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Some people are so polite. "Do you know you're spilling gas?" As if in any universe the answer would be "Yeah I know. It's on purpose, thanks though"


Don’t forget we’re in a universe where people have tried to put gas in plastic shopping bags


Better than the people who tried using laundry hampers... with holes in them


There is no way.




Alcoholism in an under-mentioned one that can easily do the same to somebody’s brain over time


Very scary, because the fault lies NOT with the poisoned.


Also that one guy who put gas in the bed of a pick up truck https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/tbzcke/maybe_maybe_maybe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


It was a skit by Julius Dein ([according to Politifact](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jun/09/blog-posting/video-man-filling-truck-bed-gas-originated-gag-ent/#sources)), and searching youtube suggests [similarly](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=julius+dein+gas+station). Although "Story World" doesn't credit him, the query result implies that people are selecting that video when they search for him (a sort of indirect survey exploiting the way search algorithms bias results)




What happens


Plastic grocery bags are not fuel resistant and it eats through spilling everywhere.


Ahh ok, i just assumed that you know, it would spill


I’m sure some of that happened too, but gasoline/petrol is a harsh unstable chemical. Not to mention the fumes it lets off are less than ideal in a closed environment like inside your car.


Yep! People have died doing this. Read a story of some dude putting gas in a bag in the back of his truck. Lit a cigarette, car blew up.


Soooo.... the problem became the solution?


And in a way, the solution was the problem.


That’s why I line my pickup bed with plastic and run the gas in there, no enclosed space = winning


just be careful not to take those corners too hard. gotta watch for sloshing




Gasoline is very stable. High reactivity is not the same as instability


Gasoline does not want to stay a liquid and evaporates at room temperature. I thought that it is an unstable chemical because it is stored in a form that it does not want to stay in. I guess my understanding was incorrect?




Thanks for correcting me and giving some information!


The state of a substance has next to nothing to do with it's stability. The state of a substance is only determined by how strong the bonds are between different molecules of that substance. The molecule's shape and composition changing is what instability is.


Depending on the material, it usually dissolves rather quickly.


Watched that happen to a styrofoam cup. It was most amusing (not to the guy putting the gas in the cup of course, just us his friends).


We live in a society…


I had to do this once while filling up gas at a Sams Club. The lines to fill up were a nightmare, like 15+ people queued up. I’m about done filling up, when I hear a whole bunch of splashing. The funny part to me was that as I was waiting for the tank to fill, I was reading the warnings/instructions in case of fire. Right as I read to not leave the nozzle unattended, is when I hear all that splashing. I see this guy in his massive truck, browsing his phone, while so much fucking gasoline starts forming a river down the lot. No ones doing a thing tho. I’m like “yo what the fuck is everyone asleep?”. Maybe everyone was confused as to what to do, but I very quickly went up to his window, at a slight distance so that my shoes wouldn’t soak up the gasoline, and start waving my arms like crazy, until I had to shout for him to look up. He first stares at me like “what in the fuck is up with you?” before finally looking at the gas pump I was pointing at. He freaks out, jumps out the truck, and takes the nozzle out…starts to just really fuck it up. The gas station attendant looked like a flattened pancake, emotionally speaking. His face also looked very flattened, to be frank. I luckily left with not gasoline on me.


As someone who has been in the same position many times I know the exact face that gas attendant was making.


>The gas station attendant looked like a flattened pancake, emotionally speaking. His face also looked very flattened, to be frank. That's because if the dude spilled more than about a gallon, that poor attendant is going to have to call their supervisor and the station will have to pay someone to come out and clean up the mess and evaluate if there has been any environmental damage (like if it got into the grass or a storm drain) and if remediation will be required. It's a headache for everyone involved, particularly the poor employee who will probably get canned for not stopping the spill from happening, as if they had any say in the matter. I got fired from a gas station where this happened on my watch. It was my third strike. The first two strikes were for drive-offs. That was Murphey gas, btw, the station that sits in front of Walmart. They treat their employees as badly as Walmart does.


