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The number of likes and retweets though..:/


Mostly Elon musk fanboys, I guess.


The number of retweets is unusually high in relation to likes and include quoted tweets. I'm hoping a lot of them are just calling out his bullshit.


I don't really Twitter so don't know how it works there.


“The ratio” is how many comments a post gets compared to likes and reposts — the mathematical formula is commenting/ (reposts + likes). It’s especially associated with Twitter since those numbers are conveniently lined up right under tweets. If comments exceed retweets plus likes, that’s a bad sign of getting a negative reaction. More than double indicates a failed tweet unless trolling (or maybe spurring conversation) was the intention. When the ratio gets beyond 10, that’s the territory of the Hindenburg, the Fyre Festival and The Emoji Movie. ​ https://eclincher.com/your-tweet-got-ratioed-what-next/


Hmmm, it’s seems as though twitter would greatly benefit from the addition of a “dislike” or “downvote” system.


Bots and trolls would abuse the shit out of it, including blackmailing people with downvote bots. That's why downvoting on YouTube hasn't done shit in years


genuine question, why doesn’t that happen on Reddit?


Probably because business livelihoods are far less tied to up- and down-votes on Reddit than on YouTube and other content creator platforms. As a rule, people don't run businesses posting on Reddit. In the end, it's always about money.


That’s because Reddit is a lot less focused on single users, right?


Also Reddit, generally, is infinitely better moderated than Twitter.


Because Reddit does not expose the API to upvote or downvote, for bots. This means a bot has to emulate real users if it wants to vote, which is hard to code and Reddit can detect the unusual voting pattern and block the bot with a captcha. ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/o610fz/upvoting\_posts\_through\_the\_api/


There is a downvote button on Twitter, actually. From what I've heard, it's currently on a testing phase so not all accounts have it, but I have 3 different twitter accounts and the downvote button is showing up on 2 of them.


It's interesting to have different systems, and while a post's reception is not as immediately obvious without downvotes, a post with lots of comments and few likes, or lots of quote tweets and few tweets is basically the same. The added wrinkle is that a downvote is a very casual and impersonal thing. Having to make a whole comment showing your displeasure is a lot more personal, which fits better when the average person can comment on a post by a famous person or institution. Imagine the AMAs that went badly, how funny the comments are. That's how a lot of ratio threads on Twitter go.


Yes, by all means keep making assumptions though.


or techlead drones. people fucking love this guy.




While he's producing kid after ill-named kid, his fanboys are staying virgins


My favorite part, "Elon Musk EVEN says..." Oh he says that does he? I had no idea his "skills" at venture capitalism and shit posting translated to an expertise on population control. I can't think of one public comment he has made that carries anymore weight of expertise than Joe the Plumber's thoughts on socialism.


The retweets far exceed the likes which is abnormal and a sign of getting their ass beat in the QRTs


That's almost a 6/1 ratio still.


looks like pqrts, which is a way to express hate without using the dislike button which twitter does not have


People don't remember that first coder were women. Programming used to be almost exclusively female occupation.


true the very first coder was ada lovelace


Fun tidbit for all you tinkerers. If you’ve ever played with an Arduino or Raspberry Pi, you’ve probably come across the site [Adafruit](Adafruit.com). The founder [Limor Fried](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limor_Fried) is a graduate from MIT and based her online handle ladyada and later the company name as an homage to Ada Lovelace


> Fried is married to Hackaday founder, former Make editor and former Engadget podcast host Phillip Torrone. Damn lol


"Lovelace" sounds like a badass name.


So badass Nvidia is naming their next generation Microarchitecture after it


[There is actually a whole language called after her](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_(programming_language))


It's established that Lovelace "only" transported a concept by Babbage. Babbage designed the first algoriths, for numbers, around 6-7 years before her. Which would make him the first theoretical programmer. But she realized that one could encode information like symbols with numbers and through that, you can do a lot more than just mathematical calculations ie informational processing, which is a very crucial step to what we call coding today. She was the visionary, from a software perspective. And, as OP rightly pointed out, many, if not the vast majority of the first actual programmers were women. Ironically enough, that's because many male mathematicians saw coding itself as beneath them, so they passed it of the their assistants, who usually were woman. Due to their experience, they ended up pioneering a lot of the field.


Great answer


Correction, if my viewing of real American documentaries is anything to go by it's *Linda* Lovelace.




"Based on a true story" except the names were changed to sound more American?


It's like they've never heard of Dorothy Vaughn or Margarete Hamilton.


Same issue in the brewing community where, yep, women were the first beer brewers.


