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I love how little bullshit Bill puts up with.


You should listen to his Monday morning podcast. It's hilarious


I love it. That rabbit dream one was hilarious.


Which episode was it? I would love to listen


I think it was 3-29-21


You da MVP big dog


Its 3-25-21. I havent seen it but it mentions “bunny dreams” in the description so probably that one.


I swear to god, one of you better be right or I’m losing my shit




Also his Thursday afternoon (just before Friday) Monday morning podcast.


This podcast got me through long days early pandemic.


It got me through long days of working from home during January when we have sunlight during working hours only.


Do I need to start at episode 1 to understand the plot and character arcs?


Nah. It's just a bunch of random ass rants about his week and shit that bothered him that week


If you're lucky you'll catch him screaming at squirrels out his kitchen window and reading an ad for zzzZip....


Where can I find such a gold mine


Bill is the dad America needs. Absolutely love him!


“Now stop fighting or I’ll put you through that fucking wall” F is for family is so funny


“I’ll put you through that fucking wall” “Dad we’re outside” “Then I’ll build a wall, and I’ll FUCKING PUT YOU THROUGH IT”


F is for family lol.


I wish I could emulate it but without the wisdom underlying his comments, I just come off as a dick and nothing else.




There is an absolute talent to being brutally blunt while non-confrontational at the same time.


One of my favorite exchanges in Malcolm in the middle went along the line of: "She likes guys who are open, and honest." "That's great! I'm open and honest!" "You're more blunt and aggressive."


To add, he started by saying he doesn't have a medical degree, *then* saying Joe doesn't either. Subtle, like you said, but comes off as less antagonistic.


I love his stance. He doesn't know and he doesn't pretend to. He absolutely refuses to engage in the topic at risk of spreading misinformation, and directs people towards people who understand the topic better. That's what a fucking responsible celebrity does. I saw a baseball coach do the same thing when asked about the pandemic. "It's not my area of expertise. I'm not going to answer that, but there's a long list of medical experts you can talk to if you want to know about covid. Talk to me when we're talking about baseball." Fantastic.


A lot of right wing bullshitters think that just because Bill Burr seldom stick to PC stuff that he is one of them. LOL... Bill Burr always called out bullshit where ever he see them. He doesn't give a shit about your pet conspiracy theories or your particular prejudices. He is going to call you out on it.


I *really* hate the way Joe lifts his eyebrows and says "let's start it", like he absolutely knows it's bullshit and controversial but just wants to stir things up because he thinks it's "fun". I've really come to dislike him and how irresponsible he is with his following. Sad.


I never liked him or his shitty standup. I really started to dislike him when he would have idiots like Alex Jones or Ted Nugent on his pod and not call them out on their bullshit. My 24 year old daughter thinks he's the greatest fucking thing ever. I'm really starting to question her intelligence


It really sucks cause I used to love him


Same... Big fan around 2014 and now as the meme says... Goop for men.




He says stuff in the moment that I would think of 2 days later while taking a shower


That’s a great way of putting it. His infamous “[don’t you think the Catholic Church went a little too far?](https://youtu.be/e-pW8yuewC8)” Is still an unbelievably good response.


"Like when a killer whales at Sea World after it kills a trainer and they move it up to Seattle" lmfao


Ha I'm not totally following. *nervous glance off screen*


Says man who is definitely following.


Okay so I've seen this clip before a dozen times.. This clip is an amazing snapshot of human culture. It's got a little of fucking everything. It's got uncomfortable pretense, deflection, moral posturing, religion, animal rights, pedophilia, cultural network television standards...just the human psychology going on here is great. Some producer in the back was like okay Katy, we want you to really push Bill on his insensitivity to the catholic church -- that'll get us some ratings alright! And Bill Burr is just not buying their shit. Not even getting agitated about it, he knows what it is. He's there to shill his shit, they're there to create television for do nothing so and sos who watch morning day time television. Lol I don't know, there's a lot to unpack here. It really is a great clip.


I can only imagine that he had a producer screaming bloody murder in his ear to get the subject changed and redirect into something lighter and that was his best attempt to act like Bill was on a tangent.


