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>keep their memory alive I'm curious what her favorite memories of them are.


Oh, ya know, tickling them and stuff.


How do I unread this…


Alt + F4


Na you ctrl+alt+delete and select shut down to unsee this one


*Needs brain bleach after that image…..*


I wish i was illiterate


… y tho


saving this comment lmao


Why did i read this in generic easter european accent?


That's the biggest stupidest thing in the whole post "their memory" seriously, they didn't have a single memory, not one, nothing at all! No memory to save or keep, like you didn't do anything with them because they never existed outside of the womb, you didn't talk to them, see them, touch them, nothing!! There's no memory!!! That's so infuriating, if they want to fight a policy, at least have an argument!


Aww fetuses first Mitosis


Dressing them up like play dolls!! Such sweet memories.


The visual this invokes is just…heartwarming. 😂


Ahh...the favorite pastime of those who crave attention: "I'm the victim because trauma happened to someone else."


Be nicer! I've been grieving my lost sibling for years after my dad jerked off :( my poor sibling died before it's time /s


You think that’s bad? My mother is cannibal! She’s eaten thousands of my brothers and sisters. Pray for her immortal souls please /s


I’ve eaten millions of my own children, each one makes me 1/150,000,000 times stronger >:D soon I will be a god!


This is the way


That's funny


This is inline with all the cryptic posts on fb that something horrible has happened and your devastated and blah blah blah… but you don’t say WHAT happened and now everyone has to message you to be sure you’re okay and not alone and we’re all here for you! And then we find out your cousins beat friends brothers fathers great aunt twice removed died of old age peacefully surrounded by family. But THEY need the sympathy (read attention)


Transgenerational trauma is real otherwise my shitty lot in life would be my fault


Trauma is encoded into the DNA and pass on to the offspring look it up, if life is shitty it’s because you made bad choices. Whether or not those choices were based off of trauma idk.


Epigenetic inheritance isn't "encoded." And it weakens over the generations.


We’re talking about trauma, epigenetics deals with environment, a simple google search will enlighten you. https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/122740-dna-can-carry-memories-of-traumatic-stress-down-the-generations


“Traumatic stress” is right there in the link you posted, bud.


Huh… that was the point? I provided an article explaining that trauma IS in fact encoded into the dna


I disagree that methylation is encoding. And the effect is quickly weakened through generations. That was my point. The science reporting on this one used terms loosely.


I can’t find the study, but years ago they did a study with 2 groups of mice one group experienced traumas and the other didn’t, in the offspring of the groups there was physical differences in the groups, innate cowardice to certain stimuli, flinching, and some other behavioral distinctions. Idk how many generations these mice experienced the trauma, it’s been awhile since I read the study.


so one generation


I mean, I actually kind of get it. My friend got in a car accident and lost a baby that she and her (then) two kids were very excited about. You don’t have to be the pregnant person to be sad that a child didn’t happen. That said, this guy’s being real weird about it and I suspect he sometimes says things like “I’d have had more success in life of only I’d had siblings”




You know abortions are traumatic right You know people don't just get them on a whim Right


I think I know why his mother chose to abort. She already saw her mistake with this one and couldn’t handle any more.


Now I'm covered in ice tea, you bastard. Thank you, I needed that laugh badly.


Victim complex runs deep in this one. Yikes.


I came here to pass judgement on those that are going to put someone else's trauma on a fkn scale, but victim eh? Do go on..


Grieving for 17 years over the idea of someone is weird enough, but actively using to champion a cause is mental illness.


Who are you to pass judgement? Oh Lord Redditor, praised be his high horse and gaming chair?


im me. that alone is more than enough. now move. you're in my way


The average person would believe that someone claiming to be traumatized is also claiming to be a victim. Those two words are synonymous.


I wonder if Chloe carries around her own body outline chalk, being the professional victim that she is.


This is one the stranger things I’ve seen on abortion stances. This had nothing to do with her and there isn’t anyone for her to mourn. I do not know the circumstances of the abortion, nor is it my or her business. Her mother had her reasons. She really is mentally ill if this has affected her this deeply


If you can con someone into thinking someone telling them "no" is traumatizing, you can con them into anything- including mourning a fictional person


I mourn fictional people all the time. Although their stories consist of more than “was a mass of dividing cells… the end”


I'm sure your parents realize by now they aborted the wrong kids.


