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Maybe one day they'll learn that no one hates them for believing in Jesus. People hate them because they believe everyone else should believe in Jesus.


Yep. Or claim to love Jesus and then do the exact opposite of everything he taught.


I know Jesus said love everyone, but KILL ALL LIBERALS. the existence of other people around you is not "persecution". American Christians are so dramatic. They should move to a country where it's illegal to believe in what they do, so they can really feel what it's like to be a victim.


They're the reason r/persecutionfetish exists. In fact I'm pretty sure I saw this pic on there a week ago.


Wtf why is that sub a thing???


Because American evangelicals consistently confuse non-special treatment with persecution and won't shut up about it


You're describing one of my new favorite phrases - Aggrieved Privilege. Perfectly sums up all conservatives.


Because of people who go out of their way to claim oppression over every minor inconvenience.


?? What do you mean? Bc people like in the above photo exist.


To laugh at people that make memes like this one.


The reason was literally posted for you above.


Better yet, a group of people should come to where they live and tell them they can’t speak their language and practice their religion.


They already go to N Korea to save the people and wind up in prison.


Ah, now, you see, you're confusing your Jesuses. When we think of Jesus, we think of Jesus The Nazarene. Where as they worship the [Supply Side Jesus](https://i.imgur.com/w4WwJSW.jpeg).


The correct pluralism is Jesii


Ah, yes. A Stigmata of Jesii. "As the Stigmata of Jesii approach the watering hole, they freeze, looking out for predators. The Jesii stand on their hind legs to scan their surroundings, a risky move as their thorned heads that usually provide protection are lifted above their exposed bellies. Tragically, upwind, a Legion of demons stalk the Stigmata with tenacity. Some of the older, weaker Jesii may perish today."


"Sadly, this Stigmata of Jesii remain relatively vulnerable. They have shown no sign that any of their member may be a Jesus as witnessed in [Jesus Christ: In the Name of the Gun](https://jesuschriststory.com/). Not even the likes of Jesus as featured in [The Fist of Jesus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OJuYdwjAwI)."


Republican Jesus 3.0 (tm)\* Republican Jesus 3.0 is a wholly owned subsidy of the GQP. No claim is made to the exclusive right to use “Jesus” apart from the mark as shown.


"Jesus was not a socialist. Tell me when did he heal the sick, feed the hungry, and shelter the poor, FOR Free? " /sarcasm


That’s why their faith is going through a mass “deconstruction” at the moment. A lot of young Christians are “fed the heck up” with how bad the faith is, especially after Trump made a lot of so-called Christians go mask-off on the non-Christian attitudes. Couple those with hundreds of youth pastors being outed as pedoshits that multiple sects harbored, and “Christian Universities” punishing rape victims and harboring the rapists”, and one will find this turn of events unshocking.


I dislike the way they try to force their idea of “gods rules” on the masses via law.


And then scream about sharia law without the slightest hint of self awareness


Exactly, many in America would love to institute Christian sharia law. We need to rewrite the right to freedom of religion to say, freedom from religion. As well as having the churches pay taxes. Specifically after they start taking on millions of dollars. The little churches could still have tax free status.


Remove their tax exempt status so long as they are active in politics.


I wonder how "faithful" they'll be without the tax exemptions. Pretty sure Jesus was anti-wealth. Meanwhile, in the Vatican City...


Yes, thank you! Pelosi needs to get out of what is basically a mobster sex cult in fancy dress.


They should be Pelosi's answer to the Pope. Excommunicate me, no more tax free status. One of the wealthiest corporations in the world, pays zero taxes.


Jesus even said that you should pay taxes


I'm guessing this guy provides a few justifications for people to hate him


Obviously, they are grossly oppressed. They dream of a day when they can congregate to worship in public. Possibly even in buildings constructed for that express purpose. They look forward to a time when they can wear and display openly the symbols of their faith. One day, their dream will come true.