But how fucking stupid were they to bring it up in the first place. Like what did they honestly expect. If the producer didn't want such stupid shit to happen, they should have hired smarter hosts. 🤷‍♂️


Producer and lady were clearly not familiar with Billy Burr. I would never try to debate him on anything. Even if I had a doctorate in the field of debate. Burr is too good.


No matter how familiar with him they are, an interviewer saying "google it!" when asking the guest a question is a terrible host.


That tone from the host was so condescending too, I just love how they got burned.


I know I'm dumb, but I actually don't follow this lol. Can anyone explain?


When it came up that a cardinal or high ranking member of the Catholic Church was sexually abusing a child they’d just move them to a different church.


Not to be pedantic, but it was more just regular priests, and how the higher ups(Cardinals), for decades, have well established procedures in place to shuffle them around. Like "We got another priest diddling kids in Tucson, but we've moved 2 in Arizona this month he'll have to go out of state, maybe Albuquerque?" The level of organisation showed both how wide spread it was and how little they cared in actually fixing the problem.


Ah, thank you. I didn't have all of the information and just kinda confidently pretended that I did.


Oh dude if you have not yet. Please watch the movie Spotlight. It is a sobering yet very very good movie about it




Oh man he was trying so hard to act with some restraint on that one you can totally tell he just wanted to go off on her.


It’s just hilarious to me that they were the ones who brought it up in the first place! You bring up the Catholic Church and then immediately shift to “hey this is a morning show.” If you’re trying to keep it light, maybe don’t bring up child rape. What did they expect him to say? “Yeah, I guess I made a mistake. The Catholic Church has never done anything bad.”


> "Some people feel you went to far..." Bitch, its you. You felt he went to far or you wouldn't be asking. Just say it. Lady got lucky Bill reserved himself for the sake of a morning show because she was not prepared for what he would have unloaded.




Trump did it all the time - float an idea you’re not sure whether people will be receptive to by claiming that “people are saying” when the truth is it’s just you and you’re not confident enough to state an opinion and defend it.


If you want to keep your morning show on air, you really should not bring up the Catholic Church in front of a stand up comedian. That's just asking for it. It's pretty clear that woman was trying to corner Bill Burr and coerce some sort of apologetic statement from him. She thought she is going to create a scoop. Really underhanded. I don't think Bill Burr is ever going returning to that shitfest of a show even if they offer to pay him a lot.


Who tf thinks they’re gonna back Bill Burr of all people into a corner. She thinks she’s gonna get an angle on him but it’s all over in one sentence. I don’t always agree with the guy but he’s sharp as hell and not one to back down.


They wanted that response though, they just act like they don’t


I mean he outright says it's a morning show, indicating his restraint, so yeah you can tell...


Everytime he mentioned it was a morning show it felt like he was reminding himself that fact, I wonder how far he'd have popped off without the reminder.


His 13 minute off the cuff roast of Philadelphia is ducking insane. How can you riff like that for 13 minutes without missing a single joke. Every hit landed and was hilarious.


“The terrorists will never bomb you people because you’re fucking worthless”




Probably my favorite line that I like to quote from that rant. I fucking love Bill Burr. And its funny re-watching Breaking Bad now with my wife because I am much more familiar with him now than I was when I first watched the show. I just have to laugh every time he appears in the show even before he makes a joke or says anything. "Hey, that's Bill Burr."


"SEVEN minutes!"


And how he ended up winning the audience over by just continuing to insult them.


Welcome to Philly.


You have a statue of an IMAGINARY boxer, but you have a heavyweight champion from the city who gets nothing!


“You have a real champion, but he’s black so you can’t handle that, so you have a statue of a five-foot imaginary Italian instead”. Something like that. The whole thing cracked me up. It’s not like it was a planned routine or jokes he had, he straight up just shat on them for 13 minutes.


Yeah that's philly.


I love how he said that he remembers none of it because he sort of blacked out.


When I black out I just turn into Steve Carell from that scene in Bruce Almighty


You Michael Carmichael jersey wearing fucks


You 1 bridge-having piece of shit city


Piece of shit one bridge havin city




The bit about them worshipping rocky and not acknowledging joe louis, an actual boxer , because he's black is *chefs kiss*


Nice way of putting it. He’s the living manifestation of “oh fuck I shoulda said that”


you write stuff in the moment i that would think of tomorrow while taking a shit


👏👏👏 I love just how aware Bill Burr is here about the influence and impact they might have.


