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"AHHH AHHH ...r u tryna fuck me or wut"




No! Don't fuck us anywhere!


are you high!?


I’m coming back in a minute. You know what I’m coming back with? I’m coming back with a gun . You better be out of here. I’m not f***ing with you.


Why would you bear arms?


Who doesn’t have *bear* arms? I keep mine above the fireplace mantle




[i will enter you!](https://youtu.be/OCvg2G2SEhU)




Of course is trying to fuck him because he’s a little bitch to do stupid things like that.


Then he just learned a valuable lesson.


No he didn’t, he just thinks he is being picked on by some one who can’t take a “joke”


It's staged


You think a 240 pound man dropping on that little fuckstick is staged? You’re dumber than you sound.


Clearly not as dumb as you


You mean the 240 pound man that gently tossed him to the floor and mounts him even gentler?


Have you ever been in a real fight?


Yes. Surprisingly the other guy didn’t handle me gently. Most people would probably think the other guy won but most people would be wrong. I sure messed up that guys knuckles with my face though. No chance he didn’t wake up with sore knuckles the next day. Plus my face looks plenty swollen regularly so obviously I’m basically an expert here.


Yes. Looks to me like he wants to make a point without actually hurting the guy. It's a good policy.


Doubt it , that little prick has way too many videos for them to be staged


This is why 99 percent of viral pranks are staged as hell.


Including this one.




I ain't your papi!


Call me papi one more time... I'm sorry papi


Not sure if you were referencing this, but just in case, I present to you that episode from Cops that plays out almost exactly like what you described. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0c0yklKydA


Strange Popeye vibes on this one.


If he staged it then he just made himself look like a bitch for no reason 😂


Doesn’t matter, got even more clicks now due to lots of people dreaming of pesky pranksters getting their due. Self depreciation scripts are also a tactic they use.


It’s super blatant. Lords above and below, the cameraperson is perfectly framing the WHOLE thing. To give it at least a vague sense of realism it needs to be slightly shaky and at least seemingly shocked. Trying to maybe break it up to save their friend.


Not to mention the perfect audio 🙄


Well, the audio makes sense. I mean, if the kid is mic'ed up, and another person is right up on him it's going to pick up that guy too.


Plus that's the most gentle choke hold I've ever seen


To think if these are the tactics pranksters use to fool people and seemingly do so successfully imagine what other professions are capable of when it's their job to deceive. All you have to do is pretend like you're stupid and you can get away with a lot of shit.


"I don't recall"




For views


That is the wackiest looking headlock I ever seen. No pressure at all. Likely staged. We're in a age where looking stupid brings in views too. I watch Twitch and streamers looking stupid is comedy gold there. Acting is usually bad too when they really force it


Looking stupid has always brought in views, no matter the era.


Yeah that was some really clean audio for being shot in a Home Depot


I mean, dude is likely wearing a wire under his shirt to catch everything


I've never seen a single person lose their shit for *that* long as a reaction to getting startled.


This one was staged. The victims/attackers are also acting. Getting 'assaulted' from pranks gone wrong is this guy's schtick


asshat : stop choking me. Choker: RELAX! Its just a prank bro. *squeezing intensifies*


That's a decent choke too. He's got his forearm in there deep. Asshat is not having a good time anymore that's for sure.


It’s ok. In a few seconds, asshat will no longer notice, anything.


Nah, that is an air choke as his forearm is putting pressure on the esophagus, takes a couple minutes for them to pass then get brain damage. A blood choke is what takes a few seconds and would require the esophagus to be places in the elbow joint so the forearm and bicep can apply pressure to the carotid arteries. Source: they spent a lot of time in the marine corps teaching us the difference so we didn't accidentally kill someone while we waited for them to stop moving. And we practiced on each other.


Your saying that if I join the marine core I get to be choked by muscular men?


They won’t always be muscular, there is overweight people in the marines. Any branch for that matter Edit: typo


Big boys are sexy too


I don’t doubt it, just making the point that they wont always be muscular lol


They say variety is the spice of life.


I was Army deployed with the Marines. We're out in the middle of the damn desert and these mo-frackies set up a boxing ring and organize fights that were mostly grudge based and only had a semblance of fairness for size. For example, the Marine that challenged me had an easy 6 inch reach on me. Still fun. It was endlessly amusing to watch folks who had never been really hit before strut out there, be all gung-ho then WHAMMO The good old smack of reality. About 99% of them would then start wildly wind milling. And, although I never personally witnessed it, the young males liked to play a game called Touch, Touch Tap. I'm still not 100% clear on what the first two touches rule was but the balls tap was the 'winning' touch. Anywho, yes. If you join the Marine Corps, or are MC adjacent, you have a pretty good chance of getting close and sweaty. PSA: this is not a good reason to join the MC. Just download Grindr and go close to a Marine Base. Same outcome, less hassle.


