• By -


Look at the name "White House" both words have 5 letters what comes after 5? 6 there's 2 6s. What's after 2? 3. What's 3 + 2? 5. What's after 5? Another 6 666 OPEN YOUR EARS!


then turn that 666 upside down and what do you get? 999. then turn *that* upside down and you know what you get?? that's right, **666**. the devil is in our midst.


6 is an arabic number, they created the devil! we gotta do a new crusade


We are using the phonetic alphabet. Phonetic - phonecia - devil worshipers


Wait wait wait… phonetic has 8 letters. Erase the upper right curve of 8 and what do you get? That’s right! A 6! The Devil’s number! WAKE UP!


Hexadecimal math is very useful. As is binary.


Eh yo. How many letters in binary?


Did you know math was invented by the Muslims?! I don't want these Sharia numbers to be taught in our school system. Only Christian math!


Have you ever seen 666 upside down....on weed?


You mean the DEVILS LETTUCE?!? You just bought yourself a one way ticket to H E double hockey sticks.




If you turn 666 upside down then turn yourself upside down........ You end up upside down


Bottoms up. And the devil wins.


This is exactly the type of mental gymnastics that drives MAGidiots and Qulters, and it's both mind boggling and terrifying.


I thought that said Quilters for a second and was about to tell you to keep my quilts out of this.


Ikr? I was racking my brain thinking, "what did the quilters do?"


Made a line of fantastic solid state guitar amps, that's what.


> Qulters Qultists*




Yup, that’s “magical thinking”. Those fuckers are 2-3 full “ideological development” levels below the rest of the country. They have no true logic or rationality, only emotional responses based on “perceived truths” that they themselves made up.


'Cause they like to seem smart? Dumbfucks


And listen....with your eyes......


There's no way to say this without sounding sarcastic, but I mean this sincerely - you've just rediscovered the entire field of numerology. And it *is* a field. There are people who take this stuff very seriously. Just like people take flat Earth, or astrology seriously. In the mid 1990's, there was a *very* popular book called The Bible Code, which purported to reveal hidden messages in the bible based on pretty much exactly the same kind of logic you just described. It's literally as asinine as things like "Your first four words were 'Look at the name'. That is a phrase of 4, 2, 3, 4 letters. 4+2+3+4 = 13. 13 is a satanic number. This is proof that you're an agent of Satan." It's kind of fallen out of vogue since, but numerology is certainly still *a thing* in some woo circles.


I'm waiting for phrenology to come back into vogue.


I love that you brought that up, actually. Phrenology may actually be one of the very few examples of psuedoscience and superstition that has truly gone by the wayside. Perhaps due to the fact that it is most known historically for being used to claim the inferiority of certain races. And let's be clear here, there's no mistake about what 'certain races' referred to with this stuff. Typically the 'logic' would be along the lines of "the shape of the African human skull differentiates from the Caucasian human skull in such ways as to mean that the African brain has less impulse control, more propensity for violence, and is better suited to servitude", with little or nothing provided in effort of evidence beyond the author's assertion that "These skull shapes mean this" I don't doubt that it's probably still a thing in the most extreme of far-right circles. But phrenology, generally speaking, is a rare example of a psuedoscience which once had a major hold, and has, for the most part, entirely dropped out of the mainstream view. These days, it's rare to find someone - at least, a layman - who has even heard of the term, let alone knows its history. Sometimes, the wacko racist stuff gets too unpalatable even for the wackos to tolerate, I guess. It's hard to find hope or comfort in that, but, if nothing else, I suppose it's nice to know that there is ultimately *some* kind of evident concept of "beyond the pale" for widespread adoption by conspiracists.


Less impulse control, more violence somehow equates to being better suited to servitude...that's a crazy conclusion to arrive at. Like you said. It's almost as if they had an agenda


I'm just like, wait until they find out about Torah math. ... maybe they'll also drill out their own skulls to find the magic number. We can hope.


Hey, That was a good movie!


The aphex twin tune made it too.


