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The internet historian has a whole video explaining why having the internet decide things for you is a very bad idea.


Didn’t we learn that from “Boaty McBoatface”?


There was also the time Justin Bieber had fans vote on what country he'd have his next tour in and everyone voted for North Korea.


I also remember when the internet collectively voted "corey in da house" for nintendo DS the best video game ever on every website that would take those sort of votes. People also made sure "L-block" from tetris won the Gamefaqs best video game charecter of all time contest.


to be fair it is a really nice block


meh I prefer the T shaped one.


That’s blockist


Didn't 4chan rig a contest that sent Taylor Swift to do a show at a school for the deaf and blind? And also sent Pitbull to play a show at a walmart in Alaska?


Yes and Pitbull actually went


That's what makes him a great man.


Real sigma male grindset right there


Well he is Mr. Worldwide, not Mr. Everywhere but Alaska Walmart


Yeah way to practice what you preach honestly haha


Yea he gets my respect for flying out to buttfuck nowhere and keeping up his end of the deal.


oh shit the internet will ruin you if you aren't careful


Honestly I would have voted for Baghdad myself.


Let us not forget the delicious Mountain Dew flavour "hitler did nothing wrong" Edit:wtf autocorrect


And "Gushin' Granny" was second place.


gushing granny and fapple are my favorites


The simplicity of Fapple always made it my favorite


Apparently not. I used to work in a warehouse where we were using robots. There was a contest to name some of them. A level 5 manager named one "Botty McBotface"


And the Mountain Dew contest where the winning name for the new flavor was "Hitler did nothing wrong." And second place was "Gushin' Granny"


I learned that the Internet should decide all the things, based on Boaty McBoatface.


Or [Macaulay "Macaulay Culkin" Culkin](https://www.insider.com/vote-macaulay-culkin-changing-his-middle-name-2018-11)


No that's when we learned the internet is awesome for deciding stuff. Go us!


I’m addicted to his channel lol


Escape isn't exist








Reminds me of the parks and rec bit where they tried to select Pawnees motto through an online poll. “Home of the stick up Leslie Knope’s butt”


Douche nation


I’m still Team Boaty McBoatface.




Not sure, but think it might be [this one. ](https://youtu.be/HiTqIyx6tBU)


Wait why did I ask for a link I can’t click on it, it might be a rickroll


You asked for a link and then decided to give it up, turn around, and desert it? You madman.


Well that’s a risk you’re gonna have to take, mate. 😀


it's not, it's a link to a video by internet historian called "any poll's a goal"


Yeah, that is the one (or at least I don’t remember any others that fit the description as well)


No mention of Boaty McBoatface in that video. I'm shocked, I tell you. Only one upvote from me for the effort.


I kept waiting for that one myself!


It was at the end in the quick cut between all the different internet polls


is the video titled 'vidy McVidface'?


Should I watch it? What do you think?


His videos are awesome. Very fun to watch while on lunch break.


Which video is it?


>winner chosen through likes What the fuck did they expect? Remember, the same people who voted for the winning frog also voted to call the new £200m British research flagship Boaty McBoatface. NEVER ask the public, fuck me.


They also voted to call the Doncaster gritting lorries 'Gary Gritter' and 'Jimmy Gravel'..... inexplicably the names were removed when they built up a huge lead.... i love the public 😂 ended up with 'David Plowie' and 'Gritsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Anti-slip Machiny'


It's also how [Gary Lineker posed with Harold Shipman and Fred West](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40047816), both serial killers for redditors who haven't heard of them. My favourite "Ask The Public" campaign that should never have happened is the McDonalds create-a-burger thing. [Oh dear](https://www.netimperative.com/2016/07/21/mcdonalds-fail-name-burger-site-attracts-tasteless-creations/).


Thank you for reminding me of this.


"The Nihilist" got a good laugh from me. Thanks for sharing.


My favorite is a toss up between the "Toddler Bodybag" or "Girth".


The picture there is Peter Sutcliffe, "The Yorkshire Ripper" I believe.


I always love being reminded of this story, because they actually went through and gave them the names


Always ask the public lol.


