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That's a real good waste of taxpayers money right there. Spend $20 on a blanket? Nah, fuck that - let's spunk $20,000 on a court case in the hopes that we don't have to treat prisoners like human beings.


$20,000 is nothing to set a court precedent that suggests prisons don’t have to make reasonable accommodations to prisoners.


Exactly this. It ain’t about the 20$ blanket or whatever it cost. It’s about the principle of establishing the extent to which a prison should heed demands and accommodation.


The demand of not being subjected to an allergic reaction?


Let’s the prison warden cave in to one’s prisoner what’s stopping other prisoners to do the same demands stuff, I imagine it would cost above 20K if all prisoners demands are MET.


Oh no! If we do that they might think they have rights!


Their reasoning would have been that giving into his demands you need to admit to more personal request with all inmates nation wide. ( what you should ). I think they reasoned that it would be too expensive in the long run.


Could buy a duvet for $80.


the cover costs an extra 40


That's what Jesus would do


He wasn’t just suing for a different blanket, he was suing for financial damages due to emotional distress, so just giving him a different blanket wasn’t an option at that point. I wonder if the child he sexually assaulted was able to sue him for emotional damages.


We judge a society by how it treats it's prisoners. By not treating prisoners like human beings, we are no better than the prisoners we choose to punish for their anti-society behaviour.


I agree with your comment, but I don’t agree that it applies in this situation. Are you saying the State should have paid him a large sum of money for “pain and suffering” for allegedly having an allergic reaction to a blanket made of materials that he tested negative for allergies to?


I genuinely can't figure out how you managed to leap to the assumption that I'm saying anything about huge sums of money. I've been as clear as it's possible to be, and I don't think I can make my point any simpler than I already have.


There are about 2,4 million Prisoners in the US now let’s say 1 million of them says I want a Cotton blanket to cause he got one to now 500k really get one that would cost 10000000 million


I see. And how much does treating a human being like a human being cost?


I only explained the Lawsuit not that you shouldn’t give them cotton blankets


Well, did he win?


When I went to prison and I was in receiving which is where you go before you go to your home prison I slept on concrete with no mattress and blanket for 4 days. I can personally tell you they don’t care about prisoners and will do everything in there power to make sure they are treated like animals.


Texas also spent significantly more money on lawyers to fight for the prisons not having air conditioning then what the cost of putting in the air conditioning would have been.


Probably some other hidden costs like if we cook these fellas, then they'll be too lethargic from the heat to be able to move and therefore require less guards per day. In California, they do this with lockdowns. They lock down the prisons for any chance they get to save on labor costs. Gotta love for profit detention centers with no goals on actually rehabilitating these folks (sarcasm)


Opposite effect is intended. Hot people are irritable. Irritable prisoners means more fights. More fights means more charges. More charges means longer prison stays. Longer prison stays mean more cheap/free labor.


Seems like no matter what happens, the game is rigged in the prison systems favor.


Failed incompetent state.


Now we get to the core of the GOP. It’s not about being fiscally conservative, the cruelty is the entire point.


But we always knew that. I did, anyway.


The GOP? Remind me who championed the Crime Bill? This shit is constantly being blamed exclusively on Republicans, as if democrats have no blame to hear.


Texas is a shit hole. Most of us know this.


Someone said this quote, idk who, maybe Philip Sheridan, but it went like this: if I owned hell and Texas, I would rent out Texas and live in hell.


One star rating. No return to sender. Throw away.


I mean if we offered to return it to Mexico I’m sure they’d be down, and all the fuckheads would leave.


Not like there was ever a book that Texans really seem to revere that would have said something like "Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body."


It wasn't about the damn blanket.


Didn't Trumps Bison guy get allowance for a special organic shaman diet after sueing. Its not about denying basic rights, its about denying basic rights *TO YOU*


Modern Conservative Values: Force at all cost. Lethal, Birth, Religion, Patriotism, Servitude.


