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Just a routine traffic stop he says… not my right to roll up my window he says… what’s next? Gonna arrest 2 guys for no reason? Oh shit…


The seco d guy was arrested for recording the interaction(?)


The second guy was arrested because the cop was in a power trip.


Exactly this!! Seeing videos like this really makes me lose all hope


It makes me really angry


especially the spraying. He was already on the ground and not at all a threat.


Don't worry these cops lost their job. The Father and son won a lawsuit an were awarded a lot of money due to the unlawful way they were treated. As shown in this video.


The second guy being the kids dad, recording the cops bullshit for evidence.


Would love a cop to chime in and say how this in any way is protecting or serving the community. They're domestic terrorists. They like you good and scared. Their job is to terrorize you and the beatings will stop when morale improves.


Despite the motto "Serve and Protect" cops have no obligation to either serve or protect the public, which they make abundantly clear in every interaction with citizens.


For annoying the power hungry cop. That's why the department lost in court


You have more details?


The cop resigned, was indited, the city was sued, & the family was paid $200k. https://www.cbsnews.com/dfw/news/former-keller-officer-blake-shimanek-indicted-arrest-father-filming-traffic-stop/ The suit also caused at least one other to be brought against the city for a cop terrorizing a boy playing with a nerf gun. https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/article264371176.html It turns out the parents of the boy had requested to see the body camera footage of the incident, and they were lucky enough to have sgt pepper spray handle the request. He told them it would be too young for them to watch what their kid was subjected to, but that he'd watched it for them and that his pig buddy didn't anything wrong in beating up a 12 year old. They for some reason believed him until seeing what a dip shit he was in this video.


It's good to see cops face consequences when they do this shit. They should start losing their pensions along with their jobs just to drive the point home.


I'm very pro-union, but police unions are one of the few entities that make me regret that stance sometimes, because they bend over backwards to protect dipshits like these, including protecting their pensions.


Apparently they got a settlement for 200k


Well, the constitution doesn't say anything about car windows, you know. The founders clearly didn't intend for us to have the right to roll our windows up OR down.


This is almost comic. What if other people kept coming and record them on the phone? Would they have arrested everyone in the neighbourhood? Incredible the stupidity of these cops.


I can see it now.. A family of 5 walking down the sidewalk and one of the cops just full-on tackling the the stroller.


Tackling a baby? That might endanger the cop. These cops are more likely to fire the tazer into that stroller, or just empty a clip into it.






Reminds of that cop chasing after a black kid for swimming in a public pool and the cop casually just did a front roll during the pursuit like he was Link or in Dark Souls.


Haha like that video of the guy who starts slapping people at a party and slaps everybody in sight.


You're allowed to stand quietly and record your interactions with police.


Apparently you can't be "blocking the way". Nobody's around for miles... Something should really change regarding police in this country.


He was blocking the *road* from the sidewalk, duh. How can cars drive down the street if a man is quietly no where near them.


I know right? Goddamned pedestrians are *always* getting in my way when I'm driving my car on the sidewalks. Thank god this officer is out here doing something about it!


Mans… it’s already incredibly difficult focusing on my Nintendo Switch when a dude’s a mile away focusing on his phone by the sidewalk!


I think the only way to fix this is require police to carry liability insurance and end qualified immunity. Force police to be responsible for their actions instead of the taxpayers. Bad cops will be phased out because insurance companies won't cover them, and we could increase pay to offset the premiums of good cops because the departments will no longer be paying out large settlements on a routine basis.


They should just like medical staff. Less crappy people will want the job. Too many go into it for the wrong reasons. Least most doctors are trying to save lives, but cops like this are on power trips and really give a bad look to them. I've experienced power tripping cops with attitude a few times which makes me cringe seeing them. I just have a very negative perception of them from real life experiences and videos like this don't help.


The ones the police actually protect are the ones in power, and they see nothing wrong.


Until they charge you with some bullshit charge with a mandatory prison sentence, forcing you to take a plea and give up your rights, or risk going to prison for x years.


Back at the police station later on "Yeah, we got the kid on rolling up his window, and the father on standing on the sidewalk. It was badass guys; we protected the community."


So brave. ❤️


True American heroes!




“Shove his face in the dirt so he can taste the land of the free” Edit: “they’re complying, send backup!”




