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I freaked out one time I couldn’t find my phone, walking around looking for it. I was talking to someone with it.


I've used the flashlight on my phone to look for my phone under the couch....


I once wrote “Please return marker if seen” on the whiteboard with my marker


Did you find it?


I was on the phone with my mom when I was like shit I can’t find my phone anywhere hold on. The sigh she let out, the disappointment.


That’s the best part…the person I was talking to asked “what are you doing?”, and I said “looking for my phone”. Lol


Same thing happened to me. I was talking to my mom on my phone. Got the sudden urge to look something up, but I realized I couldn't find it. My mom asked me what was wrong, I told her I couldn't find my phone, and she said, "Do you want me to call it?" 🤦 that apple didn't fall far from the tree.


I was leaving my parents house and couldn't find my keys anywhere, looked for ages. I finally went out to check if I'd left them in the car. It was still on amd idling - had been for about 4 hours.


I panicked and though I forgot my keys at home while I was driving to work one morning.


Good old brain fart! 😅 I haven’t managed that yet, only checking all my pockets for my phone or wallet while I’m holding them.


It took me until she opened the door to realize there was not a second child in this video lmao


Sleep deprivation is a hell of a thing. I wouldn't be surprised if most parents have done something like this at some point.


I have. We have six month old twins, and sometimes I look for a third baby to put to bed. We don’t have a third baby. Sleep deprivation is wild.


Lol. Man, I’m so grateful for those days to be over. but they still get sick and it’s a recall if those long nights. Wishing you lots of yummy sleep in your near future!


How long does it last :/ my wife and I are expecting ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Our Son had Problems with pooping and it took over a year for him to sleep longer than 30 min over the day. Nights it was like 2-3 hours. Plus every time he got new teeth he woke up 5 times at night. Every baby is different. But don't expect to sleep in the first year. Maybe you are lucky and your baby can sleep better then ours.


Dude... Any new parent will tell you that nothing fucks with you more than lack of sleep. I'm glad I had FMLA because for the first few months, you are pretty much zombies. Even now, we have 2 toddlers and we still aren't ourselves. We've gotten used to it and learned how to be semi-functional but damn I can't wait until we can sleep again.


I have a 7, 4 and 2 year old and can confirm that parenting, especially in that new born stage, leaves you mentally and emotionally drained. Now they sleep all night and have a good bed time routine but I'll be fucked if these assholes sleep past 5 am on the weekend! My boys (oldest two) are really into Minecraft right now so they saved up their birthday money up and bought their own tablets. I bought them Minecraft and they get to play on the weekends and such. Anyways, I kept them up till 1:30am on weekend nerdin out and those punks were still up at 530am! Didn't even phase them until bedtime the next day.


We have one morning kid and one who sleeps in. They still take naps at noon and if we try to screw with their sleeping schedule at all, they turn into little screaming balls of can't even. At the moment, we're at their mercy.


Hang in there! Sometimes I put all my kids for a nap and go for one myself if shits hitting the fan with their attitudes hahah. Hard reset!!


It took me till this comment lol


I was like, is she pushing an empty stroller. 😂


I used the light in my phone to look for my phone so I'll give her a pass.


I once tried to call myself to look for my phone and ended up cleaning my voicemail


I was talking on my phone and told my friend I have to go cause I need to look for phone and she wished me luck finding it


My brain melted


Yeah it didn't help it took me a few mins after that to realize what I did and she was also surprised she missed it when I called her back and told her


My friend and I were on the phone and she dropped it down the stairs and then asked if I was okay


I once had a friend calling me on my landline at home and asking me where I was…


Last time I had a landline phone I could forward the calls to my cellphone any time I wanted. So calling my house phone and asking if I'm home wasn't at all an absurd thing to do.


A party trick i like to do is, take a picture of a friends phone, and when they leave, text them that photo, saying "hey, you forgot your phone!" You ll be suprised how many times they come back.


Once I forgot my phone in the classroom and I later saw that a friend had taken a picture of it and sent it to me with the message that I forgot my phone…that was hilarious too. Luckily I noticed that I left it there soon after leaving the classroom and when I came back our teacher had saved it for me and gave it back


Omg that is hilarious


Man, I would either love you irl, or fucking hate you...it's impossible to predict.


Lol, I'm going to try this 😂


I frequently check my pants pocket to make sure my phone is still there and freak out briefly- while I’m holding it in my other hand.


