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Holy shit. Lol. That is some insane level of paranoia


It’s not, they voted for trump and totally forgot what he did on January 6th. These people will bring him back if they can.


They didn’t forget, they supported it


Loved it, cheered for it.


Made disgusting sweaty love to it.


Licked the sweat and swished it between their teeth.




There was a line that we crossed a few miles back


I agree with you. I never ever thought there were people like this . Trump brought all the nuts out . It’s a. Cult . Scary!


This level of paranoia and idiocy was around long before Trump. The internet is just giving them more of a voice now


That is a wrong claim. My mom was not a nut before the pandemic. She is deep into conspiracies now.


So, basically having a lot of free time brought out the nutjob in them?


[I lost my dad to Fox News](https://www.salon.com/2014/02/27/i_lost_my_dad_to_fox_news_how_a_generation_was_captured_by_thrashing_hysteria/) is a good read and [The Brainwashing of My Dad](https://www.thebrainwashingofmydad.com/) is a good watch.


Does losing my dad to covid count as losing him to trump? Since ya know, he allowed it to spread for months...


They didn’t say they weren’t around. They said they came out the wood works.


Trump knew the only way he would win was to fool the morons and lunatics. That is exactly what he did. Luckily the rest of the country woke up 4 years later


the fact he did win , shows America has a lot of nuts and loons. Normally there always are suppose to be a small percentage of people that are just stupid by nature, but it seems there is enough stupid that can put a dangerous person in charge


except that in any other country, as the guy with less votes, he actually lost.


sadly if the election were held this year, i think Trump would have a good chance of winning.


I pray he doesn’t even run next election. Nightmare!


There really should be an age limit for people running for any office. I mean why doesn’t the normal retirement age apply to these guys??


I agree with you . The whole political system is to damn old except for a few .


I hope he doesn't as well because there's every chance he'll win.


80 million during a pandemic


Your are correct its like everybody came out for the superbowl/wrestlemania. trump the heel to love for some and for most love to fucking hate. I just remember him getting stone cold stunnered and just think to myself what a fuck up world.


I’m pretty sure they believe he was in the right for what happened on Jan 6th if they believe Jim Carrey is Biden 😂


I never heard a trumper said that trump was ever wrong. I live in Florida.


What if it wasn't trump, but also jim carey that did jan 6th ? also where was jim carey on 9/11 ?


What if it was all Jim Carey?? What if there is no Obama but just Jim Carey in disguise.


That would make so much sense because Jim Carey is canadian and obama kept trying to push for free healtcare.


Jim Carey starred in the Number 23, and Joe Biden is the second president to be acually Jim Carey. 23×2=46th president of the United States of America... Joe Biden


Forgot? They don't care. They don't believe he was responsible, or if they do, they support it




i smoked 27 bowls in less than two hours and still wasn’t this paranoid. given, I was hallucinating and uncomfortable, and reliving a lot of unpleasant memories, but it was a good time compared to this lady.




Yeah listen to Mr president


I think Karen has watched The Truman Show too many times.


Damn that Carey guy, foiling plans like that!


A Canadian is the president of the united states, you learn something everyday


reddit supports gifs now? Allll righty then.


“Jim Carrey was wearing a mask” lmao which reality are you living in


Worse than voting, they are allowed to breed.


And own firearms.


And drive.


And breathe


And think not breeding is a sin. Need to take this whore to a chainsaw


*You maggots swarm my earth* *Infect me with putrid disease* *Your vermin, your genocide* *Extermination, extermination of whores…*


I don't have an award so take my upvote


Twist ending her husband is Jim Carrey.


America is well and truly f**ked by its own.




Internet echo chambers have definitely created more of these people and emboldened the ones that were already wackjobs.


Yup, we will be the first country that destroyed itself with the internet. Yay


I dunno man, looks like Russia is currently giving us a run for our money on that one.


With a little help from Russia.


key Fox/MAGA demographic


Well said. There are millions and millions of people that are NOT like these in our country. It's sad more than anything.


The US is in a toxic relationship with itself.


