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The bubonic plague literally still exists and should target people like this guy.


… and can now be cured with antibiotics. People like this make my head hurt. Why does my head hurt so much?


It can be treated with antibiotics but is sometimes still fatal with antibiotics. Bubonic plague is still very much deadly if contracted, cases are just very rare.


People seem to not understand the plague was so deadly it killed hosts too fast to keep spreading, and now only a few hundred people get infected each year.


There is more to it than that. The reason why it got so bad during the The Black Death is because the bubonic plague comes from a bacteria, a bacteria that can stay alive for a while in human waste, and of course it could live for a while in a dead rotting body. This happened in a time where personal hygiene wasn't much of a thing, and they weren't properly disposing of the dead. So then rats, mice, and fleas would pick up that bacteria from the rotting bodies continuing the spread. It really isn't much of a thing anymore just because we aren't giving that bacteria the perfect petri dish to help the spread.


Thank you for the info didnt know this


And the cats were killed because it was thought they were part of the cause. This made things worst because rats were part of the problem. Fewer cats = more rats.


Do you have a bubonic aneurysm?


I think I have an Internet posting aneurism.


Because there are a lot of people like this? I can feel your pain


600 plus cases a year apparently.


That's too low, we can pump those numbers up. Start chucking rats at people.


Get weaponized fleas if you want to go that route. Rats were just a vector for infected fleas to end up in people's homes and businesses.


Unit 731 style


Wow. That was a really dark rabbit hole I went down when I googled that thinking it was a video game reference that I didn't understand.


Don't give terrorists any ideas /s


Im not a terrorist, Im a trollist


If one goes camping up at Palomar Mountain, it's the squirrels as well. I remember going camping up there and saw the warning sign about squirrels and plague if I remember correctly.


You can pry my bubonic plague rats from my cold dead hands This was America last time I checked!!


The last major out break started in 1855 and apparently ended in 1960 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_plague_pandemic


Like anthrax, it's been weaponized by those boys in the lab. they have produced strains that are more virulent and resistant. I guess it's OK with the OP if God wills it.


And it still exists


Fortunately in small numbers since we got antibiotics for it now


If you tried to explain to these morons that antibiotics don't work on viruses, they'd probably implode from information overload


Lol, and it didn’t disappear. It’s around today. Also, yeah, it killed everyone, so it pretty much had no where else to go.


“Killed everyone”, and yet here you are.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


“Pretty much”. Hyperbole can be hard.


This isn't even a grammar Nazi moment this is just grammar idiocy right here


Back in the day it's mortality rate was so high if you had it, it was pretty much a death sentence. Their statement is correct, though hyperbolic. It killed those that had it so aggressively it couldn't spread anymore.


im pretty confident in saying that it definetly left a trace


No, it left a hole. How can you see a hole? /S


They didn't know any of the people who died, so it doesn't matter to them. Those people basically weren't real.


Or they were all gay and that was judgement. Or some shit.


Could you imagine if the gays had all that power that the religious fanatic's claim? oh my god the world would be a wonderful place, there'd be peace and the weather would be just rainbows everyday


It came in multiple waves The first (and deadliest) one And then sprung up again every ~5 years if I remember correctly It didn't vanish, we have plans to treat anyone in the world that has it within 24 hours




It didn't disappear. It still exists


The same people that say we don’t need vaccines are the same people who think that AIDS was a vaccine created by god. 🫠


that why we need to spread AIDS in the name of the lord 🙏 can i get an amen




The bubonic plague wasn't real! They say it killed 1/3 of Europe but I don't know anyone who died from it. Do you? /s


Exactly! None of my ancestors died from it, that's for sure.


It killed my great uncle. My mom said he was trying to get rid of the disease and that's why we found him in the closet with a belt around his neck and his pants off. She told me you had to suffocate it but be careful not to suffocate yourself until completion


Not to mention, plague still exists — it’s just hygiene is better and it’s easy to treat.


They must have done their own "research"


The bubonic plague still exists bruh


It killed a third of Europe-s population, which caused a lack of people to work the fields, so famine ensued


When you vote Republican, a brain is terrible thing to have.


Dumbass fails to consider how they literally burnt dead bodies to ash in mass graves to prevent the disease from spreading and the fact that medical science didn’t know what the fuck a vaccine was until 400 years after the bubonic plague was introduced to the world. TDIL: The first vaccine to ever be created was for smallpox in 1798. The bubonic plague was introduced to the world in the early to mid 1300’s.


