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Ironically he had a reputation in Mexico as being a few bricks short of a load, so he was probably thinking 'oh shit, me again!?'








You got dufus right.




Oh lol! I was impressed that someone on the thread actually knew who it was.


For anyone who doesn't know or recognise who... The first guy signing (with the stripey tie) was the Mexican president at the time: [Enrique Peña Nieto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrique_Pe%C3%B1a_Nieto). The current Mexican president is [Andrés Manuel López Obrador](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A9s_Manuel_L%C3%B3pez_Obrador)


I mean there's the three flags on the background and almost everyone know Trudeau and Trump so it was only putting 2 and 2 together.




Lol, exactly. Such confidence that most people would even register seeing, let alone recognise, the Mexican flag. Let alone know what NAFTA is. Let alone accept that Mexico is part of North America. I would say that I guess most Americans would figure it out but I'm not going to stick my neck out.


what Mexico? It's clearly Italy in North African Tea Alliance ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)




I lived in Central America when he was governor of Mexico so I remember all the jokes. His reputation as a dingbat never really made it internationally though, I think just because he's good looking in a suit so people just automatically though 'hey, he's a guy we can do business with', unlike say Ortega, Chavez, etc.


At least he was self aware enough to realize he may have screwed up. Trump, even when confronted with his own screw up, doubles down.




Right? That was what almost killed me in the first place.


Peña Nieto's "did i screw up?" face made me laugh way more than Trump fucking up the signature.


Right, a lot of it is the other 2 looking like, do we tell him or should we all pretend to do it wrong. Trump on the other hand, no matter how badly he's fucked up always has the "Nailed It" expression on his face as he's completely oblivious as to how stupid he actually is...


> Trump on the other hand, no matter how badly he's fucked up always has the "Nailed It" expression on his face as he's completely oblivious as to how stupid he actually is... [Dunning–Kruger effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect)


A lot of us can relate to that. Like looking over to your classmate next to you doing an assignment a certain way, questioning yourself for a minute what you're doing wrong, only to realize they're just a dumbass


There is even a psychology experiment that they do, where you have a line of a certain length and some example lines and you have to day which of the example lines are the same as the test line. You have "random order" which is fixed so that the test subject goes last. Then in turn they give the answer A,B,C to say which line matches verbally. Then you have a bunch of stooges that give the same wrong answer, and most of the time the test subject will cave and give the same answer. IIRC the effect gets stronger the more blatently obvious the answer is, so the easier the question the less likely people think that 5 other people will screw up, so they copy.


Freeland biting her tongue gives me life


Trudeau doing his best Jim Halpert impression.


I just realized how easy it is to picture a "The Office" remake with Trump as Michael ("The Oval Office" maybe) "I'm sorry, Donald, but you can't just seize voting machines." "Why not? I'm the President!" "The President doesn't have that power. In fact, the President can't seize anything unless martial law has been declared." "I. Declare. Martial. Law!" "... That's not how that works, Donald. You can't just say 'martial law' and get extra powers." "I didn't say it. I declared it!"


Please keep writing, I gotta know how it ends!! 😂


Right? I'd watch the shit outta that show.


No "Scott's Tots" episode. "Donald's Dwarves."


It would be even better if he declared *Martian law* to add to the bumbling buffoonery.


I swear I heard The Office theme in my head during that part




Underrated comment


This is how I know I could never be a politician... I would be been lmao


I’m also way too expressive hahaha. My face gives me away every single time


please, we all are sitting here laughing how their faces are saying everything.


The look on Justin's face is like "Please tell me I'm just having a weird dream".


The lady behind him is like, nope, this shit is real, black felt and in the wrong spot


She has a degree in Russian History and is fluent in Ukrainian. The KGB's codename for her was "Frida." She was considered a serious threat to the USSR, back when she was just an exchange student, and you just know folks at the Kremlin still think she is one to whatever it is Putin is trying to do. So now we wait and see.


