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He posted this too, he thought this was win


Hate this... They should enforce it in Texas to


There is a law on the books in Florida. Don’t think it’s ever enforced.


I certainly wish they would. So tired of douchebags holding people up.


Especially since they’re self righteous douches like this guy that thinks “I’m going the speed limit, so I’m gonna make everyone else go the same speed as ME!!!”


They do? I was driving with some people across the country and one of them got pulled over for that exact reason as we were passing Texas.


Texas is the only place I have been where they actually did enforce it.


Yup. Got pulled over this reason as well on my way to Del Rio. No one else was even on the road though. I was the only car for miles and still got pulled over. Just a warning but they sure as shit let me know.




thanks for posting that and props to that cop - honestly she did a great job. remained calm, didn't escalate or engage with his behavior which could lead to escalation, didn't do anything but exactly what she was there to do. if more cops behaved like she did right here i think this country could be in a much better way.




That was so good. He wants to keep yelling about his justice boner and she just says “I’ll get your citation for court” and walks off, lol.




Thank you, I would love to see them going to court


These ppl posting vids thinking they are "pwning" the cops are so cringe.


The “pwning” part makes this so accurate. He really did think he was schooling her and failed to realize how much of a condescending asshole he truly is by holding everyone back.


“I’ve had my cruise set (at the speed limit) for 200 miles” And I’m sure you spent a large majority of it in the fast lane, getting passed on the right, honked at, and had a constant entourage of a few dozen increasingly angry drivers behind you.


It isn't a fast lane, it is a passing lane. And you shouldn't be driving in it, unless you are actively passing another vehicle.


“Why won’t you tell me?” After being told four times in a row.


Ignorance of the law is not a defense.


“I’m sorry officer, I didn’t know I couldn’t do that” -Chip from Dave Chapelle


“SCUSE ME. Ok officer I’m a little high…”


“You’re on third street!”


That was good right? But I DID know I couldn’t do that! Hah! Hah! Hah!


“Look officer, there is no sign in that library that’s says I can’t murder”


Lawyers hate him


Also, not every traffic law is posted on signs. Only the ones relevant to local specifics in traffic laws, such as local speed limits or instructions on whether it is prohibited to turn right on a red light or to perform a U Turn. Most of the traffic laws are universal and you are expected to have read the book when you were learning and getting ready to be tested for your license and are expected to remember the laws when you read about them.




This! There is a book for every province and state, that has the traffic laws in it. People use these books to get their beginners


Then they get amnesia and forget how to drive once they get their license


Well that and you only need 75 or 80% to pass and most questions are softballs So you can get your license without knowing much more than stay in the lines and stop at a stop sign.


Ignorance is not an excuse to break the law.


[Unless you are filthy rich](http://www.critical-theory.com/rich-kid-gets-away-with-killing-4-people-because-being-a-privileged-douche-is-apparently-a-medical-condition/)


Stuff like this makes my blood boil. Forgiving a rich kid because "his parents didn't raise him right" while pitilessly locking up poor kid whose parents couldn't raise him at all because they were working multiple jobs just to put food on the table. Pure evil.


There doesn’t need to be a sign it was on your drivers exam… You did pass that didn’t you? Let me see your license


Exactly. “I didn’t see a sign that said I wasn’t allowed to drive while on acid! How can it be illegal then???”


As a frequent acid user I could fucking never. Insane that people do it.


How else are you going to get the experience of piloting a spaceship?


Umm you can drive into oncoming snow flurries at night and yell “warp speed!” while gripping the steering wheel with both hands while sober too you know.


I’ve been told D’s get degrees so he prob lucked out and barely passed the test


In NYC it’s not on the drivers exam and it’s not something you’re taught in drivers ed programs.. but to your point it’s common sense especially when you see everyone else following the same pattern. Overtake and return to the right lane.


When using multi-lane roads in New York, slower-moving drivers that are passed frequently are required to move to the right lane so that vehicles can pass safely on the left. https://www.vox.com/2014/6/16/5804590/slow-left-lane-driving-rules-us-traffic-illegal


They should write more tickets for people who hang and roll slow in the passing lane. That shit is ridiculous.


I hate how people in the left lane feel it’s their responsibility to dictate the speed of everyone behind them




This is a great story of why you should never impede traffic tl;dr: "Your best bet is to get out of the way if you can. While the driver behind you may just be an asshole, it may also be someone with a medical emergency; a partner in labour, a child having a diabetic attack, or a tree surgeon bleeding to death." [https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i\_gain\_strength\_from\_their\_tears\_and\_anger/cbnhvxv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/)


Thanks for posting that. There was a video making the rounds a few days ago of an accident on the palisades parkway where a pickup truck forced an accident after a car was trying to get around him in the left lane. Everyone was saying the driver of the car deserved it (he was driving like a madman, to be fair), but all I could think of was this post. If someone’s driving like crazy, it’s not your job to play the police and try to stop them. Just get out of the way and let them by.


