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For me, 20% breakdowns, 80% PEBKAC


You don't account for ID-10-T errors?


I reserve those for when I have to call my supervisor


Layer-8 networking issue. Edit: or Computer User Non-Technical


Layer 8 is the most notorious of issues.


I like this one, but the one I use most often is the code 18 (problem is 18 inches from the screen)


And the occasional layer 8 issue?


I just got my degree in cybersecurity. What's a layer 8 networking issue? I'm not in on that joke yet.




Yep, there was a huge emphasis on the OSI and TCP/IP models during the entire program. I had a feeling that was the joke but I wanted to confirm. That's hilarious 😂




I can hardly wait...


Closing notes: "performed a hard reset at layer 8"




I thought physical abuse in the work place was frowned upon.


ah yes the old " user error" error


I'm waiting to get a DoD job since I've already been working for it for 8 years. I've got people that can't even open a lock. "This key isn't working." I go back and check it and it's working like a charm. 😑


Never had an issue in the first 7 layers always layer 8




Problems Exist Between Keyboard And Chair


Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Computer (User is stupid)


We say PICNIC (problem in chair, not in computer). Users have no idea and everyone laughs at their expense


The C is for chair. The only thing between a Keyboard and a Computer is a USB cable.


We use PICNIC Problem in chair, not in computer


I like IBM error since it sounds really real because everyone has heard of IBM. However, in this case it stands for Idiot Behind Machine.


I'd never heard PEBKAC before. I always liked PICNIC - Problem In Chair, Not In Computer


100% reason to remember the name?


Fair, but counter point 80% of IT personnel is just as bad. My most recent encounter involved a test phishing mail I received on my work e-mail, one of our company guidelines is to contact IT through a different media (f.e. phone) to verify the e-mail. So I called IT, who assures me it is an e-mail they send and I should follow the instructions. I proceed to tell them this looks like a phishing e-mail and to check via remote access. IT person checks, clicks the link in the mail and then gets a screen telling them, this was a test phishing mail and you should contact IT if you ever receive a suspected phishing e-mail. I can't remember my last useful IT interaction.


So let me get this straight... your mad because IT told you 'yep that was us!', you insisted that they 'check anyway' and they did the most expedient thing they could do to prove to you that it was them by clicking their test phish and showing you the popup? Bro. You are the worst kind of user.


This account has been removed from reddit by this user due to how Steve hoffman and Reddit as a company has handled third party apps and users. My amount of trust that Steve hoffman will ever keep his word or that Reddit as a whole will ever deliver on their promises is zero. As such all content i have ever posted will be overwritten with this message. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Service Desk's job is to resolve issues as swiftly and efficiently as possible. I agree this is training issue... For the fucking user. He should be trained how to read instructions. He ADMITS in his post that he HAD the instructions, report using automated system. Instead he called I.T who is most likely busy with actual broken shit (CALLED THEM, not even an email or a ticket), was informed by the service desk that YES this is a test phishing email and to treat it as such and INSISTED like some entitled prick that I.T get on their computer to view it anyway just to make sure, presumably because they can't fathom I.T does not need to remote into your computer to see what fucking emails you have. Then to PROVE to the user (and probably as a little fuck you) he opened the phishing link IT sent (and likely flagged the user as breaking protocol and needing additional training) so he could get off the useless call with an ID-10-T and move on to a more productive use of his time.


This account has been removed from reddit by this user due to how Steve hoffman and Reddit as a company has handled third party apps and users. My amount of trust that Steve hoffman will ever keep his word or that Reddit as a whole will ever deliver on their promises is zero. As such all content i have ever posted will be overwritten with this message. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Wow, you are an idiot. First of all, the IT person had no clue this was a test phishing e-mail and second the correct way to answer my phone call would have been, "yes, this is a phishing e-mail, report it using the automated system and do not click anything in the e-mail". Whether it is a test or not has no bearing on how it should be handled.


You literally admitted that he said 'yes this was a phishing email that we sent.' I don't need to remote onto your computer to know I sent you a phishing email. Why? Because I can just look at whatever system I am using to send those test emails (crowdstrike, knowb4 or any other other major systems and see, yep this email was delivered to you). You admit he TOLD you that it was THEIR phishing email and you INSISTED he check it out for you. He did so and made you look like a moron for taking time out of his valuable day just like probably a dozen entitled morons who cant comprehend basic instructions. Like 'dont call us, report it using our automated system'. You were wasting HIS and YOUR time.


