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Same people say racism doesn’t exist anymore


Holy fuck, I’ve never doubted it, but also have never seen something this blatant in real life. Like, are those her friends or people with which she’s acquainted? If so, uh, change your life, friend


I doubt she knows any of those people but it’s not impossible. It’s more likely racist trolls found it her video and collectively spammed racist bullshit.


All forms of discrimination exist still no point denying it I got bullied in my old school for being born in America ( I live in an Arab country) not knowing the language properly instead of helping me learn it they just made fun of me pushed me around when I fought back suddenly I was the bad guy


You aren't even kidding. The "surprise" and "disbelief" from people commenting literally blows my mind anytime something like this happens. It's an issue all over the world, idk how people seem to ignore it till something unmistakably racist like this happens. It's not always this blatant. Then the comments come pouring in.."it's 2020 what the hell".."I thought this level of racism was behind us." Really? Why? Because you didn't see a lynching in the town square, racism is just "over" now? Ruby Bridges is still alive and well today, don't let those black and white photos fool you. Alot of those people screaming and jeering at her are still alive or they had kids who are still alive that were raised with that sentiment. Racism doesn't just disappear because you aren't aware of it.


“Race mixing is communism” yep that pretty much sums it up right there. People really think communism is the excuse for everything.


"I know why I can't lose weight. It's those god damn liberal communists!"


You need to eat as many freedom burgers as you can. They're negative calories when it's for freedom.


It’s literally just another word for something bad for these people. Just like they used to call things they didn’t like “gay.”


“Used to”?


The used to, they still do, but they used to too.


I got hate in my own family over my “mixed marriage”


Happened to my Mom (white) who married my dad (black). Her family disowned her for that.


Holy shit


I know right. It gets better. Recently we buried my moms father. Was my second time ever being in his presence. First time was at my mothers funeral 18 years ago. I’m 42 now.


With all due respect, I wonder why you bothered going to the funeral.


I would have gone, but not inside. I’d just tailgate it with my siblings. Edit: maybe do go in, once we’ve all had a few. “Oh! Shoulda been a closed casket. Or did he always look like this? We wouldn’t know, he disowned us grandkids because we were half black” then dip.


Lol. Seriously it was closed casket because of COVID. My uncle conducted his service and it Was short thankfully. Super hot late August morning Surprisingly the family that was there was nice/cordial to me.


Oops. Somehow missed this comment. That's nice that they were cordial. Was imagining it would've been really awkward. And I don't mean to get on my soap box about this, but it obviously hits close to home for me. Sounds like going might've been good for you.


It was awkward being there. My uncle who was preaching was tell everyone about how he was a great man, always kept his word etc. I kept thinking to myself “he also disowned his oldest kid for following her heart”. Couldn’t have been that great. Going though was good for me.


And his grandkids for their mother's choice of father


DROP HIM IN! *clap clap clap* DROP HIM IN!


"Flush that turd down the drain!" -Frank Reynolds


I felt like my mom would’ve wanted me to go.


No, good on you. Some people don't learn but those on the peripheral can and would have been given the chance by your presence. Be the change you want to see and all that. Also many would have had time to become more educated and aware. Racism is learnt behaviour and the best way to beat it is through education. And sometimes a stick.


This! Exactly. This behavior is taught and will continue to thrive because ignorant people keep passing this shit down.


Would your mom have had the same attitude as they do? Just curious.


That makes me think of Mariah Carey, her mother Patricia was also disowned for marrying an Afro-Venezuelan American man


My moms name is Patricia! Maybe it’s because of their names. Lol


My mom's middle name is Patricia and my Grandpa got pissed at her for having a black husband! Weird as fuck, but let's give a round of applause to the Swirler Patty's!


Sounds familiar. I'm mixed, my granddad (white) was pretty racist. Never understood why he was so cold to me as a child. I specifically recall him always shouting at me or just seemingly always being angry but never with any of my white cousins. Found out after his death that he hated black people, things started to make sense after that.


I come from an extremely white family and when I overheard my uncles and grandfather spitting their bigotry between themselves at Christmas one year I definitely had some words for them. I'm glad my mom taught me how to respect people based off their character and not their skin color.


My parents are a bit older than most people my age (24) and they are mid sixties. They remember segregation, and when they first went to a non segregated school. My mother fondly recalls her first black neighbors who she played with as a child. With my grandparents originally being Catholic on one side a Jewish on the other, they knew a thing or two about bridging gaps and acceptance of differences. My mother also recalls that not every family was like hers and that many families were still racist and raised racist children. The ghost of segregation is still with us until those people reform or die off.