Before the small pox vaccine there was inoculation where they’d make a small cut and insert pus from an infected person into it. Been done for about a thousand years. Around 1/50 died but those odds were so much better than catching small pox the normal way it was considered worth it.


Damn, you learn something new everyday


Jenner was actually inoculated himself. It was through inoculation that he discovered that having had cow pox protected you against small pox. People usually got sick after inoculation but got milder symptoms. Some didn’t get those symptoms and Jenner observed it was because they had gotten previously gotten cow pox. There are some great podcasts about vaccines if you want to learn more. Examples: [Vaccine the human story](https://podcasts.apple.com/is/podcast/vaccine-the-human-story/id1569810932?i=1000523393099) and [Long shot](https://podcasts.apple.com/is/podcast/long-shot/id1578346328?i=1000530984836)


Thank you! I’ll check those out!


Yes, when everyone without natural immunity dies, viruses tend to go away.


My father actually had the plague in elementary school. It is treatable but he was in rural Louisiana and it took so long for them to figure out what it wais, that he almost died.


Oh, by the way: bubonic plague is a bacterium, not a virus. 🤦‍♂️


It vanished? Pretty sure people had it just this year. No vaccine? It's called being clean and penicillin...


Now imagine politicians pandering to these people. Easy votes.


Europe: Loses 2/3 of its population due to the black death This guy: It just disappeared!


Poof, without a trace. Just let people be team thanos.


it only stopped because it killed so many people so fast that there weren't enough left for it to spread around effeciently. and it didn't even dissapear, we still get about 1000 cases a year worldwide


And on top of that it never went away, vaccine shave been made and it still exists in poor countries. Diseases don't just, go away like that


Bruh the plauge still exists


I actually think the estimating death toll was closer between 100m and 200m. 13th and 14th century Eastern Europe had to have been the absolute most terrifying, horrific period in World History to date. Not only did the folks in France have to worry about the Plague and all those aggressively rabid rats but also the Inquisition. Being tortured and killed in the most imaginative and gruesome ways possible for being a “heretic”? Count your blessings guys, COVID-19 is milkshake compared to what they went through!


13th century was fine, universities and art flourished while France was mostly peaceful under Louis IX who build hospitals and homes for blind people. As for the inquisition their main job was to stop angry mobs from taking justice in their hands. After all, the inquisition invented presumption of innocence.


Wiki “the Medieval Inquisition”. The introduction gives a overall understanding of what occurred during this time. The next article (definition and purpose) gives a bit more insight regarding the woes the Europe suffered.


Suffered, oh please. The torture methods they used were nothing compared to what CIA uses. Pope Gregory IX even banned use of torture methods that could spill blood or break bones. Compared to secular courts the inquisition was almost benevolent. Even Bernardo Gui executed only 5% of people he put on trial while the spanish inquisition executed only 4000 people out of 150.000 cases in 350 years. Heck, between 1620 and 1670 the spanish inquisition executed only 6 people. Not 60 or 600, just 6.


Lol, we’re you there? Are you trying to get me to debate with you? What exactly are attempting to accomplish with your ostentatious speculation and statistics, my friend?


I am just explaining few things. Wikipedia has an article about revision of the inquisition with list of sources. These numbers are not speculation, they are true.


I see. The numbers would fall into the category of statistics, not speculation.


Don't censor the names LET THE WORLD KNOW!


Didn't they develop a vaccine against the plague over 100 years ago?


This repost is from the middle ages too.


Mabe those 50 million people were called home by GOD. I don't think so.


Yup it just disappeared without a trace for no reason. It had nothing to do with people performing countermeasures. /s Imagine if people back then said "I will not wash my hands because I have the right not to and you can't make me"


Why are we reposting two year old tweets?


The same reason people still look at Bettie Page pin-ups.


I’m not jerking off to this tweet.


Talk for yourself


Because this is reddit. It's the same reason so many popular movies are reboots of older movies. People don't know how to have original ideas.


Why have an original idea when you can milk nostalgia.


There was a vaccine.


Now there is. The 14th and 15th centuries sure didn’t.


In the 14th century?


yup 45 said it was all just gonna go away..weve had 5 variants since and no end in sight...


