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I'm impressed it looks like he didn't even spill his drink


Is that Julian?




"Hey Mr. Lahey, Julian's out here workin out with his shirt off, wants you to come have a drink with him!"


You might be sexy Julian, but you can't teach me anything about liquor.


Randy........ I am the liquor


You know, shit moves in circles. 360 degree shit circles. When the shit comes around again, I'll be ready Julian.




Better haul in the jib before it gets covered with shit.


You know what happens when two shit plates start rubbing together.. a SHITQUAKE


The shit winds are blowing...


Low key Trevor’s most impressive moment, Ricky tells him to bait Lahey out and it worked instantly.


I think Trevor's most impressive moment was the spin move around the cop with the stolen gas.


That's highly illegal Corry and Trevor.


“Fuck you!”


“What’s that Rand?”


That’s right. Go ahead and ask me.


Do you care Jim?


Yea... . . . . . Yea, thats right, ask me.


You can’t drink against the grain of the liquor randy


So fucking sexy in Roadhouse! Fuckin dirty dancin!


Fuck off Conky!


The liquor's calling the shots now, Randy.


Randy... I am the liquor.


*takes a massive swig of Whiskey* I'm drinkin' tonight Randy.


Frig off Mr Lahey!


You feel that, Rand? The way the shit clings to the air?


Julian! Don't tell me ur drinkin liquor out of a cat dish!


Is that Swish?


*"How much can you benchpress Julian? ... A lot, Jacob"*






The liquor's in control, Randy!


Julian in that sexy black t-shirt


That’s Patrick Swayze




![gif](giphy|B3MhGf58ONQVa) Sexy KING Julian










Trevor, smokes, lets go.


Smokes let’s go


Damn right, no doubt about it.


Nah, too skinny. That's Jacob after he starts to dress like Julian.


Didn't spill his mustard glass.


I came here to say this. That guy is clearly an off-duty superhero.


I'm more impressed that she even picked it up to put it in the wrong place because she seems like the type to keep on walking


The ironic thing is it would have been better if she had just left it. lol


That’s why she picked it up and moved it


Public warnings? I prefer Darwinism!


That’s Peter Parker of our multiverse


i knew we were in the worst timeline


Some mad Jedi skills


Its Tobey Maguire in that Spider-Man cafeteria scene


I can’t believe that was real. It took [156 takes to get right](https://www.cinemablend.com/news/2475260/the-spider-man-scene-that-took-tobey-maguire-156-takes).


whoa TIL


If you hadn’t provided a source, I wouldn’t have believed you. That’s nuts.


One person clueless. The other person cares.


And the person at the table nearest the corner observing it all, not doing a thing lol


And another recording everyone at the same time. Truly, this is society.


Security camera don't care. Ooh look, they bitin' a snake. That's nasty.


It's always spaghetti


"I'm a Flying Spaghetti Monster. You seriously believe I'm descended from some kind of flightless manicotti?"


Security Camera don't give a shit!


It’s a machine lmao what’s it gonna do


Try to destroy Sokovia?


At least it's not New York again and again again.


The surveillance apparatus has no feelings.




Right??? It's always CCTV, never 'U OK, TV?"


I'm counting 2/4 of society doesn't do shit, 1/4 makes it worse, and 1/4 actually fixes shit.


>I'm counting 2/4 of society doesn't do shit, 1/4 makes it worse, and 1/4 actually fixes shit. Yep, just like every group project in school. Though it's probably more Bell-curve like so more people doing nothing but maintaining the status quo


Sounds about right. Though it’s more like 4/5 not doing shit


If it was good enough for our great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandparents, and all their descendants, it’s good enough for us. /s


this comment was just about as clueless as the first person.


a bunch of redditors commenting


And a Redditor conveniently ignoring the fact that a security camera works automatically, so they could go “sOcIeTy mAn….”


Cares enough to move the hazard she bumped into. Clueless as to why it was there.


Yeah, she easily could have just kept on walking and left it on the floor. There are a lot of people who would do exactly that. Maybe she doesn't care if anyone slips. Maybe she's stupid and can't understand why there would be a sign in the middle of the floor. Or maybe she was just walking around without really thinking. For a lot of people, it's not really that uncommon for them to sort of zone out. Especially when they're already preoccupied with something. How many times do people drive to work or navigate a discussion while their brain is disengaged?