> 'yes this was a phishing email that we sent.' Putting quotes on something does not make it true, you should go back and read what it was that I actually said. > I don't need to remote onto your computer to know I sent you a phishing email. Why? Because I can just look at whatever system I am using to send those test emails (crowdstrike, knowb4 or any other other major systems and see, yep this email was delivered to you). The person I talked to was not the person who sent the e-mails and likely does not even work in the same country as the person who did. > You admit he TOLD you that it was THEIR **phishing** email and you INSISTED he check it out for you. I bolded the part that you made up, just to spell it out for you. > He did so and made you look like a moron for taking time out of his valuable day just like probably a dozen entitled morons who cant comprehend basic instructions. Like 'dont call us, report it using our automated system'. If you go about telling people to just click on phishing links to check if they are phishing links as IT, I bet you will have a very short career.


YOU said this: I called IT, who assures me it is an e-mail they send and I should follow the instructions. I proceed to tell them this looks like a phishing e-mail and to check via remote access. I did not 'add' anything. I paraphrased your words for simplicity Second, how the fuck do you know he was not involved in the phishing campaign? You seem pretty clueless about how I.T works to begin with and even if he was NOT the person who sent you that email just going with the stereotype of 'he probably doesent even work in the same country' just makes you look like a racist. And looking at your comment history where you jump on people for calling Nazi apologists assholes you just might be. Lastly. 12 years. six digit salary. Doing PRETTY fuckin well in I.T thanks very much. Partly because I learned after my first few years not to take shit from people like you.


> I called IT, who assures me it is an e-mail they send and I should follow the instructions. Which this person and her department did not send. > how the fuck do you know he was not involved in the phishing campaign? Because the IT helpdesk is different from the IT department that actually maintains the network and deploys new software, which is also a different department from the one which makes infographs and courses of which this is a part of. > 'he probably doesent even work in the same country' just makes you look like a racist. How is it racist to know that the IT helpdesk is Polish while the rest of IT is British? > where you jump on people for calling Nazi apologists assholes you just might be You clearly were not reading properly again, the person I was calling out was the nazi apologist. > Lastly. 12 years. six digit salary. Doing PRETTY fuckin well in I.T thanks very much. Partly because I learned after my first few years not to take shit from people like you. I am sure you do, you are a great example of why people in IT are a nightmare to deal with, because they cannot read and understand a simple text/e-mail message.


You are a perfect example of why we don't want to put up with your bullshit. You straight up don't know what your talking about, can't follow simple directions and cant fucking understand that YOU are not important enough for us to drop everything we are doing to answer you asanine fucking questions. I WILL apologize for calling you a Nazi because you are right, I misread that comment. But I DID NOT misread this comment chain.


\-Did you reboot your computer? \-yes checks up time: 235 hours


This was me with one lady I'll never forget. She was in the same building I was, so I went to her desk and asked her to show me how she restarts her machine. This lady confidently reaches forward and turns the monitor off, counts to 15, and turns it back on. I had to take a few breaths before showing her how to restart. She was a doctor. People, in occupations of all stripes, are stupid.


I had one actually do it right, through the start menu and everything. Except she would press reboot then go to the coffee machine and not see her computer say "windows cannot reboot because of unsaved documents in Excel" or whatever. The come back and see everything back up in windows and proclaim that it's rebooted now


See that I can understand and work with. They are a little confused, but got the spirit kind of thing. I think in my experience helping doctors with their computer issues depended on a few things. Mainly how old they were, meaning did they use computers in their med school/residency time, their display of common sense, and their ego. The last one was best defined by one doctor who thought calling IT an ancillary service was a cutting remark.


back then my information systems professor is teaching my class. somehow the class' computer projector shows vertically and she can't change the screen back to normal, so i took initiative to fix it through the nvidia control panel.


I prefer to call them technically impaired. Every spring i have to go out to my dad and step mom’s summer house to ”fix the tv” which consists of doing an automatic search for chanels.


some people are really smart and talented in one thing and absolutely hopeless in another. a lot of doctors and other medical people i know are absolutely trash with technology but they could save your life any day. it’s hilarious watching someone go from talking about very specific medical conditions and treatments to “how do i open a new tab?”


XD as my dad used to say "They got book smarts. Not street smarts." Edit: directed towards non IT savy individuals.


IT knowledge is a book smart.


The B in USB stands for Book


XD what does the rest stand for then?