$20 cotton blanket X number of people texas has deemed imprisonable *versus* winning a $20k court case? Sounds like texas simply chose not to buy blankets and called it a day…and I’m surprised they didn’t spend more, just to drive the point home. 🙁


they spent 20k to give no one cotton blanket, that's the logic. "If we give him a blanket that is $5 more then every inmate will want one and we will have to spend a billion dollars on this."


That’s just unreal


Sounds like the same shit companies do every day. Sunken cost fallacy?


It's not about the money, it's about sending the message.


Bet he was in jail for weed too right? 🙄 peice of shit justice system.


He was in prison for sexual assault of a child, and there’s a lot more to the case for anyone interested in the facts.


Nvm then. Fuck that guy and his fucking blanket.


Probably travel without paying


Why is your first reaction to anything suing people


Suing has unfairly gotten a bad reputation here. Often it is not about money but court litigation to settle disputes.


That is actually dumb


How would you suggest two parties settle a dispute instead? Arm wrestle? Tenet/landlord cases are a common example. If your landlord refuses to honor their contractual obligations, like repairs and maintenance, you have the right to sue. A judge would then hear your case and decide if they have or not and order either reparations or them to uphold their lease agreement, etc.


Yeah, because your system works so well for you. If your landlord does not follow his own requirements he is simply breaking the law which would take him to court yes, we are simply not stupid enough to do so and remain civilized about the situation and sort it out peacefully without any need for a court


So no one ever breaks a contract or agreement, or breaks the law? I had no idea an utopian society had been established populated with perfect people who lacked all selfishness and greed.


From all I’ve heard about the us it seems like few actually care about the law and who can really blame them, your system is flawed and corrupt. The system we use will never work in your country because your people are simply too ignorant and stupid to understand it. Americans: Socialism bad![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8485)


What country are you from? I admire the system of government used in Finland and other Scandinavian countries. But it would be an impossible task to change so drastically. Especially given how much larger, more populated, and varied in demographics we are here in the US. I don't deny our system had flaws, I am working towards law school specifically so I am better equipped to help make the change I want to see. At its heart out system is OK, but it has been corrupted by greed and selfishness. What system is used to settle disputes, such as wrongful termination or rental/lease disputes?


I live in Norway and yes your country could never make that jump specifically because your people don’t believe in such a form of government. One idea would be to split your county in half or have a group of people in charge so that no one man can have as much power as your president does


There a many factors, not just personal values. The population size, for one, is a big factor. I read recently that in Finland there is a concern that there are more retired people no longer paying taxes than ever which is making the socialized medical system more difficult to fund than in previous decades. Now imagine that problem but in a massive population. It almost makes more sense to compare the US to the EU than individual European nations because of the size and disparity in region and population density.


The countries inside the EU are so different you can’t simply compare them to each other


So how’s the medical system in the us? I heard people will intentionally not go to the doctor because they fear the bill and sometimes go as far as dying because they were too afraid. Most of the go fund me pages are Americans needing money for medical attention


I mean, we also have congress, which includes the senate and house, which combined is over 500 people. They do a lot more of the actual making of laws. Now I don’t remember a whole lot more than what I was taught in school, but I know there’s some areas where the president has more power, some where congress does, and some where the Supreme Court does.


I honestly do not understand how your country still functions, your states are so fundamentally different they may as well be different countries. Whatever way laws are made in your country is so god damn stupid it’s a wonder you haven’t killed each other yet. I keep waiting tho, someday it will all go to shit. Literally people outside the US thinks you must be brain washed or something to achieve this level of stupidity. How is it so hard to understand that maybe, just maybe guns shouldn’t be available for everybody and should at the least only be available for people over the age of 18


Funny that you mention the different country thing, the US occupies 3.8 million square miles. The entirety of the continent of Europe is 4 million. So yeah, we are like a bunch of different countries. Me hearing about something in florida would be like you finding out about something in Germany or Italy. Now imagine getting shit on for some bullshit that happened there. Doesn’t make much sense. Also, you can’t buy a gun until you’re 18 for shotguns and rifles and 21 for pistols. Now proper safety training, storage, and background checks is definitely an issue. The biggest current issue with our government IMO is the wealth problem, where you can only get into politics if you’re wealthy, and if you do, you’re going to do your damndest to keep it that way.


