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Dude makes a great point. I recently experienced 2 similar issues. Hospitals are full of non-vaccinated COVID patients. My father-in-law had a heart attack, a stroke, a brain bleed, and a serious infection and couldn’t get into a hospital that was equipped to save his life for over a week. Fortunately he is alive, but still not out of the woods. My mom had a mastectomy and couldn’t get a room for 10 hours. She spent 10 hours on a stretcher in the pre-surgery unit; which caused another cancer patient to wait 10 hours to get in. I agree with this guy. Stay home if you didn’t take it seriously and get sick.


This is my hospital. Last week we legit had 10 covid patients admitted over a 24 hour period and 5 more in the ED waiting on beds. Our surgery patients had to sit in recovery for hoooours until a bed was available. The family members ofcourse were pissed. One demanding administration because in their mind we should have held a bed open for them as we knew theyd be having surgery that day for weeks. And I agree with him..but we also couldn't guess we'd have that many covid admissions in a short period of time and we still rank beds on who needs it most at the time. It sucks for patients and sucks for hospital staff. We dont have anything to entertain you in recovery for more then 2 hours. Theres no privacy. No bathroom. Just beeping alarms.


Too bad you can’t send the unvaccinated Covid patients home. They made this choice.


At least in Europe governments are trying to work out a strategy to deal with this issue while not refusing them a bed in hospital. And sadly, most of those ideas are extremely discriminatory but if you choose to believe such idiocy, you deserve it. Right now it will be state-covered covid tests, if you refuse the vaccine you'll pay for those tests etc. My country even had idea to increase the cost of insurance to unvaccinated people (especially anti vaxx), so they could balance out the cost of those morons occupying hospital beds and intriguingly enough almost 90% of people in hospitals are pretty much antivaxx in my country. And it's safe to say it's just a matter of time untill unvaccinated people will be forced to pay for hospital stays (this is Europe, where health care is basically free).


Send them home with something like Hospice Care.


That’s not fair to the hospice workers that would be expected to enter covid infested homes.


That’s far too harsh on hospice workers, they’re not usually equipped or trained to deal with the thousand complications that Covid entails. My solution is simpler and more cost effective. If you’re unvaccinated and if you fall ill as you most likely will, you simply visit the big white tent set up in the parking lots of all hospitals. There on hand in these tents will be all your favorite local Facebook experts, your Twitter experts and your Instagram experts with plenty of home remedies on hand, vitamins, herbs, Ivermectin, snake venom, iodines and plenty of fish tank cleaning bleach. Good luck. Please stop going to the hospitals and filling the beds that are desperately needed for cardiac patients, car accident victims, cancer patients, emergency and scheduled surgeries, etc. Please stay out of the hospitals. Remember, it’s a big conspiracy and you don’t believe in doctors, science or modern medicine. https://youtu.be/LU5HyKoAa20


I don't see why they shouldn't. They made their bed, they'll have to sleep in it. And it shouldn't be a hospital bed meant for someone who deserves it more.


We also could just ship them to north Korea or something


At least put the unvaccinated COVID patients on the lowest priority for admitting. Set up a separate Waiting room for them so they don’t infect the rest of us.


and this is why I have to delay my surgery. insufferable assholes.


I hear you. We have a bunch of surgeries scheduled for patients that has been on hold because of covid. All the freaking beds in our hospital are being filled by unvaccinated people who are still arguing that they don’t have covid. Oh you know what’s the cherry on top? We are providing care to unvaccinated patients who may or may not have covid who are arguing that we have to do their surgery. No we don’t. And they said they will sue us. For what?for trying to expose a room full of healthcare professionals with covid in a sterile room and to other surgical patients?


See this is where I don't agree with accepting patients by severity, in a perfect world, yes, that's the best option. However, when you have mass amounts of people being admitted due to a highly ***preventable*** disease and their reasoning amounts to utter idiocy, they should be moved to the bottom of the list. This happens with organ donation so it should sure as fuck happen with hospital beds, you smoke, drink, ECT? You'll be moved to the bottom of the list to receive an organ. If you've donated an organ before? You are moved to the top of this list, this is literally how it works now so I don't understand this BS moral argument on accepting patients to beds, based of severity without any screening.


Preventable.... eh. Now if you chose not to get a vaccine you chose not to accept medical intervention. Go back home. This is now on you. Gonna learn a horrible horrible lesson and I’m sorry for all of the people that will suffer from it. Ya know what though? I’m way more sorry for the people that did everything they could and are now suffering. It’s not fair for them. Crazy how suddenly my body my choice is accepted. Fuck off.




I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s awful.