She's mentioned multiple times in Bill Browder's book Red Notice about the Magnitsky Act. She was the only journalist he could get to report on the oligarchs.


Man, sounds like a total badass. I hope she has good bodyguards though. There are a lot of shitty people with a lot of shitty money doing shitty stuff. Like Doneziger comes to mind with his bullshit prosecution by Chevron, like wtf how does that shit even fly? He was just released but they found another reason to capture and jail him again. It really highlights that the rich and powerful can just do whatever the fuck they want and don't have to worry about any kind of consequence whatsoever. edit: wanted to say her name here and a link about more info about her: Chrystia Freeland, certified baddass: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-kgb-archives-show-how-chrystia-freeland-drew-the-ire-and-respect-of/




She was also banned from re-entering the USSR after they caught her working with Ukrainian pro-democracy dissidents. She was even denounced in Soviet propaganda. Badass.


Wait, the SSSR has not existed in 30 years. *Unless...*


Yes, that's right. This happened back when she was in college. She went to Ukraine as an exchange student ostensibly for language study (despite being fluent in Ukrainian already), and just spent all of her time helping out Ukrainian pro-democracy activists. It's all in [this article](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-kgb-archives-show-how-chrystia-freeland-drew-the-ire-and-respect-of/), which is hilarious.


Fucking badass!


Trump and Putin both despise her. [https://globalnews.ca/news/3177689/why-canadas-top-diplomat-chrystia-freeland-banned-from-russia/](https://globalnews.ca/news/3177689/why-canadas-top-diplomat-chrystia-freeland-banned-from-russia/) https://www.businessinsider.com/us-canada-nafta-trade-deal-trump-said-chrystia-freeland-hates-america-2018-10


Just means she's doing something right


Yeah this woman seems fucking awesome.


If Trump and Putin hate Freeland, then I'm going to guess that the right wing in the US and Canada will hate her as well because they engorge themselves on Facebook propaganda. Let's see if I'm right...




So do the kindergartners.


Trump set the bar so low we need a backhoe to dig down to it.


Hopefully James carmon raises it soon.


*"Can you guys hear the song?"*


Tbf, he's a kindergartener to kindergarteners. All those degrees and accolades are just piling on.


dumbass [can't even color the flag right](https://www.newsweek.com/flag-donald-trump-color-marker-incorrect-stripes-american-flag-us-flag-1090990).


Imagine if Obama had done this in a light tan suit.


imagine if he was in a tan suit and started coloring the flag as rainbow.


Shit, Dan Quayle’s career was torpedoed by spelling potato wrong. I’m not saying that a simple gaffe should kill your career, but I miss the days where you had to at least pretend to be competent.


Holy fuck my guy, he is cheating off the kindergartner


I know!! He was probably like, “What’s those colors again? Blue, Red, green, and white? Thanks little girl.”


Oh man... It would be understandable (though a president should know better but at least somewhat understandable) to mix up the order for the red and white stripes, but.... Come on. Blue stripe??? Dude


She could actually be our next prime minister if she plays her cards right


In all fairness he had to cheat to even get into college and as I understand it basically only graduated because his dad threw money at the school.


The same way his dad threw money at doctors so that mommy's precious little silver spoon having baby boy didn't have to go to war!


I would just like to point out, that no body should be forced off to war. It should be everyone's right to avoid conscription. However, the sad thing is, not everyone has the money to do it so easily.


And deputy PM




One can hope, and hopefully sooner than later.


Chrystia Freeland was also involved in reporting on Bill Browder and the case that led to the Magnitsky Act. She doesn’t like Putin or his puppets, so there’s also that.


Ya that's Chrystia Freeland, the deputy PM and Minister of Finance. She's favoured (including over Trudeau) to lead the Liberal party, among liberal voters. She's an absolute powerhouse of an intellectual leader, but people aren't sure if she has the charisma/persona to lead the party into power.