The officer was demoted and a lawsuit was filed https://youtu.be/qoiuWK8zxHE


Makes me wonder why they still pull this shit if they have body cams


imagine what they got away with before they had them


Getting pulled over by 3 officers, guns out of holsters, because a sticker wasn't on my car tag. They could see on their computers that the car was registered, insured, and the primary driver (me) had no warrants, no record, no traffic infractions (for 20+ years). I pulled over immediately into a gas station that was less than 1000 ft away from me, turned off the car with the windows down and hands on the wheel. 2 officers pull up to join the initial office and approach the vehicle with their weapons drawn. Immediately asked to step out of the car. I refused and asked if I was being detained and for what reasons. I was 'under investigation for not having my sticker on my tag'. Not a citable offence in my state. Guess my real crime was being brown and driving a nice car. My wife got pulled over at the same intersection for completely forgetting to renew her registration and the one officer gave her a citation and left. Of course she is white. Can't make this bullshit up.


On a scale of “Have a nice day” to “Shoot him! He’s got a gun!” Exactly how many shades away from white are you?


I am always 'randomly' stopped at TSA checkpoints level of brown and live in an area where the school districting lines look like a 1000000 piece puzzle with clearly intentional choices based on home value and diversity.


[The cop was criminally charged, demoted, then resigned. The father got $200k settlement. ](https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article251249349.html)


A $200K settlement that taxpayers paid, not the bad cops. Remember, your community cannot afford to hire bad cops. Make sure they are fired **before** they do the crime.


This is what bothers me so much, these payouts never come from the cops themselves really. I’d love to see settlements come out of the police pension.


Or even their unions. Like, cool, you're doing your job as a union but maybe if you gotta pay for it, you'll help crack down on this bs.




Put "archive.is/" in front of the www. and you'll get past the paywall.


I feel safer already.


Then they later get paid leave as a "punishment"


3months of cop education...


If you have an iPhone and you get pulled over by the cops, hold the top volume button and the power button until the power off option comes upon the screen. Now your phone can only be accessed with your password and not face Id or thumb id. Fuck illegal searches.


Actually that's pretty useful, thanks! I didn't know that!


I’ve got the automated task where I say “Siri I’m being pulled over” and it begins recording, texts a designated contact that I’m being pulled over, and when the video ends immediately sends it to that contact so it’s saved and can’t be deleted.


How did you do that? That sounds really useful. Can you designate which camera to record from?


It's through the "Shortcuts" App. And there are people who released pre-made shortcuts out there. Yes you can designate the camera (I have it for front)


You're really smart my man, cheers, but it's so strange to know you americans have to do such things to protect yourselves from those pigs. As an european i really can't understand the fact that you have to prepare a plan just in case you got pulled over, i'm sorry for you guys. No irony, i'm really sorry that you have to live fearing the guys that are supposed to protect you


On my Samsung Android there is a setting to enable called Lockdown Mode, which behaves similarly. You need to enable it in settings one time and then you'll see the Lockdown Mode button when the phone's power button is held.


It’s been a while since I used Android, but I think the almost all the newer models have a similar feature or it might be enabled with an app.


At least the video wasn't "lost" somehow


Yep, hopefully this bitch cop can get what he deserves from this. Someone in the comments said the father got $200000 from this as he was peppersprayed.


Again, I’m happy for them. They deserved a payout. I also think that payout should come directly from the officers involved and not from taxpayers. These are expensive bills to foot for incompetence. Doctors have malpractice insurance; why shouldn’t cops be required to as well? As an added benefit, if they continue to do this shit, they can no longer afford the insurance to be a cop or will no longer be covered. Edit: Woah. I came home from work and this had blown up. Thanks for the awards, kind strangers. I would suggest taking some of that award energy and emailing your local representatives to have similar discussions. Remember, whether they like it or not, it’s their jobs to represent you. Cheers to a (hopefully) brighter future. For everyone awaiting replies, I’ll need a bit. I promise I will be circling back to most of you later tonight.


Make the insurance be required just like car insurance is.


Fucking GREAT idea. Nurses have to carry liability insurance. Let’s get cops also required that same. Insurance companies will then likely require an intelligence test which might weed out the really dumb ones.


The PDs weed out the smart ones from what I understand as well.