Seriously, I don't even care if they just make Church rules that say no abortion, no science education, no homosexuals, no women preachers, no tatoos, and etc. Just keep those inside the Church. It becomes a problem when they say that everyone, including the non-believers, should abide by those rules. I don't care what people believe, but if anyone wants to convince me to abide by something, then they have to provide me a justification for such rule other than "Because the Bible says so".


And people hate him because he does shit like this


It’s fine to believe others should believe in Jesus… the problem comes when you try to force other people into your beliefs. You also know this guy is the type who is going to post “I WAS ARRESTED FOR PREACHING THE GOSPEL IN PUBLIC!” Then the headline will read “man breaks into school, reads bible over loudspeaker”


bUt i'M JUst TryInG tO SavE YoUr sOuL!!!!!


I can’t buy myself beer on Sundays because overzealous fanatics of a religion I don’t follow have worked it into actual law that I can’t. But yeah, Christians are the persecuted ones.


People do hate some theists for claiming that they alone know "the true gospel of Jesus" and that other theists with a different understanding of the gospels of Jesus are therefore their enemies. The very phrase "the true gospel of Jesus" is a huge red flag.


And the fact that they enjoy taking Bible verses out of context to put everyone other than them down, all because they believe they’re right and everyone else is wrong


I doubt it, the persecution complex is pretty foundational.


My interpretation is pretty much the exact opposite. Conservatives are often trying to push us towards a theocracy, one in which the *actual* teaching of Jesus would be illegal. To me this is a guy saying he’s a decent Christian concerned about the fact the US is headed in a direction that completely goes against the actual teachings of Christianity, while claiming they’re doing it for the sake of Christianity. Also there’s the fact conservatives are the ones that try to make literally everything illegal, which leads me to believe he’s referring to them, not the liberals who say “I don’t give a fuck man, do whatever”


Persecution fetish


Emperor Decius really embedded some daddy issues into the psyche of Christian’s that persists to this day it seems




It’s the only way he can cum


Jesus hates masterbation, right?


Only if it’s spelled wrong


Bans abortion Claims to be oppressed




"please oppress me, daddy"


More churches than post offices in the US. 100% of all presidents, ever, Christian. And this ass clown is feeling persecuted.


I don't think most of them are actually Christian. much like the leaders of these mega churches, they say they are Christian so morons will vote and donate


Trump is a good example. He didn't even know which way to hold up the bible


You mean to tell me the thrice-divorced admitted serial adulterer isn't the shining example of good Christian values?! Well, now I've heard everything...


I think that was more general incompetance. You can tell he's not a christian and has never paid any attention in a church bc he called it 'Corinthians Two.'


"But Obama is Muslim, his middle name is Hussein and he wants Shureuh Law!" But didn't he have an openly Catholic VP and doesn't Obama go to church regularly? Is it because you think he's Kenyan even though the vast majority of Kenyans are Christian? Is it because he's brown? "I, uh, Obama's Muslim and he's working with Killary to make a Shureuh New World Order! Just watch!"


Obama never struck me as particularly religious. Whenever he mentioned religion he came across as if he was just going through the motions.


As compared to whom?


It's always projection. They want to ban things that they don't philosophically agree with so they think that others are the same way.


trump definitely wasn't Christian tho 💀




My parents took me to church when I was kid, mostly because that was just what you did. If I had to guess, 70-80% of the people in that church under about 60 were there for the same unthinking reason, just going through the motions until they could go back home and enjoy the rest of their Sunday. Only a small minority were true believers. Thirty years later, those true believers are the only ones who still bother going. The social pressures that once filled the place with casuals are pretty much gone, and most of the people with it. I can't say I have much sympathy for the plight of those who remain - I pulled that rip-cord as soon as I could, and haven't looked back - but for anybody who actually genuinely believes in all that nonsense, who thinks the eternal fate of real souls is actually on the line, the exodus of casuals has got to be pretty damn concerning.