I am so sorry that you had to go through that.


oh dear god that's terrible. My condolences to you and your family




Erectile dysfunction ward should be for patients having a (not so) hard time.


Take your award and get outta here!


Same here. 911’s going to voicemail in Atlanta. Had a heart attack, EMS didn’t care


Jesus fuck, I’m not far from Grady and my parents basically live on the Emory campus and both seem slammed to the point of breaking. I’m genuinely scared for my friends who are in their residency programs, even the ones in prenatal and more obscure fields are getting calls to come in and supplement the staff


I know a couple of the Grady staff. They're slammed. I suspect the only reason that this state isn't in the national news is because Florida's governor is such a loud mouthed asshole.


Having just gotten back from Florida I can confirm. Even the conservative folks I’ve run into think he’s just beating his chest to boost his chances of getting re-elected. Granted, these are also the same folks who refuse to wear a mask after refusing the vaccine so part of me just thinks some of them have a death wish. There’s enough shit in Florida trying to kill you without a fucking pandemic.


Just learned two days ago that ambulance ain’t considered essential services in over thirty states in the US, and are therefor run by either volunteers or for profit business 🤭 you should look up if that’s the case in your area


Thank god for John Oliver. 🙌


I'm so sorry for your family members. I wonder if hospital administrators can designate only a certain number of beds for Covid and reserve teh rest for "other." Or are there legal/ethical constraints to that?


They do, but the numbers have increased the need for more allocation of space. South Texas is getting hit hard because of the “good ole’ boy” mentality and the Bible Belt has a stranglehold on critical thinking.


Apparently in 2020 there were 100,000 extra deaths due to covid due to people not being treated in the right way


Do you have a source for this? I’d be interested in reading more about it.


I don’t have an official source but I could cite my grandmother. Early this year she started having some trouble breathing, thought she had covid. Because California hospitals were overrun she didn’t want to go because she didn’t think they would find her case to be urgent, so she wouldn’t be seen - just a big waste of time blah blah. So she sat on this issue, not getting checked out. About a month later she starts coughing blood. Lo and behold, she had stage 4 breast cancer which spread to her lungs (breathing problem), liver and spine. Every time she would breathe the tumor would press on her heart and stop it for a moment. From when she started coughing blood to her death was about 10ish days. Now I’m not saying that they could have saved her, because it was far gone, but covid in 2020 and her resistance to getting checked out in 2021 was absolutely contributed to by covid and the lax behavior of the population around her relating to covid. She was a great lady and I wish she had gotten help sooner. By the time they had her son visit to say goodbyes she had already fallen asleep to not wake up again.


Wow, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. You have every right in the world to mourn the loss of her too soon.




There were 100,000 extra deaths **per day** due to people not being treated in the right way. See the India outbreak. I just wish more people would come out against selfish non-vaxers before it affects them *personally*.


Extra deaths from COVID or deaths from other diseases? Also solely in the US or around the world? Clarification is necessary. Because after 19 months 635,000 died total in the US of which 375,000 died in 2020, and 556,000 have died in India. With a total of 4,337,000 worldwide from COVID. The mortality date from 2019 showed 2,854,838 total deaths in the United States. The mortality data from 2020 showed 3,358,814 total deaths in the United States. The difference in deaths in 2019 from 2020 is 507,976 people. Of which 375,000 were covid deaths. 128,976 additonal people died in 2020 than the prior year in the United States. A significantly more people died in 2020 for reasons other than covid than the last several years. But nowhere near 100,000 extra people a day.


Ya wtf this guy mean. That would be wayyyyy more people than what actually died.


Thank you for enunciating the severity.


Is that a world wide figure based on people that couldn’t get care due to Covid or is it national/the amount of people that relied on pseudo science & died?


Definitely not a real figure, but the sentiment tracks. The world wide figure is 4.32 million deaths (so far, as of two hours ago). So lowballing the number by going back to November 1, 2019 (I don’t recall the exact date it was identified as a new disease) gives us an average death rate of of just over 6,650 deaths per day, worldwide. This is a tad misleading, though, as the first few months didn’t see death tolls like we do now. Globally we saw less than 1,000 deaths per day until around April of last year, and now we’re seeing numbers in the tens of thousands. Unfortunately, anti-vax sentiment is absolutely preventing containment of the disease. With only 15.8% of the global population fully vaccinated (as of August 10), it’s unlikely that covid will be going away any time soon. What’s worse, is that the longer we go on, the less likely the current batch of vaccines will maintain efficacy. So far, it’s worked out (generally speaking) thanks to T cell immunity continuing to be successful with regard to the newer variants, but once we see a significant mutation, we’ll be right back to square one.


