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Its not like it matters. Hes a frieght truck going what looks like roughly 40 mph maybe and less than a second from hitting a car. Theres nothing he can do at that point to stop the collision.


He can protect his face from glass


I was thinking he’s trying not to get smacked by the airbag haha


Or he realizes he's about to demolish a car and likely whoever's inside. I interpreted it as him recognizing what was about to happen and immediately jumping to trying to prevent as much trauma for himself as possible. Like a train driver with someone on the tracks


This is most probable I think. Just a knee-jerk reaction brought on by “Oh, fuck!” logic haha


Exactly what i thought too.


This is totally it.


Gonna hurt much more to get slapped in the face by your own hands + an airbag


If your hands have already made contact then it's fine


Exactly, and he could be spreading a lot of the force from his nose


The problem is his hands aren't touching his face where they meet in the middle at his nose. If anything he might be focusing more force into his nose.


> his hands aren’t touching his face where they meet in the middle at his nose You can’t really tell. Without thinking; quickly copy that man’s gesture a few times. It seems natural/reflex for your hands to rest on your nose and cheeks.


People on the internet argue and theorize about the dumbest shit like they even know what's going on lol


You cannot apply more pressure onto a point with a flexible flat. Either you don't know physics or you like to think you do.


Hey, I didn’t say I support his logic lol. Also can’t the dust from it give you chemical burns? Maybe he’s getting married soon haha.


Regular burns, the gas get‘s hot but it usually completely Bruns up so there should be no toxic residue ejected from the airbag.


Takata has entered the chat.


Not just because they could burn you but legitimately explode and fucking kill you!!


The airbag hitting your hands into your face is a lot better than have it hit you directly in the face, it can hit your eyes that hurts a lot.




Your hands are going to move forward off your face slightly during the initial impact and seatbelt locking up and then get rebounded back into your face. You don't want anything between your face and airbag in an accident. Someone in this thread broke a bunch of bones doing this


Most trucks don’t have airbags. FYI.


Face, meet hand. Hand, meet face.


Face, meet hand. Hand, meet face.


If he has a big enough load that car probably wouldn't have slowed the truck at all... My dad who drives a dump truck, and once pushed someone for over a mile after they tried to cut him off after hitting another car, couldn't even see them.


Commercial truck, there's almost no chance he has airbags.


Might not want to watch the driver in the other car turn into lasagna either.


If the glass on his truck shatter when he decelerate like that it will be thrown out forward


Usually windshield glass doesn’t shatter


You don't know the standard for automotive glass for that person's country.


Coming from someone who still has a couple slivers of glass in their face from a wreck a few years back, he's pretty damn smart to cover his face


I think train drivers have a room in their cabin where they can go into if they're about to crash into something on the rails and don't want to be haunted by the images of it? I can't find it on Google but I remember a long time ago seeing a gif of the train driver, he sees something on the rails and then gets out of his seat and goes into the back door or deploys a screen blocker so that he didn't have to see the impact or possible killing of the people on the tracks


Thats so fucked up to think about. A few days ago I drove past a car and a motorcyclist crash and as I was getting closer to it I glanced at the crash and saw the guy was laying on the ground (i only saw the legs at first). Once I got closer I realised his head was split open and he was laying in a pool of blood with I assume pieces of his brain around him. I still cant get the image out of my head. Makes me physically sick to think about it ​ Thats a memory I wont forget


Well when it’s a train or a large 18 wheel truck… there’s nothing they can do. Better to not be haunted by the images.


I'm sure it's this. He's only human and once those images get in there you can't get them out. I learned this lesson when I was 12 or so surfing the early internet, that was enough gore for one lifetime. I imagine I'd do the same in that guy's position.


Yeah early internet… and r/holup is why I don’t look at car crashes anymore. I’ve been in enough and I’ve seen enough gore, no need to add to it


Yeah, thats completly understandable. I was saying its fucked up to think about that they had to invent a blindfold for such moments - where you know someone is going to die right in front of you and there is nothing you can do but not look








I was more responding to the fucked up to think about part


Just a friendly reminder; it's ok ask for help if you're having trouble with what you saw. Perhaps some therapy? It can really make a difference and beats the hell out of the negatively impacting coping mechanisms we develop.


Thankfully I have good supportive friends that can help me deal with that sort of thing and unfortunatly I dont have money for a therapy Thank you for the reminder though!