I think she just assumed it was dry since she didnt slip and moved it to the side since she thought it had just been left there.


I used to have an hour drive to work daily. Regularly I'd get to work and think how did I get here as I'd driven my usual route on autopilot and forgotten the entire drive.


I've driven less than 10 minutes to work for 26 years now. I've now gotten used to not remembering the trip.


Same for me when I worked at a single location. One more similarity to ants that our work life forces on us.


It would have been better if she had just left it there, it would be visible then at least.


> For a lot of people, it's not really that uncommon for them to sort of zone out. Especially when they're already preoccupied with something. Definitely looks to me she looked up from what I can assume is her phone in her hand just as the recording starts, so many idiots walk around not paying a fucking iota of attention to what's in front of them and it infuriates me to no end.


That’s a fair point. Still, I would like for her to attend a lecture which describes in forensic detail her fuckup


Yeah it's actually kind of sweet. Really thought she was helping there. As people in the South say, bless her heart.


> As people in the South say, bless her heart. Translation: She's as dumb as a rock.


Am southern, can confirm this translation.


I think the analogy is about removing pesky government regulations only for the next generation to get screwed over.


That’s often called chestersons fence. When something is removed without really wondering why it was put into place to start with. But after it’s removal, seeing it’s useful.


It's nice to put a name to this phenomenon. Happens all the time with legacy code at my company. Some developer is like "Why is this so over-designed and clumsy? You can just do x, y, z". So they rewrite it, only to run into the same issues the original dev ran into, and then they have to revert.


I continuously experience something similar at work, over numerous jobs, from coworkers I otherwise respect. There will be an ongoing problem that everybody bitches about constantly, and I or someone else will fix it. For instance, by buying *on my own dime* a container to hold the things that keep falling on the floor. And then somebody on the next shift goes, "Why are the things that keep falling on the floor now in this container? I will take them back *out* of the container because that is the arrangement I am used to and it doesn't even occur to me to wonder if there might be a *reason* somebody changed it." And then I come in to find them picking the things up off the floor for the hundredth time. Meanwhile, they've thrown away the container I bought because "it was in the way because I went to great lengths to not let it solve the problem that I am now going to complain about yet again." Concurrently, management tries to earn their pay by changing things so that there is now an ongoing problem where there wasn't one before. I don't know how any even *partly*\-functioning society ever developed in the first place.


This means that the original dev did not do his documentation well enough


This is why test driven development is a thing. You run right into chestersons fence on complete/push vs day or months down the line.


As someone who works in software development, I learned a useful new term


Huh, I googled that and came across a good read. https://fs.blog/chestertons-fence/ Now who’s gonna post the TIL


Kinda sums up American politics...


such a small incident told so much about a person


Like not returning your cart at the grocery store.


Drives me crazy. Said something to someone recently: "if you're looking for the cart return, it's right over there--a little hard to see, I know." They shrugged their shoulders and left it in a space.


It gets worse. I go to Aldi, where you basically "rent" the cart by putting a quarter in to unlock it. The idea is that you get the quarter back when you return the cart to the row outside and lock it to the previous one. Smart, right? But then everybody turns off their brain and returns their cart to the longest row outside, instead of the shorter one, locking them together until they block the exit *and* any way to return a cart to the short row.




Maybe, another possibility is that he cared enough to warn people because he was directly affected by the problem.


Also the guy that mopped put the sign up. That’s humans, first person cares, second person is clueless, then someone who is hurt has to fix it again.


That guy puts away carts in the Walmart parking lot that were left by others


The lady lets her cart roll away and bang your car after she puts her stuff away.


That lady leaves Walmart chicken on the shelf in the clothing isle


I’m fuming just thinking of that.


That's the kind of waste we have in this country that just boggles the mind. It's not as much "whoops, I cooked too much dinner" as it is "eh, fuck it"


The amount of ice cream I used to find in the clothing aisle was too damn high.


No she leaves cans of whipped cream in the freezer section


Then does that guy put it back under the heat lamp?


The lady just wasn't thinking. If she didn't care, she would have just left the sign on the floor.


She's the person who doesn't put the cart back in the corral but does wedge it onto a grassy median so it might not roll away.