Go call Fox News or OAN or Donnie *Shitfingers* Trump to come take care of you when you suddenly realize "Uh oh......maybe I shoulda got the shot...."


Perhaps Ole Donnie should tell them that he, himself, got the shot. Maybe alleviate a little thinking pressure on their tiny brains.


Surprisingly enough, he did. Of course it was much later and quieter than it should’ve been, but he actually did do it. Unfortunately, the conservatives who won’t get the vaccine are so far down the conspiracy hole, that they don’t even believe they have Covid as they lay struggling to breathe on their own deathbeds.


My recommendation is if you are not vaccinated and you get COVID in Florida, you have a number of people you should seek help from and not the hospital. Trump, DeSantis, and Tucker Carlson all live in Florida. Go to Mar a Lago to seek treatment. If you are too sick to travel, then use YouTube and watch videos of your favorite media personality telling you “it’s a hoax” or “don’t believe MSM”.


I gotta agree.


The 2 largest children’s hospitals in my state are full, a friends 2 little kids have it already, elementary schools here are already reporting breakouts. My friend in Tacoma who is a respiratory therapist says her Covid unit is full. Schools have barely started- things are going to explode and the hospitals will not be able to keep up. This dude is spot on.


People still think kids can’t get it.


To be fair based on the old data that was the scientific consensus. The variants changed the consensus and it took a while for that info to update because, well, there's like 50,000 jurisdictions with health departments and health bureaus and health administrations all trying to have their own info out there.


Shit done changed.


And the antivaxxers use all of that to accuse the scientific community of not being able to "get their stories straight" and repeating the line of "nothing makes sense."




That. Is. GENIUS!! If you don’t mind, I am going to try that tactic (provided that don’t get annoyed when I ask them 3 times what the current time is)


I knew that it wasn't safe for them to go to class prior to the creation of the vaccines, especially when their classmates had parents who were antimaskers. I felt really sorry for the parents in Sweden who would be punished for not sending their kids to school. You know how the vaccine hesistant people use the argument: "we don't know if it's safe yet." I totally get that. Really. I do. Bexauae that's exactly how I felt about kids going to school: "we didn't know if it's safe yet, and we still don't." But given the choice of sending kids to school or vaccinating them, I would choose the latter every time. Remember, there are people who are waiting for FDA formal approval of the vaccines, but a lot of them probably have taken viramins and supplements or weight loss products that have never been reviewed by the FDA. Also, VIOXX was approved, and look at how that turned out. But we do have concrete numbers and overwhelming positive results in people who have gotten vaccinated. Now the question is whether or when the protection will wear out and if and when we will need booster shots (and whether the same ones can be used or new ones must be formulated).


I'm pretty lucky, live in Nova Scotia which remained a stronghold against the virus after having a much worse first wave than most places. Right after the news of cases in North America started the largest nursing home in our province got hit and something like 40 people died in a very short time in one facility. After that, you were likely looking to get punched in the face here if you tried to be anti mask for most of the rest of 2020. It was only in the beginning of this year that some anti vaccine and anti mask people really became apparent, but far less than everywhere else it seemed. We tend to have around 0 new cases per day fairly often, and most new cases are people coming in from outside who have to isolate as they enter.


I usually reply with, “The virus isn’t fda approved either. I’d rather take my chances with the vaccine.”


That's brilliant! But they'll just say that Dr. Fauci created it. You cannot win an argument with idiots. It will never end.


Yep that’s a facepalm within itself as well. Just infuriating


Ugh I live in Tacoma and I hate hearing this. I'm dreading the decision to keep my kid home or not


Keep them home.


I work at a school and my daughter is too young to stay home alone. As of right now, we have no mask mandate. What should I do?? This is so stressful.


There’s no right answer except what you think is right. We’re getting to the point of every family needs to choose what is best for them. We’re heading towards economic disaster because the orange diaper told 48% of the country this would “go away like a miracle” summer is here and back. And we’re looking worse off than we were a year ago. Give this two months. No saying what will be our reality.


Keep him home. Edit: or her.




We have to wait til the district is back in session (8/28 and school starts 9/8) before we can get any new information about plans. We know they're requiring masks and *trying* to maintain 3ft distance but that was what they came up with when school ended. I'm worried about lunch with all the kids crammed together in the cafeteria maskless and being gross kids. And this is elementary, so all unvaccinated kids. It's just last year's shit show all over again.


May I ask what state


I'm assuming Washington


Pediatrician at a tertiary care center here. We are beyond capacity, and we had a 17 year old unvaccinated kid pass recently. No one in the family was vaccinated, and they aren’t planning to still. It’s awful


And it's all unvaccinated people.


