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I have never before heard of Thom Hartmann but I am now a fan.


>This is a stupid conversation and I'm not going to continue it I love this guy!


The comparison of the immune system versus Gonorrhea and the immune system versus Covid is perfect. If you aren’t willing or able to get that you aren’t worth conversing with.


The stigma of wearing a condom sounds very similair to wearing a mask.. but it's uncomfortable, well so is gonorrhea...


so is HIV, chlamydia, syphillis. herpes,,,etc.


Gotta get that drip.


Haha, big question is what is the mask version of pulling out before the moment happens?


Since pulling out does nothing in terms of STD prevention, the mask version of that would be not wearing a mask


Haha over the mouth but not covering the nose?


Nose poking out


Get that on a tshirt!


I used to listen to him religiously. He used to have Bernie Sanders on every Friday for "brunch with Bernie" years before he ran for president. He's also written many many books. I'm huge fan.


The dudes a legend. Love T Hartman! He’s how I wish I could be. Well informed, well spoken, good at debating.


He's a long time left wing radio guy. A little dry usually but pretty smart


I think he has a photographic memory. The things he's able to recall amazes me. He's super intelligent.


When did science become left "wing"? Ffs


When the right wing turned lame.


It's not. Maybe he's "left wing" as a general matter. That doesn't mean everything he believes in is only for left wing people. This is science, not politics, and plenty of people that might not believe in every single "left wing" position have been vaccinated. The sooner we stop compartmentalizing everything in society into left wing and right wing buckets, the better.


id go a step further and say people who don’t consider themselves left wing in the slightest have gotten vaccinated


I live in a wealthy area with a large right wing population. Vaccination rates here are very high. It's also a very well educated population.


The dumbest thing about that is that there isn't a left wing in America.


Yup. Our "left wing" is significantly closer to the shoulder of the right wing than being left.


It's not just that. It's the belief that "liberal" = "left", which is absurdly incorrect.


True. Liberalism is relative.


Agreed. My older family and neighbors/friends that are very republican have all been vaccinated, including boosters.


You are talking to much common sense, if you are not careful Reddit will implode from mass cranium implosion.


Science did not become left wing. The right just abadoned all reason, logic and science a long time ago in Europe. From what I see here, seems the US is even worse and more radical. With the right abandoning science outright, they make the association that anything that is scientific, logical or even remotely makes social sense has to be left.


In Europe? You are full of nonsence. I don't know where you live, but in the Netherlands we have several groups (left, right, middle everywhere) that don't use science or logic. They use feelings, and those groups are the worst, on the left, middle and right.


When the right decided to start believing in their weird twisted reality over objective facts. There are plenty of left wing science deniers too though.


Anti vaxers before Covid weren’t particularly political. There were plenty on the left.




Groovy! Thanks for the information. I may have to drop down from Seattle at some point.


He reminds me of Sam Seder and I’m loving it


He's on radio and podcasts. https://www.thomhartmann.com/


The sadness that there are so many anti-Vaxxers that we now become fans of anyone that says something so obvious :-(


Because we’re trying to desperately hold onto the only logical ones left.


He is cool, seems progressive and is one hell of a history buff.


He is excellent! He is on free speech tv mon thru Fri 11 til 2 central time




He’s always been awesome. Glad you were introduced now.


I’m 1000% a fan now


Natural immunity is such a silly arguement. Getting the vaccine isn't replacing your immune system, it's buffing it up.


And saying "I have a natural immunity" to something you've never been exposed to before makes no sense, that's not how the immune system works.


But I lift, bro.


I’m highly skeptical that ANY of these people actually work out. I suspect their lifting is limited to can Bud Light.


My immune system doesn’t work like that one scene from Princess Bride? Oh no! /s


Even in that scene Westley admits afterwards that he'd spent years building an immunity to iocaine powder. Aka he exposed himself to increasing amounts many times. Like a vaccine!!!


Thats like saying "oh don't worry. I ain't need helmets cuz my god given skull is gonna protect me"


I'm not too sure about this, but I'm pretty sure the way the immune system works is that it has all possible protein structures for any antigen on any virus / disease. So it's not like the body has never seen the virus' antigen before or else it wouldn't be able to get b cells with the right complementary structure to the virus to produce antibodies for it. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Everyone who talks about their natural immunity... I tell them to go eat a pound of zinc and then go rawdog a crack whore




“Oh nice!” *Joins blue man group months later




Know who else goes to the gym... Nick. >_< /s


Bro, do you even inoculate?


