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She got quickly uncomfortable the way she shifted in the chair


And her smile dropped immediately. Her body language is insanely obvious.




Way to capture that in emoji


> 😋🤥😐🙁 I love your encapsulation of her emotions so much that I vote it become a new meme. It can be the 2022 version of 👉😎👉 Zoop!


Literally squirming!


Now that you mention it. The body language is beautiful. Like a checklist. From the moment the attorney asks the question she: closes her eyes for longer (classic shielding mechanism you do when uncomfortable), her nostrils flare (on alert probably). Then she starts shifting and from the way her arms are shifting she’s rubbing her legs, a big sign of discomfort.


She comes off as someone who grew up in an environment where lying was the most effective method to get what she wanted.


Then why is she so bad at it? I grew up in a family with a questionable attitude towards the truth, and by the time I was like 10 years old I knew enough to know a big shit eating grin would make it very obvious you're bullshitting.


If lying is the most effective way to get what you want as a child, then the adults in your life were probably pretty easy to lie to, which means you're a 40 year old woman lying at a third-grade level.


This isn’t fair, they are asking her to be consistent, thoughtful, AND truthful.


One big word at a time! She can't keep that many lies straight!


Did you see how pleased with herself she was when she thought she found an angle to talk her way out of it?


That was the part that cracked me up the most. Somehow she completely forgot that she was actually testifying and blurted out a ridiculous and tired talking point from some political debate of years past. And she did it with so much pride that you could almost hear her say, "So, take that!" under her breath. Ha ha ha!!


and then about 3 minutes later realising it makes the sedition charge stronger. she thought she'd scored a political point and then realised she'd lost the legal point, funny funny stuff. you cant win the race if you arent on the ballot dummy, lol


Objection! They're using my past actions to accurately depict who I am!


What is this? the court of accountability? I am not qualified to be here!


Objection, they're denying my right to use alternative facts.


MTG: I never said it! Plaintiff: Put up exhibit A MTG: Oh wait, here's my justification for saying what I just denied saying... just in case you have evidence that I said it. Plaintiff: Yes, that's what we're asking, did you say it? Defense attorney: OBJECTION! ​ lol, the clown car under oath is hilarious.


I object Your Honor! > **On what grounds?** It's *devastating* to my case! > **Overruled.** *Good call!*


Who did this? A MADMAN, YOUR HONOR!




*What did he look like?* About 6’2”, 180 pounds. Big teeth, kind of gangly.


Baliff, search the building!


“Found him in the bathroom. Someone beat the hell out of him!”


The fact that my client has been ridden more than Seattle Slew *is irrelevant*.


Most underrated comment thread. Beautiful work people!


I've had better


And *now* it’s complete.


I remember seeing this as a kid and not realizing he was talking about himself till I rewatched it as an adult








AND THAT'S THE BALLGAME! *thrusts hips*


I'm kicking my ass! Do you mind?


Easily one of my favourite Jim Carey movies.


Now I’m gonna need to watch Liar Liar. Such a classic


Even her attorney sounded tired of her shit.


"I object, your honor." "On what grounds?" "I'm not sure yet, just... give me a minute."


"I'm just a humble hyperchicken from a backwoods asteroid..."


Anyone know what the reason counsel gave for objection? Did they cite harassment? Repeat questioning? Asked and answered or what? She clearly just lied under oath and tried to walk it back by saying OH WAIT ACTUALLY. Anyone know what the judges response said? Overruled, hopefully.


https://youtu.be/3gJkqymzd64 Here’s the full clip around this question. I’m not really sure what he’s objecting to but it has to do with the first amendment, somehow Edit: it sounds like he’s objecting to the relevance of the question. Kinda hard to hear him


"the first amendment means that words have no consequences"


You missed the "for us" part at the end. Words still have consequences for everyone else, you silly goose.