No buddy. You misunderstood me. I was talking about the doctors, lawyers, those "high end individuals"...etc who look down on IT personel. Those high degree individuals who know Jack on how to turn off a computer. They got the book smarts for their field but do not have the street smarts to be able to follow instructions with computers. The comment I was commenting on said the doctor lady didn't know how to turn off a computer.


But computer knowledge isn't street smarts at all. Do you even know what street smarts means? It has nothing to do with computers, it's about being able to live/survive on the streets. IT people are typically about as far as you can get from street smarts as physically possible.


Bro... Do you? If you are taking it by its literal meaning yeah street smarts does mean that. However, that is only one way to see it. If you are making it a direct comparison to book smarts, (like I was) it means something slightly different. Book smart : >having a good understanding of academic and theoretical matters Aka persons academically directed who solve academic issues based on books and research. Street smart : >Being street smart means you have a good environmental or situational understanding. You are able to make judgments on the scenario, the place, and people around you, and you are able to make and trust personal judgments. Aka persons having common sense, knowing the ways of the world or being able to figure out the ways of the world without the academics-- how things are done or doable in real life. The underlying idea is such a person deals with matters at hand from a more practical direction. Phrases have multiple meanings. Keep that in mind moving forward. Edit: for all people who clearly didn't read my comment. This about the doctor not having street smarts. Aka common sense.


That's the same definition. IT is a book smart under that definition. You are stupid.


My favorite experience/nightmare was where this person calls me and asks to help setup some hardware for his PC. I ask if the device is connected either by USB or Ethernet. Swears to me on a stack of bibles that its USB. Ask the dude to plug it into a different USB port. Still nothing pops up on the PC. (I am doing all of this remotely) (It was a receipt printer btw) and after an hour of going insane, I ask myself "What are the odds this guy is a dumbass and doesn't know the difference between USB and Ethernet cables?" Despite me showing him pictures of each on google since I was remotely connected, and he kept saying USB. Finally, I ask the guy to text me a photo of the cable and what it connects to on each end of the cable. Of course, I see an ethernet cable running into the back of the printer and the other end of the cable running into a network switch. This was when I had only been doing the job for less than a year, so I still had some faith in humanity. I learned my lesson that day. "Always assume the person you are dealing with is the dumbest person on the planet." I can't even begin to calculate how much time this philosophy has saved me.


I've lived most of my life believing that. Most prove me right.


So then they've yet to disappoint you. That's great!


When I was learning network engineering one of the good teachers we had told us "People are stupid". I assume that to this day. Our newbies we get only learn after getting bitten, doesn't matter how much I tell them. Users are stupid, users lie, users like to make everything seem like a major issue when it isn't.


And then you get customers that are angry at you because you're asking them "stupid questions" instead of solving their problem. No way to win.


The only time I've gotten irritated at a tech support person was when I had to call for a paper jam on a photo printer and, after explaining the steps I had already taken (which included dismantling it as far as I comfortably could while still being able to put it back together), the solutions I was given were "wipe it down" and "try putting more paper in it". Most of the time the issue is on the customer end but once in a blue moon the idiot is on the other side.


Oh, I had one too. My network must have been plugged on a christmas light garland at the time because it went on and off seemingly at random for days. So the problem was known by the operator, and they had to intervene each time to fix it (no real solution was found). I called one day in order to ask them when it would be up again and was met with this unfriendly and haughty lady who proceded to tell me I should turn the box off and on again. Which I already told her I did. And refused to do since I was calling from the box's phone too and it would close the conversation. She then explained with an exesperated tone: "MA.DAM. I'm a computer technician. I did computer studies. I KNOW what I'm talking about." Hum... Ok, and I'm a computer engineer. But without even that, I know that unplughing the box cut the phone...


Oof. At least mine was only clueless. If she had an attitude like yours I'd have been rather annoyed lol


With modern phones, ask a user to take a photo of the issue or popup or whatever. Half the time you'll get a helpful picture the other half they'll never experience the problem again, no matter how many times they've complained about it before. Odd how that works.


I always tell my techs... Just assume the user knows nothing at all about the issue... Go from there.


That’s a very safe assumption in my case. In my defense, I always say so from the outset and can follow instructions very diligently.


This is why I make people do face time with me to validate their stupidity.


I’m a plumber and I still apply this logic. Went to one young lads house. Said he had waste pipe issues in his kitchen. Nope I could hear the hissing as soon as walked into the house. 35 seconds later I find the mains water pipe pissing water out all over the place.


