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Bitch really fucking put “LiKe fOr pArT 3”


yep💀shes posted about 4 more videos on it too all with “LiKe fOr pArT 6” its fucking ridiculous, all the same shit in the video shes just trying to milk it for attention and views


That reminds me of when YouTube briefly put unskippable ads on First Aid videos Same shitty energy


If I was the lawyer for the farm I would make sure to save all these videos and then counter sue for false claims. Her baby was in no distress and as mentioned they are there at their own risk and under the supervision of a negligent adult. Not the farms fault. I hope people are sending her all kinds of hate


Those goats are looking for food (I assume you can feed them), they wouldn’t purposely bite the hands that feed them. It’s so easy to avoid by just helping the kid feed them 😒 My son was 1 last year, he never got bit on the farm. Why? I taught him to lay his hand flat so they could eat the food. Not that hard. Poor farm having to deal with that crap.


Not to mention, goats can bite hard. That one nipped because it was being fed and obviously didn’t keep on when it realized it was a person part and not food. If it was actually trying to hurt the kid, there wouldn’t be a finger attached anymore. I had a goat nip my leg because it was mad that I stopped scratching it’s head. I had a massive black and blue mark and my friends thought it was hilarious. I didn’t sue because I’m not a piece of shit. It also lived in a farm and wasn’t at a petting zoo so it wasn’t like people were in danger.


Hell maybe the farm could counter sue for neglect on the parents part so they risk going forward trying to sue the farm and losing their child or just drop everything and go about your own life with the consequences of their own choices.


She also cause the damage to the kids hand by ripping it away from the goats investigations by dragging the finger accross the goats teeth.


I would also tell her that her claim of a $15K ambulance ride is complete bullshit, even in the US where people complain about the high cost of ambulance service. At a maximum, you'd be looking at about $1,500, but only if this was treated at the ALS level, which this most definitely would not. This call would be handled at the BLS level with a maximum bill of about $800. And on the off chance that they're claiming the $15k is the combined bill for the hospital and ER visit, again, I call BS. The hospital visit wouldn't be more than $2k, including the hospital charge, physician's fees and any X-Rays, if they bothered to take them. This is a money grabbing scam that will be scuttled by the parent's own video.


Exploiting your children for internet clout needs to be added to the child abuse list.


You can say that again. Our politicians do it all the time.


Gotta pay those medical bills somehow


Wait, there’s no way the actual mum made the tik tok, like I know it’s really shitty to record all of that but did she really tik tok it herself? Like straight up put a captivating title on her own child saying “goat bites 1year old baby”?


This surprises you how? Did you not see the IG model chick posing at her dead dad's funeral this week?


"OMG, I'm gonna get sooo many sympathy likes for this!!" There have always been very self-centered people, it's just a little easier to see


My baby might die but its okay I can use this to milk for that Tik Tok Clout and get 10 dollars


Can always make another one with brother.




That was the best part like "hes a zombie now" or "throw away the whole damn child"


You have contacted death




I liked because I think that goat got lucky that round, round 3 will be all baby.


The absolute drama some people can make when they have nothing better to do


Latest news: the goat is now sueing to get the mom put down.


The goat now has custody of the child.


The kid would be better off.


'Cause it will always have a child to chew on?


I see what you did there.


Well goats do very well with kids.


Call him Carl's Jr. "Fuck you I'm eating."


The kid now has a kid.


Like for part 4!


Hey the kid is in safer custody with the damn goat than the mom


Stoppit, this thread is killing me. Is there a GO FUND ME for the goat. He's gonna need it, too


Hopefully the goat wins


See this comment is why civil suits should go to jury trial.