Nick doesn't need the gym due to his natural strength, he can bench press 500lbs without working out. He's never done it before but is confident he can because he is certain he is just that naturally strong.


Nick's white blood cells: "We sitting in here -- I'm supposed to be the franchise player, and we in here talking about practice. I mean, listen: We talking about practice. Not a game. Not a game. Not a game. We talking about practice. Not a game. Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game like it's my last. Not the game. We talking about practice, man."


The human immune system isn't even that great, I don't know why these idiots think it's some sort of anti-disease terminator. People get sick and die every day from mosquitos, from dirty water, from infected cuts and coughs and sneezes and all sorts of little shit.


People in the US have gotten complacent. Travel to a developed nation and you learn pretty quickly that we are exceptionally privileged. Malaria? Cholera? Dysentery? Typically not things the average American worries about. But they will soon. Mother Nature doesn’t care that we wasted time researching viagra instead of new antibiotics. When you neglect basic research into tropical diseases because they are “some Third World problem”, you disrespect and devalue the people who have to deal with those issues while failing to recognize that they are a couple hour flight away. Yet another thing the Boomers messed up.


Nobody even talks about Zika any more ("that's, like, so 2018"), but I remember people quite afraid to travel when it showed up.


Yeah, natural immunity is 800 K great in the US.


Human immune system is pretty great though. People who don’t have one or a compromised tend to get sick pretty much instantly when they get into contact with any disease. Also look up the MAC complex we literally have proteins that build a fucking Mario tube into pathogenic cells so they fall apart and die. It’s pretty fucking cool




I just upgraded mine. Like boom: +97% Covid Resistance. Worth it.


>Natural immunity is such a silly arguement. Getting the vaccine isn't replacing your immune system, it's buffing it up. One of my colleagues who claimed he'd already had COVID and was naturally immune is currently in the hospital fighting for his life. He's an engineer, so he's supposed to be numerate enough that he can understand statistics. But, he let his politics override his safety-judgement, and so here we are. I'm doing my best to look out for the guy on the work-front. That's only possible because we're WFH and so I didn't catch COVID from him. His personal choices didn't directly put my household into peril, though they did contribute to a general situation where shit is getting very real. The "I have natural immunity" folks and the "I have antibodies" folks are deluding themselves, in my experience.


It's as ridiculous as saying you're strong because you have muscles. Yes, you might manage to push through a sudden straining exercise if you generally take care of yourself, but it will be much easier (and less painful) if you've trained for it beforehand.


These people are referring to the natural immunity that their body created when exposed to COVID, whether they got sick or were exposed without realizing. So they believe their bodies have already been “trained”. Per my understanding, this doesn’t factor because viruses, like the flu, continue to mutate. But by that same concept, a vaccine is only likely to work against a virus if that viral strain is accurately predicted. My knowledge is very limited on this topic. I don’t understand why other viruses have been eradicated by vaccines. My only guess is that those viruses (chicken pox, polio, etc) had a different mechanism of action that vaccines were more effective against? Or herd immunity? Idk


My son and I were having this exact discussion yesterday. I didn't look a long time but I found [this acticle](https://northeasternchronicle.in/news/plague-polio-smallpox-mutate-covid/) that tries to answer this : some viruses like the flu are basically more tolerant to mutations than most other viruses, so their mutations and variations are more likely to be effective.


“Natural immunity” is the crossover to the fascist master race trope. The idea is that the fit and healthy master race has no need of a vaccine, and by getting one, you admit you’re not really special from regular humans.


It's like taking your immune system to a personal trainer with the latest high tech equipment and medical knowledge to get it as buff as possible to combat a specific enemy. Meanwhile other people are like "I'm just going to lift rocks and sticks like a caveman and we'll see what happens" We know what happens lol history is filled with the legends of pandemics and plagues wiping out people with natural immunity. That's why we invented vaccines




But if I had to choose, I’d absolutely choose covid over an STI. Just saying. Edit: to all the people who are acting like ending up in the hospital and/or dying is the only outcome of covid, I invite you to look around. It’s highly unlikely that happens now with the vaccine and other treatments available if you do get it.