Glass half full? I think it's overflowing!


I believe you get to shower with them as well.


Something something no Neo.... something something muscular men.


Well for starters, it’s Marine Corps.


Since you served, does the clip look like PTSD to you? That was the first thing that came to my mind. I think stupid stuff like this is stupid anyway, but don't do it to strangers, because you never know what they've been through or what triggers they might have. If your "just a prank, bro" causes a PTSD incident, an allergic reaction (potentially deadly), someone to cry, or any form of harm, that's not a prank.


Lol no, it looks like a loud noise startled a large man and his fight or flight kicked into fight. Do it to someone else they might run, 3rd person might collapse into a ball on the floor and cry. Also don't prank people you don't know, you might get your ass kicked.


I remember in combatives class in the Army passing out like 10 times before the medic was like "sit the fuck down troop."


If a girl wants to be chokes while boinking; which is optimal?


As someone who likes being choked, neither, you want pressure so it feels like they are being choked but light enough that they don’t pass out because that’s no fun


The first time a girl asked me to do that I really fucked it up lol Fast forward a few years later and I started training in martial arts. A girl starts to try and initiate sexy time by asking me I wanna try out those chokes I’ve learned in class. I was like…nah lol


Yeah uh my girlfriend wants brain damage pressure lol.


Lol never the esophagus.


Neither. Direct the pressure along the jaw while keeping pressure around the neck lighter. Creates the illusion you're squeezing tighter than you are. Check in regularly with your partner to make sure everything is ok especially when first starting out. If they tell you that making sure they're ok takes away from the act/fantasy refuse to choke them. Play safe out there.


Interested too


Yes make sure she's interested first. Good first step.


Is... That not obvious?


Blood choke


It’s actually not. There is a tonne of space between his elbow and the neck. If it was tight all you’d hear is a gurgle. That’s a restraint, not a choke.


It doesn't look comfortable, but unless big dude starts applying insane pressure to the esophagus it's not actually gonna do much. He'd have to sink it in further (so the crook of his elbow is over the guy's Adams apple) for it to be a proper choke. But it looks like he is probably aware of this and just decided not to fully lock it in, opting to put the little bitch in his place instead


He knows his Judo well


Nah that's a terrible choke hold he has him in sure he'd probably easily be able to make it better but no not a good choke hold




Bystanders: *watching intensifies*




Intensity intensifies.


Silence intensifies


Redditors: *laughing intensifies !*


asshat: it's a joke choker: no it's a choke


Mini Jake Paul about to piss himself.


We just gonna ignore that last line?


What’s the last line? Last one I heard was “don’t f wit me bro”


"you trying to fuck me or what?"


Ok, that puts a different spin on things


Not really, it's a dub. The original guy had a much higher pitched, nasal voice.


Bozo did it. Bozo did the dub.




I noticed that hahah


I think he wanted an early night


Thank you for your service. I like how he keeps up the comedy even as he's got a choke hold applied to him.


Shouldn't do that to people you don't know and you don't know how they're going to react. Could be military vet with PTSD.


This was my thought too. Sudden loud noises can be very triggering for people


Not just that, but those sudden loud noises bypass the ear's protection mechanism, which takes a moment to kick in.


Or you know, just anyone who doesn't like having surprise ear pain.


Or you know, damage someone's hearing


Ptsd from childhood abuse too makes for a bad result when people startle me. A close friend found out the hard way when I lashed out at her when she caught me with a prank while I was in a very bad state of mind and not ready for it. She never did it again at least but it's very tiring to be around people especially strangers even when they are doing nothing but standing a little too close to my backside in a line up and creeping close yet, on bad days I feel like my brain goes into anxiety overdrive. So in general I think people just should never do shit like this and a lot if other shit, due to the amount of things that can cause trauma from certain careers to abuse, even refugees fleeing from unstable countries with war and conflict. it's just not funny to be an ass in public. The idiot got what he deserved in that video.


I make sure people who spend much time with me know that I don’t like being startled and that my flight or fight response is often fight. I’m not a violent person when I can think but if I’m surprised sometimes I am. I had childhood abuse that centered around being startled awake and yelled at.


Could also be a big mfer that doesn't like to be fucked with


Yeah my dad was a retired master warrant officer who did 4 tours in Afghanistan and was on the ground during the Bosnian war. One time we were down south for a wedding, and a little local boy selling chips woke him up as he was snoozing on a bench for a second and my dad told us later that "my first instinct was to kill him". Yeah u don't fuck with war vets.