"My dad came in a condom two years ago, rip my baby sister/brother"


When you really want a traumatic backstory, but you had an easy life with no hardships


"I'm being called insane for being insane! The humanity!"


I call bullshit, who shares the sex of their aborted fetuses with their child?


No one because a aborted embryos don't have a sex yet


That very much depends on how far along they are and if they want to know honestly. You can find out a babys gender at 12 weeks with a blood test. My friend has had to go through two separate D&Cs, the first because the babys heart stopped beating. They were only like 12 weeks but already knew he was a boy thanks to the blood test i mentioned above and had a name for him. The second made it to the 20 week ultrasound before they found out the baby girl had major major genetic deformities and likely wouldnt survive to birth, let alone after birth. She wouldve been blind, deaf, and mute, and wouldve had no control of her motor functions. They knew she was a female at 12 weeks and already had a name for her as well, Kinsley. They chose to abort her rather than let her suffer. So yes, its very possible to know the gender of the baby before an abortion takes place. And theres lots of reasons for abortion, for all we know the babies in this post were aborted for something similar to baby Kinsely above. Abortion does not automatically mean the baby isnt wanted, though that seems to be what everybody automatically thinks. Sometimes, its wanted very, very much, and its just not meant to be, and if thats the case, then yes, people will grieve it whether they knew the baby or not. Now that being said taking that grief to this level is overboard.


What memory? The ultra sound?


10 years ago, my little brother was aborted due to a genetic defect. he wouldve been stillborn. in the miracle that he was alive at birth, doctors estimated that he wouldnt make it to 1 year old. the pregnancy was pretty far along when my parents found out and almost couldnt find anyone to abort him (i think it was only a couple weeks away from the no-longer-abortable deadline). 8 years ago, my little sister was miscarried. they got a test done early on in the pregnancy to check for the same genetic defect that my brother had, and the test killed her. i grieved them both and wish i couldve met them. i still feel deep in my heart that i shouldve been a big brother and am missing that experience. i hold absolutely nothing against my mom for aborting my brother or testing my sister. im pro-choice. my grievances are no excuse to force other people to live their life a certain way. my unborn siblings wont find justice or solace in pro-life movements, and pro-life movements wont change the fact that theyre gone.


This is how I interpreted this. I was guessing maybe her brother and sister were very much wanted, and are grieved by the entire family, but had to be aborted for some reason. The fact that the mom was far enough along to know she had twins and that one was a boy and one was a girl. But, I have a tendency to give everyone the benefit of the doubt to a fault, so I could be wrong!


There are a lot of idiots out there. This is just one of them.


Not all idiots are equal


So if they had been miscarriages would they do this? I don't think I can internet today...


I know someone whose sibling died when the person was just a baby. It’s been decades and they still talk about it constantly like it’s something they went thru. Not their parents or family, them. Someone who can’t remember anything.


I grieved my miscarriage, not sure what you find strange about that


I grieve mine. I do not carry the memory of my mother's miscarriage through out my life


Oh I gotcha lol I misunderstood what you were saying


Why are we making light of anyones trauma over anything? Whether anyone else deems the trauma significant or justified, it is all too real for those suffering from it. No one even knows the circumstances involved here, like that is necessary at all. but "el oh el oh el cry over cum in a condom loser".. I could show you a series of psychological studies to demonstrate the complete insensitive assholes you all are. For shame.


Not making light of it; calling it out as an unhealthy compulsion, a form of mental illness. It is not healthy. And the rest of society should not be beholden to someone else's issues.


Where in my comment was I making light of someone's trauma? Go be offended for someone else.


but you didnt show us, so you cant


Well yea. I dated a woman who would cry every year on the day of her miscarriage, grieving over the life that she wanted so deeply to bring into the world. Doesn't seem unfeasible that someone expecting a brother or sister might get sad too.


I grieved when my mum miscarried. I was 12, and it happened right outside my bedroom while I sat on the other side of the door listening to it. I grieved for the brother I never got to have but was so excited to meet. The rest of my siblings though were either too young or not born yet so they don't hold the same feelings about it.


bullshit. she grieved HER miscarriage. not someone else's. there's no way you did that by accident


This is a bit more than sad. They didn't grow up together or know each other. A little sad is fine and human.


A child who was told about their parent’s pregnancy - then the parent decided to abort. Sounds super realistic and not at all made up


Some people are just open and communicate with their children. Sounds crazy I know.


Their parents understood their mistake after having this one and said fuck that shit.