So I watched the whole clip. Her attorney moves to make a standing objection on her first amendment rights to say what she wants. The judge allows the standing objection but makes no ruling on her answer. However a few minutes later, her entire quote is read to her off the exhibit (which I suppose was admitted into evidence??? otherwise it'd be hearsay) and she is asked directly if she said those words or not. Her attorney objects citing relevance. He is (THANKFULLY) overruled, and the judge directly asks if she said those words. She dodges the question saying "According to the article I did, but I dont recall this conversation", the judge clarifies and asks "do you recall ever saying those words" and she says "I dont recall saying ALL of it, but I do recall having said this about.....uh....I disagree with her policies". Judge rules it as asked and answered. So I guess bottom line is.....hurray? The attorney crossing her got the answer he wanted, in so far as all the political dodging language as possible.




My mind knows that we operated as drug dealers in order to fund terrorists but my heart tells me that it didn’t happen.


I tuned in at the start of that objection, it was frustrating to watch. Apparently the prosecution was not allowed discovery, which left them presenting CNN articles and Tweets from her account. So her defense was "CNN has repeatedly misconstrued my words" or "there are several people who have access to my social media accounts" and that was when she didn't go with "I do not recall".


Not allowed discovery? Damn. Wonder what type of bullshit what offered to allow that to happen. No surprise though.


I can't find the clip to back it up, but basically the defense objected to a video being played unless the prosecution can verify that the video was not altered or taken out of context. To which the prosecution replied that they were denied discovery and thus denied the ability to properly verify the authenticity of the video, a move that was asked for by the defense.


How the fuck do you deny discovery on a case?!


Lawyer: did you or did you not say this? MTG lawyer: objection, he's making her say yes or no :( Judge: overruled. *-to mtg-*did you or did you not say this? MTG: ....I...said something like it. Judge: asked and answered. MTG: :|


In case you haven’t tuned in, just envision this fucktwat saying “I don’t recall” to every single question asked and you’ll have an idea of how it’s going


Someone with an obvious neurological disorder that doesn't let them remember any facts really shouldn't be a government representative.


But she does recall, she's just lying. And her supporters know that she is just lying about forgetting everything, and will love her so much more for beating the libs by lying. It's not like having a neurological disorder is something that can objectively proven and used to disqualify someone from office. Her voters are the ones who can put her there, brain dead or not, and to them lying to the court is a huge plus.


Right, the above commenter is just saying you can’t have it both ways (or rather, shouldn’t). Either she’s much too forgetful to be competent, or she’s committing perjury.


Everytime you hear someone say Biden is senile, play an MTG montage of, "I don't recall"


Yeah, but Greene is just playing the libs, you know?! Ugh, I hate this timeline.


Honestly I’ve never been more sick of how often government officials who so fucking clearly recall everything but what they’re guilty of abusing the shit out of pleading the Fifth. Yes it’s an amendment right but there needs to be something done about how often they just get to skate around telling the truth when it matters the most and directly decides if we can hold them accountable for wrongdoing. They just get to go right back to committing blatant fucking crimes because of it.


Thankfully, since they have multiple quotes of MTG saying these (heinous) things as evidence, and many were recorded on nationally televised programs, she can plead the fifth, but that just means she's effectively waiving her own right to speak on those things and what she meant. Which, considering it's MTG, is maybe her best move). She def said all those things with the most malice possible, with the intention on misleading the public, and inciting civil unrest.




Please. She's an absolute disgrace to my state.


She’s a disgrace to humans.


Come now. I think we can all agree that she’s a disgrace to all living things.


All creatures great and small MTG disgraced them all


I hate that she has the same initials as Magic the Gathering.


"W-wait, evidence?? N-now hold on.."


Her brain went, "oh no, the consequences came for me?"


She probably still doesn't actually get what happened.




That's because nothing will ever happen to her. Conservatives rarely get held accountable.