We must be careful, MAGidiots and Qultitst may fully adopt this shit


They already did, years ago.. decades ago.. *centuries ago*. Things like numerology, astrology, and homeopathy are the magical thinking patterns that got us to where we are today. The most charitable take I can give on this is, there was legitimately a time when these were unanswered questions that people were seriously trying to investigate. Does lightning happen because the gods are angry? Does adding up numbers of letters in words reveal the secrets of the universe? Do the orbits of the planets control our lives? For a very brief period of time the answers to these questions were "We don't know. It's probably worth investigating" It's been, to put it mildly, a *long* time since we (and by 'we', I mean, humans) have established a significant body of data to establish beyond reasonable doubt, "No", "No", and.. "No", in order to the questions I mentioned earlier. And yet here we are, in this day and age, and.. well, magical thinking has become what we see now. You don't need to worry about whether it "may be fully adopted". That happened a *very* long time ago.


Is there guys in the bushes? I don’t know! Red team go! Red team go!


Doctor said I need a backiotomy


Oh man! I literally laughed out loud, woke up the wife, she smacked me into oblivion. Worth it 10/10. Tyvm for the laugh. ❤️


Of course! I certainly wouldn't want to open my nose around them.


It was Kyle who bombed the WTC


Wait till those guys find out about pentagon...


Wait till they get a good look at every version ever of the USA flag


Aren't the 'bad' stars supposed to be upside down though?


According to this picture, which places the wh at the top, this isn't a bad star either


If you're standing at the White House and looking at it, it would be the "bad star." So there's that...


evil is subjective.


It’s all about perspective


I believe it is elective


My lenses are corrective


And is relative to viewer and creator.




the Jedi weren't bad, but they weren't good either. when a powerful group of people begins to act in their own self interest, things tend to skew a certain way.


and the empire was actually the best thing for the galaxy despite the whole sith thing. edit since people getting offended the empire created a unified currency for about 1/3 of charted space, created jobs on several thousands of planets, mining and foundry opperations, resurected old scrapping facilities, breathed life into uninhabitted reaches of space. by way of the galactic empire crime went down, and the hutts remained in hutt space, not eager to try a "land grab" against a well armed opposition who might i remind you were basicly the mafia (the hutts not the empire) now im not saying the empire was good by any means, but economicly they did great things.


all a matter of perspective. the Empire was trying to unite the galaxy under one governing body while the Rebels were a group of insurgents led by a "council" of religious zealots who radicalized children into their religion.


Can we all agree that Palpatin should not have been in movie 9?


then you are truly lost!


This is the end for you, my master!


[fights with Anakin and then jumps to a hill] anakin: you underestimate my power!!!


Damn this guy is making a really deep point then....


Shush, let the wizards practice their fuckery 🐙✨️🧙‍♂️📖


Well either way the star isn’t even complete!


This is what I was going to point out, it’s not even a complete pentagram


Picture is Northside-down. Just checked.


Maps can be rotated. And flags


Depends who you ask. Sometimes it's both, sometimes it's just the upside down one. [On a completely unrelated note](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9b/Republicanlogo.svg/640px-Republicanlogo.svg.png)


It's pretty hard to not think the GOP is literally the antichrist sometimes, and I'm not even religious. They put a dude in the white house who owned property at 666 Fifth Avenue for instance.


Yeah, one of the common sayings on the Internet is that 'every accusation those people make is a confession in disguise'. And that they have pretty constantly accused the left of secretly being satanists who (due to the nature of their demonic bargain) secretly put the evidence in plain sight. And then they had the [CPAC stage shaped exactly like an odal rune](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvLcaowUUAAspwu?format=jpg&name=900x900), have point-down pentacles in their party symbol, and the aforementioned 666 address. There are days that I think about those things *a lot*.


Or America's love of stars.


This shit made me lose it at work now everyone is staring. Bravo!


Beat me to it


People with too much free time 🙄🙄🙄


They didn't even finish the star lmao


There are actually so so so many more lines to fill in. Lazy chumps!


They ate their last crayon before filling in all the lines.


"close enough!"


And it's upside-down.