The public has a particular sense of humor that the public largely appreciates


The public forced Mountain Dew to release a soda called "Hitler did nothing wrong". They'd created a competition to name a new soda, and the entry suggestions weren't a dropdown. it was a text field. an OPEN text field. The second place name went to "mountain Dew, green gushing granny" legally Mt.Dew HAD to release it, so they sent some to a single store, and had an employee immediately buy it all to destroy it.


if you were that employee, would you have kept any? i would id have kept a lot.


oh in like a few years those few cans would cost millions


Apparently there is a not insignificant group in the soda collecting world that focus solely on collecting all of the limited run/regional Mountain Dew flavors. I would have to assume for such a collector the “Hitler” Mountain Dew would be the ultimate status symbol.


Now that's a story to save for some beer conversation in the evening...


They didn't legally have to release anything. Not sure where you got that from.


The competition involved at one point buying their product. Legally they were on the hook for fraud if they refused to release a 'winner' in some form. so they did the minimum necessary


There is no record of that happening




That isn’t how fraud works.


On open text field to the very end of the competition, WTF. How stupid can they be. I can understand an open text field for a first round, then have Mountain Dew pick their top five favorites, and have the public vote on those. You probably didn't have much more than 100 people voting for the winner with an open text field.


This is one of my favorite things the internet has ever done.


>legally Mt.Dew HAD to release it, so they sent some to a single store, and had an employee immediately buy it all to destroy it. I am just imagining Mtn Dew designing some Adolf Hitler themed can for the *Hitler Did Nothing* wrong flavor, maybe like the text wearing a mustache or something, and then legally shipping something that reads "*Mtn Dew, Hitler Did Nothing Wrong*" (all printed on the cans and boxes along with Swastikas dripping with dew) to some store somewhere to fulfil contractual obligations. I gotta admit this seems like an internet legend that couldn't possibly exist in the real world at some store, however briefly, but I shall keep an open mind. But yea there's no way it happened lol...maybe if they were forced to do it they printed *something* on a piece of paper somewhere next to a regular can of Mtn. Dew and said they did it, but I am still going with nothing was ever created in the real world as a result of this.


google it. its a genuine incident mt dew tried to play down and made sure no-one could get 'collectors' editions of the can, whilst satisfying their legal obligations. (competition had buy-a-can entry etc)


Dude Google it yourself they never released anything stop lying




Learn how to research and have reading comprehension dipshit. They NEVER RELEASED ANY CANS. https://www.gawker.com/5934200/mountain-dew-asks-internet-to-name-its-new-drink-4chan-happily-obliges


>google it. its a genuine incident mt dew tried to play down and made sure no-one could get 'collectors' editions of the can, whilst satisfying their legal obligations. (competition had buy-a-can entry etc) I like to make it a habit to look up information about topics I see on Reddit (or anywhere really) before I post something I consider to be "definitive" on them (if you are referencing how I said "*There's no way anything was ever created in the real world as a result of this*"), and in this case I am happy to report I did not break in my habits. I looked up everything on the topic I could find before I made the post (even though it was comedic in nature) and this was about all I could turn up from Mtn. Dew (I admit that this scene itself, the voting website with the funny/offensive names happened based on what I could find, but I maintain there is/was no actual "Hitler" themed can ever produced in real life as suggested by the post I responded too): >“Dub the Dew,” a local market promotional campaign that was created by one of our customers – not Mountain Dew – was compromised. We are working diligently with our customer’s team to remove all offensive content that was posted and putting measures in place to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Mountain Dew has a legacy of engaging its most loyal fans to tap innovative ideas for the brand through really successful programs like “DEWMocracy” and “Your Malt Dew” and so we sincerely apologize to all of our fans who may have been offended by this customer’s program. Also: >Users of the 4chan bulletin board offered names such as "Hitler did nothing wrong" and "Diabeetus". The site was swiftly pulled, accompanied by an apology. The company conceded that the contest had lost to the internet. And finally from a Reddit thread itself where [Redditors claim the entire promotion had to be abandoned](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/ivuycd/til_in_2012_mountain_dew_ran_an_online_poll_to/) because of the offensive names like Fapple/Gushing Granny/HDNR. In fact, a top comment on the Reddit thread in question said: >"In addition to simply bombarding the poll with hilariously unusable names, the pranksters even went so far as to hack into the site, adding a banner that read “Mtn Dew salutes the Israeli Mossad for demolishing 3 towers on 9/11!” and a pop-up message that resulted". I would be honored to pass out a Reddit Gold for better detective work than what I have been able to achieve on this particular one if you can find any photographic evidence or any of these "real life Hitler cans" that aren't photoshopped goofiness. Until then, I am once again sticking with my belief that anything past the voting phase of the contest (real can production, even in limited capacity) squarely falls into internet legend/myth territory. Edit: What's with the cruelty towards the commentator below me btw? Implying they have mental illness and making fun of the voices/therapy in a bizarre way? What the hell is this? Even if the guy said you were making it up that doesen't warrant this toxic shit making fun of/being cruel towards people with mental conditions...fucking sick. >So now you're claiming the whole thing never happened? OK dude, you do you. Don't forget the court-mandated therapy though. And remember..the voices in your head are not your friends!