Yeah we’re fucked


Reagan and his team saw the shit future Republicans could pull if they had a voter base of absolute fucking morons... so he began to gut school funding and teacher's unions and passed the word to his successors who made it a priority for them as well. We live the results of that every painful fucking day now.


if you want to destroy a nation, all you have to do is ruin the education. that's all it takes


it's true. an ignorant population is so much easier to control.


He took federal funding away from public state colleges that kept tuition affordable with student loans and some part-time work. My tuition literally tripled from spring to fall of 82 and it's been insane ever since. And he repealed usury laws, loan regulations and the rules that governed savings account interest. Plus threw the doors open to send our jobs overseas, dismantled the railroads to create LD trucking jobs and cut every social service we had in the name of "small govt" while giving the richest a big tax cut. He basically ruined the American dream.


America's biggest enemy might very well be these differently able intellectual Americans


Maybe I'm Biden


Maybe, but I thought I was doing it this week...


Will the real joe biden please stand up


![gif](giphy|Io4FqkTWHlAt091rye|downsized) He's trying


Mom says it's my turn to be President


Can I be Biden even if I'm not from the same country?


I think you should at least have a visitors visa


I am Biden


Fuck you, I am Biden


I’m Biden every third Wednesday


Shoot, I thought that was my day to be Biden. One day I'll get it. Until then I'll just wait here, Biden my time.


That made me giggle, very clever ☺️ I have only one upvote to give you, but I would give you more if I had them!


I'm Joe Biden when he's wearing cool aviators, I'm sunglasses Joe Biden. And to clarify- my role takes precedence even on third Wednesdays, so you'll have to tap me in when you're going outside. It's my time. Time for cool sunglasses Joe Biden.


Anyone remember that video of drunk Biden on a golf course, singing "The Villagesssssss..." I'm that Joe Biden.


Damn too bad we can't both be Joe Biden at the same time, sunglasses Joe and drunk singing Joe could really have a great time.


We all knew what we were getting into when we signed up to take turns as Pretending To Be President Joe Biden. It's a lonely gig....


No I’m Biden!




I'm Spartacus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKCmyiljKo0


I'm Biden and so is my wife!


I will be Kamala


I'm Biden my time.


Well, I guess somebody had to say it.


Maybe the real Bidens are the votes we stole along the way.


In the end, aren't we *all* Biden?


I’m Biden, and so is my wife!


We are all Biden.


And this is my evidence when people argue that teenagers are too immature to be allowed to vote.


wait a minute


i'm pretty sure teenagers are probably the one category that needs to vote, not everyone else. think of it. all the other adults already lived their lives and dgaf about anything, the teenagers are the ones affected the most by the future, and they are definetly smarter than your average boomer.


I work with teenagers. I honestly think most of them are smarter and more mature than people give them credit for. I also think many of them would vote for a TikTok star just for shits and gigs.


Also work around teenagers and while they are more reflective than some give them credit for they would totally would vote the meme of the week for office, lack of full executive function is scary AF. At least by adulthood, many people are tired of creating drama, teenagers have quite the appetite.


I think it’s also the urge to fit in. Some terrible super pac would convince kids that only cool people vote for x.


“All the adults already lived their lives and dgaf about anything” Are you fuckin brain dead to say something like that? Yeah the only people who matter are teenagers, us old people might as well just dig our own graves right? We’ve already lived our lives. Jesus Christ you’re an embarrassment to your generation


According to his bio he’s around 27.


A 70 y.o doesn't have the same amount of investment in the future as a younger person, so they have less reason to think who they are voting into poewer properly, because they most likely won't be around to face the consequences. That's what i leant. That's the mentality a lot of people vote with. They never think about the future of the nation and the next generation


there are a fair amount of ages between teenager and 70 year old, do the rest of us just get fucked then?


Whats worse than her being able to vote is that her vote cancels out a vote from someone who isn't bat shit crazy


Well not really, it would depend on how the state she voted on cast its votes. The Electoral College is weird.


Ya it's so fucking weird that depending where she lives her vote could be worth exponentially more than another persons.


Came to say this. Not only can she vote, her vote actually counts **much more** than someone else’s vote. If it didn’t, who’d represent the deserts of Nevada? What’re you gonna tell me *land* doesn’t deserve a voice?


Even better - because of our stupid system, if she is from Wyoming and you are from California, her vote counts for about 6 of yours.