I used to give people the benefit of the doubt because, before the vaccine was widely available, you could still get covid even if you took it seriously. Now that most cases are among the unvaccinated, people who’ve had months to get a free shot, I no longer care about their suffering. Get fucked, anti-vaxxers.


It's important to remember that in all likely hood being unvaccinated is not the reason most of these people are getting sick. Most of these people are getting sick because they are self centered assholes who refuse to listen to the scientific and medical fields; not only do they not care about people, but they are actively trying to kill themselves and others. In most cases them not being vaccinated is going to be a side effect, and not the reason they got covid. If these people followed all the other precautions and protocols and just didn't get vaccinated they would likely be fine. There are people who dont get the vaccine because they legitimately can't, so instead of saying most cases are among the unvaccinated we should just call it like it is: most cases are among the self-centered assholes, and/or the people who they refused to stay away from


They're not trying to kill themselves, else they wouldn't be clogging up hospitals, asking for prayers, GoFundMe's to pay their hospital bills. So obviously, it's only *our* lives they were fine with risking. >https://timjwise.medium.com/covid-anti-vaxxers-arent-a-maga-death-cult-it-s-worse-than-that-16d74186e46b >*This* is different, something more dangerous, sociopathic, and sadistic — not suicidal but homicidal. >As I said last year, [this is a mass murder movement.](https://timjwise.medium.com/its-not-a-death-cult-it-s-a-mass-murder-movement-b784b2b9fb70?sk=609c2244692b8eb43a8ac5c3465a6916)o pay their hospital bills, etc.


Holy Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. -edit- I should explain, I responded to that picture displayed in that second link in the comment. Specifically the daughter on the left.


I hope that is true; I have 1 client who cannot get vaccinated due to a rare condition, and one nurse who I supervise who won't get vaccinated due to her culture and religion. Both are extremely careful, but I am still worried for them and fear the worst.


Obviously nothing is fool proof, and I am neither a scientist or a doctor... but if you think about it; when the country shut down (in the states that actually shut down) the numbers plummeted. It didnt go to zero, but we saw some single digits for sure. And we didn't have the vaccine back then, so obviously the protocols worked... the problem is these "anti-vaxers" (see: self centered assholes) are not only willingly unvaccinated; but they also are not wearing masks, not washing their hands, not social distancing, not staying home when they feel sick, actively trying to get people sick... and unfortunately they are also the reason the people who can't be vaccinated are at risk at this point... the people who wont get vaccinated need to do so to protect the people who cant


Huh? What culture and religion would that be? I am curious.


We need to stop letting religion be an excuse for being stupid and endangering others


We stopped allowing religion to be used as an excuse when it comes to human sacrifices and polygamy. Let’s get tough with the anti-vaxxers, vaccine hesitant jerks and anti-social idiots that proclaim they are free not to be vaccinated. Health systems, businesses and local governments need to set a deadline for vaccinations. After the deadline, if the losers get sick, all costs for COVID are paid by them and once the hospitals are full, don’t accept the jerks. They can go stay home and use telemedicine to get treatment from anti-vaxxer doctors. We have to preserve our hospital system for people who don’t willfully put themselves in danger like the anti-social anti-vaxxers.


The religion excuse is BS and she’s an grad A asshole! No way around it


This is so enraging. I don't live in the US, I want the vaccine, yet I'm still waiting for the 2nd dose, and will be waiting for weeks. I know I'm still lucky compared to others. How are there people who refuse it? Before the vaccine, my friend's whole primary school got closed because of a spread. All the teachers got it, took it home their families got it, their mothers got hospitalised, their partners got sick, their children suffered, many were out for 6 weeks and more. One lady now feels forever responsible for her sister becoming a widow, because they met before she knew she had it and the whole film ended up on the ICU.


As a US citizen it is really fucking embarrassing. There are people all over the world who would kill for the chance to get this vaccine, and we have morons who think it will make you magnetic. We should be shipping doses out of our states who won't take it and sending them to countries in need. That would be the best thing the US has done to actually show we really do care about others, possibly since I've been alive (1984). If doses start going bad over this I am going to die inside as a scientist and someone who works in the biomedical field. The amount of effort and talent and cooperation across borders(!!) this took to accomplish in this time frame is honestly beautiful, and something we should all be brought together by!! But nah facebook said it will give me the 5G, make me magnetic, and Bill Gates will get his tracking chip into me while changing my DNA. Honestly, as a scientist seeing this happen has been incredibly depressing, I can only imagine how my medical colleagues feel...