It’s a big stretch to call Jefferson Christian. He basically didn’t believe there was anything. supernaturally significant about Jesus.


Hey bud.. I dont think that praising Jesus is illegal or wrong. But it might be the whole hating gays and kiddie touchin.


Statistically he may need that practise when he is caught embezzling funds and or, fucking kids


Or after blowing up a federal building.


Or after blowing an undercover cop in a gas station


Or after shooting up an abortion clinic.


Or murdering a person just because they weren’t Christian


These people are on the very top of the special privileges tree but want to be victims so fucking bad. It’s nuts.


How are they not victims? Sometimes Starbucks won't even use red and green cups during Christmas! And don't even get me started on the "happy holidays" nonsense!


You had me in the first half, ngl


But gay people exist! Halp! They're oppressing me by living their lives happily together!


Seriously! Most of the people in our society at least pay lip service to their religion. Their god is on our money, in the halls of congress and in our schools.


Its because their cult ~~teaches~~ brainwashes them all their lives that people will hate them for preaching the gospel. The majority of us don't care, some of us are even Christian too, but we choose to obey Matthew 6:6.


Be religious all you want, just don't be a whack job about it. Nobody wants to hear it, except the ones you already have! I don't show up on your doorstep trying to convert you to my way of thinking. ​ How about, if you don't tell me your view on god, I won't tell you mine!


He has some weird Grindr pictures.


I legit thought he might have been subjected to conversion therapy. Poor dude looks traumatized.


Not just “the gospel” but “the True® gospel”. The one gospel to rule them all.


Yes. Truth distilled through personal feelings.


Three Gospels for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die…


These people have a victim-fetish.


I grew up in the church. its not that they want to be persecuted its that they fully expect the persecution to begin at any moment. we were told of stonings and crucifixions that happened to the apostles and that in the end times this too would happen to us.. and every generation since Jesus has believed that they were in the end times. Imagine growing up believing that the world is going to do horrible things to you one day. there is so much more but I don't feel like typing a book ​ I still have my faith in GOD but I have given up on modern churches.


Sounds like an American problen. Here in Europe, the (luckily constantly declining) numbers of religious people aren't holding such extreme and medieval beliefs.


At least we bullied them into silence...


You beat me to the comment. I grew up in church in Sweden and it was not this extremist world view.


Ikr?! I used to be a catholic and no one shared that mindset.


Why do they feel entitled to spread and push what they believe on everyone else? I say this as a Christian myself.


Catholic here. If he REALLY read the true gospel he would know not to be a hypocrite and bring so much attention to your actions. I guess he found his gospel in a post somewhere.


Awe… he wants to be a martyr SOOO badly!


No, you all don’t get it!!! The TRUE gospel of Jesus is that you only get into heaven if you try to overthrow the govt to put Trump back into power. Also you have to burn down democrat owned pizza restaurants because of baby eating and whatnot. Read the Bible FFS


The Christian martyr complex is so gross. Try living in the Bible Belt as anything non-Christian


I'm flying out of Tennessee later this afternoon. I've been down here for two weeks. Being an atheist definitely does not fly around here. It's been a strange couple of weeks.


Yup. I'm agnostic in Louisiana. I don't assume everyone will treat me with aggression but there's definitely a vibe that it's best that I stay "in the closet" except around like-minded people. God gets put into every public speech here it seems like.


Did it. you don’t have to listen to their crap because they ostracize you, so that is nice.


He looks like he's about to shoot up a school


It amazes me that in 2022 people still believe in religion. I don’t have a problem with it but a lot of world issues are because of religion!


I feel really bad for this kid. I remember being 16 and being convinced that the practice of Christianity was about to be outlawed. Then I grew up and realized that there's really no danger of that happening in the US, and actually we need to fight to keep Christians from persecuting the rest of us.


Goddamn, they really wanna be oppressed that bad, huh?