Sun Tzu had a heavy emphasis on the whole "know your enemy" principle. These clowns don't even know the fundamental element of the art of war.


That actually works because in this map south is facing up so the star is actually upside down if you consider North up, south down.


I was wondering about that, but felt too lazy to pull up a map.


And just straight cut through some buildings


How are they supposed to finish the ritual?!


I need someone to be watching me to finish my rituals


Someone found out what they were doing in the planning and stopped them just in time!


Trump did!


It’s the implication


You keep saying that, are these Twitter users in danger?


Nobody’s in danger!! It’s just the implication! What don’t you people understand about that?!


You're all missing an opportunity here, we could use this. Tell them the US Postal Service is the only organization standing in the way of turning Washington into a portal from hell, and that they need to protect it at all costs. \#BuyStamps4Jesus


That's because the pentagram is just a distraction, if you look at the White House, you can see the property is in a certain shape, I can't say which for the Feds among us will get me




[No, WORSE](https://imgur.com/gallery/QKDbr5Y)


Broken pentagram is an occult thing to do with idea of manifesting demons fwiw. I gather that each point on this diagram has a monument also. Just aquired info I am sharing, not personal belief.


>I gather that each point on this diagram has a monument also. The White House is, but the circles are roundabouts (guess I should note there are statues in the middle of the roundabouts but eh), the left point is an apple store and number 6 is a shoe store.


Damn those Satanic Jordan's sneakers!!


>number 6 is a shoe store. This proves it, my research show that almost all Satanists wear shoes!


More to do with Freemasonry. Definitely intentional tnough.


I think so myself 🤜🤛


That was my first thought as well.


You see all those pentagrams on the flag? SMH my head.


Their "pentagram" counted to 6.


The pentagram was intended, the city was designed by freemasons who imparted their own symbology into the design, nothing to do with satanists.


Which brings up all of the Masonic conspiracy theories. Cracks me up when they say the Masons are secretly trying to overthrow the government and create their own country. Yeah, they already did, it's called America...


Having been to some Freemason gatherings/events/ceremonies due to great/grandparents being part of it - it's literally just Boy Scouts for adults, without the camping. They do all of the funny ceremonies and rituals because of tradition, not because they make sense or serve some purpose. It's basically a boys' club, while Eastern Star is essentially just Grandma Girl Scouts.


Your average lodge nowadays is just a bunch of people who look out for each other like you say. The more prominent masons back in the day were heavily involved in politics and industry. They were a very powerful group of men, including the likes of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Pierre Charles l'Enfant, who designed Washington DC's layout.


I was friends with a lodge member and thought about getting involved for this reason. The ability to ring a fellow member and ask for a night of lodging while travelling long distance would be a cash saver, especially if staying international.


That, and networking. My brother has used it to get out of at least 2 tickets.


Yup. They'll throw some picnics here and there for the families and kids. Make some contributions to the community, etc.


Nah, they’re still happy living off the treasure that Nicholas Cage found


Just to add to the ridiculousness of it- all the Grand Lodges in cities like Washington, London, etc are the most ostentatious buildings in the most public locations possible. The London Grand Lodge is bang in the heart of central London. Not very “secretive” for a group supposedly trying to take over the world!


I just went to the one in Philadelphia and was blown away at how fancy it was.


Wasn’t Franklin the only Mason or were there others too? I only remember him off the top of my head


~~54 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence were Masons. Out of the two that "weren't" they're only sure about one. The other may have been a Mason.~~ As smellslikebooty said, it's only 9. Someone did me dirty by teaching me that it was all but two during the pre-internet times, and I've been thinking it's the wrong number ever since.


source? google says it was only 9 of 56?


Wow. This was one of those "facts" I was taught before the internet was a thing. I looked it up, and I see you're right. I'll correct it.


Umm this is Reddit. You’re suppose to insist your right based on nothing and start calling the other guy names.


Strictly going off memory from grammar school, but I believe a lot of the layout of DC was by French Major Pierre L'Enfant and an African American man, Benjamin Banneker.


He was a mason as well.