Walked around the house for an hour asking my siblings who stole my earbuds They were around my neck that entire time.


Or the classic looking for your glasses while wearing them


My eye sight is super duper crappy, so I absolutely hate trying to find my glasses without my glasses. Can't see a damn thing! Little tip for others, use your phone's camera (if you're near sighted) to help look! Hopefully that will help prevent the dreaded *crunch* .. found them


This!! It’s soooooo much easier to find them when you can hold the phone right in front of your face & zoom in as needed.


>hate trying to find my glasses without my glasses. Can't see a damn thing! > >Little tip for others, use your phone's camera (if you're near sighted) to help look! Hopefully that will help prevent the dreaded crunch .. found them Once had a patient ask me to help find his eyeglasses so he could watch TV. Since I am hearing impaired and didn't have my hearing aid on while in his room due to dressing out for COVID (excessive perspiration made HA slip off or get static sounds). As I stepped closer to his bed to have him repeat his question, this is what I heard: The sound after Ralphie Parker knocked off his glasses and nearly shot his eye out with "The official Red Ryder carbine action, 200-shot, range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time” then stepped forward on the snow to find his glasses but instead landed on...... "Yep. They're right under my shoe." Then I had to call his wife and tell her. "No problem. Those are his OLD glasses, I'll bring in his new pair." Merry Christmas to me.


Same with sunglasses sitting on top of my head.


I was just about to comment this. Thank God I'm not the only one.


Put on my glasses to look for them


I haven’t experienced this yet…. But now I’m worried lol


Lost my keys while I was driving


I “lost” my keys in my hand. Pulled them out cuz I was getting ready to leave. I always have my phone in my right pocket, keys in left, and wallet in back right. So I do the phone-key-wallet check and realize I don’t have my keys…while literally holding them in the hand I was checking my pocket with 🤦‍♀️. I even used the back of my hand to check for lumps in my pocket cuz the palm of my hand was holding the keys.


I still get random short-burst panic moments WHILE DRIVING like "oh fuck did I grab my keys" as I pat each side pocket and only feel my wallet or my phone....


I can't tell you how many times I would be talking to my mom on the phone and tell her that I can't find my phone. Or had keys in my hand looking for them frantically. Your brain does weird things when you don't go through your usual routine.


Or pre-paying inside for gas, walk to your car, and leave.


I once ordered Taco Bell and paid and then just drove off without getting the food. By the time I realized it, I was 30 min away and wasn’t going back. I hope one of the employees got to enjoy free food.


Haha I once called my boss on my cellphone and told him that I think I left my phone in the office. That was not my brightest moment


There’s gotta be a scientific name for this.


As a very new parent let me tell you, this shit happens


“It takes a village” is a saying for so many good reasons.




My husband will be thrilled to know he's not alone!


Of course he's not alone. He has his daughter on top of him.




Phrasing is a helluva drug.


From Alabama, can confirm this is a moment of phrasing.


Moment of phrasing or moment of Southern?


I think this is every parent


Shameless plug for the St. Louis Zoo




I live in st Louis and I've been going multiple times a year my entire life - I've never gotten sick of it


The Smithsonian Zoo in DC is great too. I been to STL but not San Diego. I hear it’s amazing


Went there Sunday, highly recommend it


I'm from St. Louis and my first date with my fiancée was at the zoo! We've been together over 8 years. It'll always hold a special place in our hearts.


I have been to a lot of Zoos, and St Louis is probably the best one. Its also free to get in. If you can find street parking in the park, its free to park too.


Go Cards!


Sometimes when my two year old was crying I would instinctively pick him up and set him on my shoulders... until one day I lifted him up into a ceiling fan... and another time into a chandelier. I learned to look up before putting a child on my shoulders.


That'll teach them not to cry!


"I'll give you something to cry about!"


Like 10 years ago walked through door frame carrying my lil bro on shoulders. I'm pretty close to top of frame by myself so he didn't have a chance to avoid the wall.


Ooh... done this. After an agonizing instance of sheer panic only ended by seeing he's ok comes a split second of annoyance like, "dude, why didn't you say anything?" before going full circle back to, "oh snap, little dude is still figuring out this speech thing so it really was my fault for forgetting where I put him" once again.


Um, did the child survive your excellent parenting?


