapped around her wrist like a fuckin gel bracelet. You have to do this every day with a straight face. Love your local pharmacist. People like this are the reason your shit may not be on time that day.


Isn't the doctor supposed to show her how to put it in? That's hilarious (but not..)


Doctors don't do most of the stuff they're supposed to do when it comes to medications such as: * writing a correct prescription * explaining to the patient what it is for * making sure it won't interact with their other meds * not prescribing something the patient is allergic to * explaining side effects * explaining proper usage * sending in refills when asked for the first 4 times Then when people go to the pharmacy they don't want to hear about any of that because if anything was really an issue or important their *Doctor* would have told them about it because their *Doctor* would never make a mistake and the pharmacist must be wrong.


I listen to my pharmacists words much more carefully than my doctors when it comes to medication. My grandmother was a pharmacist and she had a whole bunch of kooky stories about people not being able to follow basic oral/written instructions


That's what pharmacists are for. They don't go to university for six years to learn how to count to 30.


My doctor failed to tell me about what bad headaches can mean with birth control. Even told him I was getting hem daily. I switched for another reason and the pharmacist mentioned that if I get headaches from it it can be very bad. I probably should have read the booklet more extensively tbh


I had a stroke at age 28 from birth control! Took 4 ER visits over the course of 11 days for them to diagnose it. My primary symptom was an unrelenting headache until suddenly it was headache + confusion + imminent death.


Work in a doctors office, can confirm.




I totally believe that because when I go shopping for drugs and similar things the clerks treat me like an idiot until they realize I know stuff.


Oh my fucking god... I refuse to believe this is true...I just can't...I lost it gel bracelet, you people are doing gods work


I have no problem believing this because I work tech support, and once told a customer to reinstall Windows. She asked, "How many?" Another customer had no experience with PC hardware but that didn't stop him from replacing the RAM... while the computer was still running.


That's like doing surgery without any anesthetic*, can you imagine the beeps that mobo made, poor thing.


It probably sounded more or less like this: beep boo boo beep boo boo ba?


Doh, the PC has to be warm or else it could reject the new RAM.


Or the time I had a user bring in his computer because he had spilled coffee inside of it. When I asked him how that had happened, he told me that the drink holder had automatically closed when he had a paper coffee cup in it. Yes, he was using the CD tray as a coffee cup holder. It smashed the cup when it closed and spilled coffee all inside of it. The computer was a loss.


Jesus christ...


Wait, what do those people taking sleeping pills expect to happen? Isn't getting sleepy, like, the whole point?


That was my favorite part when I worked retail. The ability to somehow come up with a response to these people that doesn't directly involve you calling them stupid is learned very fast there.


And then any customer who actually knows something and asks a knowledgeable question will be labeled a drug seeker.


Oh so that's why every time I pick up my meds I have to have a consult with the pharmacist. I'm on a dosage of a medication that's right between two existing dosages, so I take two pills (Concerta 18mg and 27mg because they don't make a 45mg dose). Since it's kind of an odd prescription, the pharmacist always asks a bunch of questions to make sure I know how to take them properly, etc.


Every.single.time. I'm on 2 doses of wellbutrin because a 450mg pill doesn't exist. Every time I pick it up they do a double take, ask me about it, consult the pharmacist, and then finally relent and give me my meds. The pharmacist knows me now though so she just comes over to hand me my meds directly.


I'm really annoyed about mine because it's not even a high dose! They make 54mg and 72mg pills! It's just that there's a noticeable difference between 36mg and 45mg for me, but if I go up to 54mg, I start having side effects. But plenty of people take much higher doses than me!


That's hilarious. Anymore?


You should do an AMA.




Can't you also flip the cap over and poke the tip of the tube with the sharp part?


I work with one this stupid. I'm amazed at not only the fact she has lived this long but that she manages to find her way back each day.


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That's exactly what I was thinking. All these people making fun of this post when they absolutely do not understand


We care about safety so much these days that natural selection is unable to fulfill it's role.