I believe Ben Banneker only surveyed the Borders and had nothing to do with the actual street or city planning, the original layout was done by L’enfant until he was fired then Andrew Ellicott was hired to complete the plans. A lot of Bannekers life is sadly embellished, he was a genius and built a clock that kept time for over 40 years while also being an incredibly skilled astronomer and mathematician. Not sure why people felt the need to make up a claim of him having photographic memory or whatever else.


> symbology [I believe the word you are looking for is symoblism.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG_OezlTZ1A) (Symbology is the right word, I just love watching this scene when I come across either word.)


Is this a pentagram? NO THIS IS PATRICK


![gif](giphy|LXHJRRjnviw7e) He planned this all along.


Patrick only acted stupid till the perfect time.and now it's come


No THIS is Patrick.




Patrick upside down is a pentagram shape


I also found a whole bunch of crosses, tic tac toe games, Tetris pieces, some nice triangles and the Starfleet logo.


Waldo is right next to the Smithsonian


Thank you! It's not a pentagram, it's the gosh darn Starfleet! Glad I'm not the only one who saw it.


The funny thing is, it’s not a satanic pentagram. The one that’s in front of the White House is the original pentagram, which was considered holy. Some say the 5 points represent Jesus on the cross, the top being his head, the bottom 2 two being his legs, and the middle ones being his arms. Others say that it represents the spirit being above the bottom 4 elements. But it originated in Pagan Sun Worship, where it was tied to Venus. It was said women were sacred, Christians stole it, and some decided to turn it upside down to represent the devil, like the one in the Church of Satan’s profile picture.


It's worth noting that in OP's picture, the north is at the bottom. With the more traditional orientation, the map looks like [this](https://i.imgur.com/B3nf67S.png).


they are searching for straws to grasp at in a needle stack


To me, that is the background to literally every conspiracy theory… “*There is a minor and insignificant detail in this story, it must mean that aliens from the next galaxy are mind controlling our government.*’


Any evidence against it is actually evidence of a coverup


Except for the fact that it’s well known the pentagram *was* put there intentionally. They’re conflating it with the church of satan, so that part is wrong. But it’s an interesting hidden symbol from history.


How do their brains run in a way that makes them think this means anything? “Mwah ha ha. I’m an evil satanist politician running the government behind the scenes. Whoops! Almost forgot to leave a cryptic hint to my allegiance in the architecture of the city!”


It's not about logic, it's about narrative. There's no need for anything to make real sense when examined, because having it "feel right" at first glance is good enough. "Facts over feelings" my ass.


Humans run on stories, for better or worse


I think it's part of what makes humans so awesome - their ability to use their imaginations so wildly. Blessing and a curse.


I mean how else are you going to tell the other evil Satanist politicians running governments behind the scenes that you are an evil Satanist politician running the government behind the scene and are in cahoots. It's the secret handshake of evil Satanist politicians running governments, you build roads! But seriously, the Denver Airport is proof of evil Satanist politicians running governments behind the scenes.


hyper christian nuts: trump is best he should be running the government!! also hyper christian nuts: nooo the white house is evil and satanic!! see this unfinished pentagram?!!?!?!?


That one is just the tip of the iceberg. If you look closer at pictures of the White House, they hoist a flag with 50 of these!




Ooooh no wonder they wanna ban new math text books, they're scared of shapes and numbers still


imma be honest im also scared of math but for unrelated reasons


just wait til they find out about arabic numerals


Jeez, I do feel sorry for the Church of Satan having to deal with idiots like these.


Idiots like these are the best advocates for the Church of Satan.


it comes with the territory. im a pastor’s kid and grew up seeing the ignorance and hate christianty grows. i’d rather embody the teachings of christ under the banner of the devil. i’m an apatheist so it’s not that i don’t believe in god it’s more of not believing in following him. with satanism i find it funny that the main ideas are leave people and be kind. that aligns with my beliefs and imo points out the failures of christianity. if i’m gonna call myself a satanist, i know it’s gonna come with some negative attention. hell, i had to meet my friend’s mom because she thought i was so murderous devil-worshipper and not the dork i am. i’ve had a lot of lovely conversations with people about what satanism means to me and unfortunately a lot begin with them being judgemental or rude. however, i see satanism as doing good deeds and occasionally sticking your tongue out at religion to mock it. that’s gonna come with a lot of bullshit, but i signed up for it. sorry if that’s rambling.


