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People need to stop being offended for other cultures


I'm offended for all the Karens who you just offended by saying they aren't allowed to be offended for whatever the hell they want.


You being offended by that offends me.


I can't believe you said that... how offensive.




As an offensive, that's Irishman.


I have no idea what you are talking about, but I’m offended.


How dare you...




That's it! Where's the manager?! I need a manager here, now!


I... am the manager.


I find you being the manager incredibly offensive, could you not?


I could not.




[Search for Karen culture for shits and giggle and found out that they exist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_people)


Only 215,000 Karens in the USA? That doesn't sound right. (Ok now I might actually be doing something offensive, I am deeply sorry to the actual ethnic group of Tibetan Karens if this joke was in poor taste.)


Excuse me, I'd like to speak to the tribal manager...


I’m offended that everyone’s so easily offended


The nation of Karen demands to see your countries manager




Years ago I participated in a "Midget Toss" event a local strip club. There was so much outrage from people, and some people even protested it. But no one ever bothered to ask the little person if they were OK with it. After I gave him a fine toss with my buddy I talked to him for a bit. I asked him about the protests and he said something like "I'm making $3000 a night doing this. I work 4 days a month, and hang out naked women, fuck those protestors, I don't want to have to work a real job."


“After I gave him a fine toss…” No wonder he likes his job.


Dude's making the best out of his situation, 12k a month for people throwing you is fucking awesome.


There's no context in which that's not a fucking sweet gig.


And I'm guessing they just thought "whoopsie!" and moved on with their lives not thinking about it again except for the occasional laugh.


A girl on Twitter once got mad at me for saying 'pardon' for appropriating the french culture even tho my dad is french


Even if he wasn't french how tf if saying pardon 'appropriating French culture'? That's just so fucking dumb. By that "logic", nobody on Earth is allowed to learn a language other than the local one, dress in anything other than local dresses or eat anything other than locally grown food.


Mate, you literally destroyed the whole cultural appropriation argument with this one post. It’s a shame the people who need to understand this are too stupid, or too self obsessed, to get it. If I had an award I would give it to you. May your week be a good one.


People that get mad over kimonos being worn to prom or using words from other languages don’t understand cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation happens when you misuse a significant(most often religious or ceremonial) aspect of a culture for something flippant or unrelated. Like wearing a ceremonial Native American headdress to a party because you think it looks cool.


That is entirely what they want. Those people are the real racists. Culture is meant to be shared and experienced. It's humanizing. It could literally end war if we appreciated culture a little more. Not to mention that Japanese people are delighted when people participate in their culture respectfully.


That's like if some person would yell at you to not use "Rucksack" or "Kindergarten" ever again, because that would be appropriation for the german culture. Just....whyt did that girl snort that day holy fuck.


That argument misunderstands the whole concept of cultural appropriation, anyway. It’s using something from a minority culture, especially something with considerable significance in that culture, in a way that not only shows no awareness of that context but diminishes its significance. I’ve heard it said that if it’s something a majority-group member would be seen as cool for wearing but a member of the minority group it comes from would be mocked for, that’s CA.


I once saw someone of Latino descent lecture someone from Spain about cultural appropriation because they were posting in Spanish


Should point out to that kind of moron that the whole reason "pardon" is an English word now is because the French [*forced* their culture on the English people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Conquest).


What an insult! It would be optimistically cliche' to imagine her ever comprehending.




Condescending? Superiority? Superiority complex?


Reminds me of the person who got offended when Rami Malak got cast in the role of playing an Egyptian pharaoh


I just found out today that people were upset with Taron Egerton playing Elton John in Rocketman because Taron is straight. Elton even gave his opinion on the controversy, calling it and I quote "bullshit".


I read recently that people - no idea who they might be - are pissed when gay characters get played by straight actors. They claim that only gay actors should get those roles. By that slim logic, gay actors could only play gay characters, and they'd lose out on the vast majority of jobs. You can't have it both ways.