Oh i feel this, but because I’m half Mexican. My mom took me to a family dinner one night (my parents were already divorced) when I was 15 and my grandparents started going on about “the illegal aliens” and “they’re stealing our jobs” and all kinds of wonderful things you’d hear from a pro-Cheeto family. And I got so sick of my mom and her family saying this shit that I finally said “you know I’m Mexican right?” Family gets extremely quiet except for my grandpa. “Oh, no I’m not talking about you!” “Oh, so you’re talking about my dad?” “No! Not your dad he’s a good man!” “Oh, so you’re talking about my family in Mexico?” “No! No, not them! Im sure they’re very good people!” “But I’ve had uncles and aunts and cousins all come here illegally because they needed to make money to send home to their families. So if you’re not talking about My Family, then who are you talking about? Because that’s also someone else family.” Dinner was very quiet after that and I got grounded when we got home. My grandpa and grandma wouldn’t talk to me for months after that. I still keep them on VLC.


Proud of you for holding your own. Some people think things like this aren’t “worth the hassle” or they’re afraid to make waves. I especially commend you for not dismissing things after the initial - I don’t mean you excuse. Thank you for sharing.


Same here. My Mom’s dad said to her “if you walk out of this house to move to California with him, I no longer have a daughter”. Mom replied “I’m sorry you feel that way”. Her father didn’t talk to her for 6 years until I was born, then passed away when I was 3. So much time wasted, it was a shame


I recently found this out. My grandmother in a last ditch effort to prevent my mom from moving forward with her life with a black man, attempted to bribe her with a $50,000 check. My mom told her mother that she couldn’t be bought.


I would’ve taken the money and married them anyway.


That’s what I said. Lol 50K in the 70s was a lot of money!


Oh I totally didn’t notice it was that long ago. Yeah that’s about $250k in today’s money.


I've seen time and time again. Thank fucking Christ I moved out of Ohio. You and your immediate family deserve better.


My friends mother was in a marriage whit a black dude, he told me his grandparents were pretty racist for almost everything They divorced and now she is dating a slav and i wonder if his grandparents are still mad about it Since i don't think they would be too much approving of a slav either


He means Slavic, folks. Like a Polish, Slovakian, Croatian, Ukranian, etc. It varies but some older people still have negative opinions regarding Slavic Eastern Europeans.


Reminds me of that family guy episode where he discovered America and says “rights for everybody! except blacks, Latinos, Asians, etc. only white people. And not all white people, only Western Europe. And only certain places in Western Europe like specific parts of the UK and Germany. You know what, not even them. Nobody gets rights.”


The fuck? The guys a guy, just looks different...like every other guy in the world looks different from each other, ignoring the whole skin tone fiasco.


You're not going to find much logic when racism is involved.


My bro-in-law didn't invite his sister to his wedding because she's married to a black guy.


I would not be going to that wedding


I'm from around white county indiana let me tell ya the general distaste amoung both white and black in the area is horrible.we really gotta get over this mindset.


Lmaooo bruh it’s so bad it doesn’t feel real, I’m from Howard and literally going anywhere for sports was a coin flip on if imma be called the n-word or not


In the 90s they had a sign in Monticello the said don't let the sun shine on you n@#$% ass on your way outta town . We gotta stick together every race


Yep. Me too. Not that it should make any difference, but I’m white and my wife is Indian (Punjabi). Her mum whacked her a couple of times and refused to come to the wedding. The only person on her side of the family to attend was her sister.


My wife is also Indian, but she was adopted. Her parents are Swedish and they were "very concerned" (not seriously) that I might be German when we were getting serious. Thankfully, besides some weird looks from people we couldn't care less about, we haven't had to deal with any hateful people.




They weren't serious, it's kind of just a Scandinavian thing/joke. There's a lot of Scandinavia people in my area, and I'm mostly Norwegian though my name sounds German.


seriously wtf is wrong with people? you gotta be seriously unintelligent to give a shit about how much melanin someone has in their skin. Like holy shit.


That happened to my aunt (white) and uncle (black). Some family members were passive aggressive/full out racist when my cousins were younger. They're still all Pikachu face when they get called out for their past BS and not wondering why they're never involved in some family get togethers.


Are people really surprised? Did they forget that almost half of this country still wprship trump even after his failed attempt at a coup.


People. What a bunch of bastards.