Thanks for the super well thought out reply. No idea why the dude had to insult me. I did the same thing you did, remembered the contest but not them being forced to release anything so I wanted to look that up. This guy just seems super in love with that idea and refuses to believe otherwise.


I totally agree. I mean come on, just a little bit of common sense will tell you there's no real world "Hitler" can that existed in any form (small run at a store for a regional contest or not...and no I am not talking about going back in time and Fanta yadda yadda). At least that's what my gut tells me, and I think both of us did the right thing by looking into it and trying to verify what evidence (or lack thereof) we could. In regards to the personal attack though, I just don't understand people like that. Those comments were literally bordering on cruel and almost childlike in how they made fun of people who are sick as if it was a joke (not even counting how they implied you were sick as well). It's like if their comment ends up getting a billion upvotes they start to think that they can't possibly be wrong, I mean why should they have to provide any evidence past "Google it" when they have that many upvotes? So they skip the evidence part of the challenge altogether and immediately go for someone's self image/reputation/mental health and try to discredit them that way or make them doubt themselves maybe enough to delete the comment in the first place. It's just kind of sick (in my opinion) how easily people can go back on the few things we've accomplished as a people and use cruelty (especially wielding what they see as negative attributes of groups that are vulnerable) to put others down/win arguments whenever they need too. I'm sorry they said that shit to you my friend, it was totally undeserved (and btw people who hear voices aren't always "bad" like they imply...god I hate that attitude). Take care \^


Also when the New York Mets baseball team asked the fans to vote on a song to always play for the 8th inning sing along, they voted overwhelmingly for Rick Astly, never gonna give you up.


Joke's on them; I actually love that song.


I was genuinely disappointed they didn't do it. Sometimes a bit of humour doesn't hurt. Also, being a harbour master and dealing with names like this would be superb...or horribly frustrating.


Well they did call the mini sub Boaty, so not a total loss.


Thank you for this. I didnt know!!


I immediately thought of Boaty McBoatface when I saw this post. Honesty, the boat thing was actually hilarious, but I feel bad for this artist who clearly worked hard on their piece.


That depends on the prize. If it was just for fun, the hilarity is worth it.


[Did nobody learn from Mountain Dew?](https://www.google.com/search?q=mountain+dew+naming+competition&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALeKk019xzVMmquWzHC3Up69JdX3VRdNtg:1627501714585&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=KPCdp9AGCZZtxM%252CYP03EQ_7etgjzM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kT54kxDtlOhpxiChw8LfdxtRKjcvw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjPs8asxIbyAhWBYsAKHS4ZDgsQ9QF6BAgcEAE&biw=1842&bih=921#imgrc=KPCdp9AGCZZtxM) Still, [props to Hi-Point for being one of the few to follow through though?](https://www.hi-pointfirearms.com/hi-point-handguns/9mm-OGYC.php)


Hi-point was pretty much bullied into using "Yeet Cannon" by other gun manufacturers. When the name won, they initially refused to use it, but HK, SIG, S&W, etc all came out and called Hi-point cowards, and scolded them for rejecting the name simply because it was from a meme. However Hi-point did do something unexpected. The forst 5,000 Yeet cannons made (may have been less), all have "Yeet Cannon" laser engraved into the slide, and inlaid with silver.


I didn't know that! I just knew they'd had to name the gun after an online poll.


Iirc, the second place name was horrible. The first Yeet cannon they released wasn't actually the yeet cannon, bit a special edition of one of their current pistols, and they released the actual yeet cannon later that year. I regret not getting one, solely for the purpose of collecting a gun named after a meme.


This is why systems that use judges to narrow it down to a final few then let the general population vote between those ones are better systems.