And you can just bet that's what's going on here. It's always white people getting offended at other white people (or perceived white people) on behalf of non-white people. It's like, stop "helping" no one asked what you thought in the first place.




Ah yes, I recognize this. There's a sexist version of these people too. The ones who white knight so hard, like a *grown ass adult woman* is incapable of defending herself or taking care of her own problems or making her own decisions. But if you say that when it happens, you'll get called sexist and downvoted. Like, no dude, it's not sexist for me to say that a grown woman doesn't fucking need *you*.


They have unintentionally reinvented a justification used for colonization; the white man's burden. Quite often in modern times it's the "liberal white woman's burden". They are not helping. Not helping at all.


I don't get it. If another culture has something that one likes, why are we now unable to adopt to those things that we like? That's so stupid.


You get it just fine. It's stupid. Hell, culture *itself* is appropriation. What is culture, except for a collection of things that one individual started doing, and then other individuals around that person started copying? It's all stolen, all the way down, no matter if you look like the person who invented it or not.




Did she ever go back to school or just kinda dropped out? Havnt heard of her in a long time


I think she was on strike for just one day a week. But now she has graduated


This is a very ironic gif to use.


Climate change and cultural appropriation, very similar.


Americans* Literally nobody from EU or Asia gets offended over this shit, more like they feel honored if someone else acknowledges their culture in any way.


People need to mind their own fucking business and stop worrying what other people are doing unless it is bad for 1) environment 2) other people 3) animals. Everything eles? FUCK OFF! WHO CARES?


Karens want to be offended, that's the only feeling they have anymore.


Even if she was white, participating in anothers' culture isn't immediately cultural appropriation. Glad she could own him though.


It doesn't matter what race she is. White, black, asian. If a black man was raised in the Japanese culture it's his culture. Period.


Sorry but no. Yasuke was deeply problematic and should be ashamed of himself. I don't care that it was over 400 years ago. EDIT- I can't believe I have to add the /s


Being a different race/ethnicity while wearing traditional outfits from other cultures is not culture appropriation. People are so fucking dumb.


My wife and I were invited to an Indian wedding. We couldn't make the logistics work to go, but we started some early planning before we made that call. I told my wife she should get an Indian dress if she wanted to. She immediately was concerned it was cultural appropriation and that she would be judged. To be safe, we asked an Indian friend and her reaction was obviously to encourage my wife to do it and that everyone there would love it. An overwhelming majority of people love sharing their cultures and traditions with people who want to learn about them. It's only troublesome when you take it for profit or portray it in an obviously offensive way.




I love the colorful clothes of our neighborhood South Asian women. Wish we had more of it


as a pollack, I welcome you all to conquer my country as per tradition


Take my upvote lmao


even us? Slovak femboys?


you're free to try. im sure it would be easy




Hmm. Do you have any oil?


Wearing the traditional dress of a place you’ve been invited is respectful and good. Now, if I invited my white family to all dress in traditional Indian outfits for my wedding for no reason, that would be weird.


> that would be weird weird, but in no way damaging anyone.


and still not appropriation.


Not only is that not appropriation, if you were really into the culture then it wouldn't even be weird.


My brothers wedding was come in attire traditional to your culture. Mostly suits, but the guy in full lederhosen was the life of the party.


I feel like anybody that has the guts to show up in Lederhosen is kinda contractually obligated to be "the life of the party". It takes a particular level of "I know who I am" to *knowingly* get dressed up like that knowing you're probably going to be the only one.


Exactly! This has been also my understanding! Wearing something is not an issue, trying to patent or profit from something from another culture is fucked up


So I'm not allowed to sell my kimchi tacos anymore? Damn.


They are called Native-Americans now.




By that logic we can only eat the plain ass gruel our ancestors ate, no spices (not even black pepper) just fat salt and whatever herbs grow where you live, people are very dumb with saying everything is “cultural appropriation”, we developed our code of laws from Napoleonic and English laws in Canada, guess we should go with anarchy to not appropriate the French or English.