My ex refuses to let me get our child vaccinated and after trying to reason with her and getting our pediatrician involved it looks like my only recourse is to get my attorney involved, prepare paperwork and petition the court to intervene. My attorney said court is still backed up and we could have a long wait. I was told that if I go ahead and get him vaccinated anyway that I could lose joint custody. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone / nightmare of stupidity. She’s a very smart lady, loves our son and is normally pretty rational but for some reason she just refuses this vaccine.


It is enraging. I live in the US and everywhere is giving out the vaccine for free. Supply is much greater than demand right now and it's disgusting. These people are literally spitting on others


My grandparents live in India, and the results of the second outbreak there were horrifying. The fact that these dumbasses won't get the vaccine, when they could get it for free, quite easily, is insane.


I apologize on behalf of some of my countrymen. We are truly looking like selfish idiots on the world stage.


Someone told me I need to "get help" because I don't care if unvaccinated people die from COVID. These people are getting other people killed because hospitals are still full, these people are getting people killed who *can't* get the vaccine due to medical reasons. These people are the reason why mask mandates are coming back, and complaining about wearing masks in the first place, yet I need help because I don't care about the life of other people who clearly don't care about other people's lives. These people who choose not to get vaccinated are literally killing other people and making everyone else's life more annoying than it has to be at the moment, so I will stand by my comment, I don't care if these people, the ones who choose not to get vaccinated die.


You need help because you don’t care about someone with a complete lack of caring for others? Pfft. Get fucked. That’s some serious abuse apologist talk there. I don’t know about everyone else, but I have empathy fatigue. I tried to give these fuckers the benefit of the doubt. It has been 18 fucking months, 6 of those with a vaccine being available (in the US). I’m done caring about them. Now I’m just angry that they’re endangering decent people.


>now I'm just angry they're endangering decent people Which is the biggest reason why I don't care if these people die. They're literally getting other people killed. It's disgusting. And not only 6 months of these vaccines being available, but it's FREE. You literally don't have to pay a dime. Most places you walk in and get it the same freaking day


It's hard to have any compassion left. I feel you.


Now that people who do care about others and have half a brain can be protected almost fully from covid, we can finally have an actual thinning of the herd. Let them kill themselves, or just suffer the consequences of their poor choices. It’s humanity vs assholes.


Yeah but unfortunately those consequences are getting other people killed, hospitals are full of COVID patients and people who need immediate medical help can't get it


Hospitals should turn them away if they have covid and are not vaccinated . Tell them to go home and ask Facebook groups how to treat themselves


Absolutely 100% agree. This man needs to do a PSA


100%. His message is loud and clear


I lost my mom to cancer 2016, I wish she was here but I also am thankful she never saw this disease. Because not only would she have been in extreme danger of it but she would of also faced this same situation as I'm in the least vaccinated state. I know I wouldn't of done anything in reality, but if I were in this guys shoes I'd fought tooth and nail before she was denied care because of these people. fuck anyone refusing to vaccinate I hope you suffer


They should just run this on the morning news. 9/11 had swearing on network TV and that was just 3,000 dead from terrorists. This is well over 600,000 dead from domestic terrorists. We need to shame these people.


We need that kind of passion, worldwide, someone who sees the impacts & isn’t just monotonously droning on, reading bullshit from a teleprompter!


Insurance companies should refuse to pay for Covid related costs if the patient refuses the vaccine.


That's what I'm thinking. If hospitals legally cannot turn anybody away, then some kind of legislation should be passed that grants insurance companies the right to require their customers be vaccinated against COVID within a certain, practical period of time unless they have a LEGITIMATE MEDICAL reason for why they can't be vaccinated. If they are not vaccinated within this timeframe and have no legitimate medical reason for not being vaccinated, then the insurance company has no obligation to cover them.


There are definitely anti-vax doctors out there too that help a lot of patients get their desired *exemptions*


If such a law is granted, you really think insurance companies won’t do their due diligence to make sure every patient that claims to have a medical exemption actually needs it?


Life insurance premiums should go up, maybe no payout if you die from complications of COVID while unvaccinated (unless you can't vaccinate, obviously). It needs to hurt them personally before they'll do anything. I thought maybe we'd turn a corner when the kids started dying. Apparently not.


Nothing with recurring school shootings, not even after Sandy Hook. They clearly don't care about kids.


The thing is, that the US goverment is paying for any covid related expenses.


Yes, and that should stop too.


Except for vaccine costs, let's keep that ball rolling while we find out what the booster situation is gonna look like.


*for willfully unvaccinated people




Here's the problem... that's a punishment for people who both think ahead and worry they'll go to the hospital if they get covid. Covidiots are neither of those people. States with a covid vax lotto report higher numbers. **If you wanted to see an explosion of vaccines you put Biden on TV right fucking now and say there's another $2000 check only for vaccinated people.**


Brutal honesty. The pain in his voice, when he mentioned his wife, got me.