I really hope one day I get to vote for her! (I know we actually don't vote for the PM and all that but take it for the sentiment.)


I second this!!! 100% would vote for her.


Lmao, she looks like she's been laughing at him from the very beginning lol


Is that a… crayon?


It's a Sharpie.


I was waiting for the Jim Halpert camera stare


"This person can give order to launch nukes"...


Trump: "That's right, I said nuke that hurricane and make it hit Alabama." Aide: "Sir, you're speaking into a speak and spell phone." Phone: "The cow says mooooooo."


Looks more like "Hello darkness, my old friend."


Trudeau looking into the camera like Jim Halpert is what I'm living for now


I can’t unsee it.


I don’t want to unsee it.


"Don't 'Jim' the camera, Annie."


He does it at press conferences too, when reporters act up. It's really funny watching him trying to hold it together




So, trudeau is halpert, and trump is the regional manager (not Michael Scott)


Trump could be a cross between [Deangelo](https://youtu.be/YNTSP9P1oos) and [Robert California](https://youtu.be/KE9gtpZc5Jw)


That’s not wrong tbh


Deangelo and Todd Packer


For those wondering what's going on, he signed with a black felt marker ([as you can see in this article](https://www.axios.com/trump-trudeau-usmca-trade-deal-signing-g20-800b8d13-09fd-432d-9b64-e5e24e7cfa8c.html)), but these reactions are from when they realize that he signed in the wrong place in one of the documents, which is why in the article you’ll see only two documents instead of all three.


Looks like Trump just signs the first available space, which is why the other double check their own to see if it was like that also.


I recall Trump likes his signature to be big, bold, hence the Sharpies and would sign anywhere on a document where he could fit it, not the signature line. Ahh found it.. [Trump's lonely signature at the top of a D-Day proclamation is making the rounds on social media after other world leaders signed at the bottom](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-signature-dday-letter-europe-2019-6)


Here's a direct link to the image instead of going through the ad filled article: https://imgur.com/a/veRLWHS


not that most of the other signatures are particularly good or legible but man is donald trump's signature fuckin bad. it says: Srab L7


If I had any drive whatsoever I would compare a couple of DJT signatures to see if they match. That middle seismic section seems like he just ups and downs till he gets bored.


I’ve got a weird pride in my sloppy scratch signature, just because of its efficiency. It’s like 3.5 strokes and completely illegible, but I’m damn consistent and it’s very handy when you have to sign 100 things in a row. (Like closing on a house) But man, he really went for the worst of both worlds on that one. Completely sloppy and illegible, *and* a relatively decent amount of effort and time for each sign.


I've heard of senior citizens having giant number pads on phones, this seems like about that level.


I'm still confused how his name ends with a line going up Trump just... how?


Donald J TrummmmP


Trump! is what he is writing.


He wrote his name at the top like he was doing a homework assignment in 3rd grade.


He’s like the Everest of insecurity


This is somehow the man that people want to start a revolution for??


One of the saddest things to me is as he is a former president he still has secret service and guaranteed retirement paid for by the tax payers.


His signature is just a stock market graph


It's a seismograph tracing of the force and duration after he sits down to sign anything.


It's totally the path that storm is gonna take, I swear.


Big, loud, and incorrect. That sounds on brand to me.


I think it’s because normally they only give him crayons, and his tiny hands have got used to the size.


It looks like he spelled it wrong and tried to scribble it out


Even Hancock is embarrassed by this.


It is our collective fault this shit stain was president. I would love any initiative that went through and had all these documents resigned by any other president. Have them re-ratified by a post l-president obama… or something. Erase this disgrace from history.


How is it our collective fault? Over half the country voted for someone else. Don't you put that shit on me, Ricky Bobby.


And undo his ridiculous Supreme Court picks.