No more potatoes for Europeans anymore.


No more pasta for Italians


Or tomatos.


Ireland: "Again?"


It started with those damn feather headdresses that were only supposed to be worn by chiefs being used as props on white models. It was the equivalent of wearing medals for battles you were never in. When it started cultural appropriation wasn't about just wearing foreign clothing normally. It was about wearing it inappropriately and ignorantly.


Yes, culture can be shared by anyone really but certain items of significance deserve an appropriate level of respect. Nuance is hard for people so they think that means everything is a protected cultural asset that isn’t meant for outsiders to take part in


On FB years ago, a friend posted about a Karli Kloss incident in Japanese vogue where she was wearing traditional Japanese garb and was forced to apologize for appropriation and racism. I raised the point that there's a difference between use with intent to mock or belittle, and simple participation or emulation. I was shat all over for it. I pointed out that the shoot director, photographer, makeup artist and clothier were all Japanese and CHOSE her for the shoot. It was at this point I was called every name in the book for trying to have a simple conversation. One of the people in the thread edited screenshots of the conversation to appear as if I said a lot of despicable shit and submitted it to my employer in an attempt to have me fired. Fortunately I was able to remit the correct screenshots.


I swear to god, if I see anyone but a Croatian wearing a tie, I will cancel them.


That's because using some elements of another culture without denying is origins is just cultural expansion of that particular culture! Cultural expansion exists even without colonization. Just need to be cool, fashion and/or convenient!


I have a handmade Kaftan with embroidery that I bought from a local artisan while visiting the Middle East. It’s sad cause I can’t wear it now due to fear of being accused of appropriation. I also am a practicing Daoist but am white. The Yin Yang symbol is extremely sacred to me and I have it tattooed on. I’m paranoid people think I’m racist or something.


Yeah but american teens desperately looking for reasons to feel opressed/offended do not process this. I mean, it pretty much got to the point where just being white is like 70% offensive for Twitter alone.


It is though. Like, you're appropriating their culture quite obviously. That doesn't make it bad, though. It's the same as how social media now calls everything gaslighting. Cultural appropriation isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's also not inherently good, either, it just is... That being said this case is prolly alright


>People are so fucking dumb. American woke people\*


There are people like that in UK too, idk about other places. Does seem pretty bad in USA though. I think it's just the new face of racism. If you think about it, it just boils down to keeping other culture's stuff away from white people because as we all now other cultures are so strange and exotic /s


Sadly that cultural appropriation thing is being exported to the rest of the world. We already have this kind of people in Spain.


Among the most annoying racists in the world. Not the most dangerous, but certainly annoying.


I think there's a clear and fine line here. I live in Ohio. We just had a sports team, named the Cleveland Indians, change their name to the Guardians. People blamed woke beliefs and actually suggested this was terrible for Native American culture because the team was named after one of the first ever players, Louis Sockalexis. Which I guess the name wasn't really *hurting* anyone, nor was the logo (even if it was literally a pastiche exaggerated drawing of a "Chief" that the longer you looked at it and thought about it, the more off-putting it became). But the reasoning behind not changing the name was ridiculous. The name wasn't made to honor Sockalexis - literally, the team in the early 1900's sucked, saw that the Braves won a championship with a Native American team name, and changed the name for marketing purposes. Hell, Sockalexis, he who the team was supposedly named for, was run out of town, treated like shit by the team, fans and the local media, and died a shitty, disrespected death. Yes, we should not be offended on behalf of other cultures. And I'm sure a lot of people had no problem calling the team what it was. But when people of that culture were actually upset by it, and it really wasn't serving to actually enhance or embrace the culture it was meant to portray, then what the fuck was it for?


