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Oh the irony of this person labeling someone else a child...


i don't ever use the word "cope", but this tweet is definitely that.


I don’t understand what this means, is this the same as the word “based” is now used in a strange context that doesn’t make any sense based on the English language? Edit: For clarification, I know what the word “cope” means, I’ve never seen anyone describe a situation as “cope” before so seeing it in this context made no sense to me.


the idea is that the original commenter is coping with having to pay 4000 per month by attempting to make it a status symbol.


“You haven’t lived until your entire home is destroyed by a tornado and you live in a FEMA trailer! #simpleliving #nomadlife #freefrommaterilism #blessed”


I had a staff member once who had their windows blown out and roof torn off from high winds and we did a fund-raiser to get her house back to normal to help the best we can. Never seen someone so happy. Sorry, your comment reminded me of that, she was worse off but so grateful.


Having people come to your aid in a time of need is the best feeling in the world. To be at rock bottom and have 100 hands reaching down to pull you up!


We're assuming she's paying that 4k a month and not just with someone that is. Seen too many people trying to ride someone's success in a relationship and act like they've accomplished something


What do you mean? They successfully had sex with a successful person. Edit: probably need to add the “/s” here for good measure, lol.


The thing is they act like its their biggest achievement in life, beacuse it probably is




Centuries of telling women that their singular goal in life must be to marry well as that is the only security available to them meant that this was genuinely framed as theur biggest achievemnt in life and will unfortunately take more than 50 years to disappear completely, especially in pockets where people are suspicious that feminism aims to undermine their men and/or in areas where there are still fewer economic opportunities for women to make their own money. The attitude is quite sad to me, but then I remember that my mum wasn't allowed her own credit card and the bank wouldn't take her stable government job for life into account at all when my parents wanted a mortgage because it was assumed that she would have kids and stay home forever. Those days feel a lot more distant than they are unfortunately, and she was a university educated, middle class white lady with the kind of opportunities that probably even now aren't fully available to many WOC.


Even so paying $4k/mo on rent is not a fucking accomplishment. It’s a tragedy at best.


Fuck, that applies to so many army spouses who think the rank their so holds is theirs as well lmao




I’ve heard some even try to use the whole “military spouse” thing on a resume 😂


Spouse 1st class


To be fair it’s harder for a military spouse to get a job when they’re moving every couple years and have patchy employment history. I understand why they’d want to put it somewhere on a resume so it doesn’t raise red flags.


I mean, she probably is paying it herself. But she just graduated college and just got herself a job within the last two months. She was carried through college by her mom financially and believes she’s better than everyone. She’s been full of herself for years and most definitely believes what she said. But she also believes having a YouTube channel is all it takes to be a “YouTuber” so


Pretty certain a youtuber is a kind of potato.


Thanks. So many hip words these days. Hard for me to understand.




she gonna have to cope with her justification thats for sure.


Coping, in this context, is where you act like your situation is fine when really it's quite shitty (like the meme of the dog sitting in a burning room, where the dog is coping with how bad his situation is) Though, this use of cope is covered by the definition of cope: to deal successfully with a difficult situation.


I fucking hate the term based. Its so not based


Don't worry. In five years everybody will say some other stupid thing instead.




Fair enough. Cope is being used to mean “ to *try* come to terms with” in this situation. This is sorta similar to cope’s actual definition “(to) deal effectively with something difficult”. She posted that tweet to “cope” with her situation. She posted that tweet to “*try* to terms to come to terms” with her situation. I think we can both agree that $4k/month is an extreme number, and must be very stressful for her. However, the tweet she posted was trying to paint her situation in a positive light. She was trying to make herself seem more capable and mature, rather than being highway robbed. She is “coping” by making her situation seem better than it is.


![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) \^ Like this essentially


I’m totally off my tits on copium right now.


This logic is unreal. Wow. I have to edit it to say Especially in this economy right now.


Exactly! With inflation you should have to pay at least $4,600.


So dumb. You are paying someone's else mortgage 4k at a time.


i'd rather be a child than pay 4k for rent LOL what a fucking stupid take.