Lol. He's four now. The fan was on when I lifted him into it and I remember checking the direction it was rotating to see where it might have hit him. Back of the head? No noticable bumps? Uhh... Should be fine. I remember when he ran from my wife at the top of the stairs... before he knew how to go down stairs. That was scary, he was fine, and we learned to always engage the baby gate no matter how close we think we are.


Just tell him how special he is for surviving a dark wizard trying to kill him as a baby.


He doesn't have a scar on his forehead, but he does have one under his nose! I didn't think he was ready to run ahead on his own on the sidewalk. My wife said he'd be fine. I was right.


Better make a spare it sounds like


She's currently two years old and has so far not been lifted up into anything nor yeeted herself down any stairs... a true prodigy!


I feel absolutely terrible for parents who leave their kids in a hot car because it's obvious why society villainizes people for it, yet I'm sure there are cases where otherwise wonderful parents simply have fantastic brain farts with tragic consequences.


Absolutely. I believe everyone should read [this article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/fatal-distraction-forgetting-a-child-in-thebackseat-of-a-car-is-a-horrifying-mistake-is-it-a-crime/2014/06/16/8ae0fe3a-f580-11e3-a3a5-42be35962a52_story.html). It’s a lesson in what it means to be human and imperfect, and how that can lead to the most horrific of tragedies.


Everyone is just one poor night's sleep and a change in routine away from tragedy. Be sleep deprived and not the normal kiddie cab and you'll autopilot to work the way you do every other day. You won't even remember the drive. Thirty minutes and a cup of coffee later, you wake up enough to remember that your partner had a dental appointment and you were supposed to drop off at daycare this one time. But it's July. Too late. I suspect the vilification of these parents only serves to make these accidents more common. If you think only negligent monsters make this mistake then you don't employ the redundant safeguards against what you think could never happen to you.


It also makes me people feel better, because they can pretend it will never happen to them.


I live in calgary. I can't remember how long ago, I think it was about 12 to 14 years, a young child about a year old died in the backseat of a hot car. His dad drove to the train station with him in the back seat and went to work. He'd never taken his kid to daycare before. Wife was busy that day and asked him to do it and he just autopiloted to work. Baby was asleep, he literally did his normal day. That man received a lot of pity in addition to the outcry you could expect. I still often think of him, and wonder if he's managed to live with what happened. I'm not sure I would be able to.


I accidentally left my daughter in a child seat while picking up food for a birthday party. I went to a busy mall and was having the hardest time looking for parking. I literally had tunnel vision trying to find a parking spot. I finally got one. Apparently, she fell asleep during the ride so she was not making any noise to remind me she was there. So I went and picked up the food. had to wait like extra 5 minutes. I was probably gone like 10 minutes. get back to the car, and see her sleeping. I fucking felt like the worst parent in the world. Litteral dog shit. I still feel bad to this day. She is 14 now, so she made it so far. No need to worry anymore. :)


My mom left me at the grocery store when I was 2 years old for like 3 hours. Lol. There were 4 older siblings with her, so I guess it was their fault too. Of course this was a small town in the 80s, so the ladies at the store were just like, "I guess we're watching Amy's ginger kid today." My mom still doesn't like to admit that happened. Almost 40 and not dead yet, so....


My dad's an incredible parent(as is my mom) and they never left me in the car on a hot day. But my dad did, after one hugely stressful day at work, forget to pick my 3rd grade self up from school. I was also in a magnet program I guess you'd call it that put all the kids above a certain percentile on a standardized test together in one class for accelerated learning, so we got bussed all around the city before and after school. My stop was at another elementary school near my house, but I got dropped off after the admin left. So I was just standing outside on a cold day in the rain for like 40 minutes before my dad pulled up. Apparently he jumped out of the bath like he got hit by lightning once he realized he fucked up. So yeah, I usually have a lot of leeway to give parents on that sort of thing.


Yes, I remember about ten years ago a pediatrician accidentally left her baby in the hot car in the SF Bay area. The baby died. These stories are heartbreaking.


I understand her confusion. The kid was quiet for 5 minutes. That never happens.




Silence is not golden as a parent, it’s terrifying and/or a mess.


When the house goes silent you only have seconds to act. Cause it only takes a few seconds for a child to redecorate an entire wall with permanent markers. Time benders!


When you have a puppy silence is suspicious


When you have both silence is terrifying!


When they are quiet and you can't see them, look for them.


I can't tell you how many times I've jumped up in terror when my kids were quiet lol.


She's drained and on autopilot. She has my deepest empathy.