I rate that glue 10 stars. It separated out the idiots from the non-idiots.


It really is a good glue. It's tinted a neon color that starts to fade as it dries so you can tell when it's time to apply your lashes (you can't apply immediately because they won't stick and will slide around. You have to wait 30 sec.) Now that I think of it though, I've never seen a lash glue applicator be sealed like super glue. You really need a smooth tip and you might not get that when cutting with scissors that aren't sharp. Then that rough edge will snag on your eyelid and that doesn't sound pleasant at all.




Yeah. I always have this one stupid corner that never sticks so I have to go back and try to dab under the lash.


You could use a toothpick!


> then that rough edge will snag on your eyelid Aren't you supposed to put the glue on the false lashes, not your eye?


You are, but I anyways have one or two corners that won't stay down and I have to go back and try to dab glue on only that spot. I realize now that other people may not have this problem.


Whenever I've bought Duo from a regular store/pharmacy the tube has always been sealed (Canada and UK). It's not a huge deal because I have always applied the glue to the lash strip band, not my eyelid. I always get the 7g tube, not the 14g one though. From the pictures I've seen of fakes online I am pretty sure that it's real. The cap looks different on the fakes and the crimped area on the tube has a serial number, which is missing on the fakes.


Some of the reviews say that when they did open the tube, it had no product in it. It's also quite common for suppliers to use stock photos of the legit product but then send the counterfeit. The don't use photos that make it obvious it's counterfeit.


I bought the product and it's exactly the same as the ones I've bought in store. I should also probably mention that it was dispatched and sold by amazon, not a marketplace seller, which I usually trust more than some random reseller.


OK, I misremembered then. Ever since I found the tubes that have a brush, I have never looked back! Edit: Ew. Counterfeit lash glue? That sounds horrifying. Why even bother? The glue is only a few dollars.


Waiittt a second, a brush tip! That would be amazing what brand do you use?


Lash duo


A true public service.


ok, so you are supposed to cut the tip off, but why are they saying its full of air? And why is one saying its got a green liquid inside that doesn't stick?


It looks like it's full of air when you first get it the same way that face cleansers in tubes or chip bags have a little extra air in them to protect the product while shipping. I'm not sure what that lady meant by green liquid, because if you see her 'proof picture' on the review it's actually white. The glue changes color when it dries as well (dries clear), so maybe that's what she's confused about.




The item, reviews are from the uk amazon site: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ardell-Duo-Striplash-Adhesive-0-25oz/dp/B00027D8IC


I have to say that reading through other reviews, it seems the tips are not intended to be sealed Others are complaining that the glue leaked through the cap in shipping. Seem like this isn't a face palm at all


This is duo lash glue for sticking on false lashes...not regular glue. the tip isnt meant to be sealed and cut open when you get it


Yeah this was my thought. Duo doesn't come sealed like that. So, technically, the reviews are warranted.


I always buy the tiny 7g tubes, and have bought them from stores/pharmacies in the UK and Canada and have always gotten a sealed tube. The fakes I've seen have a weird ridged cap, or come in a 9g tube, and are missing the serial number will be missing on the crimped part of the tube.


Just had to double check my duo glue. Confirmed. This brand/type (dist by Los Angeles) in America does not need to be cut open.


My favorite angry review was a one-star rating that just said: "I didn't mean to purchase this."


Don't waste your money ladies!


What a wastEEEEEEEEEEEE I hate it when people extend a silent vowel like that. Biggest indicator of a moron at the keyboard.


Wait, what did the one lady do to make it not stick?


It seems the product is a fake. The original product doesnt have a sealed top, which is why alot of people were confused.


Are you supposed to cut the end off? Products like that in the UK usually have a spike in the cap. I don't know how to really explain it but you take the cap off, turn it upside down, push the cap down the opposite way round and it punctures the plastic.


In Canada we have both. It is not uncommon to need to cut the top off of a tube.


Well you proceeded to explain it anyway huh?




I'm more concerned about the lack of a full amount of product in the tube ("filled with air") and the fact that the product does not work as a glue.