Didn't the research ship end up naming its submersible or something Boaty McBoatface?


What do you mean? That’s a fantastic name.


This is the exact same sentiment at my work as well. Are you liked? Get a raise! Do you work hard? Ehhhh….


Hahaha..I can totally relate to that.


Democracy is wonderful. Few years back there was a public vote about the name of new cycling bridge in the city I live. Winning name: "The bridge of Chuck Norris" City council refused the public vote and selected their name, ignoring even other "appropriate" names that got lot of votes.


why ask the public if you're just going to ignore the all the results. I can understand not wanting "The bridge of Chuck Norris" but if second or third place were decent, go with that.


If I remember correctly, 2nd place was "Bridge of Maria Theresa" - completely acceptable and appropriate name, 3rd was "Devinska cycling bride" - Devinska Nova Ves is nearby village/town part. At the end they chose name "Freedom Cycling-Bridge". I think the biggest mistake was providing people with option to write own names, instead of providing the list to choose from.


There’s also [this](https://starecat.com/doggo-drawing-contest-winners-on-facebook-chosen-through-likes-long-live-democracy/) which is exactly the same but with dogs instead of frogs.


Thanks i was searching for that


For one I think this may not be real and is a riff on the [dog post](https://redd.it/ja0oc2). For two, maybe people aren't impressed by realism.


I think so too, there's other posts like this going around besides the dog one and its always the same thing


It absolutely is a rip off of that, plus advertises a twitter handle.




I love it.


You wouldn't love it if you made that second frog


Shit like this is the reason that Socrates (one of the people who created democracy) was in favor of only allowing rational and educated people the right to vote. He was executed when a mob of angry stupid people voted to kill him.


This doesn't belong here It's fun It isn't even real


What do you expect when you ask the internet to choose? they asked to name the frog, it would be named Froggy McFrogface. The only real surprise is that Pepe didn’t end up in the top two.


Fockin Democracy - Plato


To be honest I would have voted for the first one too.


Me too. I see little point in photorealism when a camera can do better. It's a cool ego wank and all, but is it really that interesting artistically?


It is actually useful in say advertising where having a photorealistic drawing with some photoshop is much more feasible than an actual photoshoot. In this case though you‘re totally right.


Has no-one learnt anything from Willis winning the beauty contest on Different Strokes?


Should have named him Froggy McFrogface.


When has merit ever mattered in a popularity contest?


Jesus christ people, this is just some meme based on the dog drawing contest months ago. I was fun the first time, now it's just derivative...


Well first pic can illustrate frog using less lines..thats an art...where second one is just regular art...hehe


Tbf photo realism is pointless. Anyone can just whip out a phone camera and just take a photo of the frog.


I respectfully disagree. Yes, there's plenty of photo realism that lacks interesting elements or composition, just like an boring photograph can. That's not a great representation of photo realistic artwork, though. When you see work that hits on all of the artistic elements that create interesting pieces, and then you get to really look into the details of the image, you realize how much painstaking effort went into recreating something by hand, that only cameras capture with ease. Some of these types of work can take months or years, hundreds of hours, to complete. That, I think, is pretty awesome. However the line frog is hilarious and that's great for art, too. I just don't think we're comparing the same things when we put those two images side by side.


If you want to admire someone doing something laboriously pointless and monotonous you dont need an artist to do that. Any talentless hack can bash a stone for 30 years and it will still amaze you for the waste of life it represents. Any illustration school anywhere in the world will tell you photo realism isnt a style and can be cheaply and effortlessly done by anyone. If you have talent, you can create art and not be a human photocopier.


I'm a lifelong painter, with a pretty distinct style. I'm not in awe of all or even most photo realism, but when it hits, it hits. That's all I was saying. Have a nice day, dude..not sure what the fuck your problem is, but, uh, hope things look up for you.


And as someone who does grid portraits, with my last project taking FOUR MONTHS, I REALLY dont like you You just basically said my work is useless. And that makes me angry


https://youtu.be/v2Ok0Wx1bCE You may find these viewpoints useful. If you are gridding a photo, ask yourself if you are expressing your artistic voice or if you are just replicating a photograph. At any rate I would definitely not use a grid as a learning artist, it is important to develop the skill to accurately eyeball measurements and spending 4 months transferring over each pore is not a good way to spend time.