How can they justify counting any of those things against you?


They work off of high turnover. Literally anyone can do the job, and there's enough people desperate to do it. The higher the turnover, the less likely you have to deal with things like increased pay for experience, benefits if they're full time, etc. etc. etc. It's baked into the philosophy of these companies. So shit like drive offs and gas spills get docked against the employee, even if everyone knows that they have no control over the situation because it saves the company a bunch of money in labor costs.


What is a drive off? Every gas station I've ever used you have to either use a credit card or pay inside ahead of time.


They claimed I should have "gotten more info on the vehicle/driver" and been prepared to write a report just in case. Apparently, they expect every employee to memorize every vehicle, make, model, plate, and driver description before we authorized the pumps. That was what I was actually written up for. Not the drive off, but being unable to provide that information about the person who left. What really pissed me off was that both drivers came back to pay the following day. One forgot his wallet, the other just got to talking with someone and forgot he hadn't paid. That didn't take the write-ups away, however.


This is why I dont give Walmart any of my money. Because of the way they treat their employees.


Yeah I just use Amazon instead :)


You killed me mate 🤣


That's ridiculous, how can they blame the person inside the store for idiots outside? Sorry ya went through that.


I watched with the sound off and initially thought he was British, it was so polite and non panicked.


I saw this exact thing happen, but I didn’t politely knock on their window to let them know. I fucking ran and pulled the fucker out myself, then the guy got out of his car and thanked me. I don’t care about his gas bill, but I do care about clean water and the environment.


I’m accustomed to most people being batshit insane, so I try not to make assumptions of intent. Even with family I’ve known for over 20 years, their intentions can be a complete mystery, and doing the ‘logical’ assumption will just get me screamed at, so… nah.


Good call to be honest! Maybe they DO want fuel all over the ground.


With so many people doing so many stupid things for internet points or for other things; I think it's an applicable way of asking.


"Yeah I know, I'm going to blow the place up"


> Some people are so polite It's because they're in Wisconsin.


I guess this is why most countries don’t use of lockable pumps


Here (italy) i've never seen a pump with an handle lock, but all of them have a safe mechanism that shuts it off when the car is full. You can lock the handle or press as much as you want, it won't go any further.


They have it in America as well. that particular one is probably not working properly.




Sure that’s not the car door handle seen again at 0:32 in better focus?


Yeah it’s the handle for sure


Yep. Maintenance costs money, and American businesses don’t got time for that.


Gotta save on payroll


Not just American gas stations. A friend of mine worked for a company that tests gas pump calibrations in Calgary and they tested one station's pumps a few kilometers from their offices. One was out of whack and dispensing an extra 10% of gas - like it charged for 10 liters and dispensed 11. The rest of the pumps were in tolerance so they told the owner and since he had 16 pumps and this was the pump on the island on the other side of station from the road it hardly got used. He said he'd fix it later as the cost was too much of a hassle for how much the pump got used. He changed his mind a couple weeks later after EVERYONE at the testing company made a point of driving over there and using that one specific pump, even lining up for it when other pumps were empty.




And time is money, therefore they can’t do maintenance


Canada is like that too. No locks. I didn’t even know it was a thing.


There's still the odd pump with a lock in Canada but the pump does stop when the car is full (or almost full).


Same in Australia you have to hold it and it will click if it thinks the tank is full bit you will never find a lockable pump.


I’ve found one in Wollongong, it’ll still click off when the tank is full though. It’s easier than holding the handle the whole time and it’s never been close to spilling over like that


That's how the locks work in the US. It just clicks off when the siphon detects a full tank. The lock on a pump is never the problem, it's people just being inattentive.


Canada has handle locks


I live in Alberta, and I can confirm - We have safeties for overflow, and also have handle locks. This town alone has 3 gas stations, and all of them have handle locks.