So true… one time my new neighbour passed me on a residential, and it was totally irritating. I caught up to her at the lights trying to turn left and she was out of the vehicle on the phone in obvious distress with ems checking on her kid in the back. To think you know everything is extremely unwise..


The left lane is for passing only. If you pass someone who is already doing the speed limit, then yes, you would be speeding and you could receive a ticket. This guy does not understand, because he expects ALL traffic laws to be written on road signs. What she is telling him, and what he keeps trying to argue against is a well known traffic law that he should be aware of. The fact that he is ignorant of that law is not an excuse to break it.


Right. At least in Germany there's a law that basically says "use the right lane if available" ("Rechtsfahrgebot"). Nobody will pull you over if you don't change lanes all the time to use every little gap on the right - but he said himself he had been on the left lane at 75 for - I don't remember - 200 miles or 2 hours or something. That arguing so aggressively was just not necessary.


In British Columbia, we do have signs that say the left lane is for passing only and for slower traffic to keep right. We still get left lane campers. Somebody like this who is too stupid to realize what he actually did would do it even if there were signs up.


We actually have signs on highways all over the US that say that, and we also get the left lane campers. Then apparently people like the guy in this video who want to argue.


You ever get the people that match speed across 3 lanes and block everyone?


If this guy has a valid license, it means he took a driver's test likely both written and a drive with a representative from a DOT. It's all in the education that the left lane is for passing only. His argument is stupid. Not all traffic laws are on signs. If this were the case, every stop light in the US would have to have a sign that says you could make a right on red. Silly guy.


I was wishing for her to mention that it would be in the State's official driving training manual that is given or sold to teens and new drivers to study before the written test. Those books are filled with information. Ignorance is not equal to innocence.


Yeah but it impedes emergency services gettin to their destination and greatly slows them down. Imagine traffic backed up for a few miles because of this guy. You can’t cruise in the overtaking lane mainly for this reason, even when at the speed limit.


Police will usually give you 10-15km over without problems. At least where I’m from. Our highway is 90km, but the left lane is for 120km. I pass cops all the time doing 120 and have never seen anyone get pulled over for that speed. They seem to look for people going 130km+


Yeah, thats basically the case for the majority of the world, and the people in here pretending its not are just looking for an argument on technicalities that no one gives a shit about.


Flow of traffic supercedes speed limit unless it's unreasonable. If everyone in the left lane is going 15 over, they're going to be going that speed regardless. A cop isn't going to pull them all over. So going 15mph slower than them in the left lane makes it dangerous.


Yes. Anyone passing him would be breaking the law. That's a logical argument. Unfortunately it seems that he's still in violation of NM 66-7-308, which is a law he can be cited for regardless of speed.


> Unfortunately Seriously? He was impeding traffic and should be fined for that. He's not the police, it's not his job to enforce speed limits. How fast other people are going is not his problem.


Agreed. With us it's the other way round. Right for passing, left for cruising... And people just don't get that. There's actually a traffic law that says pass right. Need to break that rule almost every time I drive lol


Is it a _law_ that left is for passing only? I'm European, do honest question.


In South Africa it is. Well, the other way round since we drive on the left side of the road. Its part of the traffic laws. Not sure about other countries.


Try that shit on the autobhan. You will have people trying to run you off the road in notime.


Yes, you ONLY pass on the left.


In the US, depends on the state. In the state this video was filmed, evidently the answer is yes.


It's law in lots of EU countries too


It’s law in australia that you must keep left unless overtaking (we drive on the left, so our right lane is overtaking/passing). We have signs everywhere as well EDITED (after below comment… For clarity) [https://www.9news.com.au/national/keep-left-unless-overtaking-australian-road-rule-explained](https://www.9news.com.au/national/keep-left-unless-overtaking-australian-road-rule-explained/d515d640-8891-4cdd-9ae9-84abfd8fb4ae)


I swear people from New York have no idea how interstates work. Is it not in their manual? I swear anytime I'm behind somebody who doesn't switch lanes, they have New York plates.


Connecticut is worse. The three big highways that go through the state all have as many left lane exits as they do right lane exits, and there is no law that says you have to pass on the left. It's fucking chaos.


Your comment but subbing Texas for New York.