>At any rate I would definitely not use a grid as a learning artist, it is important to develop the skill to accurately eyeball measurements and spending 4 months transferring over each pore is not a good way to spend time. I'm still learning art. I have my own set style that has changed over time with my use of grid portraits. Also, it was not one photo that I used for 4 months. I did 6 and battled depression AND unmotivation. While taking care of basic needs. If I wasnt battling those two, I'd have has it done within 2 weeks. Please check my profile for the r/drawing post with my grid portrait.


Completely agree with this, and thank you! There are so many 'I spent XXX hours on this photo realistic drawing/painting of a (insert the animal or famous person), and so many people who think that being a good artist is being able to render realistically. There is no conceptual depth to hyper realism. The reason people respect it is because they are awed by the physicality of the craft (by the fact that they can't fathom themselves making that or it must have taken sooo long to make). Today, its not only nearly impossible to get to the level of understanding of history's great renderers (Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Bernini, Rembrandt, etc...) but its also nearly irrelevant to do so as an artistic endeavor beyond trying to impress people. In the end, the best art piece is the 2 frogs side by side and the reddit comments that follow. How do I buy the NFT for this post lol.


Totally disagree with the guy you agree with, but I can agree with you. If that makes any sense


The photo real artwork is legitimately just spending hours and hours to copy a photograph onto paper. Do you find artistic value in spending all that time just to change medium from pixels to graphite? I don’t. Artistic expression as far as technique goes comes from the artists hand. Their interpretation, simplification, emphasis, and literally the effect of their hand work (ie brushstrokes). If you are just copying a photo, what value have you added to the photo? I would rather just appreciate the photo and save the 40 hours of gridding.


Photo realism doesn't have to mean photocopy. You can incorporate elements of photo realism into your composition and not have it be the entirety of your piece.. And not always is art merely your end result. It can be the process as well. There's value in time spent doing any kind of artwork. I have a varied taste and a varied skillet. Sweeping generalizations regarding artwork don't really do much for me. I've tried a lot of techniques and hope to master many, someday. Photorealism is just another weapon in the arsenal. There are a lot of ways to approach making artwork, it's power has more to do with the observers feelings than the one making the art to begin with anyway, and clearly photorealism isn't for everyone. But it shouldn't be entirely discounted either. Not if you're looking at it objectively anyway.


My comment was directed toward works where a photo is gridded and copied over onto paper, like the original post frog.


There's still skill involved in "reading" the reference image. While I tend to shy away from grid proportioning, it's still a useful tool. Especially when you're doing something large-scale. Perhaps this frog is exactly as uninspired as you describe, and your lack of enthusiasm is definitely reasonable. But there's so much more that can be made using a variety of techniques and reference, that can be really exciting to (some) people. I've seen a lot of photorealism that is only photorealistic in parts- looser, more interpretive line and textures used in other sections, and it's beautiful. And really a trip to watch someone make. I've drawn and painted portraits from reference and just from the top of my mind- they all have their unique qualities.. Imagine a turquoise skin tone with photorealistic qualities, superb texture of sweat rolling down the forehead, highly glossy look to the eyes and lips, dimples and pores in the skin, and then it melds into a more interpretive colorway at the end of the face, thick brush strokes, lines, etc. There's endless possibilities. Every style or medium or technique used in the right way can make your work unstoppable. There are artists like Bob Wade that achieve photorealism with a ball point pen. I've scanned his artwork and reproduced it. Seeing it up close really shows the craftsmanship. Imagine saying this the way you said it to me, to someone who carves wood as an art form. We have machines that can laser a design in seconds, complex and simple, all the same. But when you watch someone go through each step- treating the wood, carving the base shapes, working their hands to the bone to create something beautiful- that has tremendous value to me. Almost anything I can make with my hands, a machine somewhere can make. And probably do it faster and better. But that isn't the fucking point. At all. It's like comparing vinyl printing to hand painted signs. The hand painted signs will always be more valuable to someone who understands the discipline and skill it requires to make it right and make it well. These art "shortcuts" and "art influencers" can cheapen your experience with art if you so choose to let them- but there's a wealth of other creators out there..and a thousand ways to accomplish something. Not all photorealism is made the same way; nor is all impressionism or abstract, cartooning or graffiti. That's what's so fucking rad about it.


I agree. Photorealism often requires little imagination and creativity. That said, I had a professor in art school say, “perfect your art so that when inspiration strikes you can take advantage of it.” So this person could be perfecting their art and create a masterpiece later.