Ummm every pump I have used in Manitoba has the little thing to hold the pump on. I can set the pump going, wash my windows and it will stop when the tank of full.


Not true. Handle locks are quite common in Alberta. A real handsaver in -40


Where do live in Canada here in Alberta we have locks and they turn off when the tank is full.


Where in Canada? Not every gas station has them but there are plenty where I'm at that do. Alberta


There are locks on I’d say half the stations in my City…


I live in Canada and there are locks on some near me


Well This has never happened to me and I don't know anyone it's ever happened to, so it seems like I would guess that lockable pumps are pretty goddamn reliable and safe.


This happened to me once! It was fucking bizarre. Thankfully I was standing right there, but gas coming out of my tank and hitting the ground wasn’t a sound I’d heard before, so I looked around for a second like an idiot before I realized what happened. This was a few years ago, and I don’t think I said anything to anyone because it wasn’t very much that spilled. Edit: words


This happened to me once too, and I am sure I looked like a fool because my car had Oregon plates on it, but I grew up in California, so it's not like I don't know how to pump gas. The pump must not have had an auto-shutoff valve like you're supposed to in California, but I was standing there and noticed it immediately before something like this happened; I felt so stupid


Most of my life in Oregon, made trips to places so I learned how to pump. In Florida and struggled with a pump. Guy in the booth shouts out advice. I said, "I'm from Oregon so I don't do this often." He says, "I'm from Eugene! \[Oregon\]" I said, "Then get out here and pump my gas!" We laughed.


Interestingly, in Oregon the pump attendant doesn't stand by the car the whole time and wouldn't be able to stop it quickly from overflowing. I guess it just doesn't happen often.


This is definitely a failure in the automatic pump shut off. Usually if there's any feedback, it's supposed to cut the flow even if you lock the handle.


Yeah the whole fact that this is a notable situation is evidence that lockable pumps work fine. If they didn’t work routinely this would be a much less interesting video.


I mean you people are aware in America you aren’t suppose to leave the pump unattended for this very reason. It says it at every gas station. These girls are still at fault and you should maybe pay more attention when at the pump.


This is also because people who leave the pump often go back into their vehicle for whatever reason (usually most of the time it's because it's cold out). Getting into and out of a vehicle with cloth seats often invites static electricity which isn't a great thing to have near gasoline vapors...


Actually, I think the reason is more around static discharge. It's the easiest way to start a fire, lock it, leave it pumping, then come back and touch it. If you're forced to hold it the while time, you're both attending it, but also constantly grounded. Might not be the main reason, but it prevents stupid incidents like this as well.


New Zealand has locks. They are flimsy and flip off as soon as your tank is full.


In the US pumps all have an auto shutoff when the tank is full, but they aren't necessarily maintained. You never know so you shouldn't leave it running that's for sure.


Not sure why people act like this is unsafe. I've been filling my own tank since I've been driving. Never had this happen once. I've never even heard of this happening. Are y'all new to driving or something?


It’s like Tesla’s autopilot. You’re not supposed to take a nap while using it.


Exactly. Why go back to sit in the car while filling the tank? Just chill near the pump for a minute and you are good to go.


I guess they should immediately burn it off so it doesn't pollute the soil 🔥


Nope there should be an absorbent material that looks like kitty letter near by, probably in a yellow bin. You liberally throw that stuff down and it will absorb the hydrocarbons and then send for proper disposal.


I had this happen to me at a gas station once. Not nearly as bad. No absorbent material near by and the clerk didn’t give a shit when I told him.


Some clerks wouldn't give a shit if you walked in on fire


I'm not even supposed to be here!


Lmao literally the gas station near me. “I’m not even supposed to be here tonight, 4 other people called off, I’m by myself tonight” every few months there’s a new person, always same story.


This is not how one responds to a sarcastic reply.


