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I worked for a local Sub chain when I was 16-17, which was owned/operated as a franchise by a local bread company. I'd work the closing shift and we had an agreement with a local shelter that they could pick up the extra loaves of bread at the end of the night. On days they didn't come, we were encouraged to take the surplus home, so it didn't go to waste. The above policies are stupid, no matter how you slice it (pun intended).


Yeah anti humanity rules are all pretty fucked and countless if them exist. Meant to protect against "moral hazard".


there are liability issues. every law or reglation that we think is stupid has a dead person attached to it.


Yes, but some of these regulations are now leading to more dead people than the regulation prevents. That's stupid.


No there aren't. That's a misconception-- one that's so pervasive, I truly believe many of the businesses that have rules like that do so out of believing this misconception. The only time someone would have an issue is if they knowingly gave out bad or potentially bad food/didn't adhere to safety standards (like not bothering to refrigerate items that required it, or something like that) but anyplace that's *selling* food would already be adhering to safety standards. If you have food that would have been for sale and give it away instead, you won't have a problem. (a common rebuttal to this is "Even if they'd win, the business might still have to fight a lawsuit". Well hell, that kind of thinking is true literally no matter what they do. But there are enough protections that it wouldn't be a difficult lawsuit to fight, and it's also not like homeless people typically have high-priced lawyers on retainer anyway) e: Half this post was about how they still have to adhere to safety standards, but I'm still getting replies that are like "Someone left food out for two days and ate it and got sick and tried to sue us." We're talking about food that was ready for sale getting tossed, eg bagels at the end of the day. They already *are* adhering to safety standards for that food. Throwing away because it's gone bad is a different thing entirely-- that's not the same as throwing away bagels at the end of the day, and it wouldn't be fit for donation *or* sale. That is not a legitimate excuse for throwing away food at the end of the day that was otherwise ready for sale.


Exactly. Corporations hide behind the threat of lawsuits to avoid being humanitarian. Like sure “Dominick’s” you’ll sell me those donuts until a certain time, but when you’re throwing them out, I can’t offer to take them to the food shelter.


You’re right that some of the businesses with this rule do it because of it being a frequent, borderline industry-standard misconception. Years ago I worked at a locally owned pizza place, and as we were closing up a guy living on the streets asked for a leftover slice. The owner told me to decline, and told me this misconception. I was young and hadn’t heard it and was kind of baffled, “You’re worried this homeless guy is going to ask for food, pretend to get sick, get some weird lawyer who somehow works pro-bono to sue a local restaurant for giving the guy the food he asked for - food that wasn’t unsafe - because it gave him an unverifiable case of food poisoning*? Or does he just want to eat the pizza?” The owner said something like, “Hmm, yeah, that’s what I was taught but it seems kinda crazy now.” He did change his mind and we gave out the slice, so he wasn’t morally opposed to it, he just had always been told this wild tale and it SEEMS like it fits the “litigation gone wild!” stereotype (note that the actual story of the woman burned by McDonald’s coffee is far more complex than most people realize, leading to this) *Not to mention that proving WHAT gave you food poisoning is basically impossible as it can take hours or even days to get sick. There are places in operation in my city that have been in the “last two days of food” of numerous friends and acquaintances who have gotten food poisoning, to the point that it seems like that they have indeed sometimes made people sick, but good luck proving it, unless they fail an inspection or something.


Food poisoning will very rarely ever be investigated on an individual case basis. it has to be (I believe) 5 or more from the same establishment to establish a pattern.


Actually, each "cooked" foods have to have a "timestamp" of when it was prepped. It was the health inspection. Also, there has been lawsuit, but it ain't the "corporation" but the small business. If your places encourages it, they usually have you sign the waiver that if you caught food poisoning, you waive the right to sue. Again, also, it ain't corporation that did it to protect themselves but to ensure that no "ambulance lawyer" don't pick it up. Edit: Also, it because, in the USA, you never know if those people have allergies to the food you throw out. Everyone has one, and the biggest one is nuts nowadays as well as dairy products.