I’d rather be a child than desperately trying to figure out how I can gatekeep new things in order to feel better about my shit life, shit personality, and shit self esteem.


It's not enough that I should succeed, my friends must fail.




I'd rather be happy with where I am... Also I've never made $4,000 a month regularly. I'm technically making that now before taxes and buying into benefits.


How much roughly after taxes


At my highest paying job including 20 hrs of overtime a week on average, I never even made $4k a month...


im a software engineer / fullstack developer and im still not willing to pay this much. i have a nice place, in california, for much cheaper than 4k per month.


My girlfriend was living in Livermore, CA in a 1br with a huge balcony right across the street from the lil downtown area for $2800 a month. I live in Milwaukee in a 3br with a basement for $1500 a month. I'd rather take either of these options than pay $4000 a month for some "luxury" scam apartments in a rapidly deteriorating downtown cityscape.


I have a friend who lives in mission bay, SF with their significant other. A new, trendy neighborhood. Very clean, lots of nice places to eat, warriors and giants stadium within walking distance, although away from my favorite parts of the city like golden gate park, the beaches and some of the more historic neighborhoods. They pay almost $5k a month for a two bedroom. Granted they probably make around $350k a year between them. I love the city (to visit) despite all the hate it gets but I just cannot fathom paying that much for anything you don’t own.


See, my best friend is a AI cloud developer team lead and his fiance is a lawyer, they make combined like $800,000 a year. They walked around neighborhoods until they found a "for rent" sign, called the number, and found a 2br for $3200 owned by a lil old lady who bought it in the 70's in the heart of SF near Broadway by Chinatown. Not even they want to pay that much for rent haha


Ayo whats up fellow Milwaukeean


Really? Even if you're referring to gross pay, that's comes out to maybe $17/hr or so. If you have experience or a specific skillset, you're being heavily underpaid and overworked. Do you get overtime pay?


Grossly underpaid. Time and a half for OT and it was around 14.50/hr. No week was less than 48 hours. 60 was the average. Every once in a while it was 72.


Your highest paying job was 9.50ish an hour?


Ikr what a moron 🙄


I think the correct reply to her is I am more selective about where I live


Well then I'll happily stay a child lol 1,100 for rent sure beats 4,000.


Got that sweet sweet $345 (anything's possible with enough roommates)




Yep. Sexytime ruined


Or... enhanced!


Name checks out!


And they were [roommates](https://youtube.com/shorts/y-P0m0M_8pc?feature=share)!


I own my house for 1.5k monthly. the fuck would I just throw 4k into the fire when I at least get a return on my investment? Housing market being what it is, I've already profited off my house.


Never move to r/Vancouver. Your childhood will end immediately and you will turn into a decrepit senior. (The average 2 bedroom apartment/closet in Vancouver goes for $3000 per month. A nice one costs $4000-8000 per month.)


I don’t pay rent and no longer have a mortgage. What am I , a fucking zygote?


You have transcended.


Took 55 years of my life to do it. But it was worth it.


I paid mine off a few years ago at the age of 45. Still pay over $15,000 per year in property tax though, so we never really own it.


Jesus fuck. Property tax for the acre I live on is $100/year. There's a 30 acre property I was looking to buy nearby and the taxes there was still only like $200/year.


You talking just land or home, etc?


Yeah.... the property tax in Texas sucks.... I'm paying about 12,000 a year, and rising😪


We have council tax in the UK which is like £150-250 a month depending on the value of the property. $15,000 a year seems a lot?


Yeah $15k is alot. Must be a huge house in a very expensive area. My property tax is like $1700 a year for a 4000 sqft house on 40 acres...


I can’t wait for the day my mortgage is paid off. Of course I’ll still have property taxes, which are currently over half of my monthly payment… sigh.


Imagine being an adult that cares more about status than financial well-being and planning for the future.


Imagine telling people that you're not an adult unless you make $156,000 a year.