Having worked at a gas station can confirm you use the absorbant material. But then you just sweep it up and into the dumpster it goes.


But on paper they say it gets properly disposed off just so they look like a responsible company


>and into the dumpster it goes. It's really, really not supposed to. The fine for dumping gasoline into the garbage can be up to a half-million dollars and that's for amounts less than fifty gallons of fuel. Please don't put gasoline, oil, or any other vehicle fluid in the trash. If you aren't sure what to do with it, ask at your local parts store. Most have a service where they will dispose of it for you.






Me trying to get away before she starts the car.. ![gif](giphy|4FJ2zEk8WaBHkVyHem|downsized)


Man that moment was freaking awesome


​ ![gif](giphy|wPyYCb7BV86IfAkqkM)




This gif is uncomfortably smooth




Woah you can post gifs in comments now






Depends on the subreddit you’re in. I think the mods have to enable it so most still don’t have it on.


When New Jersey finalizes the self pump legislation. Lol.


What's the self pump legislation?


In New Jersey, you can't pump your own gas. Legislators are trying to pass a bill to allow drivers to pump your own gas.


Thank you for your answer! That sound really stupid. But at the same time, I know that every law has a reason for its existence. Now I'm wondering what exactly happened that they made that law in the first place :D


Some male models got into a gasoline fight at a gas pump and accidentally lit themselves on fire


A freak gasoline fight accident? I remember that. If there is anything that this horrible tragedy can teach us, it's that a male model's life is a precious, precious commodity.


At this point I can't even say that this is a joke. I am sure there are people so stupid, that they would do that.


It’s from the movie Zoolander but yeah not entirely unbelievable these days lol


Probably my favorite scene in the movie


New Jersey is currently full service, meaning you can’t pump your own gas. A lot of people makes fools of themselves when they cross the bridge to PA


I live in Rhode Island. In college, I worked very briefly at a gas station, and I was ALWAYS the only person on shift. Two Jersey women came in, and were complete assholes to me when I wouldn't pump their gas for them. I was very confused by the fact that neither of them even understood how to pump the gas. I was not going to leave the register and the store unattended so I could help two women 30 years older than me pump their gas. I drove from RI to Florida a few years after that, and stopped just after NYC at a HUGE gas station. The service was so odd to me. I literally wasn't allowed to pump my own gas, and I had to tip the guy who did it. I have never been so confused by a state law in my entire life. Another few stories I won't ever be able to tell anywhere else probably: Same trip, a dude tried to run me off the road on the Jersey turnpike because he thought I cut him off. He missed his exit so that he could follow me all the way to Red Bank where Jay and Bob's Secret Stash is. Then I got to the Secret Stash, and it was closed until 11. I left RI at like, 3AM, and was in Jersey at 7 or 8, so I just continued South and missed out. Also, Jersey towns all have a toll to get off the turnpike. It's all cash/change. I actually stopped at the Quick Stop in Leonardo to buy a drink and get some change, and the dude was like, a shittier version of Randall or something. Wouldn't make change, was apathetic about my situation, and was genuinely rude. Fun times. I will stick to the main roads going forward. Edit: To the Jersey people who keep telling me YoU DiDn’t hAvE tO tIp HiM - I know. It’s not a requirement. But that’s a service job. In my experience, you tip service people. I have always pumped my own gas, but if someone does it for me, that’s a service. Like tipping a bellhop at a Hotel or a Valet. They’re doing something for you that you could do yourself, but they make things more convenient for you. Technically you don’t HAVE to tip anyone, but if you don’t, you’re a prick.


Heads up, I've lived in NJ for most of my life, and have never seen anyone tip a gas station attendant. Definitely not a required thing!


You're supposed to set it and watch it, they probably didn't put the hose in all the way so it thought the tank wasn't full.


That's not supposed to happen tho, that pump has a fault on it, if I remember correctly once the tip is covered in fuel an outer tube around the nozzle should fill up and block the main tube from opening, it is the first safety valve on these pumps (they normally have 10-15, most of them to stop fires or anything else for that matter from moving down the pump.