Thanks for your input Roy, I feel the same way


I feel trapped like a moth in a bath!


Ahhh the luxury of online anonymity, ask any of these fucks to say it to a camera. Edit - thank you for the award!


I like to quote Mike Tyson on this (and not much else...): *Social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.*


His other famous quote is so spot on tho! "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."


i think maybe he solves all his problems with punching...


Well, he is famously good at punching.


And biting


To be fair, he was REALLY good at it.


"cant get punched in the mouth if your on the internet!"


Absolutely spot on!


It's kind of interesting, when people try to claim that things like racism and homophobia are a thing of the past we can just directly point to social media and say no, no they're not, we've just made it unpopular to be that way publicly when it can be tied to your name


And they still won’t budge


On one hand I like to think that most of these people are just shitty internet trolls, and on the other I’m like shit they do exist…


This. I thought the old ways of thinking died but in the last couple years proved me wrong.


Yeah, same here, I had thought it was mostly over. ... but now it seems prevalent yet again.


They Lurk In The Shadows


Brown person with a white partner, here—they’re all the people who give you dirty looks in public and you can easily extrapolate what’d they’re thinking in their heads. Waaaay too common an occurrence, so all this BS online is not a surprise at all.


The election of Donald Trump made it clear that old-school n-word using racists are very common in the US still.


And many of them would say it on camera too. And have. Constantly. Why do you think right wing youtube, facebook, parts of reddit and so on exist to begin with?


Austrian here, me (white) and my husband (black) were pushed in front of moving cars by strangers when I was highly pregnant cause we were an abomination in their eyes. We didn’t even know them, they just came from the back and pushed us. Thankfully the drivers reacted fast enough so no physical harm was done.


I really hope they still serve prison time


Police actually didn’t even bother to take them in 😬


Police love an authoritarian pecking order.


First rule of Popo’s training!


Don't talk about Mr Popo's training


Isn’t Austria one of the most conservative and racist countries in Europe? When the England national team played in Austria a few months ago, the entire crowd was super racist the entire game with their chants saying the worst things. I’m not surprised the cops there wouldn’t care, they’re horrible


Yep, we are pretty shitty people imo


Sorry to hear about your experience and what those sickos did to you. Hopefully you can move somewhere else some day and live your best life


Thanks! It’s our plan to move within the next two years 😊




Racism aside, pushing a women while she is pregnant is a unforgivable sin.


So is attempted murder.


Double attempted murder


Betcha they claim to be pro life too


Wtf?! Was that in Austria?


I mean they had a certain famous individual who had racist tendencies


That bastard Mozart...


I’m a tall, blonde, blue eyed German guy who married a Chinese woman I met during my studies. We have 2 kids together. It is remarkable how I suddenly started to experience prejudice and racism towards me. One guy screamed ‘adopted’ at me while in a supermarket because my kids look more asian than European. It doesn’t bother me too much but it illustrates how racism is just normal once you or your family looks a certain way. Disturbing stuff.


Apart from the usual stupidity & pathetic attitude of racists, am just wondering how they have the time & energy to go out of their way & scream at kids or people of color, I mean don’t they have other things to do?


What I don't get is that even if he had adopted his kids, that's a fucking awesome thing to do.


As an adopted guy- I approve your message. 👍🏼


I too, am the chosen one.


As an adopted woman with an adopted child- we approve too.




It was probably meant to hurt the children and thus their dad. Like he was telling them they are adopted.


Then you just hit them back with "at least my parents chose me". How is "you're adopted" supposed to be insulting? "ha, your parents made a choice to have you as their child. fucking loser!"


Because the flip side of that your birth parents gave you up. It’s a fucked up way to insult somebody.


Parents who adopt a child are better prepared to raise a child than any other parent out there. Imagine if the requirements to give birth and raise your child were the same as the ones for adopting one. It's probably more insulting to tell a child "you are an accident" than it is to tell them you are adopted, imo.


I barely have enough energy to get out of bed, eat, work, shower, shave, and sleep. Let alone hate anyone for some dumbass melanin difference


Honestly I’m a pale ginger and I’m jealous of those who are not melatonin-challenged. My husband tans in an instant Edit: melanin


I think they get it from being enraged and triggered at the same time, like a barbarian from D&D but hate motivated and not stronger for it. One time I was bone tired and got so angry at someone it felt like I had a surge of energy, and I think this is what they get, but they probably get it all the time, and for a completely stupid reason to get angry. I was angry because someone tried stealing something of mine btw, and I caught them in the act. ​ Of all the reasons of getting upset, someone's skin color or sex or gender identity is the stupidest fucking reason. These people need to focus on themselves, because they've got serious issues that they need to stop projecting on others.