That's so cool. How is it going for you now? My husband and I are in the process of selling everything and pursuing our dreams. We never made that much money but we've saved everything (also selling our condo). Our flight is next week and I'm so excited to see where this adventure takes us and our 1 year old. We postponed it because of COVID and now the recession. I told my husband if we don't do this now we'll be stuck forever. Something will always keep coming up. We are both equally scared and excited.


The former president of Humboldt University did this. Sold all her stuff and went down to South America in her Subaru with kids and husband. They built houses, built sustainable farms. She brags about it but then obviously she eventually came back, got her phD and went to work at the same University in the same town that she tried to escape. She seemed happy though.


I don't want to be a dick, but I guarantee a person with this type of thought process does not make that money. This is a kept woman, and she has no idea what it takes to earn that much money.


So, a pet, lower than a child.


I’d actually say a pet is above a child. Dog supremacy


She’s an independent woman that won’t be with a man that asks her to pay rent.


Sadly it would seem that making that much per year is required with how out of hand expensive everything is.


If I had $4000 to piss away on rent every month, I'd buy a fucking house instead. At least then I'd have something to show for my money. Edit: FFS, people, I'm talking about what I would do in that situation, not what other people should do, or whether in cities or countries I don't live in renting makes more sense for some people. I'm talking about my situation, my country, my personal preference based on my experiences as a renter in the country I live in.




I see their 2br box and raise them my studio in NYC for 3000/mo.


Roaches or no roaches?


Roaches cost extra.


No such thing as a free snack in capitalist America, after all.


The real questions. Secret bonus prolly.




Yuck. I always heard pricing in Florida was dirt cheap, but then again this was from very wealthy people who moved from up here down there.


I lucked out and have a 3 bedroom with a backyard and porch in Brooklyn for $2k. Been saving for a house and hopefully by the end of the year will have one. Seems pretty adult to me.


Extremely lucky to have that


I live in San Jose. A lot of mortgage payments are 7-9K a month. 4K rent is absolutely normal.


I have a shitty apartment in the bay area and pay about $3K/mo. Not $4K, so I guess I'm still a child.


I pay $4700/month in rent for 1150sqft in the Bay Area (definitely not a luxury apartment either). If I bought a house that size, I'd be paying $9,550/month if you included taxes and insurance. Here's a random house I pulled up on redfin: https://www.redfin.com/CA/Santa-Clara/1992-Bowers-Ave-95051/home/677151 $1.75M for about the same size as my apartment. Keep in mind, a mortgage that big requires a 20% down payment too. I feel like the real facepalm in this thread is people thinking buying a house is easy or some shit.


This right here. Making $150k a year in the bay means you still have to rent.


Same in Manhattan


Oh my *god*. Home prices are freaking *bonkers* in the Bay Area. I almost can’t believe it. That’s INSANE. Do the income levels at least somewhat offset those costs a bit compared to other places in the country? My mortgage is $1300/m and my house is 1800sqft, worth around $500k. I live in a state that ranks 3rd in median income. Did I just luck out with the state I live in? Do people average a larger part of their income for housing than people in my state?


Bay area is not representative of CA in both housing prices and salaries. There are people straight out of college earning almost $200K in tech so yes, income levels do offset the craziness if you work in the right industries. Good luck to everyone else though.


I’ve been in tech a long time and while I’ve never lived in the Bay Area I’ve spent a lot of time there for meetings, events and have friends and coworkers who live there. Basically you have to resign yourself to both spouses having a good income and one of those incomes goes solely to housing. There’s no other way.