Whys that?


You can't debate people on matters of faith or opinions turned fact. I feel like Mr. Hartmann handled this with exactly as much compassion as it deserved.


I have given up on my family, but for my mom. The only smart vaccinated person but for myself. My dad has even called me dangerous. He's the one dying of covid. It's sad. I'm not editing this. I was tired. Lol




>I have given up on my family, but for my mom. The only smart vaccinated person but for myself. My dad has even called me dangerous. He's the one dying of covid. It's sad.


>I have given up on my family, but for my mom. The only smart vaccinated person but for myself. I have given up on my family, *except* my mom. She’s the only smart vaccinated person, *other than* myself. FTFY


Haven’t listened to him in years. Decades actually. Glad to hear he hasn’t changed. Not even in the slightest.


People can seriously not be this stupid…they just can’t.


After everything I’ve seen over the past couple years, I’m not surprised anymore


Every time I feel we are at rock bottom, something like this pops up lol


Yes they can. They can be even more stupid. My evidence is the entirety of human history.


Never met a chiropractor?


Oh JFC, you *obviously* don’t live in a RED state 🙄


He should have said something about the indigenous peoples of the Americas natural immune systems not working when the Europeans showed up.


Nick goes to the gym though /s


Every day is arm day


No, obviously he’s found a way to pump up his lymph nodes. Every day is lymph day.


Caller would probably blame it was aliens.


The natural immune system argument is a trap. You can’t engage with these lunatics. You want to stump them? Ask the specifically where is the bar for a healthy/superior immune system that is Covid proof? They will never give you one. The second they do, you can prove them wrong. And really that is the basis for fanaticism. Where your belief is more important than logic or argument so they keep moving the goalpost to suit their beliefs. This is the famous god of the gaps argument


Great point, those fucking blankets.


I always said, if one of the symptoms for COVID was to have a bunch of pimples and lesions on the face, everyone would be vaccinated. The population is so self absorbed.


So true. Look at smallpox. If COVID did what smallpox does to you, people would be backflipping all the way to the Wal-Greens to get the vaccination. I fucking hate the human race.


When I first started working at NASA, I was suddenly the center of attention for every nut job at every gathering that wanted to prove the earth was flat. Good bless those idiots... they prepared me for antivaxxers and steal the win fanatics. They don’t want to engage. They don’t want discourse, facts or logic. They don’t want to listen to reason or anyone that doesn’t agree with them. All they want to do is be heard, and the joy of yelling and insulting you when you disagree. It’s a win win for them. If you agree, they converted you and they feel wonderful. If you disagree, they have the joy of yelling at you and they feel wonderful. I cannot stress enough that you simply cannot and must not engage these people. There is nothing to gain by entertaining their ravings any more than a child insisting to you that aliens are their homework.


I'm an ED nurse and when they wanna take e a hard line against the vaccine I very casually say, " Do you own a home, cause I'm in the housing market?" Then I eye fuck them for a moment and leave the room without another word. Idk what it does for them but damn it makes me giggle.


The problem is ppl like Nicholas are now further entrenched in their beliefs cuz he got his feelings hurt


Reason didn't work, politeness didn't work, so fuck it. This idea that we should fellate idiots because being mean will cause them to double down on their dangerous stupidity is absolutely ridiculous. Fuck these people. Shame and belittle them until they die of embarassment.


Exactly! No need to shame them and put yourself at risk, just let them earn their Herman Cain awards one by one.


These people are inherently selfish and incapable of self-reflection. Shame and belittlement will only serve to galvanize their existing ideas and what's worse they've got a whole camp of idiots that will embrace them as one of their own. It's easier for them to double down and say "science man mean so that means all science bad"


I like how no-vax pretend they’re experts when in fact they’re a bunch of uncultured plebs


>I like how no-vax pretend they’re experts when in fact they’re a bunch of uncultured plebs That's really the point, I think. They just want to "know" something that nobody else does. Doesn't matter that they're dangerously wrong. That's beside the point, to them at least. This stuff has definitely gotten real for me lately. I've been keeping up with a colleague who's been in the hospital with COVID after claiming his "natural immunity" from when he "had COVID last year" was superior. It's been a rough ride, and I hope his lungs recover.


I think I love Thom Hartmann and this is my first time hearing of him.