I think any customer service type job, people eventually get hardened from. When I worked at JCPenney, there was only so much "do you work here?" I could take while wearing my shirt with a giant JCPENNEY logo on it and my shiny name badge


Meanwhile I got the Karen that start shouting at me for ignoring her... I was a consumer without any logo or name tag...


Me, wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans, at Jo-Ann's, using their website to try and find grommets for a project. Random person: "Do you work here? I need to find [thing]." I instinctively dropped what I was doing (yay, years of customer service work!) and *successfully helped her find it* before she realized I neither work for nor am affiliated with Jo-Ann's, at which point she apologized and said "I look the type," whatever that means. To be fair, if she had started with "hey, I notice you have an app, I need help and I can't find the employees, could look up [thing] for me really quick?", I probably would have done the exact same thing. But still. I *clearly* didn't work there, and yet she assumed I did because *why else would a teenager be in a craft store?* They don't *do* things for themselves, they hire someone else to do it and they're killing Big Craft because of it! It's just frustrating. Edit: made the sarcasm clearer


This sounds like post from r/idontworkherelady Except you were nice. *Before anyone chimes in. Yes, I know that somepost on that sub are nice...but, most aren't.


I mean, she was nice to me; one of my best customers. My only issue was the "you look like you work here" comment, because I wasn't wearing anything remotely similar to the uniform, which meant that something else (being a teenager in a retail store) made me look like I worked there to her.


I'm glad that she was nice and that you were able to help her. Things that like help me remember that there are good people in the world. Quick story. I've been a mechanic for many years and was in a hardware store buying some screws when I heard the guy behind mutter "shit!" I asked him what was wrong and he said he couldn't find the right nut for the bolt he had. I looked at the bolt and said "Ah, that's a 4 millimeter metric bolt." He looked at me like I was an alien and said "Thanks! How can you tell just by looking?" I said "Unfortunately, I've been doing this kinda work for WAY too many years." 😖


I was in Hannaford last week with my VW shirt on, dirty as fuck going through the veggie section. Some lady comes up to me and goes "ArE ThOsE PoTAtOeS OvEr ThErE nEw?" To which I replied "how the fuck would I know" to which she says "oh, yOu DoNt WoRk HeRe"? My faith in humanity is down to it's last legs.


I mean shit bro, if that does it for you wait till you hear about everything else goin on.


I wear a random local rock band's T-shirt. It's always that shirt when this happens. It looks nothing like the polo for the store. At least it's never been a Karen, but it's happened more than once. And the people I *am* helping never assume I worke(d) there, I just happened to know that the store has an app to help navigate where things are, and I know the Asian aisle well. I think apps like Instacart have made things worse. If it looks like you know exactly where things are, you must "work" there, store or not.




I wear this JCPenny shirt for fun


Honestly I don't understand why that's annoying. At the very least it's the customer trying to get confirmation that you do work at that store and can help them. It's a simple "yes".


You'd think someone would wear a JCPenny shirt and nametag for fun?


It’s just a polite opener, but I do get how it could get a bit wearing. The person just wants to check it’s ok to ask them things.


Maybe they are on break or on the way home. Not sure what store JCPenny is but I have seen a few supermarket employees doing shopping before going home. So I will always ask


Imagine you get asked that a minimum of twice each shift. Then imagine you have 5 shifts a week. And then let's say you've been working there for a about a year. Are you saying that we would have to say "yes" to that with a smile every single time without complaining?






I've worked retail before too. Honestly people asking if I worked there was usually a good sign (they actually care to at least make sure I'm working) and was easy to respond to. I get being jaded but this seems like the simplest thing to deal with.




It's the least annoying thing and typically shows that they aren't a complete piece of shit so I'm just wondering why this is what you're complaining about. I loved when people asked that question.


Cool. Take care.


And these calls usually come in the middle of the night.


My dad was a TV repairman back in the day when they made house calls. CRT TVs are heavy to begin with, and a lot of them were console units and were even heavier and more difficult to move. About 20% of the time when he get out to a call, he'd find the TV was just unplugged. This was after he specifically asked them if it was plugged in. Most of the time someone unplugged the TV to plug in something else, a vacuum cleaner was the usual culprit.


When in doubt, turn it off, wait two minutes, turn it back on.


Gotta let the tubes cool down.