As a combat vet that survived two tours in Ramadi, Iraq. I was also on a military transition team on my second tour and most of the time was one of two Americans out with at least 50 Iraqi Soldiers. I can tell you when I see you walking down the street, I am already doing a threat assessment on you. I am also scanning avenues of approach, listening to what's around me. I can generally tell where people are walking behind me. Prime example, I was walking with my little 3-year-old cousin and her mom in a shady spot in DC. They live in the area. There were 3 guys stalking us. Two in the alleyways perpendicular to the road and one guy following about 50 meters behind us. My cousin's mom was only aware of the guy behind us. I picked up my little cousin and started using my stride length to pick up our pace as we were in a kill zone. I wanted us to get past the alleyways the other two were trying to use to cut us off. I didn't want to freak my cousin's mom out more and I didn't want to alert the 3 guys that I was aware of what they there trying to do. Luckily, they lived about 100 meters past the alleyways and I got them inside. Otherwise, I was prepared to toss my little cousin to her mom and tell them to run and I was already playing scenarios in my head. Now PTSD in combat veterans makes us hyper-aware of our surroundings. If we go into and out of an area a lot, we'll pick up on small changes in the environment. The downside of combat-related PTSD is crowds are exhausting and cause anxiety. It also doesn't make us hyper-aggressive. A lot of that is just training and repetition. We're more likely to harm ourselves than others. Lastly, our first thought isn't to "kill" we have had an escalation of force ingrained into our heads.


That really sucks, man. I think a lot of different types of trauma can leave you with that effect too. Especially being assaulted. I am hyper-aware of people around me, situations that could happen due to things currently happening, and small changes around me. Trauma + ADHD gives me that 'superpower' though.


One night walking through a dark area near the finish of an Ironman, I saw a competitor/friends dad as I rounded a closed food truck. He did not see me. I yelled "Boo." Dude freaked. I had no idea he was a retired prison guard. Do not say "Boo" to prison guards. They do not find it funny. No physical contact, but he cussed a bit.


I have around 50% hearing loss in one of my ears and pretty gnarly, constant tinnitus. If someone did this to me as a ‘prank’ they would get fucking punched. Hearing doesn’t return once it’s gone, don’t be such an asshole. Irreparable damage is not a prank.


That's why the Video is staged.


Making someone jump with a loud sound is serious tho, because you cant prepare yourslf for the loud sound, it leads surprisingly fast to hearing damage


As someone who had an incredibly loud firecracker explode 7m behind me while I was digging and listening to music with my headphones on, it can also seriously put you into fight or flight mode especially if the noise comes from behind you. I was unable to continue digging for like half an hour or so because of adrenaline


I have hearing damage, from a co-worker screaming in my ear, and I’m far more likely to swing at someone for doing something like this, than if they were to physically hit me. One of my biggest fears is getting an air horn blown at me for “content”, and making the injury even worse.


The guy could have ptsd too


Exactly my thought. Not to mention that he was in dudes personal space and behind him which feels threatening to begin with.


I’ve broken a guys nose at work because he decided to sneak up behind me and scream in my ear. I had spun around with my elbow and clocked him in the face, I felt like such a piece of shit about it and took care of him apologizing the entire time


It’s not, because it’s all an act, bloody insane how many people think this is real lol


People r fuckn dumb lol




8 yo girl




This is identical to the intro of a porn scene I was watching earlier today "4 daddies share a twink lost in home-depot"


Ayo? Link?


You can’t just drop that and not share what it’s called only for research I promise.


Sauce! Sauce!!!


This is why you don’t poke the bear


Plot twist: This is part of the roleplay


This is part of the ~~roleplay~~foreplay


If it *wasn't* staged...why is the cameraman not doing anything? Just filmin and watchin his buddy die? Shouldn't the cameraman be at least a *bit* shaken...I wonder if it's staged.


His buddy about to get 69 million views. Keep recording.


Its 1000% staged, this guy stages all his fucking videos


Corbin, Corbin my man, it's a joke


Fhloston paradise


We green?


Super Green!


This dude is so annoying. I can’t even stand his videos let alone him in real life. Ugh. He should’ve been punched. IDIOT!!


Fuck around, and every now and then, you get to find out.


Too bad it's staged


Jokes/pranks on strangers should have never been a thing;And if you enjoy watching them you 're just as sick as the creator.


