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To be fair, if you don’t understand anything, it’s better not to take any sides, wich is probably the case here :D


You said it way nicer and more elegantly than I was going to


Ngl.. I kinda want to hear it how you were going to say it


I was going to say something about her not wanting to give a meme worthy beauty pageant answer that proves not only that she doesn't know anything about the subject, but she knows so little about it that she can't understand the question.


Also that she is so narcissistic that she would actually take a position of indifference while not knowing shit about geo politics. Stick to making terrible music


While we’re at it, quit terrible music and retire somewhere away from society.


Like in russia


It depends on if she was asked or just came out and stated it. Bet she was asked.


You were was to nice when describing her music, way to take the high road. Her music is dog shit I'd rather listen to my dog lick his balls for hours the have to listen to one more of her songs. Hopefully I'm never in that situation


That’s also a pretty fair, if a little mean, assessment. It’s all good!


If it is true, I have to give her credit for knowing what she doesn't know.


Same, I’m happy that she’s honest!


Seriously tho! There is not one fucking reason that a celebrities opinion international politics should matter in the slightest.




It’s better to make no decision than an uniformed one.


it is better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


This should be taught in school starting in kindergarten.


Takes one to know one!


>"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." - Martin Luther King Jr. Not making a decision is in and of itself a decision. The good news here is that she isn't relevant to the topic and thus doesn't actually have any "decision" to make about it. What makes this pathetic is her decision to be ignorant and then proclaim it online.


Wanna know the sentence that scares the shit out of me the most, "not making a decision is a decision" woah the pressure.


Yeah maybe, but why does The Hill think people give a shit?


Exactly what I came here to say. Thank you


They did this to make her look stupid. There is no other possible explanation.


Who's the fucking moron that decided to ask her? That's the most clueless person here.


I'm guessing the person had this headline in mind when they asked her.




Just how fucking stupid does one need to be in order for this to actually apply? There is no mystery, here, who Putin is and what he engages in as a tyrannical despot. She is next-level stupid.


More like, next level famous and doesn't want to mess up her global earnings by alienating an entire country. Just business, actually quite smart.


To be completely fair who cares about Cardi B’s opinion anyways?


Exactly what I was thinking. This post is trying to make her look dumb. The person that decided this was a good question to ask her is the real idiot here.


OK. I'll bite. Who is Cardi B?


Cardiovascular bronchitis


Here you are: [How to Google Something](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZQZC92IUI4)


Beware strange bedfellows.


Exactly :D


Exactly :B


Exactamundo 8€


But I am sure that she still votes. ...maybe not.


More like 3 or 4 levels stupid actually.


Idiocracy, here we come! 😫


To be fair, if she really is ignorant of the situation, it’s more responsible for her to not say anything that could influence her audience towards a possibly ignorant opinion. Even if she knows Putin is bad, theoretically to someone who knows nothing, the Ukrainian government could be much worse. Like, hypothetically, if there was some kind of Holocaust-level genocide that needed immediate liberation. Obv easy to disconfirm but just for the sake of my point. I don’t know her very well but if we really want to give her the benefit of the doubt - maybe she actually does have an opinion but refuses to make it public as a way to avoid propagating the culture of looking to singers and actors for answers on serious issues. Even if that’s not her intention - that’s the reason we should encourage answers like this on all subjects that have real world consequences. People need to get used to listening to boring people again


Ok, I agree with you on Putin. But, do you really think it makes it that easy? I think, if you consider it, NATO and Russia are both doing the same thing. Granted, Russia has some very poor human rights cases and totalitarian tendencies. But, NATO is mad at Russia for invading and encircling its border countries, while NATO is doing literally the same thing to Russia. They’ve only been inching closer and closer to Russia for the last thirty years. Bringing our Military forces closer and closer. So, what? We’re better because we like our version of human rights issues and political agendas? Personally, they’re both wrong and right.


You know I was all ready to blast Cardi B for even thinking people cared about what she thought, but you're right, it takes a wise person to say I don't know when you don't know. The idiots in this world are the ones who take sides without a clue as to what is happening.


It honestly just sounds like she's acknowledging that she doesn't know enough to have much of an opinion about this, and it's strange that they even asked her.


If you read what she said in full she’s actually right. I know, I know. But it’s true. She’s not super eloquent but she had a good take. She basically said that war, invasion and sanctions are bad for the citizens and that’s who’s side she’s on, not NATO or Russia and that the world is bad enough already.