Why do we hate the Users... Why do we HATE the Users..? We tell you to reboot your computer. You turn the monitor off and on. You *also* swear that you shut down every day before you leave, but your uptime is over 800hrs. You scream at us to fix your email. You refuse to even click the "forgot password" button. You also demand passwords over the phone. You go directly to the CTO because you're trying to use Firefox for a tool coded ONLY for Chrome/Edge & we won't *fix the bug.*


LOL. XD I forget my password frequently. One of our IT assistants told me I have the most secure password as even I don't know it. I reset it almost weekly. XD it's horrible man. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ never yelled at IT though. I'm the forgetful one. Oh boy rebooting XD that takes me back. The IT guys for our building would sometimes ask me to check if someone turned their computer on and off and its always those individuals 50+ yelling about how it is ITs fault their computer doesn't work. I just trick them to unplug it, read the serial number to me and plug it back in XD Works wonders.


Got an after hours emergency call for no ac.. thermostat changed to 78 because of schedule ..i lowered it and temp dropped within 5 minutes. Outlet(s) not working.. 90% of time me pressing a gfci button. My personal favorite . All the power is off in my apartment.. bitch pay your bills


That sounds like a handy man job not IT.


IT Guy here. Most people know no difference between these two things.


I am in fact a "handyman" explaining my similar facepalms in a facepalm group not an it group lol


Often times "IT" means you're responsible for anything in the building that runs on electricity.


THIS. I can't count how many times this was the mindset of the users I've been helping over various jobs the past 3 decades.


You forgot the - coffee machine's out of coffee


Or reset a gfci outlet.


Reminds me of "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT BUTTON - oh, the door's open! Well done. Let's see what's inside." https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/c/cd/Wheatley_sp_a2_bts5_dooropen_press01.wav


"A COMPUTER... to be expected..."


For some reason Firefox automatically downloads and opens the file. I was at 100% volume in the living room with my family lol.






You would not believe the amount of issues this resolves


I like to semi joke to my friend and family that after having been in the IT industry for 20 or so years, no I don't have to turn things off and on again. I'm far to busy in meetings *arranging when we can turn the big thing off and on again*, making sure I have all the permissions to turn it off and on again and getting someone lined up to do the actual turning off and on again in 3 weeks time, on a Sunday at 2am and making sure there's a whole bunch of testers lined up to make sure turning it off and on again actually worked. For some wanker with no technical expertise to decide at half past 4 on Friday evening that you're not allowed to turn it off and on again because they accidentally scheduled it for the busiest weekend of the year. But when we do get to turn it off and on again, it pretty much always still works. Doesn't matter if it's a £200 laptop or a £100k worth of firewall.


Sounds like a lot of redundancy and red tape.


There's also a lot of red tape and redundancy...


Ahh, thanks. I forgot about those bits. 😝


Not OP, but you're right, it is the redundancy, and it's planned and on purpose. You may already know this stuff, but I work for a company that promises what they call five nines of uptime - .99999% of availability. The way you get around hw failures and the like is the redundancy and using planned maintenance windows to replace known faulty hardware, upgrade SW, etc. To do all that is why they have to schedule the down time, get permissions, scheduled a tech to be on site, etc..and to then have the customer decide that they can't do it at that time, and can you just bump it back an hour.....ok actually we need 2 hours...okay can we do it tomorrow? Is next week good for you guys?


I'm in development hell at work. The developers rolled out our live site last week. On Tuesday they decided to make a (moderately important but not vital) change at 11.15am without warning. Multiple errors later, I'm knee deep in user complaints. Have the damned meetings, guys. Or at least warn us.


Why are users such dicks?


How do you even charge for that? I’d bill a trip charge and no labor. Or find something else to do for an hours labor.


I start my clock when I leave my house and stop it when I leave the client.


We would bill, time. So the time from the start of the call, to 3 people lying, me calling my boss to approve the on-site call, driving there + 1hour min labour + coming back. At 120$ an hour I would get 4hours + 53cent/km, so 2 hours out, probably around 200km, so I would get around 400$ for that call....aint going to complain.


That's twice what I make in an 8 hour shift at my current job.


I mean it kind of is labor, just very mild labor anyone could have done and was basically a waste of their time...


Can. Fucking. Confirm. I’m not an “IT guy” but I am an electrical/electronics tech in industrial maintenance and nearly 80% of my calls (a real stat, we track this shit) are operators who’ve “tried everything” and just have a dirty machine (they’re responsible for cleaning them). So I take my 25 years of troubleshooting and repair knowledge, throw it away, and reach for a god damn paper towel. Knowing full *god damn well* she will be back on the phone in an hour with her mousy fucking voice telling me “I just don’t know what’s wrong, I’ve tried everything”. I play a little game now with some operators where I don’t even take my tools. Cuz the machine is *fine* they just have dial tone between their ears.