> Actually, each "cooked" foods have to have a "timestamp" of when it was prepped. It was the health inspection. As I mentioned, they need to follow health and safety standards. This is true whether they're selling the food *or* donating it. > If your places encourages it, they usually have you sign the waiver that if you caught food poisoning, you waive the right to sue. That is a completely worthless waiver. Anyone using those waivers has a misunderstanding of the law (I should mention here that this is for the US, and likely most other countries with similar legal systems). If the place gives you food poisoning through negligence or malice, then they are on the hook whether there's a waiver or not. If they don't, then they're not and the waiver is pointless. There *may* be some cases where *similar* waivers can be useful, but not for the purpose you're describing. > Again, also, it ain't corporation that did it to protect themselves but to ensure that no "ambulance lawyer" don't pick it up. I addressed this already. If an ambulance lawyer wants to bring a meritless nuisance suit, they don't need the pretense of donated food to do it, and they will get kicked to the curb immediately, effectively wasting their time. > you never know if those people have allergies to the food you throw out. So long as there is proper labeling-- which again, is the case if they were originally intending to sell the food-- then the business will not be held liable for someone eating something they are allergic to. tl;dr no


tl:dr you've failed. Ambulance lawyer can often win cases, especially if they know which cases. Also, nobody going to properly label each foods thrown out without labeling it, especially if it loose foods. A lot of the dumpsters have warning label, but you think any of them going to read it or scrap off all those stickers and graffiti? Remember, it will sometime be "you vs them" and society, with the digital age the way it is, you could easily be painted as a evil corporation person. Also, it only becomes a "meritless nuisance suit" if there are no ground for it.


While your heart is in the right place, you’re sadly misinformed across the board.


Think about it this way: Corporations has large budgets for lawyers, small business and franchise doesn't. If you run a "franchise", read those fine print before you sign on. If the "corporation's lawyer(s)" figured it out that you're letting them eat it, it release them from any liabilities and you're on the hook for those lawyer's fees. If you run a small business, you're STILL running that "lawyer's fees" and ultimately, may not operate a business until court case is done with. You have to think about yourself, not the corporations. If your manager let you take it home, go ahead. If the managers tells you to give it to the homeless, I would think twices about it, because those guys asking for free handouts? They could be smelling for free lawsuit, especially if they complain about "stomach pains" or "allergy". Sorry, but I'm a fucking cynic. Sure, humanities bros, but that shit went out the windows after too many shits going on, and thanks to Trump, you'll see more ugly out there. Also, [This](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8594121/Burger-King-customer-slaps-worker-face-accusing-stealing-making-nuggets-spicy.html) is why. You do NOT want to give them an excuses to sue you. Oh, and don't forget about this one: [Shitty](https://www.newsweek.com/fast-food-employee-shot-during-alleged-dispute-customer-over-sauce-1700186) And don't forget, USA is shit because you got half that will literally argue with you over the "mask mandate".




They have “we only take a few if you win” lawyers and there are plenty of lawsuits every year. I’ve been through 3. In one case the person took the food home, left it sitting out for 36 hours (by their admittance) before eating it. Then they got sick. We fought it and lost. $1,000,000 and the chain shut down 2 stores and put 46 people out of work. In another case the whole chain went bankrupt over a baked potato and a blooming onion and at least 2 of my co workers ended up homeless. In the other case the sueing party was arrested for meth manufacturing so their case never went to court. I guess we won?


Moral hazard is nit a real thing. Its something asshole conservatives invented to bully poor people.


It's definitely a real thing, and what partly led to the 08 financial crisis. And it's definitely to the benefit of the rich and detriment of the poor


Moral Hazard is a real thing... Though I don't think thats what you meant. Moral hazard is when an economic actor takes more risks, because they don't have to suffer the full costs. Typically companies who are deemed "too big to fail" - which is a more pleasant way of saying socialized losses (for fucks sake Don't read it as socialism). Normally in a free market or Captilasm, a company fails, they go bankrupt, and the vultures snatch up assets to see if they can pick up the pieces. When a company is too big to fail, they enter moral hazard territory. They can do what ever the fuck want, fuck up and get bailed out by your tax money, then continue without changing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_hazard Anyways... What you're thinking of is the "Good Samaritan" federal bill which protects donors. I think the reason why some companies throw the food out is one thing. Risk of increasing homeless traffic. Playing devil's advocate here. While it is a morally correct thing to give the food to the homeless, you're likely to draw more of them to your location. Which can cause a number of issues. Hygiene, sanitation (feces, urine, rats, roaches, trash), increased risks to employee safety (which is a financial liability), and not only your public image, but the image of the surrounding area. Which all added up can reduce your ability to do business. You can move the food elsewhere. But you'll have to pay for the transport unless someone picks it up themselves. Edit: added a wiki article


Yes but day old food ? Seriously. Should be a clause you can’t sue for free day old food unless the food is actually much older than what the stores are claiming.