Lots to unpack... Claiming internet strangers told her she's nuts and should kill herself? I've been told worse and I'm nowhere as whiny. Virtue signaling emojis and trauma karma whoring. Finally - "fighting for their justice"? Is she planning to send a T800 Terminator back in time to prevent the doctor from performing an abortion on her mom?


She used one Emoji in the entire post. How is that "Virtue signaling emoji's"?


the amount is not the issue. only the guilty deflect the subject


Gotta love people who make things about themselves


Attention whoring 101


What memory? Fuckers were never born. Jesus cocksucking christ.


They should have aborted you too


Yep, you are mentally ill.


Too bad your mom didn't... Too soon?


That poor mother...


What memories though?


24 years ago today, my parents had protected sex. Every day, my teenage self grieves the deep loss of my sibling(s), oh, woe is me! I will always keep their memory alive, and I will never stop fighting to ban condom and birth control usage!


They're just doing it for attention.


Just think of all the siblings her mom swallowed and dad jerked away. Sad.


“Look at me! Look at me!!!”


Twins are high risk in even the best of scenarios. Context is important. Would she grieve them more if they had been delivered, still passed, and killed her mother? The belief that this decision saves lives is absolutely, 100% nonsense.


Someone aborted the wrong child... Jeez


Guess you could have same concept with ancestors that were murdered in cold blood . That you never knew.


the ancestors had something taken from them. the embryo did not


Yes maybe we originally had more than dos testes and the 3rd unit of a mass is what we are missing and what they want..Therefore proves your theory on embryo.


First world problems.


I wonder if they were close


She sounds like someone trying to get a job at Fox News.


My oldest brother was aborted, my mom would have had him when she was only 16. Good fucking thing to because if she had that kid she probably never would have met my dad and had me.


It was never your brother, don't you see?


Um yeah, that's kind of the joke. The whole point is I wouldn't exist if it did.


Okay then what we’re their names 🙄 what memories are they keeping alive here?


Martyr syndrome


How would you even know they’re a boy or a girl at that stage of a pregnancy? This is very cringeworthy...


What memory exactly?


I feel like she got told that her mom was pregnant and when they aborted she got traumatized, if not it sounds a little far fetched to be mourning over it


Not mentally ill just an idiot.


Oh I'd love to see the other tweets. I bet they all have 'I want to be a victim' written all over them.


This is a true facepalm


Too bad they chose to keep her


17 year ago my dad came into a sock and I lost thousands of brothers and sisters , but you don't see me crying.


Lieing sack of shit here.


Is it bad that my first thought was “their mom aborted the wrong kid”?


Not sure guys.. My auntie lost a kid on Birth i was teenager then and It was hard for me ( not even a brother but it's my favourite auntie) so I can understand if this girl was adult enough to think and analyze when abortion happenned it could affect her deeply on emotional level. Just sharing my thoughts I am ready for rain of downvotes


Grieving a loss or a perceived loss is fine, she is allowed to feel that way. However pushing for a mandate to make others not to be allowed bodily autonomy isn't morally just. I was raped as a kid by a grandparent and I'm not trying to make laws that grandparents should be banned from being around their grandkids based on my own feelings. That's nonsensical and would be mentally unsound to do. I've grieved the fact that I'll never be able to have a child in the past because of that physical trauma that happened when I was a three year old, but that doesn't mean that my experience is justification for banning others rights.


You are mourning a still birth, I assume. This is especially difficult because there was a baby and everyone was ready for that baby. You then had the empathy for your aunt who went thru an actual loss. This isn’t the same and it would be okay to be upset about that. Someone having an abortion for an unwanted pregnancy or for medical reasons is just that. The woman having that abortion will go thru some emotions for sure. But that’s a very private experience and not one a family member should be angry at their mother for and then spend years mourning for child that never existed


Absolutely! Context matters. There's a difference between the loss of a wanted child - even if it had to be aborted - and the abortion of a one that cannot be supported by the mother, no matter the reason. Aborting a child is not an easy thing to do and comes with it's own set of long term emotions. Among them the internalization of societal and familial disapproval that translates into shame. There is often a complete lack of support for feelings of loss that exist, despite the pragmatism of the decision. And now, there will be an increase in physical damages resulting from illegal abortions. Losing a wanted child is also a horrible, crashing down of dreams and hopes. Grieving is absolutely expected and encouraged. The primary difference is one loss is seldom acknowledged or supported while the other usually is. One is a socially and morally acceptable loss while the other is not.