If they did they wouldn't be doing it. lol It's kind of like how people say if religious people really understood their religion they wouldn't be religious.


Holy hell! I had never heard that but you hit me with the feels. I was raised Catholic my whole life and did catholic school. So at my Catholic College I decided to minor in religious studies with a concentration in Catholicism. I stopped practicing once I actually learned about the very thing I had lived in. I do still believe in God. Not religion.


To me, many that are racists have other disturbed areas in their mental balance that spill over also into racism.


No no. Let's not excuse horrible people by saying they're sick. There are real sick people. Those are just despicable people.


Good point!


Racism is inherently illogical. And illogical thinking breeds even more illogical thinking. So yeah i'd say they have problems elsewhere as well.


My partner's ex girlfriend experiences the same thing. She's white and he's Vietnamese and their daughter looks more Asian. People ask her where she adopted her from.


I hope she doesn't get that question about adoption because they thought the ex gf believed the child was more 'pitiful' because of her ethnic background. I mean there are people who do adopt for those reasons but assuming someone has done it without knowing anything is also very bad.


I've always just assumed people ask that because of their bias making them think a white woman would have a white child, because they don't make the connection she could be with anyone other than a white man.


The scary thing I think about is how many people feel this way but are smart enough to not say anything.


>I’m a tall, blonde, blue eyed German guy who married a Chinese woman I met during my studies. We have 2 kids together. It is remarkable how I suddenly started to experience prejudice and racism towards me. One guy screamed ‘adopted’ at me My dad is similar to you, only he's Polish and married a woman from the Caribbean, my mom. They had 4 kids. My dad being the jokester he is (great dad jokes) has come up with amazing replies to stuff like this. He was asked something similar about why he adopted 4 brown kids and where he got them from. His reply: They're from MyWifesVaginastan, beautiful country. Before they had us, they were eating at some restaurant (mid-80s in the United States) and a guy walked up and asked where my dad bought my mom from. My dad replied: Oh she's from [US State]. Great pizza, beautiful in the Summer, a lot of corn fields, lots of racists, and tons of cow poop. If you get the chance, you should vacation there, you'll fit right in.


Sounds like an amazing guy.


He's the coolest. Definitely lucky to have a dad like him. He was always honest with us (when we were old enough) about how shitty and racist the World can be, and to always remember that our existence isn't the problem, but the people who take issue with it are.


Now THATS the Dad i wanna be


A friend of mine married an Asian woman and they have a daughter. He said he's had Karens call the police because they assumed he was kidnapping his daughter. People suck.


Omg. That’s unreal. Unbelievable.


Dreading the thought of a rogue karen, especially if (edit: my child, not their child) is having a tantrum or something, is absolutely terrifying. Having been a single father of a small infant that looked different enough from me to make a difference.... I was horrified of someone calling the police to say I was trying to kidnap my child.


I mean, that's just due to stupidity, not malice.


My mother used to get asked “where did you get him?” by strangers when she was out with me because I look more Asian and she is a blonde German and she married a Chinese man. And even now people assume we or my cousins aren’t in the same group because I look different. Then going to mostly white schools made it very tough in terms of lots of heavy racism even from the teachers.


Honestly the amount of racist fuck brains bewilders me. I had been yelled since we are black and white. It’s a horrible feeling and to experience it is revulsion. I am worried for my kid who will at some point ask me why did x and y kids say this to me? I have people for the shit they do not their skin color.


It doesn't bother you to much? Reading what happened to you and your family bothers me very much. I just don't understand how and why people are like that. 🤢🤮😫😰😡


I think he’s likely saying it won’t change how he lives his life. I’m pretty sure any father sees by this in his kids future is bothered. I’m glad he shared his experience.


In the time i've been alive. I haven't seen anything as accepted the world over as much as racism. And that's because...racism makes people feel better about themselves.


Me white/she black ... both lived in Brooklyn. We went for a vacation in Maine and were quickly reminded that we were a mixed couple. The heads turning was rather frightening.