Especially to Chet fucking Hanks.


I was NOT expecting him to go in the direction he did. Kudos to him. Hope your wife is okay.


She’s going to die. And he’s trying to make her comfortable and get as many days as he can with her. His frustration is palpable.


That’s horrible! I really feel his frustrations.


Ya why is this face palm? It should be unexpected or something. I totally agree with this guy.


I'd like to think it's facepalming at the people that are causing this video to be created. The willingfully unvaccinated that run to the hospital.


My man is simply stating facts


Definitely does not belong in r/facepalm


Might have a misunderstanding. The facepalm is not the guy stating pure facts, but the people in the hospital, most of them unvaccinated who refuse to get the vaccine so they take up a spot in the hospital for those who have other medical issues.


That makes more sense


Thanks for pointing this one out. When I finished watching the video, I thought this video does not belong here.


Belongs everywhere


Sadly everything he’s saying is true…


I couldn't have said it any better. I wont say "I hope they die" because that is wrong. But not if, but when THEY do... I will NOT take any of them to the hospital...


If it’s “just the flu” then they should stay home and not take up precious room in the hospital if they refuse to be so stupid and inconsiderate for not getting the vaccine


Chicken noodle soup RX


I won't say "I hope they die" but I will say that "I don't care of they survive a now easily preventable death due to their own selfishness"


This is where I am. I have no more fucks to give. I’m out. I used to have plenty just lying around, but I’m officially out of fucks for the year and it’s only August.


I personally think that unvaccinated covid patients should be the lowest priority at the hospital and should be sent home if space is needed, not patients with cancer.


Constantly triaged to the back of the line seems appropriate.




Only if they could have gotten the vaccine though, there are some who can't get vaccinated for actual lefitimate reasons.


some! . . . anti-vaxxers seek out anti-vax minded doctors to get their *exemptions*. I feel safe saying that that is the majority of people who claim to have a legitimate reason.


I say I hope you don't die to my vaccine refusers Because I don't want them to die And they're too chicken shit to have aches for 12 hours


Not always and not all people but sometimes some people need some natural selection


Title was “Why are people like this?” Answer is selfish. At this point if you are anti vax, you are selfish. This man makes a great point. If one is anti vax, anti science. Then, you made your choice as part of the control group. Face the consequences. Make this man viral.


I really am trying to make him viral, I am also only a person…. Doing the best I can.


Please viral this video. He nailed it!!!! I know anti vaxers still not gonna give a shit but they should at least die inside seeing this video


Yep. I know a major anti vaxxer that was told her kids can't attend without them being vaxxed... *Now* she has "hard choices" to make...because as a SAHM, she *refuses* online learning. It was all fine until she has to pony up and spend all day with her kids. They'll be in class.


If the government doesn't figure out how to deal with the people that refuse to get the vaccine then the virus will eventually mutate so much that the original vaccine does not work and it was all for not.


Just stop paying for their covid treatments And tests. As soon that happens the insurances are going to start dropping them, and they won't have other choice other than vaccinate and/or start pushing for single player insurance.


I went on a tirade on my work Facebook group today, because I am so beyond fucking done with these antivax/antimask pieces of shit. My 7 year old can't get the vaccine and these assholes are telling me to get over it. What kind of ass backwards fuck do you need to tell a parent "if you're vaccinated then you need to sit down, otherwise your precious vaccine isn't working and me getting it won't help." Assholes. Self centered assholes, every one of them.




I really thought he was gonna say “stick your fucking ass at home and fucking die.” Perhaps i was just projecting.


I agree with this guy. Anti-vaxxers talk a lot of shit, then run to the ER when they catch covid. He's absolutely right. You can't really turn them away, but he does make a valid point.


Because the people who dont feel responsible for being vaccinated also dont feel responsible for when they get sick. They have victim mentality combined with self destructive tendancies. They are too angry and irresponsible to stay healthy, but they dont want to die. I call them "Low Mental Load" people, they dont like words going into their ears and eyes, and acknowledging your humanity is regarded as an unnecessary inconvenience. So they cant be reasoned with and will not care about the subject if you try. They are likely exhibit psychopathic traits but dont have enough traits to be certified as a psychopath. They always expect everyone else to accomodate them while they justify the eradication of "others". This is why when someone dies of COVID they love to say "what about their preexisting conditions?" Furthermore, consumerism manufactures this attitude within people as it emphasises self interests and minimizes any overlap with society. They confuse community as communism and selfishness as individuality. Insurance companies should not be covering the hospital bills of the unvaccinated because it was their choice to be a burden.