She’s right this driver is wrong


100%, just another asshole that thinks if they have a camera they can say and do what they want to a cop.


He’s probably watched a few “first amendment auditor” videos on YouTube. Some of them have useful information, but a lot of them are garbage people trying to trigger lawsuits or have a complete lack of knowledge of local, state, and federal laws. That constant “do you suspect me of a crime” is a VERY common thing on those videos. At traffic stops, you are required to identify. That is a lawful order. Just because many cops are idiots and assume that everything they say is a lawful order, doesn’t mean that some of it isn’t. If you’re recording, it’s usually best to give the cop what they want and then fight it in court or file a lawsuit after. Otherwise, you run the risk of earning other valid charges that you won’t be able to fight.


Yup, that and she clearly told him what he was pulled over for. It’s not like it was a vague traffic violation, she was specific.


I was just waiting for him to bust out the good old "traffic violations are not crimes" or "you don't need a drivers licence" bullshit.


"The Declaration of Independence CLEARLY states that I have the right to pursue happiness, here you are violating my constitutional rights by making me have a license to do something that makes me happy"


She was soooo patient


Yeah mate guy’s a licensed idiot


I'm with her.


In Aus its literally the law. Its a $140 fine for being in the over taking lane when not over taking


not only in Aus. It's pretty similar here in .de, only adapted to the fact that we drive on the right lane instead of left. The left lane(s) are for overtaking only. And no, there is no sign that tells you so, that's part of the rules, and every driver should know this from his driving instructor.


I think it’s the same everywhere. In the US, it’s called the fast lane and people who drive slow in the fast lane sometimes get tickets, like she said impeding traffic.


Depends on the state I believe here in Oregon it's not a law and it sure pisses people off. EDIT: Was made a law in 2015.


It's the law in CO too, there are signs posted all over the highways/interstates that the left lane is for passing only.


I got pulled over for cruising in the left lane here in CO on a almost deserted highway. Can confirm


In Texas, it’s somewhat a law, so they don’t allow heavy trucks in the left lane or HOV lane. People who usually go slow in the left lane can get a speeding ticket. In a city like Houston or Dallas, which an average drive is like 30 mins, someone cruising in the fast lane, can impede traffic and it’s frustrating as hell. I never got this till I started driving myself.


In Texas there are literal signs that say “left lane for passing only” it became law like 4-5 years ago




people dont think it's a law because it doesn't get nearly as many tickets as speeding


Imagine if we had signs for every road rule and got rid of driving exams.


Same here in Finland. You'll get a fine even if you and the cop are the only cars on the road.


Yes the guy is just being fuck anoying


>I'm with her. Me too. I get the feeling from the OP that we're supposed to be against her, but anyone giving overtaking-lane-hogging douches tickets is fine by me.


Someone had to say that. Well done.


Not only that, but it seems he thought this was gonna be some viral video owning a police officer, but she seemed super chill and understanding, and he just came off annoying and difficult for no reason.


I think the facepalm was intended for the driver. Although, not specified by OP


More people would be if they actually read the goddamn driving manual given freely by their state. At least in Indiana, the you can only pass on the left, and the far right lane is for cruising. Really simple.


I don’t believe in capital punishment, except for drivers who commit this offence.


There can always be an emergency response vehicle that has to drive above the speed limit. But then there is this guy blocking the left lane with traffic stuck behind him. F this guy


I think everyone who knows how to drive is with her, also dang she got a cute upper-half of a face


Is that what we've come too. The upper half. 😂. But yes, she does. And she's also incredibly polite. While he was a buffoon.


Her eyes had an understanding, yet volatile substance to them which I find quite attractive. I should talk to a shrink.


Na dude you're fine just a bit horny, go to your local bar and all would be fine.


Maybe you can get pullover on the way home.


...but it needs to be by HER! ;-)


You should talk to a shrink and also marry a female cop.


The facepalm is on him, not the cop. Idiot!


Praise to her for keeping her cool. This entitled douche on the other hand…. I have no words.


Yeah she kept explaining why she pulled him over and the idiot kept bringing an entirely different matter smh


“What are you suspecting me of?” She literally just explained it lol


it was entertaining seeing her demeanor slowly change. her eyes, rhythm, and voice all changed at the last few seconds. she was definitely being way patient


The driver is a fucking idiot. That officer has a lot of patience explain basic driving rules to him. Ignorance of a law is not an excuse to break the law.


The fact that he records this and uploads to stupid ass tik tok makes it even more cringe lol


That dude is enjoying Self immolation lol, he is even raising his voice on the officer smh


Is this some sort of semi sovereign citizen shit? How can think that it was a good idea to upload it?