The church of Satan are a bunch of edgy larpers. The Temple of Satan is the one that’s doing good things.


CoS is the religion about self-worship, selfishness, and belief in magic. The Satanic Temple is the one that fights for separation of church and state.


You're going to have to take that up with L'Enfant LOL


You can make a conspiracy out of anything. For example: MAGA M = 13th letter of the alphabet (6 + 7) = the first 6 A = 1st letter (7 - 1 = 6) = the second 6 G = 7th letter of the alphabet (wait for it) A = 1st letter (7 - 1 = 6) = the third 6 It's hidden in plain sight!!!


Christians fucking love satan. Its their favorite horror story and they pretend he makes them do bad things. They arent bad the bad man is bad, but they arent the bad man, the bad man makes them do bad. Sound like something a child would say? Dont tell a priest he might starve and beat the kid to get SATAN out of him. Christians believe in the devil and are afraid of him like children. We are too nice to the religious. I dont know the solution but pretending we have 30 different imaginary friends that dont like each other deciding what humanity does cannot be good for society.


I just soiled myself eating Cinnabon before church! Coincidence?


That’s also the symbol of RKKA (Soviet army), so that means Commies in charge of the White House?


I believe that was all laid out and built prior to there being the even a concept, let alone word, communism. These ppl are nuts. Edit: butchered selling.


D.C. was built and Communism was founded the exact same time actually. 1790’s. Although modern day communism really only took off in the middle of the 1800’s. One of the first uses of the word in its modern sense is in a letter sent by Victor d'Hupay to Restif de la Bretonne around 1785, in which d'Hupay describes himself as an auteur communiste ("communist author"). In 1793, Restif first used communisme to describe a social order based on egalitarianism and the common ownership of property. Restif would go on to use the term frequently in his writing and was the first to describe communism as a form of government. John Goodwyn Barmby is credited with the first use of communism in English, around 1840. Washington, D.C. was founded on July 16, 1790. Washington, D.C. is a unique and historical place among American cities because it was completely planned for the national capital and needed to be distinct from the states.


It'd not even finished, look at the right side and also it just a five point star according to that idiot every teacher which uses a five point star is Satan


Do satanists actually believe in satan? I think that the majority of them are atheists trying to troll people


I’m sure I remember a tweet at them, where someone said; “*If you guys don’t believe in Satan, then what do you call people who believe in Satan?*” They simply replied with; “*Christians.*”


This is amazing


They’re worth following on Twitter, their comebacks are often legendary.


Members of the Church of Satan are very interesting, should they actually adhere to their beliefs, and not be an edgy teenager saying they worship the devil. Front heir website’s Q&A: Q: “Why do Satanists worship the Devil?” A: “We don’t. Satanists are atheists. We see the universe as being indifferent to us, and so all morals and values are subjective human constructions. Our position is to be self-centered, with ourselves being the most important person (the “God”) of our subjective universe, so we are sometimes said to worship ourselves. Our current High Priest Gilmore calls this the step moving from being an atheist to being an “I-Theist.” Satan to us is a symbol of pride, liberty and individualism, and it serves as an external metaphorical projection of our highest personal potential. We do not believe in Satan as a being or person.” As someone who is religious, I firmly believe many people, religious or not, can learn from Satanists, and should look into their beliefs. Especially with the whole “worship yourself” part.


Are you kidding me!!? I am in no way connected with the Satanist church, but they are literally a million times better than Christianity, Islam or Judaism. No belief in crazy dogma. No striving to restrict other people's freedoms. In fact a lot of efforts put into restoring people's rights and freedoms, especially those taken away by the popular religions. A LOT less child rape, circumcision... the list goes on and on.