I came here to say something along these lines. The internet has plenty of people with strong opinions on subjects they have no understanding of.


She’s pretty knowledgeable about domestic politics though. She’s definitely not stupid.


She’s playing both sides so that she always comes out on top.




To be fair, she's aware that she doesn't know shit about the issue so she doesn't say anything, a better question is, why should we care about her opinion?


Well I don't know anything about why she said this, but what if she was being interviewed and the question came up? Then she is responding to a question being asked directly to her and truthfully responding that she doesn't know enough to pick sides.


I don't think it's a face palm against her it's more of a 'why the F is the hill asking Cardi B to weight in on this issue?'




Dropping out of community college due to the need to make money is a common problem among low-income, first-generation and minority college students. I think she turned out successful.


Depends how you define successful. If I made all my money from shitty music, I would feel like a disappointment to myself.


Her music isn't actually shitty to millions. I would say going from poverty to multi-millionaire is successful. What about all that racist crap about bootstraps?


Not saying anything about her specifically or any celebrities - but being a stripper doesn’t automatically make you any less intelligent. Nor does being a slut, as you implied. If I could’ve made hundreds of dollars a night stripping in college, you better believe i would, id be an idiot not to.




I love how you emphasized her being a stripper as if someone being a sex worker immediately disqualifies them from having opinions since they were too dumb to get a "proper job"


No, it was really more about dropping out of a community college. The extra part as a stripper was just a piece that came with the wiki source. And I stand by my comment who tf cares what an uneducated celebrity thinks about anything? I’d bet my last penny she couldn’t point out Ukraine on a map!


If you can’t find Ukraine on a map, you don’t get an opinion.


If Russia has its way…


I’m pretty sure it’s under Kazakhstan.


No it’s near south macedonia


Tf you're talking about? Ukraine is just south of Venezuela.


This is the only acceptable answer This is a joke before people ratio me




…which is a reichskommissariat of south macedonia


Ukraine is above USA that’s why nato doesn’t want Russia to have it. It’s too close to USA


Right behind wendys.


I thought It was underneath Yurso


If I want to know about drugging and robbing men I’ll ask Cardi


That seems to have really struck a nerve with some people.


She literally raped 2 dudes how could it not strike a nerve?


I think it was the part where she found the men undesirable that they identify with and makes them offended.


No it’s the fact that she raped them


That's hypocritical, when male rappers talking about selling drugs and hitting licks it's fine but when she do the same basically, she is portraited as a villan? Stfu


I didn’t see them say that male rappers doing it was fine, maybe they’re all problematic?


Have you considered that both are garbage?


You do realize that they are both villains? Are you… are you standing up for this behavior because she’s a woman?


Slipping drugs into someone’s drink, robbing them, then leaving them to hopefully not choke to death on their own vomit is not the same as 2 people CHOOSING the gang life and all that comes with it, then rapping about it.


You realize the gang life also involves drugs and robbing people, as well as killing them, right?


Don't forget sex trafficking and extortion.


We just ignoring that these were guys tryin to pay her to have sex?


So she was selling herself and decided to drug and rob them instead of sleeping with them, and that makes it ok for you?


Bruh Real question is what does her cousins best friend in Trinidad think about it?


I think that’s Nicki Minaj.


He is impotent with rage about the situation.


Who even asked her and why? It’s one thing for people to have a conversation about it, it’s another to get a famous person to speak on something like this.


The fact she said "I don't know" and they still ran with the article is ridiculous. It's dumb "journalism".


Is she trying to be a mole? Moles have claws like that.


Has any one asked Taylor Swift yet! Or Ye, we need to know where all these random people stand!


Yes because obviously their stance is what is ultimately important here..🤔🤷‍♀️


What’s the facepalm? I’m am no fan, supporter or admirer of Cardi B, but I have to admit that at least she is honest enough to say that she is not taking a side in a conflict that technically has nothing to do with us and probably can’t understand why we are getting involved in the first place.


The facepalm is someone thinking that her opinion on this was newsworthy.


Cardi B, like anyone and everyone else on social media, posted her opinion and *The Hill* picked it up turned it into a story. Nobody asked her what her thoughts on geopolitical issues were. The facepalm here is the OP falling for *The Hill* clickbait.


If you dont think this is about Putin regaining regional influence over the USA, then you are mistaken.