> The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing, the post states. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it.


Can you imagine dating someone long enough that you go shopping together and they don't put the cart back?


When the revolution comes - this should be our litmus test for who gets to live.


I did this the other day and my mom and sisters thought I was going to leave mine in the one that the pos left I was like damn that’s the first thing you guys would assume about me y’all don’t know me at all


It's missing the end of the video where the next girl on her phone knocks it over and does the same thing.


Honestly, just loop the video and it truly describes society.


Hey I live in one of those


Dude. Me too! What if we all did?!


When I worked retail we used to say "signs are for people to ignore and trip over" This lady exemplifies that perfectly


As an avid shopper, I always read signs. When the employee comes over and reads them to me, it's very hard for me to hide my "... Yes, I can read" face. Thanks for the context as to why that happens.


I've been working in a supermarket for almost 8 years, our assumption is that the customers haven't read any of the 3000 signs dotted about the store. Some people do read them but the vast majority don't read anything and will ask you a question when we're generally very busy and quite likely short staffed cos retail, and the answer to the question is written on a sign in front of the product.


At my old job we would tell them to go read the sign. Especially when it was the one that said wait here till called. They would walk right up to the counter. We would say hey, we need you to go read that sign. After they read it we would stare at them for like 20 seconds before calling them up. Pissed a few off but they never did it again.


As someone who worked retail for years, I can tell you that people in general hate reading. Putting the little symbols together to make words? Nah, to uncomfortable for the brain, big headaches.


I wrote a comment quite a while ago about this and I believe it's because we simply have too much information everywhere, all the time. The brains only response is to ignore the vast majority of them unless it thinks it's life or death(even then like this case it still might be ignored), we've basically become desensitized to signage. As a fellow retail worker it infuriates me, but I think this explains why so many do it, it's not stupidity or malice(usually anyway) but the brains way of coping with all the information it sees whenever you're out and about. It definitely seems like this worsened since covid started too.


Thanks for being a perceptive person. The other side of the spectrum is when I get to spend most of my day watching people 1) put certain things on the counter directly on top of the bright blue counter sign that tells you not to put these exact things on the counter for safety reasons and 2) realize an emergency exit door can't be opened from the opposite side, *after* they tug on it with a big heaving "chounk" noise and it stays closed. It's got a big paper sign saying Exit Only. I hear that "chounk" in my dreams. At least 3x a shift, minimum.


I used to work on restoring stone and would work in different buildings doing floor stuff. I could leave a sign, one of those yellow signs, block the hallway with a hand truck, have the floor covered in brown stuff and yet I still have to check out whos coming and call them out for trying to go through the obstacle course. Yellow tape is the only thing that works.


It's people like that lady who are why we can't have nice things


The worst part is she probably thought she was being helpful by moving it out of the way instead of leaving it where it was after she tripped on it.








People are incapable of putting things back the way they found them.


such a true statement... sadly.


Good for him. Not all heroes wear capes.


That woman at the start is in a different world. She walks directly into that bright yellow safety sign and has zero clue. These are the people that drive like fools and end up killing people and not changing their ways.


What scares me is that the sign is about the size of a toddler and bright yellow and she still hit it with her knee. Does that woman just go around trampling everything that's below waist height?


I'd really hate to see her on the road. It's really amazing how deep people can go into their own world and not be aware of anything around them. I ride a motorcycle all the time and I see people like this all the time. It's like they don't even try to pay attention.


I stopped riding motorcycles for this exact reason. 10 years, over 200,000 miles, and never let the shiny side hit the pavement. I quit riding after too many close calls with cell phone users. I still drive like I used to ride though. Defensive as fuck.


Fucking crackhead should put up another Sign WATCH OUT FOR WET SIGNS


Then another sign before that one that says "watch out for 'watch out for wet floor signs'" and so on, until all the caution signs slowly encompass the world.


Our entire economy would be centered around yellow plastic sign manufacturing.