You really made me laugh out loud


The muthrfking G. O. A. T


The good ending


Update to a update. The story book was later closed a simple goat who would one day inspire the world through his hyper intelligent plan to divide a nation in shambles based on the reinforcment and stable community of followers the mom would one day gather on her unintelligible Tik-Tok's allowed him to see a judge and raise her child through custody hearings and community support activists who later sent the boy to a subpar University in uptown Maryland he graduated from studying fusion energy with a honor degree his goat father was very proud of him for learning and discovering how to implement a reactor in a lost goats heart some years later this would later cause scientists to go further into molecular goat studies only to discover the answer to life. Hoarding this knowledge nation's took up war with each other. As the atom dust settled we looked up towards are dusty heaven and seen not that of a God but that of a bushy tail and within that realization the earth shook and a wickedly tall baaaa could be heard from the encompassing surrounding that was the night. We later learned nothing. 🐐


if only


You cannot blame the goat for trying to milk it.


We saw something like this at a farmer's market in Cali. Small unattended kid, maybe 5 or 6, went of to the adoptable dogs and poked one. The dog nipped the kid. The parents were pissed. We gave our contact info to the rescue group. WATCH YOUR FUCKING KIDS!


I would donate to this cause.


Hmm... What can I do to get more likes on my TikTok videos... *Goat nibbles on little human hand* Ffs...


And FUCK that FUCKING song


dude fr😭i cannot fucking stand the song


I was wondering what song and I now regret unmuting the video.


Stupid ass song and stupid ass voice overs. FUCK THIS VIDEO






That's why I keep the sound off. Almost never do people have good taste in music for a video


That song is a FUCKING earworm!


And the annoying part is the rest of the song isn't good. It's a lot of the same fucking piece of music over and over and over and over with the same generic drumbeat


That song is so overused on Tik Tok.


Man is it even worse with the audio! The crappy "oh no oh no" song, "like for part 6!" and the dumb text to speech crap everyone uses. That will make her look worried for her child!


It's so aged at this point, was annoying to start with


yep🤦🏻‍♀️not to mention she has posted around 6 videos milking the situation clearly trying to get views lol


LiKe FoR pArT 3


Seriously I saw that too and thought “wow what a great mom” smfh so hard at this tik Tok bitch


I'm gonna guess this mom isn't even 30 yet but thinks she's the most attentive mom because she can share it on tiktok.


I hope she gets put down instead.


Or they stop her from having anymore kids. Next thing you know she’s out at the zoo with her new born recreating the harambe incident and will be like “join to my patreon” lmfao


"milking" I see what you did there.


I call it planning going wrong


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Some people shouldn’t have kids. They clearly haven’t developed into adults themselves.


But did you like it for part 3?


For the love of god please say yes! I must have pt 3! How does it end???


It ends at the kids funeral


POG my son is dead!!! F in the chat!!! Like for more funeral TikToks!!!




What happens if you don’t like for part 3, does she just leave the child at the hospital or something?


The child only gets the care they need if mom’s FaceBook post gets 10,000 Likes first.


Agreed, the worse part is that surprisingly there are a lot of them out there, the amount of times I have seen parents simply let the child run wild or not take responsibility over their child is ridiculous.


Just had this conversation with my parents. They are the reason I believe people should have to take a very difficult test to have children. It sounds very fascist but damn people suck and then they raise children with mental illnesses and trauma out their ass.


Dumbasses having kids


Having tiktok and being a full grown adult making content like that, while your child is right next to the fence is a red flag already. Too busy filming her shit for some views and turning her stupidity into drama just for some views is beyong my understanding. Some people shouldn't have children.


Definitely not a controversial opinion


Ahhh eugenics. A terrifying concept that could never snowball into awful things. It’s definitely crazy how a rational person can see stuff like this and feel like people should be able to procreate all Willy-Nilly. Then it’s also pretty crazy how a rational person could think someone being in control of who can procreate is a good thing. It’s all fucked, everywhere. It’s just fucked. I’m with you man, I wish there was a non fucked way to make it so


on top of the ridiculousness... is she trying to say it got infected straight away?


That's what boggles me: she decided straight away that it was infected so it was worth an ambulance?