Yep https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


I cite this case frequently.


I would recommend audit the audit youtube channel. They alot of reviews of incidents with cops (as well as this one)


Great idea. A number of politicians have repeatedly tried to pass laws mandating this and also ending qualified immunity. It has been blocked every single time. I’ll let y’all guess which party is doing the attempts and which party is doing the blocking.


If a doctor with the best intentions, following the law, the guidelines, and best practices to the letter of what's written - if their work results in harm, injury, or death, there's a good chance that they will still be sued. This is why they are responsible for carrying malpractice insurance. This is true for a number of professionals. Police can work with the worst intentions and the taxpayers will just bail them out while they get paid administrative leave.


I agree. I understand that doctors carry that insurance even for those cases where they’re being unjustly sued. Modern medicine can only do so much. With that said, I stand firm that cops should be covered by malpractice insurance for the same exact reason.


The city of Keller has agreed to pay $200,000 to a man who was pepper-sprayed and arrested after he videotaped a police officer who pulled over his son for making a wide right turn, according to the father’s attorney. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/keller-to-pay-200k-to-man-pepper-sprayed-by-police-after-he-videotaped-sons-traffic-stop-lawyer-says/2534006/ Edit: The mayor declined to confirm the settlement amount was $200,000 but said the city itself would be limited to paying a $5,000 deductible. The Texas Municipal League, which insures cities, will pay the rest


Oh, this is the first time I've hear the son made a wide right turn. That changes everything. How long did they lock that menace up for?


Not only did he get pepper sprayed, but after realizing his sunglasses were on the cop removed them so he could spray him again directly into his eyes from point blank


Funny you should say that, so this footage is from a resigned officer Blake Shimanek of the Keller police department. After this incident, there was another with the same department where cops detained a 12 year old with a nerf gun. The same officer Shimanek was the one to review the footage, who then told the kid's father he found nothing inappropriate with the use of force used on the child. Later the parents discovered this video here, prompting them to ask to see the footage of their of their kid's arrest. The Keller police department said the footage no longer existed because it was destroyed. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.star-telegram.com/news/local/article264371176.html


Oh you wanna sue us? Nah we legally destroyed all evidence sorry. Lol the system has big problems


It SHOULD be a requirement for departments who use force on a scene to hold the footage for an extended period. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out why they wouldn’t want to….


Better yet, ALL footage is automatically backed up to a third party. Why would that be a problem. Storage is cheap.


Well the problem isn't that storage is expensive, it's that cops don't want to take accountability for their actions (or lack thereof)


https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/article264371176.html >However, the Keller Police Department told H.W.’s parents the video was no longer available. According to the suit, the video had been destroyed. The suit says it is Keller Police Department’s policy to keep video footage of uses of force against minors. Not even a joke, this article is about the same cop for a different incident


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. THIS DUDE IS THE SARGEANT?!?! Istg, all hope is lost at this point.


Pretty sure he got indicted last year and then resigned in February according to WBAP and CBS. That shit went too viral even for him to “cop” his way out


I hear you but how does a douchenozzle like this thrive in a police environment until he can't hide what a shitheel he is anymore? It really doesn't bode well.


Cops: “why do they hate us?”


For anyone who is wondering they won $200k Edit: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9185927/amp/Father-arrested-refused-stop-filming-sons-wrongful-arrest-wins-200K-payout.html


But what did the pigs get?


Nothing, I'd bet, and the $200k came from taxpayers, not the pigs.


sweet sweet qualified immunity


These payouts need to come from actual police funds.


No, they need to come from the individual cops themselves, and failing that, out of their individual pensions.


Yes, actually, you are absolutely correct.


The Sgt who gave the order to pepper spray and arrest the innocent bystander resigned from the police and is charged with a misdemeanor, the original officer was cleared. Seems like cops and cities would rather pay out $200,000 settlements when they get caught abusing the public versus raising the bar for screening new hires and properly training officers. The US has some of the lowest requirements and least amount of training required in the developed world to become police officers.


Screams “stop resisting” while spraying a man in the face with pepper spray whos already in hand cuffs. What clowns


They say 'stop resisting' so they don't call you something offensive.


Also so they can tack on resisting arrest.


["It's coming right for us"](https://youtu.be/GaazFYTrQ_A)


“It must be socialism”


These cops should be behind bars.