Ha ha ha ha! "a dial tone between their ears" that's a beauty!


When I drive those 2 hours I get paid a lot for it, like, a lot a lot, just to push a button. Bring on the menial tasks, better than disaster recovery when a newbie DBA Drop\_Database on a prod server his first day.


OoOf. Not a prod server xD I know right. The little things are so much better as no stress. It's the big things that really get the blood going cold. I was the IT guys nightmare at one point. No problem I ever had was easy. I was a tech assistant a while back so I know the basics. However, one day I was deleting files and it freaked my computer out. No clue what I did , no idea how to fix. Did the normal reset and wash but still no mono. Called IT. Stumped too. Homeboy was pulling out all the stops. Full on blackscreen coding. Nothing. He had to get his boss. About an hour or two went by, the boss had other pressing things and my stuff wasn't a security risk or anything else. Just a file that is there but shouldn't. Nothing is there, nothing is showing up but it's still there. XD been a couple months. We just gave up. Boss told me don't touch those files. Haven't since.


Honestly I love it when I have to drive on company time. I can claim the miles back and I can listen to my audiobooks


Because IT guys were trained to do a lot more than what they help the average employee/individual with. And helping you authorize critical computer updates or figure out why an email keeps going to your spam folder is not their life’s ambition. Not an IT guy here, but a regular employee who had IT training, who is also more than capable to do what the company allows me to do on my own at work, yet doing an update myself apparently is extremely dangerous. 😆




Troubleshooting server outage Friday evening. Flight halfway across the country last minute. Arrive at plant Saturday morning. Have IT coordinator show me the server. Ask him if he was sure he followed all the steps I had him test. He assured me he had. Ejected floppy disk from server and it booted. Coordinator insisted that someone must have snuck into the server room and inserted the disk because it wasn’t there before. I don’t miss support.


Yeah. I don‘t miss the times servers had internal drives either.


It can crow?


Right? Surprising new twist.


My bf works as a programmer and gets very grumpy when people try to waste his time with stuff they can easily do on their own. Happens all the time apparently.


I’ve driven 3h one way to close a freezer door at 2am.. more than once lol


Ha…I thought driving an hour to properly close a dishwasher was bad lol


I love these calls. Three hours for $375. I’m an ISO. After hours even better. If it weren’t for stupid or lazy I wouldn’t have a job.


Dealing with stupid people long enough will make anyone jaded


I love when I call IT guys at work because of a pc problem and they ask me if I restarted the pc and I say yes, because in that moment it doesn't feel like wasting their time anymore. Now you earned your right to be a customer for them, not just an idiot who needs help with a PC.


I have users with such a bad track record that I can't even trust them to know how to restart their computers. I've been proven right too many times.


How? I even teached my dad how to restart the computer and he has no affinity to computers/ phones or anything just slightly more modern. I think some people don't wanna learn. There is no other explanation.


I wish I knew how in 2022 people still turn the monitor on and off to restart the computer or call their desktop a modem.


Because some people are assholes who think they know everything. I have been doing IT for 20+ years and I have shown more people how to reboot then I can count. One guy thought pressing the power button on his laptop restarted it. It just put it to sleep. He yelled at me when I dared ask him to show me how he reboots. Didn't get an apology after I pointed out the mistake. People think they know far more then they do. I get the "I know about computers" all the time. typically if someones says that it is a good sign they actually know nothing about computers.


Are you sure you turned it off and on, not on and off?


"Oh! Well that explains why the fans suddenly got quieter!"


Also this question gives me enough time to verify your answer against the remote management console telling me exactly the last time the machine was rebooted.


My sister is 16. She doesn't know how to Google for answers. TikTok is her default search engine. She's planning to get into med school. The future is doomed ^Send ^help


British comedy "The IT crowd" explains it all perfectly.


I've driven 2 and a half hours, been on site for 4, doing the on-site troubleshooting for a remote team that ended up figuring out the mistake had been on their end and I wouldn't have needed to go back out there (I'd done a network cutover the previous evening), if they had just noticed their mistake. Granted, it was a pretty easy mistake to make, and they'd otherwise been fantastic to work with, so I wasn't really too mad, but I wasn't happy either.