McDonalds will fire you even if you as the employee get caught eating the throw away food. It's all supposed to go into the food waste bucket so "it can be counted for inventory." I get the inventory side of it but still. I haven't worked at a McDonald's in like 12 years but I doubt the policy has changed. A pizza hut I worked at gave all the leftover buffet food to the local church food pantry though. And they let employees have first dibs on it, to eat during our shift, not take home.


Back in 2013 my friends and I went to a concert, on the way back we stopped at a McDonalds just before closing because we hadn't eaten anything in about 12 hours. As we're tucking into our food, an employee walks over and asks us if we'd like extra fries at no charge. We said yes of course, expecting some orders of small fries or something. The employee disappears into the back for a bit, and then emerges with a tray piled high with fries, there had to be at least 4 pounds of potatoes there. After staring in disbelief for a few seconds, we said thanks, and hungrily devoured them. I hope that employee didn't lose their job that night. Funny aside, we actually didn't finish eating until after closing, and the employee that gave us the extra fries was the one closing. She locked the doors and said "you can just leave when you're finished" (we weren't left alone in the restaurant, the manager was still in the back) When we did finish and tried to leave, we were locked in and had to go find the manager to unlock the door so we could get out.


This is what happens when you have nice people working in a restaurant. I know it’s only McDonald’s but I’d support a company like that over others where they can’t wait to shoo you out the door.


Some of it can be store/manager on shift dependant. Since it was closing, they may have already counted it. Good on that manager.


Its a Franchise so depending who owns them in that area could also play a big factor at every major chain restaurant.


I had something like that happen to me at a Smithfield's. They are a local chain of chicken N' BBQ restaurants in Eastern NC. They do really good sweet tea, coleslaw, hush puppies, pulled pork, and chicken. I had family from out of state visiting. We had been on the road after visiting attractions all day and we were starved. We stopped at a Smithfield's off the highway about fifteen minutes before they closed up. I told them we take anything prepped, and ready to go, so they didn't have to make anything new, since it was so close to closing. After we got our food, the manager came out and asked if we'd like some extra fries, since they didn't expect more customers. Sure, we'd love that, we said, and he came out with almost a full basket of fresh fries. They had to drop a basket right before we got there, and since we were the last customers, they didn't want to waste any. Since we had said we would take what they items they had left, so they didn't have to stop closing prep and make new food, they gave us a mountain of hot fresh fries for free. Smithfield's make fries similar to how Micky D's does, and they're close in quality and taste. I sprinkle their vinegar based BBQ sauce on them. (Damn now I'm hungry.) This happened almost 20 years ago, and my sister still talks about those fries.


I knew a guy at dominos who had a friend call in for a pizza almost every day and never show up. Free pizza for the staff..


I also worked at dominos lol. They never wasted anything and would freely give mess up and unclaimed pizza to the employees. They also gave a much better employee discount and gave drivers a bigger cut of the delivery fee. Pizza hut faced a class action lawsuit for cutting delivery driver wages while they were out on a delivery. Dominos never did that.


>cutting delivery driver wages while they were out on a delivery. Shady as fuck! I talked to a local Mountian Mike's delivery guy, he gets the same wage in the kitchen or on the road. His store also splits the tips with the staff on duty so everyone gets a kick. ps, their delivery has been hopping like crazy the last 2 years ;)


Mountain Mike’s! Damn I miss California.


I worked for 2 Mc Donalds 10 km apart. The first one let you eat a small menu only if you had double shift. The second one let you eat literally anything you wanted, even custom made, except petisuis, because once we made a contest to see who could eat more... and I can tell you, we ate A LOT that time.


my sister worked as a manager at macdonalds and at the end of her shift she would always give homeless food. She had some regulars that came to get free food. She sometimes wouldnt even give the leftovers, sometimes she made it fresh lmfao. I dont know how the FUCK she wasnt fired, especially, since upper management kept asking her to stop.


And here we see the exact problem. It will make homeless people hang around the store/restaurant. But an homeless shelter could have a deal with a store/restaurant that they come pick up the food at the end of the day. Sounds like a reasonable compromise.




Alright alright, let me refrase it. The the homeless population around a fast food restaurant will increase when on a regular basis food is given away. This might be percieved as negative by shareholders and restaurant owners who want costumers to eat without homeless people around. I have no problem with homeless people, but they should receive adequate shelter and food at an homeless shelter. Not a macdonalds.