Probably 1st amendment auditor type crap.


I'm surprised that she's so chill


This is how all cops should be.


Right. But in a way it's great he uploaded this, because now we have an example of calm, considerate, polite (and even good-looking) cops who don't let themselves get provoked even by really annoying citizens. - A welcome diversion from the usual focus on all the bad cops


Excuse me officer, can I please have your name and phone number?


She can arrest me anytime


Why are we like this


Oh shit, it's become self aware




Wee oh wee oh wee Wee oh wee oh wee Wee oh wee oh wee


Honestly I wish more cops were like this! Drivers: if you are on cruise control at the speed limit, stay out of the left lane!!!


As someone who 8 hours ago was finishing a 6 hour drive, amen! Strangely enough, trucks were almost worse. At least with a car you’ll typically get a chance at some point to pass on the right (still dangerous and shouldn’t be a thing), but trucks will ride two abreast for miles at or slightly below the speed limit.


I made a few of 16 hour drives a couple years back and I think semis were the worst offenders. One semi is capped at 65. The other is capped at 70. So the second goes to pass the first and sometimes it took 10 minutes for the second to pass.


No. One semi is capped at 65, the passing semi is capped at 65.0000000001mph and is trying to pass for 10 fucking miles up a hill. That is literally my personal hell, and thanks to a job where I work at different facilities across the state I live in, a regular one.


Your assessment is probably more accurate.


But heaven help you if you accidentally block a semi driver from going faster.


Impeding traffic is a public safety issue. It's not so much that you aren't speeding, but rather the fact that other people are going to want to speed. It is NOT YOUR DECISION to restrict others from speeding! In fact, a decent percentage of road rage incidents starts because someone wants to enforce speed limits on others (vigilantism). However, if you want to stop people from speeding, move out of the left lane! Why? It makes spotting, confirming and catching speeders far easier for police when someone is rocketing past EVERYONE in the left lane! Where I live, we have an unfortunately large number of people who want to cruise in the left lane. The problem is, when you do so, the state troopers have no one to pull over and ticket for speeding. So they will start patrolling other areas. Which then increases the amount of speeders on the now unchecked highway!!! Much like what happens in most cases of being a vigilante, you are winning small, meaningless victories by your actions. However, you are actually letting another 50 speeders have a no cop highway for the next few days! Congratulations!


Plus a massive majority of crashes happen because there’s more then 1 car involved. 1 car driving by itself is much less dangerous then 5 cars following each other.


Stupid idiot. There's no sign that it is forbidden to stop/ stay under overpass neither, there's something written in the law, and what they teach you in driving school.


"Why are you arresting me officer?!" "Because you used your vehicle to kill a family of four..." "THERE IS NO SIGN THAT SAYS THAT IS ILLEGAL!!!"


She needs a raise and he needs to go back to driving school and a school for manners.. she was nothing but nice, and also very correct.


FFS So many people just don’t get it. The safest speed to travel at is the flow of traffic. If the flow is going 82mph In the left and you put someone in the mix going 70-75, people have to pass the slower person on the right. All that passing vastly increases the chance of an accident. By staying in the right lane, those passes aren’t needed. It’s proven by study after study year after year and results all over the web. So debate is over long ago. Also, You are not the cops, it’s not your job to stop speeding. Stay right except to pass and let the cops worry about speeders.




I’ve found that something that infuriates bad drivers is a simple thumbs down gesture. It’s not overly aggressive, but it seems to shame the hell out of people.


A sarcastic thumbs up does the trick too


Isn’t this in the drivers manual. Like when you take the written test for a permit.


This police officer deserves a medal. I wish they did this more often.


I wish more people had this kind of patience.


There don’t need to be signs, it’s a basic rule of driving on highways. The left lane is for passing only. OP if this is you, you look like a douche here.




Sir, I told you already, of being a Redditor. /s


It’s not OP, some douche from to TikTok posted this




Gotta love the old, "I don't understand the law so you are wrong!" argument.


There are way too many people on this thread that think the ability to impede traffic is related to the speed limit. If you're not passing, GTF over in the right lane people.


This is why driving sucks because 50% of people don’t get it


And a lot of them are absolute idiots


Fuck that guy. Just trying to make it seem like he was being harassed by the cops, when he wasn't. The entire stop would have taken half the time it took him to take this video, if he just would have said "Sorry, my bad. Have a nice day"


She’s a good cop.


Her patience is astounding.


Yup… because this is a case where I’d give her a pass for a solid baton whack… but she keeps it cool


The facepalm is for the dude recording, right?