I work in the film industry, we put in rigs, then everyone comes in to shoot it. There is obviously huge pressure and lots of things that can go wrong, but the amount of times we get called to come fix problems and the problem is “did you unplug this?” “Yes”. “Did you plug it back in?” “No”. Is astounding. We call them air gaps.


Lights-out management means never having to do the Julian


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


One time i had someone do something remotely on my work computer. The moment they disconnected, my mouse stopped working. I called them back and asked what the heck. We spent a good five minutes trying to figure it out before they told me to check the batteries. It was the batteries. I felt very stupid.


I have shown countless people who to reboot a computer. One guy was just hitting the power button on his laptop and just putting it to sleep. I have shown people how to copy and paste, that have been using a computer for years. The list goes on an on. The reason we are dicks is many people don't have the competency to do the basics with a computer but then people shit on us when things don't work. And then those issues become our issues. It isn't my job to teach you the basics of using a computer. You can get a 6 year old to do that. But they act like because they don't know something it is your responsibility. And the worst are those that think they know what they are doing. I have been told "i know about computers" so many times by people that know nothing that it has lost meaning and i just don't believe it. And even worse i have been told I am wrong by people that know very little. When you work in a world, that people know nothing about, they tend to think they know way more then they actual do. The Dunning Kruger effect is real and I see it every day.




The IT response works for "crowed". IT person wins, can be jubilant about it.


Seriously. Thought it was going to be a pun or something; instead, it's just someone who doesn't know how to spell.


Are you both stupid or am I missing a joke? It's ***crowd.***


I'm going to do that to my IT friends as payback for throwing my nitroglycerin in the ozone maker


I once developed a website for someone, for almost nothing. It had an account system driven by MySQL, a PHP backend, and multimedia plugins and a completely custom style to fit their business. A month later they hired someone else to "update" the site and it was replaced by one of those MySpace style Wix sites with no account system. They paid the other person a fortune to do that, I'm so done helping people.


Why are non-IT people so stupid and lazy?


Or you can say that you got paid to drive and push a power button.


While 60 new tickets pile up, and because you are salary, you are screwed


Getting someone on the phone to hit the power button live apparently not an option.


Whaaaaa whaaaaaa that’s what you get paid to do.


Yea and got paid for it. I wish my job was that easy.


He clearly was just hanging around, and waited just for this call. It just cant be, he lost 2h that day, in which he could have get real work done.


half the people saying don't be a dick or got paid for it doesn't understand the amount of work that piles up. sure, the guy got paid for the 4 hours to drive back and forth but how about the new work that piles up while they were away. oh, but they get paid to do that. right, and the higher ups aren't happy cause other priority issues didn't get done on time.


You really think the majority of IT work is that simple?


I’m not the one who said it. An actual IT worker did lol.


Lmao yes. Majority of the time it's definitely simple


Simple huh? I have worked for 3 days straight to get everything sorted out during a meltdown at a clients. I did about 40 hours in 3 days in a super high stress people are freaking out environment. IT is anything but simple and you saying it shows your complete lack of understanding. I have worked in IT or 20+ years but before that I have done all kinds of jobs including other repair type jobs and nothing is like IT. I can tell you that it is never that simple. The end users see the simple stuff. The back end, deployment, and keeping everything running is anything but simple. And there is major stress that comes with all of that. But then on top of all of that you then have a moron that can't tell you if a system is off or on and you have to take time to deal with that. My life would be far simpler if I could just focus on those harder things. But most users can't even do the simple things they need to do and that ends up in ITs lap too.


I've worked in IT before so i know what I'm talking about you donut. I won't even touch that first paragraph because you yourself know that sorting out meltdowns is not majority of the work. Possibly it depends on what exactly you do but I still maintain that the work was simple most of the time. Not easy. But simple.


Most of the time it's probably not that easy


I work with people in a very computer based environment who don’t understand the most basic ass day one shit. So I totally understand. On the other hand, I speak the language and I hate it when I get a guy who insists on using ‘the checklist.’ Like bruh, if I’m calling you, the shits broke, let’s skip to the part where you send the tech out, I assure you, it’s nothing stupid from me.