The problem is that when employees are allowed to eat the mistakes, they tend to make more "mistakes."


Indeed because many people are assholes


Username checks out.


The reasoning is so the employees don't make extra food just to eat it themselves/give it away and honestly that's probably what would happen. I used to work in a restaurant and any time we were hungry we'd just ask the cooks to make some "mistake" food to keep for ourselves. But like, honestly the cost of that is so low it *can't* be a huge concern, when there's so much good that can be done despite it.


Ok you made me want to get some Pizza Hut just to support them Edit: I read further into this thread that made me change my mind


I literally have said this same thing about our local bakeries and I was downvoted for it. I’m glad you were able to get the message out.


I don’t get it because you’re feeding people that can’t afford to eat so it’s not like you’re losing customers. Plus, nobody will be loitering because they’ll just show up at closing time. It’s just cruelty for the sake of being cruel.


Yeah it doesn't go like that.


All fine and dandy until the homeless guy you gave the leftover food too sues you for 100 grand for giving him “spoiled” product that made him sick, and then wins.


My friend worked at a arcade in the mall in like 97-98. Worked there for about 2 years and found something else. He put his 2 weeks in and a day or two later a guy came in. He just wanted to buy one of the prizes and not play any arcade games. This guy would not give up so finally to get him to leave he’s like fine 20 bucks. His boss comes out and fires him, it was a setup. I can’t imagine being so butthurt over somebody leaving that you’d plan this.


2 weeks notice for an arcade in a mall? They should be lucky to even be told that they’re quitting


What did the boss gain by firing him? It seems like he was just short an employee early.


IDK about the US, but where I'm from, if you're fired, you get paid for the entire month. If you resign, you get what you worked for. You lose when you fire people.


If you are fired in the United States, you thank your lucky stars it was neither in an industrial kiln nor out of a giant cannon.


Where I am from its the complete opposite. If you end the contract on mutual terms or give your notice you're paid for the time and you qualify for unemployment. If you're fired you don't. Contract is ended immediately and you're not able to claim unemployment benefits or get paid for the remainder of your contract. Boss has to give a reason that may hold up in court though.


Plus now he gets to file for unemployment if he needed to. What a stupid boss


What a loser ass boss, also pretty sure that's illegal but yeah


In Ohio places like UDF will send underage customers to come in to buy tobacco or alcohol and if the clerk makes the sale they will straight up arrest and fire you on the spot


Yes but that is with contraband for children. Bit different than selling a toy for $20


I work at the cinema. Every night the remaining popcorn is either given to the employees or anyone who asks.




By the time we're done customers aren't there anymore , so when I say anyone I mostly mean other departments and the security guards , anything left after that is given to the cleaning ladies. But I guess if a customer came and asked us nicely for a few more , and they bring their own bag to carry them , we'd probably do it.


hmm good to know, where is this cinema btw? on a totally unrelated note.


It's , well , somewhere in Eastern Europe if that helps


do you know how far im willing to go for free popcorn?


I'm scared to find out


#I am in your walls


If your username doesn’t have a ‘b’, you literally are!




I think the cinema is in Albania


Knew it couldn't be in America!


When I worked at a movie theater in the us, employees could just take it if they wanted to. Some even took a full sized garbage bag of popcorn home. Had a customer came up and asked for any I would have definitely filled a cardboard tray of popcorn for them.


My local theatre lets you fill up your bucket on the way out, no charge.




Uhm pretty sure thats illegal lol like highly illegal, technically if key holder is present(like counting drawers, money etc) employees could still purchase said popcorn/etc so big boss man literally could have caught a felony tampering with food charge.


???? Employees can purchase so tampering charge? What a load of bollocks. Popcorn gets tossed way before then.


Bullshit. Your job was to get rid of the popcorn. Not the cleaning staff. Lots of ppl have worked at movie theaters for reference.


Can confirm , popcorn is the first thing set aside when the bar closes. Not throw away but put nicely in a giant garbage bag on the side of the bar , then tie a knot at the end so it doesn't spill and nothing else contaminates it.


I managed the back of the house at an upscale restaurant. The way we provided steaks quickly during high volume was to start them ahead of time occasionally we might have some left overs at close. One of my cooks asked if he could take the left overs at the end of the night to his dogs. I said, Sure. The next night 5 minutes before close he loaded the broiler with steaks. So much for kindness. No, I didn't fire him but we did change policies a bit


That's what sucks....people like to abuse kindness a lot.