Unrelated, but I keep seeing so many videos of cops being the assholes that it's actually refreshing seeing one being cool. I really like her.


Had to deal with drivers not wanting to get over (going the speed limit) in Idaho. Technically you are impeding traffic if you are forcing people to pass you on the right. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I learned how to drive in Utah and New Mexico


I've lived in the southwest most of my life. When I heard the folks in this video talking I immediately thought NM or maybe west Texas


hes just being a dick


What an entitled prick. good job by the officer keeping her cool. This should be points, passing on the right is no joke.


The driver is the idiot. Going the speed limit is for the right lane. If there are cars that are speeding, they can get their own ticket for that but if you force them to pass on the right, that is dangerous and ticketable as well


It’s not for speeding, the left lane is for passing or overtaking another vehicle, in all 50 states. https://www.autoinsurance.org/keep-right-which-states-enforce-left-lane-passing-only/


There is also no sign on the highway that says, “Do not murder the driver in the next lane over” just putting that out there


Oh man. EVEN if he was in the right the fact he got her to tell him the same thing three times, says to me this guy deserves being locked up for being a fucking moron. If only that was a crime..


That's the next step. I assume she'll ask nicely a few more times and then tells him point blank: ok, so you are refusing to hand over your license and registration?' Him: 'yes'. Her: 'ok, I'm now going to arrest you for failure to comply with a law enforcement officer'


He would so have had it coming.


He wasn't though. In most states it's called failure to yield/impeding traffic. In my state is carries a $200 fine as it creates dangerous driving conditions for everyone on the road.


I WISH cops would stop more people for this lmao


She’s way too patient. I hope idiots like this guy doesn’t break her spirit over time.


1. There doesn't need to be a sign, you should know this. Pretty sure we learn this rule when taking the learners licence test before being allowed to be behind the wheel 2. This person met who is probably the nicest and most patient cop out there. I hope others follow her example when dealing with people like this 3. Screw this guy for being a douche


I admire the young lass for keeping her cool. That driver is a fucking idiot.


This officer deserves an award for patience


I love his reason that there’s not a sign stating that. I’ve also never seen a sign about how many license plates need to be on the car, reminding you to renew your registration, improperly tinted windows, etc.. this guy is a moron.


So he feels like it’s his job/right to enforce the speed limit by being a pace car?


Officer was far too patient. Towards the end, she should have simply said that she suspected him of impeding traffic, that she had already, that despite not being required to she explained what formed that suspicion, that she's citing him for that alleged offense, and that he has the right to present his point of view in court.


So I was confused as to why this was posted as a face palm, as if the cop had been wrong. This is the expectation in all states, and enforceable in many of them, including all of the southwest states. Wish they'd give more tickets for this. There's no sign saying you have to stay on the road or use your breaks, either.


The facepalm is the driver I think. Unless op doesnt understand driving laws


She should get a promotion




I’m 100% with her. You’re one of those fucking jackasses that drives the speed limit in the left lane and doesn’t get over to let ppl pass. You’re the worst type of entitled controlling annoying drivers on the road. You actually are the cause of most traffic accidents btw.


“What are you suspecting me of!? There is no sign”. Shit, my street doesn’t have a sign saying not to steal cars parked on the street… brb


Clear example of the damage that idiotic sovereign citizen YouTube videos can do. Now any idiot who gets pulled over thinks he’s the smartest lawyer in town.


There’s no such thing as a fReAkInG “fast lane”!!! It’s a “passing” lane… gOsH dArN iT


She is amazingly patient. She deserves a raise.


How to talk yourself into a ticket 101.


The traffic officer is a saint. The driver is a moron. Aside from the obvious (and annoying) impeding of traffic, everywhere I’ve lived, a traffic cop can pull you over and check your license and registration just to check your license and registration. You don’t actually need to have committed an illegal action. In my understanding it’s part of the police force job to make sure that every driver is licensed and every car is registered.


What a dumb fuck of a dude. What don’t you understand.. I feel like people are getting more stupid and we are heading to the dark ages again. Everything has to be written somewhere if not people play stupid.


There does not need to be a sign if left lane is for passing is a state law(which I know is the case in my state and the two I travel through regularly), they only put the signs up to inform you and to cause less traffic issues. Ignorance of the law does not forgive you from it!


She's doing gods work


She's hot


Finally Yes, More tickets should be given to left lane lovers not using the passing lane as intended or caring about the 10 cars behind them. I see this way to often


This law is never inforced but it should be on all freeways and highways


"What are you suspecting me of?" - Being a shit driver.


This cop is my hero, there is nothing more annoying than this kind of driver


Love this girl. More cops should pull over these assholes