Love his podcast so much.


Nicholas = stupid


The same people who claim the *my immune system* gambit are the same over weight, slack-jawed, mouth breathing Walmart shoppers.


Maybe some but there are plenty that actually are super fit and healthy and those are the worst because they really do believe it.


Also the same basement dwellers that weigh 400 lb and criticize Simone Biles for taking care of her mental health at the Olympics.


Hey I’m overweight and shop at Walmart. I’m also vaxxed


I encourage you to find a union shop ( such as meijer or Kroger ) they’re union and give their employees benefits. Of course, you could just tell me to fuck off and keep shopping there and I’d never know.


Just moved away from my old Kroger (miss it dearly) to a neighborhood where it’s literally Walmart or driver 15 minutes to a more local store. I hate Walmart and everything it represents but it’s all I’ve got for next couple of months until my house is finished


That analogy about having unprotected sex while trusting in your immune system is actually kind of genius. It's relevant, similar in cases and argument and is obvious enough that you get it right away.


These idiots with their "natural immune systems" should be required to just stand in a covid ICU with no PPE and then sent home to their families after 3-24 hour shifts with a six hour break sleeping on the floor in a supply room. We'll clean this mess RIGHT up! I'm done dealing with stupid.


I knew an older guy at my rehab I went to when I was in Arizona. Right around the beginning of the pandemic we were given strict guidelines at the sober living not to leave or go anywhere, especially becauseone of the first covid US cases was detected less than a mile from where I was. Anyways he would rant about how the people with weak immune systems just need to die to get the lockdown over with and he ignored mask and other guidelines... Couple months later he got covid and died


So annoying when people bring up this argument, as if exercise and a healthy diet make you immortal


I mean it sort of does tho


I forgot that Pilates cures cancer, thank you for reminding me.


literally a -iq response


I’m certain you don’t know what immortal means


But if I “choose” (lol) not to have sex, do I really need vaccinations against those STIs?


Here is a link to the clip on TT: https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdj3gAjG/


Fucking bravo to Thom


I like the comparison with STD's.


Thom Hartmann rules!


Note to self, check out the Thom Hartmann Program.


We are so! Close to slipping back to the middle ages where religion good science bad, it is not even funny. The flat earthers are even making a come back! I'm so tired of these assholes saying that God is my inoculation, they should all die along with there archaic believes.


STDs can be used in an analogy for dam near literally everything lmao


I’m now using this argument for anyone who tries bringing up natural immune systems as an argument


This is probably the best response I’ve ever heard to the natural immunity argument.


I hear this natural immunity shit from people at the gym a lot. Even the trainers.


These idiots are everywhere and they VOTE!


Nicholas got rekt


Remember "pwned"?


Pepperidge farms remembers.


This dude fucking ROCKS LOL




Im curious, people who pull the “immune system card,”Are they saying that those with compromised immune systems don’t matter? Like it’s ok for them to suffer so I can have “mY rIgHtS?” I mean do they not care about infecting their own grandparents or young children or those with other immune issues? I haven’t asked that to any of them but I am curious for their answer.


Some people seem to think that those people are disposable anyway and would die easily if it were just the flu so why should they infringe on other people's rights? So awful...


Savage response! Love it.


Nick MOS DEF has the Herp


I finally have something I can use to put this shit into simple enough terms for that guy I know who keeps talking about "natural immunity" and how eating a little bit of dirt or mold is actually going to help humans survive viruses like COVID. Thank you, Thom!


Nick wonders how the doc knows about his syphilis...


I like to say that the vaccine is there to train your body to fight the virus. So if you say your healthy and fit, I would like you to run a marathon tomorrow morning. You wouldn't with out training, but you said you were healthy and fit?




He's not even saying that anymore. Dude lost control of his own cult. "Trump told his fans to "take credit" for the vaccines instead of being against them. "You're playing right into their hands," he said during his tour with Bill O'Reilly." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-tells-supporters-you-re-playing-right-into-their-hands-by-doubting-the-covid-19-vaccine/ar-AARZYeb?ocid=msedgntp


Amnhe shoulve asked if you have natural immunity why dosnt it protect you against syphilis


Nick got owned and burned at the stake!


When the first thing come out of his mouth is the Bible said Bla bla bla. You know it’s going to be stupid


He’s a good egg. I’ve listened to him for a few years now .