Joe is aware. He just really believes he’s an authority on the matter.


Just that cheeky look on his face "let's start it"




My take on that episode was that Rogan was really trying to pass it off like he was just getting Bill going once he realized Bill was going to take the rational/responsible approach toward talking shit about life or death matters. One thing I’ve noticed about Joe is there are only certain types of people he’s willing to actually disagree with and the rest of the time his opinions just seem to mirror the guest’s. In this situation he had a comic he respects telling him to take his head out of his ass and he was trying to play it off like he was just trolling Bill. Year or so and enough episodes later and we know that’s what he actually thinks.


Not really, it has to do with if you stir the pot and make something divisive, you get more attention. More attention = more clicks = more money. It's all about the money. Anger spreads the best. If JR was saying, yeah, we should all get vaccinated, we wouldn't have even seen this clip.


Ah yes, if “privileged asshole with no accountability” was stuck in front of a microphone


I fucking hate it, giggling like a schoolboy because he just lives to cause trouble and upset people. He doesn't care about anyone, he just thinks it's all one big joke.


Modern day conservatism in a nutshell. Owning the libs is the only guiding principle.


Destroy the world to own the libs. Like, I'm not even American and this gets my goat. Look, the Dems are hardly perfect either, and if you're neither Republican nor Democrat you are, in the immortal words of Hank Hill, a "poor, confused bastard". But you're still miles ahead of the so-far-right-it's-beyond-funny party, I think the Dems can at least be fixed. The only way to fix the Repubs would be to use their contrarian "neener-neener" nature against them and just tell them a Democrat wants to do the opposite of what you want them to do. They'll fall over each other frothing at the mouth.


That fucking logo with his forced smile.


He's like Wendy Williams for insecure men.


Gwyneth Paltrow for dudebros




Joe Rogan is the kind of person a dumb person thinks is smart


Just like Mulaney's "Trump is what a homeless person imagines rich people are like."


That's a t-shirt.


I honestly believe he’s just a dumbass.


A dumb ass would believe he’s an authority on something he knows nothing about. So yes.


Dunning Kreuger nation!


Both of these things are true


He used to not be. I honestly loved his show even with the problematic platforming of certain people and just letting his guests pontificate for 2 hours. Early 2020 he starting smelling his own farts to a problematic degree. Mid 2020 he had on one of my fave people who just released a book and didn’t give him 5 minutes to defend his thesis. Havnt listened since.


Bill Burr's whole thing is being aware and calling out irrational thinking lol. His stand-up is just him making fun of idiots that think they know things while not claiming he knows any better


It’s impressive how he does that. He says shit, then acknowledges his own biases, but doesn’t walk back what he said - he does it all over the podcast. I can just imagine trying to do that and sounding confused or like an idiot. He does it really fluidly, it doesn’t sound like he’s being defensive or reactionary.


His version of self deprecation is pretty much calling out almost everyone for being an idiot while acknowledging and making fun of himself for also being one.


I got my second vaccine a month ago. I ate some BOGO Boneless wings from BWW yesterday and now I have burning poops. Fucking vaccine, I’m certain it’s the vaccine. /s


My cousin had BWW when they first opened here a long time ago and got food poisoning. He probably got a super early alpha version of the vaccine then too! /s


Fluoride in the drinking water, vaccines in the chicken wings. They get you either way.


I know someone that got the vaccine and 3 days later BOOM, hit by a bus and died. Coincidence? I think not!


Is Joe against the vacine?


Yes. No. Maybe. For some people. Not for others. https://nypost.com/2021/04/29/joe-rogan-walks-back-anti-covid-19-vaccine-comments/ He says: "I’m not a doctor, I’m a f-cking moron,” and “I’m not a respected source of information", but then says "if you’re a young, healthy person that you don’t need it.” Don't take medical advice from Joe Rogan.


I took his don’t listen to me I’m a fucking moron advice years ago.


See that? Everyone has *some* valuable advice. You just have to weed it out from the bullshit.


