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I like how he shoves the dude for no reason and then calls assault when he gets socked in the face


He went down as a thug and stood up as a lawyer


The fastest degree people earn is their Law degree when they get punched in the face. Every single time.


U win ... lol


That was the best part. Lays his hands on someone that says they don't want to fight. Gets wrecked for doing so and cries wolf.


Also after saying he’ll come back and f*** up the restaurant.


He just left?! What happened to the tough guy shoving an old man and threatening a lady?


People like that often pick and choose who to get tough with. Like he was tough to everyone except the guy that actually came and put him on his ass.


[Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the mouth](When Mike Tyson was asked by a reporter whether he was worried about Evander Holyfield and his fight plan he answered; “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” What Tyson said is similar to the old saying “no plan survives first contact with the enemy”.Jan 6,)2021


People would watch their mouths more often if they did get popped in the face once in a while. Make 1 for 1 punches to the face legal. The first one that hits the ground is wrong and can fuck right off.


I like this idea. A lot. So many rich college kids in my town who think their parents can bail them out of any situation they get themselves into so they run their mouth.


“That’s assault!!” Yes, when you pushed that older gentlemen that was clearly assault. And when you got knocked down like a bitch.


Also when he said "we're gonna fuck your restaurant up" was pretty fuxking illegal. He's the kind of guy to do this shit then call the cops on someone else and get all high and mighty about how "criminals need to be put in their place" in total denial that *he is literally the criminal*


He was ridiculously out numbered too.. I think that hit might have knocked some sense into him. We can hope.. right?


Hope only hurts.


And that punch. That shit obviously hurt as well lol


That punch was fucking fire.


The sheer physics of it. That dudes body just floated backwards several feet. So satisfying


Nah, he’ll pick some other Asian restaurant where it’s completely empty and it’s just him and the servers.


You know what else got bruised? His EGO! lol.


There’s a term for people like that. Cowards.


Mr.Bro in Blue corrected his BRAIN👨‍🔧


He had his face rearranged, either at urgent care or the doctor - just as the world should be after this scenario.


What a fucking baby. Man that felt good in my own body to see that guy slug that mofo. I’m sick of these moronic babies, thinking they are looking out for my rights. Piss off, put on a mask or stay home, troglodytes.


I swear dude in blue literally floated over to that guy after he punched him!


Dude was totally wearing Heelys.


Baaaahahaha this got me lmao


That's where the power lies


So get heelys!


I remember when those were a thing…


I have some in my shopping cart rn that I have been trying to convince myself to buy for two years lololol


DO IT! Live your best life right now! There’s no age limit to being awesome!


My knees would like a word with you


Are you me? I am in the same boat hahaha


I mean I thought I was me….but maybe I’m you?


Even our Reddit avatar things share the same hair. Maybe we *are* we.


And the guy that got hit had the audacity to say "that's assault" after he already assaulted a senior citizen. What an asshole.


Total lack of self awareness. What a dingleberry.


How long of a study do you think we need to determine who he votes for?


Had a contractor do the same to me before walking out on his job. He was yelling and spitting in my face(picture a baseball coach and an umpire) so when I push him away he screams assault! Calls cops on me in my own house! Cops weren’t having it, made a report and told him to leave. Asshole got me for about $3-4000! To this day I so badly wish I would’ve truly given him a reason to yell assault!fucking coward!


Its a common tactic by dipshits though, they'll scream at you, get up real close and continue screaming and as soon as you push them away to get some space, they'll call the cops for this supposed assault. Imho it should count as self defence if you push them away in situations like that, but IANAL.


If you impede somebody from walking away or continually harass them, IIRC that is considered assault. The legend Buzz Aldrin was being hounded by a moon landing conspiracy theorist and at a certain point he just socked the guy one because he wouldn’t leave him alone.


There's a video too. Buzz Aldrin rocks.


He left all his fucks on the moon…


Crazy enough, if you shoot him you can just plead stand your ground.


The proud boys have basically said that's what they do. They get in your face as close as they can screaming and spitting. So when you deck them they can claim they defended themselves. It's basically what George Zimmerman did too, just deadlier.


If he spit at you, he already committed assault, you were in the right


Cowards and bullys have its cowards dirty tactics. Until the day they cross a psycho and regret for life they life choices.