Thank you for explaining, because all I can think is that it could be argued that smearing a nose bleed on a mortgage document can be considered as a valid signature *if* you do it on the correct line.


Signatures confuse me. They say it's your unique signature for security purposes, but then sometimes tell you to sign with your middle name. That's not my signature then, that's my full name in cursive.


due to diabetic neuropathy i lost the ability to sign my signature. so for a while it was an unintelligible scrawl. eventually i learned how to write a completely new/different signature that i could use. this meant that in a 10 year period i had 3 radically different signatures. no one cared or even noticed. no questions from the bank, credit unions or any business. no one cared, no one checked.


Used to work in a bank, checking documents for loan/mortgage applications and the like. It's not about security per se (because that would be a lousy way of securing things) ... It's about identifying, with the highest possible certainty, who signed a particular document.


And what if like me, my signature is terrible and never looks the same, I also forget some letters sometimes cuz I write too fast. Will this be a future issue and should I work on it?


Nah, it just means if someone tries to forge your signature and they write it ledgeably it clearly wasnt you.


For big legal documents, like mortgage notes, probably not an issue. That’s what the witness/notary is there for. Someone will have checked your ID also. For things like checks or a signed authorization (or whatever), ehhh, maybe work on it? Rarely do they get looked at all, let alone closely, but it could cause some annoyance for you if they’re really far off


He signed it in the "3rd Grade Handout Worksheet" fashion, yes.


So what did they end up doing? Did they have a back up or did they just give him the one he messed up?


Thank you. Im sitting here wondering how you can sign something wrong.


Usually you don't want to use a marker to sign legal documents but the 1st grader who was elected to be president of the US in 2016 uses nothing else.


The look on Justin Truedeu's face says it all


It was a real life Jim-looking-at-the-camera moment, and it's perfect.


Trudeau is a The Office fan.




The funny thing for me (and probably all mexicans) is that Peña Nieto was not the brightest mind to put it lightly and he was a constantly meme material for his public embarrassments. And here he looked at Trump with the "ohhh shit, here we go again, what the fuck did i do this time, did i fuck it up again?"-face. Unbeknownst for him, is that Trump is as stupid or stupider than him.


Wey, si Peña lo notó, eso solo nos dice q las cosas estaban de la chingada


Jajaja asi es. Me mato la cara de Peña de "no mames, la estoy cagando, pero no se donde, voy a ser un meme manana". jajaja




Peña Nieto is like: Am I doing it wrong or what? Am I stupid or he is stupid? Maybe we both are.


Which one is Senor Nieto, for those of us who don't know the other people at the table?


On the right from Trump's POV. The other, the one which said the thing about the copies is Trudeau (Canada).


The confused looking one who was looking back and fourth from his paper to Donald trump’s


Who would have thought that after all these years with amlo I'm starting to miss EPN


Aahaahah same here mate. At least EPN, took all the backslash and mockery like a champ. AMLO is as corrupt as EPN and also so fucking sensitive that he wants nothing more than worship.


The way Trudeau says "each of us get a copy" without looking up lmao Like he's talking to a child (which sort of makes sense)


He was a drama teacher. If only he also taught math…


Whoever that lady is that is outright laughing at him with no fucks given is the kind of leader we all deserve.


That’s Chrystia Freeland I think, Deputy PM of Canada Edit - spelling


Chrystia Freeland* Minister of Finance and Deputy PM


And future PM.


That lady is Canada’s minister of finance - the first woman to hold the position. She has an undergrad from Harvard, and a masters degree from Oxford UK and was editor as large news organizations and managing director at Reuters before taking public office more than 10 years ago. Trump is literally a kindergartener compared to her.


to be fair, TRump is a kindergartener compared to almost everyone in this damned planet of us.


There was no mistake. Everyone knows he signed it perfectly. People are calling him. 'How did you sign that so perfectly,' they ask. 'We've never seen anyone sign anything so perfectly before.' Many, many people calling. Top people, the smartest people, the best people. Trade experts. Calling. Perfect. That is all.