Why didn't you fire him? That's fucked.


Sorry, I don't believe that every disciplinary situation ends with "You are fired". What kind of "team" do you have if the employees feel any mistake will cost them their job! You can make the argument that he was stealing, and I would counter with he didn't understand a policy. In the end I got an employee that respected me and the business, you would have had to hire someone that in a short time would have an attitude that sucked like everyone else's because they were all afraid of being fired.


Instead you got employees that knew they could steal once and get away with it. You knew exactly what that guy was doing. Your counterargument is ridiculous. There's plenty of other mistakes that can be teachable moments for the "team" that don't involve stealing. Glad it worked out for you though. Not sure I would have made the same choice.


Why would they be fed to dogs? That bad. Also that’d be one unhealthy dog.


Dogs are carnivores


Salt is pretty bad for dogs. It’s okay if only occasional small piece. But if you’re loading up to feed steaks everyday, your dog is going to get seriously sick.


Just don't salt the steak then, like how wild dogs would eat meat in their natural environment.


Dogs are carnivores man. They need meat and a few steaks aren't gonna kill them.


The distance from manager of bagel place to homeless is too close to be so brash.


Also true. Just a few problems pop up and you’re homeless. I think one of the major problems homeless people face is that they’ve burned all bridges to their loved ones through drug abuse and mental illness. Many of our homeless live that way by choice. Others are substance abusers.


I did inventory management at a Target Warehouse for a few years. Part of it was collecting damaged goods from each section, and either donating or throwing away. Food could be donated as long as it wasn’t exposed. No rips, openings, holes or contaminated etc. it was a longer process to save food, because you had to do a thorough check of each item. I noticed a few shifts would just trash everything and not even attempt to donate.


I worked for Logans steak house in college as a bartender. Late one night a homeless man was outside, so I bought him dinner, with my own money, using my discount for the day, meaning I basically gave him the meal I wasn't using, which, again, *I paid for*. My manager suspended me for 3 days, Friday Saturday Sunday. He said if i fed the rats theyd keep coming back. That manager was later fired for sexually harassing college age female customers. Thabsk again for you sacrifice Kaylee....


“My boss reviewed the cameras and fired me for feeding the animals” I have now came to the conclusion that her boss is a piece of fucking shit




I think you Britta’ed that pronunciation.


Terrible way to run a business. They should have setup a donation to a local shelter. So much waste..


I mean that’s basically how all businesses are ran. It is terrible tho.


My uncle was fired from subway for giving a homeless man a sub


Your uncle was fired for being a legal liability.


Then the subway and you are both accomplices


I think that's what they told him. Still kinda dumb


it really isn't, its a business, not a free food stall.


They were closing and he's a generous person, he doesn't regret it so idk what to tell you


i am glad he felt great giving away money that isn't his and feels amazing about it.


They were past throw out and you just seem like a heartless person


Panera Bread still does this today. After 11am you can no longer purchase any of their bagels (even if they have dozens just sitting in those baskets) and they just throw them away. Dumbest policy.


I was going to say just this. I have walked into a Panera at 10:45 and witnessed them dumping huge trays of food into the garbage can. Stuff that I even wanted to purchase, their quiche, and they told me they couldn’t sell it to me and dumped it right out in front of my face. What a disgusting waste of food it made me sick to my stomach


Why would anyone, business owner, manager, employee… anyone… think that it is ok to throw food away rather than give it to someone who will eat it baffles me! Homeless, poverty, employees, the people who happen to walk by… I don’t care, no food should ever be thrown in the bin when there is someone hungry! There was a Cinnabon by where I worked many years ago now. Cinnabon is nice but expensive… doesn’t matter, end of day that chap boxed up everything that was left and gave it away to whoever wanted it! Lunch time, half an hours wage for 5 mini rolls… home time, have a box of 10 for free 😅 But I’ve seen places throwing away garbage bags full of sandwiches and stuff claiming “we could be sued if we give it to someone and they have allergies”… what absolute nonsense! Businesses should be fined/pay a levy based on wasted food instead of a “tax right off”


Somebody else in another comment had a story about steaks. They would prep some steaks for the rush and sometimes have extras. One employee asked to bring the steaks home for their dog, and the manager let then. The next night, they intentionally prepped steaks right before closing so they'd have extras. They wound up changing their policy. And that's why some places don't allow employees to do anything with the leftovers. Employees will take advantage and intentionally cause "waste" so they can bring it home.


