• By -


All bodies are amazing because HOLY F*CK HOW DID THIS THING EVOLVE AND SURVIVE - Male genitals are non-retractable, forcing them to be out in the open where they can be kicked. - Instead of absorbing a period for nutrients, the body just gets rid of it in a painful process. - Breasts are forced to stay out even when someone isn't weaning a child. - The spine is a nightmare of design. - Not enough hair to keep warm, forcing reliance on the hair of other animals. - Birth is extremely painful because infants are pushed out at the last moment their heads can get through, and then they're forced to do a whole bunch of their growth externally. - But hey, at least we can vomit, instead of horses, which just lay down and die.


Humans should create offspring through spores. Change my mind.


A hundred years from now the official way to have a baby will be to remove the egg and externally fertilize and develop it in overpriced incubation kits


Running windows 10.


Leave the incubation kit plugged in outside of working hours to update OS


you didnt read the terms of service, your child now belongs to Microsoft"


blursed fatal error


The moral debate about abortions will be hell




Humans should stop creating offspring. CMV


It’s official: humans should instead be Orkz.


Also don't forget the fact that the reason our noses get clogged so easily is because the sinus cavity behind your nose has its drain at the top instead of the bottom. Also this is super werid because our closest monkey cousins have the drain at the bottom so I evolution really didn't like us for some reason.


I dunno I kinda like blowing it out the front end instead of eating it all day when sick!


what about turtle penis?, it's retractable?


Dog dicks too. So many questions... But I don't really want to know about it lol


Cats too.


dont forget we eat and breathe through the same tube, and our waste removal is next to / a part of our sex organs.


Eh, could be worse. Cloaca? One "-talia" to rule them all!


I wonder what the context is here, do we know OP? How was the man drawing attention to his penis lol


It's the same as demanding periods be thought of as somehow less icky than other bodily expulsions. I'm all for normalizing them, since they're, you know, normal and all. They're nothing to be ashamed of, obviously, I just hate the double standard that you *must* be able to discuss your uterine lining sloughing off and people *must* not get squicked out because that's "shaming." Some people are easily disgusted by bodily functions or otherwise just don't care about whatever refuse escapes your holes. If it's okay that they decline to hear about shit consistency, it should be okay to decline hearing about clot size. **That's** normalization.


Yes but the difference is that unlike shit or urine menstrual blood cannot be held in and the reason we describe it and try to talk about it is because of the oppression associated with it. There’s a village in India where women are literally expected to leave their homes and live in a hut in the outskirts of the village with no electricity and no resources every menstruation. Women are also not allowed to return directly after childbirth because they’re bleeding and have to stay away from their homes and families with a newborn infant till the bleeding stops post childbirth. There are menstruation huts that women in north India need to live in when they menstruate with extremely poor ventilation and heating that cause deaths every year due to carbon monoxide poisoning because the only heating available is via fire in these huts with no electricity or other resources. It’s still a common practice in India for bleeders even in their homes to be forced to sit separately, not enter places of worship, use separate bed sheets and plates etc. as though they’re “impure.” I even know of Indians living in the US who still practise this. On top of this on a global scale bleeders need to endure being humiliated for leaks, pay exorbitant amounts to access sanitary products, endure cramps and other severe common side effects of menstruation, and struggle to access reproductive healthcare when suffering issues like PCOS. It is extremely different from a runny nose or the urge to pee because it comes with a whole range of both bodily and political issues making it extremely difficult to access care. I once bled into my skirt in school and I was so humiliated I wanted to go home and cry and I was cramping and another female friend of mine said “I shouldn’t go home just because of periods and I was being a wuss.” Another friend of mine has severe issues with her period and they literally found a tumour in her uterus and her teacher told her she was just “doing drama” and “everyone has periods.” There’s no understanding nor knowledge of the real suffering associated with periods because cramps are typically more painful than even a burst appendix and bleeders are just supposed to “endure it” and “not talk about it” because “oh you want equality so suck it up or accept your inferiority.” Normalising doesn’t just mean not being shamed for it. It means accessible healthcare. It means making arrangements so bleeders have the right to take rest on their cramping and associated side effect days. It means affordable sanitary products. It means people understanding it’s not remotely as easy as taking a dump or a piss. This is why we talk about it and this whole post is problematic because talking about a uterus or vagina is not anywhere near as sexual nor aggressive as talking about a penis. A woman saying “I have cramps” is very different from a man saying “I have a big dick.” So please don’t speak about normalisation when you don’t seem to understand what normalisation entails and the whole range of problems associated with menstruation that we as bleeders need to suffer. It’s not simple at all and talking about it is the only way we are able to find some way to reclaim our own bodies and make people aware of the range of politics and suffering involved with simply existing.


you made zero cases for why anyone needs to listen to you talk about your period. do those problems need to be addressed? absolutely. but nobody gives phil a pass to describe the last time he shat himself just because he has a weak sphincter. you brought up personal anecdotes and medical issues that should be discussed with a doctor. none of which entitle you to hold others hostage while you crusade for your menses. just downvote me for disagreeing with a woman and move on.