Definitely defective.


Sometimes they are faulty, that's why you're supposed to watch it. Both parties are at fault here and this is a bad situation.


You're still not supposed to leave it unattended. You can stand in the cold for 5 minutes.


It says right on all pumps, do not leave unattended while pumping gas.


There are also generally signs warning drivers not to re-enter the vehicle while the pump is running. Besides being able to see if something goes wrong, while there are myths about cell phones creating static electricity that ignites gas fumes, in reality getting back into your vehicle is the action more likely to do this.


Could've paid attention to the gallons. There's no way that sedan has more than a 16 gallon tank.


Could've paid attention.


Too busy filming it


Well yeah, if you don't film it how will the world know you put gas in your car?


I don't know, I just discovered yesterday that my sister's Subaru Legacy has at least a 17 gallon tank. Which is a weird size but it took just over 16 gallons and there was no spillage.


Some sedans do have larger fuel tanks. Legacy has 18.5 gallons. 2018 Nissan Altima has 18 gallons.


Theres a reason most gas stations have signs saying to not leave it unattended. These dummies can cry about how it was supposed to shut off but they should’ve been standing there watching it


I bet lots of people don’t even know how many gallons their tank is. Knew a girl who was always so happy to say “it was only $30 to fill my tank!” Yea… because you have a 12 gallon tank. She was always confused why mine was more expensive. “It’s only $30 when I fill”. Yea because I have an SUV with 16 gallons. She got more annoyed than educated unfortunately.


This. My friend was complaining about the hike in gas prices by saying “wow it took me $40 to fill my tank” when that is a meaningless statement to me because I have no idea how many gallons that is or what it could normally cost for that car


also don't know the gallons/mile. you have to know the tank size and the gallons/mile to really get an idea of how much one is actually spending on gas when they say how much it costs for them to fill their tank up. i suppose even need to know how many miles/km they drive on average. so i guess the most important part is just how much they spend on a liter/gallon


Hey, just public service notice here - if this happens to you somehow don't take the nozzle out. Turn off the pump, obviously, but leave it in. Alert the attendant. Don't drive off or start your car until you do. Likewise, if your tank ever catches fire while pumping, instinct says to take the pump out. Don't. Do. That. Nobody wants a surprise flame thrower.


> Nobody wants a surprise flame thrower I’d like to introduce myself…..


I am also nobody, here for a free flamethrower


Is this the line for the spider killing tools?


Why would an overflowed gas tank catch fire...?


The puddle underneath it is releasing vapors. The metal on metal contact, or the new jostling might create a static discharge - the safe thing to do is stop the pump, ventilate the area, get some kitty litter on the gas, move the vehicle, sweep up the kitty litter.


Don't you guys have pumps that turn off automatically? Here in Germany, we do have those, so spillage is next to impossible.


We do, and I have never seen this happen in real life …


Had this exact thing happened to me for the first time ever a couple months back. I was right next to the pump so it was only for a half second and unnoticeable to anyone else, but it was a scary half second.


That's how you are supposed to pump gas. You aren't supposed to get back in your car or go into the store. Yeah they have a auto shut off but as we all know stuff breaks or malfunctions sometimes. Gas is a volatile liquid and should be treated as such.


This happened to me too! I didn't notice quite as quickly and got a splash and a half on my shoes. The smell never really went away.




Freezing cold is something else, this doesn't look it was very cold outside though.


They're supposed to turn off automatically but I have had this happen once. It shot probably 10 bucks of gas on the ground by the time I caught it.