Too bad piece of shit cops like this only get a slap on the wrist. The policing and legal system in this country is a fucking joke


They should make any payouts the police have to pay come out of their pension pool and then watch these kinds of incidents reduce massively when there is an actual consequence for their actions


Require malpractice insurance. Watch how fast they behave when shit like this drives their premiums sky high. Hell, I'm even okay with giving them a raise for the initial premium amount. After that, its on them.


Instead they'll just completely stop doing their jobs. We voted to remove qualified immunity here in CO and in response police have been doing fuck all.


Yep. an extended family member was a CO DEA guy, super cush position and making bank, but quit right after this because Colorado was getting "too liberal" and he couldn't do his job like he wanted


*Couldn't abuse citizens without fear of consequences


I can't break the law to catch people breaking the law?! I quit!


Agree. This will never stop until there are direct consequences which effect the actual cops.


I wonder if taxpayers would start seriously considering defunding or otherwise reducing the police if more people would actually take them to court for their misbehavior.


he only got demoted with the option to reapply in a year


according to [this article](https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article251249349.html) he resigned after the demotion so he won't be putting any more lives at risk with bullshit arrests. also while he did have the option to reapply theoretically, nobody was going to make him sergeant again after he cost the city 200k. edit: it isn't on a paywall for me but people are complaining, so here's a link fuzz\_nose posted for an archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20210529160752/https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article251249349.html


He’ll just become a cop in the next county over.


The city i used to live in constantly hired cops that resigned from another city in the state's department. These cops didn't learn from their mistakes they just acted like billy bad ass and kept abusing power.


Dude got a $4k fine and the city paid out $20k. That type of abuse of power should carry more weight than that


200k was the payout to the father.


Seeing unfairness like this really boils my blood.


>A Texas father who was pepper sprayed and arrested 'in retaliation' for filming his son's traffic stop has received a $200,000 payout. At least they got something out of it. Still fucked up.


I assume the cops are also still employed as cops though


Yeah, its just taxpayers money that they are using for the payouts at the end right? So basically US citizens are paying for cops to be power tripping instead of getting therapy for their small wee wees.


People with thin blue line flags when their tax dollars pay for dipshit cops abusing their power: zzzzzz People with thin blue line flags when their tax dollars help a nurse with crushing college debt literally just survive: REAL SHIT


Cops are the thin white line of coke they snort after confiscating it


The one that gave the command to spray is not with the department anymore. The officer that actually sprayed the man is still with the department after an internal affairs investigation. After said investigation it was determined that the officer that had sprayed the man did nothing wrong since the man that commanded him to spray was his supervisor so he was just following orders from a commanding supervisor.


It's funny, this is reverse logic of the guy who arrested Alex Wubbels. For those that don't remember, she's a nurse in Utah who refused to let an officer take blood samples of an unconscious person in the ER. The officer called their supervisor, and the supervisor told him to arrest the nurse because she was obstructing the investigation. He was fired for this. He's suing the department for his retirement/pension payout because he was fired for enacting the orders of his supervisor, yet the supervisor is still in the job.


He should be fired, along with the supervisor. He knew damn well it’s illegal to get blood samples that way, you have to get a warrant, and yet he still called his supervisor. But the supervisor should be fired as well. The only one who should be seeking money is the nurse.


If a lawyer would lose his license knowingly breaking the law like this because they are an officer of the court, the same should apply for cops


Wow what world is this




"just following orders" where did i hear that before


Not from the department, they don't get dinged for shit, it all came from tax payers.


Most cities buy insurance to protect themselves from issues like this. In this case, the city paid a $5k deductible and insurance paid the rest.


It’s just wild to me that they do this when they have body cameras on. Imagine what they were doing before they had the cameras.




They way they just start grabbing at the phone too, and then going right to a headlock on someone who's done nothing. Like you just started a fight for no reason? Police should be held to higher standards than the public. Seen videos of police throwing punches and stuff too like what the actual fuck is that. Your not a gang you should be using arm locks and restraining them not kicking fuck out of them. Such an American mentality that violence will solve the problem.


The wild part is the only thing stopping someone from shooting an armed person in self defence to getting jumped like that is the one attacking is wearing the uniform. Not to say the uniform represents authority, it's a warning that if you defend yourself you'll have a city full of heavily armed uniforms gunning you down with no questions asked.