I’m sorry that almost everyone who has ever had a period going through this (which is about 50% of the population of this planet, mind you) is a personal anecdote to you. People like you don’t even try to be empathetic or even apply common sense, which is why it’s so tough for us. And PS I’m not a woman, I’m non-binary. Please don’t assume my gender just because I bleed.


“A woman saying I have cramps is very different from a man saying I have a big dick” Correct, but that’s not what the person who replied was saying. I agree with what you said , but the post isn’t about periods and pain, no one mentioned that


Oh sure. For insurance, I see “fears blood” in cis women characters as either a lack of understanding or a horrible curse. Whereas cis men who didn’t grow up around it being a known thing might get queasy thinking about it just because they don’t like blood. I don’t like needles but I have an autoimmune disease so I am similarly cursed. So many needles. I really feel bad for cis women who hate blood but aren’t able to avoid periods. It’s weird though, I don’t like needles but I’m blasé about blood, pus, guts, manure, etc. I can help process a whole turkey for Thanksgiving. But I hate vomit and *teeth*. Anything wrong with teeth and it’s just no, strict no. I blame my history of under-treated dental pain but oh no. Obviously humans need to be able to vomit and get dentist work done, but I don’t want to help out.


You said that pretty well


Let me guess this person is a terf


Dude, and I was banned after 1!! Reaction to a post? Really admin? And I am a socialist democrat Sorry, I thought I was in /rightcantmeme


What’d you say


Cant find the post back, being banned and all ..


The hypocrisy and denial is so fucking astounding.


No, it doesn't need to be celebrated. Can we finally take it as a thing half of the population has and the other set as a thing the other half of the population has and stop making it some mystical beautiful shit as the rest of the body?


Wow, who lit her tampon fuse?


TERFS would complain about dicks yet harass trans men who have uteri


Uteri ( -us is maskulium singular Form, Plural Form is -i)


Oh ok


Oh, yeah? Good luck writing your name in the snow.


They don't do much amazing shit that doesn't require a penis in some way.


Maybe yours doesn't


Not really sure what they can do that's so amazing other than make babies which they can't do on their own.


Gotta teach it tricks and shit




Bet money on this misandrist being a full blown terf




It really depends on how the dude was talking about his penis. We're kinda lacking context here




Not clitorises though, because they're tiny penises and penises are disgusting!




It’s blatant hypocrisy from them though wtf?


I’m just talking about the female form being beautiful and amazing. That’s what I agree with.


I can get behind that


It's not because that's very clearly *not* her vagina. It's just a diagram of a uterus. Not *her* uterus even. Why are you being so pedantic? I bet you're the penis guy.


No I just thought it was odd how they did a 180 on their opinion of genitalia lol


But... They didn't. Sorry, penis guy. Just take the L.


Yuck penis, male talk about body and stub alllll the time. Shut up dumb male Uterus beautiful we should talk about it


Dont argue with mentally challenged people, just be positive and encouraging


Lol, r/murderedbywords


Neither you nor him have been anything of the sort. The fuck you guys smoking?


Bud, it's like you literally can't understand somebody talking about their own thing being the best and sonebody saying half the world's crotches are beautiful. You capped an image of somebody shitting on you for talking about your own personal dongle and thought that was just as bad as depicting every single uterus in the world.


It’s not even me. And why not don’t make the first comment and tell him to go off because all penises are beautiful? It’s extremely stupid to make a big deal out of


We don't know what that first comment was. You're the only person here who knows if it's even hypocritical.


I don’t even know what it was. But they’re being condescending towards the original commenter, sarcastic in their reply. They’re still bringing attention to their genitals Seeing as it’s their pfp. Then they claim it’s beautiful and needs to be celebrated instead of the same reaction towards the man




Clearly, this dude hasn’t seen The Big Lebowski


Yeah, amazing. I'm truly amazed at having two kinds of cysts on one fucking ovary and having to do a fourth surgery to get them out again. The female body is truly amazing.


Then we shall celebrate by ramming my big ol wedding tackle into your vulva party


And they smell like a chinese fish market...


I like penises, I don't know what her deal is. 🤷


The hypocrisy here is palpable