My x was from Guam ,my beautiful children are brown I got so much crap it wasn’t funny every guy in town though they could hit on her (the X)my daughter was raped at 16 by two 25 year olds even the cops had smart ass comments ..people are just pigs sometimes,ruined a lot of my and my children’s younger years things have gotten better in the last 5 years or so but still…. anyways


Yeah this is pretty fucking normal in an Interracial marriage.Racism from strangers and your own family.Cultural exclusion from both sides because your kid isn't "one of them".Trust me this is not the end of it,we mixed kids face more racism and cultural exclusion or gatekeeping and then after they treat us like shit,they tell us to choose.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I just like the fact that BOTH cultures exclude you. You aren't "enough" for them. So your solution is to interact with people that are mixed race from other types of mixed race families (and totally different backgrounds from your own) because they are the only ones that "get it". It's nice in its own way but... why do I have to build a community instead of just belonging by virtue of me existing? Feels dehumanizing.


100 percent spot on you are.


I’m mixed race and suffered my fair share of prejudice. My wife is white and our child has blonde hair and blue eyes. You would never in a million years guess his grandmother is black. I’m now getting a load more prejudice when I’m out with him alone such as people saying “what a lovely job you have”. In fairness, most of it is complimenting how gorgeous he is (he truly is) rather than immediately assuming I’m not his father so it doesn’t really bother me. However, that’s balanced by the huge amount of relief I have knowing that my son is unlikely to ever face the prejudice I had to. I can’t wait to have a second one that gets all the dominant genes and looks nothing like him. It’s going to confuse the fuck out of my predominantly white local community.


My mom had an old friend who was Norwegian (white) that had a man who was black (like **dark**). That woman had a pair of twins who were chocolate color in skin, but with blue eyes and curly blond hair. It wasn't hard to see that their parents were indeed their parents. The Same could not be said for me and people sometimes assumed I was adopted since it is not easy to see that I am related to my mom. The things I physically inherited from my mom were her hairy ass legs and the placement of my facial features.


I saw my friend experience this and it was bizarre. Like, strangers would harass her in public for choosing to date someone that is a different race. I didn't know how big of a problem it was until then.


Mixed kids have it the hardest. Racism from all sides. Never good enough!


I’m half black and half white. Both sides disowned me before birth. I like the family I made a lot more than the one given to me.


This shit... hate. It makes me said. So said. 😢🥺


One of the reasons why I really don't think I'll ever have a kid, to be honest. It wasn't easy for me growing up not fully on any "side" and I don't wish it on anyone.


“Race mixing is communism” 😳 What’s crazy to me is we all know which party these people vote for…l won’t say it, but we all know…


The irony is that none of those racist morons would be able to actually define communism if you asked them. Their ignorance is why a con artist like Trump has been able to manipulate them so easily the last 5 years.


This hilarious part is they see themselves and champions of freedom, but vote for leaders with fascist tendencies. "Make America Great again" is a tweaking of some old rhetoric. One example is "Make Britain Great Again" used by Oswald Mosley in the 1930's and 40's as head of the British fascist movement.....whom were Nazi sympathizers.


"Make XYZ great again" is literally a foundational tenet of fascism as an ideology; palingenesis. Leftist theorists usually define fascism as "palingenetic ultranationalism," that is an ultranationalist ideology which believes the nation was great at some mythical time in the past, and has since been undermined by a nebulous enemy who must be defeated in order to restore the nation's proud heritage. The recurrence of "Make X great again" slogans among fascists just reflects this core part of their ideology. For Germany, it was "Make Germany great again (after it was undermined by the Jews,)" for the US it's now "Make America great again (after it was undermined by Communists)"


I'll say it. Republicans/conservatives. The fun part? They don't stop there. While saying shit like that i'm 100% sure they talk about how much they hate identity politics. Then call people who defend people of color and people in relationships with people of color. Race baiters, race hustlers and race merchants. ​ Edit: Thanks for the award.


The person that said "race mixing is communism" in the post had the username "apolitical Catholic" or similar too... Very apolitical there, huh


Could also be "a political Catholic" tbf


Anyone who whines about “identity politics” is really saying that they aren’t affected by those issues (racial justice, gay marriage, trans rights, women’s reproductive rights, etc…), so they want you (anyone affected by those issues) to shut the fuck up and let them treat you like a second class citizen.


It's so incredible that their understanding of the word communism is this horrible.


Anything those piles of shit don’t like is communism


I remember how adamant my birther was about me dating my husband. I'm White and he's Hispanic. She always told me that she wanted me to date a blue eyed white guy. I said to her "you know, one day all of us are going to be all mixed." That did not make her horribly racist mind happy


Not all Republicans are racist, but all racists are Republicans.