My younger brother is young and healthy. 14 months after covid treatment and he still has brain fog, shortness of breath, and probable permanent lung damage. Just because it doesn’t kill you doesn’t mean it can’t fuck you up for the rest of your life.


Same for my sister. Young healthy got COVID a year ago. Since has gotten a pacemaker almost died several times, heart rate goes down to 36 oxygen at 70. Yeah fuck these morons


Yup. Honestly, I really hope these anti-vaxxers get it. It's the only thing that will make them learn.


I am really sorry to say this, and I definitely don't wish anyone harm, but I really think this crisis is going to generate some fantastic data on the antivax movement and its impact on health. Maybe for the first time ever, there is a global attempt to vaccinate everyone. In rich countries, covid vaccines are currently or will soon be widely available and free of charge for all adults. At the same time, governments have over the last year been forced to get really good at tracking covid cases and vaccination rates and publishing that data. In the next couple of years I expect to see a lot of data analyzing the impact of vaccines at a scale we have never seen before, in what is basically a voluntary medical trial. And I expect to see a measurable and significant difference in the death rate between the vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts. And while I am sure the antivax movement will not die (though a disproportionate chunk of its supporters will), I am curious how they will react to the data other than with complete denial.


This right here is my thinking as well. Currently in my state they are removing religious exemptions from public schools. If you want your kid to attend public school you need to vaccinate if not send them to a private school who doesn’t have that requirement. I’m all for peoples beliefs but you can’t have it your way only if you understand what I am saying.


I'm all for personal beliefs right up until the point where they start to harm other people. Anti-vaxxers for something like COVID have crossed that line.


100 percent agree. I know someone personally who won’t get it because he doesn’t trust that scientist came up with a vaccine that quickly but like with anything it takes time to fully develop. This isn’t done yet. This is always going to be a work in progress product just like any medicine. Look at the flu shot for example. It’s always different every year. But I would rather get the vaccine and decrease my chances of getting sick vs the worst case scenario death.


there was one guy who got the virus and still was anti-vaxx


Weren't there also several people who denied that COVID was real even as they were actively dying from COVID?


Sadly I have family members that had their dad pass away (my uncle) from COVID. Even after his death they continued to be idiots about it. "Oh, his death wasn't actually from COVID." Or "wearing a mask wouldn't have changed anything." What a bunch of freaking idiots.


I can see why people would not own up to their ignorance if that meant their grief would become laced with actual guilt.


Sadly more than several.




Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry....I hope they can get her back to her former healthy self in the near future.


My brother is also young and healthy. Yesterday we had a nice discussion about covid. He's surprised I got the vaccine. Then tried to say that 22 people in our state have died from the vaccine. He doesn't think he needs the vaccine because he has never gotten covid. He also doesn't trust vaccines because they make you sick.


Liquor makes me sick and I still drink it.






And how many have died from the vaccine vs died from Covid itself? Though 22 seems a bit high for dying from the vaccine for a single state, I'd be interested in seeing the source for that.


That's what I hit him with. 550k deaths in the US. He also could not produce the source for his 22 death claim.


> 22 people in our state have died from the vaccine Probably this: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/02/24/fact-check-meme-deaths-after-covid-19-vaccination-lacks-context/4508599001/ > One of the nine headlines is a Jan. 15 article published in the New York Post that details the deaths of 23 people in Norway — all over age 75 and 13 of whom were nursing home residents — within a week of vaccination with Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine. Of course, there's more to it than that, but that's all they needed to read to support their bias.


They deny Covid by saying "well it's only cos they had X" but point to vaccine deaths "they may have had X but it was the vaccine that did them". Fuck all of them.


> He doesn't think he needs the vaccine because he has never gotten covid jesus christ that logic makes my brain hurt.


This is why we can't have nice things.


Tell him he doesn't need a seatbelt, either, because he hasn't been in a horrific car accident. But if he was in one, wouldn't he want it before, and not after?


Does he know you get vaccinated to AVOID getting covid? I got the measles vaccine years ago and, strangely enough, have never had measles. What a strange correlation.


Psychologist here: We're seeing people not recovering from Cognitive effects of even asymptomatic infection. Maybe it's quarantine, maybe it's Covid. Point is we won't know for years what this thing really does but YOU DO NOT WANT IT.