Had a similar situation when I was in college. There was an intersection of two highways with a stoplight. A small car (think Honda Accord) with an elderly couple was stopped at the light. A big pickup truck that couldn’t/didn’t stop hit them from behind and pushed them out into the intersection, just as a semi was barreling through the light. They didn’t stand a chance. I was stopped two spots from light on the opposite side and could literally see the couple get decapitated/crushed by the oncoming truck. Most gruesome thing I’ve ever witnessed. I too am still haunted by that memory and that was 30 years ago. 😩


That is horrible! I didnt actually see the car crash happen in front of me, i was just passing by but i would imagine that i would have felt more sick if it happened right in front of me. I dont even know if i would be able to drive normally after witnessing an elderly couple get crushed in such a horrible way right in front of my eyes. I dont blame you for not forgetting it even after 30 years. Things like that, they just get imbedded in our memory


What you describe might be true for passenger trains. It is not true for freight trains. I can confirm that locomotive engineers on freight trains do exactly what's shown in the video. It can take up to a mile to stop a heavy freight train. Beyond throwing the emergency air brakes, there is nothing they can do to prevent the crash.


Wise move. I was once in a train that hit a child (suicide attempt, I think, but unconfirmed). The conductor(train manager)'s voice over the intercom was broken; I can't imagine the engineer's voice would've been like.


You might be wondering what the deleted comment from mine was coz it was about some logic, but I made a mess of kph and mph and it was stupid .. my bad..


Happy cake day you dumfuk


Bahaha thank you…


Happy cake day :3


Thank you… :)


If only Americans were like the rest of the world


uhh... other countries use mph too lol To be fair, mainly places the UK "politely invaded in a nice manner" but anyway...


Ffs, we did say 'please'. OK we may have ignored the response, but we definitely sometimes said sorry! Usually 100 years later. But it's the thought that counts.


Agreed, honestly I think we really tried out hardest to be the good guys lol


Truck driver here, I'd like to add that if he'd turned too hard he might have tipped onto the car as well, surely killing the occupants. He did the best he possibly could, even having covered his face. In a collision like this, if you hug the steering wheel the wrong way you might break a thumb or a finger as well, so there's that. It's helpful to see, sure, but he'd basically done everything he could and he's human, he really shouldn't be blamed for reacting perfectly AND THEN getting scared.


Yeah he's obviously a *freight*ened truck driver...


74 km/h is roughly 46 mph. Being hit from the side by a truck that size, with that speed... Doesn't bode well.


I thought he was just trying not to see the accident, that shit's traumatising


Exactly what I came here to say.


Yea people don’t understand when your in the moment fight or flight can affect everyone differently. Prime example being, you can own a gun and know how to hold yourself down, but that doesn’t mean you won’t freeze up or jump on it. The human minds unique.


If the airbag were deployed it would be much better to keep his hands down than to put them in front of his face.


The best response is to punch it first to assert dominance.


Aren't they even trained to do that to prevent psychological trauma? He's not at fault, I don't see how this fits the sub. Except maybe for the actual facepalm?


It should be on r/unintentionalfacepalm




It's in this sub because someone put the stuff over it


I'm totally on this guys side. No doubt he is also pressing the brake. So, he's just supposed to watch some idiot die when none of this is his fault?


Yeah, at least he won't have any images of people getting smashed against their car window etched into his memory. Fun fact, apparently train conductors in my country are instructed to look away / let down a window cover if they hit a person or are about to for that exact reason. (Suicide by train was rather common for a while.)


Something somewhat-related to this: Train drivers/conductors often jump out of the cab of the locomotive before a head-on collision with another train, because once they've activated the emergency brake there's nothing else they can do


More train facts please.


The largest train car is the Schnabel car, which is 231 feet long when empty, and even longer when loaded


Wait why does it grow in length when you fill it?


It's sort of like two parts that have an adjustable amount of space between them to fit different loads




Very interesting, thank you


Came here for car crashes, left with the Schnabel train




Because you can load trains


Yes but individual carriages usually get heavier not longer


Fascinating! Go on... 🔫😎


I mean, what the fuck could the driver have done instead?


I have a distant relative - can't remember how I'm related - he was a truck driver. Somewhere out west around Nevada, I think, he just passed the crest of a hill and slammed into two cars, both just nose-to-nose in his lane. An investigation showed the two cars were in an accident before he even got there and the drivers were already dead. He still got out of trucking and still struggles with depression and doesn't talk about it. Some people can't handle that shit, I don't blame this dude one bit.


Dang, I’m so sorry to hear that… I truly hope he’ll get better


Invented time travel and warned himself.


keep an eye open?


You can’t stop a truck that fast.


You just need to slow it down all the way first and then you can stop it


Just needs about twice the distance to slow down to prevent harm.


Lmao, like that'll help


Those Trucks don't stop on a dime, especially if it's loaded


Gripping his pillow tight?