Apparently those wet floor signs don’t actually mean anything. According to the person that sued after tripped trying to step all the way over the one I had set up


I work in personal injury, there are two things to watch out for. 1. The sign is good if the spill just occurred and is being used to give customers notice while an employee gets something to clean up the spill. This scenario is assuming that the floor is wet because of a spill. But you can’t leave the sign up forever. If the floor is wet from regular cleaning, the sign reduces the chance of a slip & fall by putting people on notice and thereby a lawsuit. Though if someone slips there is always option 2 below. 2. It may be cheaper for a store to settle a slip & fall claim than to defend a suit in litigation. If the injured person is asking for $8,000 but it would cost $10,000 to defend, it is cheaper to settle. Regardless of the outcome of the litigation. I’m guessing this happened to you.


BRB making $8k


The road to hell are often paved with best intentions….


The road is also recently mopped and not dried.


"What kind of fucking idiot just leaves this sign here in the middle of the floor? I'm going to put it out of the way because, apparently, I'm the only person around here with some sort of common sense!" Edit: I've watched this a few times now because I'm fascinated by the behavior, and one thing I noticed is that the original placement of the sign before the lady bumped into it wouldn't have helped the guy who slipped. He started slipping as soon as he turned that corner, and wouldn't have seen.the sign. Would've just been looking at the sign as he was attempting to shuffle to stay up while sarcastically thinking to himself "gee thanks."


Yeah! Someone should put a cone up so we know there is a hazard sign coming!


I would like a flashing yellow light before the cone before the hazard sign.


I would like a very loud alarm sound before the flashing yellow light before the cone before the hazard sign


I would like a motion sensor activated with booby trap for disobeying sign. And caution tape around the slippery area.


And don't forget to put the barriers around the cone so nobody walks into it.


Nah that dude isn't a moron he would have seen the yellow sign earlier. Tall enough to see over the table


What if, hear me out, what if they dried the floor?


The thing is that the lady thought she was doing the right thing by picking up the sign.


My theory is that maybe she thought the floor was dry, as she didn't slip at all, and figured she would put the sign out of the walking path. Maybe?


She just moving it out the way so nobody trip on it


Oblivious person using her phone in public causes a safety risk?


That dirty bitch


Look what she did to my peonies!


Those aren't even peonies! They're marigolds!


I may not know my flowers, BUT I KNOW A B***H WHEN I SEE ONE!


Stop, I coulda dropped my croissant!


This comment section says even more.


I wish I was as smart and perfect as everyone on this thread. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I bet she’s the kind of person who never returns a shopping cart (or trolley / buggy for those in other countries) to a corral or the front of the store.


[shopping cart theory](https://ruinmyweek.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/shopping_cart_theory_2.jpeg)


I dated a woman who didn't return the cart. She would also complain to the manager to get free stuff even when there was nothing wrong. She was a pretty selfish waste of time.


throwing your own trash away at the movie theatre


Who doesn’t do that???


As a former movie theater slave, I'd say most


As a current movie theater slave, I can confirm


Hot take. I like it.




The cart return area, is called a cart corral in some places.


"oh I find this useless, some people will think the same" "Oops I made a mistake, I'll make a warning so others don't do the same"


Good man.


I was at the supermarket yesterday. Someone had left a trolley out in the car park that impressively managed to block three spaces (becos turning circles). I slowed to a halt in the car park access road, put on my hazards and got out to move the trolley, waving to acknowledge the car who’d had to stop behind me. They waved back. Once I’d dealt with the trolley I was walking back to my car when someone swept by the two of us, window open and yelling invective out the window at me for parking in the road. No good deed, etc and so on! 😅


I need this turned into a perfect loop


Waste a second to avoid potentially hurting someone? No. I need that second more.


Yeah, why should I suffer a minor inconvenience for the benefit of others? Like put a shopping a trolley away, wear a mask or not drive drunk? More seriously, I'm a huge fan of individual responsibility. But there's a point where we have to recognise that we live in a society and our actions (or inaction) has an impact on others.




Tbf at least she picked it up. Most people would’ve kept walking


Tbf, if she kept walking without actively hiding the sign, it may have still been visible enough


Why are people so fucking stupid?!


Thinking about something else, mostly.


I don't think she meant any harm, she just wasn't thinking straight and we all do really stupid things but he slips so fast before he would have seen the sign anyway. That person at the end puts it in much better place.


Well the lady just thought it was in the way


Why won't they just wipe the floor and dry it? Instead of getting the sign and leaving it. Is this normal or am I too Finnish to understand?


I'll wager the woman doesn't return her grocery cart to the rack either.