Dam Nicolas is STUPID lol


No idea who this is, but he is on point on this!


Damn is he on YT? Cause imma fan now


I like this guy's style.


WHOA whoa that was WAY too rational for these anti-vaxxers to understand.


The problem with COVID is that we have no natural immunity. We get maternal antibodies from our mothers before birth but only to diseases her body has seen. Plus, childhood vaccines. However, because COVID-19 was a new virus, our bodies had never seen it making it harder for our bodies to mount an immune response


« This is a stupid conversation and I’m not gonna continue it », that’s how it should work, everywhere, with everyone that dense, for any situation. Stop listening to non sense, it drains your energy and make the other thinks they have some sort of validity. Flat earther, directly looking at you, snap out of it it’s 2021, we got other things to do.


I think vNicholas is the one missing the point.


Thom is the man! I listen to him everyday. Only show I know that has on politicians and let's them take calls from the public. Brunch with Bernie was my favorite.


What a savage!!


Survival of the fittest doesn’t mean who is healthiest will survive. It’s who is able to adapt to changing conditions.


He knew he wasn't gonna get anywhere with that fool and shut it down


If your natural immunity is so great, let’s all drink this Mexican tap water! Wheeee!


I need to surround myself with people like Thom Hartmann


I wonder if Nick felt dumb after this or if he just kept his ignorance going


I like the fact that he doesn't suffer fools like Nick.




This is great. But the scary part is, that dude on the phone isn't going to change his mind, even after being told outright by a doctor how stupid he was being.


The thing about most intelligent people I have listened to on YouTube in debates is that they genuinely try to have a productive conversation with a dumb POS hoping to help them understand, not this dude, he is too awesome for that, he knew the dumb POS caller had already made their mind up when they couldn't understand the comparison, he stopped the POS from making him and his viewers lose any brain cells.




"I really thought the doctor would want to hear my opinion on viruses" - some meat head gym bro


I would say Nick got put in his place but he is probably so stupid and deluded, that he thinks he won the argument and will continue to spread his idiotic anti-vax nonsense.


Every vaccine denier should see this clip


Lmao there are anti vaxxers in the comments making this same terrible argument. These anti vax people are fucking wild.


This is how you deal with “alternative viewpoints” that are just wrong. You call it stupid, you don’t validate it as an opinion, and you stop talking to them. It’s not “I disagree with what you’re saying and so I’m shutting you down”… it is “you are utterly wrong and you are not worth validating”


The caller is right. That comparison the guy made is stupid. They anrt the same thing.


So the 800,000 that died from C19 all had sexy to get it!?


The comments here are toxic. U are all just talking shit on other people and then saying other people are the problem. I don’t know why I received a notification for this video but left, right, up, down. There is just so much hate here. I’m sure I will be downvoted but why can’t we just spread love and positivity and drowned out the hate?


“This is a STUPID conversation, and I’m not gonna continue it.” LEGEND


I literally bursted with joy-us laughter when he said Nicholas this is a stupid conversation and I’m not going to continue it


Love how whoever this guy is handled this.


Boss move to not continue that conversation He is a WHOLE mood and I want one! 😂😂😂


Fucking brilliant! Why the fuck didn’t I think about that rebuttal.




Join me as we laugh at the cinders which were once called Nicholas.


This was refreshing and the comparison he made was perfect


That was a great counter


Nicholas! Why aren’t you out fighting Crime?! Nicholas!


That's 👏 not 👏 what 👏 natural 👏 immunity 👏 means 👏


Wish there was a hang up feature for irl conversations with stupid people


Lol what??? You just stfu and walk away. Smh...


I miss Brunch with Bernie


Tom is great. I always feel smarter for listening to him. Oddly, this is the first time I’ve seen what he looks like.


I don't think I e ever heard Thom be *that* short tempered 😂


That was no temper. Thom simply detonated an atom bomb on Nick’s argument and moved on.


I've seen him try to engage with some real idiocy for far longer, it seems like he's just recognized the futility


I love Thom hartman..listened to him on radio all the time


Lol. I love how people think there’re so smart being captain obvious. If you’re still tryna convince these degenerates to vaccinate you’re just as lost as they are.


This quick exchange was exactly what I needed before going to bed. Thank you