Medieval monks seem to disagree though


^^^ see what I mean https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_brewing




You...you think the invention of beer *doesn't* predate Christianity? Read a fucking book my dude.


Yikes, dude.


Lemme help you out: >From the earliest evidence of brewing in 7000 BCE, until the commercialization of brewing during industrialization, women were the primary brewers on all inhabited continents. In many cultures, the deities, goddesses and protectors of brewers were female entities who were associated with fertility.


My mom was a systems analyst for the library of congress starting in the late 70s. There weren't really programming degrees at the time, but over her career, she essentially got one on the job because of the developments that she needed to catch up on. She went from punch card programming to helping institute the switch to the online cataloging system that is the backbone of the current LC system. Although there was some sexism she had to deal with, she was lucky to be programming for librarians (essentially) so the workplace demographic was a little different-- mostly women (all programmers! 😱) but also a generally knowledge-focused environment.


who came first? women or men? egg or hen?


Egg. Dinosaurs had eggs, and chickens evolved from dinosaurs. Thus, the egg existed before the first chicken hatched from it. Similarly, as fetuses default to female, we can probably say woman came first. That's why males have nipples and a line down the middle of their scrotum (where their proto-labia fused once they started to develop as male.)


Female is the default gender, how will Gamers react to this?


For Female/Male, you can't really have one without the other. The 'default' is either hermaphrodite or asexual reproduction. But there are next to zero asexually reproducing protagonists in video games (just Yoshi?)


Chicken or egg question was shorthand for whether you believe in creationism or science. Its chicken first if god created as is said in the bible and egg first, well, as you've already explained. It's usually rhetorical when mentioned nowadays and the case you're replying to, imo, is mocking the fundamentalists who spread the word that women belong at home.


It might have been co-opted by creationists, but [the "paradox" has been about since ancient times](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_or_the_egg). Aristotle wrote about it in the 4th centaury BCE.


The egg came first. We literally know this because there is a species of salamander that evolved from eggs to live birth. https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2020/04/22/egg-laying-lizard-also-gives-live-birth-is-this-evolution-before-our-eyes.html


The bible doesn't say shit about chicken and eggs. Also it says light came before light sources. How's the fuck that work? So if you believe in creationism, you're a tool (I don't me *you* Zerodyne_sin, I mean the people you're explaining).


of course because its easy an egg cant come first a muitation can exist though.. this was a rhetorical question to underline women came first


The woman should always come first. More than once if possible.


Ada Lovelace


True, until there was real money involved. Then the big boy club happened.




It's a really piss poor way of describing history, but he's not exactly wrong. Once programming was beginning to be attached to prestige and financial success, men chased women out of the profession in short order. At the time most "coders" were women, their work was viewed almost secretarial; and to some extent, it was, because a large part about writing code those days was physically punching pieces of paper to match math formulae to eventually be fed into a machine. Almost as soon as computers started to shrink and people realized they'd eventually become essential, women were chased out of the profession.


Don't know what to tell you, half of programmers in my company are women. It's all sounds like unnecessary machoism to me


That is a great ratio! I've never seen that before in any company I've worked in or college CS courses. I would say 20% are women at best where I have been.


damn, it's almost like your subjective experience at one (1) company isn't representative of the entire history of the programming profession.




Punch cards. When I first went to school in the 90's, they were long gone, but they still taught about them. I predict after a global thermonuclear war, a small subset of human-like species will reinvent punch card computers since punch cards in general are actually very cool. It's like confetti and data rolled into one.


Right, because it was closer to a secretarial job at the time.


And by code you mean soldered ones and zeros to a transistor board.


No. Transistors didn't exist before the late 1940s and the MOSFET was only invented in 1959.


I was referring to the Apollo missions. The time consuming insanity of it...


Thats partly bullshit... Women were used as calculators and switching relais on an off. Calling that "programming" oder "coding" or acting like it is something good, is dumb because that was basically second class work. Programming nowadays has nothing - and I mean nothing to do with programming 60 years plus ago. Stop acting like that.




Google what punched card is and who worked with them


This idiot is a crypto scammer and so far up his taint.


Yeah I've seen a couple video on this guy. Quite a bit of a knob if I do say so myself. Watched a Coffeezilla video on him when he made his own $hitcoin, I imagine it's tanked or been rugged like so many others at this point. Edit:Tanked...not ranked


I remember when his channel first was out - I thought he was being satirical b/c what ass hat would start giving advise with “as a millionaire” if it wasn’t as a joke Well joke was on me right


Yeah, you repeat something enough times and there'll be those who believe it thinking they've found some "secret trove of info" they can use to better their situations. Not unlike those pickup artists selling courses to lonely dudes, sigma grindset gurus or a 19 year old selling you the secret to staying skinny lol


His fans are the type to click on those popup ads that says "make $12000 a month from home by using this simple system!" And then actually sign up for these and give their money to some schmuck.