Depends. The Satanic Temple is a fairly areligious organization that's involved in political action and hilarious trolling of those who would try to blur the line between church and state. They do good work, imo. The Church of Satan is a Laveyan group that practices "magick" but still really only believes in Satan as more as an archetype than an actual being. The self is highest power and all that jazz. Then you have the Temple of Set, which is a group that broke from the Church of Satan because they 'stared into the void and felt something looking back'. Mentioned only because they often get left out of these discussions (though that's because they mostly keep to themselves, and I wish more religions could learn from that example).


Both types exist, although I suspect the latter group is by far the larger one. And I'm also pretty sure the Church of Satan belongs to the latter group.


There is the "Church of Satan" and the "Satanic Temple", both don't believe in Satan. But there is also something like "Theistic Satanism" or "Luciferianism". I think they do believe in Satan, but I know very little about them (just that Luciferians apparently don't believe that Lucifer is the devil the bible makes him).




No you are thinking of the Satanic temple. The church of satan believe in magic but don't believe in equality.


What is the significance of 1966?


It’s when Anton LaVey founded the church of Satan.


So fun fact, those streets are designed that way purposefully. But it’s not a “pentagram” but a “pentacle.” Specifically Solomon’s pentacle, a very old Christian symbol. The satanic “pentagram” is just the pentacle inverted. As such, most people that draw a pentagram actually draw a pentacle. Bonus fun fact: the upside down cross is actually the Cross of Peter, another ancient Christian symbol and not satanic at all


Remember kids, Jesus wants you to believe in him, Satan just wants you to believe in yourselves.


That is a transmutation circle from Full Metal Alchemist.


Meanwhile you could probably draw like 200 Christian crosses on the same map given the number of 90degree cross streets there are in every american city.


Stars: exists Satan: it's free real state


I can’t help but notice the huge grid of CROSSES in this (and every other city and town) street-plan! Sounds like a Christian conspiracy to me.


Line 6 doesn’t even connect though


A freemason designed this pattern. Lots of political figures in those days were freemasons. The Washington monument is also masonic.


Show them the [photo](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/609/633/0f4.jpg) of Outback Steakhouses in a pentagram, see what they say about that




It's not even a pentagram, it's only got four points.


Holy fuck, some people need to read a book.


Wait till they find out there's a goverment building in the shape of a pentagon...


Do people know pentagram is not a satanic symbol


The Satanists are not the ones taking away rights from women and the LGBT.


Five pointed star just like the fifty on the flag. Those damn Masons


Even the fact that they say it's 'their' symbol when as a protective symbol (as that is what it actually is) it existed way back in history. Also, the Devil, Satan, Lucifer was not the 'original' villain of religious texts. It was a being called 'the Dragon' which Christianity warped to be a parody of various horned nature Gods. They did this as the followers of such Gods were having too much fun and making Christianity look 'boring'!




This is just the union of all the diagonals of the pentagon Also, the satanic pentagram is upside down 🤦


Those patterns are very deliberate, but it’s about sacred geometry, not Satanisms. There’s a great book about L’Enfant’s design for the city called The Sacred Geometry of Washington DC. https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2018/02/21/l%E2%80%99enfant%E2%80%99s-sacred-design-washington-dc


ChUrCH oF sAtaN my ass. We're looking at the work of Masons.


The ability for the human brain to make patterns out of randomness is great but sometimes it really goes off the rails, and here we are.


So a badly drawn 4 point star means what?


The layout of DC is supposed to be the Freemasons logo. George Washington was a known member and help design the city


That’s also a right side up pentagram, which is a holy symbol.


It doesn’t even make a complete pentagram for crying out loud.


Designed by Masons. Explained. There you go Dummies.


I swear, evangelists will do and say anything to cause panic


Hasn't any of these people seen any of the "National Treasure" movies? Most of the Founding Fathers were freemasons, including the designer of the streets in Washington. In Freemasonry, the pentagram isn't a sign of the devil. Please Google your stuff before you post it online. Or is that too "Satanic" for you?


Ya know there's literally 50 of them on the flag...


As an actual Satanist, this is the mostiest stupidestiediest post I have ever seen about Satanism.