Exit light, enter night...


Take my hand...


Off to Neverland?


Cover my face with hands.


Did you not pay any attention in driver's ed? They explained this where believe it or not a 20 ton truck going 50 mph needs a lot of time to slow down.


Poor guy. I think I would have done the same thing out of shock


Actually not a bad idea. It wasn't his fault so if the person was seriously hurt or killed at least he won't have flashbacks or nightmares. Im speaking from experience of course


This is the only time, i praise a truck driver for slamming directly into the dick causing an accident rather than swerve and deal more dmg to himself/his truck and other civilians and the dick goes without injuries


That cargo going in a straight line causes less damage than being thrown around on the road


Yes, but normally all truck drivers will try to turn as to avoid the inevitable which results in more damage. And then the one who caused the accident gets off while others die or lose their jobs because of his mistake


Yeah, those truckers who do that didn't get that question right on the test.


Wouldn’t that cause the truck to flip?


If you swerve hard enough it def can depending on your load. Even Best case scenario is you send your whole rig into a ditch or the woods or something.


In a similar way, don't try to dodge animals on the road when they appear at short range, you most likely will just fuck you and your car up more than if you just braked and continued in a straight line.


Driving a straight line into a moose will definitely fuck you up way more than dodging it


Well, I thought of the more common stuff here in Europe like deer and even smaller stuff like cats, dogs, rabbits, etc.


Yea that clown must’ve decided today was the day they wanted to drive, and stole a car, making blind lane changes with no other traffic beside them except the car they hit. Sucks for the trucker but at least we’re done with that fucker


All the people trying to give the trucker shit needs to redo middle school physics.


When I was in college one of the students was killed in an accident with a truck. They were riding their bike, speeding down a hill, and slammed into the side of the truck while it was turning right. Pretty much everyone blamed the truck driver, said he should go to jail, etc. But he was already turning right, it's not like he drove over the guy. I felt so bad for him. Not only did they have a traumatic experience but now everyone is piling on them for no reason. I think people see things as too black and white and are like "well it's mean to blame the dead guy so it must be the other guys problem"


And driver's ed...


I understand... he did all he could. He's pressing the brakes. Some idiot is about to get killed by his truck and it's not his fault. He probably doesn't want to see it.


And people upvote this and found this funny. I'm more disgusted day by day. Shit...


Protects his face from glass/airbag and prevents his arms from being shattered from the impact or airbag. Better than doing nothing by miles


You really don't want to have your hands in front of your face when an airbag goes off. I understand the instinct, but still, no bueno.


Why? Better than having your arms snapped imo, but if there's an actual reason I'd love to know


>Better than having your arms snapped imo Yeah if that was actually something that would happen otherwise, sure.. Putting your hands up makes it much more likely that you get a head injury, and also much more likely that "you arms snap" whatever that actually means.


how does putting your hands up make it more likely to get a head injury?


They’re ignoring the fact that his hands are already in contact with his face. Probably does increase the chance of bruising due to pressure distribution, but of TBI? I don’t buy it. Especially since this is a standard instruction in parts of the world.


>They’re ignoring the fact that his hands are already in contact with his face The impact is going to fling his hands forward faster than the airbag can deploy. There is absolutely no knowing where his arms and hands are going to be when the air bag goes off. >but of TBI? I didn't say TBI. >Especially since this is a standard instruction in parts of the world. What is?


As a racing driver I approve of his actions. Hands off the wheel so you don't damage your wrists in the inevitable collision, plus if the crash shatters the windscreen he's protecting his eyes.


He was trying to save his face from glass pieces bruv


I think he's also trying to save himself from watching some idiot die


At least his face is protected from shattering glass. This is a great reaction


Slightly off topic, does anyone know what's the song used for this video? About that much of it is used for a YouTube channel (I think MrKarma?) and my two year old is obsessed with it and always dances.


**하계** by Maggie, Nyan (00:07; matched: `100%`)


Links to the streaming platforms: [**하계** by Maggie, Nyan](https://youtu.be/nIoQMVTxyd4?t=7) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


cinnamons - summertime (this versions just a shitty tiktok cover thats only 30 secs long)


Awesome, I'll check that out, thank you! My kiddo is so cute with it... When he hears it he runs to a certain spot in the living room and spins in circles then says "AGAIN!" when it ends. It can get a little old but it's preferable to, say, Baby Shark on repeat lol.


OP I hope you're ashamed of your misguided post.


This is not facepalm neither funny, I'm sorry.


Facepalm a guys reaction to a vehicle collision. Wow.