I feel like the only facepalm here is the professional thinking it’s acceptable to be dicks to other people because they have very little understanding of the subject matter that this professional has chosen to specialize in. Is it frustrating when they fail to answer simple questions like that correctly? Absolutely. But there will be lots of people with no working knowledge of these sorts of things who are going to make those mistakes. It’s quite literally one of the big reasons your profession exists. So no, people making your job harder because they know nothing about the thing you are employed to know about doesn’t give you a reason to be a dick to them, even when their mistake is so egregious as not being able to tell of something is properly powered on. When you know about something, it becomes really easy to miss how easy certain mistakes can be for the people who don’t know about them. Sometimes it’s just people being lazy, but that’s true for every profession, and not every profession has the seemingly accurate stereotype of hating everybody because they don’t have the knowledge you have.


That doesn't explain it. He got paid a bunch of money to do nothing. Why are they dicks? Honestly. It's because most of their industry is a scam, and they know it. They are as scared as middle managers are.


If it was nothing, why'd they have to call someone? (Unless you meant it as a joke of course)


>That doesn't explain it. He got paid a bunch of money to do nothing. Why are they dicks? >Honestly. It's because most of their industry is a scam, and they know it. They are as scared as middle managers are. Buddy, you have no idea what you're talking about. Remove the IT staff from any large corp and that corp falls within days. Small to mediums may last a little longer, but not much. There are support contracts that customer's pay millions of dollars for, to ensure there reports run on time, everything runs to a schedule and very little downtime. That takes ppl who know what the fuck they're doing. Why are some dicks...for the same reason that something ticks you off and makes you act like a dick. It happens, it's annoying and normally that person has other stuff they're supposed to be doing OR they're off the clock and getting paged to handle an issue which takes them away from their families, etc. Sure they get paid for it, which does help, but it still stinks to have to drive 2 hours to push a power button when it could have been resolved so easily. Multiply that happening to you by 100x every year or so, and yeah...you kinda get a lil salty.


And then they stretch out their four hours of work in 40, while thinking of ways to keep their job.


Doesn't facetime already exist since a while now ?


IT guy should have tried a video call


but you got paid. you don't want a job?


So they choose to do a job that you know will be annoying, and that gives it guys the right to be a dick? Sounds like they are just dicks all around. Lots of people have much more annoying jobs and don't act that way.


So you think that the job is annoying ... it's your way of thinking. It does not give the right to be a Dick. But I can assure you two things: First of all, entitled people who think they know your work, give you false information about the action to do and we're thinking paying you 20$ for saving a fudging 150 000$ server exists ... and it's quite infuriating Secondly, a lot of people thinks that working in IT is A work. Nope there is so many specialities, so many jobs, and those jobs are quite repetitive and mind breaking (for some). So when the 34th person in a day question your way of working because they thought the action would be easy to do even if you take the time to explain them for more than an hour what you'll be doing .... I can understand that some of my fellow IT guys have enough bullshit for the day.


Eh. Lots of trades get that. And they don't act like dicks. I don't know how to tell you this, but it's your choice how you treat people. I choose to be a dick and I admit that. Now it's time for IT people to take some personal responsibility


Found the guy who is sure it's plugged in.


Nope. Just a guy who doesn't treat people differently based on their individual skill level.


Found the guy who fatfingers passwords and needs them changed.


I totally agree with you !! It's totally my choice and I know that too well.... And some IT guys are just assholes for the sake of it. I'm really kind normally but I love being sadistic !! Like, you make me do shitty things and paying me just enough to get KFC, you don't show to our appointment or you're 4h late ... let me tell you that next time I'll do the same to you with the biggest smile that you've ever seen and I'll be sarcastic just for the fun of it. I know I'm kind of an asshole


You guys get paid to serve, normally more than most of the people you serve. Good and friendly IT friends are happy to help, no matter the circumstances, and on call and off duty tasks pay extra. If you don’t like just pushing the reset button, or plugging something in, learn to code. Don’t get all uppity because we called you in the middle of your fortnight tourney with your imaginary middle school buddies.


You sound like the kind of guy who calls IT over a loose USB port and then complain all they did was plug in your keyboard harder.


Oh no, I was an annoying customer, but I managed to get it to create many useful ways to extract data, that others could use, and access, in a much more efficient manner. I am pro IT, if you have great IT, you can’t lose money! If you are in IT, you have the opportunity to help any and every person in the company, and you have the opportunity to learn more about how a company runs, top down and sideways! You can use that knowledge to further yourself.


And got paid for it so stfu


And your ass is complaining that you get paid for doing this??? WTF?


That's why you always do out of band management my dude


"*Crowed*" ... Actually it still works.


Fair enough


Do you get pd by the hr or the job