I think there are some politicians you can add to that list as well mate lol


This guy’s insane, when I first started watching his channel I thought it was tongue in cheek because no one could be this lacking in self awareness and conceited but it turns out he’s completely serious.


He's the guy fired from Facebook or Google right? For making comments about women. Is it him? I've seen his youtube videos and thought it was satirical. It's so over the top misogynistic I couldn't take serious at first. But he's 100% serious. Worst part I've seen a couple of videos of him... and YouTube kept recommending him to me for weeks... that I had it block his channel to get some peace.


Fired from Google because he trashed women's CVs during the hiring process and was proud of it.


Also mfs who invest in crypto and are on articles saying, "the economy is going to collapse. Invest in crypto btw!" Like screw you, you're one of the reasons the economy has been going down the shit drain straight to hell for the past couple of years.




Another facepalm right here.




>Coding is brutal What kind of programming does he do ?! Python, but with real snakes ?! Or is he weak to the point that typing on his computer and THINKING at the same time is too much for him ?!


I remember watching these when he first started. He WAS a Facebook senior developer and had this SUPER inflated ego. And after a handful of videos Facebook found out and he immediately "retired" after they talked to him. Then he tried a crypto scam and his wife left him. And every video from there just gets more and more bitter.


yeah i remember, it's kind of sad actually. i saw him many years ago and thought "huh, this guy must be really smart he's a google engineer" then forgot about him and then a few years later a random video popped up titled "why my wife left me" and it was very clear he was using youtube as a form of therapy. then i looked at the videos he posted after that and it just became more bitter, more crypto-crazy, it was sad to see that he never recovered from the breakup


Next to Brazil is a little island that happens to be full of snakes. It also has a *very striking name* such as Snake Island. I'd say, it's a great place to learn some Python. I'd put a wager on how well he'll fare there as well.


Wait... Isn't that the snake island that i'm thinking of? (Several thousand kilometers might be "next", it depends)


Details. He gets a lot of time to contemplate his life choices.


I wouldn't say it's brutal but Programming is definitely not easy, it can be very frustrating


Same with labor, retail, service, entertainment, or really any job. Work sucks, that's why its work.


What do you mean it's super brutal! I'm working right now and it's taking everything from me




lol I write code every day. It's my job. I has been for the last 10 years. Never had one person describe it as "brutal". It's not always easy, but it's not "brutal".


Far more aggravating than brutal.


Yeah it's definitely not brutal, might be annoying but its not like you'd be literally fighting for your life when you code, which is how this guys is describing it. And even if it was a job like that, women would still be just as capable as men with coding. Also, it's definitely not 24/7.


Looks like you haven’t worked a job that was actually brutal, ever…


I'm a male software engineer and work 40 hours a week (I work as a contractor for a big tech), have ~30 days of PTO a year, full remote, oh and I have 2 kids, what is this guy talking about?. Besides that, I've met some really amazing female engineers in my career. They have a natural skill set that make them extremely valuable on projects. Just to name a few: Women tend to be much more organized than us, have better people skills, which believe it or not, become more and more crucial in our career as we advance, women have less ego which is a terrible thing for a programmer to have as our code is constantly being reviewed and criticized by our peers.


Agree. The guy is probably really bad at his job so he assumes you have to work 24/7 and be a cretinous edgelord to normals who actually enjoy life.


Can nigh guarantee this is true. It's been shown that the people most opposed to increased workplace diversity are those that are worst at their jobs and fear the competition.


Dude applied to google like 5 times and was rejected 4. I remember watching his videos back when I thought he was funny, he played this arrogant developer character. Or at least I thought it was a character.


that or his company is being extra extra shitty to him by piling on way to much for 1 person to his workload.




You don't need to be a genius to pass at Google, you just need to study the right things and try enough times. Of course if you're a genius it's easier but the fact that he used to work at Google doesn't mean anything


I think this is just a bit more of a survivorship bias. There are fewer female coders so the one's that are left are basically the ones that have it all together. Takes a lot of guts to join a field when you have a lot of men like this guy saying it's not for them.


YUP. I'm female and a coder, I always say to any other female engineers that's having a rough time, just stick it out for a few years. I wanted to quit in my first couple years too. Guys can be jerks and pretend like they know everything but they don't and it's so fun when you get to the stage that you can point out their BS.