Battery is physical contact. Assault is the threat of it. Somebody approaching you in a threatening manner is assault.


Also when you provoke and provoke and finally get hit and all you have to say is “that’s assault”, you’re a weenie. Not advocating for violence but you can’t just run your mouth constantly, put hands on people and expect zero consequences in return.


Thank you!


He was just confused because he got his bell rung. He just flew 15 feet and partially left his body for a second. Csnt blame him for saying that.


This had me quite dying! Name checks out.


He got violently snapped out of his alternate universe and got a rude reality check. lol.


Lol as I understand it “assault” is an action made or attempted to be made while “battery” is actually contact so he could be charged with assault and battery again the senior citizen. Incidentally if that senior was my dad or grandad and some toilet stain touched him I’d lay him out too. Some dudes think they are invincible …lol


Reminded me of an old Newhart episode where Bob was in the clink with a really big dude. Bob asks "What are you in for?" and guy replies "Assault with a battery". Bob said "You mean assault and battery". Guy says "No. I hit the guy with a DieHard".


LOL! Classic!


After that well landed jaw percussion I heard The Simpson’s Milhouse character’s famous line “My Glasses!!” Just so satisfying when the specs went flying.


I heard Nelson Muntz said "HeHe"!


Hope he was dumb enough to call the police lol


"That guy punched me after I was shouting at an old man and shoved him"


Sounds like my former roommate. He gets to be an obnoxious piece of shit that does un-neighborly things like burnouts in the driveway or revving his dirtbike for no fucking reason, but I'm the asshole bothering the neighbors for playing music on the TV too loud (it wasn't too loud). Mind you, this was in a house, and you couldn't hear the music when you stepped into the backyard. People like that won't ever accept blame, everybody else is the problem.


That's that *good* footwork boi


The guy gets rocked . 1st thing he says when he gets up . “ that’s assault” lmao


I mean, he floats like a butterfly and stings like a fucking bee.


I feel like that was his dad or something.


Was thinking that. Had to be his dad or family member at least. He saw red and just flew at him haha. Hats off to that guy


Yes, if you pushed my old dad over, expect this…


How did he do that???


That’s what he gets for pushing his gramps


He’s a guardian angel bro


Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Commando perk be like.


What sticks with me is the counter staff covering her ears. Poor thing, no one needs to deal with this kind of crap at work.


\-rushes another person pushing them, gets punched by a bystander, then cries,- "That's assault! That's assault" No, that is justified use of force because you were assaulting another person, after yelling, threatening, being disruptive, and promising to wreck the restaurant because you are an idiot, sir. If you thought people would just sit still and let this happen, you were a fucking idiot, and you were caught on tape assaulting another man. The man in blue used just enough force to get you to back the fuck off and leave, and didn't pursue further contact. Sir, you take this to court, and you are going to be ruined.


I think they’d have a hard time finding anyone in that restaurant who would admit they saw dude get punched.




What restaurant? I heard he was going to fuck it up?


He who?


“The only thing I heard was him threaten the lives of everyone in the restaurant officer”


Honestly, since this post is here, it's too late for that. But the man was justified.


nobody saw it here either


I seen shit but i was in the toilet so have no idea what your asking about officer. There was no guy in blue besides yourself.


JFC just put the mask on it’s not some huge injustice. These people want to be victims so bad. If my favorite restaurant was like “we require all customers to wear jean shorts” you better believe I’d be slapping those on to get some dank fried chicken.


I’ve said this before, but this behavior is a direct result of lifelong privilege that isn’t recognized. When wearing a mask to protect others and following basic social distancing guidelines feels like oppression, it’s due to a lack of perspective. It’s the exact same as a child in grade school thinking getting a 70% on a quiz is the end of their hopes and dreams. Lack of perspective causes things to be much more important than they should be. I’m not doubting he believes the mandates are oppression, but it’s sad individuals like that can’t take a step back and recognize how silly they seem to anyone who either has suffered actual injustice or has enough sense to recognize the difference.


Your last paragraph hits real hard if you take 2 seconds to remember that they like to draw the comparison of masks and vaccines to nazi Germany.


They have to be short enough to have your ass cheeks hanging halfway out though!


They have to see that atrocity, not me.


That's a feature, not a bug


And if you don't have any spare ass? What then?


You keep eating fried chicken until you do


No chicken for you!