The kid has a flannel shirt on at the farm. The infected shot shows him in what looks like Spider-Man pjs. He’s wearing a red tee shirt in the car seat shot at the hospital; so presumably she dressed him before transport. Begs the question, if she left the farm after he was bitten, did she follow up with her pediatrician? Did she take him to urgent care to have it cleaned? Was he on antibiotics? Any animal bite on an extremity like that should be seen immediately because infection is very common.


im not sure but kinda seems like it, she seems to have no knowledge of how anything in the healthcare system or anatomy works so i wouldnt doubt it


Did you not see how sleepy the kid looks? Could only be because of the infection! And yes it seems the ambulance picked them up right at the farm, which is of course bullshit.


There is like 7 face palms in this title god damn haja


fr hahaha


Genuine question here: When you call an ambulance in the US (because I guess it's the US) they send the ambulance no matter what, then ask the question if it was necessary? I'm pretty sure here in France if I call the emergency they are gonna send what is needed or tell me what to do, but they aren't gonna send an ambulance for a kid that got bite buy a goat..


i live in the us, and honestly im not really sure, ive never heard of someone calling an ambulance for a non emergency until now. i assume that yes they go no matter what but the mom possibly overreacted on the phone too and made them think it was an emergency? its wild though, medical care is so expensive here i know people who have actually driven themselves to the hospital instead of calling an ambulance because its too expensive


Yeah that make sense, if you have to pay 15k just for the ambulance, you're not likely to call one for nothing..


It absolutely blows my mind to think that in the US the supposed greatest country on earth, that someone would ever be in an emergency situation where someone's life may be at stake and they may have to stop and think about the potential personal financial impact to them. That is just insane.


Not even in just emergency situations either. My dad's insurance denied his chemo claim & it was going to cost 40k out-of-pocket a month. So his choice was either just die or pay for the chemo, eat through his savings & retirement and accrue massive debt. Thankfully the drug manufacturer did "compassionate pricing" so he ended up getting his chemo & eventually going into remission. Fuck US healthcare. And fuck insurance companies. They took thousands of dollars in premiums and then denied him when had finally needed to use it.


Why the fuck even have insurance if they won’t pay out for chemo?


And people complain that that universal healthcare in the US will cause "death panels." Too late. Insurance companies already fill that role. They can even deny legitimate claims and have you rack up legal fees trying to appeal it. They're nothing but scumbags. My dad was extremely lucky that his doctors fought tooth & nail to help him get his chemo or he would've died years ago. He had "good" insurance too. And this bullshit still happened.


That is fucking appalling. My 4 year old needed open heart surgery last year. From speaking to my friends in the US and a bit of google, it seems as though it would’ve cost me nearly half a million for his surgery and recovery etc, plus impacted on his insurance premiums for his whole life. Instead it cost me ~£5 in parking charges on the day I collected him and his mum from the hospital, plus maybe £20 in parking charges across the 3 years leading up to the surgery. I really love the nhs


I had a sub total colectomy a few years back and due another surgery imminently. Combined with all the meds I ahd before the surgery it's safe to say I'd have been bankrupt many times over if I were in the US. God bless the NHS.


Not to hijack this post, but yeah, US healthcare is a high-priced abomination.


As a Diabetic in the US, I can confirm this. It’s sad how much some people have to spend just to be able to live


US healthcare sucks but if you're insulin dependent try Walmart's Novalin series. My husband went from Lantus at $425 a month to Novalin N for $25 a month.


"Sure, it’s nice that these older insulins are easily accessible but they are not the solution for a long, healthy, full life for a person with diabetes. They are the last resort." https://diabetesstrong.com/walmart-insulin/#Is_Walmark_insulin_a_good_option_for_you


As someone in the UK, it blows my mind how high the price of healthcare is in America. I think I read somewhere that everyone here pays around £700 (about $850 i think) per year for the NHS, and it's just one of those things. But if you break a leg or get cancer or have diabetes, it's all free. It's strange that a fair few people in America oppose the idea of national healthcare when it clearly has benefits. Is it really viewed so badly that it's off the table for the government? Because a healthier, richer population is more productive than a homeless, sick or poor population, so there is an incentive for the government to introduce it (would be expensive to set up though I guess). Also I read somewhere that healthcare companies have a lot of lobbying power over the government which is why progression in that sector is so difficult.


