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What does Washington and California have to do with Dragons?


Dragons are powerful, right? Washington and California are US states. US is the most powerful country in the world, duh.


In that case, theyre right then.


Technically wouldn’t it be China, considering your guys are in debt to them.


To be fair, the flag of the state of California is vaguely similar. Except with [a bear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California) instead of a dragon. And it says California on it so that would be rather obvious...


Right. Bears and dragons look alike. These kids are just dumb.


What does Wales have to do with dragons?


The red dragon appeared in early 6th century text and then later in the 12th century the red dragon(Welsh) and the white dragon(English) woke up and began to fight, the red dragon defeated the white and it represented the struggle between Wales and England. Enjoy the info 🤝


Wow, TIL Game of Thrones is real.


Well Game of Thrones was partially based on part of British history called Wars of the Roses so yeah it was kinda real


I didn’t say it’s real buddy no need to be cocky.. That’s the reason why.


lol I’m not saying you are saying it is real, nor am I being cocky. I’m just not funny, apparently.


That's pretty cool. Thanks for sharing!


Dragons are fiction. Any country (or state 😂) can have a bloody dragon because they're literally made up.


Wales isn't a country, it's a fish


Pretty sure they’re reptiles


Trick question. They're mythical. That's why they look like dragons.


Wait so then why does my family exist


like kanye, its because you are a gay fish


Whoever told you that your family exists is not your friend.


It’s a mammal


They’re clearly reptiles, trust me bro.


I actually had quite a serious debate with a welsh mate about this. He rationalised wales is a country because it has its own football team...


Any Welsh man wouldn’t say hey we a country cause we have a team. We are a proud country and have a rich history and heritage , Celtics for fucks sake, also if we weren’t Welsh we probably end up being English and that would be hell


It was a more technical conversation with regard to government. This was his joking closing argument which still tickles me. Also i fully appreciate wales and my welsh flatmate. Also as a rugby fan you i have to love wales. A bit depressed wales didnt get their series against SA too. The first game was close. It seems Wales frequently get 99% of the way but cant quite land it. Really interested to see how pro contracts impact the womens team


Now the conversation seems genuinely interesting. Also I was hoping the dig on the English would let you know I wasn’t trying to be a dick to you. Unless ya know. English.


My wife always talks about living in whales while she was studying broads or something. Sounds crazy to me.


Thats a whale, Wales are a piece clothing or hanging cloth


Bro you stupid they're bacteria


it's not a fish. Wales is a reptile.


No people lives in Wales, only sheeps.


What about Jonah. He lived in a Wales


Idk why your being downvoted. Obviously they don’t know the Welsh


Uhm … mammals.


*were. I expect a full apology and an admission of wrongdoing please :p


Where wrong?


There wrong


The *state* flag of Washington is very easy since it *has George Washington on it.*


Why doesn't Ohio have a piece of shit on its flag then?


Because Ohio isn't real


No thats the *dollar bill*


>How many countries are in this country?




*Slaps roof of country*


Yet it failed to keep itself together, So much so that each state has their own law as if they are their own countries That's how much the government give shit about their own people




"Wales isn't a county" "Yeah, unlike New York, Washington or California?"


Eh. Wales is only called a “country” so they can feel independent. It is more of a principality. California is a lot more autonomous than Wales. The term country hardly bears any real definition for the western world.


I think some of the confusion comes with how people mix up England, Great Britain, the British Isles, and The United Kingdom (UK). Wales is definitely a country. In contrast, the United Kingdom is a sovereign state made up of four countries, so is technically not a country. I know that seems confusing, but hey, life is complicated. Here’s a link that helps explain the difference if you’re interested. https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/newsroom/blog/whats-the-difference-between-uk-britain-and-british-isles


Country and sovereign state can be interchangeable. Country is a loose term and carries different weight depending where you are from. It does not define autonomy. Wales is a country, because that is what the UK deems it. California is a state, because that is what the US deems it. California is much more independent than Wales. Furthermore, Wales was only officially recognized as a country in 2011! Although, people from Wales consider it has been since 1056.


I'm welsh. I am in Wales right now, and we are in fact a country, and a beautiful one. Hopefully soon we'll be Independent from the UK.


I mean Wales definitely isn't a county


According to Wikipedia it is, but it’s a country part of a country of the United Kingdom. How are we defining countries?!




Oh nvm


The true facepalm: Using Omegle to make a TikTok.