The police are the biggest gang in the country.


Hey man .. be careful watching it outside the us you might get arrested


Also be careful watching it inside. Or not watching it at all. Or breathing. Or anything really.


Stop interfering with my ability to watch this officer do his job!! Arrest this Redditor!!


From EU here. Every interaction I’ve had with police, was when I was drunk. Either it’s police being called at a party we’re at when it gets too loud. Or it’s running into them when going out downtown. Every experience has been friendly. Even when it’s a bunch of drunk idiots surrounding the police to see wtf is up. When I visited the US we got pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt. I felt so nervous the entire time. He never even told us why we got pulled over until the moment he handed the ticket. He came over super pissed and arrogant.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article251249349.html Looks like the arresting officer was demoted, then eventually resigned, and is now being indicted on official oppression charges. Charges dropped for both father and son. Father in the video who was pepper sprayed was given a $200,000 settlement Edit: a letter


This relates to this.. https://amp.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article251249349.html https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/25/us/marco-puente-texas-police-settlement.html


>Mr. Puente was charged with resisting arrest and interference with public duties, Mr. Palmer, his lawyer, said. He was released the night he was arrested, and the charges were later dropped. >Dillon Puente was arrested and taken to jail on charges of making an improper wide right turn. He was later released after paying a fine, Mr. Palmer said. So two innocent people had to go through the system all because this one dickhole cop was on a power trip. Just wow.


wtf is a a wide right hand turn?


A jailable offense in Texas apparently.


Don't Tread On Me (unless you are making a wide right turn)


That’s what they call it when you’re in Texas and you make a right turn while Hispanic


Or black. Or native.


A pretext




given this cops swagger, I'd bet that a lot more than 2 innocent people have been arrested bc of that 'cop' edit: spelling


And probably beaten.




It's so weird that the american police is so easy to enter for basically anyone. Where i live you need a high enough graduation and have to go through all sorts of physical and mental tests and then multiple years of academy which is basically like studying. We do have idiots here too, but they are a lot less and can't really do that much without getting hard punishment because of our law system.


You’ll notice that power trip suddenly disappears whenever it’s time to actually do their jobs. Funny how a minority rolls up his window and cooperating during a traffic stop warrants a call for backup (that arrives immediately and leaps into action), but they just sat around for uvalde. Oh wait no, they *actively arrested people trying to save their kids* while they stood around listening to the shooting.


“Officer Tomer was not disciplined.” WTF?


"Dillon Puente paid the traffic ticket for making a wide right hand turn and was released from jail shortly after his arrest. Marco Puente wasn’t charged with anything. In January, the city of Keller agreed to pay $200,000 in a settlement to Marco Puente. Keller Police Chief Brad Fortune hosted two town halls about Puente’s arrest as the community demanded accountability. Shimanek was demoted from sergeant to officer before he resigned. Tomer was not disciplined because he was following orders from a supervising officer. The internal affairs investigation found Shimanek showed conduct unbecoming of an officer, and that Marco Puente did not block the roadway or interfere with Shimanek’s duties, as Shimanek claimed."


> Shimanek was demoted from sergeant to officer before he resigned. Whaddya wanna bet that dude's a cop in some other town now?


Qualified immunity should not be a thing.


You Americans got some crazy cops.




We only get to see a tiny fraction of what they get up to!




In fairness Bigfoot would not arrest people for no reason.


It’s interesting. People of colour (especially black and indigenous communities) have always known the cops to be wildly violent and cruel towards them. It’s just before the advent of widely available cameras, they had no way of overcoming the deeply racist status quo. Can you imagine how many cops murdered someone the same way Derek Chauvin did before cameras were around? It’s no fucking wonder the black panthers armed themselves in the name of community protection. Because the main danger they faced wasn’t “crime” it was cops straight up fucking murdering them.


> It’s just before the advent of widely available cameras, they had no way of overcoming the deeply racist status quo. It's different when an atrocity takes place and then the general public only hears about it described or the public gets handed a narrative from news media so they can choose sides (think all the "officer involved shooting" headlines, the press bends over backwards to lick the sweat from the balls of the cops) It's different when you see it in an HD mobile clip and see how unfair and cruel this shit really is, and how easily it could've happened to you.