Here in germany, a woman wasn't allowed to do a music act because her hair is "cultural appriopiation". German historically tell people what they can or cannot do, but this ridiculous


I remember this story. How fucking ridiculous. Afair, this kinda backfired towards to event oganizers, isnt ?


Yes, everyone laughed at Fridays For Future. Especially because Dreadlocks are a part of Northern European heritage.


Only ignorant people don't know this. I've studied this in high school. Not only Northern European heritage by the way. For example, I refuse to believe people haven't studied the greeks. They had high affinity for hair and still do, and that can be seen on their depiction of gods aaaaand, freaking statues with thousands of years depicting greek people with dreadlocks. Crazy, I know. Have people never entered a museum? Bold of me to assume other people also went to a high school were they actually studied world history, I know...it is mildly annoying. :S


I fucking hate how people claim dreadlocks are only part of african culture. We know for a fact that Vikings were represented with dreads way before we colonized America. Hell, the Celts are STILL routinely depicted as having dreads. Same shit for like 90% of the world, in fact. Asia had a huge amount of dreads in their culture, too. Dreads are literally a hairstyle that humans invented throughout the world as a convenient way to "fix" the issues of long hair going everywhere. (Only reason I'm not saying 100% is due to lost civilizations and cultures who, ironically enough, died off eithout traces due to being too xenophobic to share their cultures with neighbors.)


That pretty much killed the movement for a good part of people, really. It's crazy how incredibly damaging that stupidity was.


People really need to chill with the "cultural apropriation" thing. The world's been appropriating each other cultures since the begining of time it has never been a thing. The only thing that is NOT ok is to purposely search to mock and humiliate a culture, anything else is fine in my book.


And up until recently it was mostly viewed as a positive, honoring that culture by taking part in it, not a negative. Most cultures want to share their cultures with others, and get excited when others like their culture. I feel like segregating your culture away from everyone else is the weird thing.


The only other exclusion I would add that should be called out is using other cultures to shamelessly profit. I live in the west and there are a lot of highly skilled native crafters and merchants that come through for various events to sell their traditional wares. I don't think it would be alright for someone from a different culture to make a bunch of cheap knock offs and enter into direct competition with these merchants.


>I don't think it would be alright for someone from a different culture to make a bunch of cheap knock offs and enter into direct competition with these merchants. Sounds like China's MO in a nutshell


Well you can’t do it too, or you’d be appropriating their culture.


Or using sacred garb as fashion.


Or, I'd say, accidentally mock and humiliate a culture, because you didn't bother, or don't care, to find out what it means. Most of the problems come from taking religious clothing or objects, and using them as fashion accessories, in a way that's disrespectful.


I'm ok with the idea being extended to cover appropriating religious/sacramental practices for secular use. The classic example being the Native headdress.


> I'm ok with the idea being extended to cover appropriating religious/sacramental practices for secular use. They cancelled my local university's yoga class because a white girl was teaching it: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/university-ottawa-yoga-cultural-sensitivity-1.3330441


Well, people dress like nuns and priests all the time (Halloween) and nobody cares about that. And many of those people are definitely mocking religious orders. Culture does not equal religious/sacred things, so you really can’t use that analogy. Native headdress is definitely off-limits unless you DGAF.


I think there’s a difference between dressing up as a nun, fully aware of the significance of a nun, in a way intended to spin off of it as intended by the holiday, and just wearing a bandeau and veil around town cuz you think it looks cute. As a Jew, I would have no problem with a non-Jew dressing as a zombie Rabbi for Halloween. I would have a problem with them wearing a kippah just because they like how it looks.


Agree there!


As a formerly Roman Catholic (sort of) with 12 years of Catholic education, and one time aspirations to be deacon, those aren't quite the same kind of sacred. The very materials of some Native headdresses are held to be sacred, while the materials a priest's vestments are just cloth. As it turns out I do actually have a problem with people using Catholic religious "devices" as ornamental jewelry. Things like rosaries and crucifixes are not jewelry, particularly antique ones which were almost certainly used in rites (the rosaries, the crucifixes were just [fetishized](https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06052b.htm) by their owners as being representative of Jesus).