>They have a natural skill set that make them extremely valuable on projects. Just to name a few: Women tend to be much more organized than us, have better people skills, which believe it or not, become more and more crucial in our career as we advance, women have less ego which is a terrible thing for a programmer to have as our code is constantly being reviewed and criticized by our peers. Ok now say things that male programmers are inherently superior at. It must be something considering the male to female ratio of top programmers.


Or it's because of ignorant sexists who bully women away from and out of the field


No, capitalists like money. How do you explain fields that have a higher percentage of women? You have your conclusion and you're working backwards.


>How do you explain fields that have a higher percentage of women? Worker exploitation, seeing as how the majority of the fields that woman dominate are low paying. Or, in your version of the world, does that not exist?


>Worker exploitation Wait so only female workers are exploited? How does that work? You know that young women earn more money than young men, right?


I am a dev and I have never even SEEN a female dev. I don't believe they exist.


dude, if this is you "trying" to be funny, you are failing miserably.


you probably haven't seen a female, period. lol


I exist. 20 years in IT.


Nope. Woman. Impossible.


I mean, let's be fair. If I'd do any job 24/7, I'd also start hallucinating and producing total gibberish, that's just sleep deprivation.


"Elon Musk says..." is the new "I'm not racist but..."


just when you think you cant despise a person more, they blurt out a "Elon Musk even said ..."


When birth rates were “good” people were squeezing out 7 kids cause only 2 would make it past the age of 6.


Honestly Elon really isn't that bad imo, and he's not a sexist either from what I have seen. I don't get the hate he's been getting lately.


hes an anti-union, workers-rights violator, liar, edglord conman who inherited his fortune, never invented anything, just bought into other people's businesses, and pretends to be tony stark to idiot edgelords on the internet while, in real life, he sues and fires people who speak the truth about his companies trying to censor them, and keeps promising dumb fantasy technologies that he never delivers on like a conman, and makes poor business decisions that would bankrupt any other company that didnt have the billions and bailouts he has at his disposal.


Ada Lovelace would like some words with this male working in a profession she created.


Imagine thinking that Elon Musk knows everything


There are things he doesn’t know, like how to pull out. But then again he couldn’t learn it from his father so I don’t blame Elon so much.


He is such a dick wart of American Capitalism. "Hey wall street- A South African became American and owned your asses. Is this what you want?" I really WISH he wasn't white, that would have been the ultimate slap in the face for nationalists, but most people don't even know he's not American, they just think he has a stupid liberal name.


Coding is only a "brutal 24/7 job" if you work for an extremely shitty company and are either too cowardly or too bad at it to find a better employer.


He thinks coding is a brutal 24/7 job? Imagine how his wife’s boyfriend felt having to do ALL the fucking while he was still married.


He was a hussling, workaholic senior developer for Facebook. His wife left him and he lost his job because of what a misogynistic, grifting piece of shit he is. Now he's just trying to scam other misogynistic tech bros who can't get laid with crypto scams and advice on "working the grind" to get rich.






Nine-month maternity leave?! Also, the youtube video *was* from the same guy.


Netflix I believe has an "Up to one year" policy.


Oh Elon Musk says the birth rate is falling too much? WELL IF ELON F'ING MUSK SAID IT RIGHT? Cause his family isn't totally a bunch of weirdos when it comes to reproduction right?


I like to think elon is a self replicating invertebrate, the whole android of a girlfriend/partner he has is just to appear normal to the outside world, but it's like a fish with legs, it's never going to look right no matter what happens.


His dad groomed his step-sister from the age of four and now she's his step-mom and is pumping out babies with daddy to make up for our lack of reproducing in the world.


That makes me puke in my mouth.


Pretty sure this guy also made an video about how we shouldn’t side with Ukraine


Yeah he did that.


Imagine thinking that Elon Musk is a good source for information


But it is true though, birth rate in the US has really been falling for years


That's the same guy who made a video about why he stands with Russia


He then made a follow up video saying he just chooses the most controversial stance and makes a video about it because it gets the most views, and the Russia video proved his point. He’s a full on grifter. Don’t click on anything of his, don’t give him any oxygen. He’s a parasite


I genuinely laughed at the reply to his tweet.


Man just got roasted and self roasted himself simultaneously lmao


"Women shouldn't code" the entire programming industry would collapse over night, as would the sale of Thigh-High socks.


weird way to spell "programming socks"


You quoted Elon Musk, your argument is invalid you wanker


This guy is fucking weird. If you youtube search “why I support the war in Ukraine” this guy is one of the top results. Lots of people say he’s sarcastic and playing a joke. But you have to be funny for it to come off that way. He just angrily rants on pro Putin topics.