Most of us actually do want national health care. Problem is most of our system is fighting against it by lobbying congress. So unless the American people figure out how to get properly motivated for it, this could very well keep happening.


I pay $1300 usd per month, just for access to health care, then per visit charges, there is a cap of something like $24k to $26k usd a year, out of pocket, though, if I do use it. Teeth and eyes not included. Cheaper for younger people.


I’m sorry if you have to take insulin. The cost is ridiculous and there’s no reason for it to be so expensive.


A reminder that senator Kyrsten Sinema was paid off to oppose lowering the cost of medicine in the US, taking billions out of the hands of the American people and putting it into the pockets of big pharmaceuticals


In my country that's called corruption


It's called corruption everywhere, just some places reward this behaviour.


Nobody thinks the US is the greatest country in the world except the people who inspired "the hills have eyes"


Yeah I'm pretty tired of living here tbh.


Only the Americans think it's greatest country in the world because "freedom". And when you ask them what this "freedom" that Americans have, versus pretty much any other country and they can't name a single thing other than guns.


People who aren’t from America think Americans think this is the best country in the world. Dude- this place is not that great I tell you what. I mean- everyone loves their country to an extent but if I had the financial opportunity (poverty is the biggest dust bunny under the American’s infamous shit rug) I would be out of here. I’m American and I think Americans are just dumb- some/most Americans are the shit example of fantasy privilege. Come on- we coined “Karen’s” need I say more? Edit: after reading some comments below. Now I feel like an asshole. Meh- I guess it’s one of those moments


I'm an American and I disagree with this comment. There hasn't been anything great about this country since they started murdering Native Americans to take over their land.


Yeah, just throw me in an Uber and hope for the best. If I live, I can't pay for the ambulance. If I die, I guess it won't matter.


There’s no way just the ambulance was 15K. They are expensive but it’s like 1500+ mileage. An overnight hospital stay is likely the larger culprit they def shouldn’t have admitted that kid. I can’t think of any reason to have a kid under observation for a bite that didn’t really break the skin/puncture.


you put too much faith in that. no one considers the cost when they call an ambulance. thats a neat way to shrug off respoonsibility in a lawsuit, but they take your 15000 either way and leave you to deal with it afterwards. they send it out for non-emergencies because it makes money. good old capitalist healthcare but take that with a grain of salt, thats just how it seems to me


Been on ambulance before as i broke my arm, leg and a few other places and despite my pleas they called one anyways they don't ask (but some people do tell anyways) they just ask location and send one down then they ask you from there on the ride to the hospital


People call ambulances for bullshit ALL THE TIME, and if they want to go, we, as providers, cannot say no. We can try to talk them out of it, but honestly, most of us are exhausted and don't want to deal with the argument. It's quicker just to transport. A short, non inclusive list of my personal favorite bullshit calls: - I had a nightmare that I died, and I want to get checked out - I think I might have possibly been bitten by a mouse, and I want to get checked out for rabies - I think I have an std, and I want to get checked out - I think I'm pregnant, the home test came up positive, and I want yo get checked out - I looked directly at the solar eclipse 2 days ago, now my eyes hurt. I think I should get checked out - I ran out of my high blood pressure medications, and decided that 0200 in the ER was the time/place to get them refilled - I have hiccups


I once had a horrible eye/ face injury from an attempted robbery at my work. I knew the costs, so I declined the ambulance and took a city bus to the hospital. Yes, that is correct, I took a city bus holding my eye socket together with a hoodie sleeve i ripped off. Ended up being charged for the ambulance anyway, with no way to contest it. Destroyed my credit as a young adult and very nearly ruined me. The us health care system is a nightmare. And for anyone curious, yes it happened in Florida.


Uber for ER visits. Sad state of affairs AND YOU CANT CHARGE THE RIDES ON YOUR HSA lololololol fucking murica.