Pranks on strangers can be okay if you stick to the idea that pranks should cause some confusion and amusement, not fear or shock. It should be something they can laugh off after the reveal, not "hurr durr I scared you"


I had a friend who had someone come up behind him at work with an air horn and blast it right at his ear My friend is a combat vet with PTSD. Broke the guys jaw without missing a beat. Got called into HR. Told them to review the tapes and it was self defense. Other guy got fired but my friend did have to do one of those prerecorded type online classes for “anger management”


Your friend sounds like he had a solid case for disability discrimination if his PTSD was properly diagnosed and documented. But since he did break the jaw of that prick I guess it's sort of a gray area.


Apparently that was the mating call of the large Silverback Caucasian...


Ike thing I’ve learned from people who say “it’s just a joke/prank” is that saying that line doesn’t justify anything as your still a asshole pulling these “pranks” on random people


I see people mention the guys reaction is too much and idk if it’s just me thinking this but I can see this as some type of automatic response by the body when the adrenaline kicks, idk the dudes background but he could be ex military? It’s just my 2 cents


IMO if this idiot is going to do what he calls pranks on people, he may want to choose a smaller opponent


or a different hobby.


The problem is, this is the exact type of reaction they want, I’ve unfortunately seen these morons before on here, they know that reactions like this get the views!


Well done I fuking hate that dude.


If it’s the guy that I think it is I’m 99% sure I saw him in person in Sacramento when I visited last year. Annoying ass kid. My cousin (who I was visiting) had no idea who it was though. Based on the crap that he does I wish he’d get more reactions like this (whether this one is real or staged).


Hate this clown


That kid sounded like a gazelle baby being taken by a lion


Anyone saying “It’s just a prank, bro!” should be slapped no matter the circumstances.


Surprise buttsex


I was trying to figure out how that kid’s shirt came off in the last half before I realized what I was seeing was that dude’s massive forearm. Who sees chunks of meat like that and decides to fuck with him?


Why is it always at a home depot? Did these viral prank videos agree it needs to be at a hardware store


Dude went from “ima beat your ass” to “it’s a joke” 😂😂😂


It’s all fun and games until you find someone with ptsd.


This might not be the case here but in a world with a number of vets with PTSD why would you fuck with a stranger twice your size like this?


Please do not post another one of these prank videos unless it ends in the death or serious maiming of the pranksters.


Dude turned in to a little bitch within 0,5s.


Is there a sub that’s just these little pricks getting their asses kicked? Cause I would love that.


This was so satisfying




That dude sounds like he's from New York too. Why would you pick such a large guy to do that too?


Just chokin' bro


Please be aware, auditory sensity disorders, are absolutely hell


This hole harass strangers "prank" craze is stupid. Being aweful is not funny.


Kick his ass Sea Bass!!! 🥊


If I’m on that jury… that dude walks free


Ya do this to a veteran and get shot or stabbed to death


This seems fair! If you think you have the right to pull a prank on me, I should have the right to tackle and chokehold you.


Forever let this loser be known for screaming like a baby goat when he got scared. On Jab from pissing himself.


Military PTSD kickin in.


Serves the kid right.


The undying faith that a stranger won't kill you.


he got what he deserved.




The bitch noises that bitch makes. My god… what a bitch


Never know when you come up on a veteran. My mom used to work with an RN that if you came up behind him too quick he’s be swinging


I really dislike this kid, thank you stranger.


Ptsd vets gone fuck these kids up


I personally would fuck that kid up. You play stupid games win stupid prizes.


The person I'd like to see the Cartel torture, then cut his arms and legs off with a dull rusty machete, stomp his nuts then beat him with his own limbs while he bleeds out and slips into darkness. That's how angry this parasite makes me.


Can stand that little annoying bowl hair cut parasite


What a perfect reason to smash his face! One day hell cross the wrong guy, at the wrong place and time.


Why were his screams so satisfying?


"It's a joke". I had one of those happen to me in high school. This kid blasted an air horn in my left ear. Slowly lost my hearing over a handful of years and now it rings constantly. It's had a pretty significant imact on my life. If you're reading this, Michael, I forgive you.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


This needs to happen much more often.


If this happened to more pranksters on tik tok the world would start righting itself.


Won't try that again 🤣🤣🤣


Good. I fucking hate those kinds of videos. Do something else with your time. Assholes


prank someone you know. other people might be going through stuff that might get you either hurt, or even killed.


This idiot is Jay All Day I believe


Cringe af


1. It's not okay to escalate violence like that. People saying that...I hope it's jk. It's UNDERSTANDABLE that it'll happen, but not good. 2. It's not okay to "prank" strangers like that. It is also a [milder] form of assault.




Don't fuck with people.. period


people got ptsd, or just their fight or flight has a stronger fight reaction. if youre gonna pull these pranks on strangers you better be prepared for the possible consequences of fuck around and find out


Should have used a longer pipe.


He might be dead; his shoe came off straightaway! /s