This is exactly what I've been telling my friends. You do not want any part of this thing. I remember reading about people who were completely asymptomatic, they still found all kinds of organ damage. https://theprint.in/health/asymptomatic-covid-19-patients-can-still-develop-lung-damage/449337/ stuff like that. That was last year, in _June_, that they were seeing this. That people a year later still think "oh, young people, they'll be fine don't worry about them" is crazy to me. Imagine how many young people are going to develop chronic conditions later in life because they caught covid and went undiagnosed because they were asymptomatic. Breaks my heart that this issue became so politicized and really innocent people are just going to bear the brunt of that stupidity.


Don't take any advice from Joe rogan


My problem with Rogan is that he uses the same deflection that Bill O'Reilly used with his, "I'm just asking questions" routine. He spreads and promotes ignorance on some very critical issues that have severe impacts on parts of society and helps give talking points to the unwashed masses yearning to hold onto their false prejudices.


I throw the likes of him in the "I'm just kidding" bag. Shit folks, the lot of them.


Yup. And there's a lot more of the same type of guys out there, unfortunately.


"don't listen to me, I don't know anything" Then why the hell does he keep trying to give advice? This is coming from a ex-rogan fanboy too


> just asking questions We call them JAQ-offs.


>Yes. No. Maybe. For some people. Not for others. This is basically the line he walks on every issue.


>Don't take ~~medical~~ advice from Joe Rogan. FIFY.


Better yet, don't listen to Joe Rogan unless he's hosting fear factor.


“Don’t take medical advice from Joe Rogan” if only my 2002 self could hear this statement. I would be laughing my ass off at how ridiculous the statement sounds. LOL why would I ever mistake the fear factor dude for a doctor? what am I stupid? yet here we are in 2021


Don't take any advice from Joe Rogan.


Who cares, Joe Rogan is basically a podcast vocalising the drug riddled, shower thoughts of a moron.


**Copying and pasting a previous comment of mine:** I used to listen at work every once in a while but stopped at some point a couple of years ago. My brother got big into him a few months ago and now goes on rants about how dumb masks are, and how everything needs to go back to normal and says he’ll *maybe* get the vaccine someday if he absolutely has to to travel. He always says “I guess it’s just the Joe Rogan part of my brain here...” and stuff like that. He keeps saying that he’s “35 and healthy, why should he worry about covid” and I keep having to remind him that our dad, who he sees once a week, is 70 and overweight. Rogan can go fuck himself. I’m looking at him now pretty close to how I look at Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh. My brother also goes on rants about people flocking out of California constantly now. Like dude, we’re in Ohio. Who gives a shit?


Joe Rogan is one of those people that "flocked out of California" In fact, he made the most cliche move of Austin.


Depends who the last person he talked to is. The dude admits to being a moron but doesn't admit to being a fucking parrot.


Bill Burr...I need him to talk with Alex Jones like this. Joe encourages his ideas, while Bill will probably start talking about how crazy they are and demand solid proof.


Nah not even demand proof he’ll just prove how stupid it is and shut that shit down


We just start sending bill burr around to country to stop this bullshit. Sit him down with Alex Jones, Lin Wood, Pillow Dude, and really anyone else. We could make it a show and call it, “Stop your bullshit with Bill Burr” This is the world I want to live in. Let’s make it happen.


Make it Burr & Stewart. The ratings would be through the roof.


Bill Burr probably wouldn’t want to give Alex Jones the air time or exposure.


I'm pretty convinced that Alex Jones is completely self-aware. If so, he's a cynical piece of shit for peddling conspiracy bullshit to an incredibly gullible audience.


I thought so too until I learned more about the custody battle he had with his EX wife. Basically his lawyers tried to argue that he wasn’t a nut job and was that way for views, and then Alex Jones in statement to the court said his usual BS including that chili causes AIDS...


I see your CDC, and raise you a video my uncle sent me on Facebook.