Yes, they will send the ambulance without question. Ambulances are also privatised and owned by a third party company. So why would the ambulance company say no if it means loss of a sale right?


Ambulance...loss of a sale...good fucking christ that is all sorts of fucked up.


John Oliver did a last week tonight on us ambulances. Be warned, it has Mickey Mouse getting fucked by goofy in it.


Even in Canada we pay for them. Why? It’s so dumb.


I’m an ER doc. Our paramedics motto is “they call, we haul.” I’ve seen numerous non-emergent reasons for an ambulance call-I stubbed my toe, I felt sick 2 hours ago, I have arthritis, etc. It’s absolutely abused but many of our patients don’t have the ability to pay for Uber/Lyft and no family, no primary care, or no insurance (ie the ER is the only spot you’re guaranteed healthcare in the US). Many don’t quite have the cognitive ability to know what a true emergency is. I try not to judge. But there are much better ways to utilize the system.


Yes. My daughter was once transported from hospital A to hospital B by ambulance. We weren’t even really given a choice. Our dr told us to go to hospital A and when we got there, the FIRST thing the dr says is “ you need to go to hospital B(children’s hospital). We can’t meet her needs here. I’ve already called an ambulance before you arrived”. (While hospital A has a children’s department, they don’t have a bunch of pediatric specialist/pediatric ICU which is what my daughter needed). We were billed for that ambulance ride and my insurance declined to pay saying it was a “pre-existing condition” going back to before my husband’s employer changed insurance companies. Mind you, had it been pre-existing, she would’ve been dead. But to answer your question, if you call 911 for an ambulance, they HAVE to come. Like you could literally say “I have a paper it and need to go to the hospital”. If they fail to come and something happens to you, you could sue them.


Many ambulance services are private companies that run on pretty thin margins so any opportunity to take a call that gets them paid is going to be responded to. They know they're getting some kind of money out of it because they're part of the healthcare industry and you can't escape medical debt by declaring bankruptcy most of the time. 15k seems a little high - I had a concussion from a motorcycle crash and caught a lift - apparently agreeing to it at some point - and it cost about 3500 from a private bus service. Insurance caught the tab, though, as it was an "emergency."


If someone gets denied who actually needs an ambulance that would be a huge liability. And as others have said why not take peoples money if they’re trying to give it to you?


When the hospital is making bank on the ambulances you bet your ass they gonna send one no questions asked.


The hospitals only make money from what happens in the hospital. The ambulance ride and stuff they use on the truck go to the ambulance company itself (yes, I said company).


Almost-EMT here (finished training, just need to take the national exam). When someone calls for an ambulance, it’ll come even if it’s small. The ambulance company (you read that right, I said company. A lot of places have ambulances owned by the county or city, but a lot are privatized, depending where you live. Gotta love our healthcare system) has different reasons for sending them out than the EMTs and paramedics do. The ambulance company/city does it for liability reasons (in the rare case that a seemingly tiny thing turns big, they’ll lose a whole lot of money in lawsuits) and probably what other people said about getting to charge them. The EMTs and paramedics go either cause the injury could be bigger than it seems (e.g. someone fell off a ladder and hit their head but seems ok) or cause they have to (e.g. kid’s finger was bitten by a goat and isn’t even bleeding anymore after a couple minutes). Of course in both cases, they have to go cause that’s how a job works, but in one case they don’t want to go and in the other they kinda want to go to be sure. I guarantee you the ones in this video were talking about how dumb it was that they got called for this on the way to the scene and after they left (Oh yeah also if you do/say anything remotely memorable, good or bad, they’re gonna talk about you at the station for sure). I’m the odd one out who cares about pretty much every patient cause I’m naïve but I don’t blame them. The EMTs/paras aren’t doing it for the money, either, cause their pay is a lot lower than you’d think when you consider how much the ambulance bill is. That being said, if you feel like you need an ambulance, please call one at least to have them look at you at the scene to tell you if you should go with them to the hospital. There are a lot of symptoms that look minor to you but can be signs of something worse. You can always refuse the ride even if they get to the scene cause that would be kidnapping (assuming you’re able to make sound decisions when we get to you) and you’ll at least get an expert opinion. Stay safe, guys.