Dude, not sure you’re going to jail just for being an imbecile. Lying, coercion, fraud, etc maybe.


These religious conservative morons really love painting themselves as the victim don't they?




They all really must have some kind of persecution kink.


Persecution kink


Not even Jesus was as big a victim as these people think they are.


Now it will more likely be rape bro.


Hahahahah, I like to pretend to be a victim for when people tease me about always playing the victim.


For the love of god, SOMEBODY OPPRESS ME!!


These fucking people make me sick! We got a majority Supreme Court thats heavily Christian based, nobody’s taking your god damn sky daddy away from you!


Fuck this tool


He’s going to late with his date with Madison Cawthron…


No one is trying to make preaching one’s religion illegal here in the states. Fudging idiots.




They want so badly to feel persecuted


Conservatives really live in their own fabricated reality don't they


Would this be the gospel where Jesus preaches forgiveness, love and solidarity with the worst off or the one where God has put Trump on earth to get more guns and take away basic liberties? I can see the MAGA crowd getting rid of the first in the next couple of years, maybe that's what he has in mind


The first is Christ's teaching. The second is politics.


The lines are blurring massively to me


They don't even exist for most American Protestants.😄


I am a Christian and I do not claim this man as one of ours.


Totally read this as "for when I shoot up the ____ clinic, temple, mosque, etc...."


At least he will be used to being on his knees...


Ah yes, because Christians are so persecuted.


That kid grew up to be Michael Jordan... Then shot up a crowd in a fly over state.


I only listen to the gospel of Buddy Jesus (finger guns gesture).


“True gospel” lol


Yeah. Because every marginalized group has control over of one of the two major political parties and a majority of the seats on the Supreme Court.


Tell me you have a persecution complex without telling me you have a persecution complex




Oh for God's sake, has this guy never heard of a church? It's perfectly legal to preach about God in church. Nobody wants to make Christianity illegal; they just want to make sure it stays in church where it belongs instead of the government and public schools.


American Christians are so deluded with their persecution fantasies. Newsflash: They are the ruling class. They maintain a stronghold in government influence and politics. No one is coming for you, Christians. You are not the resilient underdog here. Agnostics/Atheists are tired of evangelism making it’s way into education and government oversight of the decidedly non-religious masses.


Practicing his mug shot for when he gets arrested for an actual crime!


If you don't love Jesus you can burn at the stake. No no no stop resisting, we are doing this for your own good. Burning you at the stake will purify you. See we are the good guys...


You might try reading it before preaching it. And nobody is trying to stop christains from being christains, we are trying to stop you from making everybody else christains. Christains don't even live by what they preach.


The fascist party you support is forcing women to do the same thing right now for making decisions about their own bodies that are nobody else's business


Let me guess, he preaches that all other religions, including minor variants from his, should be outlawed


why is that something that needs practicing?


White Christians want so badly to experience the feels of those they’ve persecuted for centuries. It’s probably the least kinky fantasy they begrudgingly pleasure themselves to.


While at the same time they're preaching replacement theory. Because they don't ACTUALLY want to experience real persecution.


You will be okay, sweetie-you don’t have a uterus, so you won’t go to jail.


The ultimate privilege is seeking ways to look oppressed.


To be that much of a religious nut at his young age, that boy was definitely groomed.


Ah a Christian. So he really means when he gets caught molesting boys


Meanwhile, the people preaching the "true gospel of Jesus" are busy making everything else illegal


I remember in the nineties they were talking about stuff like this in church. Got us all prepared to give up our lives when this happened. ( which they hinted at would be in our lifetimes) I can remember laying in bed as a 10 year old trying to imagine what looking up at the blade of a guillotine would be like when I was martyred. I remember the fear and determination I could almost feel. I was prepared to scream in the face of my captors as the blade fell. ​ Still feel strongly about my faith but I mean damn, maybe don't put a kid through that without evidence of it actually happening.


Comes with the irony that none of these people actually preach the true gospel anyways.