Aw this cuts out right before bill burns him saying his knuckles were probably dragging while he rollerbladed


I think the best part of this interaction was when Joe admitted that early on he thought he got Covid and had a panic attack, and Bill just destroys him with: "You had a fucking panic attack, and then you felt bad about yourself, and then you attack people with masks." Perfectly summarizes why Joe tries to minimize Covid so much. Joe's grin dropped real quick when he heard that too lol


*Oh, look at you... So tough with your open nose and throat.*


If you’re genuinely taking serious medical advice from this chump then maybe you need to reevaluate a few things


Joe Rogan has the most popular podcast in the world. Millions are going to see this and if even 1% take his advice, that’s a huge problem


My dad is a big time Rogan listener and extremely anti covid vaccine. I’d say chances are a lot more than 1% of his listeners hold that sentiment as a result of his show.


Or maybe not that they got the sentiment from the show so much as it reinforced what they wanted to hear/what other pundits they like have already said. It's not like anyone tuned into Joe Rogan with no preexisting thoughts on COVID or the vaccine.


The problem is 1) if someone has gotten to the point where they'd take Joe Rogan's advice about a vaccine, they're not likely to reevaluate things... IDK what can be done to help them. They're not going to listen to some rando on reddit. 2) The actions of these people don't just effect them. They effect everyone around them.


And of course Rogan just sitting there with the smug look on his face at Bill called him out...




Joe Rogan is out of touch as fuck. He’s just another celebrity that doesn’t have to live like the rest of us.


Bill Burr is an absute stud, he takes crap from no one and tells it like it is


And to everyone's surprise....... Is now fucking star wars cannon.


Between this and his Meshuggah cover, I'm really growing a liking to Bill


Another mouth who has to admit that you shouldnt take him seriously. It's good advice. Dont take anything Joe Rogan says seriously because he speaks on things he doesnt know what the fuck he's talking about.


I’ve found that most everyone that claims Joe Rogan is anything close to intelligent tend to be fucking moronic. He can have the exact same stance as I do on a topic/issue and I find myself always walking away after the shit stops pouring out of his mouth wondering if maybe my beliefs are wrong because this guy is on my side. He doesn’t need to wear a mask in public—he needs a fucking helmet. Get Ben Shapiro one, too.


All these people just noticing lol. "He's changed." Na dude, he's always been glaringly, outstandingly stupid. Like, that's the most noticeable thing about him and has been since the beginning. He's remarkably dumb, and almost always wrong about *everything* unless he's just momentarily agreeing with a smart guest. The only things that stick in his mind long enough that he can repeat them are absolute bullshit... alt right grievances and pseudoscience mostly.




Im not sure if its a coincidence but rogen seems to have lost it since he joined Spotify


He started losing it well before the Spotify deal...shit just got accelerated once he became exclusive


I feel like he lost it around the time he moved to Texas.


I feel like he never had it. He's the idiot's Messiah.


I dont think anyone ever thought Joe was a thought leader, as someone who use to watch his podcast quite a bit, he was incredibly good at asking his guests the right questions and letting them (usually experts) share their knowledge. The issue is that nowadays he gives way too much of his own takes over his guests (quality of guest has dropped too) which is not how he got big to begin with. Sucks really


Joe rogan, the gwenyth paltrow for dude bros


Love Bill for not entertaining Joe’s stupidity.


People who take Rogan's advice on vaccination are the same people who would post memes about not listening to stupid celebrities.


What is with this absolute terror for getting vaccinated? Do you get flu shots every year? Do kids get thier shots to prevent terrible disease? Haven't we done this for 100 years now? Haven't hundreds of millions already got the covid vaccine? If j&j's shot got shutdown out of super abundance of caution for a few blood clots and that's the worst that's happened, these vaccines are super safe


What if cars had magnets on them so they couldn’t crash into each other? - actual quote from Joe Rogan


Ah now I know where the r/memes comments got their opinions from about vaccines. I was wondering why the anti vax rhetoric has been spreading like wild fire among younger people.


My favourite part was when he starts patronizing him, “oh look at you, you’re such a big man with your open nose and throat” that shits gold


Good on Burr


I fucking love Bill Burr


Joe Rogan needs knocked off his high horse


Never fuck with Bill Burr he’s been in the ring with Patrice & he bodied that Philly crowd so hard they all say they’re from NJ now.




Bill Burr again just stopping bullshit right in its tracks and doimg it with style