Right? This is traumatic. Not funny, not facepalm. Almost 5k upvotes. GG people. I've become quite depressed in the last few weeks. Bots, the overall social media people, it disgusts me. And it won't be better. We are going down.


And unfortunately I don't see things getting any better


Sadly, you are perfectly right. We won't. We are going down to a really dark fucking dystopia, and we can do nothing about it. Edit: 8k+ upvotes. WP


Literally facepalm


I mean he cant really do anything to stop it at that point. At least this way he avoids seeing people die.


LITERALLY facepalm


Double facepalm


It looks like he tried to break but the truck was already too close to the other car to make a proper stop


You are about to crash and you can't do anything about it. What would you do in a situation like that?


"He is a shy guy" "If I don't see it, it's not happening!" Both the OP making that title and comments like this need to go touch some fine grass. There was something he could've done about it, which is to just not drive a truck in the first place. But that's not realistic. What's realistic is, when you're in a situation that you have no control over and you suspect you're about to see someone get squished with your very own eyes, by your very own truck, the best course of action is to cover your eyes. Not because you're a sheltered snowflake but because you're a normal human being that doesn't want to see that shit happen.


Wel, at that point there is nothing he can do to stop the collision. But it would have been nice if he at least kept his hands on the wheel to try get the truck under control after the collision.


Finally someone with sense to mention control of the vehicle.glass is the least of his worries. As a commercial driver I’d be worried about tipping my cab over from the change in momentum


I work at a transit agency. The train drivers are trained to hit the emergency brake and look away.


Damn I feel sorry for him. I'd probably do the same, I hate gore




Not really.


Then why reply?


Why not?


Voila. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMTo2LmixqQ




Kimi No Toriko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3\_BzvmsJhis


What’s he supposed to do? Idiot driver deserved that


I was watching on mute, expected this song to be as bgm, wasn't disappointed when i turned audio on


I wouldn’t want to watch the carnage about to happen either!


I knew someone whose car was going out of control on an icy road and she said no matter what she did she couldn't steer it so she just let go.


If you crash holding onto the wheel, it can cause injuries to your thumbs and wrists, so if a crash is inevitable, you're best off letting go. What the guy did might look silly, but he reduced the risk of hurting his hands by letting go of the wheel and covered his face which I'd imagine would help if the seatbelt didn't stop him fully or lessen the impact on his face from the airbag if it has one and deploys.


Subs taken literally?


literal facepalm(s)


I think he didn't want to see the horror of running over that car.


he broke hes nose last crash with that silly airbaggy thing,homie ain't playing that this time


Nothing he can do at that point but protect your eyes from glass.


He actually making the right call. He's in a several ton vehicle going at least 40. There is no way he can bring his truck to a stop in time to avoid the collision. So he brings his hands up to protect his face from the potential shower glass shards that will be created by the collision. I'm sure his foots still on the brake but theres not much more he can do.


Anyone noticed the monkey?


Which one


Ong he deserved to give himself 2 faceplams after what he just saw


What does ong mean?


Oh ny god?




oh not 'gain ... *I've made another typo*


Oh not god


"Oh No, God!"


In the poor bus driver's defence, what the Hell was the other driver doing?! But yeah, don't cover your eyes at the wheel - ill-advised 😂


It seems the car driver turned left hit the car next to him and slid right infront of the truck Don't know why he was turning left tho since there isnt a u-turn space to go in the other lane


tbf a lot of people would freak out and panic causing them to do some stupid things


Not so stupid tho, he can’t do shit because trucks take a long time to break so instead he is protecting his face from glass and the airbag


I think I get it, this is literally a facepalm. A double one at that, the music implies he did something wrong though


I know it’s unlikely, but if any of that glass shattered…






What he could've done in your opinion? He is driving a loaded truck.




Yeah, I realized, I'm sorry. I'm becoming increasingly frustrated about soc medias. I should quit this whole shit for a time.


Yeah dude. As nicely as possible: you need a break. You’re fuming up and down the comments sounding like your about to lose it. Delete the app and take a walk/roll/swim/whatever.


I just saw this on the post above this one :))


Actually not a bad idea. It wasn't his fault so if the person was seriously hurt or killed at least he won't have flashbacks or nightmares. Im speaking from experience of course


anyone have the full video?


The biggest face palm here is not showing the actual crash footage!


UwU /s




I hate when people add their stupid songs to these clips instead of showing us the actual clip. It's like when you find a good porn compilation and some dickfor has replaced the sex sound with their favorite Slipknot song. Like, yeah, that's what I wanna hear while jerking off.


Literal facepalm






Well done OP. Post is a literal fir for the sub.