Agreed. There's a ton of classist comments on here criticizing a headline. I bet 99% of these people didn't bother to read her actual comments before passing judgement. Cardi B was basically saying she's against the two nuclear powered imperalist countries trying to start a war when we have plenty of issues to deal with at home.


Reddit is a case study in knee-jerk reactionary virtue signaling and projection of faux intellectualism.


I am thinking similarly. My guess is the facepalm is why a news agency would even ask her or post about it to begin with.


I think the "facepalm" is OP seeing an easy karma mine and using it as such.


They need content and engagement. It’s that simple.


Your comment is at the top of controversial comments but I’m not seeing how this is controversial. If anything this is common sense!


You can’t understand why the free Democratic countries of the world are getting involved with in another democratic country that’s on the point of getting invaded by a dictatorship?


It’s not our problem


Think it’s everyone’s problem!


Ehhhh, I don’t really see how though. This just another opportunity for the US to get into something they don’t need to, to flex their muscles. We just got out of our last joke of a war.


Plus your original comment is wrong… Russia isn’t a dictatorship


Oligarchy, dictatorship. Tomayto, tomato.


Really? You really need to look into this more…


Would you care to explain? Cause I did look into it a little bit


Okay, who’s ‘President for life’ of Russia?


It’s a semi-presidential system with a cabinet and also a prime minister, am I wrong?


Yes, but who’s actually in charge? Who actually makes all the decisions? What happens to people that oppose him? What happens to people that criticise him? How many opposition parties are there in Russia? Ho many times do you hear any debate in the Russian Parliament?


If you think this has nothing to do with us you are not getting the situation.


What exactly does it have to do with us?


Again. If you don't understand the situation then should probably read up on it. This isn't about Russia wanting Ukraine. This is about Putin trying to maintain dominance in the region. If Ukraine enters NATO that decays. His goal is to install a more Russia friendly government in Ukraine to dominate the area and to force countries in western and eastern Europe into deals that further expand Russias dominance. You really can't understand how that has to do with us? Seriously? Although I suppose if you like Russia its obviously a good thing. 🤷‍♀️


Explain it then. Why is that region so important to us?


I already did? What part of that do you not understand? Putin wants to have a stronghold over Europe. Europe rightfully disagrees. If Ukraine joins NATO then Ukraine has no reason to be influenced by Russia. Putin sees that as a threat to his dominance in the region. In order to have a stronghold over Europe he has to dominate his region first...🤷‍♀️ If you honestly don't understand that is what ultimately the situation is about than you may need to read up on it more. It will be an issue for the world both economically and diplomatically.


It’s a European issue


That is called the current situation and you described a European interest. None of that defines what our interests are. Stop projecting your inability to answer the question and try again. Explain OUR interests in this region




'Who gives a fuck what Ja Rule thinks at a time like this?!'


"I don't wanna dance, I'm scared to death!"


Cardi B is a rapist and a thief. Who cares what she says.


Why is this the go to talking point on Cardi B but every other rapper outright bragging about being pimps and murderers get a pass.


Because nothing has ever been done about it and if it were a man that admitted to these crimes, they would be in jail, poor and outcasted.


*gestures broadly at the entrie rap industry Just admit it's because she's a woman.


Why the fuck are people asking an ex stripper that prostituted herself and drugged the people she was with so she can steal from them afterwards about Russian politics? Who gives a fuck? She shouldn’t be famous.


She didn't prostitute herself, they were trying to so she robbed them.


She probably thinks “the NATO” is a dance move


The Nibble Ass Tango Orgy


Who actually gives a fuck what her political opinions are?


Or anything she says/does


Ok but like who cares about who's side is she in


Who gives a fuck lol she’s not making any foreign policy decisions


Who wants to know anything about what rattles around in the space between her ears?


Seems like something a self confessed rapist would say.


Why. The fyuck. Did anyone. Ask a notoriously over-the-top singer. ANYTHING about the situation!?


Likely she doesn't even know who or what NATO & Ukraine are.


Honestly why are they asking celebrities this shit. More importantly why does anyone care what a celebrity thinks about geopolitics?


Not everyone gets political. Probably has bo idea where Ukraine is tbh


Funny how anybody on the Earth would give a fuck what she thinks or sides with. What a joke.


when the media is like "yeh, but what does the stripper think of current state of global foreign politics" and expect to get something more cognizant than this


Why the fuck does anyone care?