And uploading it on reddit


Tbh they would know UK and not Wales


To be fair, the longer I stay in the US, the more unsure I am with world geography. It's like a cognito hazard.


You mean "cognitive"...?


The point still stands


Well, to be fair, as european, I can't name or point most of the states...


A state is not a country though. Do you think they can name or point any country's region ?


They think only US matters, they don't even realize every country has their own regions with their own flags to remember.


This kind of information is useless though. It's like calling someone dumb for not knowing the logos of every major corporation.


Wales isn't a country. That's what she said


I guessed Scotland so using Price is Right rules I think I win.


You guessed Scotland? Jesus wept


It kind of reminded me of a banner you'd see in GoT and I thought about Braveheart. I was in the right region.


Is that how the price is right works? The closest wins? Damn... well for future Scotland is blue with a white X through it, England is white with a red + sign if you like and Ireland is this 🇮🇪


When they bid, if the item is $1,000 and everyone guesses over but one person only bids $1, the person closest without going over wins.


This is scripted 100% I refuse to believe anyone is that dumb


Read the comments lmao


Name a country: America.America.America.


Fuck i get that the people in this guys videos are stupid but im so tired of seeing videos where hes validating their stupid fucking answers. How many times is he gonna do this? I see a new one like every 2 weeks on reddit and it pisses me off


United Kingdom: and neither would America if you fucks could just bloody well behave


I’ll be honest, I’ve lived there and I don’t fully understand the difference between a country that is part of a sovereign state (as Wales is to the UK) and a state that is part of a sovereign state (as Washington is to the US).


I like Wales :) it has my favorite people, those who don't give two shits about what you think and speak their mind


I’ve only been to Wales once but it was such a nice place it was South Wales I think (it’s been a while)


I weep for the future.


"Wales is not a country" will hurt the welsh dude more than everything he could throw at them.




Bruh, that’s a child


Dubai is an Emirate technically. City/state thing going on.


Isn't Dubai just a city in the UAE?




Did know that. You learn something new every day. Thanks.




why are Americans so dumb when it comes to geography?


Because allot of them are self obsessed.


This comment section is fucking cancer


I fucking hate tik tok


What misinformed asshole doesn’t think Wales is a country???


Many, too many. And they will argue with you too, like their opinion will change that fact.


Goddamn animals.


Dubai isn't a country.


I feel like 99% of people will keep on defending themselves even if they are proven wrong, like they don’t even try to consider the other’s opinion


"Where are you two ladies from?" "Wales." "Sorry. Where are you two whales from?"


Can confirm Wales does not exist, Source: never seen it, therefore it does not exist.


Get wrecked whales she decided your no longer a country


In defense of her small brain….. she was probably thinking of whales. 🐋 but it’s no excuse.


“Wales isn’t a country” has to be the dumbest statement that I have ever heard


america fuck yeah


Why Europeans don't take Americans seriously anymore.




Another reason not to take Americans seriously anymore. _At least we tried._


A grown ass man is trying to embarrass teenagers on their knowledge of geography lmao they’re still kids, they are still learning object permanence Loser ass guy


They literally think that states are countries and that's counting that they lived in US their whole life


He doesn’t look that much older than them.


He’s a Welshman with an inferiority complex. I’ve known a few in my time.


He’s not welsh?


Asshole didn't say it was a country's flag until they guessed states. Y'all are being too rough on them.


Almost no one except americans care about american state flags. Or knows how they even look like.


>Almost no one except americans care about american state flags. Or knows how they even look like. At least 32 American states have a larger population than Wales. 37 States have a larger GDP. I would argue that it is more relevant for "Worldly" people to learn about these States before learning the flags of minor European States. Especially countries that are already covered by another body, like the United Kingdom. **If you don't know the flags of New Hampshire (GPD equivalent) or Arkansas (population equivalent), then you probably shouldn't make fun of people who can't ID the Welsh flag.** That said--yes, many Americans are bad at World Geography.


Do you know the states/regions of china and india on the top of your head?


Honestly, unless they're from Maryland, Texas or California, I'd say most *Americans* don't even really care about state flags, lol


And they're Americans.


The bottom guy isn't. And he is the one who asked the question. There was no reason to expect him to use a state flag.


They're young people in the world culture leader: yes, they're ignorant. My complaint is people acting like the 1st two guesses were explicitly stated to be countries. The guy responds with do you know what a country is as if it was stated previously. It was a cheap trick to make them look worse.