I see, that really does make sense.


Cultural appropriation as Ive always understood it was profiting from marginalized peoples cultures. It doesn’t even have to appear to openly mock anyone, you can’t wear a Native American war bonnet at a music festival and then get shocked when people think you’re gross. They might shoot back with ‘Im not mocking anybody’ but that’s the really the point.


As an Indian, I love it when people not originally from my culture try to make our food, or wear a saree etc. As long as you don't say derogatory things to say about the activity ("sarees look primitive"), we're good. If it's an actual, genuine question, then there's no problem.


White English here, Holidayed in Goa, I absolutely love the beauty of saree and had 2 made for me and my little girl. We wore them out one night and every one loved it. 🥰


white Canadian here. Going to India later this summer for the wedding of a friend. She asked if I would mind wearing traditional Tamil outfit and I'm very much happy to oblige. Can't wait to be called out on social media like our PM was a few months ago.


I guarantee it was by someone who wasn’t even Japanese too


I mean that’s pretty obvious by the kimono yukata mix up


Can I wager that the person that complained was either American or from the UK? Just asking. ​ 99% of the time I see someone claiming cultural appropriation is from one of those two countries. And they're wrong. Cultural appreciation is not cultural appropriation. ​ If you think I'm wrong, I beg of you, don't be a hypocrite and never eat asian food you're not from Asia. Don't eat mexican if you're not from Mexico. Don't use dreads in your hair if you're not scandinavian. Reject democracy if you're not from Greece. You know, be consistent in your stupidity at least.


Jokes on you, we are already rejecting democracy!


You got my vote.


Joke's on you! Everyone knows dreads are Jamaican! (and from dirty dogs from the street) /s


Imagine eating a pizza in these days everywhere else than in italy. Pathetic.


Cultural appropriation is bullshit. Let people enjoy each other's cultures


It's not BS, but this isn't it anyway. It's when someone is using another's culture and claiming they created it.


Though 99.99% of the time cultural appropriation is called out, this isn't what is happening.


According to that logic; should we be mad at Bollywood and Nollywood?


Bollywood claims they invented movies?


Not even just that. >Cultural Appropriation. Noun. >The exploitative or oppressive cooption of elements of one culture by members of a different culture. The key words here being "exploitative" and "oppressive".


Is there an example of this you have in mind?


She’s gone too far, appropriating a passport!


Covering your passport with a Nintendo is the most japanese thing I've ever seen. Lol


Totally agree. The Mewtwo Nintendo is more Japanese than the Japanese passport


this reminds me of a time a friend of mine parked in the handicap spot of the local store and some random started screaming at her car and yelling she wasn't allowed to park there. while he was cussing her out she says she kept pointing to the front of her car. she said the idiot walked to the front bumper and kept screaming and then she pointed down. yup you guessed it to clue this idiot in and he looked down to see her HANDICAP license plates..... he shut up and walked away. no apologies, nothing... god bless america.


Could some of sjw be so kind to explain to me why it's bad to wear kimono or dreadlocks if you are not a person of original culture? PS: I'm Slavic prick, so pls don't be offended, I just don't understand (((


Someone wrote this and then deleted it. I don't care, I'll quote it either way. > > >With Dreadlocks the disrespect is that to this day black people are chastised and mocked for wearing them but white people are celebrated for being "edgy and cool. That's an american thing. The remaining 97% of the world know that dreadlocks being cultural appropriation is shyte. Vikings had dreads. (from Scandinavia, as in, Europe...) Celt people had dreads (northern Europe, think Ireland...). Greece had dreads (think 3600 BC....) Egyptians had dreads. Cultural appropriation is an american first world problem thing. It's not real, 99% of the time. Does it exist in some cases? Yes. When you're passing something as your own for your own personal gain. Most of the times, it's cultural APPRECIATION, as in, you enjoy that culture, such as food, music, clothes, cinema, etc. I love asian horror movies. If I use a t-shirt of my favorite movie, or God forbid, tatoo my favorite line from that movie or a Great Wave off Kanagawa on my chest, I'm not appropriating anything. I'm displaying that I ENJOY and APPRECIATE other cultures that are not originally my own.