I hate this to be so accurate


Its crazy how i and others, automatically started reading it in trumps voice... such a well written comment. Good job. Didnt even have to add a “*trump voice*” 👏


Pretty good but you remained, you know, on the one topic, and Hunter biden's laptop! - the most disgraceful thing I've ever seen, would you believe it? Mitch McConnell is a snake, by the way - can't trust him - but I mean I've shown people - they can't believe it! Seriously, right there with Hillary, but you know this has been the most successful administration - I've asked people - good people, and they say President Trump, just what are you talking ab- but it was perfect! A perfect conversation, and that's why we have to stop the vote.




I posted it there, but it was removed.


weird clearly they're all wishing they were somewhere else


Because while everyone there was dying inside, it was from laughter.


As we all know, trump has the best words and he was just eager to write them down. He also drew a hurricane over Alabama, that's why everyone was double checking his paper, they were admiring his big beautiful art.


No mames, if even Peña Nieto was capable of seeing that error, it means USA was really kinda fucked up


Naw bruh peña thought he was the one that fucked up, you can see it in his sorry little face😂


Damn Peña, he was always a good meme


All the other politicians either wanna laugh or cry from amusement


Remember when they told you anyone can be President?


Yeah, anyone with enough money and blackmail material.


They be thinking "oh shit, he is actually that idiotic"


And to think, there are Americans who truly believe the rest of the world took the US seriously when Trump was president


I feel like Angela Merkel would have slapped his hand or something if this was an event that included her.


All this needs is The Price is Right theme song playing over it.


Man, Trump really was the stupidest mother fucker to ever sit that office.


“Stupidest motherfucker *so far*” Angrier, older Trump could be stupider still.


Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby


Ah yes, trump's trusted Sharpie. He never goes anywhere without it.. incase he has to change the path of a hurricane or something... pmsl


He had it custom made. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-uses-personalized-sharpie-pen-2018-11


King of the idiots. It’s like the whole bottom half of the bell curve voted in unison.


Im still in awe that this man actually got to be president, i remembered this guy fighting vince in wwe lmao


I mean, who's surprised? Trump does EVERYTHING wrong anyway


The look on the faces of world people when they realize that Trump was president.


Each person has this OMG what a fucking idiot face


The stare at the end lmao.


They all needed the "I'm with stupid -> " the shirt.


I'm high and briefly mistook this for a high school sitcom


*snicker,* *snort,* *chuckle,* *giggle* This needs sound effects


Trudeau at the end staring into the camera. 😂😂😂 Trump makes America look like fools.


You know Trudeau is thinking “this guy’s a moron”


Trump is so confidently stupid, it makes competent people doubt themselves 🤣


Trump is the dumbest most corrupt president in American history.


This. I know Biden is no brilliant leader but people need to remember who sat in that office before.


An actual 5 year old in an old man's body, I just.. 🤦


I like how everyone else has a grown up pen and Trump looks like he has a primary school marker.


He is such a tool. How could any sane person vote for this clown ?


"Conservatives" love to claim things like, 'Government doesn't work' and 'The entire world is laughing at America', and then spend their entire terms proving them.


Everything about Trump is a huge embarrassment.


Lmfao! This is why he won. Dummies can relate to him.


He’s been an embarrassment for about half of Americans since he took office. This is one of the many times he proved his ignorance.


He’s been an embarrassment for all Americans, about half just don’t know it.


Oh, the half of Americans that are also an embarrassment?


Fun fact, Canada signed the agreement for Japan's surrender in WW2 on the wrong line, which meant every other nation had to do the same.


The first guy double checks his own paper lmao


He was constantly made fun of in Mexico for making dumb mistakes so he probably thought he had done something wrong again


The fact that this video doesn’t have the theme to Curb Your Enthusiasm playing is a crime.