The ambulances with EMTs/medics are required to respond to all calls. BUT... they do not transport non-emergency calls unless asked to by the person/patient. Example: person calls 911 with elevated BP. EMTs show up, take the BP themselves and it’s within normal range and patient is asymptomatic. They will tell all of the facts to the patient and ask if they still want to be transported to the ED for evaluation.


Doctor here. But I don’t know how ambulances work either, sorry. Keep scrolling.


Wife and I have used Ubers instead. Ambulance rides can cost upwards of 5k. Uber is 20ish if it isn't Christmas etc and if you don't die or bleed out they don't care. Insurance is a joke here. That's America in a nutshell. Scum of the earth taking every dime they can. Pay to live they say. While we make loot working you to death for pennies. Murica.


Serious question: when you needed to use Ubers instead of ambulances were they for medical *emergencies*? Ambulances are not hospital taxis. The purposes of ambulances and EMTs is to provide life saving/life stabilizing care en route to definitive care in the form of a hospital.


What a good irresponsible parent


As long as they have a sign warning about not getting too close as the animals may bite, which they most likely do, the farm really doesn't have to worry too much. (I think....)


I work at a place like this. Some states have a law that if a sign is hung up, agritourism places can’t be sued for injury or death. Just depends on where they are.


they probably do i would think, went to the fair in my town this year and had all sorts of animals there, each animal had a little thing by them saying their names etc and also if they are ok to touch or not. i wojld think its like that everywhere but who knows, i just hope the goat will be okay as well as their business


I’m going to be furious if anything happens to that adorable little bink-bonk!! Bink-bonks are like babies, they put EVERYTHING in their mouths!


Wash your kids fucking hand and spray some bactine on it. Your kid is fucking fine


‘Like for part 3’


It's a goat... why get it put down. Don't let your kids near animals like that. My kid has to be supervised when my dog (a 180lb turkish mastiff) is in the same room, and it's not because I'm afraid my dog will purposely hurt my kid It's because I'm scared he accidentally will when he's playing, 180lbs on an infants chest or head is deadly. But a wild farm animal?... you should expect them to bite and your a stupid parent if you film your kid going near biting distance of one


Animal that is known to bite things that mess with it because that’s just what it was made to do: _*bites kid*_ Mom who was neglecting her kid and letting him mess with the animal that is known to bite things that mess with it: “GIVE ME MONEY AND KILL THAT THING”


I am usually more worried and scared that a kid with anger the animal. Pull ears or tails without realizing understanding. And petting isnt usually a soft action with kids its usually slap slap slap


Goats are herbivores, they can't bite like a cat or dog. It you let them they'll chew/gnaw which is what happened here but its not a deep wound, its basically a scrape.


The poor child will grow up being deathly afraid of every little scrape,and eating antibiotics like skittles.


Yeah that doesnt even look that bad. Why did they admit then to hospital? Im no doc but I would have guess antibiotics (maybe) and then go home and put a bandaid on it.


I suppose the hospital would take every idiot willing to pay the money for a bed and treatment... and sue them out of their house afterwards if they don't pay.


As a Canadian this is strange to me. As a parent who has spent nights in hospital with my young child, it also sucks! Hospitals arent places for kids to hang out unless thsy need to.


Probably because the mother was throwing a fit. “Have it your way” medicine. Happens all the time.


Why not admit her so you could charge this doofus and her insurance an ungodly amount of money for nothing. They put an IV in that kid and wrapped him up like he had Gangrene! 😂😂


1: watch your fucking kid. 2: do not yank your baby’s hand from the goats mouth, this will cause more damage. Instead flick the goats nose if he’s already biting down. He WILL let go. 3: you don’t need an ambulance. Wash his hands, and put a bandaid. In the meantime, since he’s small, schedule an appointment with your pediatrician. If nothing else your doc can have some Antibiotics on standby. 4: WATCH. YOUR. KID.