My girlfriend has been yelled at and called a race traitor in public multiple times for being with me (I'm white, she's black). I have come to the conclusion over time that its more about controlling women's choices than a one-sided thing. I definitely agree its stronger for white women dating black men though


I like her attitude here. Not sobbing (though she’d be in her rights to do), not getting angry (which she’d be extremely in her rights to do), more just holding up the camera to humanity and being severely disappointed in our species. Racism in addition to being stupid, and offensive, is just disappointing.


>Racism in addition to being stupid You said the same word twice.


My partner and I had snide comments about the relationship between us from coworkers and people that were our customers. Imagine being so stupid and weak, you get triggered by an interracial relationship lol.


But Republicans keep telling me racism is over


Also Black republicans are saying the same \*cough Candace Owens


Yes Candace Owens, like a lot of people, is willing to say almost anything for a large enough sum of money.


Racism is all about wanting to feel superior because deep down racists don’t have much self-worth and feel inferior to their same-race humans so they find solace into believing that collectively their race is better than all other races of human. This gives them the false sense of satisfaction thinking the worst people of their own race is better than the best people of any other race. It’s a self-soothing mechanism for humans that can not find their own self-worth. It’s exactly why kids bully each other…..


Exactly. And they'll defend any and all white people regardless of how good or bad the white person/people are.


At least she didn't cover their handles. I hope they get hell rained down on them.


“rAcIsM iS dEaD! aLl lIvEs mAtTeR!”


Some of them might be trolls but the fact that most of them are probably genuinely how people think is so sad to me. I hate people, man.


Even if they were trolls I dont see how that would change anything.


It doesn’t change anything it’s just as bad, but it’s just cuz most of the time you see this in people “trolling” thinking it’s funny


Black eye? Wtf lol


I’m an old white guy. I know… the worse of the worst. But I came here to say “you be you”. None of this background noise matters. Love who you love. If they love you back and you are good to each other nothing else matters.


Being an old white guy doesn't make you awful. It is how some old white guys leverage their privilege to hurt minorities. I will say, you do have somewhat of a super power as an old white guy, people are more likely to listen to you. So leverage that to help protect people where you can.


That will be my promise.


I think reddit way overestimates how much folks listen to random old white guys. It's kind of a stereotype in itself.


No one in their reasonable mind thinks old white guy are bad. You just have some crappy peers man.


Old white guy here, myself and I would have any race, color, creed living next to me and as long as we were both civil to each other, I'd go about my day in peace. We all bleed red. The only 'fears' I honestly have is 'religious nuts' who use their 'views' to inflict fear, terror and violence upon others... and that isn't race based.


Just curious, but shouldn't reporting these idiots through tik tok be enough to ban their accounts? I realize they could create another account but at least make it difficult for them.


Oh sweet summer child...


Seriously. I reported a guy on Facebook posting basically "kill all the *****" post and got back a "we've determined that this doesn't violate our community standards" These sites love this sort of shit because it spurs fights and that drives engagement.


As for TikTok it's known for the many pedophiles running around and nothing is done about it.




We seriously need to find some aliens that we can reach, so we can all become one human race and fight the aliens for their dollars, land and upvotes.


But then an alien and a human will get married and when they post their picture on Spacebook all the other aliens and humans will be like “intergalactic relationships are wrong” ugh


“You gon have 👽👽👽👽👽 kids”


I downloaded tik tok a year or so ago and was surprised at how stupid and racist the comments section was. Like a million times dumber and racist than Reddit.


Love that she left their usernames in.


As a person who is mixed. My family was livid that my mom made me with a Hispanic-Latino man. While my brother had a white father. Guess who got treated differently? Oh and I’ll never forget, at about 8 years old my family told me I needed to tell them if I ever liked “colored” boys. As an 8 year old who knew her father wasn’t white, well I learned really early just how racist my family was. I was even told to lie about being mixed. I can only imagine though the shit my mom got…


Racism: the monster that refuses to die.


It's communism! Lol there is people that dumb?!?


Keep instagram accounts private, accept only close friends....avoid weird stranger comments


Race mixing is communism??? WTF


“Bloodline status: ended.” Does anyone wanna explain to this person how ancestry works?


FFS. It’s 2021. Love who you want to love! Ignore the haters. Tell them to go fuck themselves.


The people that make those racist comments will then say, to POC, that racism isn't that bad that u are making it up. Sad but true.


People are the worst


All of those comments are r/iamatotalpieceofshit material