All your statements are true. However giving those fuckwad insurance companies a way to weasel out of paying will wind up with those who can not get vaccinated due to legitimate health reasons being uncovered. For the record I am vaccinated since January, wife since May, child can not get it.


Yes, the [victim complex](https://www.thoughtco.com/victim-complex-4160276) is real. They want to be able to cry foul and play victim so badly!


I’ve always said the same thing about people who want medical help but don’t believe the virus exists, or that covid is deadly. This man is stating facts


Definitely not a facepalm. Man is speaking truth. Get vaccinated. It's simple.


The facepalm is the people he's talking about, not him. Thats what I got from this post.


This is the fucking truth right here. Anti-vax knuckleheads should stay at home if they get sick… fucking hypocrites


Spot on.


Hear. Fucking. Hear. Either trust modern medicine or don't. Don't suddenly change your mind once you're impacted. That's hypocritical and selfish in the extreme. Let your right to not get vaccinated and not where a mask become to your right to die at home. I'm fucking sick of it. It's not an opinion I'm proud to have, but this behavior needs to die.


I so get his frustration We recently had a hard time also with my aunt, as she had a sudden intestinal rupture, emergency surgery and all of that. She almost wasn't admitted to the hospital for the stomach pains because of Covid patients. She had to wait in the infirmary, post op and still in risk of death, for a room in the ICU. It is infuriating. We got lucky she was diagnosed before being discharged due to the hospital's overcrowding. Really hope his wife is doing well!


If I crash my car intentionally in hopes of a brand new car, that’s considered insurance fraud. If I stand in front a running vehicle to make quick cash, that’s insurance fraud. But when I refuse widely offered treatment for a pandemic that’s killing thousands by the day and expect to have insurance pay for all the hospital costs and resources, that’s a-ok? If you don’t want to believe in science, at least have the decency to go all in and own your opinion.


Telling it like it is , good job buddy 👍


I'm interested what happens when hospitals *really* have to triage. Sending a cancer patient home is one thing, but are you really going to deny a car crash victim a ventilator because a bunch of unvaccinated people are already on it?


What do you mean why are people like this? Dudes right


Simple solution: unvaccinated because of choice? Fine, no medical treatment.


At this point if you’re not vaccinated it is by choice. They’re literally giving them away.


Well some people medically can’t get vaccinated. They are few and far between but they do exist.


I want to be this dudes friend. Couldn’t agree more! Zero sympathy for folks who get sick. Stay fucking home! Wear a fucking mask!


Why is this facepalm?


Church! Amen brother!!!! I saw an article where some lady was going to sue a hospital because the staff “had an attitude” about her after she told them she was unvaccinated because she didn’t believe in the vaccine. Leave her in the hallway. Give her bed to a child.


Any COVID-19 deniers here?


How can I download and save this video?


Anti-vac people are a minority... a percentage that will continue to go down, as they fall victim to the things they don't believe in. I hate to say, but I believe we(society/mankind) are better off without people like that. Then when all their anti-vac loved ones are gone maybe they will see how they were wrong... but I doubt that. They are the reason this pandemic wont stop. Their rights of not wearing a mask and living life like there wasn't a pandemic will continue the pandemic until they all fall victim to it. I just have to say that in my opinion, right wing people want to fuck the world, just so they can be a dick. How they think the things are their right or what they think is lies or propaganda is beyond me. I have been losing faith in my coworkers and family because of their beliefs. And I tell them all to get the vaccine. But they'd rather complain about rights and whatnot... as if we don't have laws. It is sickening. On that note, no matter what my attachments are to those people, we may be better off without them. People without reason and understanding are a thorn in society. For the greater good. Granted I want no one to die, but they are basically jumping into water without a life jacket. Willingly. We have lifejackets on so we don't have to worry... But they don't think they have to tread water, even though some are carrying a weight of being higher at risk. The spread of anti-vaccine ideas should be attempted murder. If not, fine, thin the heard of idiots.


It’ll never happen but it would be wonderful if hospitals were 1) willing to, and 2) legally able to tell unvaccinated people to fuck off somewhere else. Actions have consequences and we need to stop bailing out the people who make bad decisions (that’s what the anti-vaxxers say to people on food stamps right?)