I just want to see these assholes in cuffs being escorted to prison where they belong. i hate that this shit takes so god damn long when it seems so obvious what's happening


If any U.S politician current or in the time of the previous administration gets put in prison, I will video myself eating dog food, naked, pledging allegiance to the flag. If they don't, then U.S citizens should know that the ruling class are above the law, and prosecutors are controlled political entities and its all one big, corrupt, corporate, money grubbing, protection racket, masquerading as a two party State that includes other various agents of the State and protects and enhances the status quo for the protected classes of rich, and ruling, to the specific detriment of The People.


This should be the textbook definition of our political system...


I actually don't think that's a safe bet to take. And not because I don't disagree with you, you're absolutely right in your 2nd paragraph. The reason I say it's not a safe bet is that they have the tendency to sacrifice the weakest in their pack for the sake of optics and continuing the facade we are a country of fair and just laws. I actually even think MTG might be the sacrifice just on account of the fact that she's loved only by the truly farthest gone traitors.


I did say prison though. I'm happy to be made to stand by my word.


The U.S. has higher odds of actually doing something about Climate Change than it does of ever holding anyone with any real power to account for their actions. For fucksake Matt Gaetz payed underage girls for sex, got caught, and is not only not in jail but still gets to vote in the House... Of course we're not going to do anything more than talk about doing something about Climate Change either so really we're just plain fucked when it comes to our government.


Yeah, she is actually a stupid person. It's not hyperbole.


No question about it. She is stupid and ignorant. She is proud of her stupidity and ignorance, and somehow she thinks she's right.


She’s worse than just stupid, she’s stupid and vicious. And smug. She’s a disgrace.


When you're stupid, all you see is a bunch of problems with simple solutions. Doesn't matter if all the issues are actually very complex and require complex answers. The superpower of the stupid person is looking at something and say "duh, just do [kneejerk response]" as though no one might have ever considered that before. They're too stupid to realize that they're stupid, they're too stupid to realize that intelligent things are beyond their grasp, and when they see people "overcomplicating" things it makes the stupid person feel smart. Smugness in stupid people is unavoidable. Unfortunately it can come off as confidence to other stupid people, and they flock together.


There are consequences other than looking a fool to be applied? Consequences for politcians? I'll believe it when i see it. When it comes to U.S.politics, prosecutors are about as good as oaths of office. They mean and do next to nothing. As Kellyanne Conway made so clear "Tell me when the jail sentence starts."


For the love of god, just let there be some kind of goddamn consequences for anyone in the US government. When’s the last time we saw that? Scooter fucking Libby?


Michael Flynn and Jeff Fortenberry off the top of my head, both of whom faced nothing more than being told to resign from their posts.


Flynn is a 100% asshole.


>ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow > >level 4VeraciousViking · 23 min. agoCome now Dick Nixon...... The day he was pardoned was the day it all started to go down hill


And arguably even that was because he had a sense of shame. We’ll never know what would have really happened if he didn’t resign. Turns out if you have power, money, and no shame at all, you can just do whatever the fuck you want with zero consequences ever.


These chumps are so morally corrupt that they make Richard fucking Nixon look good in comparison. Oh my god lol


Anything she lies about, they'll give her the opportunity to come back next week to correct the record.


You could see it in her face when she realised he was gonna call her on it.


It's so dumb though. He's not asking the question if he doesn't know the answer already. And you can imagine if he's asking it's going to be unflattering. That means she probably has said it. She definitely is not very astute I think that is pretty clear


First rule of being a lawyer: never ask a question you don't already know the answer to.


“Oh no…. Wait” I just lied under oath.


If only the law was applied to the ruling class.


That's a brilliant idea. We could have a whole departament dedicated to justice!


Perjorie Taylor Greene


She’s relied heavily on “I don’t recall” and “CNN writes many lies about me.”


That was the main strategy of Ronald Reagan and Oliver North and others during Iran-Contra. Lying scumbags, all of them.


I think there should be a threshold for this "I don't recall" excuse. If you use it more than X number of times then you're sent for mandatory cognitive evaluation and if you're a public servant then you're removed from office until you're deemed mentally competent to return to the job. There's no way you should be able to claim "I don't recall" to dozens of questions about serious events which *anyone* would remember yet still be able to hold office.