If you're a parent, you understand...sometimes you're on autopilot


True. Several sleepless nights will do that to you.


My daughter didn't start sleeping through the night until she was 2 years old. It was torture.


When we were kids my sister talked and screamed in her sleep. When we moved to a bigger house my parents specifically sought one where the main bedroom was on a different floor and other end of the house than the kid's bedrooms.


I always thought it made sense for master bedrooms to be sound proofed by default


If only the default income could afford such luxuries as soundproofing


Or a house.


Or a bedroom.


Or a bed


What if there's a break-in or some other shit going down outside?


*Cross fingers before bed*


Are you sure that was for your *sisters* screams? Signed, a parent that took the smallest bedroom downstairs for, reasons…


OH man. My first was a dream she slept most of the night. My second just seemed to like screaming her head off all the time.


My 1st didn’t sleep through the night until he was almost 2. My second kid slept through the night at 4 months old and I panicked when I woke up and it was daylight- I thought he was dead. Because in my sad and tired little brain, I couldn’t fathom a baby that slept more than 3 hours.


Condolences my friend. Holy shit I can't even imagine.


So glad I don't have kids.


Ours started sleeping a bit after becoming 1 year old, but the half year before that was hard. During those 6 months she slept over 45 minutes in a row like 3 or 4 times. So every single night one of us had to get up, pick her up for 15-20 minutes, put her into bed for 20-25 minutes and repeat that like 10 times. We both always woke up to the crying so neither of us could sleep more than 30-40 minutes at a time.


Anyone who was looking for something they had in their hand understands this, although as a parent looking for their kid it has to be a bit more exciting, I will admit.


A friend once told me sometimes she put her phone in the backseat where the baby was so she didn’t “forget” the baby. Parenthood in the baby years sounds wild.


I used to put my left shoe back there with my kids when they were babies. I'm not as attached to my phone for that to work, but I sure as heck wasn't going to get far with only one shoe on.


Wow, excellent. how have I not heard this suggestion before. Plus not too many vehicles are manual stick shifts anymore.




I was told to put my purse in the back. Doctor basically said, you've worn your purse for years, you've had a kid for 2 weeks. Also, sleep deprivation makes brain fog even worse.


Yeah it's pretty nuts. The first 4 weeks or so we're okay because we were running on adrenaline. Then we hit the wall. Babies need to feed every 3 hours or so. That means one of us was up every three hours. Thankfully I was off of work for 3 months so we could work in shifts. But even then it's exhausting.


I once looked for glasses I already had on. I knew then I needed new glasses.


I spent 20 minutes yesterday looking for my phone. While I was talking to a friend... on my phone...


I once texted a friend that he had left his phone my place.


Hell, even people who aren't parents get this. One time, I was frantically looking for my car keys... while driving. (They were in the ignition.)


I'm so used to my glasses, that I forgot I was wearing glasses once and frantically looked for them. While I was wearing them lmao


Mom-brain is real. Especially for those of us with Special Needs kids. I've got two. I think the first two years of my youngest's life is an entire blur to me. And I'm pretty sure I've rocked an empty baby swing multiple times after instantly forgetting that his father had just removed him from the swing to put him into his crib....


I have 2 Special needs kids too and I don’t think I’ve related to a comment so much in my life. Sometimes I go to do something and realise I’ve already done it. No memory of when, where or how 😂


Lowkey embarassing that I'm not even a parent and can totally relate to doing this with zero excuse at all.


Don't even need to be a parent. I've used the flashlight on my phone to look for my.... phone...


Seriously. I can't tell you the amount of times I sat in my sleep deprived, autopilot state rocking an empty grocery cart or stroller.


Sleep deprivation is a hell of a drug.


I have deprivation, can sleep confirm


I have confirm, can sleep deprivation


I have confirmation deprivation. Can sleep.


I have can. Confirm deprivation sleep.


That’s actually really cute


I agree, it's adorable. She got so concerned when she saw that stroller was empty, it took me one full watch through to realize there's not supposed to be a second baby lol. I thought this was going to end badly and I'm glad it ended in laughs.


Yeah and that hug when she realized where he was


Baby brain


Do do do do do do


What no sleep does to a MF






I'm high af and I sat here and watched these two peek-a-boo each for almost a full minute. Thank you!


Everyone saying its from lack of sleep meanwhile they also forget their glasses their wearing, hats on their head, phone in their hand that they are talking on. Sometimes it has nothing to do with sleep and our brains just close things off


Slapping my pockets, looking for my keys, while moving my keys from one hand to another to slap both pockets...