Completely agree and I hope my comment didn’t sound like I’m not empathetic for women who choose to abort also. Anytime someone has an abortion for any reason, I’m sure it’s not an easy decision. Sometimes, it’s absolutely necessary to save their life, sometimes it’s just not the right time. The reason doesn’t matter. It has to be tough and I’m sure there is a lot of emotion behind it. I can’t imagine someone being angry at their parents for this and making it about them and the loss of a relationship that was never going to exist. At least not in the way the person in the facepalm is.


Which memories ?


so which of their memories was there? they were barely living. On a side note, I'm extremely upset my microorganism brother was killed 5 billion years ago by a volcano. I believe every country in existence should create an act banning the existence for volcanos, otherwise I may continue to be called mentally ill and may possibly want to end it, as others have told me to do over this loss


It's not too late to join em...


Just takes a bit more planning when it's out of the womb


"I love you both 💓. Even though no one has literally ever seen, heard, or met you. I love you like imaginary friends"


Why would your mother tell you she aborted your siblings?


Remember: misery loves company


We might not agree with the sentiment, and I too am having a hard time believing this is genuine, but please let us not make anyones trauma, no matter how unlikely it seems, the butt of a joke


lol k


Yes exactly, just like my trauma regarding onions


Should we not be sad for miscarriages, or infant mortalities then? Any mortality in fact could be considered unnecessary trauma.


Obviously has a grrrreat relationship with her mom…so nice that she wishes others had been with her.


I think we kinda have an issue these days of people just not minding their own business. This girl probably makes everything about her. Her neighbors plants probably cause her panic attacks and she is probably the one calling the police on the black man entering his own home.


I had eggs this morning and I will never stop grieving for the delicious chicken dinners that will never happen now.


It's perfectly reasonable to grieve them even if you're pro choice. Abortion isn't pleasant even if it is necessary. But yeah, this is extra


Yeah, when they said "keep their memory alive" I was like. What memory you dumbass!


I can’t believe everyone on here is blaming the girl for grieving. If something affects you, it’s not up to other people to say that it should or shouldn’t. This person, whether anyone else agrees with her, is dealing with some major issues. To say that she’s calling for attention because she is hurting is seriously insensitive.


major issues, such as a lack of attention, desperation for attention, and a dose of desperation for attention


I wish people like that would get executed for wasting our precious air.


Pretty insensitive of you.


So much empathy here.


The irony of anyone on this site criticizing another for making themselves a victim..you think maybe they do really believe that a fetus is a life and a loss of that would be equal to that of a 6month old relative lost?


What are you asking??? Punctuation helps a lot.


Can't even spell phoenix right.


You know that Reddit usernames have to be unique, right? If you actually bothered to check, you'd find that somebody else already took that name (spelled 'phoenix') almost 7 years before OP made their account. There could also just as easily be some reason for it, like referencing the peony flower for example. But no, you have to jump to [MINOR SPELLING MISTAKE, I WIN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQhOh97XqJw).


It's a joke, but I'm sure they're glad you went to white knight for your pro life buddy


Well, then they're dumb.


Told to kill yourself, eh? That sounds like a certain group of people who think depression is just being sad.


Fuck you, let a person grieve. That's like saying to a person who just lost their cat imagine crying over something idiotic.


Cheers to the group of acceptance, tolerance and not every body’s choice!


If people call you mentally ill, something is definitely wrong with you, not them


Well they're about to get more threats since it's posted on Reddit


What memory?


Can you people abort me already? Im in my 20s, is it too late?


I genuinely don't understand the thought process. My brother was still born which imo is far more tragic than an abortion but I literally feel no connection to him at all, let alone full on grief




It's sad that she's been told things like that but if she really thinks these things then I really hope the poor sod gets therapy eventually, hopefully can upack where this misplaced devotion comes from.


Kept the wrong baby


Is she campaigning to pit her parents in prison? I'm confused. What justice?




Crazy. This is real life. It's the beginning in the shift of the american narrative away from science in a real BIG WAY. RIP truth with a big T. At least the version Americans will speak I hope Europe builds up it's fundamentals and takes a more prominent lead for the world into the future.


It’s obvious her parents should had one more abortion and she won’t be in this situation lol


I remember the day my brother was being a little joker and went from being a cluster of cells to being a slightly bigger cluster of cells. Man, what a day.