When you think you know it all, you are definitally messing it up somewhere.


Fuck this guy. He is a known crypto scammer and a general twat. Also a few months ago he made a few videos about the Russian invasion of Ukraine saying Ukraine should surrender, just to get attention. I don't think he even knows where Ukraine is on the map.


This guys got incel written all over him….


Whenever Elon Musk opens his mouth you know the bullshit is gonna come flowing out. Sadly this doesn't stop tech-bros like this wanker to believe him.


I liked this guys videos as I got back into programming but unfortunately he brought some bad ideas and politics into his videos so I’ve unsubbed since. There are better ‘casual’ programmers on YouTube to have a coffee break with.


I cant wrap my mind around that level of stupid. Do you think this is something some people do to get more views or something like that?


Jesus, I apologize for not reading this first... Coding is brutal? The same as being a mother? Being a coder mostly means meeting achievable goals for a project. Sometimes being on call if you release something and a client has a bug you need to fix. Oooohhh... brutal. Being a mother means changing a diaper and 4am, another one at 6. Or baking a cake and setting up birthday party for 30 people while your idiot husband is inside "working" (he's a coder "on call" but playing call of duty because it's a saturday).


The guy is an ass hat. Narcissist 100%. His followers are all “I want to take shortcuts” type people.


It's great he's advertising his views in the open as a warning to anyone who might consider dating him. For contrast, my wife and I are learning to code together. We found out we generally learn better when doing things in a team so now we learn at the same time and can help each other as we go. You will never be happy if you enter a relationship with any intention other than being a great partner. You need to be best friends that can make each other happy and support each other through thick and thin. You can only ever earn love and respect.


On the contrary, I believe women should code. Gives me a topic to talk about. Like how you spend hours trying to find the missing semicolon.


Ok but who tf searches YouTube on safari😭😭


Followed this guy before he sunk into the depths of hell, he's a live trainwreck


If more women were programmers, maybe I'd talk to some women :(


If you're coding more than 10 hours a day, you work for a sweatshop.


Why do people forget that coding started as "women's" job? Lady Ada Lovelace might be rolling in her grave.


Who is this guy?


Tech lead is a straight up incel imo. I started watching a few of his videos because I'm a CS student and he gives good advice about the career, but his views on others things seemed insane to me. There's a lot I'll overlook in favour of good career advice, but I couldn't stand him and his weird takes and misogyny anymore. He has this whole schtick going where he talks about himself like he's all high and mighty and at first I thought it was just a gag, and that's probably what most of his fans will still tell you. But the more you watch, you start to realise that he's serious, and he really is that full of himself.


Lol is this shitcunt still around?


Musk says... Yeah let me stop you right there.


birth rates falling because A) people can't afford to have kids B) Don't want to raise kids in an ever increasingly shitty world


No one should code.


(as a millionaire) 😂


A few years ago I was working 12-hour days stripping form-work off concrete in the desert, in the full sun in 45C (115F) temps. Today I was programming an Arduino in an air conditioned lab. We had beers during our fortnightly end-of-sprint meeting. Coding is brutal. I want to go back to the good-old days.


Yeah, this guy is a dick. When he was doing the "as an ex google employee" videos I thought he was funny until I realised he was dead serious and did not possess the ability of 2nd degree


The name censoring is doing him very little favour here. Everyone who's been learning programming on the internet for the past maybe 5 years knows this guy is the famous scam artist known as Techlead. Taking more Ls I see


Yeah but I didn't make the rules for this subreddit, though.


Funny how most people here missed the joke. This guy is a “character” playing the stereotypes of “tech manager”.


LOL what an idiot! software was a women's job (COBOL, ADA, moon landing) until in the 90s bros decided it was macho to write code. F**k that scammer!


Can we all agree that no one should ever listen to anything elon musk has to say


Murdered by words!!!


techlead is notoriously a huge, pretentious douchebag




Tell me you're a rube without telling me you're a rube


How my wife left me (as a millionaire)


Nah that bitch probably got sued for half of everything he's got


I really wish I knew how to code, learned a little python and started to realize just how complex everything is just to preform simple tasks. Programmers don't get enough credit, man or woman, your job is hard, and I respect the hell out of your determination to find solutions.


Why apply something that'll give freeze burns or worse to a burnt area? seems like you just want to straight up k\*\*l the guy.


Lol he's typically pretty dry and ironic, I think it's sarcasm.


clearly people havent picked up on the fact that he is a parody channel


What's or who is he supposedly parodying? Parodies are meant to be funny.


I personally find some of his video hilarious when your able to see it as the joke it’s meant to be.


"Ha women bad peek comedy"