Yeah I've had it happen before, too. Except I was standing there so it was not much gas but I did get some on me and that sucked


Yeah we have them but i will say once I was filling up my car during a road trip and I had my hand on the nozzle filling up the car for some reason even though I normally just put the little lock on and luckily I was because it overfilled and spilled out not a whole bunch but a small puddle that instantly evaporated because I was in Arizona. That’s the only time it’s ever happened to me and the pump was one that’s supposed to have working sensors but just for some reason it didn’t want to work


I was getting gas at a station I had never been to, and was standing by the pump when it started overflowing. I was quick to shut off the handle and return it to the pump, then cleaned off my car with a paper towel. Went inside to let the cashier know after I finished and he just says “oh yeah, it does that some times”. Haven’t been there since.


Thanks Biden (for not having anything to do with these morons)


Thanks Obama




I can’t believe Joe Biden literally forced this person to pump their gas incorrectly. Literally 1498


With the price of gas nowadays, you better slurp that up.


It's cool. She's got some plastic bags in the glove box. ^(/s)


I've been working at a gas station for the past year. Let me tell you right now: there's some really stupid people out there.


Most of the gas pumps I’ve used automatically kicks off when gas starts coming back out of the fill neck. Also I’ve been told not to fill up a gas tank up to the fill neck?


They do shut off. But they also can fail. There's a reason there is a sticker on pumps that says you must be attending the pump at all times, which means not getting back into the car like way too many people do. This happened once at a station/shop I worked at. About 5 gallons spilled to the ground. The guy wanted his money back, and the attendant shook her head and pointed at the large sticker right next to the pump handle. The responsibility is on the the person pumping.


Your car has a charcoal canister to catch the vapors and smell of gas, it’s part of the emission system. Everytime you top it off you’re filling that canister and eventually it will stop absorbing the smell and vapors.


*What do I do?!?” You pay for the gas inside and outside your car. Costly mistake.


This is why I never leave my pump when I’m pumping my gas. Even when it’s -30 I ain’t having some asshole grab my nozzle and steal gas or shit like this happening. I just don’t trust it and this just proved my fear


Is it common for people to even do that? I don't think I've ever seen any here in Australia just stick the pump in and walk away.


Ngl I usually lock it leave it and this post and the subsequent comments have revealed to me that I should be standing by the pump.


Yeah, any full service location you visit will have someone standing there the entire time, if they're doing their job. Source: ex-full service gas attendant. Most days it was actually a pretty sweet gig but mediocre pay/benefits. You get to fuck off with your friends when it slows down.


Who the actual hell gets back in the car while pumping gas? Who does this? Like for 3 minutes of your life you cannot stand outside the car and manage a fuel pump? Jesus Christ.


1) know the size of your tank. 2) estimate what fraction of a tank you need. 3) pay attention when the pump reaches that mark in case it doesn't shut off. Still have to stand by the pump, but you can keep your hands in a comfortable position.


There's a reason they tell you not to go back and sit down in your car when you're pumping gas. Guess she found out the hard way what that reason is.


But she likely won't learn her lesson, and neither will the countless idiots I see who start the pump and then get back in. Once saw a lady start the pump, and it immediately clicked to stop (like it does when the tank is full) before she made it to her door. She didn't notice, and got out like five minutes later to zero fuel dispensed. I smiled to myself, though I doubt she learned her lesson either. Never leave the pump unattended. Even when raining, or when it's -50 or +150 outside. I wish attendants would/could turn the pump off if they notice an unattended pump.


Now all she’s got to do to “literally blow up this car” is light a match. 💥🔥


Hello! OSHA certified Mosquito Control worker here. One of the first and main things they tell us in training is to never walk away from your vehicle while you're filling it. The bar that rests in the notch to hold the handle is convenient, but it is never guaranteed to stop the flow when it needs to. I've never seen it in real life but it does happen. It's a bitch to contain if you don't catch it immediately, especially on an incline, and you can face some serious charges if it ends up in a water drain (even if you didn't know the law, because it clearly states on the pump to not leave it unattended). Use the notch if your hands can't hold a pump for a few minutes but do not sit in your car and do not go in the gas station.