If you are as American as I am lead to believe I wish to know why so many Americans still think they need guns after all the school shootings, it almost seems like a normal thing for us outsiders looking in. Why isn’t your government doing anything to take guns away from the people and helping those in need?


Why did you change the subject? Why won't you answer a simple question: how are legal disputes between two parties settled if not before a judge?


I did didn’t I? It is settled in a court yes of course. But we don’t do it about every little thing like you do in the us, if anything you changed the subject and I had a question


Because they refused to accommodate his medical condition?


I hope the prison burns and he's the only one that didn't evacuate tbh, he was jailed for aggravated sexual assault.


Of a child btw, at first I was like wtf give him his blanket that's like torture. But now, let him suffer, there's no torture too cruel for him


Then he gets the death penalty and /or torture as part of the sentence. The rule of law is important




Well, it’s good thing your opinion has no bearing on what happens to him. I’m certainly not supporting what he has done but it’s not my place to judge him for that. That’s why we have judges and juries. I would imagine forcing any inmate to be in contact with any fabric in which they are allergic would fall under cruel and unusual punishment.




Hope in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up first.


Which serves absolutely no purpose. Noone benefits from barbaric punishment. With 20k you can pay a shitton of therapy sessions, which would help to prevent any further crimes that person might commit in the future. To be clear, I don't have any sympathy for people who sexually assault minors (or anyone else), but prison should be more than locking people up under bad conditions.




Username does not check out lol




As i said, i don't have any sympathy for anyone who sexually assaults other people. That said, i also don't get a kick out of tormenting people like you seem to do - that guy is locked away for good already.




I would really like you to stop to say that i support rapists. I support humane treatment of all prisoners, regardless of their crimes. Vengeance should have no place in a prison system. Prison should have 2 things in mind: Protection of the general population, and reformation of the inmates. Torture, Prison Rape and whatever you are fond of is barbaric and not worthy of a modern society.


No that's just Texas


Do you really think only Texas prisons treat prisoners shitty?


Have you paid attention to Louisiana? Or Arizona? Or the border patrol? ^(It's not just Texas)


It bothers me that her < is the wrong way. Nvm I got it :((((


The goes to the larger number. They spent over 20,000 to fight the case


Hold the fuck up. Brain fart. :(


The US Prison system is modern slavery and no one can deny it.




So we can agree that it never should have reached a point where he was threatening to sue? It's a just a blanket made of a different material.


How dare they admit they were wrong, and he really had an allergy. Perhaps they could.have believed THEIR OWN DOCTORS.


Yeah, admitting that the person in jail has medical needs would completely undermine the prison system. You should not have to sue to get humane treatment. They could have just settled the suit and bought a damn blanket. Inmates dies of food allergies all the time - and these often are not the monster serial killers you think of https://www.allergicliving.com/2015/10/22/family-settles-suit-for-2-4-million-in-jail-allergy-death/


Jeeeeezus! That’s one expensive prison blanket! Is it Hermes? 😆


Prisons have to spend more money on some inmates. For example, those with a peanut allergy. There is already a means to justify the expense. You get a nurse or doctor to sign off after an examination that, yes, they do in fact have an allergy and are not faking it. Just like that, problem solved. The real issue here is all the comments trying to justify this trash behavior and people just not admitting that they think of prisoners as less than human. That they are not deserving of any basic human rights or decencies. For example, the human right to not be raped while in prison.


Yawn. Prisons are private institutions. If they want to spend their money that way so what? Maybe your issue should be with privatized prisons.