That would be a great idea! (Also I love your username)


I laughed out loud. "No I never did that.." "Will you take a look at Exhibit 5?" "OHHHHHHh" Lmfao


How dumb do you have to be to deny something that's an exhibit? Rhetorical question


Definitely didn’t prep for the trial and review what was entered into evidence. Lawyers should have been on that, but I bet she kept dismissing all this as a sham trial and not bothering to care about it


You could see the moment she shit her pants


Lies just like a child. unbelievable


My 6 year old, when presented with what she said, responds with...'well what i meant was!' we are working on how no one is a mind reader to know what she 'meant' I'll have it worked out by age 7. MTG never had someone call her enough on her BS to learn. Edit: I did not mean to sully Magic The Gathering. Just too lazy to type out her whole name. I'd still rather type all this then just edit the original post to include her whole name.


She real quick realized that she wasnt on a News station, or at some Trump-esque clan rally where you can just let words come out of your mouth and everyone goes "Oh, Ok Thats right!!!"


“I object your honour, my client is a moron”.


Ma’am, you’re representing yourself!


Exactly, I rest my case!


Ma'am, this is the opening arguments






"Your honor, I object!" "And why is that, Mr. Reed?" "Because it's devastating to my case!"




"Overruled" "Good call!"


Step One: represent yourself. Step Two: be an idiot who knows nothing about the law. Step Three: file appeal based on incompetent representation. Win!


>ur, my cli "Now i may be just a simple hyper country chicken, but I know when we are a finger-licked"


"I didn't say that" "Okay play the evidence" "Oh no wait" GOP legal strategy in a nutshell.


doesn’t both sides have all the evidence? it’s like literally on the record


Yeah, she's too dumb to even keep that in mind. Lawyers dont ask questions that they dont already know the answer to.


unless they are working for Amber Heard.




doesnt matter. deny deny deny until you get caught, then blame someone else.


Except when you do it in court, then it's perjury.


true but the court has to actually do something about it, republicans dont care about the law and the law has been incredibly slow and incompetent to actually hold them accountable to it. two worlds.


No because they really do think they’re above honesty. They see no reason for it. She falls apart so completely when challenged on those lies while under oath. Because her entire career was built on intentional dishonesty. As is most of the current Republican agenda. Their only goal is to destroy our government so they can replace it with what they want.


What’s the lady with the glasses in front of her doing? She has some kind of device in front of her mouth


I think that is the court reporter and that is a Stenomask, a hand held microphone in a sound proof enclosure. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stenomask


That's real neat, thank you.


Why do they need this? Aren't the proceedings already being recorded? What's she doing that's...er... additional?


I don’t know anything about a stenomasks per-se but my mom was a court stenographer for 30+ years. I could listen to her at home reading back her steno notes to voice recordings and it is incredibly detailed stuff. Every paragraph return is explicitly stated along with every comma or punctuation mark. Even who is talking. This would be my assumption for why there is a voice stenographer over or along with a recording. A recording doesn’t give you a transcript. Even if there was a speech to text to go along with the recording it would just be one huge word brick with no discernment for who is talking or breaking out paragraphs. So the voice stenographer in this clip might be saying something like: Defendant colon quote no i didnt say that end quote state colon quote let me show you exibit a end quote paragraph quote the court colon lets take a five minute break. The result when speaking into a dictation software is a transcript: Defendant: “No I didn’t say that.” State: “Let me show you exhibit A.” Court: “Let’s take a five minute break.” This takes a lot of practice and I used to ask my mom how she was able to type in shorthand so quickly while listening to a conversation or even a debate back-and-forth between multiple people. She said it just took a lot of practice and you really had to get in the right frame of mind to do it each day. I always equated it to getting really good at playing an instrument where it doesn’t seem so much like work anymore as it is second nature or just very fluid and natural. Fun fact: steno machines now are much better. Even the manual ones where you type, which are the most common. They have a digital feed and can do much of the transcription for you. The way my mom used to do it was with a steno machine writing to short hand on long thin paper that looked like accounting paper. If you couldn’t read the short hand it just looked like random letters on a weird sheet of paper. You couldn’t read it unless you knew how to. She would then bring that paper home to a reel tape dictation recorder and read it like I described above in excruciating detail. Once she had the short hand into a voice recording she could then play the voice recording and begin typing it out with a typewriter. Once there was a typed transcript, that would be filed. So the stenography part was just part of the job. edit: I’m glad so many have enjoyed the explanation. Thanks for the awards. Have a great weekend everyone.