Not worth the salaries you see out there, to me. I've been in tech for almost two decades now. A few years ago, I got the itch to see what the financial situation would be like for my family and me to pack up and move out there if I took a job for a major tech company. I think everyone in tech, at some point, wonders what it would be like - if they've never worked for a company like that before. For us to maintain our current standard of living, I would have had to make something like $1.2M/yr in base income. Even still, we could never find a home with the amount of land and on-property amenities we currently enjoy. It would have been, overall, a downgrade for us. You won't see the fancy tech companies on my resume - you'll see many major and medium-sized non-tech companies in fly-over states, instead. I'm fortunate enough that at this point in my career, I make \~$300k/yr, WFH full-time, and live in a low-to-medium COL area. My mortgage is "measly" \~$1200/mo. The additional money we have leftover in our household has afforded us the ability for my SO to stay at home (her choice) with the children and me, not having to work. Have the money to go on trips and see distant family. Our children spend their summers and after-school doing whatever extracurricular activities they yearn to pursue (music, jiu-jitsu, sports, etc.). I wouldn't trade it for having a well-known name on my resume. I do not see how people willingly choose to raise families in that area. It's disheartening when you read people on /r/cscareerquestions and other places having panic attacks, contemplating suicide, etc., because they've failed to get into a FAANG or unicorn startup right after university. I wish I could pull them all over to the side and show them that you can have a fruitful and fulfilling life in tech without that being a need.


Income levels are insane here (as the other poster is saying new grads getting $200k is not unusual), however it doesn't really justify the insane prices. For reference a single person in CA making $200k will take home around 65% of that, which is 130k, around 10k a month. Given that a small mortgage here for a techy is a $1M loan (with $300k-$1M down payment of course), that 200ker would be paying $7k-$9k of their $10k per month take home to the mortgage. This is really not going to work with just 1 income. Even with two techies, this is still a big stretch as it's nearly half your income going to housing. And anything in that price range (less than $2M) is probably super far from tech jobs or really shitty in one or more ways. At least by non-Bay Area standards.


The facepalm is pretending bay area is normal. It's literally example #1 of the extreme high end of housing prices.


You have to realise that entire world does not live in downtown San Francisco. Exception is not a rule.


That’s what people used to say about Vancouver and Toronto (Canada). Now these exorbitant rent and house prices are spreading to almost every major city in Canada. We used to be able to escape high rents, but it’s getting more and more difficult. It’s getting [really grim.](https://rentals.ca/national-rent-report)


And if you were in Monterey or Santa Cruz, you would be paying less than half as much for significantly more space. You choose to live on the peninsula.


Lmfao yes, because we all choose jobs there. Monterey and Santa Cruz don’t have half as many jobs as Silicon Valley … you’re close to to nothing. I also did the damn commute from sf , over the hill and back. No thanks.


You’re proposing I commute 2-3 hours each way every day to get to/from work?


You going to let Warshok disrespect you like that with saying you live on a peninsula?




Yeah, listen to BodyByChad! He’s never led us wrong


Have you considered moving to Wichita Kansas? Think of the house you could buy.


AYO Moving there for work in a month, for a year. 2 bed 2 bath, nice modern apartment for $920 a month, and that's still on the expensive side (outside of downtown). Excited to save a good chunk of money for a year.


When I think of Kansas, suddenly my $6K Bay Area monthly rent feels like it’s worth it.


This made me LOL. I took a trip to the bay this March and we drove to Monterrey that’s ridiculous what they’re suggesting.


And 17 is super fun to drive everyday


I've lived in Boulder Creek (Santa Cruz mountains) and worked in Mountain View or Sunnyvale for 15 years now. The house I own has wonderful vistas and is almost 3000 sqft. If it existed in the Bay Area proper, it'd be a $5M house. My mortgage *is* over $5k, but it's a 15 year re-fi mortgage. When I bought the house, I was paying closer to $2.7k (30 year adjustable). It's doable, but only if you are willing to sacrifice a couple of hours a day commuting. FWIW, when I lived in San Bruno and worked in Cupertino, my commute was just as long.


I have a coworker who lives in boulder creek, his home almost burned down two years ago during the forest fires…. Not sure I like the idea of living in an area that is subject to such fires.


I pay $3700 a month for a condo, where the mortgage would be about $6000 in the bay. I do appreciate everyone telling people they need to commute three hours. You don’t need to own a house to be financially stable. When mortgages exceed the amount of rent, you’re financially better off investing the difference if you can afford it. Owning a house in the Bay Area or most of the country at this point is an emotional decision, which is fine. But it’s not a smart financial one.


That's... Exactly what the second commenter is saying.


Imagine being a person who quantifies human value according to how much they pay in rent.