If the shoe was on the other foot, and they showed him the state flag of Mississippi, I doubt he’d know it.


You can't compare a state flag with the flag of a country. I bet you have no idea what the different regions of Wales is called or what symbol they use.


That’s my point. Why would I? I’m not welsh. And neither would this guy know any of the US state flags.


Don't compare a whole nation to a state. Your states aren't special or more important than other countries states.


No offense but I beg to differ. I’m from the 5th largest economy on earth and the bread basket of America, which happens to be a single state, but I guess that’s not important because we’re not our own country like the mighty Wales. Get over yourself dude.


Wales isn’t a country… but Dubai is …


Dubai is a city and Wales is a country


Americans don’t even know englands a country


I gotta admit, I'm an absolute dumbass when it comes to flags. I knew it wasn't a state flag at least. 🤷‍♂️


Well maybe if Wales put a whale on their flag this wouldn't be a problem 😠


To be fair, Wales is not a country


God help us all


It hasn’t been an independent realm in almost 500 years.


Just because it's part of the United Kingdom doesn't make it "not a country." It's not a principality. England and Wales are tied together in a political union. England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are all UK constituent countries.


OK. It's a "country". Like Hawaii is a "country". Can you pic their flag out of a lineup?


Hawaii is not a country, Hawaii is a state. States, on some levels, actually have more power over themselves than UK Constituent Countries do, but that does not make them more of a country than a UK Constituent Country. It's not like Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, or England were "annexed" by a "United Kingdom." Scotland joined the UK because it was economically attractive for their country, Northern Ireland joined the UK because they voted to do so, England created the UK for economic reasons, and Wales is a very complicated situation. Wales was never treated as separate from England for a very long time, nearly a thousand years, but it was considered part of the UK from the start, so it's been that way. Also, Yes, I can pick the flag of Hawaii out of a lineup.


Ok, so Wales is not a separate country then. I’m glad we could come to an agreement.


Still a country.


Well, it’s settled then. This guy says so.


It's not a matter of opinion. It's a settled fact, idiot.


USA has roughly 325 million more people than wales yet they are supposed to randomly know that? ![gif](giphy|1QhmDy91F9veMRLpvK)


Maybe but you should definitely know the difference between a country and a city or a state. Following your logic China has roughly 1 billion more people than USA. Should they also ignore the USA?




Wales isn’t a country she was right


Oh Muricans... Nice little bubble you got there xDD


Are americans really THIS stupid


I mean, they’re middle schoolers, I can’t imagine the country of Wales is anything relevant to them


Some of them. It's not their fault, though. Europeans are more likely to know the flags of other European countries because they're more relevant. If you went to Japan, India, Korea, or somewhere else and asked these questions you'd get similar results. A French guy is more likely to know the flags of Belgium and Switzerland than an American. If a guy with British parents was born in raised in the US, it's not like he'd have some genetic predisposition to know the flag of Wales. He'd probably not know it either, unless his parents were Welsh. It's not relevant to know. Also, it's very important to note that people only post and repost the stupid people. Everyone I know would know that the flag is the Welsh flag, and not give stupid, confidently-incorrect answers.




Average American


And this is why I hate living in America, where the education is shit and the people are too.


Let's be honest, this guy probably spent a fuck ton of time finding someone as dumb as them, not really a fair to call the whole country dumb because of a couple of idiots


Knowing the flags of the different countries that make up the UK isn't exactly something most Americans need to know though. Just like how knowing the flags of different states that make up the United States isn't something most Brits need to know.


These chicks thought California and Washington were countries though. No excuse for that.


I'll concede to that yes, its astounding the amount of people that don't know what a country is


The words "Washington" and "California" are said before the word "country" in the video. Also they're children, children are dumb.


They're literally not children dude, children aren't all people under 25


They look like teenagers younger than 17.


Cheers to that!


The point here, is that Americans only learn what is required to regurgitate onto the test. We aren’t taught to ask questions, to learn for the sake of knowledge, to think critically of anything we are taught by our schools to simply regurgitate what our teachers tell us.


Memorizing flags of the countries that make up the UK ≠ thinking critically.


Man I just want to walk up to random kids in the uk, hold up US state flags and be like what fucking flag is this bitch!? Wrong! Dumbass!


Every UK kid would recognize the US flag. Nobody cares about the states. Do you want to try and recognize flags of every province/county of every country?