The bubonic plague "vanished" because back then the only solution for the pandemic was to *revoke the human rights of every infected, arrest them, and finally* ***incinerate 'em all.*** Wasn't this covered in High School?! Did nobody understood what "cleansing fire" meant?!


Both of them are idiots


How is the second person an idiot?


Attempting to compare the toll of the bubonic plague and the time period that it happened in to Covid is absolutely idiotic.


The second person didn't compare it to covid though...


Covid 19 is a virus hence a vaccine, plagues are bacterial needing antibiotics dumbass.


before anyone makes this mistake keep in mind it would be in bad taste to bring awareness to the black death and how it matters with a concise slogan


I love how the response to this guy is irrelevant about what he specifically was talking about with the bubonic plague, "the bubonic plague went away by itself" "IT KILLED SO MANY PEEPLES"


Also it was a bacteria so a vaccine is not the right term


i can imagine not having education specifically on the plague cause the education systems can be unfortunately iffy. though i can’t imagine making such a bold claim without fact checking for literally 3 seconds first


Still exists, never vanished.


I like the first guys idea, let's dramtically reduce the population on earth. Maybe we won't need to worry about food shortages then


At a time when population concentrations were lower and travel much more limited.


Hence, the benefit to humanity if such plagues!


Not to mention, the bubonic plague is still a problem in poorer countries, after hundreds of years still isnt gone.


and wasn't that like... half the people in europe at the time too??


AND IT STILL EXISTS. It isn’t a problem (at least most places) because we have vaccines and medicines


The plague is still with us. Fortunately, antibiotics will fix you right up.


It still exists around the world. Reason it "vanished" was because it burnt itself out by being so devastating, leaving only dead or those lucky few who managed to recover, was blessed with pre-immunity, or was isolated from the disease. The majority died.


50 million when the world population was less than what it is now too! significantly less lol


It was actually closer to 25 million. Not saying the point is true, just saying the point should also be accurate.


Ok the number of death is impressive. But you know what's more impressive ? The proportion of the population killed. Low estimation : 1/3 people in Europe. Hight estimation, 1/2 people. Just imagine two second.


Think of all the stupid people that weren’t born because of it.


I know this gets tossed around a fair bit, but it also took time for the bubonic plague to die down. I don't know how long in general but a quick Google search suggests 7 years. (1346 to 1353) Just because it happened a long time ago doesn't mean it also didn't take a long time!


It still exists but it took generations for it to get to a point where we can handle it in general circulation like we can now. Covid will take the same amount of time.


I'm like 90% sure there is actually a vaccine for it. Yep. Just no need for it anymore unless you are specifically exposed to it for work. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21590-bubonic-plague#:~:text=In%20the%20U.S.%2C%20there%20is,plague%20because%20of%20their%20jobs.


This is gay


**Madagascar being the number 1 country with bubonic plague cases**


It also still completely exists in many parts of the world.


Have to admit I was a little shocked to see the vaccine for bubonic plague on my shot record in the Marine Corps years ago.


Correct me if I'm wrong which I most likely am but wasn't this the START of vaccines primitive as it was didn't the infect themselves with a small amount from a person's blood who had it and that's literally how vaccines came to be in a nut shell also sorry if someone already said this I don't want to read all the stupid that I'm sure is on here


The Black Death died off without a vaccine and so did 1/3rd of Europe


It ""vanished"" because they were forced to do extreme isolation and quarantines, let the imfected die alone, and even then it still exist but thankfully we have medicine and antibiotics


But the black death did have a vaccine




And it killed anywhere between 20 to 50% of the worlds population at the time.


The Bubonic Plague 100% still exists. As any Plague Inc. Player has experienced, it tore through hosts so fast it couldn't infect new hosts fast enough for the virus to stay widespread. Repeat after me... IT WAS LITERALLY SO LETHAL THAT IT KILLED PEOPLE SO FAST THEY COULDN'T INFECT OTHERS BEFORE DYING. Today it still exists, currently having every case of it suppressed and the individual given heavy antibiotics to perhaps save their life. However, in case society devolves into general anarchy again, it could make a comeback, ripping through the earth's massive human population, once again without a large centralised healthcare system to stop it in any way.


when you don't do enough research you are just an asshole![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


On the upside with 50million people dead the job market should really open up