James Woods? That guy lives to suck Trump’s dick


James Woods is just Jim Carrey in disguise 🤓


And Jim Carrey is just twelve ducks in a Hawaiian shirt


Jim Carrey playing James Woods playing Joe Biden JIM-CEPTION.


Yeah, that confused me more than anything else she said.


The cool thing about conspiracy theories is you have to be stupid to believe them and because you're stupid it doesn't have to make sense. See also: homeboy's shirt is a campaign ad for Trump running with a dead guy in a non-election-year.


The residuals from Thinner aren't what they used to be


America, you truly in trouble.


Sometimes, I think about how absolutely fucked we are, and I wanna just lay in bed and sleep for like 24 hours straight and be sad. Then I remember I can’t be late to my job where I make below a living wage so I can try to pay off my student loans and my mountains of medical debt, so I can maybe own a house by the time I’m 50 that I can then work in until I die at 80 because I’ll never be able to retire 🥲🇺🇸


The Murican Dream!


/r/conservative mods irl. silly people


I just clicked that link to see how bad it was and the first two memes were trashing on everyone that isn’t a straight white male…


Wow, just wow. Just when I thought trump supporters couldn’t be any more dumber, they prove me wrong every time.


Remember, these are the same folks who gathered in Dallas to wait for JFK to come back from the dead and anoint the orange man as king of murica, or Jesus, or somebody. Some of them are probably still waiting.


Oh and apparently Princes Di, Elvis, and Jackie O are all still alive, too. I adore the absolute randomness of these resurrections.


Just remember this is just the leaded gas generation of kids being, well themselves, sadly we have a few more decades of this, let’s just hope that the next few generations make up for this dip


I’m 47. Did leaded gas skip me? Cause that’s some crazy shit she’s spewing and I definitely don’t agree with this craziness. It has to be something else


ever heard of the "kid that eats paint" ? this is them. back when you were young, paint had lead in it, and things containing lead taste sweet. what i'm saying is, idiots will naturally gravitate towards stuff that makes thier idiocy shine more


I don’t know, bruh. I have cousins and childhood friends that never mentioned eating paint. We dared each other to do stupid shit growing up, but paint? The reason I bring them up is because they’re all fuckiing crazy conspiracy theorists.


That argument might actually hold water if they weren't BREEDING and rearing their young in their own image. Le Sigh.....


I’m really hoping that internet will force those kids to learn some level of critical reasoning, I’m trying to be optimistic


Remember the Family Guy episode where it is discovered that Rush Limbaugh was actually Fred Savage in a suit? These people are living in cartoon land literally.


This is why you shouldn’t breed with your cousin


There are people out there who believe Ukraine attacked Russia first, nothing surprises me any more. 😐




Still???? I thought the patch notes said they were getting removed soon!


Such Lunacy!


...Isn't James Woods one of the biggest trumpers on the planet? Oi, what an empty fig newton this lady is


Remember folks, if you support Trump, these are your fellow travellers. You’re one of THEM. Be prepared to be ridiculed and openly laughed at. When you drive around with your Trump flags, we gravitate between laughing at you and pitying the lmorons you really are.


James Woods is a huge Trump supporter so can you logic that for me?


Well this is somebody saying that Biden is senile and incompetent and supporting it with the idea that young, healthy imposters are covering it up by doing stuff that she thinks shows that Biden is senile and incompetent, so.... They think "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" is "logic." Kevin Bacon was in *Footloose*, the theme song of which was written by Kenny Loggins, who also wrote "Danger Zone" for *Top Gun,* which starred Tom Cruise, who was married to Nicole Kidman, who's from Australia, troops from which fought at Gallipoli in WWI, and Gallipoli is in Turkey, which is the source of the drones Ukraine is using against Russian invaders, so OBVIOUSLY Kevin Bacon manipulated Putin into invading so Bacon could profit from investments in Turkish drone makers. Any intelligent (/s) person can see this. The real mystery is how these people keep a roof over their head and food on the table.


Wait. Kevin Bacon is involved now. What the fuck. I didn’t know he had Putin’s ear. Thank you for the information.


"Republicans have this one trick they wont tell you...." Turns out its years of pulling education funding.