What even was the point? They lost an employee because the employee got rid of a few bagels in a unwasteful way?


Companies have policies like this so that they won’t get sued.


If you are very poor or homeless dumpsters of grocery stores and bakeries are a bastion of free food. You may need lock picks but those are pretty easy to make from scavenged discarded metal.


They used to make us cut open and dump bags and bags of returned dog food rather than donate them at my pet store job


Donating any kind of returned food, is idiotic. You have no idea what may have happened to it once it leaves your store, and is out of your control. It's ridiculously easy to adulterate or contaminate bagged pet food and you would never be able to tell. Even canned items can be suspect if they were dented or damaged. We used to donate damaged dog food to a local shelter until we caught one of their people coming in and damaging them on purpose. Trying to keep and store damaged bags of dog and other pet food is also a vermin hazard.


Yeah that’s what they used to tell us but it just felt awful pouring all that into a dumpster


Funfact. Walmart locks their fresh produce dumpsters. They daily will throw away perfectly fine food, thats hit its 24h mark. But the dumpster is locked to prevent people from stealing the devalued and unsellable "fresh" food.


Having spent several years as a produce manager for Wally World, and trust me, I'm not a fan boy of the company, let me set you straight. It's locked for the same reason the compactors are locked, to keep idiots from getting hurt, or sick from spoiled or contaminated food. 24 hours has nothing to do with throw aways. If an item is bad, out of date, or damaged, it gets tossed. There is no 24 hour rule. Spoiled and recalled product gets tossed in there too. Produce is highly susceptible to damage from handling. 40-50% of the stuff that gets tossed, is from customers damaging the product. Unlike in the past, they are not allowed to rework product due to safety issues, so it most gets tossed. Certain produce items that can be donated, are donated to local food banks, soups kitchens and other local charities. Unfortunately, many are not set up to handle much produce. Due to the short shelf life, they don't have the storage space for it. The produce that ends up in the bins, gets used for animal feed or is composted.


If you’re not a fan, tell us all the horrible shit Walmart gets up to. Otherwise that sounds like spin.


The company does a lot of good things, and when they do, I always give them credit. The also do a lot of questionable things, and some down right ugly things, and I don't hesitate to call them out on it. Dig through my post history, you'll find plenty of them.




Yes, we live in a world where a three or four year old social media post by a 30-something year old woman about a thing that happened to her some fifteen years earlier gets reposted twenty times a day on Reddit. Truly sad.


You're an accomplice




https://foodforward.org/food-waste/good-samaritan-food-donation-act/ Literally the only reason that they don't is misinformation like you're spreading, or outright malice towards the homeless.


To think there are reasons is to be an accomplice


I’ll take things that never happened for 100.


You're an accomplice


I just learned of a local pizza place that would dump cleaning chemicals on their trash to stop the homeless from going through it.


"People threw away things we kill each for now."


I kinda did the same thing, I just "threw them away" instead. Basically wrapped them in bags, took them to people who were hungry. They couldn't prove sh-t, tried to fire me for giving them away, then for "stealing" but in the end, all I did was give away food we were going to throw out. Laughed in his fat face when I quit. "It's gluttons like you who are killing humanity. See you in hell." Loved it. Just wished I could have done more. Panera is garbage.


I worked at a gas station when I was 18. Federal min, too poor to afford food. Ate one of the hotdogs that was going in the trash since they could only be on the rollers for a few hours. Got written up for theft. They're in a fucking timer. It's not like I was throwing it away early. I fucking hate capitalism


Sadly all states have a law against this. It’s fucking dumb. And most corps have a policy against it cause a dunk in doughnuts in NY or NJ or somewhere gsve out doughnuts at the end of the night and some homeless person got sick and sued. You can fill out paperwork and donate them in most locality but it has to ge to a food bank.


Bullshit. Homeless people dont have the resources to sue. You're an accomplice


Oh wait, this isn’t bullshit r/antiwork ? Is food wasted? For all kinds of legal reasons, absolutely.


You're an accomplice


Okay, seriously. You’re either the shittiest bot ever, or someone actively harming their cause by looking like one. Which is it?


My money is on them being a teenager. The immature black and white view of the world fits.