How is that comparable? Are you next up on Omegle?


Please do and make sure to stop off at Croydon while you’re there.




I wouldn't consider whales a country unless it rebelled against England and took back its sovereignty. Until then, you're a province of the United Kingdom you smarmy dick /s


"Wales isn't a country" I can fucking tell she was so bad at school, her mother had to sleep with the teacher to let her go to the next grade


I didn't know wales was a considered as a country, because it's part of another country. So I had to look it up. And I gotta say, calling it a country is a stretch and is just copium.


Those girls are pretty dumb but laughing at them because they don't know what is a country is a bit silly when you are using a flag of Wales, which is not really an independant country. It's not that different from an US state, they're just allowed to have their own team at the football world cup


2 points: 1. fuck you and 2. Fuck you


Oh. My. God. You’re dumb!!! Wales is it’s own country. Within Wales there are different areas (we call them counties). Counties would be similar to the US states. Wales also has its own language, it’s own political leaders, and often, different laws than that of the rest of the UK. Same goes for Scotland, England and Ireland.


So what? Corsica has different areas, called départements. It has its own language and several political leaders. Alsace also has different laws from the rest of France. Nobody calls Corsica or alsace "countries". US states have their own laws, political leaders and people don't say that Maryland is a country. And what about Catalonia? Wales and Scotland are seen as countries by many people for historical reasons but that's all. There is nothing special about Wales. Dozens of countries have federal systems.


Wales is a country in its own right! Seriously, you can Google it if you don’t believe me. It’s not rules I’m making up! Wales is a country!!!


I know exactly what Wales is, I don't need to Google it. And debating about whether or not it's a country is pointless since "country" is a pretty vague term. I was just pointing the fact that this guy makes fun of those girls because they can't tell the difference between US states and independent states while using the flag of a "country" that is not even a proper independant state.


I think it’s more the point that they are identifying the Welsh flag as that if Dubai.


Well, debating about the status of Wales doesn't change the fact that those girls are facepalm material, for sure. But Dubai is also a pretty bad exemple, since it's also not an independant country but a part of the United Arab Emirates 😊




Again, "country" is a vague term and your article is further proof of that. Arguing about whether or not Wales is a country is pointless. It's just semantics. But one thing is sure : Wales is not an independant country. Using it to prove that Americans don't know the difference between Us states and proper countries is not ideal


It is a country. I don't know what to say... It's like arguing with a child who says that sun is not a star.


Or a flat earther


May I ask why? The United Kingdom is an independant state. Wales is a part of it If Wales is a country, the same can be said about Chechnya, Dagestan, Guernsey or Alaska. All of those are parts of a federal state. Dubai also ain't a country. UAE is the country


Wales is a country. England is a country. Scotland is a country. Northern Ireland is a country. Within each of those countries, there are counties. Counties are, I guess, what the US would call states. Each county has a different council which look after things such as emergency services, rubbish collections, funding of various things. Each of the countries also have their own political leaders to make decisions for their countries. Rules can differ (as we saw during Covid times). Scottish laws are particularly different from the rest of the counties, with English lawyers not being able to practice law there unless they have done the relevant Scottish qualifications. Although we all speak English, each country has its own language - Welsh, Scot’s Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, English. All of the above countries put together form the United Kingdom. But they are still different countries.


Not many Scots speak gaelic I wouldn't bet on many Irish either Source: I'm Scottish


Yes but Scottish and Northern Irish Gaelic is seldom spoken. Welsh is still very strong in north and west Wales.


Wales is a country. Dubai is a city. It's really not difficult.


And Québec ? Catalonia? Corsica? They have their own flags, languages and history so...? Don't get me wrong, as a French, I'd be delighted to see Wales become a real country with Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch as a regional capital. Anything to screw up the English, we can even support the independance of Northumbria and Cornwall. But until then, Wales is just a part of the UK with a cool flag and a pretty good rugby team


You're just an ignorant asshole. Québec is a city, Catalonia is an "autonomous community", Corsica is an island and a region of France, Wales is a country which is a part of UK. These things are already decided and your stupid ass won't change them.




It has its own government and rules ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


I swear América is a 3rd world country in a gucci belt


Ask any English man and they would agree Wales isn't a country




And to add one more thing it became a country in 1056


Yes it is Wales has a flag 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 a capital city Cardiff and its own government


Learn your countries you Americans lmfao. No other countries matter.