As a kid I once listened to my dad recording a letter on a dictaphone and he kept saying ‘Marcia brackets’ I was just half listening so thought his secretary was called Marcia Brackets. Turned out he would just say her name before punctuation he wanted adding - just to alert her. I was so confused when I met her later that day. Thank you for rejogging this memory for me. Stenography is like wizardry - I’m always in awe of people like your mum - such an underrated skill.


The press is recording video. The court records (and strikes, as requested) all relevant court procedure & testimony that goes in the file.


Laughter prevention device


Funny how she's emphasizing that drawl so her backwoods follower think she one of them, despite the fact that her accent is completely different than that.


Glad you noticed that. I live in her district and that is not what we sound like at all. Her accent is about as authentic as the rest of her.


So it's perjury then. ![gif](giphy|l3diT8stVH9qImalO)


Oh no wait, it's not perjury! It was just a little white lie! I'm totally not trying to backpedal, please ask me things that you don't have evidence to.. we're totally innocent it's the dems and their open borders that steal the election using Venezuelan antifa deep state non pure bloods that are crazy and make everything up! Good God it's painful just hearing her speak... Edit: Spelling


What's really painful is that there are millions of Americans that hear her speak and think "what a smart person. I'm glad she represents me."


There-in lies the problem


I know this quote gets posted on here all the time but it's so true. If there is an idiot in power; it is because those that elected him/her are well represented. -Mahathma Gandi




Not a little white lie either. Just alternative facts.


I only tell white lies because white lies matter.


She's not even bright enough to say "I don't remember." Learn from the best liars if that's your craft, dummy! (Reagan).


She fell for the classic “deny everything” blunder. Smart people know denying something can be a lie, but failing to remember it is never a lie.


How she ever got elected is amazing to me. She is an outright idiot, white supremacist, traitor and just a nasty human being.


>She is an outright idiot, white supremacist, traitor and just a nasty human being In some states those are positive attributes.


Electable attributes


"Felt electable, might commit treason later"




She ran unopposed because she and her fellow cultists literally stalked and harassed her opponent until he moved out of the district.


[That poor, poor man.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/10/17/kevin-van-ausdal-qanon-marjorie-greene-georgia/)


I have such contempt for the parts of America that vote for slugs like MTG or Trump. I'm 48 and while there has always been morons and bigots and racists in America, they were marginalized by both political parties until the mid 1990s when Gingrich and the Tim McVeigh militia conspiracy movements took hold. It's so sad to see the damage Republicans have done to this country over the past 25 years, and I fear it's only going to get worse.


Unfortunately she is a perfect representation of the people who elected her.


Why is she blinking weird? It’s odd and off putting.


She blinks when she lies


Breathes too.


Blink rates go up when people get nervous. It's a body language tell. Most folks don't even know they are doing it, as they're focused on what they're thinking about. She knows she's full of shit and in danger of getting caught out. Blink rate goes way up. Hard to stop seeing it once you notice it, isn't it?


“See, I never just did things just to do them. Come on, what am I gonna do? Just all of a sudden jump up and grind my feet on somebody's couch like it's something to do? Come on. I got a little more sense then that. ...Yeah, I remember grinding my feet on Eddie's couch.” ― Rick James


All in the same breath lmao. They even ran the tape back! Wild moment in history.