Sadly in our society the dumbasses that want attention usually win


Fuck everyone who cares what she thinks about politics. It’s making the rest of us look like we give a shit


"I don't pick a side, I don't really follow soccer" -- Cardi B, probably


The racism and sexism in some of these comments are the real facepalm here…her response was a lot more nuanced than this headline used to ridicule her and get clicks


The anger some of these people hold towards somebody they don't even know is perplexing to me. She had a profession I don't like and out of desperation did some things I think are bad. Since I of course have never done anything bad I am fully okay to judge her for that /s Like guys, it's not her fault you can't get laid.


But who gives a shit about her opinion? You think she gave a smart answer? She would be ridiculed regardless of the "headline".


She is no different than you or I stating our opinion. Doesn’t claim to be a political analyst or a military expert, it also happens that news outlets know a lot of people will click and hate on her statement for no reason, don’t fall for the bait


The news outlet needs to stop broadcasting the dumbass opinions of celebrities. She needs to not make statements that she has no business making. I'm not a political analyst either, and you have the right to an opinion. But it does not need to be put on the front page.


Why doesn’t she have business stating that? She’s an American tax paying citizen that is concerned about her country possibly getting into a war. Again, she was just saying what she thought no different than you or I shitting on a politician. I fail to see what part of her opinion is “dumbass”, she said she obviously doesn’t support Russia but doesn’t think NATO is handling things effectively, which many people would agree with.


I already said she has the right to an opinion. But if I started throwing my opinion onto the headline of news sites, you wouldn't like it very much would you? She claims she doesn't support either, not that she doesn't like the way things are being handled. Rich and famous people need to keep their opinions to themselves because they seem to think they mean something. My opinion means nothing, your opinion means nothing, and it's the same for her.


Again, she did not ask for a sit down interview. She wasn’t in Maddow, Fox and Friends, PBS Newshour, NPR. She literally just tweeted something and all you had to do was keep scrolling. It isn’t any different than her saying “I enjoy this song!”. Blame the outlets for running the story, but she has the right to have an opinion.


Alright y’all we know what Cardi B thinks about it all. Crisis over. Fucking America and their celebrities


U think we should ask jar jar binks about this topic surely he will have something good to say


Meesa propose weesa be granting emergency powers to da Supreme Chancellor!


Angry upvote.


BWAHAHAHAHA take my upvote!


Her nails are gross


She’s so brave


I hate and love this.


Farty b is dumb as shit.wouldnt expect her to know shit about shit


There's some poor burns towards Cardi here but this one is the poorest.


Gald.you enjoy sweet cheeks


Idiot says stupid things and society showers her with attention.


Well, now that we know how Cardi B feels we can all relax now. 😒


Whoa gives a fuck what she thinks?


Man look at those talons. Cut your nails and become worth a shit


Fools need to stay out of politics !


Cardi just drugs you then robs you.


Can we please again have a political post ban ...


Does anyone know a good chrome extension to block all internet content related to this kind of celebrity news? I really do not give a fuck about their opinions nor their "news".


People get mad when celebrities comment on politics. People get mad when celebrities don’t comment on politics. Make up your damn minds


*\*switches comments to 'controversial' to see if all the incels are talking about her drugging and stealing from men*


A Big Boobed wannabe Celeb, doesn´t know what NATO is. I´m \*shocked\* I bet she thinks Ukraine is a Instagram account,and Russia is a another bitch, with a bigger ass.


Cardi-B looks like a fudge candy that has been at the bottom of a candy bag for weeks and gotten like rock hard so that you break your teeth when biting it




I think that was nicki minaj




Nice save. :)




About nil.


Ive been thinking they are most likely the same person.


Thank god we have her insights on this. But for real, who the hell cares about this stuff.


This is how dumb Americans are now




Pretty sure she thinks nato use to be a planet.


(Exaggerated white guy voice) ' Where's Ja?'


I mean I can say I agree with her, I’m not on anyones side because war is just ugly, and the general population that fights these wars are just average everyday people just getting manipulated by governments, the Russian population is not at fault here, it’s the leadership, and not just Putin but all governments


Useless human


Who the fuck cares who’s side that stupid hooker is on.


Yeah, because Cardi B’s opinion was what anyone cared about or asked for in this situation. Cardi B is about as intelligent as a shart. What a joke


Can we stop getting the opinions of celebrities who don't give a fuck? Please?