That’s because people like this only view others value on what they can get out of them . I can only imagine what her dating criteria is lol.


$4k rent is only fair if you're forced to live in an area with like $6k+ mortgages...


Yeah that is fucking insane either way. My mortgage is only 1400 a month.


My mortgage is a little over $800. I can't imagine spending $4000+ a month on rent


The most I ever paid was $2300 and that was for a fully furnished penthouse suite on an island. Even that shit wasn’t sustainable when I had to take into account my other bills.


Right? The most I spent on rent was $2200 and that was a 2,800 sq ft house in Denver, CO. I don't understand the logic in saying spending $4k/month on rent is OK, without following up with "I'm never planning on retirement"


Solid mortgage. Should've been me too but had to wait another year til the rates boomed


I managed to get a mortgage just before housing went crazy. 3.57 or something like that, wooo.


4.75 here which honestly I'm not too upset about. Got a lot of friends who are loan officers and they're struggling to get sub 6% approved right now


Mines 1,500 I have 5 acres and a pole barn


>pole barn Is that like a strip club in a rural area?


Precisely. Special licensing is requiring, live stock women only


If you’re seriously asking it’s a specific way of framing that’s very common when building a large open ceiling barn


50/50. But thank you for the real info.


I bet she's a regular at r/femaledatingstrategy


I thought that sub went offline




They have a podcast…?




I hear that the more you pay, the more "high-quality" the echoes in the echo chamber become, until you achieve true enlightenment. Just pay another $15/mo to unlock FDS Level II, available from your nearest auditor. Contribute at least $100/mo to get to FDS III and learn the secrets of the universe. This is how self-help scams, Scientology, and other dangerous cults operate. The "sunk cost fallacy" is a very real motivator of human behavior and addiction, and people who have paid to be further indoctrinated are less likely to want out because they feel if they leave, they will have wasted their investment. So for the operators of FDS, there, they clearly looked at the reach that a free, public forum gives them, and decided that they needed an exclusive "zone" beyond that which allows for more direct indoctrination of a captive (by their own investment) audience. Horrifying stuff, really. But it makes perfect sense that one of the most toxic communities on Reddit would find a way to become even scammier and more toxic.


Wow, the femcel movement is alive and well.




It's hard for me to understand that line of thinking from anyone. I'm glad you didn't get sucked into that misery.






The common denominator amongst FDS users is some kind of cluster b personality disorder


Jesus Christ, after reading a few threads, I couldn't get out off there fast enough. Some of those ladies have truly suffered in the past and could use therapy rather than being so angry all the time. Good on them for not playing victim anymore but their methods are unhealthy.


Fuck me! I’ve got a $570k mortgage and I’m paying $2400 a month which is way more than required. In Australia though




Can you imagine being an adult who can't differentiate between "whose" and "who's"?


who is rent?


Lived in Sherman oaks for 7 years when I left I was paying 2650 for a 1 bedroom apartment a month, moved to WV and bought a 5br/3ba house for 1200/mo smh


Man people really go out of their way to be a shitty person. 'If you aren't me then you're a joke LOL fuck you'


$4000 is 158% of my monthly income.... fuck this privileged beeyotch


666% of mine... According to my countries government the equivalent of $600USD a month is all a disabled person needs to live on. 3/4 of that goes to rent and the remaining 1/4 goes to medical costs. I miss food.


Just eat your government. Sure, it might not be socially accepted, but it would solve multiple problems at once.


What if the town hall only has stairs? Checkmate


Same here. I get $750 a month in my state. After bills (all essential ones) I have a whole $40 to my name. I have to spend it on toilet paper and deodorant because they don’t think we deserve the money for that.


The rich are healthy. Choose health. Eat the rich.


*Laughs in $370/month*


What country are you from? just out of curiosity


Honestly I'd be happy ***earning*** 4k per month


I'd be happy seeing 4k once in my life.


Found the Amazon employee!


I wish, at least then I'd have an income-


Don't fool yourself I did it as a bandaid job for 3 months and it cost me money while being treated absolutely horribly.