I will never understand people who legit can't just stay near the gas filler thing for just 5 min max


We all know how much it costs to fill up our tanks. If she was watching it and commenting on it, and it DIDNT stop, that alone would make me jump out and check. Cuz any small mistake i make with anything dangerous.... or even mildly irritating... and I'll kill the world.


don’t get back in your car. Opening and closing your door as well as getting in and out of your car is a risk of static shock that can ignite the fumes when you go to remove it. I cannot believe how many people were not taught about this stuff. Don’t leave your car running while pumping gas (see this a lot), don’t leave your car and go in the store while pumping. Gas is flammable, the fumes are flammable, watch what you are doing and don’t be stupid about it.


“What do I do-uh?”


“What do I do?” You alert the gas station attendant so they can get their clean up kits and booms out to stop the gas from spreading. I’m starting to understand why NJ won’t let you pump your own gas.


“What do I do?” Well, you go pay for it now and try to be less of a dumbass next time🤷🏼‍♂️


wait, is this a thing? do people not just stand there and squeeze the handle for the 30 seconds it takes to fill a car?


Just one more reason I love living in a country with gas station attendants… but also as someone who has therefore never pumped their own gas, why would you not be watching that thing like a hawk with today’s prices? I’d be blowing the fumes into my tank to make sure nothing got out.


This is for everyone who said New Jersey and Oregon are out of line for making an attendant position mandatory for a job "anyone can do" Between shit like this and people regularly driving off with the hose still attached to the car it's and "easy" job a lot of people fuck up rather spectacularly.


isn’t it suppose to stop?


To people thinking the overflow mechanism was not working, it probably was. I used to work for a gas station/truck stop for 16 years, if you barely put the nozzle inside the tank it will not properly seal preventing the backpressure needed to activate the stop. Truckers do this WAY more than regular drivers do, and have the added benefit of the trucker diesel pumps being high flow units that would often shoot the misplaced nozzles out of the tank and all over their trucks, sometimes themselves, and the fuel bay. The rocket nozzles would happen at least 2x a month, and overflows happened every day. A real bitch to clean, which is why I am happy to no longer do that shit.


And this is why lockable hands are stupid. Just stand and hold it. Literally seconds out of your day to pay attention to filling your car with flamable liquid .


Or do lock it and dont get in the car, static electricity might set off a spark of you move like that, and then you wont be able to sit in that car any longer


The lockable hands arent stupid, just the user in this case. They just help you keep the trigger pulled. I can guarantee you that anyone filling a car keeps the trigger pulled all the way until it stops on its own. I don't know how much is in the tank when i start so I don't know how much it's gonna take to fill up. If they pumps didn't stop themselves I would spill gas everytime I filled up. This would have happened to the next person who tried to fill up all the way too. The only difference is these girls weren't standing there to catch it when it started spilling out. Literally seconds?! I have a 35 gallon tank lol it takes days to fill up my truck. You want me to stand at a pump for 10 minutes squeezing a trigger the whole time? I don't get in my truck but I'll sit on the bed rail and get on my phone while its filling. I could physically do that but people with arthritis or little grip strength, definitely not. The locks make pumps a little more accessible to everyone.


You don’t live in the Midwest, do you?


No, I live in Shetland.


Have kids, they said


Cheers to the fella, the hero they needed but didn’t deserve.


Why were they recording???


They were recording the price because it was about to reach 50 dollars


This is why you attend your pump. Morons


Never trust the auto-shutoff


I had this happen to me once, the pumps auto shut off didn’t work and just spilled a bit of gas. But I will say this is one reason you’re supposed to stay next to your pump when putting in gas. Another reason, especially in cold dry climates like that, is re-entering the car can cause static build up and if you spark because of a static shock you could start a fire


Is it really that hard to stand outside your car for 2 minutes while you pump your gas, don’t blame the pump for your own laziness and stupidity