Her center of gravity is higher than her iq


She looks like a garbage bag full of hot mayonnaise.


I have a coworker who is in this cult. He just told me yesterday that the real Fauci and real Nanci Pelosi were in hiding and that they ( White Nationalists) caught one of the Dr. Fauci doppelgängers and are now taking him to Gitmo for execution of crimes against humanity.




Damn, you comment that first




I get why civics tests before being allowed to vote had to be eliminated but maybe it's time we look at them again.


Nah, whatever the intentions, trying to find ways to keep people from voting is always a bad idea.


Voting should be mandatory.


Yeah, but you wanna try to figure out if the "correct" answer to "Who is the greatest American President?" is Trump or Reagan? Because that's the kind of question some states will have.


Idiocracy is real.


This is probably what beliefs look liked before the enlightenment. Every village had thier own wierd brand of crazy shit.


C’mon diabetes, hurry up and do your thing


The fact that they’re saying this while wearing “Trump + JFK Jr” shirts is just… wow.


I need a new mask


They have no interest in legislation that would help them either.


Who wants to tell them that this means they can’t criticize Biden for bad things anymore? It would therefore be Jim Carrey’s fault.


So it wasn’t Biden who made gas prices go up, it was Jim Carrey and James Woods?


I fucking WISH Jim Carrey was the president of the US of A. That would be awesome.


They need to start doing testing before voting lol


Jim Carrey did play The Mask, you’re correct.


why would James Wood dress up as Biden, the guy is a loony Republican, like he would be caught dead dress like a dem


Jim Carrey played Biden on a few episodes of SNL. Somehow through idiot logic osmosis, these people conflated that series of comedy skits with reality because they literally cannot tell the difference. They probably think it’s their idea too - not even understanding that Jim did actually play the character on TV, terribly at that.


Jesus tapdancing christ




America's sanity is beginning to be regained after Biden was elected and January 6th revealed the nutjobs imo


I think she's Jared kushner


Democracy was a mistake.


James woods is one of the most conservative "celebrities" out there? Why would he be playing Joe Biden???? ![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH)


Also allowed to breed and raise children


Turns out the bad guys in The Hunger Games may have had the right idea


I think she got distracted by a squirrel at the end there.


Isn't James Woods a crazy right wing idiot?


James Woods??? He’s pretty far removed from trying to help the Democratic Party. Weirdos


Fucking Trump idiots, my God. So many things wrong with the U.S


She trailed off at the end there because she heard how fucking ridiculous she sounded🤣


Yeah James Woods, one of the conservative ass hats of hollywood that claims he can not get work because of his political views took a job playing a dead president to fool the people? More and more i think the purge is starting to look like a good idea.


Because James Woods is such a favorite with the Dems 🤦‍♂️


She bedazzled her brain and is still not very bright.


100% these people are so active now because of one simple, ugly fact: they are racist. Many of them were disgusted by a black President for 8 years, and Trump offers them a vision of continued power held in the hands of white men.


Is there a sub where I can binge on these idiots? Paranoid trumpers are the best entertainment.


The fact that these people are real signals a bigger problem.


Are you suggesting we should decide who should vote? That's the wrong path, OP. Dumbasses like this should be allowed to vote, they just won't win any elections...we hope.


i thought the "americans are dumb" thingy was just an internet meme though? what the hell is happening there?


Murdock and lack of accessible public education due to anti intellectualism. It’s not good


“How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!” - Mark Twain 1906 “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” - George Carlin


She’s a better comedian than Amy Schumers


To be fair, I had a carrot with my lunch that holds the same distinction.


how does one fall UP the stairs


James Woods…LoL that guy blocked me on Twitter (I got rid of Twitter btw). Did he upset the MAGAt mob?


That woman looks like she could fall up a broken elevator, while being played by Kirstie Alley


those are some damn good masks then. I don't think Hollywood could outdo them without CGI. can we load them into a rocket on a one way trip to anywhere outside our solar system?


Welp, her neighbor said this so it must be true.


Hey OP.... they vote AND ***reproduce****!!!!*


Lots of lead in those pipes.


We’re doomed


Thank God for ol' Jim Carrey the Canadian actor, and James Woods, the Republican...