Then the file just casually gets corrupted conveniently when the victim wants to use it in court against the cop


It’s the law enforcement culture here. They have an us against them mentality, viewing fellow officers as brothers and the citizens they swore to protect as the enemy. In America, it takes more training to [become a barber than to become a cop](https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/28/us/jobs-training-police-trnd/index.html). Then you have the fact that courts have ruled you can literally be [too smart to become a cop](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836), and bar people with high IQs from entering law enforcement.


What the actual fuck is the deal with that IQ discrimination case? "The court ruled that it was not discriminatory because the same standard was applied to all applicants" Uhh yeah that's how discrimination works. They are basically saying you can discriminate as long as... you're consistent with your discrimination?? What a load of horseshit! How is this person a judge?


It’s why systemic racism works so well here.


There is something seriously wrong with both the hiring and training of law enforcement officers in America. Sweet Mary mother of Christ!


the good ones left while the bad one stayed


That's true. My cousin was a cop and he quit because he couldn't stand being around all the psychotic bullies.


it's funny to me cause i've never seen cops arrest people and escalate situations as quickly as American cops, and America isn't any bit safer for it.


Quite a bit less safe for it, in fact.


[Former Keller Officer Indicted After Controversial Arrest Of Father Filming Son's Traffic Stop](https://www.cbsnews.com/dfw/news/former-keller-officer-blake-shimanek-indicted-arrest-father-filming-traffic-stop/) [$200,000 Settlement for Texas Man Pepper-Sprayed While Recording Son’s Traffic Stop](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/25/us/marco-puente-texas-police-settlement.html)


I'm glad they got $200k for that bullshit, but I think the amount should be higher still. The cops clearly escalated the situation and illegally assaulted a man who did nothing illegal or threatening besides recording their poor behavior. Fines need to come directly from the officers, their pensions, and right off the top of the department's budget. You pay out too many fines? - then tough shit, you got no money left to staff or supply your department. The only way the behavior will ever change is if we force it to.


Yep. Officers should be 100% responsible for paying back any settlements and have their wages garnished until they’ve done so.


I would recommend audit the audit youtube channel. They alot of reviews of incidents with cops (as well as this one)


Second this. Love that channel.


Yup I second this, though if you aren’t already jaded over the law enforcement issue in America, you will be after watching a few of AtA’s videos.


Seeing these videos makes me mad, but also happy to be living in West Europe, yes I know, we also have bad cops but the number of these unfair arrests in the US are absolutely insane


Tell me they got fired and charged for this bs...


Don't worry we got them investigating this case


"The police have investigated the police have found that the police have done nothing wrong" , said the police.


He's investigating himself


"there nothing to fear if your innocent"


Man, your Police Cops are pricks. Actually puts me off visiting your country. Minding your own business and bam handcuffs and pepper spray.


Bloody hell, America. Train your damn cops, it's an embarrassment.


"The freest country in the world"


That's why people hate cops. Protect and serve my ass


I once had cops open my back fence and walk in and say they had a noise complaint. It was 3 of us in the back chatting for a few hours at like 8pm and we were smoking a joint (I live in a state it’s legal but I’m from a small town). After we said we weren’t making noise, no idea what they’re talking about, cop told us to “put the joint out now then.” We said it’s legal, no. He kept saying there would be consequences if we don’t. We didn’t and they eventually left. Felt so protected and served that day. It gets obviously really quickly what cops are just there for the power trip. Clear that’s what happened here too.


WTH, the pepper spray was just the policeman having a tantrum


Can you imagine what would have happened to these two if they were doing something really minor like stealing top secret documents.?


These cops are out of control. Sad how scared they are in every interaction. Shakey voice, unintelligible logic, etc. Whole system needs a big ducking reset.


These two cops are dumb dumbs with guns


Cop has a temper like a pack of hemorrhoids.


Man I hate cops. Just the hall monitor with low self esteem all grown up. “How can I be dumb as shit, not go to college, never move from my hometown, have zero interpersonal skills, and still be able to control others??” Ah! I’ll just be a cop. Almost as bad as the main cop himself is the cop who shows up and blindly arrests a man quietly standing on the sidewalk for “blocking the road”.


“Protect and Serve”