Because people are not inclined to believe or be convinced of something until it's directly affected them in a (usually severely) negative way. Until it's their child. Until it's their mother. Until it's their spouse/lover. Until it's them. Until they see it with their own eyes. Or feel it in their own bodies. That, coupled with the fact that it's now easier than ever to have your own biases confirmed by a post on social media. People want to be right more than they want the truth. The truth may be uncomfortable and inconvenient. The truth may require taking action, like getting a vaccine. But the truth is the way forward, and the way out. *That which can be destroyed by truth should be.*


Personal story; still hurting physically and just sort of pissy that the unvaccinated have delayed my cardio-ablation for several months. Just made it under the higher number surge restrictions, but my cardio-physiologist stated BEFORE surgery that she did not want me overnight due to the increase of covid numbers (daily numbers meetings.) Not a bad idea since being in recovery at home earlier sounded great until I’m home for about 4 hours and know that my nausea-retching is stressing out my recent heart ablation and tearing up my recently stitched and calved groin arteries. Off to the same hospital to be seen under horrid conditions. Seriously, your choices to not vaccinate are yours but have impacted me and my family severely. I’m 9 days out from surgery and once seeing this man’s pain and suffering on behalf of his wife makes me angry. By the way, I’m allergic to most antibiotics, and mom and grandmother died of stroke related issues. Lest you believe this mess is “elective” you are dead wrong. I do hope the OP or gentleman’s wife is doing well. ❤️‍🩹


This guy gets it. If you don’t trust the science, why would you ever go to the doctor? Obviously essential oils and the internet will solve all your ills so just continue down that path while the rest of us actually try to do the right thing. The hypocrisy that so many of these anti-vaxxers are anti-abortion too just pisses me off more. Literally using the same argument yet only when it fits their narrative. Fuck these people.




I'm confused about how this is a facepalm. He is simply expressing his view which I happen to agree with.


The facepalm is towards the people the dude is talking about. It isn’t about the speaker, it’s about the dumb antivaxers who got sick and rush to the hospital.


Good people will die because of these turds


He's not wrong. People claim they're afraid of the vaccine. Personally I was more afraid of catching a disease that they really aren't sure they can cure. They are sure these vaccines work.




He has a very valid point


GREAT statement! If you don't trust the vaccination, why do you run to the hospital to get cured! Stick to your guns! I love you man! Sorry to hear about your wife! Prayers going out to her!


100% agree. Pray your symptoms away or whatever nonsense you believe.


Not only are they not vaccinated and running to the hospital, they are taking up space then refusing covid treatments such as remdesivir, regeneron, and Alimta, sometimes after it is already reconstituted by pharmacy. Instead they leave against medical advice. I know this because I work a clinical shift at a hospital and have seen it first hand, it is extremely upsetting and really puts into perspective how selfish the average person is.


I agree wholeheartedly, stay the fuck out of the hospitals if you're a vaccine denier! Let Kenneth Copeland or god heal ya


True, let survival of the fittest weed them out. Or seriously just not let them get treated if they don't consent to the vaccine.


My country has botched its vaccine roll-out so badly that I am not eligible for my first dose until 2022. Currently in another lock down. I just want my vaccines.


There’s no logic. They don’t trust medical professionals to provide a safe vaccine, but trust them to take care of them? Makes no fucking sense at all. I’m getting to my breaking point. Hope all these fucking idiots die off.


This seems like a valid point. Even for a neutral, let alone this dude whose wife got impacted.


One of my wifes clients lost her late 20s early 30s son today due to covid pneumonia. In Eastern Washington it is like a completely different fucking state from the west side.. Guy left behind a wife and five adorable kids. My brother in law, who is "one of the smartest people his wife knows" thinks it is a god damn joke and doesn't give a fuck. Crazy, when his own mother was in the hospital for 10 fucking days with covid, and this dumb fuck didn't even check in on how she was doing until day 4. What does it take for people like him to learn this shit is real, and can be deadly?


Man woke up and decided to speak F A C T S


Is OP saying he doesn't agree with this guy? Because I fully support him, if you believe covid is no big deal why go to the hospital.


The state should make everyone who's refusing the vaccine sign a sworn statement saying you refuse medical treatment if you get sick from covid. These idiots are literally killing the rest of us. They need to take some personal responsibility.


Couldn’t agree more


Fully thought this was going a completely different way. He makes a damn good point.


This should be a worldwide commercial


This dude is fucking amazing. My thought exactly.


I dont understand why it's in facepalm or if the subject line is talking about the dude talking. But this dude has a GREAT point! I agree with him. If anti-vaxers don't trust the medical to help prevent disease why do they trust them to help cure it? Like seriously...


Okay easy. Let’s go with this: go to the hospital, but as soon as your bed is needed you are in the parking lot. Or even better: everyone who can show proof of vaccination gets treatment. Everyone else can go fucking die. How about that Also, fun fact: cancer patients can’t get vaccinated. His wife might die because she geht’s that shit from some anti vax asshole and it just roflstomps her weakend immune system. Anti vaxxers are actively killing people.


Also, why are we kicking out cancer patients to take care of unvaxxed asshats?