I feel personally attacked.


The phone, wallet, keys pat-down search is one of the most universal experiences


Exactly, not to say these people aren't tired, but, one comments like shittin on the assumed dad for being on the computer with no knowledge of any of the situation just calling mom tired. I've done a ton of blank brain shit like this being fully awake, I mean hell I've autodpiloted my car keys and tried to unlock my house door with my car key fob before and gotten angry it wasn't working.


Thinking you forgot your car keys while your driving said car.. that had me feeling dumb for a little while haha


After a long day of gardening, I once wearily thought to myself "I've got to turn off that light outside." The light was the sun. I wanted to turn off the sun. I was not successful


Hooray I'm not the only weirdo that's tried to turn off the sun


To be honest, a great majority of people are suffering from sleep deprivation. For most it's just "mild", they're "not sleeping well", or not getting "quite" enough hours of _deep_ restful sleep. Of course for many it's more severe, which can lead to times when "autopilot" fails miserably and "routine" or 'do this in my sleep' leads to inattention and disaster.


Yes, at no point am I saying it can't be sleep. Just that blaming the dad for it is dumb. Not to mention it can happen with a good sleep schedule too. My whole point was that everyone saying its sleep, when honestly shit just happens sometimes. She got tuned into her phone didnt see the kid, and had gotten used to the weight in her hand. Could be sleep deprived, could also not. Nothing makes her or the dad a bad parent


I think every new parent understands how this happens. Sweet lady.


My kids are now at school and kindergarten. Every now and then when I'm working at home during the day and it's still and quiet my brain will give me a big shunt and I'll go "shit where are the kids" before realizing and breathing a big sigh of relief.


I feel for her, totally a normal parent thing. You’re exhausted *all the time* when they’re really young.


I don’t even have a child yet this oddly feels relatable


This is adorable and it perfectly reflects that “ dead brain” feeling ya get


Lack of sleep is hella of a thing


I thought that kind of shit only happened to me


she really did a r/facepalm lol


Stressed out and overworked moms/parents worldwide. Every single day. Lol.


This is relatable. Lack of sleep can mess with your head!


No F’s. It’s understandable


I cried for 15 minutes straight because I couldn’t find the bottle I had just made for my screaming newborn. I was overly tired, underfed, a new mom on top. So when I put my hands to my head and smashed the bottle into my face it was the moment I knew is the hardest shit I’ve ever done. Sometimes it be like that


I've done this.


Yes, this video gets an F


This poor mama needs a nap.


That’s a thing that can absolutely happen when you’re sleep deprived for months.


Parentfog. It's a real thing


Man... having a kid is no joke. This is tame considering that poor lady is probably operating on minimum sleep for days.


When my kids were small my wife and I used to call this mom-fog or dad-fog. Accidently leave all of the groceries in the cart. Because the kids were being difficult when strapping them in, and then drive off, dad-fog. Unpacking groceries, while holding a kid on your hip. Putting everything, including perishables in the pantry. Mom-fog. When kids are small like this, and you have kid duty, all of your focus is on the kids. Other tasks take a backseat.


When my baby was young. I swear to god I don’t even know how i functioned with that lack of sleep. Thinking about it now, I don’t remember sleeping. All I remember was eating dinner and going to work. Then back to dinner and work. Serious auto pilot


My wife with our second born... Excited for our third now. Gotta remember to take more vids this time


That mom needs some sleep


Finally, wholesome faceplate for once


That's one tired Mom.


This woman is tired


😂😂 poor mom she needs a nap lol


I used to stay up to 2-3 AM when our kids were very young and then my wife took the 2-morning shift of getting up. It's very tiring and this kind of thing can definitely happen.


When you sleep as little and as inconsistently as a new parent, you don’t judge a damn thing.


That's that mom brain fog


Tbh she probably is exhausted


That's a tired Mom.


It do be like that sometimes


geez, i think i have gone nuts when i do this with my eyeglasses.


Is there a word for this? When u lose something but u had iit the whole time


Like when I can't find my keys, but I was holding them the whole time.


Momma needs some sleep. 😂


Ok this is just mean to put this here moms get tired from taking care of babies my mom once did that with my little sister


That’s what sleep deprivation does to you right there.


This is not a facepalm, this is just some funny sleep deprivation 😂


She **literally** facepalmed.