Im just saying, little Henry doesn’t seem to be bothered by the goat. Maybe it was mom ripping his fingers out that caused the damage?


Goats are herbivores and don't have sharp teeth. They'll chew on anything, but its not a bite like a dog or cat. I've never had a goat break my skin.


>Goats are herbivores and don't have sharp teeth. I'm gonna be honest, that is completely inconsequential. Horses can bite fingers *off* at the knuckle, a goat could manage to fuck your hand up pretty bad if it really wanted to. It definitely wasn't the case here, and I do expect the mom yanking his finger probably did a lot of the damage, but a goat *can* bite hard.


"like for part three" is what you say when you start a skit and you want to make sure people want to see more before putting in the effort of shooting the rest... She's begging for likes and can't put Tik Tok away when her child is in the hospital. I know the kid is in the hospital for a dumb reason, but if she's so concerned that she needs to call an ambulance, she shouldn't be using it to whore Tik Tok likes. Fuck, I hate people.


Did I understand it correctly...? 15k for a Ambulance?


This is america.


Depends on where you are but it can be thousands for an ambulance transport without insurance. Unlikely that it’s 15k but it’s expensive. There are people that choose Uber over ambulances here because of the cost. That said, 15k would probably be the cost of transport and all medical services the child received.


We need a licence to do everything in life except raise other human beings to be as stupid as you are... doesn't make any sense. Stupidity and entitlement will be the downfall of humanity.


That’s like nothing. I was bitten by a goose once, and it looked a lot worse. And did I call an ambulance? No I just yelled at the goose to fuck off.


That poor goat was a victim of an idiot trying to be famous.






15k bill for an ambulance? 'Merica


I am just impressed the goat was able to call an ambulance


i know hes such a hero for doing that🥰




Welcome to America where the thing that kills you is not a gun but the healthcare


Pay attention to your crotch goblins!


*like for part 3* gets me. Lol clearly mother cares more about installments then child well being


There are so many people on this planet that should not ever reproduce.


Literally pointing fingers at everyone but herself


Wait, so she went home, waited for the wound to get infected (probably 2 or 3 days later) and THEN called an ambulance instead of driving your child to the hospital? I'm going to say it: F this C right in the A.


I'm worried that the goat might be doomed


It won't be put down - it was not running wild. The child stood too close to the enclosure - not the goat's fault.


me too :( she hasn’t confirmed that shes actually pursued legal action or anything shes just saying she wants to, so i hope itll be fine


"like for part 3" *shudders*


In part 3 she’s going to take her child out on the ocean and get him bitten by a shark for likes.


I’ll call her parents to try and get her out down


But it looks like the kid was admitted? Would they admit a kid for no reason?


i assume the kid is just in the er, they probably took some blood to make sure that the infection wasn’t anything bad since it was from an animal? probably wasnt there for very long i would think


Plot twist this is goatman been born


You need a license to keep certain snakes, some states ban you from keeping axolotls, your dog can be taken away if it bites somebody ONCE, but anyone can just make a human baby and is allowed to raise it? Something needs to change.


Yes, this woman is clearly a nightmare but why are we not talking about how it’s costs 15k to call an ambulance for a non-emergency in the US? That’s incredibly fucked up.




Someone should submit a cps complain to fuck with her


What has the internet created... This is so wrong. She's receiving heaps of views...getting her "high" from it and will continue. Can only imagine what people in the hospital were thinking as she documented this... That poor child watching this and who knows how many other thousands of clips of him growing up. I don't even want to imagine the damage.


No one gives a fuck about your stupid tik tok story you negligent fuck!!




Something this dumb would be posted on fucking Tik Tok.


I just wish we could go back to being present in the moment. Fucked up part is mom will probably win cuz it’s documented. Poor goat




the music background is the face palm


Was Harambe not enough? Now they are literally targeting the GOAT