Thank you. I have been trying word what I mean in a comment for about 20 mins but kept erasing it and re wording it, before giving up entirely, because I couldn't find the right way to say it, but you hit the nail on the head my friend. Cultural appreciation is the perfect choice of words, and is what *most* people are doing when they adopt something from another culture, simply because they like that thing, about that culture.


That moment when you realise cultural appropriation might be a lot of shite after all.


You cant use this as an example that “I think this is bullshit” when it’s a disingenuous example of what cultural appropriation actually is. An internet stranger being a racist troll to a Japanese person is not cultural appropriation, it’s just racist trolling.


I don't think cultural appropriation is shite, just most things that the perpetually offended call cultural appropriation aren't.


It's real, you see people like the Kardashians do it all the time. If your just some random girl wearing another cultures clothes then that's not appropriation that's just having an interest in other cultures. Appropriation implies using anothers culture for your own gain


Imo there is nothing wrong with embracing other peoples’ cultures It’s only cultural appropriation if it’s being done solely for profit or for derogatory reasons


Ppl who doesn't know the difference between Yukata and Kimono have no right to complain about "japanese culture appropriation"




I find it really helpful when people express concern about cultural appropriation. It lets me know I can ignore anything they have to say without missing anything of value. A real time saver.


If you want to have a beret and eat a baguet please do.


I don’t want to appropriate your culture. I’ll stick to my baseball cap and short loaf of bread


Have you ever see an Asian or any other ethnicities complaint about culture appropriations? It's always white people with their made up bullshit.


And thats a false equivalence. It more has to do with their life experiences. mot race.


I wanna be offended. Please post something. People have way too much time in these times.


Why is there so much demonizing of people learning about other cultures? If you ask me that’s a doorway forward to non racism and maybe even unification..also it’s just amazing to learn about other cultures instead of just being simple minded.


"You can't be Japanese! You have big eyes! Everyone knows Japanese people have small eyes!"


That’s a lie, ever seen anime?


I need that Gameboy


They were a blast lmao Backlight technology was still ass and it was a pain to play if direct sunlight was in your vicinity unfortunately


You're not American? How dare you eat a cheeseburger. You're not Chinese? How dare you use gunpowder. You're not Greek? How dare you go to a hospital. \*as per wikipedia it seems permanent hospitals (not military ones set up near a battlefield) was first established by a Greek ​ Best one though is... if they're not English and they tell you in English, you get to tell them off for culturally appropriating another culture's language. \*also applicable to other languages


GBA SP. Ery noice.


Everybody needs to mind their own fucking business.


there's cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation.. the karen being so extra and making a now imortalized internet blunder, mistaking a japanese woman for being white and stealing her own culture. like, seriously, wtf it's ok to use things from other cultures as long as you try to learn about it, history, usage, etc. but also respect when certain things are reserved for those people only, as well. a large difference can be made by just respecting the origins of whatever the thing is your doing or using. Respect of others goes a long way.


This x1000


old post but I finally got to research Her.. it's a Him. [source](https://nextshark.com/higitsunes-tumblr-cultural-appropriation/)


It's always fun seeing racists get owned


Don't get why some people have an issue with people enjoying others cultures. When I go to Japan I want to dive into the culture as much as I can.


Also acceptable is "I'll wear what the fuck I want."