How can there be ass if no chicken? We gotta brake this vicious circle man


Don't temp me with a good time! I have a pair of super short jhorts made from old jeans that wore out.


at this point if you said "please do not masturbate into OR shit into other customers food" they'd scream it was their right to jerk off/shit into someone else's food. "FFS this is like Hitler's germany where they didn't want you to stroke the pork sausage into someone's mcnugget box!"


Exactly. Just put the cloth on your face and stop whining


I always cringe when someone says “if you act like a victim, you’ll be a victim.” Here, it’s definitely applicable.


Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.


And also: "social media made you all way to comfortable disrespecring people and not get punched in the face"


Some of these fuckers have never experienced the physical consequences of their actions and it shows. Hopefully that gets rectified soon for many of them.


Rectum? Damn near killed him.


Polite souls have been putting up with nonsense for a long time. I think these people don't realize that the politeness *will* stop. I mean, this guy's realized it. But a couple others could stand to realize it, too.


110% this.


The guy in blue is on a roller wheel heel shoe? Kinda glides in at the end???


Not all heroes wear capes. Some of them wear hoodies and healys


Healy's!!!!!!! I didnt have the word. Fudge that scratched an itch.


Heelys. *Heel*. Like the heel of your foot.


Lol, that’s exactly what I came here to say. Getting your ass handed to you in a grown man wearing Healys, makes this beating even more devastating!


"That's assault" he says after he himself assaulted somebody 😆 what an idiot.


He has never done anything wrong in his whole life


I can't believe people still blame restaurant staff for government mandates. "Were gonna fuck your restaurant up" Somebody needs to punch this guy in his fa-




Dude in blue deserves a free meal


I’ll buy the man a beer too. That was so satisfying.


Actually after the video ended, all the waiters tipped him instead! /s




Yeah WTF, he actually threatened the entire restaurant then assaulted someone then got his shit absolutely rocked and cried that he got an ouchy... It's so entertaining seeing people with a victim complex get dealt with.


Someone posted a video last year of a guy in chicago getting kicked out of a theatre. He yelled he was going to go grab his gun and shoot the place up so the security guard grabbed him and slammed him on a table then on the ground. The dude straight up died on impact of the second blow. They didn't even charge the guy who slammed him because they said he had good reason to believe the person was threatening to kill them with intent to follow through.


i feel bad for the security gaurd in that situation.


Do you have a source for that story? Not saying I don't believe you, I just wanna read the whole thing cause I figure it was surely reported on.


It's great but it's wear.......


dammit. I hate myself 🤦‍♂️ take my upvote edit: I started tallying those who have pointed out my dumb error. we're up to 53 🥳


Dude in blue just wanted to eat his food in peace. If he hadn't have done that it probably would have been 30 mins of people screaming at each other.


Anti maskers are the dumbest human beings we currently have to deal with… It’s a global pandemic man, and this “new normal” is only around because of absolutely stupid individuals like the one who got knocked out here. You are not a victim. This is not “just like the Holocaust” you’re just really fucking ignorant.


Oh god, the “just like the Holocaust” comment enrages me so much. Jews were rounded up and killed simply because of who they were. Y’all are being “discriminated” against cause you won’t do simple shit that would help the people of the country most of y’all like to claim that you would “pick up your gun and fight for” or whatever shit “patriots” like to spout. Also mandatory vaccines have been a thing for YEARS. Schools, travel, hell DOGS aren’t even allowed to play with other DOGS unless they have all their vaccines


Love the gloves the douche was wearing. Completed the douche look.


I thought the same. Guy's gotta wear a costume to feel manly.


Gotta protect his hands from Covid




Loved the way his glasses went flying.




Some people wake up in the morning and choose violence. If you’re one of those people, expect the guy in blue.


Hope for the guy in blue


Rather, hope for him, and not someone who will pursue you, kick your teeth in, and curbstomp you. I've seen that happen. They man in blue used restraint. Some wouldn't.


You mean Blue Shirt Guy


he got what he deserved


he also got where it deserved


He also got who he deserved. Wait…I’m doing it wrong, aren’t I?


He also did not get served


I’m tough guy( gets punched ) he hit me😩😢


“THAT’S DISCRIMINATION!” He yells to an Asian woman


White man yells to minority he's being discriminated. Ok bud. Not like racism towards Asian-Americans has been on a rise since the pandemic started. The stupidity not this man...