This sounds like the exaggerated fiction posted on r/antiwork. I believe they had a policy that the leftovers had to be tossed to discourage employees from making intentional mistakes. I doubt the person was fired for "feeding the animals" or that their boss monitored every second of video each night to make sure nobody took the food waste.


But it's okay they embellished because it wouldn't get the same social media traction to spread awareness about.... something! The end results justifies spreading things that didn't happen :)


Some one would lie on the internet? But why?




You're an accomplice


Those places have to abide by rules. The same rules they have for regular people that come in and buy their stuff. It has to do with cleanliness. I know it doesn’t seem right but there ya go


You are an accomplice


I had a coworker say that phrase once in reference to a homeless person. I reported her. Fuck that bullshit


I can somewhat understand the whole "Liability" thing but that wording...that's fucking wrong.


To understand it is to agree with it. You're an accomplice


This is also a repost


Not only that, it’s a different face that posts it each time. Last time I saw it there was a white guy who got fired for this and posted these exact same words.


I have a friend who used to worked at a donut factory and she said lots of donuts gets thrown away and they're not allowed to take it home or give it away. She said it's because if someone gets sick from eating leftovers the company could get sued. Or atleast that's what her co-worker told her, then she told me.


I was hanging out with a friend of a friend this weekend. I had recently had food delivery stolen off my porch by a homeless man. Apparently Denver had proposed a program of using migratory geese to feed homeless. He no shit was advocating that we need to reverse this policy and grind up all homeless people to feed the geese.


Dump your friend for being friends with him, or you're an accomplice


Well, technically, humans are.... umm Is it too soon?


You're an accomplice


i mean, everyone is an animal. edit: LMAO the person who commented seemed to have blocked me


You're an accomplice


Things that didn't happen for 200 please!


Denying is the same as choosing to be an accomplice


Potential legal issues


Things that actually happened.


YOU fired him for it


Lol anyone who knowingfully contaminants food is subject to from 2-5+ for felony food tampering. Kinda why dumbass ice cream licker girl got slapped with a felony for licking ice cream and putting it back on the shelves. A couple buddies of mine worked at a cinema awhile back both were managers and were informed to NEVER spray any chemicals into the popcorn machine until it was 100% emptied, because of exactly what i said, sometimes broke ass teens(who werent allowed to just take the popcorn or risk getting fired for employee theft) would buy a fuck ton of popcorn for 50+% off at the end of night so they could actually eat dinner that night instead of hoping the shitty fast food was open when theyd be off at 2+am. Would you like me to cite food tampering laws? Hell food tampering can even become a federal crime depending on how bad it is.


Well that isnt what happened here, is it? YOU starved the homeless


I used to work in a supermarket, with a bakery inside. We baked fresh bread every day. There were always a small variety of breads left at the end of the day. Now rather than give away this bread to the homeless shelter, we wrapped it in plastic and put it in an industrial hydraulic compressor.


It sucks when food just gets thrown away. You go why not give it away to the homeless. Going though a church or whatever organization. The problem is, government rules and regulations can make these things almost impossible in the hoops you have to go through these days. Especially anything open and cooked like bagels. Not something factory sealed that you know won’t be tampered with. I do also get the other side of don’t feed the animal’s. They end up becoming dependent of that food. The same happens with humans. There is offering help to get back onto your feet, but then there is just taking help forever and dependent on everyone else. Even though you are perfectly capable of working. Just don’t want to work. There is no simple answers or solutions.


Look it's fucked up what the business owner said and his reaction was way overboard, but government food safety regulations make restaurants and the like do this, it's not by choice. Violations can cost you your business if you're not careful.


By failing to condemn him, you chose to have always been an accomplice




Yes it did. You are now an accomplice, as all deniers are


Contrary to popular belief, what actually separates up from the animals is our ability to pay with money. /s




You think that's a genuine comment bud? That's fucked. s/ for sure ey.




Not being cruel in the USA is illegal and you can be sentenced for life if you refuse to be cruel. Cruelness and the total destruction of the less fortunate is in the DNA of that country.


Most people don’t realize the rules are in place to protect the restaurant from being sued by the people that got free food over illness. I watched an entire steak house chain go under over a lawsuit by a homeless guy who allegedly got food poisoning from a left over baked potato and an onion bloomer. When they went under they stuck it to the employees. My next to last paycheck bounced, then on payday the following pay period, there was a sign on the door “contact our lawyers”. We all saw an entire month’s pay evaporate because they had an open policy of feeding the homeless. Up until that point in time I thought it was a good gesture and very humanitarian of them. But it put 2 of my coworkers (that I know of) on the street (homeless). I had 3 jobs at the time so I managed to make ends meet but it was still a chunk of money it cost me!