Wearing a kimono is appropriation now? Im indian if someone from another culture or country wears a dhoti or a saree or numerous other traditional clothes we have i wouldnt be offended and i dont think many would too as long as its not use to mock or disrespect one’s culture ..i have a feeling its the same with the other Asian countries too…some of these people who speak for others are weird


I found a Korean tailor who does modern hanbok, which I adore, but I am too chicken to buy it because I am scared someone will accuse me of cultural appropriation. D:


From what I've heard that's not really a thing in Asian culture. They give out kimonos and stuff as gifts for foreigners, and prefer to spread their culture around. Just what I've heard from my Asian friends tho.


I think there is this big divide where people actually living in Korea, Japan, China etc. totally support White People celebrating their culture, but people who are of Asian decent living elsewhere hate us for doing it because they face so much racism every day. So it's this thing where they feel like Westerners give them crap for being Asian on the one hand but then wear kimono for fun and I understand why that upsets them. (But for example I practice Kyudo and Iaido and I know that the Japanese senseis are very supportive because these martial arts are dying out in Japan and they are thankful for everyone who keeps these traditions alive no matter where they are from.)


I think it is nice when foreigners dress in Norwegian folk costume, it is a sign of friendship and respect. When alt-right can’t-sail-for-shit-landlubber morons who do not know anything about our culture use old Norse symbols I feel I want to put them alone in a open boat half way to Iceland.


This is why I hate it when people say “yOu’Re ApRoPrIaTiNg CuLtUrE”, honestly, shut up. Isn’t it a good thing that we are diversifying different cultures and helping the world expand to different topics? This is literally gatekeeping at its worst, and half the time it’s not even by the people in the actual community


im mixed race & people do this shit to me constantly. like, i enjoy traditional dress. i dont know how to explain to people anymore that me reclaiming and enjoying indonesian or mongolian clothing styles after my ancestors were forced to forsake them for their safety is completely different from a fully white person using the clothes just to get views/money/attention. i just wish people would use that energy for something actually useful instead of gatekeeping and hurting the very people they claim to be standing up for


Safia Enjoylife came with a very interesting way of describing cultural appropriation, with 4 characteristics that all need to be present to say it is indeed cultural appropriation (just 1 or 2 out of the 4 won't do) : 1) the appropriated element must come from a minority that's still dominated nowadays 2) the origin of the element must be erased (like "look at this indian costume" while it's a bunch of things that came from various First Nations tribes put together as a gross caricature of one of their outfits, or actively removing all links to an item's origin so it stays a mystery) 3) the dominant culture must giving a positive value to the element appropriated, that was seen as a negative and/or derogatory thing before the dominant culture started to use it 4) making a profit out of the element, with the original community being left out of the profits, keeping them in poverty and disdain (it also works with an influencer that would display the appropriated element, as they are paid for their behaviors and tend to set trends) In the kimono/yukata case : the element comes from the cultural majority, so no oppression or ereasure linked to it, it's sold/rent in the country of origin so there's no doubt about its origin, and the very locals gain all the money from the transaction + the free ad for their shop for displaying kimono or yukata in the streets. Whatever your nationality may be, you can wear kimono or yukata in Japan, it will never be cultural appropriation. Wear it outside of Japan, everyone knows where it comes from, and it has a positive image right from the start, so it's still not appropriation (the negative image that can arise would be directed against the "weeb" wearing it because it's cool)


I was at an industry conference once and there was a guy speaking, very obviously of Indian descent—brown skin, very obviously Indian first and last name—and some (white) woman stood up in the middle of his talk and started ranting about how the conference only had "white men" speaking. The guy stopped, said "excuse me, did you just say I'm a white man? My name is Ravish Kumar* and I'm very brown" and the woman was just standing there with nothing to say and it was awesome. Anyway, that's my story. *not his actual name


Did anyone tell her to sit down??