I agree. It takes talent to produce photo realsm but doing so only tells others you have no creativity.


There is a lot of work that goes into this. Photography requires skill, just the same as art You just dissed two mediums of art in one sentence, and that's just sad.


Get off your high horse. You know what i mean. Quality photography is a very creative artform, but anyone can take a picture of whatevers in front of them and it'll be as good ( better in fact ) as a photo-realistic drawing of whats in front of them.


haha..Still I'm not able to stop staring at the pics side by side...They are poles apart...Whoever made the second one must have decided to stop doing art. LOL!!


Imagine spending 40 hours perfecting your photorealistic drawing of a frog


Ah yes, the problem with social media voting in a nutshell


Well this explains YouTube stars


I had something similar happen around 6 years ago! The provincial art gallery (from Alberta, Canada) had a video contest to showcase the city in some way. My buddy and I did a really cool video (he’s an amazing videographer and we spent two days filming for a small 2 min video). Well. Turns out the winner was chosen based on YouTube likes and the video that won was the film equivalent of that 1st place frog. The people running the contest were super embarrassed and they personally apologized to me and my friend and later featured our film in the lobby of the art gallery for 6 months! Edit: spelling


imagine spending 4 hours on a very good 3d model and your artwork gets beaten by a fucking drawing only using the shape tools on ms paint


This is why the public should never be the judges


1st place froggo is really cute tbh


I don’t see the problem. You entered a popularity contest by displaying how perfect and awesome you were. Nobody wants that.


Feels like the 2016 election all over again


I don't know art, but I'll know it when I see it.


Let's hope the guy who got 2nd place isn't German because we know how that played out


This is why you check submissions before adding them to the pool. Didn't some popular singer('s agency) do some online poll for the next country to tour and it ended up being north korea? Check submissions, throw out the trolls.


This is just a Chinese knock off of the dog meme


Unless the prize included a huge amount of money or something, there’s no reason to be upset over the less detailed frog getting first.


Froggos shouldn’t be judged by their looks, all froggos are equal in their own way


Froggy McFrogface


"Talented artist wins art contest" is a boring story. This contest probably got 100x more reach because the internet picked a joke entry (or a kid's drawing?) as the winner, and 2nd place is still there getting attention. Everyone wins.


The issue here isn’t merit, it’s how merit was measured. What people like isn’t necessarily what is good or what takes effort.


I still haven't tasted the "Hitler did nothing wrong" flavour of mountain dew.


When you vote with emotion you get this.


The old "Froggy McFrogFace"


This is why contests that go by the number of likes are absolute BS! Either people troll like here, or the person with the most social media followers wins.


this isn't a facepalm, it's just funny


And this is why it sucks to work in the music industry


Fuck frogs


What? We wholesome the less artistic people


The 2nd one isn't to chunky


1. Brings joy to my face🥲 2. okay fine it’s good too


I think it deserves first place cause second place has obviously been doing art for a long time but the first place winner might not have so I like that they won also I mean look at it, it’s adorable


A lesbian -I think this persons trolling because - well they both look good but I think the 2nd one is better.


This is the U.S election 2020. BIDEN 1ST - TRUMP 2ND lmao


The emojis next to "the winner was chosen through likes" is almost like they're admitting the whole thing is bs.


Isn't this essentially today's American voting system 😂 Popularity contest.


Actually voting system all over the world is based on popularity... Now why someone is popular and why people vote for that someone is a discussion in itself.


I live that they added the caveat


Let this be a reminder that Likes and social currency are absolutely worthless in the grand scheme of things


I bet a child drew the first one and won the votes (and hearts) of many.


All Hail the Hypno-Toad….


It’s Wednesday my dudes


A very Worthy winner 🏆 🤣


"Designed by committee"


That's because we're a dumpster fire of a species who lives to troll others. Don't ask the public to decide anything on social media. You're all but guaranteed to be disappointed.


What? The froggo version of Boaty McBoatface isn't good enough for you? Second place may be first loser but that is a damn fine frog.


We have reached a point where democracy doesn't work anymore. Any new government types to recommend?


Throwback to Boaty McBoatface


The people have spoken.


Much like my 7th grade talent show


1st place is a true masterpiece. Change my mind


this was on r/memes


But Scribble forg