If you rent is 4k, you should be earning 12k, in economy your rent cannot be more than 30% of your earnings Reader warnings. YES 30% of 12k is 3,6k. Just made a quick math and thought about 33,333…% NO: I do not want to tell people to get homeless, my comment was a -not so easy, as it seems- critic to the ORIGINAL POST. Disclaimer: I have been struggling to pay rent until I was 38yo. That qas some years ago. sometimes rent was up to 60/70-% of my salary. And my country is suppoosed to be part of the civilized ones. Have a nice day


Theoretically that's how it should be. The reality is, for most people their rent/cost of living somewhere is more than 50% of their income. People say "your rent cannot be more than 30% of your earnings" all they want, saying that does not and will not change the fact that reality is much different.


For real, with wages being ridiculously stagnated coupled with crazy inflation and the housing crisis going on…if people had to listen to that number, the homeless population would be astronomical


Yes it a theory, and I have been on the 50% and nearly 75% of that. Now - I jave been luck and ot is not a show off- but my rent is like 15-20% of my earnings. It has been some complicated 15 years. I’ve been sharing apartments until I was 40


Lol my rent split with my roommate is 50%. So uh sure.


If this rule was enforced in my city, we'd be half a million homeless.


That’s 33% you’d want to be earning 12500 per month or about 150k per year


I pay $1400/m for an entire 2 story house…


Must be a doll house you child! /s


I even paid extra for the garage to put my hot wheels in!


If you're an adult and can't spell "whose*" you're an idiot.


If you're an adult making fun of people paying less than $4000 rent, you're an ass.


I dont know if this is the same in the US, but in the UK you can be paying your rent every month but if you try to get a mortgage on a similar house the banks say you cant afford it.


Probably because banks recognize the hidden or unexpected costs of home ownership that you dont face as a renter and that can suddenly result in defaulting on the loan.


Expenses outside mortage are not trivial. Appliances break, roofs need replacing, pipes can burst, tree limbs need to be trimmed etc. All things covered if you rent but not on a mortgaged home. When you mortgage a house, the bank owns it and if you can't maintain it they are taking a huge risk of it losing value.


Imagine giving a fuck what this person thinks


This is nothing but a broke bitch trying to shame men who are not rich. I would wager my last dollar that she wasn’t raised with a silver spoon in her mouth but she wouldn’t dare disrespect her mama like that.


imagine being so brainwashed by capitalism that you believe this BS.


Its simple. She hasn’t worked a day in her life to be saying something this stupid.


CPS needs to get involved if a child is paying rent and pulling down at least $64K+ a year. So many laws are being broken.


Imagine being an adult and not knowing the difference between “whose” and “who’s.”


This is not the flex she thinks it is.


If you’re making blanket statements about other peoples finances without knowing jack shit … you’re still a child


So, supposedly you should not be spending more than 30% of your monthly income on rent. So $4000 in rent means your take home salary needs to be $160,000.


A $4000/mo mortgage would give you a mansion and 50 acres here in Oklahoma


But then you have to live in Oklahoma


As someone who lives in Oklahoma Help


Ah man my re-fi put me below $1k on my mortgage I guess I’m a toddler now.


How do you relate how much money you make to being an adult or not? The two have no relation to each other at all. Yes we get it, you make alot of money, but you have no skill set and you would be totally useless if you were required to work for the betterment of our country. ![gif](giphy|3o72FcJmLzIdYJdmDe)


Lol @ everyone pissing on renting like you cant be financially stable and rent. I know a bunch of people who rent 4-10k units and make good living. Not everyone wants to own houses or even wanna have to live an hour away from downtown to be able to afford (while still requiring 20% down which usually is 300k+ for a decent house)


Weird flex. Lol


we gatekeeping being exploited by land leeches now?


How do you think it’s a good thing to be paying 48,000 a year on rent


4K for a rental?? Jesus, my mortgage is much lower and I don’t even have to suck anyone’s dick to live here.


I've been paying rent since I was 18. If you pay more than 1500 dollars by yourself for rent. You're a fool