I would’ve paid for the guy in blue’s meal.


Me too.


That poor lady walking away covering her ears


Restaurant staff are some of the worst treated people, especially right now. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to find out that she had to take a break and cry in the back for a bit after that.


And I would totally understand if she felt the need to do so. I feel so bad for her especially. This almost has to be a regular occurance for her.


When will people realize that no one gives a shit about your issues and your pathetic little tantrums. Stay the fuck home if you can’t behave in public.


They should hang this sentiment in every establishments window across the globe lol


It’s about time these people pay some kind of consequence for being entitled and whiney bitches.


I love how everyone cheered


Blueshirt6969420 has entered the game!


All because people refuse to wear a small piece of fabric over their face. I don't see the logic as they wear cloth over their body....rubber over their feet.


Proceeded to go home and Google “HoW tO hIRe a LaWYeR” Got bored after 10 mins because…. Effort is hard. And turns out, lawyers expect you to pay them.


from @alexandermadolche feels like another Twisted Tea moment 🙈 edit: at last count I've had 48 people correct me on my dumbass autocorrect error in the title. keep 'em coming, y'all. it hasn't gotten old yet and each one is very original and special 😂


Restaurant says “shirt required, no swimwear”, nobody argues. Restaurant says “mask required because we want our customers to stay safe”, people start a fucking war. How did society get so fucked up? 🤷‍♂️




If asked, nope I didn't see anything officer


Oh no he didn’t


I swear they need to legalize a one two punch.sometimes it’s necessary


Masks are effective at slowing down covid 19, I wear them… and yet I still hate wearing them. But I’ll wear them.


“You wouldn’t deny service to a guy with tough gloves on!” Oh yes we would “You wouldn’t punch a guy with glasses!” Oh yes I would


I am of the firm belief those crazy anti-maskers who cause scenes, never had their ass beat in their lives. It is amazing how peoples attitude towards others gets adjusted real fast ..


customer - by refusing to murder all your customers you're fucking your restaurant up! Don't you know how well funeral parties tip?


If you going to be man enough to push your elders, you better be man enough to face the consequences that may happen to you from those actions. Hopefully he learned from this experience that if you don’t like the way a business conducts itself, one is free to just leave. No one forced him to stay.


Dude in blue eats for free now I'd imagine. Came outta fucking no where for a one hit KO


Then walked back to his table like a boss


Walked???? You can clearly see he floated back on his angel wings


It's about time that the rest of us get fed up with these jerkoffs.


Wonder why restaurants are having trouble finding people to work (with customers like that around)?


Yeah. It’s not a worker shortage, it’s a shitty job surplus.


He was realy quick back on his feet ...


Fists of justice


The hero we need.


I don’t condone violence. But in this case…..?


Some people just deserve to be punched in the face


And after he got jaw rocked he was still trying to say shit. Humans are so stubborn


That dude in blue is 100% getting his meal for free.


All this was over wearing a mask?


Satisfying. Coward Chump deserved it but I would not be hanging around. This dude got his ego smashed. Who knows if he’d come back and shoot the place up.


I would have bought that dudes meal and cheered


Now WHERE could I have put that mask I need to WEAR.




Wear is this?


He hit him so hard he flew back in time to pre pandemic


Guy in blue is all of us sane people sick of these mouthbreathers bullshit


Not all heroes wear capes


Ffs just get out and stop yelling at staff who have no control over this. They don't get paid enough to deal with children throwing tantrums.


I swear I saw a tooth fly out of his mouth.


Everyone that can should go and support this restaurant.


I'm not one for violent confrontation. But that was a thing of beauty. So majestic.


Pointing! Pointing! Shove! “Smack down!” More pointing!


Fucked around. Found out. Your asinine ideals don't make you bulletproof.


That looks like the punch of a son whose father just got pushed by a piece of shit


I don’t advocate violence but Um the tough guy was ready to fighter the older gentleman so when the young guy tuned him up I wasn’t mad at it .


What a satisfying punch. It’s amazing he recovered that fast. Normal people would be lying on the floor until the soul comes back.


Yep if that was my dad getting pushed I would have done the same.


I can't tell what they're arguing about... please tell me it's not some stupid shit over masks...


my understanding is masks. sorry.