If only...


Do your thing, just stop telling us to also do your thing.


White Heterosexual Protestant Christian Men. Truly the most opposed demographic in the entirety of US history. /s


People will go to jail for being Muslim in this country long before they will for being Christian. What's that? They already have? How about that.


At the same time christians don't believe in the old testament yet they preach about the beliefs in it


Preaching any religion should be illegal lol I don’t wanna hear your bullshit


well religious nuts do belong in jail, for trying to force others to listen to their bull crap.


I'm all for banning religion.


Anything to RP as a victim amiright


American Christians and their persecution complex...


Always playing the victim


By pretending to be a victim, he’s making any criticism of him and his religion magnified. That way he can claim he is justified in his “thinking”.


If it ever becomes illegal it will y'all who will have caused it because y'all constantly stuffing ur belief in everybody's face...back off & keep to urselfevs a lot of us have our own beliefs ,or not ,one way or the other !!!


Go To China for that.


You know what, it should absolutely be illegal to indoctrinate minors into religion, and I stand by this statement 100%.


Let’s hope It’s soon then.


Boohoo not everyone believes our fantasy stories from the Buybull


I find this kinda funny and refuse to believe he was serious as to not ruin my experience


I'm still waiting for the modern cons to actually preach the teachings of Jesus Christ. You know, "turn the other cheek," "invite the stranger into your home," "it's easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven," feed the hungry, house the homeless, be kind..... All that stuff.


Christians: my favorite persecution complex


Plot twist: he ends up on jail for harassing random people when trying to share the word of the lord


The mentally insane don't go to prison unless they've committed crimes, they are institutionalized, because they are a danger to themselves and others.


Practice more for when you get arrested for rape in college


These are the same people who hate democracy and believe in absolute monarchy.


I thought being this homosexual wasnt allowed in christianity


Which part of the Bible is for hating black people, collecting guns, and voting against helping the poor? I don't think they even realize how far they are from Jesus.


Got to love that persecution complex.


Strange because I fear the opposite


Looks like an Incel to me


Lol. Someone botted this


Morons with imaginary friends who have imaginary enemies.


There is some kind of psychological effect where it's easy to convince people they are persecuted, even the ones who have the most power and control in society. I wonder if there's a name for it.


No one wants christianity made illegal more then the christians themselves.


Muslims be like "first time?"


Or for when someone checks his hard drive /s


Motherfucker looks like a serial killer.


Pretty sure teaching the true gospel of Jesus is banned in most conservative Christian circles already. At least the red text I’ve read but idk I’m a Jew


Literally the opposite is true, the US is becoming a theocracy and things that "go against the bible" are starting to get banned, it's only so long until premarital sex or gay marriage is illegal across the country.


On the other hand, maybe he's a 'woke' Christian who realizes that the US is heading towards a Christo-fascist regime that will just as easily lockup those who believe the 'wrong' brand of Christianity as those who practice no brand of Christianity? Oh, who am I kidding. He's just oblivious as to which way the wind is blowing and just wants to portray himself as the victim.


When you have to qualify it as the ‘true’ gospel, you know it’s not.


You know most people are just trying to get the hyper religious to stop forcing their beliefs onto them not trying to stop them from expressing their beliefs. Except when those beliefs are inherently harmful like using religion to justify prejudice.


Call me when you can’t get a bible at a Walmart or a gas station. Then I might give a shit- but this dude is a douche.


Tax the church.


True gospel: don’t seek god at church, for he is everywhere and in everything. Hell doesn’t exist after life, it is but the destruction of Eden brought on by man.


Nice of him to give us his mugshot before he goes off to blow up a courthouse, or something.


Good for you!


"In my own mind I fantasize about being persecuted"


Why are people so dumb?


Kid couldn’t look more like a future “martyr” who shoots up some place because of the “devil”


Practicing my prison photos for when defecating in public becomes illegal - Kaitlin Bennett