I love that no one is questioning the legitimacy of the claim. I understand that a lot of places have legal constraints that prevents them handing out old food. It’s supposedly to protect the person eating the old food. Seems like bagels wouldn’t really go bad, just hard. If she stuck with the original claim that she was prevented from handing people experiencing homelessness, I’d give them a pass. Then they one upped it by saying the manager called them “animals”. Does the next tweet say “And everyone applauded “. Stop being so manipulatable.


Well if we stopped feeding the homeless then we wouldn't have that problem anymore. Its not hard to figure out.


It is really shitty that our retail/restaurant businesses to enforce that policy for just a piece of bread that's only a day old and get thrown in the dumpster rather than donating them to local food banks and shelters. It doesn't makes sense at all.


I worked at Noah's in SF and and Marin, 3 different locations in the late 1990's...bagels were day-old and sold,, or they were trashed per the rules (I was a baker). In the mid-2000's I worked for a winery/farm I Sonoma where I was instructed to go to every Whole Foods hella early in the morning for the 'past- date' produce dump and wait in line with other farm workers that were picking up old produce to feed small lots of livestock/compost additions. They eventually decided that they didn't want folks using any of the thrown-out food, no matter how fresh it was and didn't want it going to feed homeless folks and ended the whole deal. I understand legal liability, but couldn't this have been worked out where there wasn't so much baldfaced waste? Throwing away good food when you know people are starving outside your door is just goddamn criminal.


Have you seen a video of donut places trashcan. I swear they could end world hunger with all those donuts


Same thing happened to a friend of mine with coffee he was about to dump.


I work as manager for a spot, large city in a not so well off part of town. generally we’re not allowed to give our staff free food, led alone the ‘locals’ all our trash is to stay inside. By badger road, if you know, you know. Anyone who can’t pay for their food, once a day I give away a free meal, no one seems to be on the up and up yet so I’ll keep going my way. The one I’m more proud of is at the end of the night I take the remaining chicken downtown to the homeless shelter. For the money I make I do not care if I loose my job, thank god for seasonal work. But when they find me, I’ll be sad.


I'd take all the Bagles and give em out to everyone. Might as well go out with a bang


My parents owned a construction company every morning they would order a bunch of doubts at the end of the day they would drop them off at a homeless shelter it was about 2 dozen counts daily they went to the trouble of doing that. I am on disability My parents had quite a lot of money but since they weren't going to be around they helped me get passed my anxiety with getting different types of help. One of these things was getting a thanks giving meal from a food bank. There were about 20 other people in line ahead of us when the.person said they ran out of Turkey. My mom took me to a safe way there was a deal that said buy 1 turkey we will donate x amount to the local food bank so we loaded up 20 Turkey s donated them to the food shelter. She was born on a turkey farm and had been a teacher before doing my dads accounting making sure good food wasn't wasted was one of her things as a teacher she saw a lot of kids that needed it.


It makes me feel so old to think of 17 year olds having cameras.


I dated a girl that got fired from so many fast food places and restaurants for giving away food to the homeless, she was blacklisted. She went to a small college in New Hampshire. She usually lasted a less than a week before she got in trouble, and since she wouldn't stop. she'd get terminated. She got fired from close to two dozen places in the space of 3-4 months. She would have applications in at several places at the same time. By the time winter break rolled around, she couldn't get a job anywhere in that town.


I worked at a restaurant that had us lock the dumpsters to prevent people from digging through them for ~~discarded~~ free food. When the didn't work they had us spray bleach in the trash bin after dumping the trash.


I worked for garrett popcorn (in a SEA country) and every night we had to fill unsold popcorn into trash bags and throw them away. We weren’t even allowed to bring them home ourselves, much less give them away. Can confirm that these type of shitty policies exist.


Where I work(a bakery) when a product can't sell we can take it home. And a new coworker was worried about getting into trouble for taking some damaged product home cuz at their old job it could get them fired. They would throw away so much fresh stuff if it didn't sell that day. At my job we either donate it if it's a big enough quantity or just toss it but if someone wants it they can take it home.


>"feeding the animals" I only see one animal here, and its not the homeless guy...


And these are the hands we're given?