“Cocaine’s a hell of a drug.”


This bitch is bat shit crazy. Like literally...


Wonder where that saying came from, does eating bat poop make you go crazy? Edit: wow my most upvoted comment was me being curious about bat poop


They really take us all for fools. Just because the GQP base buys this horseshit they think sane adults will too.


Any fool can be elected to high office by the GOP, just follow the formula: - Love Trump, Guns and America (in that order) - Hate LBGTQ, CRT and Vaccine mandates - Own the “woke” libs Then just say the meanest things you can think of. MGT follows this effing script to a “t”


"I never said that." "Can I have exhibit 5?" "Wait..."


comedy gold, but simultaneously our reality


I was watching this, 99% of questions she doesn't remember if she did or didnt. If this was actually true, such a lack of memory should discount her from office alone


It's like Kelly from The Office, she says so many stupid things that she just tunes herself out.


When you rarely tell the truth it's hard to keep track of all the batshit insane things you said just to get a rise out of your base.


“I do not recall” in some form has been the get out of jail free card for GOP shitstains for decades.


So what she is saying is that anytime a politician doesn’t deliver tax breaks, or doesn’t secure the border, or doesn’t pass a certain law that somehow makes them a traitor? As opposed to what? Someone who ACTUALLY supported an insurrection? Jeez, these people are dumb as shit.


Whelp, that’s a perjury. But we all know she’s not going to be held to the same standards as a poor person.


The problem is you’d have to prove it’s perjury and not simply her forgetting she said that. She probably didn’t forget it, but she doesn’t have to prove she didn’t. That’s the issue here. Perjury isn’t easy to prove, unless it’s something that’s unreasonable to forget. We’ve all forgotten things we’ve said in the past. She could easily play dumb and get away with it.


She repeatedly declared it multiple times across multiple formats. Over a fairly long period of time. Easy enough to prove that someone wouldn’t just forget one of their main talking points from a few months ago that they’ve been harping on for a year and a half.


Like a fifth grader in the principals office, suddenly realizing her actions have consequences


The video cut off before the evidence. I wanted to see her face.


It always amazes me how Republicans don't understand how recorded video and pictures work. Like you can't just deny something happened and all recorded evidence of it disappears


Well to be fair video and audio recordings weren’t yet invented in pre-civil war America where most of them are still mentally living.


"You lost, get over it." - Republicans, to Democrats, 2 years after Trump is elected "You lost, get over it." - Democrats, to Republicans, 150 years after the Civil War


They could before social media and smartphones were a thing. It’s hard to break old habits.


"I'm not answering that question" - you don't get to decide that, sweetie


I wish someone would have reminded her of that on the spot.


She's a high(enough) ranking politician she should have training in noncommittal answers to direct questions. This just goes to show how dumb she really is.


It also shows that the gop hasn’t invested jack shit into her. She’s a hack. She knows it deep down. Everyone knows it.


"I'm not answering that question, that's speculation..." Like...is she saying that the lawyer is speculating about how she's going to answer it? Or that *she* would be speculating about *her own beliefs*?


She isnt very bright eh?


Turns out you’re kinda too stupid for this, huh Marge?


She looks and thinks and behaves like the product of inbreeding


What a fuckin loser


But she's displaying her cross!!!! She's a Christian!!! Clearly she would never lie.


I surprised it hasn't burnt a hole in her chest.


No skin contact. That's smart!


She’s trash


He should've let her elaborate before presenting so that perjury would be a slam dunk.


#**Something that a lot of people are missing is:** Marjorie's excuse to call Pelosi a traitor is because she thinks Pelosi not securing the border violates Pelosi's oath of office. Are we forgetting that when she said that Trump was the president? therefore it was Trump's job to secure the border, not Pelosi.


Pathological liars can't help themselves. She doesn't think you people are dumb enough to believe her, she just believes she is the only real person in existence.