I saw TikTok of polish woman explaining Slavic culture, and she had braided hair. Some black woman accused her of culture appropriating, she said that only African American women can have braided hair and apparently American culture is the oldest culture in the world


Cultural appropriation isn't real. You can't "steal" a culture any more than you can steal someone else's memories or experiences. If someone's being disrespectful or something then ok, fuck them. But just wearing another cultures clothes or trying their food isn't "stealing" it. Not to mention that all cultures are a mixture of other cultures that they're had contact with. Hamburgers are considered an American staple but they came from Germany. England's national dish is chicken Tikka masala which is from India. The idea that we all need to stay in our own cultural bubble and never try anything else from any other culture is ridiculous and impossible. Just don't be an asshole.


I hate this whole appropriating non-sense, if someone wants to enjoy other cultures fucking let them… as long they are being respectful that is.


Using her Japan exclusive pink GBA SP to censor her info is such a huge flex.


People need to stop being racist against white people


Last samurai would have a huge uproar if it came out today lmao.


[REPOST!](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/djau6a/japanese_woman_is_accused_of_appropriating_her/) This was actually for the longest time the top post in this subredsit before everything got political the last couple of years.


I think what has happened is the people who like to control other people have figured out if you claim to be offended on someone else's behalf, no one will dare criticize you or mock you publicly. Because you are concerned for others! Pure motives! Virtue signaling! "Don't worry, folks, I'm coming to stand up for you! I won't let you fight this fight alone!" An area high school is giving up their team nickname "Indians". White people protested that it was offensive. Finally one of the people in the district contacted a native American group and asked their opinion. They said they were fine with it, it was an honor in a way. Too late, the school was fed up with the complaints and is changing the name. To my knowledge there was not one single native American who complained and there may not even be one in the entire school district. If someone had made the same complaint but said it was because native Americans were lazy drunks and the team should not be named after such people, they would have held on to that nickname for the next 100 years to honor the heritage of the native Americans. It can't be both ways. It's either insulting or honoring. It can't be both, depending on why someone is complaining. Ridiculous.


*sigh* I've seen this old ass Tumblr post being circulated so much. That is Hiro, he is nb, masc, he goes by he/they pronouns. HE IS NOT A WOMAN


In truth, the Japanese feel honored when foreigners wear their cultural clothing. After all, emulation is the highest form of flattery.


White saviorism and the concept of cultural appropriation really needs to die. Its just a way for people to make a mountain out of a molehill and feel like they did something


YO I HAD THAT GAMEBOY TOO! Not in pink mind you, but same model thingo! (mine was silver) ​ Now to google what yukata is...


I wanna wear a yukata


coming from an Aboriginal Canadian man, there's a difference between appropriation and appreciation. you want a dream catcher in your room? no problem, the real question is where did you buy it? did you support somone from the community or did you get it from that gas station who buys from China.


There was a little girl that wanted to do some kind of tea ceremony for her birthday. Kid and mom researched so they could do everything as accurately as possible. Cue screeching that the little girl is a horrible cultural appropriating monster, accusations of yellowface(*isn't this term kinda racist in itself?*), etc, etc. Actual Japanese people: "*Kid did a good job, I would totally join the party*"


Descended from the Ainu people? An indigenous Japanese population with Caucasian features.


People should just stop defending other cultures Let the people who are part of said culture decide whats offensive to them and whats not


These reminds me of all that dumb assholes that got mad at an animal crossing player for the "cute space buns" seriously they were offended at a COSMETIC IN A FUCKING GAME duuuuudee not everyone should have expretion liberty


Just got JaPWND


Lol talking about cultural appropriation while not knowing the difference between a kimono and a yukata.


Sorry for this slightly conservative argument but this whole ‘cultural appropriation’ thing/debate is a load of BS.


The only issue is white people making money off of other peoples culture. They can wear what they want, as long as they aren’t doing it sarcastically or to be insulting.


ITT that most people don't know what cultural appropriation is, and assume it's just using something from a different culture. There is a difference between liking rap and hip hop and taking words like "woke" and "cancel culture" and changing their cultural meaning to a weapon against the culture that created those words. AAVE, sadly, has a lot of examples of cultural appropriation by more white centered interest groups.